HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-02-01, Page 6.T'age
alit Chinese Fes Do (\lot EX-
,* peOt Very Much Fighting.
The New ripper' 'House of the Prove.
sortI Govereenent.Aseemble= Amid•
- •
elleleicing at elenleing-lGeneChaeg
Ready to Retreat ,Either Way
--Yuan las Session With
Manchus Regarding Flieht.•
Nanking, jem. 1l. ---The aemistice,
• which hes beeo in operation Ter sev-
eral Weeks pest, expixece yesteeday,
but 17,0definite etetis have been taken
fcs); Its renewal, Neither Tang Shao
the representetive of Ynan Shi
• •
Kai, mar Wu Ting Pang, the Republi-
Aan Minister of •Justice, expecte ser-
ious fighting. Dr. We' said in this
•AlAnnection : -
"There is no one eo fight; all are
our friende."
• Gleam; ' Henn, eommandee of the
*Imperial troops, has his ocentaal base
at Suchowfm in the northern part of
Kiangsu 13120ViTICO. Under his direct
tionernimel are 8,000 of all sorts of good
• Vetoes, inured to the winter'. The
revolutionists' centre is at Linhwaik-
Ivan, in Anh Wei Province aimed 100
• miles 'hone Nanking. Tbe.revolution-
• ' ists number 15,000 men, eager for
, fighting: but not acclimated. '
Gen. Chang now occupies a special
• ear, from which point of vantage he
Erects his ettroope, but a significant
tact is that an engine is attached at
both ends of the car. His retreat,
however, is cut off 100' miles to the
north by the cities along the railway
• Line, which turned ever a Sew days
ago to the revolettiooary cause.
' It is eonfidently believed here that
• itbdication will come when Yuan Shi
Kais is satiefiel tleat the Chinese
troops in Pekin are sufficient in nem-
bers to control the Manchus.
The new senate was itaugurated
• here yesterday. It is Made up of 42
tenators, who appeared in emeign
dress. President Fun Yat Sere in his
meech, urged unity. He said that it
was proposed by the new regime to
build up not to destroy. At the close
et the President's address there was
an impressive scene, the members,
rising in a body ..and 51 irg theee
theers for the republic. The hell was
haadsomely derfireted and a military
livid played popular airs familiar ton
the fereili or,
is Your Nose
Stuffed With Cod?
Don't load down
.your stomach with
• cough medicine.
. • ,
Send healing medi-
cation through the
nostrils -send it into •
the passages that are
inflamed with Ca-
Easily done by in-
haling Catarrhozone,
which cures cold in
ten minutes.
Even chronic catarrh and bron-
chitis yield to- Catarrhozone, and no
case but it cures in a, short time.
Pleasant to use, guaranteed to cure
and so safe a child may use it. Get
Catarrhozone; large $1.00 siie abso-
lutely guaranteed; small size, 50 cents;
nil dealers, or the Catarrhozone Com..
pany, Kingston, Ont.
Onulialb lteirigau,
13100a ineitinVotemeeeii4VOIVR1',0'
, Dug .4reitto mart olyt4viver.111,
o ?tendency, ,vemuctleP eel:note, .1.ThWo'dioAs,
ototorriaeq; cove Feeeta of 4014800r IiIxoasoc.'
Price 01 per binmeglider..% One W211$oe5 85
'van Sure, Sdd -P7 an A141,5gi5ta
91.A1.111.1kg. ?t,li2Olp_ii of Voice,. paateetee.
nuraarl,feee., ,rhoW6raci AiVa186Pnp
, tfiromer41,W,p4:30.) • „ Voraitsto,, tereilet
•'3' WHO'S WHO •
nox. H. ele,TRRAle,
• Nobody visits Cape Ereton without
carrylag 811,21Y lasting impresisons of
its enetureeque eeenery. , But wealth
and eeauty are not ite ,oney pride teed
glory. :From that island, divided be
lake and canal Mb two islands, have
gone forth sons aud, claughtees whose
namee stand higa among Cleneda'a
good and great. Hoe_ George Henry
Murray, Nova Scotia's premiere -le one
• Premier Murray was bora at Grand
Narrows, N.S„ in the ieland of Cape
Breton, in 1881. He Is of Scoteh eerie
cent, a Presbyterian in religion ona a
Liberal Inc polities; a Combination
quite palatable in Victoria. County, of
whinh he is one of the representatives.
