HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-02-01, Page 3rrefilitttit
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13 WrIAT CANADIANS ,:.ii:i ,
• R . , . ARE DOING ,
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. liow. wil.J.,i/of ruosic,F,T
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J.LI .
mit. Pugsley Was launched -in the
world'in 1850 and into, the 'whirl wind
' , . • ' , . r; .
of politteall life in 1885 i....rlien. he wr,s
f .
.1... chosen a Member of the New .Rrune-
, ; wick Legislature', A couple of yeare
.. ..
later ,he Nvas Appointed speaker,. am. ,
thus Seemed fatr.ly , well Staited on
• theroad that ofte,,n leads to. 171110h
ForWonleit—Lydia E. Pink= higher things --' and often does net.
1890 WI Pu-sley resigned to be-
Belleville, Ont. -"I was so weals
!,., • , and worn ourfrom a female weakness
" , ..• ' that I concladed to try Lydia E. Pink-,
ham% VCgetable
Compound, I took
tstt'reMinister ot av 1 ublie Worics for Canada.'
taken his seat in the House
that aurialla iso g ll„m
ot nomons reprceenntive O. St.
It aeemed
make anew woman
of me. I can do as ,
good a day's Work
as I ever did. I
Sincerely bless the
day that I made up
my Mind to take
your medicine for ;
female weakness,
and I aro. exceedingly grateful to youfor
• your kind. letters, as certainly profited
by them. I give yon permission to
piablish this any time you wish."-
Mrs. ALBERT ,NVICIMTT, Belleville, ,
Ontario, Canad• a,
Woraeneverywhereshouldremember '
that there is no other remedy known
to medicine that will cure female weak-
ness and so successfull3r carry women
through the Change of Life as .Lydia E.
Pinkham'sVegetable Compound, Made
from native roots mad heabs.
, For 30 years it has been curing
(womenfrom the worst forms of female
ills --inflammation, ulceration, dis-
placements, fibroid tumors, irregulari-
ties, periodic pains, backache, and
.nervous prostration.
If you want special advice write
It is free and always helpful.
come Solicitor General and two yea -re
later retired ont of politics, to [lova e
.his energies in another direction.
turned to the Legislature. in 1899 'he'
was chosen Attorney General the
year following, chief honors coming
in 1907 which howeVer he surrender-.
od shortly after, on being appointed
Several bottles of ,
Then cure heart trouble and come
to hear "The Private Secretary', at
the TOWn Hall, 'Clinton, Feb. 1st.
Two hours and a hanz of enema-
ment. The ,supreme contempt and
disappointment of the irritable old
uncle from India. Mr. Cahtermole,
for his supposed nephew, the Rev.
Robert Spalding, and his frankness
in saying so s mieth provoking.
The spiritudis
erase of Miss As-
hford, and the unadulterated nerve
of the tailor, Gibson, sytth his de-
sire no soar' in better society, pro-
vides an entertainment that Ono
cannot afford to miss. Monest js
cheerfully refunded it ,satiefaction
not given. The east le as follows,---
• Mr. IVIarslanci Mr. D. Holloway
Harry Marslancl, the nephew
Mr. R. Rumball
Mr. Cattermoten Mr. I. Rattenbury
Douglas, his nephew Mr. W. Ford
Rev. Spalding Mr. O. Fink
Mr. Gibson, tailor, Bond St., ......
Mr. W. Johnson
John, aservarit ... 11/ra N.Dayis
Knox, wilt server Mr. In McCaughey
'Edith Marsie,ndnclaughter
.Miss; B. McIvor
Eva Webster, her friend( and
companion Miss .13. Draper
..Mos. Steed, Douglas' landlady,
Miss G. Clu'lf
Miss Ashford ...... a ...Miss MrCluff
Seats only 25c and35c. Plan open
at Fair's Book Store..
,Secure !!taith
'While you may 1 The fit:of goo&
• step is to regulate the action of
• your sluggish bowels by early use of
Sold EVerY
bare. to boxes 23e.
noli. at. PLIGSLEY
John, N.13„ which con.stituency sent
himalong on. acclammotion.
Mr. Pugsley is a remarkable man,
inasmuch as his wealthas well as
that of his friends seeMS to grow
with leaps and bounds.
