HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-02-01, Page 5PRI3EiriatY BROOCHES qmontem-an Our handsome line of exquisite Pearl Brooches will appeal to the good taste of all ladies:' They • are of 4k gold, and the gems are as flawless as • price will allow. Our large stock makes ,select- • ing very sinTle. and the price will appeal to all economical shoppers Call in today and ldok over the lot. You will find your ideal here at a price WITHIN YOUR MEANS matm.-6,003:maymosclara JEWEL/ER and OPTICIAN mem esessesaseeseicesoistais • SPRING SIIOW APRIL' 4th., The annual 11100.ft-to of the Clin- ton Spring Vain was held at the Council Chamber on `Wednesday, and wats veey largely attended. 'The new officersi elected fort the year were.— :Tames Snell, President. Geo. Hoare, Vice -President. R. Grabem, Treasurer. C.F. Dowding, Secretary. The old directors 'were re-elected The Fair ,Will be held on the fleet 'Thursday in April. .7— Farm ler Safe Adjoining the talent ottoSeaforth Lot 25, Con. 2, McKillop,, contain- ing: 100 acres. more or less. Good lack loan, three( never failing, wells, lenge bank barn, good sta01- ing under barn, [large driye shed' one acre at orchard with young spy trees just beginning' to bear, very best .gravel on f.ltrin4 for • cement work, fifteen' aeres under red clov- er and five oores 'under Alfalfa), Land ,weil under -drained and in good ;state of cultivation. Large brick house—all modern eonven ienees,—waii bath -room and closet 'Por Nether pareleulare apply on premises OW to Sox 128, 'Matthew A Lawrence. Seaterth. n • , •, • . , • ++4-eteseesitsse+.44444sesesesestisesest PERSONAL& . t IIt is the desire of the . .e' publielierS Oat all Should I et tiiiee' an • interest in tiiiS + e ' e °lineal of TIME NEW 1 + ERA. If yoil 'have friendS ts. 1 • Visiting yoiti; or are is,o- :er lug asiviay,for a trip, leaVe I ,•woi rst Or Send t on a Post 4. eard4 ' •+ + , Mrs. Weir, oil Wroxeter, is 'visit- ing her claughtele Mrs. J.Itariley, . 'tli,Jra. W. D,.Vair 't was at-home tt;� h.ar friends on ,TuesdaY"'taf ternoen-. Rev, J. Greene will eoncluet :the Quarterlytservices all pta,ifo on Sunday.•. • . , , iliiss Lena ,Witulton, of Goderiell, is :guest oe her sister, Mrs. J. Armour. . , Tenn'yson; of Sarnia, is YiSiP- illigi atithe home of Airs. Smith, Vic - if Cilia, street. , • , eIer, and Mra. Maiser were.visitors in Hensel! witill friends and rela- tives lasIt week. • Mos. Edward D. Cleghom.‘ has been confined .to her room with the prevailing cold, . Mr. and Mrs. Gen. Crooks, tor the 'Base Line visitetk friends in, ttown l'udsday evening. 114iss Alice Bell, of Loridesbo.ro, 'Naas ;the g•uesf of her friend,, Mists4- Wheatly of town. Mrs, Lah.Paislem and Master el- more,- It:re spending t ithe weekt-,end lvith Goderich friends, Mrs. Jas. Ford) had a few in last Saturday evenine in honor: of Mrs. McLean, of 'London. 'Mrs. J. Leslie Herr en tertaitIthe few of her ladyends lase Fri- day evening to a 500' paety. Mess. J. HertileY was alt Blyth Wed nesday attending the/ funeral of the late Mis. John Barr. Rev. Mr. woottout oc Stratittra, was the tgoesid of _Rev, J. Greenlet while in kYlV]) oven santlay. Mr. Rob. Charlesworth has return ed to hls home in Grand Peeks )afe ter 'spending 'strew; weeks in Clin- ton. Mrs. S. Smith, accompaniedby her little nephew, Master George IVIcHardy, were visitorin Toron- to eine w•eele, Mr. J. Crooks i:e.f e lest Week for Toronto, where aftee a couple'of •weeks at 'the 'wee: eset hon 01 he wise leave on his western ,rip. Miss 'Wright, of Simeoe, who is visiting with Abr. and Mrs, If. Chani, will eeceive wIth