HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-02-08, Page 2tr4go CONED OF tritIllY 'CVO mat ha Britng !Mope ,t o " • 1140364 teeelit SPit6POY 'one Olt /the raot ser- ious troniples ;that afflicts 'filet hu- e • =an name. This its.ouble ie ado ' elekness" The paltimet euddenty loses „'• tOnacioltseess and 'tittle, The • =nettles beecerne rigid and there lea 'el' twitching olithe face and limbs, 'aemetinees ,accompamied by teeth- e!•, , egg of the mouth. The teen-vele/on /dint/eyed here; deep sleep vIaIry- mg e garatteen„ In he early Jeer Ithe ett.atek may only occur intiervalle of eeveral inmate, but itlhe diseeee progresses they( be - re!' einem room arid more treguente Ithe Patient becomes debilitated ' and •the mend Weakened. Epilepsy , generally eagarded as; inettrable,' re' • ' but italden in ilts earliesit stages hate • in Many cased been, carol by Dr. )r Williams' Pinle Pills,. whh enrieh , the bIoo1, etregthen the systerd, thus enabling it.tei rresist the gress elf the disease. The follow - ell'. tag 'cue wiJfl ireof interest teeny ;Who eutfer ;from this iterrible ele nat- ady. Mrs. .Toltn Mather, Benue/tie Ont., says: "My little 9011l,, re: 'ait the ifilge of five wals stricken with *palms ox fits and diespete alit ;we I" did for brn, for the next five years le. !was refEicted with them, apparent- giromeeg wornse. He we.s under the glee, at various einaes, ot five le' different dodlows, but they did ' him no er,00d. He iwais growing (worse all the itime,, tenter he got eo lei• had he ;would eousnetimes have • ttwelve .of these spasms in. twenty - for I sent bim to the Sick ree Children'Hospital, ,where theY he- ,pronounced /the 'trouble epilepsy, .ent did nee help him. Let,er bewIg . Iteelated by speeldist, but Itti avail 1 ,Wee AllittiODit ID 'CleSpfiIV 'when my mother, advised me to :give hicra'Dr. Williams' Pink Pills...I got ' the pills and gave thene •serietly following the directions as to diet. He ,continued taking tthe pfils ler several ,menths,Ithe sprialne V. gradually earainIgi less Ixequently, and With le= severXty, and( fiaallly ' they ,eeased altogether. It is now about tWo years eince he teoli the fleet ofthe pills, and be hate not had alit inkha.t eime, and es ;now as well and lateoug ae.otthee boys ot his age. I have great treaaon to •be Ignatefull foe what the pills have ' done for him, ;and hope this meg ' he of value toilsome !other tuff,erlee,b These pills are sold by alb medie eine deseens or May be had by mate) it 50,cents a box m six boxed for 4$2150 ,from The Dr. WilliamsMed- icine CO., Brockville, iOnt. LLOYD GEORGE OR FINANCE ANO ARMAMfNT. Defends Financial Palley at 00Vernment, Landoll, Feb. i.-Bevid Lloyd- ,eceorge, Chancellor of the Exchequer, look the .occasion while he waS mak- ing a speech at, the City of London :Liberal Club Saturday afternon to de- clare that the reports of a split in the !lritish, Cabinet were entirely un- founded. • ..Ele Oleo assured his audienee that the :alleged feud between himself and • Premier Asquith was a myth. Mr. Lleed-Geoege also made his first incursion into international pelt- ' ties since the speech delivered by him •last slimmer which so inflamed pub- . he opinion in Germany, when he said , thateall nations inust realize fairly' t what eenclitious of peace inut. ' Speaking on the subject of the re- duction of armaments, the Chancel•ior of the Exchequer seid he believed • that the pre.sent was an talvantage- ous moment' to eonsider the question. It was in thn interests of ',ranee, Germany, Russia and Great Britaip that there 6110111(1 be a bet,Mr under- standing. „ He continued: "I believe with am dor, frankness and boldness, it is at- tainable.' The world evotticl be richer for it, taxes might be reduced and the money which wo-od be saved that is now spent ep armaments could be devoted to developing, the resources of the country and improving, the conditions of the people. The corner- stone of speed finance is peace on earth and good will among men." Eahr6'neAlta in Winter During the winter months the rim - they finds it vPry difficult to keep hei • little eines well. Colds come on quick ly ancr•the discomfort to the bale) ' affects the whole household. To k.eei baby well during the winter he shoulr be warmly 'clothed, he ve 'a daily hatle • lots of fresh ;Lir, and Babyet Own Tate • lets should be given him occasional)) • to keep his little bowels working re• • gularly, as nothing will bring on colds o quiekle. Week eloeeed eondition 9f • the bovvels. 