HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-02-08, Page 1;,•;•-t;
USTABUISIUM 1805., o1. *V •Zfo. 33,
116 In°d°TeCioanta end the taPP01.01*611! Ram b btp bill
THE I TieniPr°' ett tottPele, 13, 14, 15 -"and Ho
ranee Conf • , to p pnH pi
Rev. ford Invited
oyal Bark
OF OANAPA for Third Year at
T.apita1 . . $6,250,0 0 0
'ReSerVe - . $7;0 0 01000
The Annul Statement, shows the fol-
lowing increases for 1911
1910 1911
• Deposits $72976 60'7 $88,264,808
Investment. 55 288 676 62 '790 o-2
i'...eTetellAssets 92,510,346 110,528,512
, 207 13RANCI1ES and
Corespondents throughout the world
• , Intei•est allowed on Deposits.
OM MOMO os delegatee eo re, . , ,
. . ;
-----1; ..,
21 TliZtriat ereeee,o,f,f !the terrible , ' -
,. -
- ", • , , ravagearesulting . „froan the oPeia JPROCEE,DINOS or THE JANUARY
Wriuoi, asp e encontragentee Nie NEET'itie.
Ctianh ri have iri !the suceess•Which isnittentle ' , ,
bing the efforts now being r/lade in' ' ;
ti •ale,sing tthe same, eve etantgly e aD
xe- ; 1
ti ,a •
tuai sympathy ;with tall, reason-
able measures rto rid aur toWnr of
111 Church Union Vote Passed Official
Bodi-d—strong Stand Taken
On Teinperanee Question.
At the Quaeterly Board meeting;
on 'Tuesday evening the vote ;on
church ,tinion Nra s tiaken andpirov-
ed itio be ,almose unanimous, ;t•here
being only one vote against
'The vote of the congregation
!Will be taken ,at a congregational
meeting to be held intim near( fu-
, Rev. J. E. Ford wis invited to re-
main foe 'the third year and Ac-
cepted, eetbret to theapproval of
the etationing irrunittee.
The following eesoluition was
passed. Resolved, Thal: eve, the
fish and . official membersl and ibteetees
WE have the Fish
, Y.011, have the brains.
But how about the. quality of
!the latter?
To help you to improve the
'same we are .gaing to keep a.
!supply of Fresh Fish regular-
ly as follows—
Fresh Frozen Habibut.
Red Sea Salmon
Finnan Ha.ddie
Fresh 'Herring.
W, T. *fr NEIL
Phone 48
tite church wish to place ourselves
ou Teeard as pleased *el ba-ve all
i•easoimble efforts made to promote
the social port of the cheech Work',
Increase your Earning Power be but express our disapproval eetea
attending the 'Popular meetings and bazaars, Which have
Doe their ohjeet the eleisitiel Of
eluirch Suede, believing as We o
that the more direct ways of rais-
ing funds are preferable.
The Temperance Committcte
TORONTO, ONT. beetle t .•P 0111-
ommend that we declare ourselves ulecY eession o m -
on County COZITheia 'opened in he
eourt house en Tueeday. .an. 23rd,
;the sources of temptation. More-
over that ;we reiterate what is urg-
ed upon-ant:hough our conference
coanmittee that eve emphasize the
imparepnce of making the question
I elo'ece of prayerful eon -
sideration in our Sunday Schools,
Yonag People's Societies and pulpit
exereisee. .
3. That we weeommend that the
tempeeanee committee e author-
ized to counsel and co-,operote with
other churches and temperance
eoarimittees concerning ;any united
action or arrangement that may be
at 3 &clock.. Ail the members Were
After Reeve eitrotliers of Millie:el
had ;taken hie seat as the Wardee-
ecel. ,foe tee ensuing year, the reg-
ular budiness elk the ,eouncil WE'S
proceeded with.
On 'motion of eleesrs, Livingstone
and Glen, Messrs. Mannings ; Conte-
Willert, Shortreeel and Keen-
ighan were tappotinted a commilttee.
to !seed:2 the standing commattees
Lor the year.