Mrs: Chant on Tuesday ,aflernoon, Eels eth It is likelY that Rev. W, eolliffe Of Bolton, formerly • pastor) of Wes- ley ehereh, Clinton, will superan- e ole Song, he having ethsently bought aresidenee in ToLvonto,, Summerhill avenue. . IVIre E.M. McLean, of Dendem was refeetving odd acquaintancee °vets Sunday, 'His many old friesids were glad tosee himi here ossee mere: IVIes. McLean and .0evis1 returned this week to their home in Landon, Mr. J. A. Irwin itoele Part in the Sunday ;services sue Goderich. In the morning he preached in (the Nevelt street ,churele and in the evening eat Vieteria tetreee ehurch, It was Missionary day- at the .for- tei church. :Grocery 81141 es q for Sate ,ot ,endent of Missionary department At ;the annual meeting of ,the ondon Sunday School Associa- ion ittvo Huss:mites were elected to •ffice--Israel Taylor RS1 Superin- in Town of Clinton. I am offering) Sfly grocery husi- • ne;se fo.r sale. As bargain for the man who IdOiVed quick. Ill health • reations for seAing: A. Del3EATON. For:Sale Radiant Home Hentee (OT, teale. Apply tolVles. Smith),:ageopdt door :from Wesiley Viettoilia street. ,1. N(11 ICE TO ClITADIT011:4.• In the :::,nnittei14.1';?;ffYie egee'teeee Iilizabeth essa.rentge ea lees*, ethe Town or, pi mr,01),in thestlomity of Warm), widow Deceased. NOTICIll i lyereby given 'pursuant to (8 01 Clitap..120; 11.1, C. thin. that alk nelsons 'baring claim.: or demands against the est, te 01 the saidE.isabeth Snarling deeeased,who died ou or about the eighth daY Of July, MO, are Kolred tO send by post, prepaid, or deliver to the thclersignal execun te.: oor hafoie the 20th day of robrus.ry, DU:, their ettristin it sn0 fAtr- nnal.is tuna addresses \\dull 0111 particulars 0)5 writing of their elaints, and statement 01 their' acaounts end the nature of filo securities 'Of • 0.000031 tiy then) duly verilial by statutory deel ars Won. AND TAXA 1'50r001l that afthr the sate 200 dity of February 1014. the sate exeautor wifl proceed 07 11 1r07u07 the (189010 of the said de - .00n,884 „mom; the par1i.,0 .hereto bay. leg reeltri only 41 the &mites of 10111,41 dud, senn then hew, no i e. sod tile Raid exedr.- tor, win not he 114403400 said assets or any pert thereof, to any persons or persons of wtoso ielabn notice shall hot have been received bY 1,0,1 AA r" q1101, tl-n Dated the 2.984 lay of January, 1812. .10041 OCNNINCIHAINIE Executor • Cliuton, Ont„ frktaff*nweetzstwortaavrnammeauwan anct Mr. J. W. II. McRoberts to the Home Department. Mrs. W. Wallace and little clau- . gltter, Miss Bethel, of Dauphin, aee visiting the former's sistere-ine.aw Mrs. McGarva and IVIiss Wallace, ot Ontario street. Mrs. VItallace was called East on account of her sis- ters death. alt Durham. An old timer seethe gun sport i,n ,the person oft Dlr. J. Johnson, of Dungannon, and .formerly of Clin- ton, was eigashil appointed treas- urer of Hui Dungannon Gun Cub. Mr. Johnson .can, still show somesef the boys in the Northern burg how to het the "builPs1 eye." e Mr. 81, A. Jones, o,f ,the tel&nnizatt- ion Department ,:1•11 ,Toronto, a.nd 'who Wa9 in charge of the T. & N. O. special car which visited Clinton, la tit'Friday, ga.velt kite' NeWeililvta31 at, elAL Mal btay',4:1(11..(1: PalmOF't,lie)../i14=-' pl asta.nt 'e.all: i.Mr. 'Aires:1111S 'rah old' . eisitent raise' . 'Calle( k!