Mr. Murray received his elementery
training in the public schools of his
natiye place and then entered the pro-
Xessibn of Mw under the firm name
of Murray & eleKenzie in North Syd-
aoy. ;;In 1889 he was appointed to the
Legislative Council. .Later he was an
unsuccessful candidate Tor the House
of COM111011S in the country of Cape
Breton. Political success calue to
tam M 1801 when be was appointed
Member of the Fielding Ad/Moisten-
lion, withont portfolio. In 1895 he
WAS created Q. C. When Hoo. William
8. Fielding resoigned, Lieut -Governor
•Daly called upon Mr. Murray to forni
tt, new administration. Thee was done
ey the premier in a creditable manner,
Whitby's Centenarian Dead.. ..
Whitby; Jan. 29 -Mr. Thomas Wray,-
• known widely as Father Wray, died
her Saturday, having reached the
exceptional. age of nearly 102. Up to
about a year and a half ago Father
• Wray almost daily exerciaed himself
in walking considerable distances,And
• almost every Sunday he ocoupied his
seat at the Methodist Tabernacle.•.
. Having retained all his mental facell-
, te; ties' over his hundredth birthday, at
• which event he was given ao public
reception at the tabernacle here, He
polled his vote on Sept. 21 at the Dom-
• inion elections. He was a brother of
the Rev. Jackson Wray, a talented
English minister of literary ,fame.
• 'rattan Murderer Caught.
Saule Ste. Marie; 38n, 20.-Goiseppe
Narcioni; the man who shot Mike
Pappas here, a week .ago yesterday,
was arrested by Chief -of Police Vin-
cent,' near Little Italy, et 8.30 o'clock
' Saturday night. •
During the pest few days the au-
. . thoeities have impressed Upon Italians
the nature of the crime of harboring
a mordeeer and it is believed that
the parbies who had him in hiding at
length insieted that he tette his own
chance. The man eeents remorseful
and does not seem to realize. the ,eimr-
mite of his act. .He admits that he
aid the. shootine.
Marvin Shus.er In London.
London, Jan. 2e.-(C.A.P.
W. Mergan beuster, the Ameriean
treasurer -general of Per,ea, arrived
here last night . mid twee met by eete
oral ountenree of the revile:II CL111/31122,
LOS, WI tO wernely welcomed him Mr.
Sim teen: e.til laity ia, London ler SW/ -
1 -A e tee. and will deliver int neldreite
before 'the Persian committee, cone
iosott of members of tbe Howie ot.
omen one, ,
'Fotitert With trieezenen,
t, t, ern, .Ter . ree r eiech
ortittimia zoom n pie ie. C -l. earner,
, • 11121S11 0it-ver elleee'tx-e wee
e, the telhee, who see io the, leoeter ef
eel etttfeekeee the epee on the elebete
tee• teequenez Road.Mum,/ tribesmen.
' • ere fw injured end the Femme).
'est tore killed and fifteen woended.
/ . • - • •
Elfory Woman
is.interested ,dnd. should, know '
hbour thb.woririlrful
BIARVEleo 'Whirling Spray
lk.,\e'\ - The now Vagindt Syrisge,r Bed
.-Istost C011.111011E; Lt ,Ciallin,O,
.:gt. 41'. ;4,1 di Itiarie .
./o . istStan Ir.' Ask1,12,11
‘22 4 12512
, • tffietiSnnot simply the •
MARVEL: accepf 170 Oih.tel
bur scurlitund 1.2 fikigr.t.'t ".."' `,' litiiiiii ,/,
•book-sea/ed. 21: Om ddi pre.,
• Airs kidi directions iiltesliisisla ta iadieli,, /55
WINDSOR SUPPLY Cot, . tteee .,
Prentice of Nova Soda.
he -himself taking the portfolio of
Provincial Secretary.
Hon. George H. Murray has retained
his seat in the local Houee with prac-
tically no opposition, being either re-
elected by acelatuation or by a large
A prominent young member Of the
Nova Scotia Government, Hon. A. K.