Reque5ts faf. grants \vele re-
ceived Hann the Sick ,Children's
on, Editorsand T'ttbliphers
.•TELEPRONII, M , • ,, ,, /10k, , i ,
ICANADIAN ve••••:,• •
Mayor Squire of Waterford Spoke I
. On ,the.Independent Systern.
• C11.11re n8 Waitevlorcl
clressecl•e. .citizens' ine,eting tibia
; centime chamber on Theesday ,even-
eng last, intim interest PI "Inde-
,dent' ernicipel !Telephones,',
' which is now occupying.the minds
ol our ratepayers. , .1s7or8olic
County Telephone 'Co., en which
the mayor is interested, le perbalps
'.the Rankest independent telephone'
in .Oritarie• with over 1200 sub-
seribers and he is teliso interested
in !the 'Dominion Telephone Mane-
eacturing. Ob.
.He !said. !that in view oSI the( fact
that, the trunk (lines ;would'soon
be opettated and !controlled' bythe
Government !Municipal Telephone
Hospital, the Prisoners' Aid Aes.o- system worald bethe ideal arrange -
desired ;wise' in the antereest of e eiation end the Selvaitinn •Aenny. meat !for the towe of Clinton
town on this line. • -1, Notices of commitment by Judge A system ler C;lintamgiving three
Holt; of David 'John Foster to the miles of cable and three miles' of
core of elte Cbildren's Aid Society, Conetle wires Tied; including the
ata mot oe ,$2 per week, and of supplying eta centeal iatation and
Lowne McGee:Um), by andge Doyle, 300 'phones wSiild cost about $e5, -
to the Industrial School, at a, cose 000, but atter neakinee. dud allow -
of $1.25 per !week, were need. anceear debentures, interest, de -
The president °lithe Good Roads preeintion, salaries, switching etc,,
Association askedthet delegeees thee would be e. surplus of over
fi•oan.(11111.011 County be appointed $1,00Q..ayea1' and attic same' time
to join the deputation to waltf on give oil:evenly per emit betteal rate
the DO/DiDiOD Government 'regard- than atthe present time given by
Mg the matter of highway improve the Bell Co., ,and .alsor`ae'su.Perior
ment: The ,seeretcu' f the mune
Hotelmen Blacklist Merchants
Men Who Tobk Part in Recent
Local Option Campaign are
Goderich, Feb. 3. — The hotekeep.
ere of this town have practically
blacklisted every merchant that inden-
tilled himself in the late local opt,ion
campaign. and have cut eft tvade
and commerce with there, and notified
them to this effect. They have cat
out all loeal newspapers, and. their
accounts and contracts, and heve
token the "bit in their teeth" to fight
those who fought, them
Tbey have also notified the council.'
to instruct the chief of police to see
that all botelkeepers keep hotel and
live up to the law. Sine this notice
was served ou the town, two hotel -
keepers have been up before the ma-
gistrate, and against one, no case wee
proveu, and the other is not yet tits.
posed of.
After Councillor.
One of the councillors has been no-
tified to vacate bis shale co proceed-
ings will be taken against him for re.
ceiving payment for it contract with
his firm and the town. This council-
lor was a, particularly active, local mi-
tten supporter. It is rill -mimed that;
proceedings are to he taken against
Lb, whole council to uesetit them for
0 111,000101 transaction that iii1110101
The special committee :tenpin ted last
• week t on the rednetion of
reportee last night that twe
; hotels lie cut 011, and se M in the
' hands of the commie -dome's to decide,
it isnot known which will be the via -
Aesoeiation and of elle ;Ontario
Trustees Association asked ; that
delegates be,eppointed to attend
the annual meeting" of the resplee-
The following article from the Vie-
ancial, Foist of Canada !should he
;read by not; only business men
generally belt by fermere. It is a
thoughtful and analytical en-
quiry into eke Canadian business
outlook ; while it fincle ,cause foe
,satiefeueltion, It's more ;import-
ant pantie are its twaeningel and
allusi OTIS lbo symptoms.