• ,bh '1,3t16.iedrii•? while 'waiting for train ,connection.s ior London where he spent Sun- day. The New Ertel was pleased to meet them. ) ' From the 'social, news of the Nia- tgara Pons,. dailyt Gazette, 'we (lip the fallowing items ; —Mrs. !Ed- vw art Deeirt wad the hostess of a, .very delightful .bridge .Tuesday' afternoon in honor itill her , guest; Barry 'Combe: The prizes wero a - war ded to 'Mrs. Albert/ff. Hooker. of . Niagara Felts, N.Y., and IMrs. Robarthstotm. The otit tot it ywn tgriests were Mrs. Geo. Findley Nye' and Mrs. Alberti II. Hooker of Nia- gara Falls, IsT. "Y.y, Mrs. Hadtings of New. York clityf and ;Mos.., M. B. Combe of Clinton : ... "Major NMI • Mins, Ddipry COgribe,i 01 .Citnttoti atb the guests of Mr. and Mts. Edward', Denvtart at Bender MIL -I) H OOVE 1UNDrItTA KING eieseanenomissoe "GOOd10 Sii and so is every ebeieltsve show. You select one , and, 'have wife select other. It will be a "toss • up" which is best.' You can't go Sunrise on ' ANY KIND OF A CHAIR . . in our stock. They're all 'good, Just so with' entire stock we allow, It's best in town, and that's why "those who know' bey fureiture at our place. • , • yrusicAL pow. , ' (From the New York .}1414/d.y (News NO tie;—j,' ,Gilbert ',itieciot,"' a Milwankee 1arniere.gains'01,000`ta'Year providing 'ttitieic 0034,,'Phontigratili for his '000's while they are, being ' 'e0h,...renty; put a record 101" • • It we the farmer's cry', • ' Amd tmen old Sukey VISiddS had • Of "florin' Throughthe Rye." .'. It made het Month to water ,and ,t Dee nostrils open wide As "Breath of New Mown Hay," she 13rorti fragrant'rivet side- , , 'The GoodtOld summer Time' • called forth The pleasantest of dreams, t She chewed her Scd in calm content At 1inks' "Corn and beans." And valiant "Wearing of -the Green," Made verdant visions pas's, t And then knee-deep she was "In Old Hentock y's" bluest grass'. When GeUle Annie's springtime .0)1800 e Ely "Belies Bonny Dee," She ate her fill, then sought the shade • 01140 "Old Apple Tree," Where "Little Buttercups" 'so dear, Stasescatterecl sire could gee - She switched bets tail, and' then she • hened , "Shoo Fiy, Don't Bother Me,,, And as old Sekey's cultured ear Took in each pleasant strain, She gave of milk each drop she had, To that wise farmer's gain. 13e tfortun e balked, there come an end To what he set Ms pt•ide on, When - sad mistake -he played one dos - "The Tete the Old Cow Died On." Sleeping Out of Sporn . One of the fads•of modern lite which deserves a permanent place in the ac- tivities of humanity is the determine - on of civilized man to go back to the habits of his ancestors 1.11 sleeping out- of-doors, says an exchange. in every suburban neighborhood steeping pors cites are frequent. and more than one disease meets its worst enemy in this new idea, The Boy Scout movement is teaching the habit to the rising gen eration and, in spite of the fears nt anxious and over -nervous mothc es, the public is growing to appreciate the truth of Ernest Thompson-Seton.s statement that no one evercaught cold irorn sleeping on the geound in the opetell he was properly prepared for it. No matter how many windows are pieced in the walls of a room and how wide they are opened at night, smiths the wind is strong a certain amount of. stagnant air is tinvoidahle. This air is tell of impurities. 'the man. wo- man or child who breathes it does not gid' the right quantity of oxygen ane suffers accordinely, But the sleeping porch or the open tenr, supplies the absolute purity which means so much to humanity. If the fathers and mothers of to -day would, wherever possible, provide out - dote sleeping places and let the youngsters Sleep in them the next generation vested liefreer from anaemia ;laid neurasthenia than is the prese»t one. If every seconletory porch were equipped with cots, and curtains to protect from the elements, the