HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-02-08, Page 81 7 Ladies Astrachati Jackets Men's Fur eoats 50c Winter Vests 39e Larders heavy weight "Winter Vests, textural 00101r only, daintily trimmed ..with babribbonall eizes, regular 50e for ........................................390.., • Regular 25c for , ........., 10e Children's Vests 19c phildren'e odd lines of Winter Veets, slip oyere and buttoned down the front, all sizes, regular '25e arid 35e . • a • • 190 s 25c Worsted Hose 190 . Boys and girls heavy ribbed Worsted Hose, black all sizes, splendid hose for over stocleings, regular 25c for . . . . . . .... , 19c 500 Worsted Hose 39c Misses, girls mul boys albeed black heavy Worsted Hose, made from the finest xvorsted yarns, specially made for hard wear, all sizes, regular 50c for39e FlanneletLe Drawers 39c Ladies sans/equality heavy Flannelette Drawers iit Main white, pink, and pale blue, daintily trimmed regular 50c for 300 Children's Knitted Skirts 79c Clintireres all pure wool fancy Knitted Petticoats in plain grey, navy blue and red, a very warm and comfortable underskirt for children, reg 5M for....71)c Inieses. regular 1,25' for 118e 50c Mufflers 390 ' Ladies. Misses, arid Cblidren'e Monarch Meiners made from 'yery tine mercerized yarns, all colors, regular 50c for .... $6.50 Silk Whiists $4.99 Ladies Messoline Silk Waists, guaranteed not to cut, in the very newest desigus, bought for Christmas trade reg 6.50 clearing the balance .4.99 $1.00 Kid Gloves '79c Lediee Kid Gloves in black, mauve and tan, Per- • rib's fpectial, guaranteed, all sizes, regular 1,00, for four days only our price will be..., ... . .. 79c 25c venings rgc Clearing mit the balance of all our Veilings during the last four dye of this month, Chilean, light and heavymi meshes, in. dots And spots, all colors, nag Tic for 19e reg 35c for ..... 25e, reg 500 for..... ...ene Children's Knitted Coats Children's Knitted Coats. fancy weaves, all pure wool, Norfolk styles with belt, in plain red and navy blue, yea 1,00 and 1 25 for 790 At Cost and. Less Ladies Ruffs, Muffs, Stoles, Ca perines, Astrachan Costs, Cloth Coats. Skirts, Comforter 131ankets, Quilts, Cuctains, Etc., Ete. Meti's Ready-to•wear Overcoats at Cost Men's Tweed and Cheviot Overcoats, double breasted, storm collar, full drapey length, • in mixed brown, greys and green coloriegs, also plein black, splendid tailoring, and made in the very latest styles clearing at the following deep cuts 10.00 Coats, all sizes, clearing price . 12.00 " ," e 14 00 " 16.00 and 17.00 " 35.05 Fu' Lined and Pur Collar Coats 16.50 Imitation leur Lined Coats for 7.50 0.50 1015 13 25 25.00 12.00 IIIIIMIN=N•Fm•masemmtveggml61 Reay -to wear Salts at Cost We do" not intent1 carrying on our Ready ta Wear Clothing for men, and &mine i 'mustier we have put tbe knife deep into every garment. Remember this department, has only been running a short time and we havereb anold style in stock. Note the following pieces and don't miss this oho pee 10,00 Mens Tweed and Worsted Suits .. ' ... ...„ 7,50 12.00 ' . , . 9.5() 14.00 " " 11..75 15.00 a " • 11 25 10.50 12.00 50c Fleece, Lined DudetWear 39e, -Men's heavy fleece tined ahirts and drawers, all sizes,/ reg 50e for 29c Many other lines that space will not permit us to mention '111-gEFI' 313314G- C).A,R S' '1E10 Eitaq: 331trirrin-aa, rr sCA_SIEDIE s4 0/' neene arallaMarna....ZMIll=41-si.M11EM12417.M.1111=11=2711.===.,17M.ii>7.:g: Marr,`,11.2.4 . o the Alblic I have bought the Grocery Business of Mr. A. D. Beaton, and 'am now prepared to fill your You will find in stock everything that is to be. found in a first–class Grocery Store, mann -=6-.r.----:u[ir..1,i=,-="attnts"--waransi."