'the best mulleins a. mother can give her little ones, They break up each, • euro constipetion and indigestion, expel worms and. mike baby hrigi and jeeppy. The .Pahlets ;Ire sold 1 y medieme deal ere. or. by mail at 25 eents nbox from The Dr. Williams' 51ediciue Co,, Brockville, Ont, •' ' ,• • • • • NV10,0,1)§,', ' • The neapleiin her geary "Sereolcl, :The ,beautY petite anthem" Wood, • " .The elm leaVes ;wage' all turned brawn. .• ' . !The eyeliner) {trees. all. Wore a ••,, • crown. The beech -nulls dropped clown thick ndfaSt,. Als if the antutnn (would get past, . 13eticisee the' trees ttNeir ntlitd shook theWn, ge, ,• Helen the , earth eo ' 'hard and " ,,brown The nej*. e'Ietl her .belultY ' Vitae .„11,,her ,branches upeoltell ieedeallt.lbli'd4itees iallI the (wood, • ' !Without afield =Winter stood, • Lizzie Johnstone ' . Loitielesbojrd, . • • Out, lsodoldy ataxia faotedbm. aiii l• G EAT ICE BRIDGE IN NIAGAR S G1111 • BREAKS CARRYING TOTEE TO • TRAGIC DEATHS IN THE •WHIRLPOOL Niagara lee Bridge Breaks and Plunges Down Gorge. Mr. and Mrs. Eldridge Stanton of To- ronto and Burrell Heeoek of Cleve- land Pail to Get Ashore When • Great Ice Cake Snaps Off and Are Carried to Their,Death With Hun- dreds Powerless to Save Them. Niagara Falls., One, Feb. 5. --Eld- ridge Stanton and wile, 10 Nanton avenue, Toronto, and Burrell Hecook, employed as clerk by a railroad office in Cleveland, lost their lives yester- day about noon, when the great ice bridge broke away without a rine- merit's warning, carrying them to death in the whirlpool rapids. Four others who were on the bridge when it broke from shore escaped. It was not definitely known until late last night that Mr. and Mrs. Stanton had perished, although little hope of their safety Was entertained from the early afternoon. Descriptions of the appearance of the man, who died heroically in seeking, to rescue a -woman, the couple resigning them- selves to their late after failing to se- cure themselves to a rope thrown 'from the cantilever bridge, 'tallied with the appearance of Mr Stanton and his wife, and their non-appearance con- firmed the worst fears. Late lest night A. N. Allen. proprietor of the Allen House, American side, where they had retistered ea Saturday, told the press that Mr. Stanton's suitcase and Mrs. Stanton's satchels were -unclaimed. He said they had beeic frequent guests at his hotel. With a report like a cannonade the bridge- broke loose just before noon. Hecock and his friend, Ignatius Roth, Cleveland, were the only ones of the score on the bridge that did not anti- cipate danger and rush towards the shore. They had never visited the falls before and thought the noise of the moving bridge was part of the scenery. The frantic yells of their compauione in peril finally induced them to rush towards the Canadian shore, There were only seven people in ac- tual danger, the others being on the shore side of the crack that iminedi- atly formed, William 1111, who am- dueted the shear op the bridge, leap - 'ed from danger to shore. Before the bridge had bidind a hundred feet, he leaped over ten feet 91 the water. Mi eel Emend oriel', lock:pert. N.Y., and Phillip Wending, Portland, Oregon, eecaped by leaping ashore 071 the American side just below the up- per bridge. Roth mode a desperate leap for shore 700 feet below the upper bridge and escaped after being