use of these spots for sleeping pur- poses would make insomnia unable to shorten as many lives as it does to- day. Good air is one of God,s medi- cines, and the man or woman who turns to a doctor when this natural remedy is at hand hardly to get well. Several elements enter into this struggle for constitutions. Ancestry, good habits, good seep, good food and it quiet mind are the most essential of these. If the bedroom, with its pocests, of dead, air, were avoided by citizens, young and old, at least one of the haedycaps to perfect physical coneition would be overcome. Myth. The first Tuesday in liebruary is horse fair day in Blyth. Mr. A. F. CAM attended the Apiary meeting at Guelph recently. Mr. CAIT is gene an en husiasts in the boney business. Mr. James Colter, of Morris Town- ship, has beets notified that he has fallen heir to 100 acres of land in lte. land. Mr. Colter may teke a trip over to see the land. The annual Meeting of the BlythAg- rieuitural Socith y was held in industry Hall Bede on Friday last.. On motion of R. G. McGowen and Jobe Parrott Mr, A. W. Sloan was asked to preside at the meeting, after a feWbriefs re..„ trial ks the trentathi of thelase eneetitie Wiese read. Moved eSes lb% sMeteelf,,seo,, „ended by T. H. 'Teylor that the minutes be 'addjited. The Finalised report was read and after discussion it MRS moved by J. B. Tierney seconded by R. B Gowan that the report be adopted. sieved by F. Metcalt seconded by R, Richmond that the matter of Spring Show, Field Competition and expert Judges be left in the handset the Oleos - WO, , Moved by lite Richmond seconded by R. Wight:mut that we insure again is we weather a so that we send a del- egate to the Central Assoniation. The election of Officers then took place with the fellowing result -2- : Hon.leresi. dent, 13.'I3 McGowan ; President WM. Polloek ; First Vice "Presid ent Outman Laidlaw ; Second Vice President, T.II. Taller ; Directors, Win 'Beacon ; Wm. Grev '-David Lsidlaw ; 5.11, Sloan ;Te Mctleswan It Elarritinn ; Jas. Com- ing and 'A 13. Otto'. Auditors F. Met - o I tf and le. Bendes. 5. vote of thanks was tendered the chairman arid Audit, ors. The Directors then met arm in toe nesence of the President, Duncan Laidlaw took the chair, Moved by R • G. McGowan seconded hy It, Sloan that R. Sloan that F. at.etealf he the representative to attend the Cons en tion of the Ontario Association oties i vs and Atisociation of Pairs end Bisbee mons to be held in Toronto on Velma ary Ith and 8,h. , Morris District L. O. Teenet for their • annual meeting in the Hail at Blytb on Tuesday of this week and after the toutine business was concluded +hes following 'officers were installed for ensuingterm by past County Master Mains, of 303 Londesboto, D. D. M. Bro. R. Snell, 932, Auburn, District" Chaplain, Bro. F. Haggitt, e033, 1313011). Dist. Seceetary, Bro. A. Beadbutsre 1332 • Belgraye, Dist. ' Treas. Bro. le, H. Robinson, 263, Blyth, Dist. Lecturer 'Bro. Bradburn, 462, Belgrave. During O he process of the meeting Past County Master Maine and Past Master W. el McElroy were eelected to present as re solation of ,condolence to the widow anti family of the late brother, Past, • County 'Mester john Wilford. The late biother who had olstained teeny degrees wee paseed. through the many mysteries of the Ceder by 1?astCounty • eines Who 'bee been it life loess mein • eeeef theoder ,end, peer ee yeets ego EL:CLINTON • issie,es 180., of, beniciaciviis nre CW4**,4 iMpeerepot eyee. We can ,penuxtertonfla, curd slach 1800804c4e8 with c;tra$el.