'To iudge Xl`Cl/D the 'trade beteg
done by manufacturers and 'whole -
.sole houses all over Canalcld there ;
is nothieg. tofecomplain, of in the
business onelook. 91 is in fact en -
the other way, Moot busi-
Dees houses lit'C.amoda are probab-
ly mew doing at least as gain; bus-
inees as they have ever done
Many election', 'icourse are doing
eeecied trade. The cuneuall re -
poets oT companies in vaeious lines
for the pea year show earnings on
the ;whale the beet of any( year to
date. .The ,addresses , o.f presidents
at animal meetings !also. are unani-
mous seggesting that .banks,
seWrviitelei. the prosperous farming
and indu.strial „companies of various
trust ,companies, eoart companies
community aroand Clinton it was classes aure entering upon what,
quite eeasonable to expect from with clue ;caution, ehould be another
000 to 700 rural ,connections and the exceptionally good yeae.
tewn of 'Clinton subscribers list
should be increased from 150 to 300 Some Danger Signals.
Tenders fox printing ,and tenders 00
for wood fox elm ,gacit,, - together,
He had been'infoemed that the
with all the above mentioned goin- Council ,were considering the mat-
munications, were sent to the exit:- ,
ter of et renewal of a franchise( to
cutive committee. the Bell Company tar the email
The annual statements from the
consideration of four free phones
Collegiate Institutes of Goderich, but he ettrengly advised that no
Clinton and Seafontle and Wing -
contract be made !with tile Bell
ham High School, and the tetate- ) company, but Tether that the cit. -
meets from Listoiwel and St. Illary's
dee bythis county /or county pe- 30::::0;:k.the frourrLEM:olnioanfigons•Olasin:05o.
High Schools. showing the amount nanniclea, company end cline': au,
pile, 'were sent to the .eclucation ,,.
committee, , " "
A eopy of a tre.solution passed by The more rural connections, the
the council of East Wairanosh, ask- better for the town and( every kl-
ieg that the ,county erece abridge ducement slio.nld be made to en -
over 300 feet! in length ;within the courage the rural ,coaripanies.
bounds of the municipality, c ;a Mayor Gibbings occupied; the
eent to the eoads and bridge elli- chair and several members of the
nietee. -. . commit .were presenti as well RE a
Applieations lot the position of tultsiber ,of business men and. citi-
aeeeer were received ;e:em ee w... eel The address was peactieal
Bono Whiteelturch ; A. ,Mcll wan, concise and well delivered and
leuevele; Fred ree,s; eurice; Fe w; 1,1iit,eli. tnaronitinttion was .gatherecl by
Scott. Blyth.; .I, Wilson, Aeleurn; -""" "'"
P. ;Cant c!on. Clinton. and II. IT: -
Foley, Goderich, These were left
on the tittle.
D. McDonald, Surrogate Court
reeeistrar, asked for a new ;type-
writer for hs office -and ant order
Tits $1 a, day UnOtit•C•iillEcIll,e0:71:11.t137,1:1 pt.111,1,t1:t3. gifanc'ilel\ovtal,slinTgemtiovrepal'IssorDoanirs eisthoitilifee
%reit. Reynolds. - loth rommuniral ens
wore ;sent lo the coenly propertY
ton, which was passed unanimous- ; Lime.
tlrade Business .,Edneation. Enter
nesottered, That we !recognize the ' rat" 1° 11 59, "
Best place in Canade S or High
now. Open all year. Catalogue significance of the coming national 10 frrilime
1311 AtIt=r1i1,931..A.V.I.C.I.7013.-11.1=33117.03 AZ-baell
seee,,,,,e,,,,,,esseeeasuesuestaxie0 iflnti ULeC.
131.81. Cemerom nerd 010l -1
oslcine council to consider Dr,
akillg e A
:Meek:hes :recount for proafssional
the account was emit to the finanee
worIc the gaol. The letter -with
leeetneturated 111113t.
