HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-02-08, Page 4r,
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• ,
- — • .„.„,
flO• .114W
it 4lR.H,4111.%`
' • ,
A spiebdid collection Of perfectly
tailored Winter Coats, made of the very
. best material, 52 to 54 inches long,
semi -fitting, neatly trimmed, 'all new
styles. Now is a good time to buy a
good coat at a low price.
The Last Cali for
We would like to,clear out the bal-
ance of our Winter Hat.* Only 'Seven
tfilmned hats in store, - ,our cha-ic'6 Sat-
urday 99e
Furs About Half Price!
A good range Lf Furs left to choose from. We
do not want to carry them over to 'next season so have,
,macle.big reductions on all Furs. Here are a few of
our prices
Sable Scarfs
Opposum Ruffs, black and brown....10.00
Isabella Fox Ruffs 5.00 9,00
7,50 4,00
Marmot Throws
1 only, Fur Lined Coat, No. 1 shell
' No.:1 rat lining, sable collar Cio.00
1 only Fur Collared Coat, Quilted
lining, western sable collar 25.02..
1 only, Astrachan Coat, nice fine
cud, quilted lining 45,00
15.00 ,
Terms easitr.,'
One Price 0141y
New. Spring Cools
New Wool Delaines.
particularly in cotton goods. In the initial delivery
in New Prints, New Ginghams, New Chambreys,
Now is the time to do the sewing for •spring,
ii,),c,stial.ct News
•Mr. William Bassin) has received' a
' telegram] from Detroit stating blvu.
his son, Frank, died ver' unexpectedly
there following an operation.
• Mr. Abel Shiner, who eccelft1V sold
his dwelling to Mr. julans Bloch. has
moved to Waterloo.
Miss Edna Hai:tient), who went
through an operation io St, Joseph's
Hospital, London, is doing nicely.
Mr, J. leruniner, Note Cavelee, N.
D„ is visiting relatives.,
A shredded wheat banquet held in.
the town hell undev the suspices of
the Ladies' Aid of the Evangelical
Chuech was well ilateeded. Following
the supper a tine programme was
given. Rev. G. F. Brown, pastel.. of
the church, presided.
, The funerei of John Newswanger,
held to the Lutheran cemetery, was
vevy largely attended.
VOns Unfree
Mrs, Earnest Adams is visiting her
mother at SIAM..
jamSutherland has hired 'with, .„
3. H. Scott for a month.
The Quarteily ineeting Was held i)n AGRI TREASURER--
Sunday at t ernoon,
Miss Evelyn enerk entertained a few
of her friends on Friday evevIng lest,
MY. Wm. Taylor, of St entaetel Busi-
ness College epent Sendey at the
parental home.
Me. Robert Cilark milia Hying visit
to hesex laet week,
Sohn V 1000 Ca Ill il V Ila.Ve •
moved to Brueelield. alto ere eines. to •
Iciee such good citizens as Mr. and Mrs. a Life Member., •.
Riley. But what is Constence's loss is
Brileefield'S gain;
The irovreeters are having an At The minuet meeting. ef Masao
Home to the members and theie 0 iyes Church congregation WM held in the
on Friday evening. church on Wednesday al ternoon hmt.
Miss . Retie. McCully spent a. few The repoets from th Val iMIS 0111111:11
days last week at Steadier(' vieittme, organizations were adoptee, mid
her bre th ere showed progress all along the line
The year was closed with a side:tem id I
surplus Ihe deht on the chureh built
Hensel! thr y14,17,4 ago 01 a cos t of between
Thife3, years and-
la Beene of eleven and twelve thousand hes hem]
rsduced to $1.66 Mr. John kitchen,
who has been treasurer of the Cue-
gregation ever since its organieaton
ohateam end 8yeneth
y menin.,„ of over thirty years, iesigned thee posi-
Beneall, for $100 a side, English rules. tion on account of growing infirmitiee,
accessioned by advancing years. Mr'
Joseph McCully was appointed his
sirceeesor. The meeting tendered Mr.