President Taft Attach
The Nostrums of Reform
Impassioned, speech Before the
Ohio Society of New York
in Dutraes
BIL1OUSESSAre. Increasing
Pekiri, TientSiti and IVIllkoen
AND TESSIIILE SICK SEADACIIES 1.111ere Wel-'e 32 in Fine 'Daa'fs-
' IMperial, Falnily Atrang-
' eallipteteiy round by " Fruit,a.fivus" ,
July '7th,
"I was a iireadfal sufferer for neatly
years front Sick fleadachee atid Bilious-
ness, or Torpid Liver. I tried minty
remedies and physicians; but nothing
seemed to dc, me any good. .1 filially
used "rrnita-tives" and after the first
box, 1 was so much better that I con-
tinued using these fruit tablets and they
have entirely cured nae.
certainly can recommend "Fruit-
it-tives" ton anyone who sobers from
Headaches, Biliousness or Stomaili
Prouble." lrfies. ISAAC VANSICKI,n.
Thousands of people have bad the
same expeilence as Mrs. VanSiekle.
They have tried doctors anditaken all
sorts of medicine, only to find that
rrnit-a-tives" is tbe one ancl only
remedy that actually cures these
"Proitnativesr is the only medicine
ha the world made of fruit Juices, and
is the greatest Liver Cure ever dis-
covered. It acts directly on Liver,
Kidneys and Skin -sweetens the
stomach and pitrifiee the blood.
soc. a box, 6 for 42.50, or trial size,
250. At all dealers or from Fruit-a-tives
Limited, Ottawa.
To Setts Manitoba
Winnipeg, Sau. 29. -Premier Roenn
and Mni. Cant EI, Campbell, Minis-
ter of Public Works, left. Saturday
Malt for Ottawa in connection with
the extension. ot. boundaries of this
provinoe. It expeeted that the bill
dealing with the same will shortly be
presented. to the House at Ottawa,
and it le for the purpose of working
out the final details of the bill that
the Minister:1 are going to Ottawa.
• Hon., 0. R. Caldwell was also to
have gone east with the other Minis-
ters, but owing to illness, has .been
forced to cancel arrangements in this
riew 0 , ev,, .
his three4nv /i4it Ilis home
State, Preehleot T 11 e toe., meht
at the Waldert-nethria to • the Ohio
Society or New voo:, man,.
ably the mosta iMpoesineed spunk he
bats made in mauy neepths, directed
against the "nostrum: in inform" and
particularly aimed at the recall of
In the efforts that have been made
to reform ie gtele t !on •in • 11115 rant May
the. President said,. eaw much that
was good. He sew ti•e faults of gov-
ernment . the Caned States to -day
and eat:inter]. that in trying to eradie
cate them much Might be aceoraplish-
ed by reformers. 'Bat, in the effort to
make the judicleny r7 1120011150 to every
• "whitn" Of the psople;he saw destruce
He 'declared thin the cooeervative
element of the ration. must eventu-
ally "gat thaethea" to prevent a move-
ment that .i.Ttottiel melee the eouets the
.eacaeures poeular will and might
Make the decision in every. case, not
accord. with the .lidea bot accord with
whet a majority on 1.1,.6. People thought
the should, • , • •. ••
isaitere, r a.) tate 'a!
Gonuine Teg-etable Fibre Parchment, for wrapping
butter—the best sheet on the market, in pazkaws,
not printed :
,Ilti) Sbcets for 50e. ',,till) iSinets 14r Il,",e,
Better Stili
Have your name, farm and post-ryifice neatly printed
‘and rnake a reputation for' your product, \.',Ve ',„.7.use
, .
only special butter paper in, guaranteed not to run
or to injure the butter. .
ilMl§ 131. 1.75 2040 WIt.. S3.00 5000 tor
ViE.4s- So ChAed Up
She Could Hardly
ino to Abdicate
ne non ,1 no. e0.-.1 0c:spawn 11:011,1
Tientsin to tho Exchange Telegraph
Co., says that' the Imperial family
mei: at the prilace th-Pelcin yesterday
th •considee the question of abdica-
Lion, "nnan Shi Nat has coneented to '
the eonveniug of the' Notional Assem-
bly at either Minicoy or liaingte.
Acoording to The Daily Telegraphs
Pekin norrespondent, President' Sun
1' -at Sen has sent a eteculea trete to
the powers themigh the Pekin lege-
Sense stigmatizing 'Yuan Shi Kai as
the chatenion of the Mai -mime, and ac-
cusing hira cif repudiation oi his
pledgee and agreements end oS intrigu-
ing to Reenre the die.tatership for him-
eolf. The President deelaree that the
Lteratlalicarte have not changed their
terms, but will insist on a guaeantee
that Premier Ynatn will work solely
for sound Republican government.
