HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-02-08, Page 5V fel/rieal'Y 194 • . With is is Thoroughly , one. Each catia8maminmet.mtmcan1=====tem Eaelltimeplece is taken', entirely to pieces, and each minute piece is con-. scieniouSly cleaned. This takes time and rnuc'h care and .although everything else is now.higher in price we still charge only a TeliSt YoNe 4:13 10 uS lor Sttfuly alltd 8311st:ix Repairs Sent in by Mail will have our careful attention, fp&-virvetv,:amenztistor Wo NVIVAR JEWELER and OPTICIAN canconnent===intettnrscassa tams BROCEFIELO TEM A • I NOM Of 5 1 \ sale and everythine sold.bigtie il teak place at 1he INorinandie Hotel S1ahlss, Clinton on rfaiesday. Me. Fred Potter epovls a new eatt, f41$0 Me Geo liellend. Mr. Welga,te Teehett, of Sesta, \rho is epencling the wintee avotied her es visiting friends at Wingham. •tit. Johns Ohureh intenci Imeing a (Service of Saceed Song anti'Mettie •tern views in the near future. Low/ out for the date. TIM people of 11benCz81' Chureh got, ered together and took a eteiple t. sleigh loads to the house of Mr. Gee, Achesoe's Monday eveeieg and speep a very enjoyable time - Mee. Kennett, of Detroit, formerly Miss Hattie lituriseY, is visiting te.lende hem. • litarriog;es ik Deaths --,-- )3IRTHS. , l /Kole WEN- In Stanley, on Monde', 1 February 51h to Ilir."and Mee, John 11, B13 OA DFOOT—A 1 "The ilrairr6,"' MeEsveu, a daughter, Tuelcersinith, on Monday, 'Fetn eery 51h, to Mr. and Mea. Ales:antler Brune". foot, (nee Miss Emily Turtine, a soo, DEATH S. j TAS.KEit-ln Hallett. on Tharaley, I 1ebrual1Y San. Mr! Rieherd :Basket., 1 aged,a0 years tiro: Ye attys. • MeTAV 1St:Le-Ls North lets, hope, en January telst, Douglas McTavish, aged SI yeites. • . BROAD/4'00T-.. At «rt Mains," Teckersteith' on tiomany, February .' 5th, the'infant son of Mr. and ila,r8, Alexander lizont foot, 0000000000e)000600•00 110 0 Ifesa; WITH THE CHURCHES. , el. • 00000004508000••4441)••• WESLEY' CHURCH , 0 ‘ving to Miss Doheety being ab - rent from town, Mrs. Glenn Camp- : bell ll'ad elearge of the organ Land • gave excellent service i.ast Sunday, WILLIS ortuRcH ' On 'Tuesday evenreg Iost a very intereating grail/ming Wa/i held in the lecture room (of the churchin the fern\ of a Lea0la Year Social, un- der the auspices 01 11(0 Giles' Club LasL Suoc1ey the pulpit was de- clared vacant by 'Rev. Mr. Tolling of Tot•onte. The reverend .goute- man gave two excellent aermans. A congregationel meeting will be held next Tuesday evening Mr - •Sohn Torrence was elected ch . r , in place of Mr. W. Brydone, who has — , ostgeed. / ONTARIO elT. crwrIca Other Newsy Items, l'er(r2(leh!OT1A1,41.c' Slft.11.1% trPigcsSoc r"Pliiina-1. man o.f the hcyarcl emanagement The congregetion of the Presbytee- ian Churth 1 entlex.p.,1 a c.i:1 to Rev. 11, Wee is, of St Thonete, ar a sleepy of St elat /ter 14. 1. innetll'e vaCtl, Linn. ,M1.s .iesale DelIes, or 1- .9./8 been \hating her temsin, elle. N. ed,.Beth Ifes returned home 1 he Bement -Id anti Varlet beekey tenta paid a return game nn 1a 11113' 1.18/, nt 13/10ar elshorn ;elegy leeulting n 0444 (41 r ine the Venom. Club elm he. wee.geee, and the 11.,y8 tind n g,/od gaine. Miss An t' 'see hes gone to visit her brother Rev. .1(0008 Foote, nt ed Cord. An Unfortunate quarrel between Cirtrles f1e,./1 /11111 the 1//r GroS , at um, atook" ya1',1 on 8 140r1144' It1161' re- -8011.0d in a hroken arm for. NI% Alex- anclee 11.0«11 has ;wee ,nannened 44, al/pear on the en84.•. :flier(' in pro. imley mileh 1 retile.•( etatad Berme the 0 ,ae will he settled, , The y sung peor.le al. the neighbor. 11(0.44! 111(1 a, dance ill AVallcee's Halt on '111tiesdey. Some n1 Mir Mickey enthusiasts at- mirlect the 41(1) 11)' at lira fort h 00 Mon- day night between Berlin and Set 10(1,41. Itey•rt alehTay, Ttt ecerstnith's genital eee,. let I., Lbit, week tor Ottawa to attend the o. Roads ComMittee meeting, Me, eleteay is an entInnias- tic believe'. ie geed reties. 