-zriace-17. S Phone 111 A Trial Soheited DOGS POISONED, The dog poisoner is busy in cowu and serozal dogs have gems ;to deaden), It's a mean trick aed the, geety perties :should be taught a -good lemen. oilier Wheatley ahoe ;a dog this :morning Morris's corner that was dying from poiettp. TFIBIR (OLDEN WEDDING. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Walker eel- ebrated their goidee wedding an Tutsclay al this week, Mr, end Mrs. 'Walker have for soi ninny • years been honeys ed residents of this neighborhood, that we feel sure our reader's will be interested in a. share sketch of this .worthy ,catiple. Mr. Thomas Walker Was barn in Road, Somereetshire, Eng- . land, on July, 77th, 1827. Ile is the son eg, •Thomas Walker, bore in Road, -Somersetslare, on May 2pd, 177ee Who, married -Harriet MOOD end :Migrated bo Canada in 1834. They ,eamo oat 'Mr.) and Mrs. Henry RaaSfard; from whom Mr. Walker afterwards purchased the old homestead. the earn] on which ear. and Mrs. Walker ere mewliv- ing. The present Mrs. Thomas Walker Was nO,Pil in Staereeto,n,Som matte/hire, .April, Mk 1835, and, is the d,aughter of James 'Walker and Sarah Quoin°. , On her mother's side, 'Mee. W-aliter is de,seended from an illustelons Huguenot family, were ,amona the member of that re- ligious belief, who found treauge from the tyranny ef the revocat- ion of the Edit of Nantese on the shores af, England.' The wedding of our faiends took place on Feb - revery 6th, 1862, and was performed Wa,tch This Space There Will be something special each week Get a Bustle on and secure some of the bargains we are offering you All Next eek Below we give a list of some of the snaps. There are others, 4 Gallon galvanized Cans filled with oil ...... ......,........ .. . 1.00 2 IS IS st 4 " ' " Pump Clan " " ...... Gold Medal hand saws Regular 1.50 for . . . . .... •••• • • • • • • • • • • • • 98 All Steel Nail Hammers 50 for............... , ............ 38 Gem Meat Choppers " 1.25 for— . . ....... .......... 95 " " " i• 1.50 for....... ... . . . .... .1.20 Cold Blast Lantern (Special) 10 cents Folding Cloths Horse, only 75 cents Agents for Dr, /less' Poultry Parna-ee-a, It makes hens lay. Try a Package ARLAND 13 W. S. 14 Arland W. J. idStoves, Hardware and Sporting Goods Clinton, Ontario J. • by elle Rev. Thomas Green. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wenter have been stattech adherents 01 the Church of Ena:and-end as staunch support- ers 0.1 the great Conservative party 'Nobody ever had to step and em - etre este what eve tigi 0,11 OP pentles they peefctssecl. Poe people ef their years, :they tara both cejoying good health; and eonsequerely ate cerrespoeclipeely able to °riper, the natural resnitts ea a lifetime of friends who love and respect them, Nobody Who Inc Over heard the in - f et, tine s. goo d -n etured, b ea rty, henesi laugh ca Mr. Walker, will easily feeget it. 'Their reputation is a Idgli ane-noact higber and there is nett a weed of exaggerated aaulatiori, when we any, .tha1 none etand higher in the esteem and affection of ahose svhe knoW them, :than our friends eer. and Mrs. 'Theneils Walker, to whom we etrw offer our beartiese eopgragte late ions, and our very bese wishes 101 many years et happiness yet in I stare, !DEATH OF DO gelLAS eleTAVIS, 11. Last week we mention the deeth of Mr Dou,glas McTavish, :which ;took peace on Thursday,. Feb, ls t, alt the home of his daughter, Mrs. Stewart near Tavisteck,. We this ,week give a mare extended nottiee. The late ale McTavish was boa ll in ,the township of Beckwith, cemetty.of Lanark in January 1831. About the year 1847, he moved to the towels/hip of North Easthope. In 1861 he married 1Vliss Agnes Craig, of ,Zorra, Moving' still farther West he with