McLean is surely destined for yet
higher honors in the land of his
nativity. During the present par-
liament Mr. McLean has ailed the
responsible positron of Attorney Gen-
eral, and it may perhaps not be too
110N. A. R. MCLEAN -
Attorney General for Notei Scotia
=eh to recognise his selection ae
Acting Premier ,cluring severe 1"."1..CSS
last wipter of Premier Murray AS a
finger -pet that paints the way to
more than a temporary boner when-
ever the opportunity should arise.
, , 0, F. HAMILTON, :M.A.
•A well known ineenbee of the
Ciareadian Fourth les -tate, ter, Cffittrles
Frectereck Hanititon, 41,,w the
light et Ruetlen, Hastings Co., Ontario,
rear the olcee of 1889, the son of
Mr. Charles Sermene Hamiiian, M.D.,
C.M., hie mother being .a tietogieter tot
the late George 'redeemed jaques at
it/lout-eel Educe.ted 1 Pecton and
Campbealtorzl High Sternal he ' gee -
duetted 'Inc Queens 'University, and at'
the age of 24 entered the joernaliette
field as a member of the 'MATS oll
the Toronto 'Globe'. He hrotl sdnie
interesting Stories ;to tele the readers
of 'that paper caf the South African
war, where lee acted as eetiecievl cor-
r.eeponelent, as elente is on the tiring
nue at circumstances and the military
commanders would permit, and on
return to the more prosaic tlaigs
that go to make up the Bee of 'the
modern Toren:then, Mr. Hanielton re-
sumed leie staff duties on the' 'Globe'.
Hero he remained untie 1903 dal which.
year lie eed over to the Toron,to
'Neves', and Is noW Peeltemeertari
preaentativ.e at OttaWa for the
Publishers Preee of (eanadat the
Morniairlefist, Lendon Eng,., end Other
„ .
• emportant Debelendeelleeee
Roosevelt Will Ttlee Pees'iderlOY
if Thieree lijtiOn
,Gotiernor of Kansa's'Aiter a Visit Withi
• ex -President Declares Thet While
• the Latter is Not Gunning For the,
Rep ub i can Nam nation,. He
• Will .Not Refuee the feequeet
of His Party to. Rem.
NewtYork, Jan. , 29. -Theodore
lehesevelt is , not a eandieate fee 'the
Presideney, but nevertheless will be
nominated and elected, according to.
statement isened Saturday night by
Walter le, Stables, Governor of Kan-
sas, who •lunched with the' foemee
President Saturday- at Oyster; Bay.
Governor Strdebs teethe second gover-
nor within 24 hours te say that he is
going back home Inc work for Roose-
"There is lid dotibt whatever that
Col. Theodore Roosevelt will be norni-
meted by the Republiean eonvention
and elected tree, next President of the
reniteJ Stales," said Governor Stubbs.
"I say this knowing from his persooal
statements to me„ repeated during a
pereone] conversation to -day, that he
is not a candidate aad will not be a
candidate foe the nomination. I am
fully convinced lie means exactly What
he says mid that Ile honestly and sin-
cerely feels that he personale? bes
nothing to gain by another teem as
'But Col. Roosevelt never has said
to me nor to any Mlle): living human
befog to my knowledge that be would
refuse the nonnuation if it came eo
him as the result of a genuine demand
on the part of the American people.'
"There is such a demand at this
time. All the information that I have
been able to gather from all parts of
the country is that that .lemand
omelet and grow, and force the con-
vention to offer him the nomination.
His patriotic spirit, his cdurage and
his keen sense ot the dates and ob-
ligations of a eitizen will forbid him
Inc set his back against a task which
the people demand he perform,"
Fire Cleims Four.
Butler, PA,J11.112 29, --Four nersonS
were burned tit death or suffocated
and Inc others are in a serious condi-
tion ae a reeult MI a fire early yester-
day at the home lif Curtis Hale, at
Claytonia, a milting town ten 'niece
from here.
A family' reunion was held :it the
home of Curtis Hale Saturday night.
The fire Wad diecovered at three
o'clock yesterday morning. An over-
heated stove or the explosion ot
lamp is thought to have beeu the
The dead tire: Earl. Miles, a.god 35,
sou -in-law of ClIrtiS Rale MTS. Pollic
Miles. aged 35: Mrs. Belle Hale, aged
28, wife elf James Hale; Scott Hale,
aired 35."
-Curtis Hale, his wife and children.
David, Jemes and Sadie, sustained
burne about the head and body.