Kitchell a very warm vote or t harass
Inc his long el ficien t and fel thrill sex -
vitals, and tOra•ted him a lite '01)81 I)('& of
the uninagieg cernmittee. The meet-
ing ergo deeikled lott the congregation
is reedy to extend cern to a minister,
and ie \VIVI Clecilial III take a ballot
vote fin snow, t he date pet for such
1.eing Weiltieelity a Ellie week. The
aelanY $1,1110 VOP -r, free luaneeunl
four week's
• The New Era, wishes to i0.
creme stat et con eepoucl en ts,
ehromehout the cone 1 y and
• vitas the help of those willing to
send front week, 10 wl.ek,
• items of news in the, ileigboie
heed, Matters of importance'.
eve always weleotrie, but (smelly
SO 111'13 the Rams telling' or the
moveineuts of people to end
from the loch y. 'Vele New Eva
asks that ;di willing to hells in
,the work, which will benefit. the
locality by bringinir it he fore the
world, write to the Ediera. of
the New Era, • when supplies of
paper,, onvelopee and postage
will be furbiehed. '
Mr, John • KiIch.en, Of BruOef
Presbyteria.11 Chutell Elcoted
Vi. n -militia Josh WityllP1' of
Gueleb have arranged to shoot a.
pigeon match aitainst .1, B. Pike, of
t ho(esti teet 110 (eke plaee 11 the Cen-
tennial llotee 'lensed, on, the Oth of
Hansen curling pleb heicl its first
armee! bonspiet on Fehrivery 0 and 7,
at whirl) the foll()wing el u hs Pre ea -
•t peeteci to part i ei pa 1 : Sarnia,
; Forest, Clinton. Seafori 11, Godelicla
1 iugham, leicknow. Stvetfoed, Si,
• Alarey'e, Thistle and London clubs of
• I aindon, Sr,, Thomas, Litman Exeter,
Thed toed ancl Ailea. Cat ige Valuaide
prizee e up fee (tom petition in the
dif fermi t series, mid hig and success.
fol ton( nitinent is looked n)r.
I • y'',VI01 ' • 7 •'0'0%-r.v. 0 1)0
White Goods'
fy,,,,,y1,7 '
Cottons, Camhries; Namsoolcs,— 'Long Ulotimts,. ,
Venetian and Linen Lawn, Spot and Check Muslins,
10C I2C, 15c, 20C, 25c,
Fine Wool Underwear
Thls department is still well stocked with In-
fant's, Children's, "Men's and Ladies Underwear,
including Alt e. famous brands Zenith and Watson's
• Unshrinkable and Penman's Natural Wool.
Two Orily
Tapestry Carpet Rugs, large size 3x4 ),ards',
colors green and red, special 9,89.
4.0 inch Bleached Pillory CO'tton at j2.15•C,,
We are receiving this wee ls' a full assortment of,
our beautiful semi -porcelain !able Ware to be given
T RE E TO (..)UR ousTwiERs. ,
• , , . '•
•' The ..People":::Store.•.,
• pCitiit 1011111 111. .41111111111V' 1-1 service, bae
alsenfortn even treerumeed, took effect on
Monday, '01. lbn ail has nue beet,
Miss lieden 13 01) 10 tree retuenert to ngont ol the troffh• deportment, Ids
' °algal y after it moot visite ith Ivor jui istliot ion too/toiling over the entire
father, Mk. John Beattie, fiodet 1 th ..vete)» two, (Idea go, Ill., to Portlenil,
street . ale, \Vida- hie 1105(1)) 05(15))) will he
M. John Thompson 10 im Montreal, Ala traeold's family WI
hoe iieugh ter, laiorellee, teat:het! At remain in London. 1.go • definite an-
oispie, Ontaria, noupcernent as to who will toe -Teed illr.
Mee; Nomna Dickson is visit ing with
iriende in 1 weirdo mid 1-1,011111 on.
alr. %Mired oomotiea, Iteglo,,, 14
1 viaiting his sister, Ali s. T11011014 Rich.
o 1 (Isom
1 llolmata of Berlin, IVIIS 1101V
for a few days recently.
, • Miss Lute flat ineett li ts returned
from a pleasane vieit a ith friends in
al e..lo lin 13. Tienderialn 11,IS return
ed team Michigan, w her e he visited
relatives for three tweaks.