his wife and latinily ,eame and Retitled( on Jot 33, on the second concession af Stanley in 1869. Here he steunal,n ed lost a period ,of 32 years, In 1877 leis wife died leaving, a family oe low Some and teen- daughters. Mn, MeTa.vieh twin a well infoerned 33aan, had aeetentive Memory and a clean intellect. Ile was fond of argument 'end debate, Ile was e maxi at setrang and eleax convictions 10 religion and enovals and framed his We in accordance with these. In reeligion he was a aeres/eyterlan. He .wast a member olf the cang,r,eg- eaten nt the late John( Roes, of Bnacefield, and after his 'death a inembeir at the Feee Presbytenialn eleareh. He was la strong Liberal though he did not take any active pert In polities., What ever tended .bo educate, ;to elevate, and give libeety to mankincl received his hearty support He was for many years ian efficient trustee of( S. S. No. 1, Stanley-, and am earnest teach or' in the Sabbath School held there. ale was a quiet, obliging neighbar, akind parent and highly respected etY ,all who were intimate with him. His family are Widely Scattered, reDengeas ia alt present in New York, eljohe in Edmonton, Alextundee00 Vtaimenner, Rte., William, in Albee lata,n1VIre. Sitelvart„ip North' ; East-, ;. hope and Lizzie at home. The fen' era' eook place en Sate.rdiaya Bele .3rd; altar,ge -nunaber gabheringto sholee theer respeett for the decleased The serviees -were tanductied by Bev. aer, &want,. 04 Clinton. The rehrans'.Were interred 'en ,the fame -- try obit Clinton ceinetery. The pail; beaters *ere' ITItos; , Fraser,' Glee, Baerd, Me84 Mellelven; Duncan Me- wenVon, '.inealleen and. win Pais ley„' 04 V, alelerevieseY, t.th, f9$. rriton,40'"§Iii:Pley' initdade eV- wg.tto 'the, hoitee eieM tt Vactateell 'Sitteitth, Vieleakia etreet. ' and:,j11t91/0 'a/4We. 'We ; Well !The tenbality"itotatis,a33elmaeyayeth the iereetv atom all'WellineadaY• ,The Sunday 'ele'litaB bl ,ofith'e aptist Chinteh aeneecilding 'theiz annual eleighride at -id Stipper ea/night, ' COLD AGAIN,' _ , The ' 'weather Osaka decided change agaji and 'dtreppette ebelaw zero. The Sndyanornierg con- /gee:Ignitions :Were net very eaege awing:to the ecild. ' • T,00/C OVER AGENCrle . •• , During ehe pas e eveek Ilfr4 of toiwn has, /taken ever ethe imPlernent agenca af the IVIeCoe'- Mick Co. Me. Miller' is tayoung raan knowneetuthese paate, jandaeo cloubt detevell., " APPOINTED BAILIFF. , 'The ,Onttarice gagette On Satteraay had the folloeving tapnointeberst, a,eno-nneed;-Btaileff of :Tenth.Div- ision Comet, 'County , /0e ,:eluroa- Robert Welsh, Clinton, it o succeed leayicl, Dickinson, xesigned. • ' OUT FOendal,SPECTION., The dliabon Molter Cox Compane had two oeitheir truelts out ion Sat_ r ueday, totestliene and alai to let Areist Pink get esonne phatod or a.elvertising pee/yeses: The truck were shipped 341 the evening for Landoll Auto. Shaw, APPOINTED TRUSTEES. The County Connell appointed C. E. Dowding, 'Manager of the Mol- sep"s Bank, as trustee of Clinton Collegiate in the place o,t Jas. Scott wesegned; land Dr. Sliarty, to fill out the balance oe E. M. MeLeatas errn, ,Who has removed to Lonceon. The appointments ere excellent ones: RECEIVED INVITATION. The New Era 'acknowledges re- ceipt or complimentary ,tickets fox the annual. 'net iflomee of the/Huron Old Boers/ Association, to be held in the .Temple building, Toronto,. on February 23rd. This twill bethe tweletle ,annual banquet, and these gatherings ;ere always erijoyaible. ANONYMOUS 'COM1VIUNI- CATIONS. 