0. Reed shipped it ear load of fat cattle to Toronto on Saturchty last. laseph AlcOully and sister Miss 11ery Mee:hilly attended the funeral of Mr. Douglas eleTavish in (Menton on • 'Saturday. Otte neighborhood has had a mile - clog scare. ,J1014's liovce'S dog was seen teeing strangely. It was shot and the head %Vat/ sent away for examinee tteettle. , egiaariaaaiikeital else 14(44,4 lo 14,411,0 eat- e pi it; ita (111'44:1.' MissealroOkss'',Of theleBestauDinea :Was visitieg friendsin autetuOitedtlfailyneeil t/1.61/ viiielettaweekleel eels) ,01,4(9 1 .10ee1 • ' The cheese faetory 'Pia-. in 'their', . supply of ice for the miming season -last week. Many from this section Attended the cattle Sale 141 flianthn Q11 Tuesday. Mr. flletelee Tete -eat, son of Atte :Peed alehhutt has gc,,s hark te resume, 1145 6.8 ,tt, Gee ply Co lege. • Next SI -today afternoon at 11 n'elock there will be eerviee :a St, John's Church Rev. Mr. Jeakins. leterne et • St. Peni`s (Atwell. 0.in ton, will eren.ch on • • ileaven" ed ti yi n in is ter , 4441, Sac remelt t of the .1./11r(1',.; Supper, ' Me D. W. Aekt.i.enne, of Midland, Owe Meer of the (3,t '4041 lieentels, hes heen busy (entitle new members ;mound liere. Initiation to take place '1'nesetly evening. Arise...ea elehhreP 8 visiting her siel Ye, Mee. tie° Has Testa -were 4,00 04.40 04.404444044 joinen 1 hp Chosen Frieeds ealesd v evening,. The svsather r.ss,or Ainst..rs, .iipilend Ana Connell had a aneeesSitil I.0 se clitirele Fur - 1(41' 04041. 14•00,8 later. • Thn anntlai 8104411 Plat' inr the „11111,•41' 1•°11g"cs 0411 iT 14.5". '" (141 r 1:111.ly ex'oriin1t. Tut" eigs 11'111 , , leave the church at half past four ` Supper will he aerved in the 1 erten, • room of the ellurels 11,'01,-/c1c. The mont1113- eoneeera Hon ine of , tee lipaye 11 ree.eur• was dent -01 the .oug Pe ]os SeelOiY I'Parber's Church.' :fee '11-evenee. years. It U185 ;decided ito'haye* eeetefet, starting, neeet, Monday ev- ,tencl :closing Apeit'29111. '11111Pee e1(1;:Vieke5t an4 Dewitt, ,`Consina • 4(1000 elecitect eafi,tains At the . the lasing aideetvill furnish mentseand the pinning. aide(' * give the ,progrann ' The quarterly , services /fiat' Sun - (103' more Mee were largely &Men/Wel the paseee's suJijuctwee "Thd Inas Parlance and Significance eat the Lord's Supper." • , • • 'At the meeting at " the, ,ptricial. board on Mohday ,eveeing, 34 meme. .bere were' preeente 31 veiled in f 1111- • OT Cif .chria•ch nniop , and 3 voted. against it. The members and. ,ad- herente 44111 be asked to vote in tlee Rev. P. 'W. 008c,119 preach next SundaY. The morning subject will be "Pentecostal power." 'Phe theme of (the evening (Recoil -sae will he "The Unpardonable Sin!" :Both servicea well be evangelistic. Ap- propriate 0105144 bythe choir. Twian-d Colintry BEAR SAW IIIS STIA DOW. The bear stawhis shadow fast Fri • day...and if etheir is anything/ lin the • old legend, he ed once retired to. •his den, to waat ei Weelt8 1)010)01)40 *would. again risk the atmosphere. As a result, siee weeks' more winter Is promised. and the weaIthee pro- phet whopredicted an open, mild. winter, is heading • for the sentare The day \pas very similar to that in 1011, There \v'ae quite aeblizzard. during the morning. Mit later it cleared away, and. ;the aim 'shone far some time. However, the opt-, emiatic ere hopeful ehat the Maker of the geenud ,was simply joking,' and altae\yheit March leetelle • a- round spring weather , will /mine. bringing. With, it tte eel...1y slimmer: ltthe meantime it would be just as well to keep ail overcoat handy. COUNTY L.0.6. MEETING., The anneal meeting oelbe Coun- ty L. 0. L. was held nethe hall, Exeter, Tuesday, meta ceenty Master Wa)ter •Conesey presiding. After ebe naual bueiness was trans,- aeted, (the election ox officers took pleee, resulting as Xollows. —Bro. Win. Keeney, W.M.; :Bro. Walter Hodgins,' D.M.; Bro. Arthur