HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-02-01, Page 8';'•""v," a • ,14, -tee 50C Winter Vests 39c • • Lapinti heavy weight 'Winter Vests, natural color °Inn, daintily trimmed with baby ribbon, all sizes, regular 500 for . ate Regular '25c for .. 19c Children's Vests 19c , children's Dad lines of 'Winter Vests, slip (were • teed buttoned 4own the front, all sizes, regular 2.5e d35 • . ... , . ........ , 25c Worste.c1 Hose ,i9c Boys and girls heavy ribbed Worstecl Hose, black ell siz te, splendid hose for,over stockings, regniar 25e • • • • • "1 • • • • • 500 Worsted Hose 390 • Misses, girls and boys ribbeli black heavy Worsted Hose, made from the finest worsted yarns, spatially made for hard wear, all sizee, regular 500 for..., 39c Flannelette Drawers 39c Ladies extra (plenty heavy Flannelette Drawers in plaih white, pink, and pale blue, daintily trimmed regular 50e for ....... .......... a9c Children's Knitted Skirts' 79c Cbildren's.all pure wool fancy Fantted Petticoats in plain grey, navy bine and red, a very warm and comfortable underskirt for children, reg $1 fnr....79c Misses. regular 1.25 for 98c . , 50c Mufflers Ladies Misses, and Olt tirdivetiMlineartth Mufflers /wide from yeey finenaerantiaeclef aarnee all colors. . regulat 60e for , ...a. ,.... $6Silk Wtists $4 iox , Ladies Messoline SilkaWaiSts,ergb(tant5ed not. to e.nly, in the very neaten' deSineeseboaaht for.Ohri s tame ../trade, reg 6,50, clearitigethhianabcOtt......,..„. 4,99 I I. oo Kid Gloves 79C Ladies Kid Gloves iniablataceithattae and ta,r)., Pea - rib's fpecial, guarenteecl, talreiteds; ,regniaa. 1.1(0. Inc four clays only oor nrieeewill Itti, 4. . ...a., 79e 250 Verlitlg$ Iaal• • Clearing out the balenceseitell �uV� irig dbring the last, four daya; Chiffon, )ight and heavy meshes, in doteand enotea ail colors, reg 25c for 19e reg 35a for ..., 435e 1, sag .50e faro. a ..k9e Children's Knitted '0 a•ts Ohildren'e Xnitted ,Claiets;tancy.weavese all pure wool, Norfolk stylessaithbelt, in.plain red and navy blue, reg 1.00 and 1 25,for 79e At Cost and Less ' ' Ladies Ruffs, Mutfe, Stelesetapeeines, Astrachan Coats, Cloth Coats. Skirate, Comforter Blankets, Quilts, Cuctains, Eta., Ete. .' Men's Ready-0.1year Overcoats at Cost Men's Tweed and Cheviot Overcoats, double breasted, storm collar, full drapey len0i, in mixed brown, greys and green colorings, also plain black, splendid tailoring, and made in the very latest styles . Iclearing at the following deep cuts 10.00 Coats, all sizes, clearing price 12.00 " " ti 1100 16.00 and 17.00 " 85.00 Fur Lined and Fur Collar Coats 16.50 Imitation Fur Lined Coats for 4.50 9,50 3015• 13.25 25,00 12.00 Ready -to wear Sahs at Cost We do not intend carrying on our Ready towear Clothing for men, and during " I ahuary we have put the knife deep into every garment. Remember this department has only been running A short time and we haven't, an old style in stock. Note the following prices and don't miss this chance 10,00 Mens Tweed and Worsted Suits .... 7,50 12.00 '.e 9.50 14.00 .‘ 0 15,00 " 441125 10.50 " la•e :12:00 50c Fleece Lilted ruderwear 39e -Men's heavy fleece lined shirts aud drawere 'rill Sizes, tag 500 for 29e Many other lines that space will not permit us to mention '1'.18E1P1 131fOr- SPC101E1,1 :131ET/PrirJE1l. A.1NT) CA_SY1 BALD-HEADED MEN, • ' (Toronto Star) Editor of Tile Star: In a recent issne you bare an inter., Kahn; letter from H. F. Ge at Ottawa in which he makes one statement to Clinton I wish to take exception. He referee to Mr. Bradbury, M.P , as hav- ing the baldest hei ad n Parliament, and as being perhaps the man with the balcleet head in Canada. This is a twat statement and touches Chilton On a tender spot. We have men whose baldness is a matter of some civic pride. 