Bomb and revolver outrages are in-
creasing in Pekin, Tientsin and Mukt
den. There has been 32 of these out-
rages in lartekden in the last five days.
A Shanghai despatch to The Tele-
graph says that the national conven-
time at Nanking has unanimously re-
solved no1 to extend the armistice.
0111( . , , 119:47,1PgtgzI
, [IAhi [1.111110, Close Lat Qteotations
1-itghere-Inve ,1
r se
tes, '
le:yeetsool and Chiceen Wheat Futures
t7'7'¼]'¼ -7¼')"
I ,
ClifCA0(1, Itin. 27.-T3enet thin the
APO NErD rifts'
,,,• ostiniated resulted to -day in a triaterial
motor crop France Tula 1)7100 aver-,
advance In nficos. 81,0 010S0 WOO 2211
194 Cior-Dobt ST.304lSAPLItroN,-/.1.Y. faltrii!'s(etclo14,ea ts' t,CIlletrdne
Off to 4/se up and hog products more
14 " you iii,„pensivo 274c. to 1.
kindly inform \v`14'(1,Tt.. atimilit•41chc,"„(
0)501 io-Csy 00
IMO 011 oOrn .2•0.1 'higher.
0(1111 7¼55ll5Y.
110010-117": 11,001254.4,1 1'¼ ¼.0¼00 10011101a 19001,913G
' lYbont— P*11. Lo17• Close, Close.
Toronto Grain Market1.1)A1 • 4.4 VI
'The Globe Hotel at Stayner wee de-
stroyed by fire. •
Mk. George Bleak of Vancouver has
been appointed Corarnissioner of the
A number of Consmvative members
are opposing Col. Hughes' militia es-
timates as too extravagant.
• The British steamer Bellerophon,
from Tacoma, etc.., via London, has
gone aground irt the Mersey.
The London Daily Mail anthorita-
tively denies the report that the ROSS
ride is to be prohibited at Bisley.
Nardoni, the . alleged murderer of'
Pappas, was arrested at Sault Ste.
Marie atter being a week in hiding.
The Lincoln County Council has
adopted the eeport exonerating •Treas-
urer Wismer from chargee of mega-
Samuel Downey, twenty-four years
of age, a furnace tender, was found
dead on the..floor of the bathroom in
the residence of Charles • 'Watson,
. The Government has ordered the
thorough disinfection of hair imported
from China. • The sacrifice of the
queues has caused a large increaoe.
in that kind of. traillc.
James Smith, a Belleville young
man, is under arrest charged with
burglarizing Laelute Bros.' Cigar Store
in that city, and stealing therefrom
about $40 worth of tobacco, cigars,
Bronchitis is an acute inflammation of
the mucus membrane lining the air tubes
of the lungs, and should never be ne-
glected, for if it is very often the disease
becidaies chronic, and then it is only a
short step th consumption.
. On the first sign of broncbitis Dr.
Wood's Norway Pine Syrup should be
taken, .and thug prevent it becoming
Mr. John D. MacDonald, College
Grant, NS., writes: --"My little girl,
seven years old, caught a bad cold which
developed into bronchitis. She was so
choked up she could hardly breathe.
Reading about your wonderful medicine,
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, I decided
to try a brittle, and with such good re-
sults that I got another which completefy
'cured her. I cannot say too much in its
praise, and Would not be without it hi the
house." . •
Dr. Woredi Norway Pine Syrup is
put up 10 a yellow wrapper; three pine
trees the trademark; price, 25 cents.
Manufactured only by The T. -Milburn
Wrap your butter, and -get two cents per pound
more than if unwrapped.
We also would be pleased to supply you with printed -
Letter. Heads, Note Reads, Bill Heads, Statements,
Envelopes, Wedding Invitations or Annbuncements,
Posters,. Circulars, Catalogues, Calling Cards, in
fact anything intheprinting tine you ma Y require.
The elittt9ri New Era
, ,
Co., Limited, Toeettee, Oat.
Bad Fire in Pittsburg, Marc.