Miss Flora Mitchell, of London,
Spent a few days with her cousin, aliee
Kathleen Kerr, recently. •
Another or the pioneers of this dis-
trict has passed sway in the person id
John Modeland, who died att., his tion.e,
west of Egroonville. Mr. Modeland,
who had been in poor health for Rome
time. had reitchel the age o187 yeas
and three months and is stir bY
his widow, three sons and two dengh-
ters. The sons are, \Vinton). r,oe.
don; Isaac, of Seoforth, and Rieheria
on the homestead 01) the feierent the -
emission of Tnekerstuith.
M. and 51e5.3,atnes Scott, MiS. John
Shortteid end Mr. :hones lilcotr, son of
Alt,. John Scott, lloxboro,lett last week
for Grand Prairie, Alta.,their now
home. Alr.' Scott will purchase his out -
4;IY field r
' The, Trinity 0.hurch \entertainment
was the general s'acceee.s• The dransa
enacted isy the ectress wae well per-
formed. '.Une several solos rendered
by 1?rof, Bob Beiley were greatly 4)-
peetiated. ,
At. a recent meeting ,ol the Connell
the following gentlemen vvereeeinetall,
ed to office. Chas. Ti epet, aseeskm
Win; Elliott,toivn constable, John
Pcillooks A.. Ltrwin, Anclitoos.
The recent cold weg.thelf has pat St.'
Andrevels ()betel) clock and bele out ef
bueinesee Let ris hope toe tire , halves,
Mr. Archie McGregor it el wife visit-
ed at the. home of Mrs. John Gilmour
last WPOk.
On Wednesday, January 131st, Mr,
John Re Buteliart, of StatoleY wile
Mari ied to Miss Margaret Abn Mc-
Gregor, of Kent. The ceremony was
performed tiy Mad Rev. Mr. 'Walker at
the pereanage, albt Street, London,
The happy cenple arrived at their
home in Stanley the "same evening.
On Friday evening the friends and
neighboes of the bride and bridegroom
met at their home and preseLted the
bride, with a shower of Limoges china-
ware. The evening was spent witb.
music and social converse. After an
enjoyeble time all departed to their
severe] homes wishing the happy
cotmle a long and happy inearted life.
Porier'S Hill
, Ma Wesley Vanderbuegh weaes 15
smiting face as a baby boy has arrived
at theic home,
Mr. George 'Vanderburg attended
the Orang,e Distriet meeting, is .Exeter
on Tuesday,
• Miss Florence Elliot is spending a
few days at Mr. Seal zetae on the Oth
'Concession. -
Miss Annie Edina, ,Goderich, is
Visiting tinder the parental roof.
Miss Priseilla Torrance returned
home Monday after spending a few
days at Seaforth.
Miss Minnie Johneten has retnrtud
home, having spent a mental al
Mrs. 0. W. Patter down near Wood-
stock waiting en her brother and sis
ter who are very ill.
Miss Mona Johnston is visiting in
Miss Ruby Potter hale returned /Mine
having spent a month at Currie's
Mrs. McDougall, :of Dungannon.
Spent Sunday in the neighborhood,
A 'Valentine Social, under the (385
pices.of Bethel Methodist church Will
ho held at the home of Mrs. James H.
Elliott oir Wednesday evening, Feh-
r:emu 14th. A good pecigereaune is be •
ing amanged. Everybody come and
bring a Valentine or get one, Plenty
oi stable room will be found in Mrs.
lialiott's barn and chuech shed for
Tlinrs4aYi Pebitteary $th, 191.L
Come With the Crowds
to Cooper's Variety
Store for the Feb-
ruary Sale
at Bargain
Ntatiwrie y
PriceS s,
Ste IS for kilts
er- Go.
0i,itIo40117,4,1,.,a,,o '00* '43r110.0.0 /10`700077.70WP-IV 443 eeseeee......P.
morning or this week Richard Taseer, Chriech and a. Alemonal service wilt be
alright age
Richaecl Tasker Dead.- Thureday valued member or the IVIethodise
'noire officiating, Mr. Garret t was is
ot the :ird Conceasion. paesed away at held next Sunday maiming'.
the age or 50 years. and s0a7ticitlads:isy. ,j.„'1.11.,111,0.. ik,v 1 1-.