ccord of Progross for Pivo YeRtS 190640
Other motions were passed ap-
IPowder pointing Theo. 11011 trustee of ;
Wineh.am High School; Wm. Met!? I
lietelee of Sealoeth "Collegiete
. . 101
The pure kind al '25c per .1
. 14106 12111
CAPITAL , . • , . . $3,000,1:00,00 $4,000,000:0,1
11ESERVE . . . , . . 3 000.000 00 4,0110er ti 00
DEPO -ITS .. . 23.077,7:30.00 3e.n4.2,311.00
LOANS AND IN VeleisillEis-r6 . '27,457,4510 00 38,851,8,3 00
.TOTAT, Ass wrs . . • . . 315.(1)0,192.00 18,237,274,00
aas 85 Branches in raimig, and .4gents and Corresiloudentisi in aH
NeininatiOns to Be Made February
5---Eleotion1 February 22,
0(022 a, Fe'etuavy 2 --The writ, foe
the by-election in Sonth iteefecev
issued on Friday. fieteillatioliti 2121
take place on Februney 15, mil poleter
(321 thci 2211d. The I 1 noway in tees.,ti
to the lists in the tow, step ef enier
brooke has liecri rerneved• 1.. is ex
Pected tirtt tho cninpalen, though
thee ; j'...C. Steith. Pt 02132 62 °1 + ehort, will he very ws, in, 'Vile II ,n,
Winehten High School, county ex- : G. P. Grahten, former Plieister of
lbethe ciente priee as the ire,
1 arniner f or the year, awl 'Messrs,. j Raewaye, is the Liberal, end 11r. Ma -
pare kinds. i Glen and Lane. auditors ot eriminal lone)' the Omsk. nut ve cendelate.
Sortie Bakine 'Po valets ere
as good 05 .oers but they
cost More. Ours e, made on:1
• with chemicaely pure Crew
of fl'artar arid Bicarbonate
of Soda. ,Always fresh. al -
Ways geol. 20e per lb.
5 Magic KoffKure know ,
1; 'the mexits, ;0 this, raeparae ,es
toe. Yon know R act speed- 1
ily and is stem to do; the
You who have never tried
it are not awaee of its value
. for coughs aed Bronchical
trouble, ask your neighbors
about :Koff "Kure and tiy. it
on their eecommendation.
We guarantee every botre
W. A. McConnell
There are .some clang.ers, how-
ever, evhich thoughtful people
should recognize. One head offic-
er it ane oe ehe important •Osevacl- ,
len benles believes cutiethe presnat
time, /that Canaria is headed—is still '
eome distance away—for a deletes -
!skin. This however, comparatively i
few people believe. There are in
existence. nev.eidlieless, some of
the ,signs that sometime heealdi
depression. ,One ,of these is the+
aforementioned fact of the appar-
ently excellent state of lmsiaese.
Sure Winner
If you intend/ fitting up
homes or stock, give them a
.treatrnent of
It only costs 25e a'package
and you cannot( beat it for
any ;animal on the farm.
W.S.R. Holmes
Business as will be remembered was
•sireilarly splendid eip ,,only IiInn B.
short time before the debacle of BEICALL STORE.
1907. Theee is nothing now in Can-
ada, though, and attue event in the
'United States, of the over -produc-
tion which, is usually OPO vrelude
lo dowefelt. There is one other Teal estate transactions, If theee
fact that is very xeassueing in this deals materialize as ethere seems
connection. Thal: while in comparatively little reason; foe
thinking they .will in perhaps moat
1907 Ind other similar blues, money
rates \vete steadily rieing, money
Dow in practically all incirkets is
eomparatively easy. M.oney m of
course stiffenim- up eomewbat but. that the same ,condition will go Int -
there M little feeling writhe; part of lea a ,smash corms.
the bankers or others intouch with Stretching Der Credit.