Pittsburg, jan. 28. -Flames
that raged for six hour4 yesterday
morning, destroyed three buildings in
the businees section of this city at a
hies estimated at $250,000. The Acad-
emy of Music building, which contain-
ed the oldeet playhomse in the city;
the Miller leafleting,which adjourne
it on North street, and a storage
building in tha rem:, were the 'inane -
neves burned. The fire started about
midnight in the rear of the 0221101
Clothing stone, whicill was on the first.
floor of theAcademy buildiug. The
pollee aegard the origin ot the fire as
suspicious; and State Officer Thomas
E. Bligb began ao ioveetigation.
The high wind With zmo tempera -
tore hindered the firemen ho work-
ed for hours in coat e enCased ili ice.
One fireman -who had stood over le
hose fee a long time was frozen so
severely 'that he could not, move and
was' carried. to a nearby hotel to be
thawed out,. -
Winnieeg Options.
e sot
'in NI York
, City'? ; learned
about them tan
eltlingsten, OnL
• summer. My
daughter went to
and spe it the summer there. She got
eome of yo•ar Gin Pills and eent them
to me and I tried them and found that
to be the beet medicine that I ever used
for Kidney and Bladder Trouble. Oh. 1
they did me SO imich good and I am so
much better I hopp you can fix. it so
I can get Gin Pills, in New York",
Sold everywhere in Canada at 80c, a
boxe 6 for $,eno. Bample free if you
write National Drug and Chemical Co.
of Canada, Limited, Dept, A Toronto.
If you need a gentle laxative or some-
thing to stir up the liver, take National
Lazy Liver Pills, ese. a box. 106
Jv 1521/2 )02;,'s 102v.in 19119
tS• To -day. Yest.
fiat,... 1.0 00 91
Wheat, goose, 0)111101..., (01
OoShel 110 1 03
n911. busbel 050
111409.,rleeyy: fb0uvsl-Tea
l. .... 00 098 00¼)
0 25 0 27
Pees, bushele00
13 1 10 1 12
uckwhatt, bushel 0 63 0 0
Toronto Dai/ Market5
eunlilteteeste,,,, snep;atlobr, tie i ry, ib, 029 • 0 SI
:reuiffter, creamery, nery 4b. rolls- 0 33 0 35
OflcJs ..... 0,21 -1.1J,z 3 00
1.41111eY. lb ...... 0 16Vg 6 17
Eggs, case lots . 0 34
Eggs, new-tald .... . .... 17 . 0 40
Liverpool Grain 'Prices.
LrynnpooL, Jan. 2:I. -Wheat-,
Soot -Steady, Ss 5 1-2.d; NO. 2 Manito-
ba, Ss 5d; No. 3 Manitobs„ 7s 11 1-2d;
futures firm; .111arch, 7s 8 14d; May,
Is 5 3010; July is 5 1-25.
Corn -Spot -Steady; neve, Gs 1-2,1;
American mixed, new, Gs 6 1 -Id; Am-
erican mixed, old, Cs 10 1725; futures
firm; Jan., Gs 1.5; Feb., Gs 1-8ee
Peas-canaalan ass 2 0.
Flour -Winter patents, 010 les,
Hans in London (Pacific Coatt)-Ell
Ask Mr% Rider to
Visit Australia
Commonwea.ith's Minister Believe
Trade Pact Could be Negotiated
Ban Prime Minieten nateen
in an interview yea:entity etrid that leo
lead received no °facial intinen1 to et '
the proposals for a reeiproaal nenta
ment between Auetralia and Ca.:n11l:1, •
which the Canadian mininer oil Teade
and Commerce,. Qeorrf,e 15 Fiektv•r,'
Said to have made. C•n...:,,lerAti•,,,
will be given to these, he .8 4, %deal
proposals in a definite tem t;1 11
Ao.stralia. • • •
Both the Prime INlinieter alat the,
Minister of Ouetoms, F. 0. Tudor, say
that the visit of the Caoadian
.ter to• Australia WOU1,1 be heartily w•ii•••
cbmedas such a s'asit witfid gthatly
facilitate •riegotiations.
Nine hiendred fishermen an (hilt-
ing on a gigantic ice floe between ,
Nerve caul the Pitkapteeei Islands,
off Finland. The danger to the men he Salvation lair
le not imininent unless a storm breaks
bin, has sent a request to lbs Gov- Visa of Coffill116610110P
ernment for the despatch of a war -
a 1
from the north.
The British conettl at Hodeida, Ara -
ship to that port. Ills action was due
to the threats by Italian vessels to
bombard the. town.