-Mrs. eaoeeeton end Ivy, of (;.illt01)7
tuneral will be he.il on spent Sunday here,
noon at 2: :30 o'clork and interment at l'he quarterly Official Board 0151 in
Clinton Cemetery More par tieulars the. Methodist Cherch MI 01021da5
ot his life win be given next week. afternoon IASI, there being a larg,e 1511-
011. and Mrs Van). Waymouth at- tendarice or the triembere. The euatees,
tended the (4011100 Wedding of Me. et 0 11 nrch Ireton wee disc neeed and /1,,
and Mrs. Win. Covent' v. of Wiegbein vote taken on the ettestion. The con.
on Tuesday 01 last Wok. it, le a very
ii.10 sublem. An an inintotts invitation
o'regatn.n will vote 0ext Stanley or_
rare thing to have the privilege of at -
ter cling (ten such celebrations one day w.n, gi e'en 1,ev. J. 11. 08,0,11001 the
and Mr, and Airs. .1 a Ines Cartier ig ht's
after. the ()thee ae they attended Me. re
The Rev. Hamilton. ef Goiletich.
nn Monday 1ast week. p‘ relt°0111.1,1;11 ill)) 11)3111::.)nr'smti '1'i :1-Ii:1,,I;ii;je 1 ':i7c7.1*.re A
. Tuekersmiti. • A meeting wits held by 8 S. No, 5 1 P :.1
,ASt, I, l',,,,,fly. SW:NI/twit/ w ,,.. 5•I111i1lis.
on Saturday nevi it was, peeee 1 that a
The Methodist Church held the
toyed in these 7 /101.1.114, 1411 S0140413.
n)1e1titiv e:,1:11,1:101a thte„titirtilei lat. thAelien:1.0 till:: ne.g 5:0,1)411. w 1 t 11
one of ern. 0-14(350151110 resetente in his
Love Feast and 8 revannett and
regular Qiier(erly services on Sundey
yelled his Via(' foe a Ilet0 80110,1 end
'rho Lendeshorough Tina:Thee Cone.
1 he hosed meeting on Monde y. •
we lume to bee him these to vote 0,1411'
pany held their 0.00001 meeting On
yeere yet.
1,'1.,,sthe.,,\ti.:11i7liiN,doli,iiin,111;gir,11111d8,t2 yo1010..;1:aneisiitilay,
atiYa.e.lay a lot of cattle wee*
Nelen. De emsed tvee nue cf 1 Ila Pio. Several horses have been eold ere
mow lea ',aim or 1131' hue timothy ehit,„ed Item 111,8. 511311,0„
11(0/.4 er I leillett 'rnwilshiii, and sinee
they can get them,
i hero are buyers for 10087 more 11
her 1111Slainel e "105111 13 )5 1101,30 iler
J0.0111) Clam t tt, or the 1:1111 Concess.
home with her smi, elr, jeeps; seetare
ion was railed to leave 1 hi- sphere
1., 1( 1, emeeseimi 1.1, remit tv Mae resi-
dence the fitherat 10,1,. place iel lineilty vevy suddenly last Thniaday night,
tit 8,80 a, ie., to the je, 0. °email
elery tor trite:mem. She leaves a
Lily thaind front theme 1 o Morris Coin.
funeral on Saturday was largely at -
He was driving owe end at tending to
businel:s as usual on Wednesday. The
fnali10 of 4 deughtere itnd :1 sone name- teuded.