wet .0te skin. He was taken to the La- fey's te 112491 and nut home late last HOLMES pied Mrs. Stanton had taken ' refuge passed beneath the cantilever bridge. The marl made a desperate effort for the rope and eueceeded in getting hold of it. • The woman in desperation graeped him about the waist, and , the additional, wsight resulted in disaaer for both, Tile rope slipped from the inau's numbed grasp and iheY Passed on to their fate. Their game was pathetic in the extreme. The woman rose from her • cramped position on the ice, and stood by her companion's side. With hands clasped together, they entered the terrible rapids, brave- ly, unwaveringly. ifohb quieltly stops coughs, cures colds, heals the throat and tunes. • - - 2,5 cents. ‘, i1 it Pert and Invert? "gia• --••ste, "siZ, Nra-ii"..4 Still ,tongues make lawyers weep. Common eoteetesy is akin to gen- ius. 'Wise men hustle, iwhile foole are eiettain. ' • bit isrumomed that the hobble skirt is on itsf east lege, -- A veluiable man is one :who. al- ways 'knows what to do next: ommeimmema * man's deluey igees higher his !wile's gownget lower: All ithe !world usa etageand life es the greateat (Mew On eaeth.; insincerity has Olken a fe,W tiers, ,burt it never held a job bang. It is much easier to tell the truth than Ito keep elle ,whitewashed. --- If you have Anytthing testy', toe mule it is safer to aay it tidi his face. A miele makes no progress ,while he is kicking, neither does amain. 011eu ,the daughter of* druggist gobs her good looks from) her father. --- The proud peacock of to -clay may be only a feather cluster to- m orro W. •'ek lost his life through llis ef- Mete tr.) aid in saving the Wolnall. At- 6, t•iai ii:oth reached shore. Hecoelt um,1 night. th'; Inari and yonitet became separat- ed, Hecaelt being h ne ice noe und the man and AvOnian (0) another. 111(1 slowly floated clown the stream while hundreds looked en lielplees to save them Before leaping, Wending hesi- tated a moment to Lake hold of a woman, but she tainted, her falling nearly precipitating the rest of 11)0 party into the river. Just. as her res. guer bad ths woman firmly in his grip thd 11 gitve way' frorn under flea) and Vie two werd iterlaiated, illie Wernati fell barkwari but recovered somewhat and he made good his leap to safety. With a suddenness that was 'appalling the eurrent eavolit the lee.seneti goe on which the party of four reenained hoping again hope rm. 3.1ivf, into midstream where the ecu to death was begun. Directly behind the party was the shack that remained intact until the bend of the river was about to be rounded. Here the shack collapsed and the sight proved too inuch for the prisoners lookin m), Down 011 their knees dropped the two unwilling pas- sengers, each liaising a Tins Slat, pleading for succor. Then there was a cry from whither quarter •when watcher001140 Called' an shore sIot. ed to the victims 1,0 bike a chance by jumping across the short, interval •rom khe etreatue tlie.y stood 'upon' to , he OPArentiy solid porleon that clung to th9,-Ilil.rik'..‘lieT.M.7:01Y1'4,-:;;ZI him -Weil: tee made in that, di- gottenbut,' as if to mock the aktquIpt, at nag, tbp jee began to disinte- grate under their feet. Now all four were parted from elle .!elother, Bach bad a floating island, ails time, 1.11n,ef 'Oh of the deeeftieePt, had as inany thii a's ,e';`) gpare aligaged in Tesolle Rik. ihe' g,pifir truck was rushed to epee .1Iit1ge and from ' there was 1.1„,,,641lWaell to, the old maid of the l'elee landing with the view' of heading off the unfortunates, but the ice floes played pranks that upset every plan formulated' by the firemen for the re- lief of the. marooned. Tired of their movements, restricted a their territory became limited, tbe prisoners suffered from intense cold. Ileeeek stood still frozen, to the cake on which he stood. His was the laet 'figure seen .erect Irom the upper bridge where hundreds, Watched, unable