Men from a nearby coat mine, as -
sited by neighbore, extinguished the
fire, provided for the injured and re-
covered the cheered bodice Of the vic-
tims. 97hedamage to the house was.
less than $1,01e1.
Miss Mary Lebeau, 'Edison, Sask.,
writes: -"I was troubled with !mart
disease, and nervousness for over two
years, and was so bad at times 1 Iital to
sit up at night being unable to breathe,
ancl every little noise would make me
shake and shiver. I tried several doc-
tors, but they, were unable to do me any
good. A neighbor then advised me Inc try
a box of Milburn's Ileart and Nerve
Pills. As soon as I began to take them
I began to feel much better, and by the
time I had used the third bee 1 wae com-
pletely cured. I would aele-lec anybody
suffering from heart disease and nervouee
ness to try these pills. They will cave
quite a bill in doctor's fees,"
Milburn's Heart and Nem Pills cure
all heart elle' •nerve 'troubles by their
r(netorativc influence on every oegau arid
tissue of the body.
Price 50 cents per box, or $ boxes fee
51.2e at all dealers or mailed direct on
receipt 01. price by The T. lelliburn Co.,'
Limited, Toronto, Out.
Austrian Minister Dying,
Vienna., liann. 29.--(C.A.1'. Cab)e.)-
Tbe physicians in attendance pro-
nounce the . condition of Collet von
,boli roe:that, the A ustro-Hungarian
eeinieter of Foreign Affairs, as hope-.
lees. Baeon von Muellen Chief of .the
Frireign °Mee, is performing the du-
ties ol tbeMoreign Minister, for which
office no SUCCOSSOl: will be appointed
:Milne the lifetime of Count von Aelia
motel al. .
Tavignano Affair Just Ripple.
Paris, ,Tan. 29. -Tho Tievignano
involving the arrest by Italien ,
torpedo boats of tbe small 'French
etearner /111(1 her sttbsee
quent release, is' expected to be set -
tied without reaourse to The Hague.
Pre official -circles the incident is held
to be of quite ininot importance, the
arrangemeot of which will present no
difficul ty.
irAs Repuisca
AttaCk on Italiale Position at Chir-
, garish. Erndod in F?JlllIe
TriPai, Ail. 29. -The
forces on Seteurclay eenewerl the move-
ment against ethurgerish, the emelt
casio niiont twelve miles from Tripoli,
which has been the scene recently of
numerous engagements between
the • letieles and Italians, aud at the
*ewe time another force of 3,000 Tutees
andArebs deliveeed a deteemineel at-
tack nfl Ainzara, eemo mace inland. ,
The ,fierce Ierdien artillery flee, how -
eve, • compellect"the • easetelte forces
to fall back t verde he south and
southwest.' The Italiancasualties
numbered two killd end eight wound-
B-,rA,VES,A3 ARCHITECTS.. reducer to olisoffier.
eVillagee tSU fete' bietTleetn.'.itkeeeleeareeTs`
fightingiligh 'Prices'
o jeeztvere ,.erenneeteetheire lieffieselh tele
,New: York e;lereary.men, ,C0171flne to
Sell,,cileap'fOod ; •
w °rice att, reee te r- Men •
f01:233 viilsge and
town. It dine f tod o01 tlpsi
they are lake 'elowellerse for the 'seine
reeson thee early. rtices Of men:lived
over the water, 'The Chief elifferenceS
'fretteeen tine two', boorievor, M thAt,
scan built over nature. Q11 1 here -
"as the; beztver, mak. es elpond.where he
Impnens to warrt ie. The labeile of 00
.ether eniereal ob eerth, roaide from
man, :present .,. the tee intereeting.
phaeee Ote these ,of the beaver. .
• •Aceording to CO lin, • W1,10 hai
made most exh S Hee studies • of
these litele a'oinmee, whole tribes re
beayers • ,treette eld. • eillaresee
Hottees, invartably of two. flocs, bear
witneee to the uniform' gentha of these
architecte. The pantry Oceupies the
greeted floor, but.thie upper floors of
the iSeaver'e clomicle ens reserved for
his houre of sleep' and leisure• .