the situation that too much raoney Then there is the queetion ei
is lee:we puff into the' fixed assets, whether we are not .over-nxtend-
Recessive Prices encilketravneance. Mg our credit, The Pest Wais itahlk,
Another feature that does not ing yesterday to ,a man ei ti ae
!ook rtget is.the exeessive height been in the West for a, numbev ot
Times. He thinks that Canada is
eine, to go. There are eevcral allowieg itself to depend too targe-
t() which food products are contin-
eeeses. One of them in sheet pro- ,
ly on British capital. His real fear
eowever, was not so +much that
cluetion, while there is at the seine fact, as that Canadians are becom-
time abettor demand owing to in- ing, there ,eareless et 1 he eine 01
cases, everyting will be compete-
tively right, but if they do issue
favorably it ;will doubtless mean
ms'" rnim'Ati`m* "a °111° to ptposiition into :which they ask the
.0 teeeing wealth. The latter Is Old Country capitalist to pul his
-1..o.iery houses 201 exit mple.ee o - neney, He believes that The Post -
and some other papers (1) 1111 lay ,
however: the interesting ,fact,
Um ehat even the lese well-nte-clo ' a particle too niece emphasie oil
demandine, for example, package the care 'which /should be exercised
'ensiles of t he commmity .are tio w
in !this eespect. He thinks now
qt.C!!".0 tt Ili 5. ',ME it; Ulu,: (40v,TOttiEnt'E answer to 1'()031, 11'ere• fmmerlY they 1-mughl: thet old country gapital is beiDg
The emincil teen adjoerned until the bunt products. This tendency
the repeatetiehavges that- the consti- toward extravD'allee 1.5 perhaps asked 10 invest in too many 3210 -
Tho which are likely to 'go. :
ihe Prineipai i"ties iu the World.
131.(0,"V 3Elir at an Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
Dispensing Chemist. . Clinton Branch C E, DOWDING. rvlanager
.................;.,,,................,...M.M.1101:12161sarM01.401...........1..160EM AwasecEMM.T.=,,ra=2.„.....tmora.maammossossaarea 1
. *********00404444440444444.40444,0•4444404. *44•44.40.44•444404.444.444!44004444444 ,
etear rice Sale
I 01 wiell/s ogs9 CI0111111
vtiltial t, =winter
and Furnishirigs
1Vednescl ey m rni ng. '
teeney *as being disfisinchised ;teethe be ex peefed 01)00 4110 ecrentry i5 Wr011g. If :this British ,confidenee
WEDNESDAY. eleCters gaggeci, so prospe,rous but it; is at the is (lest toyed, even, ttempoearilY, 21
The request of Col. Nilson ler the
, cant less then elect weeks, counting;'will be a serione matter for Canada
South Renfrew will have been ve- same time one of the darlgt2r maTks.
usual geant to the 33r31 Regiment Clothing, furs, and the like, have and one from Whieli Canadian bum
was sent to the executive com- I from December 21•1°0 to which °mei also made very eepid nreie advaa-
militee, tics inthe last,while. The demand ely recover form •
as stated by the Premier in the House DOSS .Will not entir
tee former member drew 3. nember of years. And it is ;def-
ies indemnity, is insist:One The knitted. e cl
eoe s
A petition .signed by 170 persons i YeeterdaY.
asked the .county to erect a bridge _ ficte't to know the remedy. The
I . El:Leto:ries tor example are vennlate ' ' - • "
night. and day, :white in vetoes hanks have one of the best in their
nwn hand.s, ancl it is well known
en Vralick street, in the village or 1 !------,-- •
lines they aro unable to cope with iliet they make use of it. If over -
the demand. Within the eest week
0,1 ec, fox matence, no aesa ;01,011 speculationmi
can be t dow,n by the
banks, and by investors rigidly de -
three addnODEI. SiTME illiTO •gOile
Commencing Saturday, February 1.th •
Ending Wednesday, February 21st I
The M()rrish elothing eoa
quare DeaIfor Every Man."
•••• •• s•4144$4.7••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
..**.••••••!).••••;)•••••• • .•
Wroxeter. The receae.sit was ee-
.The dental 131, of. ethe
The treastmer's repont showed ,ft school chilclren Goderic, Attach
' ' ' d b the three local
111111185, AeF.r,ed eo the road and brid.ge eon- bENTAL• INSPECTI°N'