to give the slightest -aid- to the people In both cases the men caught the ropes that were hung from the bridgee under whieh they passed, but in both eases they failed to hang 'On. Recock was high in the air before he let go. Heeook reached his rope by run. ning nearly to the edge of his easy haven, and grabbed the itons. When he tried to getelfte. both teat ep on to the from.' the men elipped and nearly dromiedeleto the water. • But he stook, reties ..men above Pulled with all th 'Might, and einiceeded jo getting the 'Poor fellow probably sixty teat. Thrt he fell hack, limp, ex- lististectelide• the Tenn, 'Hie• head appeered Mr a brim iseoona, and than • be'"eibtapeetated 'beneath • the sluehy ice thin A id the mouth.of the gorge. neAng bid; Idsrttiss1ntey. , kb b OlftWod.hkb to let go Ida • Guaraideee Paaisian Sage /or Palling Hale and Dandruff. We want you to know that the girl with ,the Auburn haig is ton every bottle and •ciaTto on of PAR- ISIAN SAGE, , 'We want you: ite keow thia for your 0,Wel protection, ,fOr there are many imitations, glad it is' an easy matter to get the 'spurious article. - You can always get the genuine .PARISIAN SAGE let W. S. R, Holmes, ler only 50 cents a bottle, he will not deceive you.; PARISIAN SAGE is rigidly gna-i: anileed lot. dandruff, felling hair c itCh. It is a most delightful and ineig- oratieg heir dreseleng :that puts life and brilliance :into thel hairr and causes it (itot ig.eow if ,the hair root be net dead. It is ;the tonic you will use always if 'you use iteence. A SONG OF MONDAY'S. Sing i; Song ot Monday's, Wash 'days are they. Fiftiy Itwo in each year. ; Monday is a diary.. Washings on the 040111) es -lines, Hanging White and tall , Waiting SOT ithe ounsinne, fro dry our them all. Sing a Song al Molndae'e, . Fifty and etwo. Each:amends-ens wash dae'., 'Beth. fur remand got. Lizzie Johnston, Lond.esbeee, : Ont.; -Canadian and • (oretyn 'euis -Lee Hundreds oethousan,ds othuehelei of grain in the weak ard eSeillering from 'exposure to the (weather. 'Hon. 'J. S. Duet was seemly; nen- eured by:the President oe,the nt- ario Aseogiation for mainentron to the nee& of that organization. Sudbuey wani Ito an extension a elle T. & N.D. Railway. The Beeley Mine Will be operated I for a yen by the Wetelauffer (synch - exalt. Lisbon is ender ,nearittall law and euncouncled by:Republican troops. India. meg and Queen tarl'ived,. 'Clibeettete evlay back from No ,ehange ;Will be made in tile arrangement's lor the reception of their Majesties oil their, larriva home. • John Bain, a pioneer resident al 'Pod' Hope, cliedf in his 95rth• year. Hancleedlseet exhibier arrived et :Tilbury ',for 'the: :Ontario, Ooem- grd,wmis' ebeWel ' • SLe Wilfridtleaulter evel3"Ibleei recre pieut of many MAT= ,birthelary presents from! Ithe Liberate of ,tho C11,04NP;0'. ANT11,1:rpt Wife Is 'Dead. end Fred Yearly Faces Murder Charge, , As Result of Tragedy at Warren, Ont., Near North • Bay, Lumberman Is Committed For Trial -Dying Wife _ Said gig Beat Her im Head with. . _ , 7 Han -Mier,' Poured' Off Over Her and . Set Fire to ' the Bed. ' North Bay, Ifeb.,5.-Freci Yearly is , under arrest at Warren, in connection with the death of his wife, which oe- eurred at a Sudbury hospital yeSteT- daY Morning,' and he will be taken to Scalbury on Monday, if commitMd for trial at the preliminary hearing. Year- ly has made no statement and will not .admit that he knows anything of the circumstances which resulted in his wife's death. Mrs. Yearly bas been subjected to spells when her min(1 seemed to be unbalanced, and one of these occurred, about a week ago. Her hesban& who was working in the lumber sheeties, was sent for and came home'. Five children, ranging from two months to 10 years of age, were takeu charge of , by the neighbors while the mother was ill. When the husband returned, She wanted the children at home, but he refused, and, the couple had words over this, . On Saturday morning, observing the reflection of fire from the windows, neighbors entered the house and found Mrs. Yearly, unconscious on a blazing bed. 