'When twill people ;Maxi] ,thee( it is fruitless lo *lend anonyinoue emu- neurdeations to newsp,apers? The New Era is always .glad to gee news. But we, must know the source from whence it conies. There is no reasons. Ile be a,sharned or afraid of signing one's name/ to what one may wish to see, in print. MOTHER'S IVIEETINCi. The ladies of, the W. C. T. U. tate holding ,aMather's Meeting in Ont- ario St, Church, S, S. Boone en Thursday afternoon, February elte 15th •eceenn en eing at 3 o'clo a.. Mrs. oe Exeter, .Conety Presi dent, will give aitalk. There will be music and 'refreshments. Moth,. era eeme and speed 0. pleasant time, PROVINCIAL ORANGE gRAND LODGE.. • . Six • to seven hundred delegates lateni ,the peovineial ,Orange Grane Li no digot deoff flittemriaoreWhexsotr, vii1121 ,agraintlumaii meeting. elem Ne Temere decrees bieneguaI schools and other burn - 101 genetic/es Will bet diseased in the regular sessions, ond dieting teislied speakers Will address, a pab -lir: meeting on the evening 0,2 Peed needy, tthe letb. • • • • 'WENT,TO SEAFORTH. (alike, a manlier Went to Seetortle to 'witness tho hogkey match be- tween the ;Berlin juniors .andi Sea - forth. The home team won by 0 scare of 5 to 4, •' CATTLE SALE Cla TUESDAY, • , Sale of eattitle held at Neernandy' note/ on Tuesday :woe view attterid- ed. lOotwie ,averaging about $59 a head yonng ,eattle going .at go,m1 'prices DSO nonther' af faeiners are a, little salami ott feed andf at i their /request Me. Holland has .consentted to put another load of cows! and yeung stack on the market eame- titne about the last ate/larch. For tual particulars .watchi The New Era. ' DECLINES THE INVITATION • The Stratford Hearld of last week had the following reference to Rev. Mr, Millson, who was invited to ,Ont- ario Street Methodist Church but who declined the invitation --Much butt - nese of importance cazne up before the Quarterly Board of Trinity Chinch last Tuesday night 'when they held the third regular meeting of the year with all the members present. The ques. tion of eherch union came no for its share of discussion and when a vote was taken resulted as follows Fu r 14. against 2, no vote 1. Following tnie the queetion of the call received by Bev. W. iD 15J111&n o the Ontario street Methodist eh each, Clintnn came up before the Bowel 'and tipon their SOtlC1atiOfl Rev. Me. Mil leen consen t ed to remain itt Trinity church, miter eonsnIting them noon the matter. Since ,eotning here last summer Rev. Mr, Millson has by his abilities won for himself the high esteem and hearty co•operation of the church as a whole and the news of his decision to remain at the church will be welcomed by the members. Other routine bust. nese came up am their share of atten- tion and the F,oard then adjourned. Council Signs Three Year Contract !Rh Bell Co. Old Officials Reappointed and Also Fire Brio'atie at Same Salary Mayer GibbingS in .the eitair and Reeve Cants/ton end Councillors; Ford, Morrish .Tacleson. 'Beacom, Thompson and ro. J'aeltstin, jr, Communications wereeeaclfete e Ifeadq•eartere et Salvation Armyat Toronto; Ceoper & 00.. end .1-1,ydr8- Elan etc Seeremey z.1 letrante. 'fate 14. A. letter 'was „tiled 01)11 Ceoper & Co's, itelece.• eene le Pin- anee Committee.; liydre Eleet tee sent 'to Proper ty and El eatric: _ petition from fel citizens ask that ee contra et 'be matle e ith 4101 Oempany. 'Pile mei den et 1.h 11 ed. By-lew 47e.2 lee t he t•ppointine, 1,1 tuwit effietiale stets terta end el'23.8.I°,(.11;illieptierso it. Cetrit teal 111`1`0. Jon 'Wheal 'ey, Chief Coes: tale-, C.,1-!oe,b(itt112i. ,,)'1', 0, e Robert Menne"), poem' keeper 1 Dr. Shaw, Math 0. 011 ver Johns,' on, Engineer. By-law No. 3, for the •iip p 0 int i inembe P3 J the Fire Department was 'rend and paseed. 3, la A. Do wps. Chief. a. 3,' yr, Cat/lain. Jas. Pinch, Liculen n 1. 111: ,Ciltialartilei '13/1elerien, alreilne/ W. Wheatley, N. IeennetlyeR. Mas- ker, .A. 41. Fremlin, L. LaWson, Preplan, 114.11,1c13nv,an, Jas. Pair and W, J. 