HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-02-08, Page 3e+e
Thluineday; IFehreilary,, flithe 1.041,
OppOeition In Belfaet CounCii TO
Military Force Coo -duct OD 8th.
May Prolong Their Lives I REPUBLIC.
Cured by Lydia E. Pink=
• ,,•‘ • • •bam'sVegetableCompound
Canifton, had. been a great
' sufferer for ;five years. One doctor
ee. told me it was 'ulcers of the uterus,
and another told me it was a fibroid
tumor. IN -0 one
knows what I suf-
fered. 1 would
always be worse
at certainperiods,
e. and never was
regulai;, and the
bearing -down
I was very ill in
bed, and the doctor
told me I would
have to have an
operation, and
that I might die
' luring the operation. I wrote to my
sister about it aud she advised me to
ale Lydia E. Plukham's Vegetable
1i:impound. Thro ngh personal expe-
ience I have found it the best medi-
. atm, in the world tor ieniale troubles,
or it has cured me, and I did not have
o have the operation after all. The
Compound also helped me while pass -
ng through Change of Ttife."-Mrs.
LETITIA BLArs, Canifton, Ontario.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound, made from roots and herbs,
has proved to be the most successful
remedy for curing the worst forms of
female ills, 'minding displacements.
inflammation, fibroid timers, irregu-
larities, periodic pains, backache, bear-
ing -down feelirig, flatrtlency, indiges-
. tion, and nervous prostration. It costs
but a trifle to try it, and the result has
beenworth millions to sufferinewomeia,
United States inannignaition olfi-
Male; state that at large numbee of
Chinese have been elinng,glitart into
Detroit over the lee bridge from
Children Ory
it is reported that the °Unto
Onvernment has offered liberal
concessions to !Manitoba in the
shape of terribory order, to ee-
enre a port on Hudson .feay,
Representatives Of ',grain -gnaw-
ers, millers and 'railway .conapanies
reenfeeired ;with the ,Minister of
Trade and. 'Commerce at 101tttitva
!weakling the new .grain act.
Suffered With HORT Trouble
for Two leafs,
lefr. Chas. W. Wood, 3 1 Torrance
Street, Montreal, Que., wriles:---"For
two years I suffered with nerve trouble,
ancl it was impossible for me to sleep.
It did not matter whatetime I went to
bed, in the morning I was even worse
than the night before. I consulted a
doctor, and he g .ve me a tonic to take
a half hour before golug to bed.
"It was all eight for a tim,e, but the
old trouble .-turned with greater force
than before.
One of the boys, who -works with me,
gave me half a box of Milburn's Heart
and Nerve Pills. I took them and I got
such satisfaction that I got another box,
and before I finished it I could enjoy
sleep from 10 p.m. until 0 a.m., and now
feel good."
The price of Milburn's Heart and
Nerve Pills,is 50 cents per box, or 3 boxes
for 51.25. They are for sale at all
dealers, or will be mailed direct ou
receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co.,
Wanted, Toronto; Ont.
ileirost, Fele torn inayie
this ,eity sent a requieition to t e
parks' ,eoremitteo to provide neconi-
modatiOn for 5.000 troops who"ero
:concentrate here oh Fele. 0, the day df
the home rale demonstration at whiett
Winston Speucer Churchill, First
Lord of the Adadralty, and John el.
Redmond, the Irish. Nationalist lead-
er, are to speak.
Al. a meeting of the parks conlulit,
tee the lord tuayor's request met With
strong oppoaition, the rommittee 0 I..,
journing withinit, taking a decisien
until to -day. •
Elabovate arrangements have been
loade by which on the day of the
home rule meeting amen parts of the
city in which disturbances are likely
to °NMr tvill be placed practieally in
the hands of the military, who will
lirit the main thoroughfares leading to
Celtie Park and 'guard the intersect-
ing streets.
-- •
Few Details Are Known Concerning
Britain's New "Dreadnought."
London, Feb. 5. --The new battle-
ship, the keel of which was recently
laid at Portsmouth dockyard, the first
of the five armored sI ipe of the 1911.-
1912 engrain, will be known as the
"Seeret it is sonerelly known
that she is to be the lattest battleehip
built fur the British navy, that she is
P1 have an anti -torpedo battery or
six-inch instead of four -inch guns, as
in older ships, end that there is to be
a great improvement in the compart-
ments to prevent sinking hi case she
is torpedoed. Beyond this, however,
the Admiralty are introducing changes
which are to reruain a secret for •the
time being at least.