Albert Clark-Seassnotie, the manag-
ing director of the. Montreal Opera
Co,, was severely injured in a colli-
sion between a taxieab and a street
car and will probably be laid up for
two or three weeks.
The opening, of Marconi wireless
communication between 01aoe BaY
and Spain was commemorated by Pre-
mier Borden and Hon. J. D. Hazen
sending messages to the Premier and
Minister of Communication in Spain.
Premier Getlin hint opened negotia-
tiona with Ole Dominion Government
looking to the acquistion of Ungava
and its annexation to the Province of
Quebec. The district is supposedly
rich in minerale, fable, and
adapted to colonization.
Champ Clark Out
A. prominent citizen of Evansville,
writes: -"I was ill for ilve
months with a Pulmonary trouble, and
had the best of doctors. I had hemort
rlaages and was in a very bad way.
'Through the advice of a friend I tried
Vinol, and I feel that it :Saved nay life.
It la all you te,commend it to be. I
believe Itis the greatest medicine on
earth, I have advised others to try
Vinol, and they have had the same
tesults." (Name furttislsed on, re-
We want every one in thisvicinity
who is troubled with chronic colds,
ootighs, Or pulmonary - troubles,, 'to
come and get a 'bottle of Vino].
If it does not go to the seat of trou-
ble, heal the inflammation and tetop
the ethigh, , will cheerfullY 'return
every cent paid us for it, This shows
our faith, and proves/that, Y011 take
Thomas H. Howard Arrives to
Make al Tour of Inspection,
new -York, .1211. m
Howard, eeninliSedoiler of Ow Finlys-
ti on Artily, a rri ved y'010]? day f
Europe on the Celtic, to melee 1: teen
of inspeetion 0511105 Will ineltel., New
York, Chicago and Toronto. He aeo,
met at tho pier by a del from
Ole Salvation 4103' end taken :,,
b eadqua rth rs He Wilt rat u rn
Europe Feb. 13. lie eahl that, n-
withstandirig the age el Gen. Willotin
Booth, the octogenerien heed of eh
Salvation Ariny, the cal '8 woe in
good health and was Lew thav
on the continent.
for tionfloation
Breezy Missourian Makes NoSecret
---- . ' . HINE SYgLil'
of His Lofty Presidential \
'-- SX -A
l'." -,,,--
sold and •guaranteed p,linton
7925 71? irnae
V1' OF nuagt on ,-' 4 eu.--,e pc u :tor
Cimino Clark in tt peinic l7 toneent
yreterdny SICclanal that he •wes
candidate for the Democratic presi-
dential nomination, standing on his
own feet "tithout Jeaniog on any
other candidate."
The speaker appeals for the support
of a repteesenta ti ye delegation f
"loyal Missouri Democrats, " who will
stand by- hint no long. as he lass a
chance for the nomination. Mr. Clark
is emphatic that" he 10 in the presi-
dential race on his 011.1]. 000105 and
Standing, and seeks no ethanol: with
any other Candidate.
"Goveenor Pelle anel his friends,"
said Spealeer Clank io 111; statement,
"may make combinations with other.
candidates if they wish, beet they
have no right to eXcose pleli conduct
by wronghally else:Tang ma with like
mere Anereng in Brazil.
Pio 31111ei10, San. 29, ---Anarchy pre -
nails at Bahia. Tho governor, Aurelio
Vi anna, who receeitly ,wititchew from
office, hes taken refuge in the French
consulate, which is guarded lig federal
troops.' His succeasot has also with -
drown, and the toevn, depeived Of 00n-
110)1, has bean ,aibancloned to the sol-
diery and popul.ace. lantsM•ess is en-
tirely suspended.
The foreign consuls held a Meeting
here 'Saturday and drewun apeotest
eeainst the oonclition of affairs. •
°rifles! Day of Mill Strike.
asawrenCe, Masa., Jan. g9,--Labo1
lor.l.lets in charge of the. ateilee ednearly
20,..00 operativea in the 'cotton and
sere:lien 'Mills of this' City, were yester-
day organieing their followers in an
etfort to, keep them from returning to
Yards Oinrosite, G. le. la, Stailoa
kindoi oal (tit
Citestntit S)It t_"0.9,1
Stove Ktinthl
Fturnace Cole
Montreal Grain and Produce.