Mc- Greevy. Chap.; :Bro. -Peter Cantelon B.S.; 1310Thos. Flynn, F.S. Br0; Adm Oantelon, Treas.; Bro. Geo, Vanderburg, D. at C.; Bro. Robert McMurray, Ee et.; Bro. Armitage, J. Lee, ft ,wrie decided ,to Celebrate the next 121:11 ,at Sealorth, aria • to hold the ;met • anneal meeting at Exeter THE PRIVATE SE CRETAR a:" , WELL RECEIVED. Last Thursday evening before a yrowdecl imuse "Ttm Priv(i,t(i 'etary" WAS 4.,1:e4el414441 115 lonal 4 alett ind \yes enj 11 ed by all. The plavels she wen thAtt; they had been svelt sleeted by Mieres Reece 10444.44( 1111141 ('0.08,11 MT in eaed style eve) yone doing justice "to his or her. p Ise Cr comae, ony heavy part roil on the etealleers or tr, It Ink and fko Rattenbney, ana bey deserved ell the eeptause they etn.'.1 'Veil car presenta t io et heir hammer. 'Ilse .story of the p ay enters around the Rev, Robert Spal-' n41 a newly engaged pr.v.,te a,/ ( teal eu Tnrsd1v evening, et which a : an. ex-ellenl, preerem wee renders / ed. The Mirth. Netts iteetileed by 1\1r. Iieliry Carl or. Who feels :1,1 holm e 1.0 1ff 00 044(13) 4., 31:1441051 horn proSiv, c Notice to Creditors a In the matter of She estate of Jane late Of the'reeevei of (Menton, 111 tee a'Oonty of Huron married deceased. Notice ia hereby given, nursnent to Soc. 58. of Chap. 120, 11.8.0.. 1897, (bat 8,41 ()onions haying elaints 1r deniandit itgainst the manta of the Said Jane Wilicin, deepased, who died on or about dot. oV N5444844e0, 10)1, 11113 ('01101(44 110 send by nostowennidor deliver to the under- signed solicitor, for the Administrator, oil or before the first day of March, 3012, their Chris- tian and stirnenieg and addresses. with full par- . .. meat .o.f theiruta4cit„*nfts61111 V"Euts' 3ned I attn. o ul es if atly1 neld them, duly vodka 1 statutory declarution, Mid take notice that after the said 1s1 day of March, linn, the amid Administoator will pro- ceed to distribute the assetsof the said deceased among the partlee entitled thereto, having re' garct only to the eleinis of which they snail then 118,Ye notice, and that the said Admint,tra- tor will not be 116 ble tor the said assets, 01 485)' neat thereof, to any person Or persons of whose elaim notice shall not then have 5ee0 reuelved by them 04 41104!' 80145(80( 55 the time of suell distribotion. Ditted tile 8418 day of February, 111.12 w. ilnynoxt. Clinton, Ont., Solicitor for Administrator • '1 ..M.,0,1440"flii*Wfttiti? $100 ,00,, ,111 ',./6/ v1:',11./1.111 0.. " tier 28,4ia29, "ok). ,coln,Gottlerich township and ae- *late 28 and part 29 on !First eon containing 100 acres aal of ;which is the choisOSlL 01glay land and in a first Mass condition, Good Water, well eeneed and well drained. barge hank barns and tg.o.od 'brick houses good: orchards. Farms are ,situated en the route proposed by the Sar- niaeGoderich e.eetric Will sell together ea, separate. Ear further particle:ars apply to . Thos. R. Wallis, Gaderich P: 0. Nutlet!. , :Having sold my grocery busineas it is necess,ary th.att: MI Whe, are ins debted ;to me eithee by note.or baolc accounit.s to call and settle Mc Once. bespetak ,flor Mr. S. Parr, 1r1y. sac- cesser, the liberak patronage that has been given n;—A. D. Beaton. loureo, 41.•1311•11.111113 ---4:sentsesseenessesseeresecesimess 4111111111:1111111OWS111 "Goa ft SEerir tend so is every chair/1We show. You select one 0,13t1 have wife select other. It will be a "toss up" which is best, You can't go ( . amiss on ANY KIND OF A .011AI/I 10 0411' stock. They're all good. Just so with entire stock we show, Dee besrin town, and that's why "thoseewho blow, buy furniture at our plade. I/ 0 V R tfc. B I IN1111 , , • etary of Mr. Marshland's who is a ountey gentleMen. Mr, alarshlana's nephew, Harry 110104014 111 London, becomes entengled in semi financial delaitities ttnd seek aid Dane his friend Douglas Cattermale, stemly young•inen who has no desire to "SOw 441114 uale,,," as his riCh uncle in India