'Coates. The teiephone question was the next business and the council ideci- . closi to Sign up with the Bell Co. for three years 'and get .fivd fuels • phones. .The 33e11 Co. has made ar- rangements with. the ;Colborne and Goderich itownsilip people ito, con- neet their systems with 'Clinton ao that the Bell users in town will have eonnection. with • 'Colborne township as web as Oucicrich ;town - The street committee ne;pontied that they had to oiler $3.76 for obatie :so itlea.t they would have' a supply on hand when the time came , to start the road building. They also reported, !that the :wheels( • of ehe steam smiler ehould be sena to Snafor,th to be repaired, by teams, and on ;the return trip the teams could haul back tile fool the spring work. Some cros'sings .could be fixed tip now. • ,The School Board brought in !their estimates, ;which was the same as last year, $6,000. Another $1,000 may be asked ear if some per- perinaneat improvements are gone' an with. The auditors report Was pre - seabed and received', and 100 copies are 'tot be printed for distribution. The eePont Was envied. raroPelitY. and. Eleetrie ,ccona- 1..here is nmatiltittineeg special to re- peat at this meetintg, except that the usual house cleaning in eon- nection with, the town hail be done as soon ' as. the 'weather permits; that the ehiere office be papered, the etag,e *the heel bepainted Mad new shades ..eor tate stage Inc pue- 612a.sTedhat new; elleirs are baiter' needed ,foe the hail, and your pones mittee ate asking koi -an estimaae for ithe same, and will/ report at next meeting. 3.,That five neW lightest beadded to the streets iae 1901011 as; mile( wee- ther pernlits, and the placing otthe game be lett to the eommittete. 4. That the pmehase of ,se pialsio or the use of e•nitertainments imthe l'ITELIC' MEETTNti. All in tore9Lcid. in a rate -rink being built In Cline his filll1111101` 50 as to be ..ready ior next 6On Ler are re/queened. to ensee to the town hall next: lentelay erenina at 8 o'clock told have t. be mallet dis cussed. This el 0 geed. chance tor the ,town ,to get a rink that win be large mid can 'used et tee elan time for eitatina and etirliag, 45.1 interested aee eteked to ateend, TOWN ',HOCKEY LEAlit' E. Motulay evening the socanhockee boys gat 'together and cleew up hockey sehethee lo,r 'the coining - month and the 'citizens "will be able to see some mo,re east 'games. Fol- lowing are elle games ante dates- ' February - 0 -0. C. I. 15 Factory. 14 -Pastime Is 0. 0. I. nia-Pectary Pastiree, 19-Pactoey re. C. 0. 1. 23-0.0.1. ts Pta,s time. 26 -Pastime vs Faetory. .The Executive Committee ;are. Bart:Ulf, Alderman Morrish and J. 'House. Only a small admittance fee wiiJ he eharged ',and az( the games start et 7.45 there twill be /skating afeetwards. ,The first game Friday night. MUST MAKE RETURNS. Complete eettua.ns ,froltn' persons retailing Tevolver8 in Prot axle have not yet freached the offices af the provincial police ,f or 'the last quainter 011911, and Chief Inspector Rogers isIserienely ,considering the Imposition ef fines upon ,the delinqu,cants. The law makes It emnpulsory for these records to be submitted within seven days after March 31st, June 3ath,, September 3043 and December slat, on peini of a Timidity not 'to exceed $50 for each offence. The department is pro- vided with allelt 0fWeapons iseued by wholesale houNes, and as each bears a serial number, they are easily ;traceable ,to the rietailere. The reports afithe retailers ere' de- xeeigvnoeavdertos fisiinluarkx: ilnatood,wahnodseauhtah,noctr_e !Itee anutet be given aar allele °Miler - ship. SEEN THROUGH ST. M.ARY"S EYES. ' -"A large craved slaw the Intermed -7 fates 'stow away another victory, over eheix dtroegest opponents, ,Olintan, last Wednesday night at ,the :rink Pox ,a, while et ' looked , like easy pickings for the locels. St Marys seemed ' three inn re)W bue the visitors, came to ,ivetle e. rush arld Mafnalgdd to tie the stare 4-4 by NI; Ftfillnagt. end e s;ear()Yndll7tellrenel%evnass, Canton was 'very lainxious to; win and Plat OP /9 very PlueltY1 fight. The scoa,e,grew tie 5-0, 6-6, then 7-7 and afew mitaites ,before tine Was called', St. Marys made it 8-7, twin- , Ding the game. l'Phe Clinton 'were a gikelY lmtneh of hoeireYists. , Johnson, ee Igoe' eves the etax af their lieie-up. He seapped a num- t ber of ve,ry difficult sleets land, was kept buiiy 'throughout the game, the puck being at the visitors end / Poem -Y 'Po Jthirde tof tbfi ftimp aivn, hall would be,a, ;goad( invest- ,' The. report Was •adutatecil. ' Sx),e,cial C,ortiznittee Report 17;9„1.2a. .,oetetrelittee, beg ite eper,t , . merit. FOUillain P D For 25 cents A new one and we think a good one. It is \ called the "Writerilway" and,, it writes right 1 away a feature few if any pens at this price have. , elvtiosniitybciohta,actgldedit wcahrel,ht :ague: iotnsethies breescituwiteedk.nolwt Another splendid feature is that points may be so ' 1 at the price. Extra points lc each. Cale23:0121;11111111EIMP.. eart.abliiF TheWs_ Fair eo. Often the eheapest—Iliways the Best 1•02.•••=.1•11,•••.V.Mitlisaliftimialematel that e oaa sidera Me correspondence 101111n•la has been going on fee 'simnel ;weeks with. Guile, Limited, Motatre.al, with the view' to have ,themstare a ranoh 01 their . impoeban t be sinese In tenni:one and evhile we aro not et the present Moment, able to .give YOU arse- proposition. ,erom Ith.em foe diseuseio,n, :we have their pro- mise to meet the .committeeoa commit for this purpose .immecliate- J'y on:the xetuen..0a( the president, Mr. John 'gene, .leonn England!, whieh will be :towards the emit of the present • Month. They eurther- motre express tillemselvieiVaat they eee desirous , .0.1 establishing a branch -of their businese here, rand I have asked the eem-mittee to secure all .option on the peopeety of• L. Suititer f or this purp.oset • The many advantages, 'of having Ibis company here are sinparent eo 'ev- eryone, ,and Your 'committee reeme neends :that any ,offer •frone the town be as liberal as pessible to en- courage the eetablishment bare of a:branch of this well-known firm. Your committee also beg to report that we have corresponded • with Mr. Robert; Teem:al. Teeewater, with the view to enconrage him to beild a' skating and hockey rink in Cline tee. similar to Sena tare •the terms that he has built in the towns of Brussels and Teeswater, and eils,o ante? places. Wet Pteee his °Hee ,thatt fora .,easli bonus .01. $600 and ,exemptiop Strom taxes ter tc/n yeare, except (foe school pur- poses, he (Will build, equip, and have l'eatly 401- next seasop, a skat- ing. heekey and emeing ;Ana even better than in the towns menticmeet pi/ovidina a. suitable and central newt/ eat I0 purchased atti 10115011 al.!ci price, Your committee recom- mend the $000 be raised by sub- seriptiens einem': the citizens of Clinton Mete/eked in the move- ment, aed that a smeei al committee et -Insisting of •Mayor gibbings. Coencillor T. jar:knee TIv. Shaw, W. .Tactimon. C. 311. .lertiviting, la Hoover, Nee'lleydente T. liellenaere, P.n :I W. ao hn eon be asked le co ;I a meeting of thone ;interested. foe wane anti means to nese the amo- unt aekete, • tt.nd it Fume/isle!, this eottnell eetommenti to •1he ratepay- ers the• exemptimi of taxes for ten years. except tor .school pm/pest/a. Your eointnittee.elso beg to report thet in answer to a donee sent to Gemognemeoecimeoeceoecoe' 0 45 2 Filler iiill .06g 1 , . 