The Bev. Peavey exelienged pulpits
iy 1 -John of St. CoMintien ; .0 mee,
With the Rev. Smelt, of Biyth, on
1.111014. Walton 2 Mrs. Carliette Mita
of Iliallett ; Ted, a Geo, 1 Mi•s. Joen
Sunday night.
let 0 Mrs. .1, Ryan, Saskatchewan and R. Adams is getting very enxioue
Miss Mary of Detroit. Pallbearees
Well! J01111 ItI0wIrtncl, Joseph liven,
yid Watson, ;several load of coal }rive been drawn
deys past due and che peuple went it,
about his ear of coal as ie is seveeat
Itobeet Del roes, 1h),
Thomas Ryaii and Willia in Keller, town here to Blyth and 1)5 500)1 are this
Goldeu Wedding: One of thcse ex- cer comes part 01: 1! will go there too.
ception al ly interest i lig events wee Ale, Coombs line come home tor a
celepratecl em Tuesday or last time after spending the Summer ita
week, Mr. turd 0115. , Co ven try the West.
of Wiper/on being tee he ppy groom - Eggs have reache.d the highest price
aim bride. Mr. Coventry is 0 eative ever paid in this place. They are not
Canadian, while Mrs. Coveutry was very pientircil.
born in Devotrehire, England: her The Woman's institute will Imam a
maiden mune was Sarah 51 5001117 and pie Social and entertainnieet in the
she came to OA 05,10, when gaite yeung, near future and are busy peeparing
On January 28, 1832, Ate. Coventry and foe it.
Miss Mani -deg were united in merriage,
Wattere For a 1111111ber of Years, theY
in Southamption, Ont„ by Rev, 0.
resided in Hullett township, and later London' Road
removed to East Wawariosh, until Mes. John McKnight entertained a
twenty years' ago, they berme* reei, few ot her friends last Friday eveuing
dents of Wingham, To Mr. end Ble9, Mr. Geo. Hanley attended. the Dis.
Coventry were hoer] ,sevear danghtere t' -it Grand Lodge of the I,. 0, I., . at
and Onf, SMI, all of W110111 are living, F,xeter on Tuesday.
'The eon, Joseph of Noeth Bay, was ikl.V. F0Niactit, pred Nott attended
1t11$ early opea)tehe,testqly,avhsent.froin the nuction sale'el the !mine of the
the 54a!finitiereitty' • irM Tneaday.' The latitees.filaber,' Ma, ,R. 'Craig; Morris
daughters.. areaMrs. john E. iiiiiisot .tOvenshimdmilatesiherriathistweek.
,Earit Wayeangehe Mrs. 1-1 S. Church Mrs. Geo. franlesthedeefew .friends
of Gaat; 'etre. ' Griffin of New York,' in on Friday last /100 ail Spbeit' IL pleas•
Mrs. T 0, snarling of Speeling, Man., ant evening.
Mrs. '1' 13. Melcohn of Detrnit, Mrs Epwoeth 1,ertgue meet's next Monday
se. J. Padd,,ek of Kalatuaeoc, Mich, at the home of Levi Wilma,.
and Miss R,U84A, at home 'there were Mr. and Mrs Henry Livertraire,
idea 'present Mesers J. .13 Ellis, 1-1 W. visited at the borne of Me, S. Gliddon,
()hutch, 'I'. 0 Snarling, Rev. T.E. on the Gravel Road, Hallett. About
Matcolto, 01 re„ Shook of Toronto. Mr. 40 friends weee peesent to saend an
and Mrs Weymouth and Mrs. E. Bell evening.
of Londeshoto. Mrs. Ben of George. ,
town atal Mrs. Pearson of Chelsea,
sisters of Mr. Coventry, were unable larrassels ,
to he present. Thei•e WHS nothing etiff
or fennel about, the celebrittien or this •Died In Kansas -Friday, .iiireitery
happy, 20th, Rev,. 1 l'iristopher Humble, Al. DUuflett ,
, J.,,,y,,,, hmiiy 1.01,1100, 110 the guess, of Chicago, died suddenly of melte in.
anuiveremy. ta thei• -it 'Cl'71£4 ;I,
MISS Milly Adams spent a few days tieing delighted to extend congsatailla digestion, aged 07 years, at Predorie,
of test wsek with Mew, jaines framil- tions to air. and AI l'P. coventry ou Kiinstas. He was 0 half brother of Mrs,
Miss-, Alice Youngblut spent a few of there wedding day. The borne was Mrs. W,
h eying reachedthe fiftieth anniversary J. R. Grant, of Winnipeg, an uncle of
H. K.erts of Brussels, rind a .
(.on 055100 posaeesion to he takeii at; days or this week with lie.! fi•iend MiSS prettily decorated in white and gold, former Canedian. Foe the pa.st 20
01100. HaVillg decided to rernam in
m the Same vicinity, The lattty anti Maugie Shepherd, of Herlock.