The, walle and upper part are re-
markably thick, sometimes Inatome-
ing several feet. Then, at the begin,.
hing of herd frost, the. exterior is
(mated with a thick layer of Mud
which immediately freezes and has
ehe dottble advantage of perfectly
shutting oot 'the cold air and of
guarding against the atteeles ef wol-
verines. .
The smartness of the beaver is also
seen in the care it take a not only to
lay in pro -visions in advance, but also
in arranging creep -holes to insure its
retreat in ease of surprise, and for
its subeietence in a day of need.
The most extraordinary -works of
the beaver are, of eourse, the dams
• peleee 11 vegeteblee ter the Poor of
'New Yeake taehtetted n 'ter• the eeen.
Piligo Of 'firaVor Shank
pelle, Woe bcgene yeeeerelay'. with the
eleetri ute by a tiomenittee clergynign
, otheee,' ef the ffieet ;of What ee pee,
' Peetted 'to he to sizelee of soles placee,
• wheeze proclact; .oe the , soil will . he
, tranefereed item le:aide-leer consnia-
e evithoat a middleman's ineerven-
Outitomer who floeked to the big
• room. in ,which quentitiee gef carrots,
potatees, cabbages, beets, 'ternips and
I other .vegeteblee 'were etacked,
• fy emPtied it of ieoceateoes. The stock
, eget $'27. 8014 foe $27.48. The man
10 charge gave two boys hall aedollar
Ino .cleaning up, so Duero was no pre -
An told woman who keens a gloomy
.amose the way from the. first
station, offered, to weigh the goods
eft:M.1)y the new station, and .denounc-
ed the innovetion deetined to' hort
her business, while _oat benefiting
c Pi
that they throw across rivers and ausdt filch filisery.
along the shores of lakes. , In this•
matte: they pre qualified to rank with
the best of compeers. Twopoints
eSpeuially• in their week attract ate
tentien, the -first being the skill and
strength clieplayed • in the constroce
Hon, and the tecond being their un-
erring choice of the best materials.
IA examining the conetruction of a
beaver dam, ene••-is at °nee struck -
with its extreme simplicity. The
wonder is how the mud kneaded and
applied by• the , beavee's -pawe, .en-
aseteted by even the trowel -shaped
tail, becomes a hydraulic cement
that time hardens instead. of dis-
The extent of tee beeveriS werles is
as• stirprising as their perfection.
•Sons of them are really colossal, and
several chains io length. .Artificial
lakes of considerable size owe their'
origin to these (lama. The extent of
the deals is the most striking proof
or the social habitsof the beaver, for
several families mast have .combined
to eaten, out, the plans, and if iedi-
vednal instinct producee the results
of a. general government among .these
laborers, they must be influenced by
a. sense of common interest as highly
developed as that of the bees..
Virtues of the Squaw.
ine' Indian woman will stick to a
drink -sodden husband till he drops
dead, ot she does. The Government
is fighting the whisky evil on the
reservations with every weapon it pos-
sesses, but the Indian brave will drink
when he wante it and can get it just
as the white Mail does. A. squaw
knows nothiug of divorce, she would
not listen te you if you told her about
it. There ie bet one method to help
the Indian woman; that is to educate
Mr from childhood along industrial
lines. Until a few years ago there was
absolutely no thture for the Indian
girl except ton marry. That was the
first thing, provided she could find a
decent, energetic, ambitious husband;
only -there are so many of the ,other
sort. Hospitals which have trained
Indian girls are making one constant
effort to enlist others of the race.
She has infinite patience forbearance,
generally a magnificent physique and
no trace of U.111 "llen208" which so
oeten cause breakdown among over -
civilized ra.ces. An Lichen girl can
go through the most trying surgical
catee with a stoical calm that is team-
erdinary. She never gets flurried, put-
tees or worried and she obeys the
physician as a soldier: does his com-
mander. In caring for cases of se-
vere illness- she seems to live on some
strange reserve force and is a tender
as well as a painstaking nurse,
An Arduous Task.
To he Grand Mastee of the Geend
Lodge of Canada entails more efoual
labor than meet poeitieue of' he mr.
ft ineane almost eontineoue tr: et:l-
ing. as a grand maeter lzeeps in roost:
touch teeth' the whole body of Mn oen-
ry hy vieiting the \melons lodge, In
this way he car criticize, a.nd oig-
efest and keep to a, high stenclare the
tone of the whole order. Bus it
mrsans labor and often lute Mmes.