Usually the laying of the first keel
plate is attended with some ceremony
and naval attaches ancl others are in-
vited. On this oreasion, however, only
the dockyard officials, Miss Evelyn
Mooredaughter et Admiral Sir Arth-
ur Moore, who performed the cere-
mony, and a few ladles were present.
Newspaper men and photographers
were rigorously exeluded. This ship
is to be completed in two years, but
it h; quite likely that the will be ready
for service before that time. Immed-
iately her first plate was laid, workmen
curpmeneed putting other plates in
eesitionso that before the afternoon
had passed the veseel commenced to
take shape. In fact, 0 great deal of
the material wos ready before the ac-
tual Work Of construelioll eommenced.
Liquor the Basest Evil.
Kingston, Feb. 5. -Hon. W. 1. Mac-
keuzie Kiig mid Principal Hutton.
• •
l'erouto University, were guests at
third annual dinner Of the Arts So-
ciety, Queen's University, Saturday
night. A. D. Matheson, president of
the Arts' Society, acted tee toast UM -
l'onelving On the liquor traffic, Hon.
Mr. King said liquor was probably
the basest evil of the • •day, and lie
hoped to see the day whee it was
wiped out. He did ma feel that it was
O party question, but thought uniVer-
site! men- should band themselves to-
gether and vow not to enter bar -rooms
and use their influenee to that end,
it would be of DiOre force than any '
Principal Hutton responded to the
toast "UniversiV Education." with
Principal Gordon of Queen's, and
both ;delivered appropriate addresses.
New York's Big Market.
New -York. Fele 5.---Pinne for a
great eentral market, for xow Yorit,
With ito priinary purpose the red 11101
of cost of groeeries, farm produee
and living generally. tire boing pre-
pared by a eommittee of citizens or-
gaideed to hivestignto the cost of liv-
ing problem. The nee market will be
established it nilernenth the 111 anhattan
approach of the Queensboro bridge.
The plan promisee the ehipment, of
produce from the Long lelnial market
gardens to this, centre. where house-
keepers may Select et the 111011100e
own prices.
Genuine Tegetable Fibre Parchment, for wrapping
butter -the best sheet on the market, in packages,
not printed :
500 Sheets for 50c. 200 Sheets tor 25c
Fetter Still
11-tve, your name, farm and post -office neatly printed
arid make a reputation for your product. We :use
only special butter paper ink, guaranteed not to run
or to injure the butter.
lor I:0 • 2900 for $3.00 5000 tor $7,00
Wrap your butter, and get two cents per pound
• more than if unwrapped.
We also would be pleased to supply you with printed
Letter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, •
Envelopes, Wedding Invitations or Announcements,
Posters, Circulars, -Catalogues, • Calling Cards, in
fact anything in....the printing line you may require.
• The Clinton New Era
At an advanced age waste is more
vapid than •repair. The organs ant
more slowly and less effectually than
in yduth. The circulation is poor, the
blecel thin and ;watery, the appetite
.poor and digestkm. weak,
We want to pay to every aged per.
son in this vicinity that Vinol, our de:
Helms cod liver and iren tOilM (With-
out oil) will prolong ltee. It creates
an appetite, aids digestion and makes
good blood, In Me natural mariner
Vinol retards waste and replaces
weakness with strength, giving new
life to the worn system.
If people in this vicinity only real-
ized how Vinol invigorates old people
we would not be able to supply the
demand. '
'Pry a bottle of Vinol with the un-
deretanding that your money will he
eeturned if it doe a not help you.
Sold and guaranteed 10 Clinton by
W. S. le. Holmes.
Perjured Herself, She Says, At
Bidding Of Neighbors,
esforth Bay, l'eb, 5e-tleorge Walton
Berry, an old who resides at
Charlton. Ont.. on the T. & NO. Ry.,
has hem, released from the county jail
at North Bay after two months' in-
careeration awaiting trial by a jury.