09 e 2 101' a thorough course in bust- 0 ness, Shoetlitand, Telegraphy, do 23 or English in atie of 3 0 SHAW'S SCHOOLS 2 3. TORONTO 8 2 6 WINTER TER0M NOW OPEN 0 0 co : Write fox catalogue. Address : se head: office, ' C e n tr a 1 Rosiness se 0 0 I 0 Callege, Yonge & Gerrard' 6 / e e 1 e Streets, Toronto, e e e ' eeeeeeeeeeeeeesseeeemeeetee :t• ; the General Manager of the CePles. 1 -Montreal, in reference to the ex- tension of their lines e,o 'Clinton, i that -we.have had n, ifavovabin re - 1 ply, stating that the mattee of ex- ; tension entheit lines to Clinton is ! being considered and ;that we Will ! be auly advised, leerther. upon the 1 matter. Your committee has again. ,wititten, asking if we might have an ! oeportimity, either in Toronto ..or Mentreae to/ discuss tide 'matter with /them, stating that we are very / anxious Ier 0 branch etf this railwaY.. .11,olo'CLinnitsotnan, eacuci wilt teed( all p o see - T. atteltson, •Ohairmett (T/ c‘i 0°,11:1;11a' eats: 8'101101.)i 'et: dtlie be all M011ePeal next week and will call upon the peeper niee conneeted ; with the le P.R. e tPi'e 01151 IVI 1!'O. Yon,: ('OJ) )1'L,' :I.. 'We have inspc,,tecl lite halt Ana feet "Hie boxes en hoed met need repairin.sn e, t hink the present ay st em of . ints lie hese ep into; the tower d1 'i51')) :and welea sug- e aeat getting pulleys and other al,- p:imices neeessory for the stifety of the firemen, 3. We have purehased a sleigh for the hose to pat in 5140 of d flee taking Place ie lhe ottiakirte of fil0. town team 'coeld be attached. The Prete paid was $12.50. 4. We have al: 5-0 had the hydrante. teeted and find them itt good eup- ditian-. • • 5. We have- ncomplaint frohe the fire Company, thee parties have be.ell in Rile habit of taking wren- ches and ether avticies feene the fire hale and eve would recount:tend that perties taking a,nything from this departmeet must have at order. ! The repart eves adopted. I 'The finence committee report ,Was .read and adapted. - Central ilusioess College trallord, Ont. Onr classes 01).0 now larger than ever before but we have enlarged our quarters and we have room for a. few mere students, You may enter at any time. We have a staff 01' nine experienced. • instructors and our courses are the best, Our graduates thecae. This week three recent gradu- ates informed ns that they have Positions paying $65 $70 and •S125 per month. We ',lave three depaetments.CornmercialeShort- hand and Telegraphy. Write for am free catalogue now. D. A. McLachlin PRINCIPAL A. mation by P. jackson ,andi T. 1 Beacom was passed, -The Mayor be instruoted to call a public meeting _etc) lay befoxe the rattepayer the sericeis importance of pr,oviding housing fertile increase 4d popu- latioa. Aftee a shoat discussion an the C.P.R., hydro-eleetale, and ;the: akating rink questions, the cauncil .acljourned. tee÷÷4-e4.4.41,+4.44444-4.4e4.44.44144+41"1-4/41-e+++++44/44-eet4erereee Id I/ ii Ever Think How easily a shd oe could be cheapened. 4. • Cheap Linings, Innersoles -made, of pasteboard Eyelets that are not fast color. Imitation welt in 4, $ place of Genuine Goodyear—given a high finish 4, $ which soon wears off. • 4, ÷÷ 4. 'FRE 13.\ JACK 0 4, 'EVERYTHING IN FOOTWEAR None of these substitutions are easily detected by the average purchaser, yet they make a world of difference in the comfort and wear of a shoe. • While it costs more, we watch these points in • our shoes and have them made as they should by made. We sell only shoes that the manufacturer :If; is willing to stand back of with a broad guarantee "..r, of Satisfaction. Wear a pair, then you'll know '41: why our customers are Satisfied Customers. seviaszame 4. t•i