Midst a In en encieaVOlir 10 e/111/1315 svith his uncle en/the/it lie helpe Harry out 01 11114 diffieulty and at the eame Gine necnItmanies hil» to his uncle's country house 1(8 Rey. Spalding, 111e tile private eeeretary, while the real private secretary reMiling in London, in Douglas' apartments. Huey's cou- sin, Edith elarsluenti, and her feiend Eva Webeter provide ample entertain- ment 10 1' the boys, Unite the arrival of Douglas' uncle fro( it 'India en 11, visit to his old friend err. Marshland fol. lowed by the real private secretary, whieh causes many amusing situations These are by no ineens lessened by the appearance of- Gibson a aline who knew the boys and whose ambition is ,to "soar on the upper er;ustsi of eaciely" and Miss Atsfirard, an maid, ,devoted ito Spiritualism, who mistakes 111T. Spalding foe A med- ium. Matters Teach aclimax When; the identity of Douglas. is 'revealed,. and misundeestbandings diteen- tangled. Following is the caste.— "Mr. Maraland Mr. D. Efolloway 145.4181L.111,1,1/1a.l.retelltpi,cithtohiema.u.R nephew 1um:4411 ,IlthresCatietereale..reMie Latattenbizry"` Mon g his eniapheeete) MreW. gyerd.,, selneeeSpardingetitieyeeee.a.Mret).*Eiple .alretilbsom, tailor, Mend; , Mr. W. .John, aservant :„.. 'K. Davis Knox, writ /server Mr. F, 'McCaughey :Edith Marsla.nd, 'daughter 'Mies; McIver, v Ea Webster, ber friendt and • ciompanion Miss 33. Draper Ides. Steed,' Douglas/ landlady( • Miss G. Out f Miss Ashford . . . M.Cluff •Personal Notes. Me. Praetor Or A.lberta 'evas the guest' 0,4 his &eater, IPIcHaTtly, teal week, . • lefies Kate ,MeNn,ughten . of feeth-' brid,g•e, is •evisiting old efriends 11) leoevneeend Vieintei•. - VeFreech of estaskiwin wag in teem lase Eriday Saturday: having come east to Oshawa. with t/ he body of his father. Mr, layeueli left on Saturcley atte•rnooap for To- . 1'041110 where he apeat Snadoe be - Mee 'Virest agate. - Mee Israel TayloT of, Lobate' was tretown Whin/lay ;renewing old `Ciitrod: • i :701':77n HeadraChte,F3' `.- 0 of hend.rhre e 0814o(1 •' by i(ol'o,-10s4eyee, •.(1." ' Sure r•smei, heacInelleo . we 2ail wo wi!) re; Atnel '.reverAe. 0 4), . Jeweler and Optic/Ian Issuer ul Marriage LicensiN 'Mr. Hetny Richards, aecompanied by his daughters, the Misses (Rich- ards, cervived ,town last week front Swansea,. Waft, and intend making their home here: WIT. Rich arcis 15 ,84 brother of Mrs. 11. W. Watts. . The New Era, welcomes them to ..toeve. Mr. C. Reewsom left last week for his home in Edmanton, eater making a visit here (with his par- ents and other frientTh. Public School Inspector Field was in town this week hisnecting the scheol, Mr. and Mrs. Ja B. Chant are eater- taining on Fraley evening or this week. Miss Nettie Brown who has hen visiting her sis or, elm .1. Leslie Kere, returned le her. home in 13russels on Tuesday. Mr. Ala Goodwin has been on the sick list foe a couple of weeks and is still confined to the hoes°. Mr, audit/re. a. 13. Konnergy left last week to make their home in 1)etrolt for the future. Mrs. 'Wallace arid daughter, who were visiting 4414 1! Mrs. Ale.Garva, left on Saturday l'ne Dorhene before leav ing tor the West. Sir. l'cr. Merl aea 01 W11.5 in 404101 this week. Ile NVI-18 installing" the r. 0. 0. le officeis at E tine -annex) en Tuet day evening. " Miss Sere Teener is see Ming 15 100 (103'8 With her sister, Ides. Hi oadroot or Toekct'swii 10 Mrs. W. KiThride anti liersister, Miss IC-in/ire,: spent tent or le hate and eat- urdey the guest or frietele, Miss Helen Dolieety was in Lnecion last week, taking sorne inualeal exams. . Mrs. H. 11, Chant with her visitor. Miss \Velma, ,,rs,meno, tit the torte: es Mane on Tim:ably titter. noon We aro elenyed to leytin time Mr, Prank Fowler le able to sit up and ex- pects to get out; in ft rew days. Mr, l'honete Johnson hes been con- erete to the bruise for the past COnPle wpplzs nne is"w+t /6r a11 Irpli yet, His old friends -will wish for n speedy reeovery, -- Continued from page 1 that with the • exception of tine county, .fease foron had the high- est percentage of qua:Hied ers in the province:, there being only seven teachers in else torAte who had had lie pre ft•ssiouell. teething. In the c)aseing et teach- ers the reptiet !stated that *Lin the rural Schools only eighteen male ,teachers are lett ite us. 