Berry wile arrested on 11 serious
charge preferred by his daughter, a
girl of eixteem given a preliminary
trial 211 New Liskeard and oonimitted
le North Bay jail. eleeting to go be-
foren juy. This tviie elianeeit to it
speedy trine on the arrival of Ms
daughter, \vim eaiil that her story at
Cho firet trial 00110 11111rue and inspir-
ed by the neighbers.
Berry was brienelit before Judge
Lensk end the charge dismi,sed after
bearing the evidence of the daughter,
Aetion will lie taken atrainst Ole par-
t e en -rd Ilerry'e deughter of
it ilttelmi• ber to ewear falsely.
Children Cry
Tion. J. D. Hazen !gave =Ake of a
resolution in the House of C,ommons
providing for a furither anon of S6,-
000,000 to the iMontamol .liarbour
Board to enable the eo,mmission to
complete the terminal facilitie&
uanadn's rade Ca-nrninnionei.
'111,, 1e1,..00 isse lee; •,•)y
Richard Grigg. 1 , a I C•
te Canada, ,11 tee 05.10 01 1111'
D0111i1111/11 11111.11t.1.4.1 00,,11 deal ei
tenthm. :1 further tedinit-tive report
hy itlr• Grigg on Ens seen iet 10,10
recently iSstied by 1110 P. net oi Trief,
as a Inuohook. eaye the
English publicatioe "Caere la," Britieh
exporters and idliere would dowell ti,
read, murk, and hie welly itieeet. Fer
while, as Mr. Grigg remark-, increas0
ed experience has ennlirliie,i 111opin-
ion already exprees.el, that there ex-
ists throughout tOinada a keen &sire
both on patrielie and luisin $0 greunds
14) better underetinel peintS
of view, and til them closer tho bond,
of commerciiil itti1011, "iiitheugh
markedernproVenient hoe. ooeurieet 111
the attention given to the Canadian
market by liriiislimanulaeturers, the
impression stil 1 remains that 'Witte!'
knowledge of the Cali:Mien Markel
earl eppreciation 01 ite great future,
is much lees extenSivt• than in the
Case oi 0111' friendly Anierieen rivals."
The Canadian market, Oriee
pOliltO out, as a lield for present and.
future British trade. is governed by
certain conditiens \Odell give to the
economic life of the Dowinimi char-
acter of ite own. Ciumea lets 11' a
'clecnde past been ittelergoillg a rid
seems deetined 10 endorse 100 n con-
siderable peried, ntent 111111I0tl'1111
01111 111111111'1/11 l'Xinlliricel..--;Satlirday
Never Loses His Politeness.
Cl/morel Sir lil. C. 0, Plumer, who
is stilted h, he the fortutinte °flitter
selected te eticeecel Sir clertice Smith.
Dorrion meet year tit the Aldershot
commend, mime mit of the South
.)fricon wer 'with a brilljent l'ecord.
and :dime thee lute held both in,
portant adittinistrative and exemitive
appointrrienis. His apeearimen does
not suggoet the man of wnr,
dreeses with. 'the scropuletis eare of
dandy, and is seldom seen without
his eye•glasslilxtretem politenosr
characiorizos hiS Speech, even in the
heat of action.
Chills, Colds,
Dressing lightly, exposed to
drafts, cold is easily taken.
6-ive twenty drops of Nerviliue
in hot water at once. Circula-
tion and warmth will be re-
stored, and pleurisy, inflamma-
tion, or congestion prevented.
Equally good f or colds, breaks
tip their beginnings at once. If
you only knew what a great re-
medy Nerviline' is, that it is five
times •stronger than other lini-
ments, more penetrating, more
pain subduing, you would not
• be without it, •
Ninety-nine siclotiesses • .fiut • of a
hundred can be prevented ,,at !the
, very beginning ty,the nee eif.,Nmwl-
,So,-ve.e,^ dootong
great Taro saver' of die laiger4inc110lo-
0 50. Years. Lange 250 hdlties 6014'
mor,rcstere. • r-4
• •
'Events Ai.e Recovering fiapitily-
Empress Dowager issue Edict
to Premier Yuan,
Nanking, Feb, 5. -The simultedieous
annonncenion t iat Yuan Sin hai hal
received permiesion from the throve
to organize a republic in the north in
cdnjunetion with the southern gov,
eminent, the arrival at Nanking of
Wu Ting Fang, the Republican Min-
ister of Justice, and Tang Shale Ti,
the representative of the, Imperial
Premier, and the extension of the
armistice for one week. indicate the
approaching end of the present stage
of indecision and future amicable ne-
gotiations looking to organization ac-
ceptable to both sides.