When he was ineTovonto recently Hie
Honor D. le. Macteentt, senior co"ate
Older of Ls:fielder:, the preeent Vend
of the elneonic orderquoted eeith
approve] the recently reported toter -
:nice. of Ring George es to the reees-,
sity of "(early to bed and iterly to
rise." and. commended them to, the
erm5ideration of everyone who has
anything to do with the condueting
of lodge meetings.
They say that the most, °oceanic
.grand iv:aster Crond Ledge ever had
eas Mr. • :John Roes Robertsonit is
Said that' it was not an uncommon
oectfirence for I -thee to vieit forte lodges
en a day, delivering an aeldres,nt
ench, it being necessary, in some in-
stanees, to cell a lodge together i0.
the morning, so that he could . get
through with his program. ,
Glen, Campbell Slung.
One of the best stovies recently told
in Ottawa centres about Captain Tom
Wallace, 141.P. The friendship of Tom
nal the western gtant, Glen ()5mnbe1e
le proverbial. Receutly Glen wee the
eacst of Captain Tom at Woodbridge.
tn Sunday they went to church, and
Tom thole up the eolleetiou as usual,
keffiem 11r2 01411E1 tO the seat in which ,
ezerripbell was silting Tom ',eatery
?resented the plate and said:
-Don't youerem.cerebee promising me
efty dollees Ler the Teduction of our
church debt?"'
And Olen WAS SO astonished that he ,
peeled a. fifty front hes bullty Westerm
feetto-e'ehe Macte. t I
Mrs. VT, R. Hodge, Fielding, Sask.,
writes i-" A few lines highly recommend-
ing Dome's Beide-ley Pills. For this last
year I have been troubled very much
with nasty sick headaelies, and a wealc
aching beck, which .causecl me much
rnisery, for I could not work, and had no
ambition tor anything. My ki cl neys were
very badly out of order, and kept me
Iran sleeping at nights. I tried many
kites of pills and medicines, but it seemed
elmost in vain, 1 beg,an to' give up in
. . •
eespair of ever being well and strong
again, when a kind neighbor advised me
to try Dante Kidney Pills, which I did,
and am thankful for the relief I obtained
from them, for now I am never troubled
with a sore back or sick headaches.
"I will alwaye say Doen's Kidney Pills
for mine and can highly recommend them
to any sufferer."
Price, 50 cents per box, or 3 boxes for
51.25, at all dealers or mailed direct on •
receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co.,
Limited, 'Toronto, Ont.
'When ordering direct specify "Doan's."
No -Saw-0[f In Middlesex.
London; jan. 29. -At the annual
meeting of the East Middlesex .Con-
servative Association, held here Sat-
urday afternoon, it resole -dime WAS un-
animouely oilseed endorsing the ac-
tion of the executive in • entering a
protest ef the l'esult, in the recent
provincial contests. The resolution de-
clared timeliest any saw -off whatever
oil the part of the aesocation.
'John McFarlaue was elected presi-
dent; John L. White of London junc-
tion, vice-president; and S. Frank
Glass, London junction, secretary,
Cow's Kick May Prove Fatal.
Londem, Ont„ Jan. 29. ---Charles
Mimed, a London Township farmer,
while milleing his cows on Sunday
sons kicked by one of the animals
need is now lying in his home in a
precarious condition, his recovery be-
ing dottbtful. Three ribs were frac-
tured, his shoulder broken ancl his
/23,00 badly cut by the animal's kicks.
Lying alicouscioue for an hour before
being discovered, the seriousness of
his case was accentuated.
Engine Cabin Burned.
Toronto, Jan. 29. -While a new
G.T.P. locomotive was waiting in the
Bathuret street yards to be taken to
Feet William. whom it was to have
been put into eommission, it caught
fere front an overheated stove Whieh
had beer: placed in the cabin to keep
the atteudant warm while the engine
Made its jouroey "dead" northward.
Prectieally the entire cabin was de-
stroyed. The damage amounted to
about $100.
Caught In Ice Jam.
Oairo. Ill.: Jan. 29. -Twelve persons
are said to have been drowned when a
rowboat ocrossing the Mississippi from
Bird's Point to Cairo, was caught in
an ice jam. Searchieg parties have'
been unable to find any trace of the
lost boat or ite passeeigers.