8onie of them ;ire known from coast to coast. Oft bebalf of my towns- men I wish to suggest that if The 8tar will offer a prize for the best bold head in Canada 1 da not think Mr. Bradbury, M.P., will be in it. If Dr. Orr will offer suitable prizes ,and hold, a bald-hended day at the Canadian National _Exhibition, Clinton will proh- ably come in one, two, three. We haveaust closed a most sueessful Fowl Fair in Clinton. and next year, unless Dr. Orr takes this up, we may hold a competition here open to the world. Kindly print this or forward to the' Senate at Ottawa. Clinton, Jan, 22. Yours, W. OFFERING BUSINESS FOR SALE • I/3year] adnertiseneent elsewhere it Will be seen that( Mr. A. D. Beaton •a le offering his gro,cery businessafor, s sale, awing to 0111 health. Mr. Rea- , ton has tot( been well Inc some i • time past and desixes a much need- ed rect. AND'PHER RESIDENT GONE, MIS ay mole:ling at 9.30 the spirit of William James Stomas) aged 776 yeasts and l 5 monthe, was called home to rest. Deceasedy had suffered many ye,aete ,aryom heart trouble. He ,was bora in England in 1835, Besides his Widow a grown up Samily Survive. Th.e funeral was held on Monday. afternoon_ , ser- vice being held in StaPaul's ehurch conducted by Rev. Mr. Mr. Jeakine STANDING DIP T.HES LEAGUE. Goals want loet for ,agak St. Marys...........7 1 79 36 Clinton t 5 3 38 34 Gaderich 5 3 51 35 Mitchell 1 7 22 24 Seaforbh ... 2 6 27 41 The Hoekey "seaspn of the D.H.A. is over as Jon as ,Clinton is eon - earned. St alaryle, Who had their last year's players, praleticallY swept the ice dean, but no die vice need be felit by the Clinton •boys, as St. Macy's lava hardest •games were played With Clinton. Outside of 'W. Johnson and L. Pair ;the team played junioe last year, and might isave played thee year, but of ,ecearse the two players mentioned could not have played ;with them. Clin- ton needs a big rink, as the hockey boy e derao,nstrated that with ,their speed they .can 'make &lithe (teams sten sante. 'Manager Dick Masker ancj the ireata °tithe board of man- agement and INA team are to he .congratullated Upon tled showing they made thia season. Here's hoping fora new rink and 'better luck next year. Alitiliftlammapionsgammoommunew • Watch This" 'Space • There will be something special each week Get a Hustle on and secure some of the bargains we are offering you All Next seek - Below we give a list of some of the snaps. There are others, a Gallon Galvanized Cans filled Teals' oil 2 e .; .4 e a e .. _ _a en 1 00 4. ( " " Painp Can • "e'en ......... .... ........ a „.....2.00 c„,.., .... ..... • • • . • • • • e Gold Medal hand saws Regular 1.59 for . . . . . ........ .. .. . . . .' .. ....... 98• All -Steel Nail Manners " 50 for........ .. . . ..... ..... • ..... - 38 Gem Meat ()hoppers , " 435 for... ........., ...... . ...... ..1.20 . 95 Cold Blast Lantern:, (Specia;) 46 cents • Foldieg ()laths Horse, only 75aents • • Agents for La, Hess' Poultry"Pan a-ce-ri, lt makes hens lay. • Try a Package 7IRLTINT3 B W. J. Harland • Stoves, Hardware and Sporting Goods Clinton, Ontario W.,S. Fl anti DOUGLAS MeTAVISIf DEAD. Word Was received in Clin eon this metning Otalie death y of Mr. Dong Jas 'IlleTanis,h, Who has resided in Clinton fee few! years andaara merly in Stanley toeveeship. Ile died at the home at this daughter, Mrs.' Stewart 'at Taviatock. Thei lat e lere MeTavishaaecompainied by his daughter, Nurse M.cDavish, went dawn to 'Paviatock ,aboutClerietanas to visit there. The bo.0y1 will be .brOught hive ani Friday on 1.25' train and ateneral will be held on Saturday afternoon.' .th.el honr not being eet yet. MACLEOD--BRUCE WEDDING. From the Macleod 'Advertiser af Jan. ltt!h, •We.clip the tollawing Ste- teresting item of news of the wed- ing o1 Mese Francis Elsie, ehleat daughter of Des and( 'Mrs. Bruce, formerly ot Clinton, to Mr, Robert A, Macleod