MONTREAL, Tali. )7, -Cables cline
strong on Manitoba spring wheat, with
prices lid to WA per cluarter higher. 'The
demand was heavy and sales of over 090,-
000 bushels svere made for shipment from
now up to August, The foreign demand
tor oats was good at aleter prices, but,
as foreign buyers :lave not met the 00(1
advance here, no further sales were made.
The local market is excited and very
strong, with prices lc per buslidi higher,
making It net rise for the -week of 21/gc.
The demand for winter wheat flour in
Jute and cotton bags was 'good, and sales
of several thousand were made. The for-
eign demand for spring wheat grades
goo)1. and millers say that buyers
are steadily advancing prices. Bran and
shorts firm, scarce and wanted. Cheese
quiet, but strong. Receipts for week, 776
boxes, against 223 a year ago. Demand.
for butter good and undertone to the
market strong,. Receipts for week, 1202
packages, against 1127 a year ago. Eggs
very firm. Receipts for week, 1737, against
548S0toacicl.s7\-Vnge0a.t, 113,526; corn, 3437; Peas,
1951; oats, 400,981; barley, 109,901; buck-
wheat, 101,076; flour, 75,750.
Corn -American No. 2 yellow, 70e.
Oats -Canadian western, No, 2, 500 0/
Niko; Canadian western No. 3, 411/.30 to
49e; extra No, 1 feed, 494/1c to 5010 No. 2
local white, 485. to 481,9e; No. 3 local white,
17e to 471.03; No. 4 local white, 400 to 401,9c.
Barley -Malting, 98 to 81,
Buckwheat -No. 2, 720 to 780.
Eleur-ItlimItoba spring wheat patents,
firsts, 91.60; seconds, 95.10; strong bolters,
94,90; winter patents, choice, 94.76 to 45;
straight rollers, $4.00 to $4.40; straight
rollers, bags, 92 to 82.1.0.
Rolled oats -Barrels, 94.65; bags, 00 lbs.,
28 5; mIS
Nay-No. 2, per ton, car lots, 915 to
Clieese-Fineat westerns, 1114.6 to 151/20;
finest ensterns, 141,9C to 150.
Bence -Choicest ereamera, 37e to 1401
seconds, 12c to 321/2c.
Eggs -Fresh, 450 to 505.; selected, 251/0
to 3611; No. 1 stock, 311h0 to 020.
Potatoes -Per bag,....car lots, 51..60.
1; o
51 0.8O(gsTmtrs
Drers s9e9c1, osi tia,t5tooir 1(11105, 49.70 to
Pork -Heavy Canada short mess, bbls.,
35 to 45 pieces, 922.50; Canada short cut
back, bbls., 40 to 85 pieces, 922
Larcl-Coinpound, tierces, 375 lbs., 81/40;
wood pails, 20 lbs., net, Mc; pure, tierces,
070 lbs.. llific; pure, wood palls, 20 lbs.
net, 7214e.
fs: P10ittleb,sr 912st19..,2.00 lbs., $14.50; Plate,
Minneapolis Gra.la Market.
MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 27.--Cl00e-0lheat,
May, $1.071/2; july, 51.085; No. 1 hard,
01.08; No. 1 northern, 91.07 to $1.0749' No*
northern, 11.05 Lo 91.0199; No. 3 nort'hern,
'Corn -No. 2 yellow., 611k.c.
Cats -No. 3 whit*, 4874c.
Rye -No, 2. S9c,
13ran-$24.59 to 824.75.
Flour-Flrst patents, 05.20 to 9.1.50; se-
cond. pateuts, 44.03 to 98,18., first clears,
8335 to 43.05; second clears, 92.10 to 4291
"The suffering I canted for six
years with Rheumatism is boYand
seription. Uvery time I was exposed
to colo. or dampness meant that I had
to go to bed. My muscles stiffened,
ny joints swelled, and 'any attempt at
exertion, brought on excruciating
twinges. The paan shifted from one part
to another and I was scarcely ever free
Crom misery and sleeplessness. I took
all kinds of liquid medicines, but they
nearly alt depressed my heart and I
had to stop :Glenn Then 1 waS told Of
the wonderful power of Nerviiille.
'SY lit
a -4
"If ,Nervinne had boon Made Specially
for My ease it couldn't have lieen More
et •the painfill part, gaVe me ,,.da el--
loWed trio to sleep, gave me the use of
My arms and liartlas-in fatet, made, a
new man of me: I urge all Rtioutaa,,,
ties to Use ,
. 31. TRAYONDR,'
0'Justice of the Peace, 1.10:T1COStea7."