111 Continued on page two.
baeance on hand Mr he enc o. • t . icigitaots:the mailefacture of sweater
year of $14,655.03, the nnexpended dentiets under the directiesi fettle . 0,
year's emealtion, $5,335.45, and the I at least ninety-five per ,cent, of the Teo Nrup ach, Ca it 1 Tied 'Up. ' °RAI1nG11 131-4886M` "
surplus available. .to lessen this I public echool board, indicates that
sinking fends, not including ma I younger children do not receive . The Editor of the New Era receive
creed interest, $80,974.41. ' proper attention in this respect, Another feet :which .Cenaclicen. ed aletter fP0D1 Los Angeles, Cal.,
The igoolerie repott, which was 1 As the ,children grow older Item in- banks and business alien will' do an.d the writer had that day, Jan -
;sent to the county property mom- spection ,ehows that better condi- well to heed, is the waves of Teal aary, 28,111 been walking through
mittteet showed the' number of pris- tions prevail.' The method follow- estate speculation :which tere sweep- an orange orchard and haUft pluck -
°nem incarcereted at 'the gaol at ed bythe dentists este fill in a forming over, the conntxy frione the
the present :time to be , leagletnein, to be handed to the parents, Shaw -
and u
of this number, thirteen are ing the number of Iteniporary or
vag raets, two l axe insene, one Is peimanent teeth nee,ding treatment
serving .aterro fox obetrueting the and !the number of teeth that
!sheriff, one doe indecent ,asslaultil, slot .
ed ,off a small sprig ot (Orange
Maritime provinces ;to. the Wes, blossoms while the oranges ef the
'coast. If the !truth Were .known, last ,crop ,wnre etill on-,theoethe tree. '
too large, a propoetioe of private, The sweet fnagrant ,of the blossom
and perhaps company, available was still notticoble when weiteceiv-
assets tawe becoming kicked ep in ed it.
The Te,eistarar's report which was
ted,fee !the year Ito be $5,002.75, , AnOther New Church f r Lon
. ,,,..it... gtsf sinaamn coeu Tie ,? moNeteitseee,e8Thilotel
The reports of J. E. Tont and J. Me
Field, public !school inspeetors, were
read and sent to the educationt
cr N
ommittee :14 . --Ii71
Mr, Tom reported !that the aver- ' at
keelte Iftlieee:
age attendance of pupils in his in- MI 11r.1Ajt'
ppeetoeate ok
f ;West Huron during re.. 414 ir:1.0.
tee.E' . Rd Illi,
N ,
1911 was 3,173. ,There were 134 reg- s e, .41M T.
this number 21,were men and110 ,
idea' Itenhers employed and of
were wonien, --whose professkonal
qualifications evexe as follows, --2
Dnivereity 'graduates ; ,, 9 firsts., 87
pe,cends; 25 tthirds • one kindergare
ten director, and 10 temporary cer-
tificates. IThe 'average salary of
the 24 men was $702, and of the 110
'WOMEOTI ,$499 1 The highest salary,
paid a man was $1460, and the high-
est received by a woman, $675. ,
There had been 93 ch,anges of teach
ere since 1V1arele 1910. ,Only 61 of
the 134 departments had the same
teacher ,as a yew/ ag.o, w
and seine had 'changed two or three,
.tinaes. "These frequent ,changes," I
ehe Tepont read, "injure the pro-
geese- and: the attending of the 'Du -
pies and preduee amsaitisfeetoxy re -
Bats " The atemaindex of the re-
poxdealt 'with the new examinee
eions, to be inau,guecuted this year
the public school g.raduaition, the
work in continuation classes, and
the .):eachees' institute Imeleting.
Me. Field, inspectow oe
Scheele in Bast 'Amon reporte'd,
COneelnued on page five.
gar -
1%5 111 111!4
paeernents had a different teacher', `. oni• Nat
• .
The east Will be abut $35,000 and the edifice will be modern in 'every particular. ReV. Farther Hanlon
1 exraerly' of Clinton, ,is rectoreend alretadY a. large propontion 01 the Money neceesavy bee been 01ub-
seribed. This', will make lour Catholic, charchea 1111•London—St. Peters Cathedral, St, Mary's in Bast ,Lottclon;
,Martin's in South,Lontlniar and St. Michael's in North London.• v.
, The plans were preptaed lay,-)Yfr. H. C.,TVICI3ride, of McBride & Parcombe, and tenders foe 'the work
will be dalled for at an early date The parochial ,rbsidence is also -Shown in cut.--LOndon.Ativertitiee'e,,' ;
• ,
••• •