of Calgary -) A very pretty, 'wedding was !solemnized at the home, of Dr. and Mrs...truce, 201h street and 5thave. an Tueed,ay evening, Jan, lath, When eie eldest daughter,Prancis Elsie, Was united in wedlock to Mr. Robt. A. Macleod, is prosperous young business man 01 'Calgary. The drawing room was profusely decorated with white and pink roses, white and pink .cannaitione and, liliee of theelealley, with ahnd some arch ot • white ea•rnations, eitry•santliemems, hyacinths, nor - genes .and smilaz,; pendant leoln whaeh was a ,basket of bealpItiful white eases, under (which the bridal panty el toad ',W1hile ethe nuptial knot was being. tied. Prepisely at 7.30, to the Strains of Mendelsechnle Wed- ding morph, played by( Miss Fior- enne ilrc, The breae, (drasaed in a Intautingowx bf ivory duchess ,satin trimined :with; old Irish lace, . the wedding veil of Brussels net, caught - up .ana,nge lielossorns and' earryan.g aahoever ;banquet of bridal eases and lilies of the val- ley, entered the dteaWing room leyaning on her father' e arm, and fotiowed by .her bridesmaid, (Mise Irene 'BrUiCe; dressed .Itt a •goiwn oef cream, eiik eoline !With gold trimm- ings, ,and rearryinge,a .bouquet of pink eases. The greanyt was sup - panted by Mr. Arthur Partin, son of Archntsletep 'Fortin af 'Winnipeg. Immediately after the ,oeseemony; WhiclaWan performed by Rev. E. 84 Bishop, Miss Flomence Bruce sang "Love's Coronatims." Congratula- tions ;Were then in order, ' aftee which tie ivedding /Steely adjotirn- ed itolthe dining room Where a rea cherche Wedding breakfast( Was served., The 'tabld. was prettily deconated.-avithIstrande of &militia, in the centre of will& was o large. bawl afeWhite and (pink eases, while oet,faciPilalgtlor lehYaadiltlato trevn.°Tenae°calaireack • being, of whiteasatin With the muneT lettered 10 gold. !Pim bridle , Was' '11 the recipient of Many (beautiftil and eoeltly ewedaing • preseutst 4the' .11 groo5i7.esgifft ,being a pearl neeklaie, while to the bridesmaid See gave a PairP:StP pnaireattd ame,tlayelt •eat - a rin•gerand lid." 'the groomsman a t pearl isitickpin. The abride •and'. graltnnaaaftaoyn the '11.30 a.m. tram w fee- a lenient "itrila the Haag before r .tokfltgatfat:':itilettrl pernaafeent) rY8i- ea nde Calgary. The,' re gueete ;weee. with :few excePtione ee the neat relaltives of the ',bride and *1 du DA 141S/th •ieleb tri".gkE twokvb, ,9set1 thaa,#4,1c!:ty:4 aPeeltett':,lefiniftl'13.01 afl,WeIrSePtfalea:X.7:l 'PelttralHlaren; bait Pan pot et • , • , stianta..eatti,ricl:,inspeet ;lain fainote ,Seentary,Petent TOuPeett; 50 sown trY: 'Piof,:•pcitproioild;',9f, ' Toi•onto.• at the Nattenhow Efouse,'on.11'idday, gen. 1..): ,113:e5e..TOtipcittsi•7 tan: tinteenia• •perfeee ; in; conetinatienatal t aekthe,aitily Sala itaryand:Patanted tintatiattes of one's own hiv. 1II,I7LaGSWEETINGa• , ppolie.,,tnegbingisoll, lee held an The kouci0 ehaeaberf On • •Thursaa.y eyenriig 10 ilk:Kik' intea the lVIelnaniPal Plinne, Systeme .11 epreseml2ativJ frnite, an an dependentego•rapenat.. ywill be here to diaenail the Matter. All the iatapaYeas are invited. to .earne. 'To-MightinItheeocatiMill ahamberatt 7.00 o'eldiele. lateen, ' . , , - .CALLED' 110 DUNGANNON. Ata Meeting on Mandtia, Jan, 42. of the .congrega,tione of Jim Lien pant op . and Pert Albert •PreebYterian 'clitunnes a unanlinedue call was ex- tended Mr. Gomm, at present ,a sta. of' Erina College. Mr.. Gotten, sante time' ago intimated that he wank] accept a call to the pastorate of this charge, ,whiCh has been vete() t for oyer a year. HAVE yOU RENEWED. Many aubscribers have e'ailled or .taritten during the past'few week's and renew their au,beczapttions for 1912. Those Who( have not yet done soawill please, attend to this little *matter at ones. The name label tells leant much is due to us' all