'Upon being rescued and cared for, she recovered conscious- ness and said that her husband had beaten her 00 the head with a ham- mer, poured coal oil oe her bed and set it on fire. She repeated this story several times 01 her eons/dons periods. Fier skull was fractured. AI TS. Yearly was about 35 years of age. Tin family have xeside in and about Warren for the past ten 'years. .eLei Y. M. C. A. BLDG.. LONDON, ONT. BUSINESS and SHORTHAND SUBJECTS. Registered last season upwards of 300 students and placed every graduate. Seven specially qualified regular teachers. One hundred and fifty London firms employ our trained help, College M session from Sept. 5 to June 30. Enter any time. Cat ikleitue Fre,'. Forest City e College J. W. WESTERvELT-111. J. W. WESTERVELT, Chartered Accountant, k Principal. Vice Prineles'. 13 Canadian Business Outlook Costtinuecl. From Page One mending bo be "shelve," when in- vestment propositions are placed bellere ;them much Will be done to off -set this danger. Direct to 'Retail Dealers. Ope interesting fact in coneee- tien with Canadian business is .that tuella:meteors are shewing a, not- able and increasing habit ot going ;direct to'. 'the retail trade. rfh.ey are findingout. more andi twee that the middlemen naturally pusii ;the 'line in Which itbere is most pro- fit, and 'they find thali 'they them- eeleee are the heat sallelelnea of ,their own goods, tiOne large On- tario itextile inanufacterer told The Post a day 014' two lago thaff the output thts year iwould silo% rat ile,aist a 20 per centl advance. The prosperity in the general :tex- tile and dry goods trade(is evitne- ed by ithe fact ,that 000 of the most prominent dry goods papers is car- rying atithe present time :some( 42 pages cladvertising more than itt carried the :same month lase year'. The Fundamentals ATe Sound. General business in Canada is xe- veering, bank clearings, raieway earnings, building permits anel.con- diticens in the tondamentall trade (such as eteel .a.re sheering' advances team .weele to week. ), If ithe :situa- tion were uneetind, °empty railway cars, fauIling ofif in the building ;trades, Sewer steell plaint orel(e.re, and the like, mould speedily indi- emte tt. Conditions en the !Wear With. ;respect) ito.car shortages and lack eelistortialge facilities are no better, and this etell has a most favorable effect on collections, The only really, uneatisfivetory fealnge SENT E COLD DEVELOPED INTO • PNEUIVION1A DOCTORSAID 'HE WOULD .NOT LIVE. Net' to' coitsumption there are marc • deaths'from pneumonia than from any other lung trouble. There is curly one way ' to ,prevent pneumonia, mid that is' to cure the'cold just 00 sisal asit appars. 'Dr, Wood's • , Norway Piri Sirup will do thii•quickly/ , • and effectively. • ltIct Hugh. McLeod, Esterhazy, Saske ' Writes My little boy took a very severe,," cold, and it developed into pneumonia. The doctor said he would not live. I got some of your Dr. Wood's Norway Pine , Syrup and he began to improve right awey. 'He i$ now a strong, healthy child, and shows no signs of it coming back." Do not be talked into buying any oth Norway Pine Syrup, but insist on getting the original Dr. Wood's."It is put u in a yellow wrapper; three pine trees the trade Mark; price 25 cepts. ' l'i/anufactured only by. The T. Iviilburn Co., Limited, Toronto. Ont. „ '", :'• • e., :• !Ifee....e,e • ' • ITTL 91VE BISREatuaaaho Una relieve all the trOublee bleb dent to n bilious state or the *stem, twee tut • raliiiiiirPilitiliii'titEir,‘4'eTan;:, temarauble BitC,Ce8E1 he been shown mSietSlei ta curing SICK readnebe, yet Carter's Little Liver Miele eqvally valuable in Conetipa Ron, curing andpre. venting tbis annoying complaint. st tillothey also correct all dleordereof the et elution, stint niatethe liver end