The passengers were part of 135
who left a noon Cotton Belt train at
Bird's Pointe NIze, a,nelnvere left with-
out conveyance across 'the river, be -
(nose the -railroad -ferryman feared
risk his steamer Inc the ice and
heaen, fog.
'three boatmen were him(' to carry
the passengers to this side of the riv.
me Two of them took five passengers
eacb. Frank Jones, said to be all ex-
pert boatman, permitted twelve to get
in leis boat.
Boatmen of the two lighter ferries
were ab'out 50 yards ahead of Santee
when they heard shout: for help and,
teeming, saw jamee battline frentical-
,ly with a telemeter 1'100 which wee
sweeping hie oraft 'beyond conteol. 1.
heavy fog then hid him and nothing
has emu been heard el the ferryman
or his passengers. o
Drastic Action Put en End to !net:e-
rection ir Ecuaiiior.
Guayaquil, 11',0 n With
the putting eo eleeth at LI), halide of'
A mob or (kn. Elie, elf:nee ex -Presi-
dent of lecuador, lib, brother, Gen.
Pinot° Aerate), ex.:Ali:leen Cif War,
!.rtn Ltd commando tei me lifer or the revolii-
tei713-10117sY Ct;Ce
)• t
erect the ttvo °they Alfaros, and Gene,
Pass and Manuel Serrano, the leading
• lights in Ecuedin's last eevolution,
have been snuffed out. Tins eevoln-
tion, although it had beea e long
time beetving, began in reality a low
clays after •the surtelen death oil Deo.
22 last of President Emilio Eettada.
• The first of the drastic measures
• taken by those evho opposed the revo-
lution even ;carried Into effect last
• Thmeday at Guayaquil, evhen Gen.
Pedro Montero, who was proclaimed
president by the troops atter the death
of Estrada, was shot and beheaded
by a .enob which later burned his
body - • Eloy Alter() aml Gone. Paez and
ItTntitC *e. ole- dto1sjited Jan 20 at
WarCrESDAY, teHBRUARY eat, 1912,'
rellitlY,kliel 'settee eteeteveetneent eetoois
under ceeneLeemelits letaza eitreed the
revolutieniette whir:hold. Guayaquil to
capitulate,• Vlitiri Alf ATO • 110 'been
,wouncled'in a beetle cleye,,befoee'
the fall' Out/yam:de' 'lleedetedo Al-
, fere wtr2,8 C,0,1)2,113:e(1 J
d' a'AO. 25 aci he arriv-
et Guayagoil.ttn board a stertmee
'with nellorle of 'rebel taiope. .
'reedy Altar° Was • peocletimed
dente' orreetiador 'by the popniace in
Jentiaree. 1900, refeee lie had defeated
• the Goverierneet eieenes 'at. Quito, In
°atelier et the same year he 'Wile elect-
' ed 'president ef the national oonveu.
tion, and held the office of chief exet
'entitle until Tell. .
0400. B. F. Parror, Dying
Halifax, SLF, Jan. 1.13. -effon. 13. F.
I'earsoor K.C., erre rirt g • of 'The
:Halifax Citron:zee, who emeope, ecr.
imzely ill' two tri T 1114 ig:, WC' 21 vevy
lox Met night aml tee len eIciane
not expect him to live throe:ell the
A CtelefOnley 03e TRAM.
A. writer tolls the following curios-
ity of trade. Ile has lately been trav-
elling in that paradise of smokerS,
Mote°, where tobacco is very cheap,
thmie. being no Government duty on
it "At Nogales," he informs us, "a
border to.wn, there is an interne-
denal street, one side of which is
In -Arizona and the other in Sonora,
Noah Mexico. On the south side of
this street a tobacco store sells an
exeellent Meer of a certain brenel for
k.0.1.0+0+0+000+00000+0+04400 4.000i4000+00044+0404.0440000
o 55550108. C OSA eats stteet tite
letnriefin side, the identieal rannd cif
clelar le exposed Pale at 13 'ceote,
To bring the Mexican cigar across
the narrow- street and Maize a prom' '
the A.meelcan dealer mime sell th,e
Mexican product at nearly three theme
Governor-General : of Canada
Who recentily visited Onieed States
1912 AS e ME,
and will briiiag rawly opportunities to you
Some of these will be to purchase merchandise, and if you wieh
10 make the hen of them yen will patronize the Emporium Ynti
wilt lied us well prepared to supply your wants. 'We al wirvs celery
it 'ergo RASE% Vi ment of Goods. VVe tiny ala aye for :pot cash and so
get the e.losest pricps arid C2111 tlwrefore selt you very cheep. Oar
erme, as forint?' ly, will be eash nr.,d lice. we oey 1 NA highest,
market price for produce. We solicit from you a fair keel.