Peking, Feb. 5. -The Empress -Dow.
ages issued an edict last evening in-
stelieting Premier Yuan Shi Kai to
establish a republic in co-pperation
with the southern Republicans. The
edict has not yet been published and
it is expected it will be' kept more or
less secret so far as the public is con-
oerned until arrangements in the
south have been eompleted..
C.N.R. Extensions.
Wineipeg, Mau, Feb. 5. -The Cana -
dial) Northren Railway yesterday an-
nounced vast extensions of their sys-
tem all over the west.
New yards are to be constructed
three miles east of Winnipeg to han-
dle excess traffic. New yards are to
be constructed also at Port, Arthur,
Brandon, Regina and Edmonton. A.
big station and yards are to be built
at Calgary this year. Ten millions
are to bespent in these betterments.
Brantford Pastor Resigns.
Brantford, Feb. 5. -Rev. Andrew
Allan, it is officially announced, has
;resigned his pastorate at St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Church in this city and
will leave Brantford in May next. He:
has held large churches at Johannes-
burg and Edinburgh.
Boundary Question Settled?
Ottawa, Feb. 5--Ilon. W. H, Hearst,
:Minister of Mines and Forests in the
Ontario Government, left for Toronto
Saturday, having been in conference
with the Cabinet most oi the day on
the boundaries question. It is under-
stood that an amicable settlement of
the differences between Ontario and
Manitoba \va, made, and an an-
nouncement is expected very soon.
Mrs. Nick's Buried.
Kingston. Feb. 5. -The funeral of
the bite iefre. Nickle, Mother of W. F.
!Vickie, M.P., took place on Saturday
and Was of a private nature. The
chief mourners were 'W. F. Nickle,
Hugh Nickle. B. \V. 'Folger and a
number of grandchildren.
Wireless Saves Steamer's Crew,
Norfolk, Va., Feb. 5. -The British
steamer Consols, ()Otto)) laden, from
Gelveston for Hamburg, flame -swept
in a long, futile race for port, sank
early yesterday forty miles south of
Cape Henry. Her crew of 34 men,
refugees on the British steaMer Cas-
tle Eden, were landed to Newport
it was another triumph for inter-
communication among ocean craft, for
the Castle Eden, headed from Savan-
nah for Demist) ports, picked up the
wireless eall for hell) from the im-
periled crew on the Console and 11.1.41 -
ed Le their assistance. The battleship
New jersey, on her way north from
the Guantaimmo dril 1 grounds, e,e;so
heard the call.
Starved In Sanitarium,
Seattle. • Wash., Feh. 5.'"1' 10 jury
in the te100 id Airs. Linda Burfield
Hazzar, itemised in the Kitsap County
Superior Court iit Port Orchard, of
11(013) 1110001) to le.iitli 11 los Claire
Wine n. a wealthy Enelith patient
at the '1- adzaril "etarvation eanitar-
ium," returned a verdict of man-
slaughter Inet Meld..
Children Cry
Convention Meets To Day At
peb, 5,..,21:11 000e Ronde
Aesociation of °Mari( 1 will hold a con-
vention. at Ottawa next Thursday,
Feb. S. 'After deciding on their pol-
icy, the delegates will wait un the
Government to discuss 1110 form of
proposed •federal aesistance 1,1 the
highways of Ontario.
It is 01(015 051(1(111 the deleeates
particularly diacuss the 'question of
the class of ronde to which grants
should be emule. Some wind trunk
roatIA only, while (Alleys tate that
aseistance be granted to 011 reads.
• When You Gan Get Gin Pills,'
Get aheadbf your 'old, enemy, Rheu-
matism. Start in, right now, to take
' Otto Pills and be free from pain and
eeffering this winter, Gin PiIls`vrill
keep the kidneys well and strong --will
lientralizeuricacid--correct any-winary
or bladder trouble -prevent hands, feet
and, legs from swellitig-and enable
you to enjoy the cold weather as you
did years ago. Here's proof.