regulate the bewele. Even if they onli 4 Acl,etbeywenldl c almost priceless to tfiesewhe eater from this distressing complaint; butforia, nately their goodness does notend here,and those win once try them will lindthese little pigs vale - able in so many WATS that they will not be Wi- ling 00 (10 witholit them, Butafter all sick laud i•• i•••. • Is the bane 01 00 may lives that hero is where we make our great boast. Our pills curcithhho others do not. , Carter's Little Liver eine are very small and very easy to take. Onoor two pillsmake (1050. They are strictly vegetable 0504 do not gripe or plasm, but by their gentle action please all Whe 805 thiin. 0 Cam ii8B0128 0..11817 2001. EL, WI I ban us ol the Wholle isiltuatton, though'is business in the States, 'which ea)nnet be expected to improve materially ,this presidential year. The trouble however, seems eo he mental rather ;than anything wrong economi- cally. Farm tor Sale kdioining. itthe town al lSeaforth LOlt 25,00.n. 2, IVIcKillop0 contain- ing 100 acres, more or less. Good black loan, threer never failing Wells, lenge bank bairn, geed Mate- itig -under .barn, large drive shed one acre of orelvaird (with ybung spy trees, jut betginnineeto bear, very best 'gravel on feerni for cement work, fifteen acres under red clov- er and five acres under Alfalfa: Land ,evell under -drained and in good ,state oe cultivation. Large brick house -all modern conven iences,-with bath -room and 'closet. For further particulars apply on premises or to ;Box 128, Matthew A, Lawrence. Senf era. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate of Elizabeth Sparling2 late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, widow Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to See, 35 01 Chap. 115, 10, S. O. lart. tltat all Persons baying Malmo or demands against the estate 00 the soldlilizttbeth Sparling,deceitsed,who died on or about the eighth day of John 1010, are re- quired to send by post, nrolowd, or deliver to the undersigned executor on or before 110 1)0041 day of FebruftrY, 1010, their christian and &cr- eams and addresses with full particulars in writing of their claims, and statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities (If any) held by them duly verified hy statutory declaration, AND'nee eeeeice that after the said 2.0011 OILY 0) 1061,,,,gry ISM the sold executor will Proceed to ditivilmte tho assets of the said de- ceased among Inc partici; entitled thereto bov- ing regard onlY to the claims of wilful' llier shall then havo notice, and the sold execu- tor, will not be liable for sold assets 00 aoy part thereof, to any persons or penmes of umose claim nOtiee shall not 11,4W3 been received by him ot the time of such distribution, Dated the (1)1,1(1) of 'January, 1010, J UM'S t,`,UNNINDHAIllil • xecu tor (Minton, Ont‘, Waal ed Fifteen thousand bushel) beets wanted, Early crop preferred. Parties wishing to eontract address Minster Farm, Room 61 Bank. of Toronto C'hambers. London, Ont. Notice Tendee will be receilied by the Council or Hullett fon the supply of 2000 ft Bock elm plank 16 ft long and 21-2 in. thick to be delivered as f0ll0ws-500 It at Fingland's ; 500 Itt at Miller's and 100011 at Lei - per's. Tenders will be opened at the Township Hall on Saturday Feb. , 3rd. at 2 p,m, James Campbell, Clerk. Shorthorns tor Sale. TwO .chioice young bulls, both, roans, the best of breeding, Price ;to suit the times. Also some go.od clean Seed Barley, ,O.A.C. No. 21; Siberian and Sensation Oats, Apply E, H. WISE, Clinton, 2,0. Phone No, 12 on 155 Goderich, Tp. Extensive Auction Sale 00 Cows and Young Cat tie An extensive auction sale of Cows ,and young cattle will be 'heldi at the Normandie Hotel barn, on Tuesday, Februna7y an. See bilis next Week for full particulars. HLOLAND & ;CONNSLL C ;Proprietors. Farm tor Sale To clese the estate) of Lthei Lahti James WoOd, there is offenedi for sale that valuable :farm) in the ToWn:shap of Hope, leurrha,m County Ont,. 