„ If 10010 re- Yeepi see 1-1,':;7;7•77'4'1177'4. Page 5 802. The losseS paid' during the 11(jet year amonnted to #12,713001j)8, flesets. R. aatz,:m.„Oeiger wd41.*tottering, baineweee electedediee'etereein '1113100(01 stithsewhoiesternestiadetaxpired ' jov,;(1,, • toBeelin .this week, 'where they ;Wilt Mre.' John "Ne0(schivang4 dted at hes home here on lylonfley evening, • She had reached th'elike of 48 years, . J. Grig Jeweler and Optician. Issuer of Marriage Licenses flissidtad in the initiatory stages of .the leteMember. The following is the res. olution presented to ides. Wilfore and family, n TO Mrs. Jno. Wilford Jan.dfam2 i133; 1112 At the annual tneeting of MorrisDis- triet fe, 0. L., held at Blyth on the above date the following resolution, which was moved by Pest County Mas- ter Maines and seconded ey Past Mae, ter, W. IL McElroy, was imanimens 1y passed :— That whereas, the gileat and supreme' ruler of the Universe has in his infinite wisdom seen fit to remove from among us our worthy and esteemed Brother, Past County Master john Wilforceand tvherene, the intimate relations held with him as a member of the melee in the faithful discharge of his dueies. Society makes it eminently befitting; that we record our appreciation of him therefor he it eesolved, that the ability which he exercised in tbe aid of our organization, by services rendered so willingly and cheerfully, will be held in grateful remembrance. That the removal of such a life from among us leaves a vacancy and shad- ow which is felt by alt the members of the organization, and proves it serious toes to the cause for which we labor. ibis therefor resolved,thet with deep sympathy with the bereaved family we express the hope that even so great a loss to us all may be overruled tor good by Him "who (Meth all things well." Signed in behalf bf Moreis District • Lodge : AI, Mains, P. 0, M. • W. H. MeElroy,P.M. Be a vote in the lodge it was unani- mously carried that the commemota. tion of the Battle of 01)8 1300118 for the year 1912 be selebrated at Blych, and the same will be neon the County Lodge at its sitting id February. • auburn- , The many friends '11)1 Mrs. Geo, Willard will be sorry to,. learn of her death which Smeared, neae Calgaty, Alberta, on :Ian. 19t10e Mr. Willard arrived with the eseneens Saturdae,the funeral from the Presbyterian church to the Colborne Cenietery on the same day. The bereaved hesband and aged mother, As ith largo circle of friends 'ewe the sincere sympathy cif the community in this hour of sorrow. The sew logs are tilling iip the mill yards since the good sleighing has coine, Dr. Howson started his mill on Tuesday last. There was much entanglement in the talk on the mumeiple telephone line. On Tuesday truithing a pole near Blyth breaking from the weight of ice on the wires eititsed the trouble. Leehurn Miss Edith Keene, of Goderich, is spending a few davs at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Oluttoo Miss 13. Snyder, sef Gocierie.h, ' was the guest of her friend, Miss Katie Hunter on Sunday. A sleighload of thirteen people driven by our focal Dunlop driver at tended the social held anMr.Bichan's on the BaytieldRoad on Friday evening of Jest week. They repert a gooe jolly time. • • Quite a number of fermiers attended the Horse Fair at Goderich on Tuesday afternoon. s Prayer meeting will.he held 41.'", the home oe Me and Mee Alex. Clutton on,Thersday evenieg. ,I.e' • Me. Shaw and son are busy gettieg bottle .timber „ineeeder'' to,s be steely when epringopened to put 'a founda- tion under thew barn and other elterie tion, TitelfersmIth Death: -The end intelligence hs,s littely re.achecl, Alex Grey, of