'We are nearing the end Ma regime ()fella rural male teacher ; be,gins to feel it necessary to apologize for his present nnomalous position, 441 not for his existence. With the open- lngs in positions more encretive and altering greater oppontunities advancement, it 18 A wondee we have any receuill at eli,"i It was painted oult that .few schools are suitably lighted or ventilated, that the walls and ,ceiliiigs of most/ of the seheolls a,re dark, gie-ing; the inteeter ,glooany appearance. Teechers give little attention .to reguila•tingeaheoseandow ,blinds„ eharystarwee wove :every; /Nei juriells7ttetlidteVes""10,/ thg peleite? Nene "-Cdahe tion' :Wait advalaited: '.The total .at- tendancelin the rural public schools last year evae 3,056, aind of this number 1,e30 were boys and 1,425 ;were girls. "There Was much com- ment !this spring in ,the papers end 'on the platform, on tile immoral tentleneles of our public Ise/tools, and of the responsibility of .the teachers ,for such a (condition. I shonild molt feel tree," the rleport said, "to give every boy, Or girl a eleen bill of morel health, hut) in iny experience in high schools the etandard of morality 48 especially hig.b, and' in the public echoers' of the ,corenty over (which I have sup- erVision saWabout ehe premises bathing* Written their was indeee,nt, not any carvings that ,weref sug- gestive. 1Vly opibien then was end still as that these ;report -is -were; 1:1 gross libel on th,e Canadian boy and gall." The (g,00d ,weele (of the can- dasees at Blyth, 13-rasselee antl Weexeler was referred to, es- pecially the examination ;result:a of the BrussMs Wfierf: the attendance is large enough for another te'aelice. Ma. &Mite .a-sked ;wily jos. Smelt - 4401', who had been an inmate of the house of !refuge ftta Aerne ,w,as sent to the gaol and kepi( there 1V1r. Torrance, inspector ot 'the house of refuge, made an explanae then in the =patter/ to' (the effect that Was oai account lof Srnelitzer's crabbed (attitude towards the other the .gagol. This., explanation ;wa.s acquaintances. ne bled bean. help- ing in mes'sionary servile's/a at Kin- cardine on Sunday. Mrs. ,'Eforrialgteei Of Illyith was.a visitor over Simday With- heepar- ; erste, Me, and IVIrs. 'McConnell. , Mee Bor,vaby qf Wi.ndsor )))/11e - Ong ae.extentled visit oath. ;Rev. (T, eonsuleeed .satiefactory. 11. and 'Mrs. tFoird. • , Mrs. (111to.s.° Shipley Wee in NVin,g- harn alew days* last week, She' took her ' geands'oe, Jack Laitis, back to his home, Misses Jeasie and Kate 11,,o,rcl oI ,a,u131rilataey,0, lege Were home 01'101! Mrs, H. Smith ,and /the Misses Smtth left this ilaseek fortf., Seralifqed where they Will make itheit biome tat tale !time being, as thel Missee Smith Will have chalrge ot the dream making department tit Zickls dry •-• • - t inmates that he , pas (removed .to 'Motions ;were. made (to gallant ,$20 fox :the purehaie of Cele/steers 101, planting about the gaunt house; Ito grant.,$10 to all vein eteek Meows held this year • tbd grant $900 le) the hoepitals alt ;Gaderich/ • 0110t8151 1111(1 grainti,$1 5 to !the Huron ,Beeekeepere,Asso.ciation ;„ to grant,$25 3,11; 093441)' 5iid. $1.6;itotateliWoenep4) Ines tititite eioluntate. tte,,ig'rtiaat ' .$50, to Ithe Wren tOOnntsr •Splangi.Slictee geent,0200- Oen apples irt the Horticultueal iE ' ' „titan in..Toanetto tl,eVeinber next'. All 'of these lneltiOna Were' eene „ elle 'executive eepretni.ttetei, ' • 1-114111Vfg°411-iditilbj, WM(e-11..",71EalCli'olatI7kbe0.101 cal etiaaL111- . , " pon»ted to the beetrd sa, trustees 41 84981 b'raiat gt(asomothateeclitutolielilit•aiinteliet below/I:beg tG11;ba("1;lelaeill C1b9/21&-14.31-w1t4e.,CI1allesetlietc111,.?' i": • afealett MAKillop ..