300 acres, clay loam, 250 acres eleired, 50tateres virgin pine, hem- lock and hardwood, all well fenced, Splendid 12 -roomed brick house, furnace heated ; born 40x110 feet; full isitone foundation and). stables ; :also bairn 30x60 feet; farm Well wa- eared, running stream. All fell work, ploughing done; 30 apres Plata tall wheat ; 70 'acres /nee ow. Clenvenient railwaY• Pont Hope 12 miles ; 'Peter:1,00r 18 algae !Moderate terms to suit ptir- chaser, Poseeselon Apia 1st, or 'sooner. Price $9,000. • • R.B. WOOD, Beilliebores Ont. Two Houses to Let The undersigned has two houses to YE , ' 'Phe follewing quentity of L've Poul - 15 war ted at the Ile meeville Poriltey Stotion each week -- 1000 Clidelemie 300 Ducks 13000 Doz. Neiv Laid Eggs Jr -ERECTS AND GEESE LATER Poultry taken1 the first three days / of eagle week. Highest Prices Paid in Cash 2 1 'T"h113.0 BARBIBTEREufal:11,01X401.C?Xxitl'TO0R: PIOTAbs Write or Phone Beinrc you Sell 01111RLES 13. HALE Conneyance, •Nota,ry Public, • Commissioner, etc.: REAL ESTATERAND INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licensee, HurontSt., Clinton. H. T. RANCE1 NotarylPu e, Conveyancer, • Financiel and Real Estate, INSURANCE AGENT -Representing 14 Eire Ca aSurance Companies, Division Court Office. Phone bon 142. ee, N„ w. TREWARTHA, Holmesville. Roar tor Service Having Pueelie:sed a thorough- bred TaneWorth Hog, wet keeplum for iservMe at lot 23 on the 3rd. Con. Mallet terms .$1,00 at time of :service with the preeledge of re- turning if necessary.. '• L. Tyndall Field Stone Wanted. Field Stone suitable 10.r • road making is wanted by the ToWn of Clinton. Price $3.50 per cord of 03,- 000 pounds. J. A. FORD, Chairman of Street Committee Logs Wanted: All kinds' of logs, Maple, Soft Elm and 13agswood preferred. Highest price paid. .W. Doherty Piano and .Organ itoarders Wanted Having returned to town lam now prepared to take boarders, either ladies or gentlemen. Ariply at house ' Mrs. Mogridge, Ontario street • DR1)4,1. W. THOMPSON ;Winn, Surgeon: lite :Medal attention giver; to diseases Orthe Eye, Ear, Throat, and Noes, EYes carefully (es attained , and :suitable151 Prescribed. Office:and Residence. Two doors 'Wen of the Contracrefal Metal , lituron ht. DRS. GUNN and CANDLER: Dr. W. Gua, Z. U. 0, I', L. R. C. S.. Eder; Dr . J. (1, Candler. B.A. 11.44, OftIce-Ontario Street, Clinton. Night calls at res)dence, Rattenburl at. or 004 'lowland DR. 1. W. SHAW. PHYSICIA.N. SURGEO04. err veneer, etc,. °thee and residence on R tenhury St.. opposite W. Earran's residence. al" DR. re AL AXON DENTIST 110 CIOIVR. and 'Bridge 'Work a. Specialty., Graduate of C.O.D.S.. Chicago, and Toronto. Rayileld on Mondays. May let (0 Decenalhe DR. 11. FOWLER, DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'E gore. Special wire taken to make denial *real. ment ski painless as possible. THOMAS GU NDRY Lire stook and general Auction erg GODERlOH ONT 151 Gn StO3d 88,100 a eyetitutu (items et at NEW ERA mhos', Clinton, prt.durbsy alitentssie to. Terms reasonable. Farmers sale note discounted Pasture Land G, D. MeTaggart M. D. MeTagget Some first class pasture land to be M cTagig r t r086 sold in lots to suit nurchasere. At BRNICERS tractive DriCeS. A rely In John Ransford, G. 'I'. it. City Agent ALBERT ST, CLINTON FARM FOR RENT , The South 70 acres or lot number 85 and the South East part of Lot no, 36 14 acres both in the 1st concession of Sonde)); township in forrent for a term of years. This property is close to the town of Clinton and possesssion can be giveu at once, Foe further peal - milers apply to Henry Plunisteel. Clin- ton, Ont,, or McCarthy, Boys & Mur- chison, Barristers, Barrie,: Ont. Farm For Sale. The imdersigned offers Inc sale, East ) Half, Lot 12, on 8ecl Concessioe, or Hullett his choice farm of '6,1 acres, till clear and in grass, 2 never failing 1 springs, good well at house, river at