subscriptions being payable In advance. .The amount, indivicluatl- ly, is small, buil aollectively is too large to be overlooked by the pub- lisher. ' , DELIVERY OP ;THE NEW ERA. Subscribera. to The New Era are asked ; to infinediaitely eapart to the office every' case of irregular ar late deliveryaof their paper. Hearty ,co-opeeation en thia regard is appreciated becalm* in no other way may such, errors be remedied , It is the determination, of the 'New Era to provide a prompt and re- gular delivery to eta subscribers and the lattek by reporting ,a1 complaints can do muck to guar- antee a perfeet serviee, • ;Phonel 3 or notify Thet. New Era by pos card. MOX MOSSO EAMS. . The following lapara in from the music studio of Mr. and Mrs. W Glenn Campbell. The examination were in connection' !With Landoll Englund, College 04 1V1u,sic, and the examiner wag Professor A. IFI Hewett ot Montreal,- 1st grade -lea -does homonsi lffis E. Ferguson, Seaforth. 2nd grade-lsfacless honors, Miss Alice Carbeet, Clinton; aVliss Lela Lansing, Auburn; Missi Ella Col- clough, Holmesville ; ' ltd grade -Honors, Miss Marcle Sproat, Kippen; Miss Edith. Hall Win ghats). AN INTERESTING PAMPHLET, The R.tilway Commissioners of the T. and N. 0. have issued a vet.y hand some Dam phl et en ti tied. "The North land: Terniskaming: Opinions of Ex- oei•t Anrioniturists." The experts, many of whom itre graduates of the Guel ph A gt.i eu I Weal ()MI ege, speak of the land with enthtisiasni backed by knowledge. Stress is laid also on the splendid orente large and profitable Markets for food. In that country you 011) make money ma of mines witboub prospecting or' buying break, simply ny selling the openhanded minere goo3 things to eat. TI:),03UILD BIG BRIDGE. The Mitchell corresponaent to the Steatfarcl Heeald, had the fol- lowing item oe neleas 4 -The Hill Bridge Building Co_, are looking forWard • ,to another busy season, as orders are canting in steadily. Lek fweek. they secured the eon - ;treat for a .steel bridge over the Maitland elver in, Huron Caunty, the bridge to be over one lendreeli feet Song. Their tender was sever al hundred dollaies higher ehan.tke next tender but so well is the firms .work known in Huron County that the Council doesn't mind the 011- feren re. STATIONERY FOR FARMERS. As the years go by it is pleasing to note ttiat more farmers write letzeta On printed letterheads and have their cards on -their evelopes. It was once thought no one could do this unless he M was engaged the production of some spatiality, or breeding sortie pure blood farm steel. No one bel s that now. Let the farm be named. and then give that with the name of the °yenta and his postoffice address, and the business is clone. The coat of printing is trifling in comparison witb its bene fits. Ask The New Era what neatly printed paner and enyelopes will cost ST. PAUL'S ,OliORAL SOCIETY. On Wednesday evening of /esti Week aeo,ciety m Was fared called St...Paul% Church Choral Society. The following ofificeea were ap- pointatea- , 4 .Hon. Presidents,,Rev. C. E. Jeaki•ns Meseta 'Wm. Jackson and John • Ran,sfard, President; Mr. C. E. Dowding Vice, Miles May BenitleY• SeleaTreas., Me. John Hartley. Accampantsits. Misses. MB ayl ent- • ley and Clettla Ford. Executive Committee, Mists auff, , Mies Hanishire, Mies May Ranee • Mr. H. T. Rance, Me. A...1. ev•ast, the president and 'secre- tary. EARL GREY HIGHLY HONORED. London, San. 23.-(Cati. Press,)- arl Grey, former goverpoageneral of anada, was ao.day presented with lie freedom of the city of Lohdritt he ceremony took `place with the goal picturesqtte histbetc obsevance arl Grey is the thied menshei of' is faintly to receive the hone of tbe teecloiti of the City of , Lonclon, this orms a precedene in the annals of the netent city. '1'be flrst'ear) who was ditinguiehed general was awarded he freedom after heliticl conducted a uecessful, West Indian 'campaign, bile tile present earl's grandfathe er ceiveil the dietinctionfor his effort's s premier on behalf 'of_ the great form hill enfranchising the majority thedp 1 ain and lelane 'Sfe ogiatea,.i:a(aa • - P5,4titir20, hafatO earti2"' 70to '75 sho' ll,Q0 , Branieseetc I.