•btillt by the ,coonty, and that *tame contract 'for building it be aWarded With the eth,ers at this seat/don; that . 'the bridge 'known :as the Rene bridge, west ..of the town of Wingham to the township Titrebeery, be built this year, And itfrat,the bridge ever the Maitland. river, on Eralick St,, W.roxeter,. ,be erected this year. These motions were sent tq the road and bridge committee 31t eves moved ithat W. 11. Weiden- , hammere33.A., Exeter; And James Tigert 'of ..G.adeeith, be appointed county ,exaniinere tar this year. These motions 'Were sent to the ed- ucation coanmittee. - A motion to grant ,$50 to 'the Sea - forth spring Ato,ck allow and ;seed fair combined ;was (referred to the. executive coatimittee. P, Centel/on of Clinton awl Alex. MeDwan, clerk of Morris townshin', \vere (appointed auditots for ,the year 1912. • It :Was moved that the usual grant' 10 .continuati.ont and fifth forni classes be ;supplemented by the amount ot,$50 each; and ehati al/ aural seheogis xeceive the same geant as fifth class (schools. Both motio,ns ;were sent to the education committee. .A mation to appoint aleasre, Pow- ell .and Petty delegates to theeto,ed Roads Association ifieeting in To-, Tonto evas sent. :to the executive connniatee.. The draunty engineer's teport(evas referred to (the read and. bridig,e committee. He reported •the issue in'te• 01 0111012 .10 (the amount of $1,996.05. Ife had examined 11)0 )10444 Torrance bridge onehe boundary of West Waw'attosh, between elm coun ties af 'Huron and ,Bruce, c.nd found the work satisfaetery, aaeo re- peaeed having- advertised .for and received tenders for tiee bridg.es to • 1)5 placed under eonitract this session. . , It was moved that- a new bridge be built! 00 1110 *bound•ary of 'Bid- dulple and Ushorne t•ownships, on the site known as the Dro.ut bridge that the bridge betelew be amended. so that it shall be necessary to halve a certificate from ;the engincer. Ittillostteaisbiteiccligt•leiveoct btelvoVsyu- efheebtriagoer is built Both. motioes were seat te the road ,and bridge committee, 11 was moved that the( "Hums Poultry and Pet: Stock Associate:is reecive a grant 01*25 for sm, and that the grants et the loll fairs and public arise; be the eame aa 1(14 year. These modems were y ent to the executive committee. Moved. by Messrs, elilne and Clan - 4 Mon that the .by-law fixing the pay 01 county councillers at three Millers per day and mike/tree be emended to rea, il $5 per day and mi. eerie; 00010100010g' with //lie J1)1( 111(15' meeting of Vine. , • Ili:eyed in emenrimen'. ler Messrs. :Kennings tin/1 Meenire thee t" 11)O'17611 of illessra. Plii/ne in.1 *Can- lelon lead .$4. per dey inseemg et' the motion carried, THU Rs DA Y. A !e Veer from Wm. .Bailie, secre- tary of West- Huron Fermers' 1 nstit rde, asking the 'Council to request the Mini/eye of Agerietet,ere to ap- point a /Benefit represertletive 100 this 4:minty, was sent to the spec- ial committee, 11 was moved 1110 4' elev. W. D. Col line, of Exeter, be re-appainted a member far this eounty on the sen- ate of (the Western University / that Mr. 'Hartley, of Clinton, be ap /mint ed one of thc county . examiners, and that a grantor $2..000 the Sam° as last yeer ,and the year previous, be made to the I; et leg late s 01 Goderich, Clinton and Se/31101*th and Wingliarn high sellout. These mot- ions eveee sent Ito the education committee. . It was moved tItat Mr. Powell be appointed o delegate to attend the .Good Roads Asse.ciation in Ot- tawye ; that lair, McKay be the dele- gate ; .and anoither motion 'named awl% Pot Y., The three mations evere sent to the exeentive com- mittee. ' The report of the finance commit tee, as a.d(o,pted xecommendted the paymepe of 54011309400)- of enema its. / '111164;',i111;vs`"cti, I illeneliti,`,„,,041h,g1 ,- roe lb( aegard tie tflieeelettee; VO.041'p ud ti.11efdlh'il" 0.1"09 ..k":11'eee:C(e,e'd aell• ry it1J/IA'Neet's ,ceetl.'ilet,d',14.'