Hartartreeme, N.B. ,
"It• affords xne great plettsnre to
convey not only to you but to all
sufferers from Backache and Rheuma-
tism, the great relief I haverobtained
from the use of Gin Pills. I feel thaill-fal
to you. I recommend Gin Pills to
everyone suffering as I did",.
Write us for free sample of Gin PilI s
to try. Then get the regular size boxes
at yotir dealer's or direct front us-soe.
O box, 6 for $2.5o. Money refunded if
Gin Pills fail to mare. National Drug
& Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited,
Dept. A Toronto, 97
Heard All. About Hit Pills.
It \yes „aS GoVerllur of New South
\V (110, to which' position he was ap-
paroled in 1899, whe11 only twenty-
enven years of age, tlint Lord ,
chatlinIs administrative qualitics
earne into 'prominence. He was ex-
tremely popoler `tlewn under/' and
Sir William Eye°, then iriIc 0(1111111'
ber 01 New South Weles, tells of an
hicident proving llow ilevetet the chil-
dren were, to him. He .was driving
through the steeets with 'tile • governor,
when the ,carrialge became surrounded
with Children, many climbing up the
back. Sir William suggested, that he '
should ce11 the, poltee to drive; them
off, but Lorcl 13eettellarop replhid : "No,
don't do tlott. they ore enjoying them-
selves, and I don't mind." Anoth-
er etory tells of - Lord :Benuchainee's
meeting with the wife of a colonial
dignitary, who d el ight-ed. hie lordship
by intimating ,thet at, one time elle
hadknown his dietinguished father.
Asked by the eirrl when and where
she luid met the; 11110,1,6rd Beauchatup,
she with great eagernese:
"Well, .1 never aetually saw his lerd-
• ship, yeti know, but I have heard all
11)50e11e his pills." •
Liverpool and Chica 0 Wheat Futuresg
Close Higher -Live Stock-
• Latest Quotations.
, CTIICAGO, Fob. rather than
action distinguished to-da1r's market
for wheat. Nevertheless the Priee level
was raised Piet enough to surpass any
Previou$ figures touched during the
present bulge. T,atestd.rading left quo-
tationsteady, the same as laet night
to ym up. Corn finished at e10 to leo
advance, oats unchanged to Yee
higher, and hog prOducts 'Varying from
yesterday's close to an additional cost
of 10e.
• The Liverpool market closed to -day on
wheat unchanged to VA higher than Yes-
terday, and on corn ,4c1. lower, Antwerp
wheat /peed %c higher, Berlin le higher,
and Pill'18 20 to 21/40 higher.
Winnipeg, Options.
Op, :High. Low. Close. Close.
. Wheat -
May, old.. 3.01111 202% nrele 10290 10014,
May, new, 1021/4 1020, vim ioam,b 101141
July • 1034 10314 10353 1035310 1031,41-
Oats- To -day. I'ester,
May 4444 4414
July 4453 it%
Toronto Grain Market.
Wheat, fall, bushel ..... $0 95 to $,,,.
Wheat. goose, bushel 0 93 .
blisliOI:too 1 01
o'attl, bushel 0 48 0 1/1
13arley, bushel 0 0 95
Barley, for feed 0 65 0 75
Peal, bushel 1 10 1 12
Buckwheat, bushel 081 01)1
Toronto Dairy Market.
IZ: 'T.l 3t!NY. WOMAN KILLED BYL=,,.,11,,11,>', 11. iZ .'
INFERNAL MAGIIINEs Butter, creamery, ib. rolls. 11 NI 031r,
eae17, :Wilds-, 0114 ....
Cheese, new, lb 0 10% 0 17• .
honeycombs, dozen '20 • 310
ltSoney, extracted, lb 0 13 .,..
Met Mysterious Death In Her
A partm ent- -M an Arrested
On Suspicion,
oiew eork, Are)). package re-
ceived by Grace Walker, also
known as Helen Taylor, in an uptown
apartment house last night, exploded
and caused her death almost instant-
ly, The mystery with which the af-
fair WaS clouded baffled police detec-
tives. The woman, who was 32 years
old, was called to the vestibule of the
apartment early in the evening by a
man who presented, her with a pack-
age and then hurried away, The wo-
man carried the package to her apart-
ment, and as she prepared to open it,
it exploded with a loud report. A
Physician, Dr. Charles E. Perkins,
who was passing the house at the
tinie, ran in and found Mr. Taylor
lyi:.5 121 a pool of blood on the floor.