R. Adams
446.4.4.14)+0+0+4)44+0.1.6+0+0+4r 4++4++++++++++++++++++++++
A raeuekAeseWeeeiNeftetiefeeireceetiAteeereAAAftiaseueireefeeeeetee4NeleseetseesteAftetraAreiNelAA
1.5 e.)FF 1.5 F
r Fo 'Wear
, LL
Commencing Saturday, janu try the 2oth, we
will sell all our WINTER FOOT NEA.R at a d s -
count of 20 per cent off our regular prices.
just note these onerings and we are sure you
will conclude that you are needing something in Fe,t
or Rubber Footwear.
eoteeeeeeArieetAetetteeeeeareaeoeiteeAteieteeeeetelea vvvvokovvvykiovooko,..0.ovvkArkovw 3
Ladies lee t Foxed ',hoes, Regular $1.75 fee $1 40
Ladies Felt Shoes, .quarcered Flexed, regular 1.05 for.. , . 1 32.
Ladies All Felt Shoes, regular 1.05 for 132
.Lacilee Grain Bels, Lined, regular .1.75 for 1.40
Ladies Felt Slipper, Oolors-Red Blue and Brown,
1.00 foe .80
Ladies Felt Juliette, Oolors-Red, Blue anti Brown,
1.25 fee Lee
Ohi'drens Felt Slippers, vegular 35 ete for ..... „ .20
Obildrens Teddy Beer Slippers,regiPa.e 35 ct s for.. ...... .21
reteti'm Felt Boom, Foxed, reenter 2,45 ... ' .. Lee
Menet Heavy Gum Rubbers 2 likl 'and Laved. regulee
2 75 for 2 20
Men's Heavy Ci 11113 RI111b24S, i'.,i1A3(21.21,1, 1 IV,
1.50 for 1 2ft
Overshr 58, Mentz 2 buckle, r4gulati 205) for 1 (in
Overebot s, Neils 1 Miele le, regular 1.00 few 1 28
Overshoes, Women's Buttoieregolea 2.00 for. 1 01
We have also several lines Of Men's and 'We men's
Dongola Box Calf and Patent Boots that we, will sell
nt great reductions. For example-A.bout 50 pairs
Men's Pat. Leather Boots, reg $5 line t) clear ac 3'50
learraescnranatrar• ......nproar*.us....-amusommatrewawe
Ja& rviltchell & Son, Cliwton
m.,...rvu.e +014t, WO". .10,1 a wrva ,saMEMZE=FdanZigLlyr.
mama= rmmr.sorrsamiwinisi.,,smainimiscummzsmoremmipaes
, Of Toronto
hesit tbe
RatIdenbury House
Prida,). Febrizmry
with • &toot 01 (Inc nou ect
liecropeon ;end lancreezan
leetelletoeitt to Moir Geed
-ANT STYLE Fellt.lb OE Gee/Wear IMEMenerel'eleeerete e'RE'el
For tlic iady- 5715,, !nisi
mit egit led. Ail out. eieele are
noted foe their elite 1.0,2111i1/12121-
2•11111, ince:he:tee seylee, deo line
q tet, tee,
.1 b I.
*1915 IINTEHJEIST 'eetle BMX leleele
Yoe are invited to call on us ler a PRUE Demonstration of one lemons
The only Smithey anct perfectly
• constructed toupee made. Inde(ec.
eable, light in weight, strong, per-
sb ventilated. Worn and en-
clorsecl by physicians and medical
)144 men. They are made in any
Styles, aapes or shades.
Do Not eeail to Oall rind See Them
0, to., 1.11,t, 0411
THE /IIIO11tENIVEN11) VEY of Toronto, LiusiisesJ
Thu igoillso Of Quality Hair 41;100d8 •
103.105 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont.
, .1",..1..p •