ert. Frank Ring anent a few tlitys °Mends of the customary purse of Sonerintendent of Sabbatir'Schools in
and the bride and' gown were le years he wee Dietrict Edueational
1 „ i lortetng to his father,Wris. Shaeltl.'t on,
ie'slifield, be purehased the Mem be. _. i''
Men Nies. Anitrinve, of Aubram before unique form of a. "shower" 01 goid church and travelled many miles] in
wiili feisn'i'ds ou the, eta Concession slid gold which 'mune to them in the i eonnecticm with the Presbyterian
3 Tire 2, ? retive,and contemplates removing to
Dirngannon. 10117107 for his home in the West this coins. The menu cares were peettity , orleitnizing, encouraging and' holding
• written in gold, the reverse side ser-, Conventions and Tnstittites.in ermine.
"3 Path to Health , pany. the local hotelkeepers and mit- eeend g t hese weeks at the home of reed and over, the aaternoon was professton to engage m it Mr. alum, •
Mrs, 1, sed Shebrects and son aye ving es a place mud. The repast en, i tion with the WOrk, ble gave up his
°he: " areagthvrise,t,',1"8','hifir s'IPPIY ",r i."0 her, 'mother, Mrs. Richasiel Carter. delight:hilly spent in sociel enjoyment ble's wife died 2 years aeo and he is
sutvived by (meson. ...kyr, Ont ,
> frrl 1140 '''"15 ''''''' ".."17", "°15`. ' '15". Nolman Silephel'd IVii$ 010 guest of in whiell thee aerencl.ebildeen happily
the birthplace of Inc deeeased. He
e, T)10 100 Wof good ipamity ond aveeessee , ,... a , • . . a if 0 .1 r), . few one) i 101.11131.f Mr. Coventry has
5 Parkyte cieseht arc perfectda.-
- s ahrnit 20 hiches in !Meknes's, . . .
The, MiSRQS St,e11,t;11, lady ',veva lets, hi . 1 . , r e b , , 1 t.,
1,1 I,,,, . itha tn A101,111 J. G 1)I.$ t 1 a
1. . Peached the age ol82,while Mrs. Coven.
fictiont woek aud inhered - meet taisid-
was very /north devoted to 17; 11'-attit
" ly odorlese and, a comfortable 3 '1." ''"d"c°Lig """" . ' ' , ' ', .week. woh her thtughter, Mee. Thomas
' 1 servires 1 .. the •
e 1 mi . 0, „,orid s n ea span • I1G '
netny yeere to their family, is the wish'
tr„v is 08, fihty they he spared for
tionsly roe its entices:a He teequently
ar syereur of inside closet. - . I-
i • " . . ,
?„, 21. -Vale Methodist Church this weee. , el , „ e .
.Tateries Snell of Whigharn spenti •
'' " ' ' or theft, emery friends. Nueneeutis
letters of cengratulation were Pe.
• caved, adding. to the pleasure of the ,when his sisters and mother resided
visited at Brussels in his earlier years
e ,, ------ his. lire then4 Wm. and Humphrey
. Beim iller ' week with his cousin B. Brown and
' No Plumbing necessary . .>
3' The fellowing is the report 01 the Snell. 'occaelon.-Winghern Advance. .
, 1, standing of the pupils of S. S. No n, Mrs. Albert Trewin, of 'Barrack,
i'1.0 to ,s25. , 5 Colborne Tovenship for the month of Spent Monday with 1VIrs. Osterhout, of
. . ' 7P January. Janice, IIT-Mirian.Sci /wanes, Lotidesbore, - r lontleSbern '
No case of lock jaw has evet been
} (Nebel Grigg and. Dalla Grigg, :I' sent). Alerecl White arrived from the Old Miss Myrtle Phillips spent Saturday brace.c1 to a blister caused by a snow
Call and See for yourself. and Sunday with her parents. ' She shovel.