She died a minute later.
T.he physician said that in his
1011 the package was an infernal ma-
After several hours of secret work
investigating the case, the cletectivee
arrested Charles M. Dickinson, who
sait he was art employe of a motor
opany, and 1161(1 him on the tech-
nical charge of homicide.
Edna I,amarre, a showgirl, 25 years
old. who lived in the house, hut was
out at the time the fatality occurred,
00115 beld as a material witness. Dick-
inson was said to have been in tho
room when the Taylor woman met her
Unselfish Development at Seltridge's
Big Store In London.
The art of serving in ti :hop - of
making cue,totnera buy what you wish
to roll them -is by no weenie mol easy
one to learn, This applies partieularly
to the present season, when the con-
stant flow of customers last veritably
"from morn ti11 afternoon, and after-
noon till night." Yet, curiously en-
ough, the teaching of this art hits
been almost entirely neglOCtett, .1
was not until Mr. Percy A. Beet, el.aft
manager at Sclfridge'e, recently open-
ed his school in Oxford street, that
the proepeetive ehop 11.8Si:41101 1011$ 111-
litarning the itlti and out of his busi-
ifrieille.d the opportunity for thoroughly
"It was the renlembralici, of my own
experience as a lad," said Mr. Best
to the Anewers Mall, -that reused
usto start our school. My hither ap-
prenticed /11(1 to a firm for three years,
during which time 1 wee bound hand
and foot., and had Lo do the particular
work that W11.8 set, before me. whether
liappened to be fitted for it or -not.
'Vile first year was put into the
`cash desk.' at a salary of oue 11101)05
a week. This princely wage was rais-
ed to two shillings during my second
year, and during my third 1 received
a farther rise to three shilliegs, or
.C7 16s. per annoni, r was not bother-
ed with income-tax papers, as rot(
eau imagine I But this consideration
wa,s as 0201011 an my, earuinge, them-
eelvee by She side Oi 1115 apoaliirtg
fact that, during the* whole of this 961'-
10d, I was having absolutely no tn.
struction whatever. ^ ;
''When one eartaiders the many trip-
ping -stones of ;...hop life, how eon one
expiat a nervone beginner to make
rapad or satisfactory progress, onleea
he is properly taught his husinette?
He, or she, is obsessed 'froM the yeey
oetsct by that one ever ivitelfil lug fear
---disiniasal. Ile must `ru,b along`
somehow, and pretend to know the dB-
ference between silk and satin mid
cotten and linen, and the value of
every article in every drawer or shelf
in the shop, even if he does not.
"Customers, too, frequently need the
niost tactful handlieg. Their eh:irate
teristios are twiny. i11.1(1 varied. TIie.
intelligent and, exacting lady who
knows just, what she wants, and will
have it; the giettl-natured country
mouee, who • doestift know ,what siee
wants, but (5111) 111 it 1111 tile Sallie; the
bewildered paterfamilias, who niust
be treated very geetly, bevause, even if
he does seem lest at my lady'S coun-
t he I L •it, e e on y en( eloror iee
to en/L.
1101 40111(5 little Christmas surprise;
these, and all the other familiar types
of shoppers, nutfit be handled accord-
ing to their different inctividualitimt,
and the well-emxipped, assistant must
learn to respect and hear with every
, "When I joined eSetimielge'la, there-
fore, I determined to try 'and find
some better means of educating
045111111io01,t11 M. the way they should go,
and in our sehool, I think, we may
claim th be doing so, At present we
have be Ilhere are no Tema.
44iter lite first month, which we regent
TherelY as a tea , erir pupilte reeetve44
few shillings a week -in adtfitimi to
thetr, thimers 'and teas-intd thee al-
lowances are Me -ceased 111 preportion
to that, progress, Their studies ,eDn-
SiS d/WAttellding .111R31c-liniertt
turea, practical work and oi)SercAli011
in OW Va0,104/S'deParinAentS,0404X:b"4-
• sixess;.41110 eaanY-vriV..";"
1,1ggs, case lots 0 26 ....