++++ . , • • 11INe/tY6"nuaL°.C4Ti,S. E ' • Wedssesday, Feb. nast. , The eecond month in the year. ' aeuncia .nSeets aex.(.:filondaY ening. WINGIIAM PLANNING REUNION , A. meeting will lect held in win, - Irani on Pridiay night to ae.rapig,e ler' an Old Boas' Reitman, Whichavili held in that place some time, dering the coming Glimmer. , WENT' TO GODERICH. • Many cif the hockey ,S2DbalLs (Went to Gaderigh fleet Friday nigtt ' to Vita else the ig.aine between S I:Maras and eadierioh. The ignimet wee .en lEreeOunt at the epecial being Sate tend the lateen trip Wes made at 12.30ear1eing here 04 1. HURON OLD BOYS., • ,Alt a meeting ol the Huron .01d Boys' Association held Monday ev- ening, arra.ngemente were xnaclie for an At -Hattie to be given . in the .Teraple building, on Feb. 23rd. A committee of ladies hes been- ap- pointed to wark in conainetion with She executive. SIGNED CONTRACT. • Dick Tasker, Clieton's Well ltn•own baseball pitcher, has signed the contract .sent him by the 13raultead 13a.sehaill Club for 1012. His friends in town will leap e to see hinahave a successful yea-. His eOnizraer colts for more pay than last year, which is an important item with, all the players. SVIADE A GOOD RUN. At the ,caucus meeting of the Con servatives at the County Council, names were brought fa/tweet:1,D. Cautelan, af Clinton, Plod Reeve Stothers, but our Reeve was defeat ed by a vote- of 9 te 6, and Mr. Stathera name !was planed before whole Coruncil as candidate far the Wardeaship .and 'secured the prize. HE as HERE TO -NIGHT. Who? 'The Private Secretary. Now is late time to become acquainted with him. He is known everywhere and will give( you a good laugh. Came early teethe) guetain rises alt 8.15 p.m. and the doors Racked be- tween the acts, end he is popular. 'Phe prdoatin is under tbe stage management and direction of Miss May: Dance. The ,stage has been equipped nvith neve lights and re- painted. All wishing to leave heavy wraps or clocks in the Conn cid chamber ,will find a Irian in charge. The caet is given on page three of thia issue. RAIN INSURANCE, • The plan oath°, department .of agriculture for insurance agatisa lees by rain, rattle fall _fairs' was inaugurated at a TOrlunate time for the agricultural ancieities mak- ing, claims because of rain before three &clack on ;fair day, therte .was along tvet spell last fah. Mt. j, Leckie •Wilean, superin ten d enit ef 1,ates, anno uncoil, the :Sall owing grants in Huron county, - Society Amount Dung,a71,11 on $280.00 Blyth 38.00 East Human, Brussels 247.00 'Santora . GODERICH DEFEATS ST. MARYS. St. Marys ane4( the first defeat. 01 ;tile seasont last Friday ;when Gaderieh won the last 'game of the series =group No. 7, by a score of 8 Ito 7. St. Mary e seared the first tevo errata then Goderieh folloeved With "three jest, before half-time ;was ,St. Marys stored anothe el. ;making the, ecoxe 4 to 310 their faVose At the end. of the second half .,Uie ;seam eased 7 to, 7. Five minutes, ovetanne was played but with no results. After a shortin- termission the teanisy went at et again. In the remaining three min- utes St. Marys{ made 'futile at- tempts to soma. The game .w.as 'witnessed by nearly 1,0017 specta- toes. i TWO GOOD SERMONS. Stratford d3eac0n,-Ilev. J. E. Fotd, pastor of 'Weeleyi chnecht, .Clenton, occupied the pulpit al the Central Methadis•t elatech Sunday and preached ,two excellent 'Seen:10ns dealing in She mos:1114w iwi•th :the obstacles to be overcome propegat- ing