„A:11,40,tii; ! "en $a. hree cliffel;ent "ecount's ",bje rr3 g- iseerate, land fined $150, twol of the counts being quashed eater 'by Chancellor t33ayd, it was Tecom- mended that the Irefund bo made Ike IVIacklin's account was recom- mended ito be paid on mealEtiun that rt be understood hereaf ter that tlm jetil au/get:set consula the cepted, both 1/ 4)11e18 Lath eese betne " WEST El N (*ANA DA proper authorities before jakele. the lowest A AA, 1/10'er (n/2/1/ r was received from the Chef ty Beiage 00,, is via Clliceeo hut the committee did not feel jnetified ' in accepting"», ita the regail,"0 (A1111119 -----o------ or sheet did 1101aceompatly the tender , •other matters whites were stmt. to the S1'014011'311(( T:(ikeis sa1e cornmIttee svere referred back t 11 Lincs. hy all mounts; Goderieh, $3,626.79; Sea- council foe cMisideeetion. 44, 3v/(1-; dr 11111 Pa t111111arg 110111 tOrth,P,027.07; Clinton, $3,360.93 f Wing:ham, $2,445.04. It was treco,m- cid menclecl that the different nomin- be instructed to examine the Race ' ed in council that the enegineser1; JOHN RANSFORD 8.: SON, Ageata A. 0. PATTISON. depot agent ations made tar re/Amity examiners brieljge nkWirighaqr, and, 11 nee05- continnation claSsee be centin- be mini irrned ; that the usual .geale ..rnreye,, ha(11,ecitetiavaintet.lebe‘•vidgex:tie*ercZ316,i).1.11 Covaluelites Saturday, (ja,tittary • Big price're,ditctions dri all lines of winter merchandise Men's arid Boys' Suits and Overcoats , , Women's and Children's IVIanties and Furs Sweaters and Sweater Coats Wool Sha-wls TOques and --Lc/TUftlerS Caps, Mitts, Socks, Etc, Also a "Big Clear Cue' of all broken flues of 400ts and Felt Slippers at manufacturer's prices. MSS - SALg;• • 1ialinsteel tiros. SAVITILL PROITS 'MORE BUSINESS e / rorro, .2s0:2===maraluzszczurassrmanramosnaszsmo A new Stock of Peabodys Smocks, Pants and Overalls come to hand this week. Also Lots of nice Sprin Prints, Gingha,ms etc. • Will have a car of Coal in a few days. .41111.1111,32tAttIIVI.,.....110=11•141.3.12111.1.5851=1.1.011/10aUlaitt.4.14= gr.3.4.11i3=7.1 _ ..,.. ;11i (t:' )11'0M1 Lyli. )11.1.1t):1a.101(10esti 1 0,\ ,) 1s:1: 101,1:g4-::;,,ItY1::),:l.it(.0. 11,11';01.:(411.111-r.:Tyi. 11,11.3,11}':. Ic,Tu.it\i4peg'.-.s1131;11:1:aTili. tK‘,. Ill; Ole' triT'S,S: it was advised that .$20 he grantee/ Speelal— 11,,1er1 :3I eeTyv, Ili-, 4110,ePeenruelitta 81010 talseetv;etrislratto ?314110011 lilappiletat(,t ,.;\e1r,„.,,telliiiii,:igsj., LeyKairbilitsiteeis4igeilii.an, 11, C. lion to have eat exhibit tot ITur: n Harlicultura1 Association be laicl piegaiee_eV, Glen. j. :N. Go von - the usual grants of $25 te made 10 1.:/lilti,(1;e.e1.9'a'iteieullu—re",..Jj..1.711clileilieev' cji.Oti?ii/ille.1:17. over until the *Tune meeting; ilia*: . tile. (Partners in sti t u t e.s a» d ',$10 t o 3 ream ea, the Women's Institutes of the Rond and -13dAge—J, .waitaa, ae , Chemney's tender for Die suptily to . eyed, .,e..'„Hunkin, ceceiY• Tile cecelacee "1 .1011(1 Wit 'eta, 3, Shartreeci, 13,13, .1VIer)on. ' l'in"108 n't the Tel"e"t° look, fle C. Petty, 3. J. Brown, W. 001.1flt y wood at ithe gaol at $5 pee" cord, , and for,Gocleriell Star's iteniler County Propel•ty--W. lie 31 W818 l'eoOsnlflended , /len. Lindeay, Care Reis, W, Bailie, frueceutilineltl•letIlledactI eev; , grant of $25 be made to eacb. 01 13(44 , he " "1encnii,e3.1' ahoeve; that agramt o4$10 be makiet 80', 1, Milne' R. W. Werden—H. 143, .ON en- timatural Socie tie s holding . to Searcnith spring' /show; that! $25 be granted the Clinton Huron 30115eul1511"e',ae. Munnings Stock As'seciasion; thea D.Canteion3.e7eeIgleg; an P iga lorspnitta'otts$06f001thbeem,caoduet nitoy; thclh ivtidreede n .tthe same ha sis It:hat on:which the :Govern Me nt grant is mad 0. The donating