8enioe Irl -e -Verne. Chime 1 1 ervey County and, will spend this year with
, Snyder. Junior 111-Beinne Allin, W. Stevens. ' , was aecompanied by. her cousin, Mr.
Senior 1 1.-8 anley Mrs. Harry idoon o,nd MiaS Ruby 1 -toy Lansing, of g,tirling, Bestings An adY. Verne For Sale oe euch, up
,e, ,, hurlet Brecitoow, Junior Pee' II- of fast week with Miss Clara Sheltie
B am & sat t } M;g°,vErli:1,TI°11:n1;arS'
,. irf a se.. .. eranr Pam fr-- Alms fela,y Appleby spent a .few days
Snyder, Fanny MOW, Willie Mew. AleVittie spent a few days with WM-
i,kliiii, 1 Istella ton friends. -
Mrs. Millin, who Is not well, .
spending. a'few days with' her mother,
.Mrs. ndtvin Ashley, a Kingston, is to one inch spe.ce, four weeks for one •
ditional months. ' . •
dollar, and if eoratinued longer, with.
out change, 50 cents 8 111011th for ad.
' 1'700
4 . . , • ' Wellington Mew-, ,Pt. I - I Carol& of 'Auburn . ' '
S;leni wry jebtheljore , school, , every day, in the , 1, enth, Danlay wa W.Orliiri:g ,arOtind tke barn nOon la t nad AS ne y 1 11,g1 ely a a tnedr" . .P., •9 n. Ce ne a gr
. , , , ec now. Nor en) Al in at ;laded . Ono er recent y •while r. John Gaerett eva 1 e/c1 0 Sat Tray f
The funeral Bervice of the late jos.
grewing manufacturing to a in
Welland is said'tp he the fastest
. , , . . '....,. ', . . ., Mirlare Schwalm obtairied the.) ghest he ran amliver in his ' hand and • has ed. Iltaerniewnt v;as %ant>, rth ' peanElpiJet to 7,'nuud, an -a r°wneing fr°
Amovosamolosoy.,,mAmmAmo,,,,,A, InflAS. , ' ,h,leZabethTem, her, , been laid tie lint, the 4:lector , has' been Bnien Cemetery, Bev, J,', H. Oster! to 25 in thePast fourrQyeerc)elle
8011001 Repeet:-Following is the
School Repore of 8. S, N.,, -1, 'laicism.
smith roe .liumary, Class IN-Pe:Men
13:111, 0I-1 lie Oriel], Edo li ,11, teinadi,
Frank 1)' Breit). Netion °oh+, Herm 101
etteel), Jelin Terme., %Nay TIII'lleV, Mei*
Ville Wantr ittid Greve Stephenson
, Opel') Grime tVeltiire, Welliegton
1 Crieb. (14 so 1 1 1- Elva Nott, Viten
Wise Cent. 11 Senior -Miami Crieh,
Witinie Hunt. Burt Widnes, Phyllis
11e1011, 1111 '5 Ceieli. °lase l jollier -
Wilbur. No,t, Olass r seiliov- o 0,11 go
Harold has as yet been made, but Me, Falconer. Vera siennenson, Ontss I
Richard Wright of the London eteff, ie J 1-18 love 1,1inily Runlet,.
et present acting freight 117,00r.. Mr '11te. Mossomin News S tys:-The
Herold came to Loncloil two yen re 4170 home. or Mr. end 'Mrs. Joseph Pletves,
from Brant:101'1, end since thee time Stanley, was the seene of it pretty
Inc made MA ny friends in this eity. wedding on 1Vednestlay afternoon,
(1( 0141001 to thet time he had located January '41-th nt five o'clock, when
in Stratford and Winginun. theiv eldest daughter, Annie May Was
Mr John A. Ilk:Ulan has vow -diem untied in niaeriage to William Stan -
word that, his cousin. Rev, Donald fowl Feeder, yemigest son of Ala and
McKenzie, for many years a resident Ales. ii. ir. Feeder. The cerentoeY
of Lucknow, dropped dead in the was perforated by the Rev. X) T.
station at Minneepolie as he ' eves Thacker.. in the presence of a Dago
waiting to take a train home after hav • comp.Lny of relatives, 'rile bride wile
ing delivered a brilliant address at a Wa, given away by her father, wore a.