IChrlatianity, .aradi .the evening With the power ot the .Gospels:_ Stratford Herald, --On Sunda'y there Was an exchange of pulpits between Rev. 3. E. Ford,* pastor oft Wesley church, Clinton, an& Rev. F. M. Wont ton , of :Central , aletho dist elmeein Steatford. The ,' letter preached mis.sionary sermons in the 'Clinton church. Rev. Mr. Ford ,who is one of the prominent mina ion ers of the London Conference, preached excellent eleemons at the two (services in Central church end Was listened to twith pleasure by the lOorigregation-Rev. Mr. Ford, was agnest at Sheriff alagevo,od'e. over Sunday, THE WOMEN'S 'The Clinton brancb of the Wo - mens Institute held) its monthly meeting, at the home of Mrs. Ed. C. Munroe, on ,Tituns'day ,atteirneon, Jan, 25th. The meeting :was Well attended., there being a large nura- leer of members and i visitors pres- ent. After the roll gall the ,bosi- nes•s meeting was held, and the an- nual ignant 'waft given to tile Sick Children% Hospital. The program, whip') was a pleesatg feature of the meeting, incladed She following '- Vocal duet-a/es. J. Jatinsom Mae. .H. Fitzsimons. Ilieadying•Mrs. A. 3. McMurray. Piano eolo -1Vlisa M. ,,Charit. Recitation --Isabelle john - elan. Disarm/neat:a duet -• Miffs Chant, Mrs. Munroe. The question drawer then followed with deems- eions on the different subjects. 19a9- 'lowing'She National Anthem, lunch Was served, during which l/Vliels Chant played Iseveraa musical. se- leetio,no. Sanaa, new names wiem added la) !the ran and the Inati- ate arelookingfor,Weed for :item- essfua e . :r ; I cents .....,•......u.a.a.o.....................xw... "A new one and we think a good one. It is called the "WrittezAway" and it writes right • away a feature few if any pens at this price have. 1 eAnsyeutllecrhsapnlgenedwhen ane feature one isrequired, t poinrtsmard,i may 5o • at • at h°trieprieExtratbi°tcal:d it nanp'tcolintsg. i c I tesactihle. best we know _ we Fair Often the eheapast-Iliways the Best ... j a...F............,„.41......,===,==...., GREATLY IMPROVED. During the peat( ;week Mr. R. Marshall has hall the walls on his store brightened up with Capt. Cookis paint brush, Mr, Marshall believes in keepin,g things upeto- date, A. new poet; table has .been put in instead af on 000 one. MINOR LOCALS. Get your Sale Bills printed here. Within a month the Governaient anticipates the Canadian Mint will be coining 85 and 810 gooa mine. ' Good:Friday-fails on April lith this year. . Our citlzens found many slippery aaaces on alaedlay', owing to the nein and sleet, The Oakyille News says thee Oak- ville is the only town in Canada whose Mayor meets all trains and welcomes alt vieitore to the town. The explana tion of this assiduity in the perform ance of civic ditty is simple. The Mayor keeps /he chief livery and 'bus line in Oakville. OFFICERS ELECTED. • Recently the annual meeting of the Home Cietele was held end the following officers were,- elected for the current yeare- Leadee, T'. Jackson, jr., Vice, J. Lindsay. FinaSeerettley, H. Wiltse. Sea -Treasurer, J Wiseman. afarieleall, R. Welsh, Chaplain, A. Taylor. MUNICIPAL PHONE VS. BELL. tele es stall ai strong feeling in to iten that the council would not Ole acting ;wisely; if y they made a contract Sor three years with the Bell. as Goderieh Township and the other meal companies contract ex- pires before than time. Many are in favor of tha municipall phane, but we think the; town would be acting wisely if at two yews- k,con- wao signed with the Bell and in the meantime,get allthe infer - /nation av,ailable .ee,g.ard lta mu- nielpal phones. AT THE AUTO WORKS. Two trucles, a oneatan and aetwo- ton, and one pleasure car have now beet) completed by the .Clinto,n Mabee Gar Co., and •these evil be .......pineett"....«.....