of grants to the HUtr0,11 Ponlltry Pat Stack Asaocitie tion and itothe .Bee -keepers' Asso- cietion was left over until the Jame meeting, " * FRIDAY The report of the road mei )(ridge committee as adopted ad viftel that the county aysente responsibility rot. 11.e new 1701'ranee by itige and poy fel' it: that the engineer tornnitillicate with BAtwi, cielHee/ntiilll thliet1 ot.owon•sliiinp• a1-ushe'xneeyruabbne.de- 1 "... e"•.W' ite' rR. e• o. rt' sthe enineerof theemint'y or Middle -I ihattleg.eerpt. ,Rand Trip Tourists Tickets now the &pind 101114144 and itlet thleke 115(3 on Saleto al principal 944501101' re- .- eesrssatyrIyllh&tairCvee ciftfrBeelba$ud2iel,9t's 5t0h,b0irs0id8fg10o11er1, t1n1hoxel.s. tpIt was re0.11mended thet the ternee, of- 1/ sor ts incuding duhecALIFORNIA, ME. XICO, FLDR IDA tender arJ. trivsessfoe the cement wetk, at $440 per ubic 3011, be 80-• The Attractive 41111(111 t)•s 81X 141111 report o 1 he reed 11111! bridge"contnittee.o,.o,..,,,1.,-.theMidge , , action many such ease. The 'report 31(the edueation cant- wittee as pasSed (recommended that the •Collegiates and high schooled the co.u.nty be paid the folnewinge- lied, and that agramt ea' $2,000 be shoo's/ mot be built , t nresent. ,, made to (the* Coillegiate Inetbattes o Seaforetlh, eloclerich And 'Clinton, ancl Wi.ogharn high sehoefl. ' The executive committee's ;rennet t18 passed Tecemmended a grant at $20 be 1119110 1410 the Saa vatiom ArmV 'reference t,o,the motion that it shall. be 'necessary .1/0 have a( certificate( from the engineer ,before a bridge; of Inventy feet arlonger is built4 it was decided that the engine,ert and two Reeves interested ;in the e1ec4-7' avant 0.1 25.cents per day for mech ion 01 51141 bridge annet 'give, a writ - Man &ming serviee In the 3er11 Reel- ten le.detificate Shaqing that the meet during camp 'week ; 111e.111 the bridge ID queetion conies Within the county pay ,412 per weele itow.aeds eeeety ,bridlge bellaWp before 1111 Is* the Support of the children in the erected meal county bridge. .09(re of' /the tChiltdren's Aid Socitty The eatnity property co.mtuittee l,iil ti,a,tosited home as found tar them; that $1.25 be p,aAct towards -the support* of !borne McGnatten, Industrial Sehool ; thelt the Co.untty treasurer pay to the prizewinners .51 she, Winter' Pack at Guelph' Ile a- mounts. oa the= peizes, viz.; Rivet prize $15, second =dee $10.. The appointment ;was. It*ecommended of , the neatness arid pron-iptness in rreport As paased eeco,mmend- ed thaft Aseistan,ce /given the, ,earetaker, if necessary, to reno- vate the thew libraey th( pount house ; ithat six snitti of duck gods be purchased, foa• preson use; ' land that the mial, shed Atte gaol' ;be Root 31alettr and Repairer Repairing done iiromptly. Skates out on while you, wait Skate straps of solid leather cut any length desired. Suit cases ,and Trunks re-, paired. buksjIllov0e1d10bslyt°1Vtir!rsall'n's1.17V1Iguill;t0.ing,8 and A trial will c"virice yral °f Mae lefcKay ite ,aceoanpanar adr. Lie- ja,g4.0fle en the deputation to ((et- Bailie that the property eopmeittee h which I I Aasomation, .was. (recommended and a t the" eentnact.laii the deal ka,W11 representing the Gated Roads be instructed. (be call Set' tendeesexecute my war that A grant oe $25 be` made to the shed ,aitithe ,gaol. Coter1e/1, distereast fiall faia•f) and public( gab- .13Ytei81vs tad .PPOintine.... • ;the" gleditews Opposite Postoffice, ; • Stofe open every evening eariek ata the :county ,that, 411493444 Sur 19 n 12 afixing the anNo o- atiao'be,-,nea.de to the ' Siete mace of ,the o11nei11or were passed . tee/IS:hospital; that agratat of ve, „,aster ;Which the eettieti Adjourned, ,t'e eia,Y,generall ea:peep-an bp; made te to meet on'.16sclay, June ila•l0111/ilt` 11 kilo, 0, 3300135(813et3300135(813ler 191-, Ore gore 9,17s 11. NC14 1011 e1 the lOtilaritte ,C400d1 a alackIi .elestiOaaele rThe tet,anding,, etatennIees ,6 • , •