Eggs, xtew-taid 0 40 (143
Liverpool Provisions,
LIVERPOOL, Feb. 3. Closing. -
Wheat, spot, steady, 8s 61/211; No. 3
Manitoba, Ss 50.1; No. 3 Manitoba,
3411; futures. irregular, Mar., 7s
95311, May, 7s (P411„Tuly, Ts Glifid; corn,
spot, !steady; American mixed, new,
61411; kiln -dried, new, es 6315; fu-
tures, easy, old, 8s 111/25; Feb., 6s 253d:'
Mar., 60 1.1/4,d; four, winter patents,
28s 3d; hops In London (Pacific coast),
110 Is to 211 55.
Beet. extra India mess, 100s; Perk4
prime mess, western, 86s 3d; hams,
short cut, 14 to 16 lbs., 53s 6d; bacon,
Cumberland out, 26 to 30 lbs., 4511:
short nfbs, 16 to 24 lbs., 48s; clear bot-
tles, 14 to 16 lbs.. 46s; long clear mid-
dles; Tight, 28 to 34 lbs., 475 69; long
clear middies, heavy, 25 to 40 lbs., 45s;
short clear backs, 16 to 20 lbs., 455;
shoulders, square, 11 to 13 lbs., 44s 6d;
par& prime western, in tierces, 46s 040:
'American, refined, 45$ 9d; cheese, Can-
adian, finest white, 74s; colored, 7404
tallow, prime city, 31s; turpentine.
spirits, 36s; rosin, common, 165 41440;
petroleum, refined, 4s 741; linseed oil,
41s tid.
ilontreal Grain and Produce.
morern EA te Feb. 3. -Cables came
strong again to -day on Manitoba spring
wheat, and the prices bid showed a fur-
ther advance oE 341 to 41/..id per quarter.
The demand for oats was also good. The
local market continues very strong end
priees are le higher with sales of ROO
aud 10,000 bushel lots; extra No. 1 feed
at Eilike. The export trade in eyeing
wbeat fiour WAS cadet owing to the fact
that the prices bid were out of line with
millers' views by 3 pence per sack. A.
fair local trade continues to be done, the
demand being especially good for winter
wheat gradea at firm • prices, Demand
for bran and shorts is heavy, of which
supplies am small aud millers in setae
cases are aliklug $27 for shorts.
The butter situation is very strong, and
higher prices aro anticipated, as stocks
o,o spot are estimated to be only 23,00D
packages, which is not one month's sue -
Ply. New Zealand butter has been pur-
chased, which ls 1104, on the way to this
Receipts for the week 'for 1171 packages,
against MB a Year 31(1 0.
Cheese Is quiet, but e:Irin, Receipts for
week 310 hoses, agates 122 a year ay.
Supplies or eggs are 1101V steadily corn -
Mg forward from the States to fill the
requirements or the local trade, as stocks
of Canadian goods are about exhausted.
Receipts for the weeic were 2781 cases,
against 2220 a year ago.
Stocks -Wheat, 178,902; corn, 3240; peas,
.4ZMit.tc."14,'9713C;'3'19*',r,'',#f,187;: '4' '1'
Minneapolis Grain Market.
mi Nee lnA POLES. Feb. :1-020y, 41.0753;
July, $1.0814 to $1.0053; No, t hard, $1.0831;
No. 1 northern, ;1.07631 No. 2 northern,
$1.1151,; No, 2 wheat, 51.01121,; No. 3 yellow
corn, 1110 to 05e; No. 2 white oats, 4914.51 10
Me; No. 2 rye,111)14.
l0ran•-025 to 92660.
trlutir-First patents, 50.10 10 91,40 see -
end patents, 94.75 to 43; first elixirs, 93.30
be 91.25; second cleurs, $2.40 to 815).
Duluth Grain Market.
DULUTH, Fel,, 2.--W11e11t-Closc-No. 1
hard, 91.08131; No. 1 northern. 51.07%; No.
2 northern, 11.0553; MaY, 81.08341 asked;
July, 910719, nornInal,
East Buffalo Cattle Market.