Tucker smith, of the denth of his brother, Robert Grev of Ontario California He died at Rochester Minnesota Hos- pital after an operation for a tumor. His brother, Dr ' Thomas Grey; was with him at theshospital, ' Vint ell efforts proved unavailing. He was 48 years of tete and had bethi inerrie.d about two years. He leeves widow, and nSOTA 10 mourn his losa besides his brothers and sisters. He leinl nn orange grove at Ontario (Sits, Co liter Ma and 4V5S muchrespected by n large circle of friends. Zurich C. Fritz has on exhibition In his show caee a; hens egg which measnres 01. (itches bye inches. •, Sifter Feb. ist the subscribers of the Hay Municipal Telephone: Co., will be given a night service This wilt bf, certainly a convenience that will be appreciated by the subscribers, et.bel Schelby and tarnily left tins 'week for their new home in Waterloo, They leave with the best wishes of -freights-ars and friends. IVIie Andrew Schmidt end Mrs. II. Holts were merrier). oe Thursday last, the ceremony being performed by the Rev. G. Is, Beown of the Evangelical Mr. well= Jeffrey, eon of Me. and Mrs. Leon Jeffrey oe the Babylon Line, eels married on Tuesday last to . Miss Julia 'enchant:Ie. The ceremony was perfoemed by rattier Stroeder in Se rioniface church. s A largely attended Pleating of the etueon Weather Insurance 001npanY Mtn he'd here. on Monday. The sotePanY Was organized six years age, and has made rimed adeeucenteht during the lasteewyears. • The annual 'report sieseSs tbat Petieies W6re in force on Decanieer ari 'the • Saylieldee° "' ° John Jewitt, one of btu:A.(44.14mm ures of this place if t ROW living witn his mother. t John Goiarcluee has ....recently sold •twenty tons of hay . ,to (the Weston 131`0F., who in turn wilt, place on (lie market ab wholesale nrieesey • Miss Lizzie Fergusontandther friend • Missfferrin, of Toronto, arc:A-low iiiiffit- ing at the bonne of her parents, 141.r. and Mrs, E'ergesou. • tt •" The many friends, Of t Arr. Whiadon wilt he pleased to hear thatthe and' his (laughter, IVIiss 13 ritty.earlyed, safely' in Europe, . tr, The - congregation of ' St,'"Andrew.)s Pres ty terian ()hued), of w1it3lalfted Macfarlane, B. D., is pester, hh,,e )ratn• Meted ite vote on church unithi; WWI the following result : fa favar on the proposed basis, 20; ageknIt 08; majority against, 78. ' Sr. tindretv's Chnrch,--Ttie neat congregational meeting ` of . St Andrew's church was held !net wed- nesday afternoon in' the baseitent of the church, when, in site ot the bad roads, tbere wits itefair 'edendance, The chair was taken by the pastor, Rev. A Macfarlane, . who led in the preliminary exercises; stft Or which the reports frotn the ditteeent oreenizie tione were read and adept ed. The re- ports showed all the societies to be in a flourishing conditibn, wioli 31 good balance on the right side.' ' tote,' givings of the tcongregation for the, year amounted to 51,838, an' advance of more than 8300 over' last year, leaving a balance on hand of $150 over with whieh to begin the new year. The debt on the church was reduced by 30 yo/Uutery of feriae. from the Con- gregation of 5300, leaving only 5230, which it is hoped will be wiped out this year. In order to meet, the in- creased demands 02 11)0 miesion work ,of the church a monthly envelope sys- tem was decided upon and a tn(seion- my committee WAS appoitited WRI-1 (lampbell as treasurer. eoseasectseeseeetratoosamme EditoTial Notes sefoesecooseeeseestomumego Be an optimist. • 1912 has 366 clays. Fill eyety one of 11)00) witet kind ward's anditelee, deeds, Start at hotne 'led bean 11 Ontario Provincial Tempere,nce. Convention at Toronto, Feb. 13th to 161)1, --0-- 1s Thursday ushers in the month ' 01 February witit its 29 days:thee' year. If somebody favors ,31011'irit,h104 of those "chain praye0". ,a1 good place to put it is in the ste,Ve, Rumor has it4,1that Dr. 