- : 0 1illiCP Aug Ng i 2 fax attatorough couese in busi- 'a ilt • nese, Shorthand, Telegraphy, a 2 Or English in one ot . 2 • o • SHAW'S SCHOOLS • • o 0 O WINTER TT°ERIINNT7OW OPEN • • o 2 0 Waite tee catalogue. Address 0 a • • head 041 100, Centeal Business • o on • College, Yonge at Gerrard o 2• Streets, Toronto. • • • esameeesseeesoologessesseco .a.aprara,s, Central pastiness College' Sty:Ilford, Ont. Our classes are now larger than . ever before hu t• we have enlarged (Inc quarters and we have room for a few 'more students. You may enter at any time. We have a staff of nine experienced instruptors and our courses are the hest. Our gx ad uates succeed. Tbis week three recent gradu- ates informed as that they have positions paying 805, 870 and • 8125 per month. We have three departments,Commercial,•Short- hand, and Telegraphy. Write for oar flee catalogue now. D. A. McLachlin PRINCIPAL exhibited tthe London Auto Shaw atithe Armouries, London, Feb. 7-10 inclusive. Stave more truck a and two more pleasure .cars will be ready to exhibit at Toro,ntd .A.nto w Sha, Peb, 21-28 inclusive. t The company's product; adth in design ;and appearaned marks a step forward in motor ear building and they are- much ,gratified with the .complete success' of their sam- The (tracks are built along the lines 01 the best French and Amer- Iican c esIgns, but rhe amen ,features lof the .cal; fare (the patented prop- erty of the nompany, and are quite new, and of ;these the leading ilia." provemeat is the spring suspension which is Mr. ,Olegthorn's design. Not to go lista technical details, 'the feature al thief spring suspen- sion is that ;the lend xests natur- ally through the gentre of the Jeanie members 00 8, series of slid- ing blots, which have a methocd, of oiling, that insures correct lubri- cation at eat times, regeadless of the 1o041. Up to now the greatest defect of the commercial( truck has been ether yerudity of means of etaaensiola and ,consequene undue wear on these pointst and the Clinton" construction is admitedly the soluition ca the difficulty. The Coenpany% pleasure, gar also embodies a ,greettly impeoved spring suspension and also every 'effective and otro,ngy method of drive ito eear axle. These pleasure cars are the( design of Mr. fired Guy, one ()tithe fates -east pleasure ear designers in Canada. The motions met(' in both trucks and pleasure 'carte are evh,at is known ae the Unit Power System wherein the clutch and change gear box Ian' built as pant( of the motor. Maganese Bronze ,castings late used in bath trunks, and pleasure ears, far the, reason that they ane the strongest nesting known, eind ,cannot develop concealeal', blow holealascraay be the ,case In a steel ' :casting, and whila these axe much more expensive, they, add im- mensely to the ;factor/ of safety; and wear. The Company will .build only high elase product( and have ne intention o,f ,competing ;with( the many cheap cars, an the nattaket. .,•16.1041111111 ,i-4,..4•4•4•4•4-4•44÷4•4•4•4•444,4•44+4•444.4•+++4•+++++4•4•4•44+4,+++,4,444,41 Did You Ever Think How easily a shoe could be cheapened. +• 4. ▪ • Cheap Linings, Innersoles made of pasteboard * + Eyelets that are not fast color. Imitation welt place of Genuine Goodyear -given a high finish *- which soon wears off, • .4•-• None of these .substitutions are easily detected * ti• • by the average purchaser, yet they make a world +4. of difference in the comfortand wear of a shoe. While it costs more, we watch these points in .1: • our shoes and have them made as they should by - .4 ++ made. We sell only shoes that the manufacturer *.r. is willing to stand back of with a broad guarantee '4 + of Satisfaction. Wear a pair, then you'll know -1' 4. why our customers are Satisfied Customers. FRED JACKSON is 1. EVERYTHING IN FOOTWEAR 4,•• '17 e 1.4.4.+++,4,1444.14e4+4.+++++++++,4,4.4.4.+•444.T.'