EAST BUFFALO, Fon, 3.--Cattle-
50e0eipt5, 350 head; "SIO1V and -un-
. Veals-Reuelpts, 100 head; actiere
ARO 350 tower; $5.50 to
Hogn-lteeeipts, 2400 head; active
a.nd lee to 15o higher; heavy, $6.60 to
$6,05; mixed, 90.55 to $6.711; Yorkers,
$6.20 to 96.70; pigs, 90.90 tD 30.10; roughs,
$5.90 to $0; stags, 5e.50 to $5,50; dairies,
ee 1.0 Wee
Sheep .aritt Lambs-leecelots, 8000
heed; active and steady; lambs, e3,50
to 97, • . •e•
Chicago Live, Stock. l""`"
CHICAGO, Feb. 4. -Cattle receipts
300 -Market steady''beeVes, 9•I.30 to
58.00; Texas steers, 94,60 to. $1,50; west-
ern steers, 94.80 to 97.15; stOckers and
'feeders, 9125 to 80; cows and holfers,
92,20 to $0.70; calves, 96.00 to 98.60. Hogs,
reeeipts, 12,000 -Market steady to a
shade higher; light, 03,15 lo' $6,25; mix-
ed, 08.00 to 90.27311 heavy, $5.05 to 96,40;
rough, $6.05 to 3E05; pigs, 94.13 to 95.60;
bulk of sales, 36.20 to 66,31. Sheep --
Receipts, 2000 -Market steady; native.
13.15 to 94.65; western, 03.50 to ;Mb;
y( arlings, 14.70 to 97.10; lamb.s, native;
KO to 96.713; Western, 94.60 'lo 96.75• .
Liverpool Live Stock.
1,,IVE01POOL, Fen. 2.-35101 ltocers Sn
0.9„, ;Liverpool, enble to-dny thiti there
wns redueilon 00 rale cent per Polled
111 the price of o11 115 In the Birkenhead
market. Buyers speenhitin1 freely in Oat
Cattle and ((atil1 sparingly with rimance.
Wis. States and shiers tinide
r1,1111' 1,3310 tO 1411 per pound; 11ler0,
wethers, 134, and ewes' 12c per prlund.
Double Suicide Eeds Romance,,
New York, Vet>. 5.--Dou1i1e suicide
ester clay ended the seneational ro-
malice of the former wife of Walter L.
Suydam and Frederick Noble, the
young plumber, for the love of whom
kfrs. Suydam ran away from her mil-
lionaite Imsband and, married. The ,
ately of Nehlit ;and his bride of a
]month were found in their New York ;
tpartmeuts yesterday ,asoliptiated, I
Cook Cotton Root Compound.
The greoe TIterine Tonle, acid
fey Safe cabana Mainly
egietator on which women can
,depene.Soldln throe degrees
4 of Strength -No, 1;414 No, 2,
10 degrees stronger, c3; 211*. 15,
, for Specialee 'easas,16 pbox,
r .#1211141 ogi zee of price.
som by 511 dru egiot rt, or Sent
Yards Opposite 44. T. R. Station,
kinds ot on
Chestnut Solt Coal
Stove Kennel Coal
Fail/ace Coke
Phone 516.
A WATCH is a delicate
11 rf machinery. It calls ior
Intls attention than most
machinery, but must be cleaned
and oiled occasionally to ice*
1.0x.:x.r care a Waltlwa
ir;;:ileu will keep pertect tame
lor 1, ill:time, it will imy elje
web to 10 tei clean your watee,
every ie IA inontlen
W. R. Counter
Jeweller and Optician. 1
Issuer of
Marriage Licenses,
4 See and here our finest •riu -,
4 New Stylish designs of,
Dolaerty Pianos and 't
.. co
Yaities Ali
Pianos and organs rent
ed, choice new Edison
phonographs, Music .&
variety goods.
MIMIC Ewpin'iiiin‘
C. Hoare
shark ha klY ,
asleep 14.1,6e1440
/hake" 10 /
is hest Vei
earika V
Piano Faettaggs
9Cf Equipped
Organ nfulf
'Factories! and 644I1,40411131...,,,
; cLI/OrozL,911e•,10,.‘6.itiie\TH'''
Western Brandi, • • '
Utit ifitAi96f1fAV!' tarr,IL " •‘-:• •
• '• •• •
' • ••,
.. L_L t - •