'Illereluint' is really tgoing to ,get • that; lingual school trepore ready for the approaching session; "6.1 the Ontario Legislatore.„. How wonld it do mIci'r,41144,Nern-, ent tll t o own ahekvi #runigatele-' phone and telegna,ph „Priest? „it)The: time is not far distant,,yeAume5egis- lation. clear cut and, erse,,,,Will he' a necessity to mark ont ithemighte and privileg4s of the wepeete.syse terns, So widespread have. ilethesse' modern conveniences ,hecerttelethhes shooed be made subserwe eheeletest* interests of the publim.a; n 1'v.'. • t Hon. Sam. Hughes, Miniitet.ster of eays the Ross rifle is the "shooting iron" that must abm'ilsed by the Canadian militia as the Lee - Enfield goes out. Funny how that Ross rifle we.* so ..notortously bad and is now so superlatively ex- cellent, Cireumstances alter eases., without any doubt. • 1 February 14111. wil1 usher in St. Valentine'ts day. Don't waste little and money in 'sending so-calfect comic missikves. • 11 youwish celebrate the evone there. 'are bet. ;tor for,tna of doing , 80,that Will con-- vey ;Athe,,,,,kosie ,,,withent the ethbfrn. 'Some peeple ithiolc,' &tithe it funniest' loite going io poet a earicatuteiwho would wear a decided. frown' it the postmaster handed auk 'one .,df 'the same variety ;to thernselvdstt. It is enough. to bring tears' jets: the eyes of a bronze monuments to w itn eas the sore istr es. s 0010(100 by some ef the Torontonians over the "infamous" attempt 'to esesethe; Sunday toboggan. • We holed,. city' council ' will etick their'gtibs teoricleontivpe ritt ittacall:lbacci abauds,,atialibea,tah,,t,teropot the Wide-open variety. The a'nx.tqty of stonle full& to get into the lime- light 00 (0115' andi every issue itt which pulling doWn is more I'appar-, ent than building up tshoeld, .ene ergise those who ought• t defend the rights and( privileges of the great majority. We believe Sun- day golf or iddY( ether form rkf oport should not be permitted, and it ,the law at present does not cover such cases, amendments ,shotild he songht to remedy thefte Weak Spots, High ideals must be maintained if the yonith of to -day is to deveiep Sabbath -loving and keepingN ineli- nations.. Toronto she old set , geed example, t• t• • Whateaeoust an agricieltueal etp- resen•tative ;foe Huron County? In last December's lerovinciel Elec- tion Scampatign tins was 'among the ehlegss to be eealized Arena •,tbe • Whitney deverrms,ent, and if it is of 'value weshoelci ;gee lefeer it. One man ,could secareelye cover so lerge a eounty, but he scould pieneer ehe way ;for deplieatiore est etteece, There are roany ehiegs, Onell Ain of - steel). eseeese le ntasterielly aid Ole Pe0Ille oe Hume, • Every ,Township Commie eseleuld, :adxo,eaee the Gond ..eloede Moves' meet' anct pratotted what they 'preach ' by Jett:here dosing aereer,, Wilei ,Stsitute 'Llabee''or lee'llsedellniestitg esie that Permatieut woocosvoye a 1)18 30 111111 J011081) S Colounetic es Saturday, January Bic,- price reductions on all lines of winter merchandise Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats s Women's'and Children's Ma.ntles and Furs • SWeaters and Sweater Coats • Wool Shawls, Toques and Mufflers Caps, Mitts, Socks, Etc. Also a "Bio- Clear Cut" of all broken liues of Boots and Felt Slippers at • manufacturer's prices. DON'T MISS THIS SALE P1 1r*s