banquet of Clan Stewart, of the 'Sons lovely Nee) dross of silk embroidered
of Scotland. When he left the hall net OVee silk, handed win satin, She
and right up to the time of his death, was attended by her stet er, Miss Berta),
Rev. Mr. McKenzie was apparently in prettily attived in pale blue 113 Ull
the best of health. De ,s .16 years of 0,1111 med with lace. a.nd insertiou,
age. and was born in 3 'now. Aftee 'file groom WAS ilSiFted by Mr, John
graduating from Hand be University, 00'00500o 10)0111 011140 beide. Mrs 1i%
he (yes n ppoin ted pastor of the Metho- •Ceosson played the weddiug • march.
dist Chu; eh in Excelsior in 11)02, Be Congratttletions over, the guests en
remained there for six' years, and in inyed a bounteous repast, after which
that time became widely known es the evening MIN spent in music and
the '"fighting 055101," owing to his games. The attests attending from a
crusade against salocns. Rev. Mr, distance were Mr. and Mrs. Rex Virtue
McKenzie WitS widely known ail of Letbbrige and 1V,11 -Morton, 13ean-
through this district, having spoken don. The immber of useful and laktit-
here on many or:cesium-is., Beside, his Hui presents shows the esteem in
40111, he is se evi veil }iv three child vet). which the young couple are held. Mr.
and Mrs. Feeder will reside at "Stan-
, ford Lodge", Stanley.
tit end supplies for the year .at Ed.
. . •
ik.o,viii.Wiltliii4;`,1611V.,."ki its'i-' frir. io .1-it'w !i.tane i'n,g,it4zeif -• 1 ..."*.: ..e-MiSs 1 Hazel -!Swatzere.entertained
,.,, I), '.•-, ,-,,,„,,,,,, I , 1,,'.1 frS :1?' ; - ' .il' •,'" , ". , ',"•') ''' ' ` '"'Z'''''' l' i 'WOO( tweintpeiee.ef here rvietulS o
''Ir.01,w''''',1 'wollig:111,6;i1 eni.ksi,deralite, .- Aligke,014tline,.; TAUT. ,,ar,t4,Xittnia!' . ' .' " , • '' • n
'de ay 'antra '" fl.tilik,' lift', hence i he 'SPPont »eve taitnined 1 roirt a • iisit;Ilip fllueeday evenintnee,talle'evening ,1)5S
041,01,yst Art. Mies Genie Short reirl, 6 OderiCh and Clint on. •. spent in music, games. '' All present
deugbter of Dies, scar, win Recoup, Mrs. J. Campbell is quite ill at her werdrei_:,lotTifiu,011,5 eon.tvertline.d" 1
where she'heetnnes the bride of Mr. Miss Amelia Bellamy left fon St.
nany the partY ;Ls far as Winnipeg. home here . e,ee, , et. ofPorter' hill, is 8)7 (30 Inc home ot her uncle, Me.
James Switzer, Bayfield Line': .
Ross •lackson, fotitnerly,of Waltombu 6 ' ThomaS, where she will take a conese
now of Tisdale, Saskatchewan, in' Mum College -Ale. Rain, S. Cole recently sold a
, horse -Ma good fignre anti delivered
. Thomas Culbert entertained his
winsham te4t Thursday evening. , hitn as Seafortlt on Tuesday. '
. voting friends at an enjoyable dance Mts. John Middleton Je., and two
The promotion or Me. Lewis -B. Other Ontario villages may be ;it- children has recently bee» visiting
Herold, freigia agent lit London of the, creasing in popuiation,but Dungannon with het, sister in Stratford.
Grand Trunk, to a very important ie not, notwithstanding the lure 01 the Miss Mary Clurl 40I5 hiet week visit-
ciijos, find t heWest, There is a de- inP; r'14tIve8 In 61Int°"'
mend for more dwelling -houses bei 1
at present. There is not a vaeant
' honse or store in ,the village.
Some time ago Matthew Sin..cklel on,
of Ashfield,' pold his farm' north of
Crewe, to Mr. .1, Glazier, of the Oth-
The River 'Valley CreamerV 'Com.