back, a eboice gravel pit, cement• or I road 5)01 0111. • A good frame ionise, ! new frame kitchen With wood- shed, 1 , men good bearing orchard. Reasons 1 Inc selling not g, hip to w.culc. For par- tienlars 100119 01 premises or address RICHARD TASHER, Clinton. P. 0, Steam Engine For Sale The undersigned offers for sale an upright steam engine; about, 7 horsepower; in good running or- der. This is certainly a snap for any farmer wanting power for gen eral use on farm. Eng,ine can be seen at my blacksmith shop. Jahn Rands, Clinton. Farm tor Sale. The executor of the eoutheombe Estate °Hogs for Gale 50 =ea - East half of let 28, eon. 6, Buffett. first-class farm, well watered end improved, and with good buildings. Also: the undersigned otters' for sale, lot 29{ eon. 6, Hull- ett, 100 acres. These farms liaay. be bought together or separately, JAMES .S,OUTHCOMBE. Cottage For Sale XI'S. Ross offers her Cottage on Vietegie ;street for sale. It is an excellent property in a good lo- cation and in good repair, W. Brydone. Ford 4. McLeod We're now isellin.g Timothy Seed (Government Standard.). We also have on hand, 'Alfalfal, Aisike, and Red Clover, We alwaya have on hand -Goose Wheat, Peas, ;Barley and Feed Corn --o- Higheskt Market Prices paid for Hay and lel] ;Grams. Ford & McLeod COI • -RefOre placing your orders for your season's Supply of Coal, get • our prices. The very best goods carried in stoek and sold at the lowest possible price. • , Ordeee raay be left at Davie & Rowland's Hardware store, or with W j 8 'reason at Elnetric Light IP ant. e.Ci-enerni Banking 'Beninese transacted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued, Interest Aliowed on , deposits. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Farm and Isolated Town Prop. erty Only Insured. J. B. McLean, PP7eleCidReRns.t, Seaforth Jas. Conuolly, Viee Pres., Goderide Thos. E. Hays, See,.-Tz eas. Set; lot Lb DIRECTORS. Jas. Connelly, Holineeville; Johe Watt, Harlock; G. Dale, Clinton; M, Chesney, Seafoith• T. Evans, Beech. woon; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop, J. Pen neweis, Brodhagen, M. MeEwan Clinton. Each Director is inspector of losses In his own locality. AGENTS. Rob), Smith, Harlock; Ed, HinchleV Seaforth; James Cumming, Egmont:1:i ville; J, W. Yeo, Holmesville Payrnante may barnacle a.t The Morrish Clothing Co., Clinton, or 11.11. Cult, Goderich. JACOB TAYLOR eLINION Fire, Life and Accident , Insurance Real eetate bought line ;sold Money to loan Office:Issac:Street, nextIcloor :to Necv Era Grated Wreath Railway System Railway Time Table London, Huron and Bruce: North Passenger London, depart... 8.80 a ro-4.50 pn Centralia 9.40 5.43; Exeter 9.58 5 51 Hensel] 10.05 9,05 _Rippe') 10.16 6.11 13rueefield 10.30 6.19 Clinton 11.00 6.35 Londesboro.... .. . 11.18 652 Blyth 11.27 '7.00 Belgrave 11.40 '7.12 "Winghani, arrive11.50 7.35 South Passenger VVingham, depart6.43 an413.33 p na; llelgrave 6,54 3.44* Blyth 7.08 3.56 Londesboro 7.16 4.04 =ton .., 7.50 1,23 Brucefield .. 8.12 4.39 Kippen ...,... ... 8.22 4.47 Heneell 8.32 4.52' Exeter 8.48 5.05 Centralia , 9.00 5.15 Londone'itrriveta00 6.10 :Buffalo and (lode ' Wes' Passenget am pm n en p111 Stratford........10.00 12,20 ear; 10.210 Mitchell.........10.22 12.45 5.55 10.47 Seaforth.... "„1.10 6.18 11.12' Clinton 11.07 ;1.25 '6.40 11,28" llolmeseille11.16 1,83 e46 D.38 Goderich11-35 1.50 7.05 11,55 j Goderieh '7.1110 1114320 1.1510: Ilolmesville .. 7.26 2.57 5.06 Clinton 7.35 3,07 5,15 ;Seetortla '1.52. 3.25 5.32 ;Mitchell 8.16 34S 3.55, • Stratford 3.40 4.15 :6.20 Dr; de Van's Female Pills. A reliable French regulator; never With, That pills are exceedingly ewerful in regulating ,the generative portion bf t te female systern. Renee, e ; aPP I all aerie imitations.. Lir. de Weer ate Sold Sal 86a box, or three for $1. Mailed to aay addana, Thoificottelli Drvg Coe. Elt. Catharine* , Oat. ' ; Afeifeetepirlot MUM .;,01118~/1.12 , ,