SMALL PROFITS MOR.E BUSINESS ,I4Z3ZZEMZSMIZM\ ANZE;021=22=3/VMEMSZ=ZWEr9======117021Mai A new Stock of Peabodys Smocks, Pas - and Overalls come to hand this week. Also Lots of nice Sprin Prints, Ginghams etc. Will have a car of Coal in a few days. Ilese vogue, and ;the° work done very largely treated. Let us be up-to- date and decide on t he very hest Plans available. Those "Ulster .antl-Ileme Rulers areea meitant body, no, doubt, but the methods they are adopting may not have elle effect they legume ons Too fervent zeal is often a diellecult and dangerous commodity to handle. Iteland has 'hale( a varied exeerience in its Rome Rife move- ments and evidently, the pathway is not a floweteelerewie one yet. Get in touch *with the best seed grain, the hese grade of stock, and . the beet methods of caring foe your creherd. The best commands the Stop price, and in addition to the retvard .comes the satisfaction �f emarketing a No.1 article, It is also ,,a great stimulus to others in the ..way of an objeek lesson. Be a leader rather than 'satisfied to always follow There's exhitirati n in marking out a new course or be- ing a path finder, no matter what the calling in life, • , The Gallery Clock • Eaeh. day the ,Tottonto Daily Star is running I very, interacting bit tnews, unded the heading "The ' kilet1041 Role of .43 Ca itle , , The undersigned have Ihstructed T. Bt.() MI to sell by pti blic n110110[1 at 1 o,clock on Tuesnay, Felt. eth, at the Hotel Normandie Stables, Clinton, the fancying: :3 cows newly calved. 3 rows clue hi Eel), 11 due in Mardi and April, 7 beef ring heifers, 8 steers risieg 2 years, 8 steers and heifers rising 1 yertr. 2 young calves 'A.II cows mated to Dnitham ot• Hereford belle. Guarantee: All cows not prov- ing to be in calf by March 355h may he refunded and note or money will pe refunded. Terms: e months ered it on Approved joint notes o803 per cent per itnnum discount for in lieu of notes, — Holland St Connell, proprietors, T. Brown, auctioneer, • We have just received a- nother car load of feed Corn. Any qu.anity over 10 bus. at 75 cents a bushel. , The L. Suitter Co. The Elevator Cii$011 -- 'Ontario inllount Aft, 644 force is 2741 .re4...„,tc 'oolfcc .rtiOA,V115111 , , ' of .10)3uypete, ott es eit'25 Ye,araelago ' Pee 'etelr wi' Gallery Clock" written by 11, G, Gadsby, and in one °tithe issues he goes after Hon. Mr...Crolthers, ('sten of Labour and we take a Small item ,which is credited to the Cab- inet Minildlter*:— Nine lExcusese-Count I have not) reached, any 00s10111- 8100. I oannot aay, tuffhaed, Ida not remember. 1 Ian). nolk able Ito recall the do - 1 kannot undertake. to 'give par- itienlars. It is not an opportun,ek time to make a statement. Imay he mistaken, but— Will the honorable member move ,f(aT, a a eturti I leannot answer: a hypothetica5 question. This Will give the workingman some idea of how much tactien'the is 'getting from the, new Minister of Labour. TRok,,,Ak- nine Winter Resorts Round TrIP TourisCS TiCkets now 00 8030 to all principal winter re- sorts including CALIFORNIA , '0.1EXICO, FL OR I 1) A • The Attractive Route to WESTP,RN ((AXD.\ • is via Chicafro. Steamship Tlekets 011 81410) by al Lines. , ' • 1i'U1,1 de rticulars front JOHN RiNSI,"ORD, & SON, Agents A.O. PATTISON. depot agent 's "eases Boot Maker tend Renewer Repairing done ,promptly. • Skates put on while you Wait Skate straps of soLd leather cut any length desired. • 'Suit cases and Trunks re. paired. A trial will convince you of the neatness and promptness with which 1 execute my work Store open every evening Opposite Postoffice. Watts