The most arenderfue 120115-82055115.dintbstaames• in Ore world are in Nervi -
line -that's why it 3101101301019 so quick.,
ler why it Instantly cures pain ±1101
other reiniedaeS •ean't even. relieve..
auccesand. aank right into the cote
Buffalo Grain Market.
121.111'17'een0a Ian. 27.-Sprin7 wheat,
firm; No. 1 northern, carloads, store.
31.1615; winter, firmer: No. 2 tea, Shen
No. 3 red, $1; No. 2 white 51.03,
Corn -Firm; No. 3 yellOw. 020; No. 4
yellow*, 071ac, all 0.1 trael;, tllrkl 111 I
Oals--filasier; No. 2 white, 01910; No. 3
0,'lllto 1154r; ioarioy-Ma1NLin0i,1 9 .1721121%, 9$11'.48e5.,
East Buffalo Cattle Market.
EAST BUFIPALO, „lan, 27.-Cottic;
Receipts, .270 head; dub,
Veals-RoceiptS, 200 bead; slow and
50c loWer; 55.50 to 910.00.
Vogs.-Receipts, 4800 head; active;
nett, atooreg; ethers, 5c to 1.0c lotveri
!teary and mixed., $0.74 to MO;
Yorkers, 96.10 to Men pigs, 85.10 to
96.00; roughe, 91,80 in 90.001 stags, 94.50
to. 9310; dairies, 30.30 te
Shbop and lambs -Receipts, 0009 head;
sbeep onel common lambs, slow and
lambs, 95.50 to 97.10, a few 97,15',
-steady, good lambs,. active and. 00 Iow-
a-et:rungs, 90,00 to 95,75; won -Jars, 94.25
to 94.50; 9
os, 8:.550, to' 94.00; sheen,
O Chicago Live Stock.
Phone 5%
WATCH is a delicate piece
rI machinery. 11 cans tor
,,a,!ntion than trriSt
machinery, Inn must be el.:mold
and oiled occa2i0no4l,,,, to 14=5./
pct 1111.1e.
r a
1.••• • 1:72, ta porIcit
:1 1,...1.11210. 12,111 par v•iii
L1011 10 ler 111 clean your 01.a,0.3.
W. EZ„ Cou r -
Jeweler awd optician.
Issuer of
Marrisge LicenkeF,
You'll lie surprised how quickly seta -
CHICAGO, Jan. 27.--Cattle-Re0011310,
1090; market dull, \\*oak''beeves, 94.70
to 96.40; Texas steers, 54.40 to 95.75;
western steers, 94.65 to 97; stockers
and feeders, 92.00 to 55,00; COWS 21.1121
2.0d01.S, 9;1,10 tO $6.08'; calves, 95.50 to
SSItge--Recolpto, 25,000; market slow,
5c lower; 41551, 95.60 to 96.20; mixed,
$5,85 to 96.35; heavy, 95.95 to 56.37 1-2;
rough, 95,95 to $6.10; geed to choice
hogs, not quotod; pigs, $4.15 to 95.40;
balk of sales, 99,10 to 96.00.
Sheep -Receipts, 2500;; market weak;
native, 59.15 te 54.75; wes_togn, 91.50 to
54.75; yearlings, 91,80 to 55,00; lambs,
'native, 9440 to 90.00; weatern, 94.00 to
Liverpool Live Stock,
LIVERPOOL, jan. '27. -John Rogers
Co., Liverpool, .cable to -day 'that there
were less cattle for sale in tho Birken-
head market, and they were readily sold
at an OC.1.11£12100 02 ono -half cent per pound
cm the price last cabled', and quotationa
now arc from 1410 to 1491.0 per pound for
both States and Canacli9,
facet lustibago, or rheumatism, me
Bee ard ,bere our finest E
New Stylish designs of ' r,
Doherty Pianos • and '‘F.
811 (1 valw$ in Art,
Pianos and organs rent
ed, choice new Edison
. to•
phonographs, Music 8,, Ir.
4 variety goods.
MENC .01:4011,111110 44;
4 C. tkonreP. I
cured bY Nervkline---,seerns am'oot COO& $ Gailtilll ROP011 GO pout&
magical the way it will cure a 901d Or
sore throat, i :When ,the chest is, sore najeaes 'Xias groat Uterine -Tonle, and
and it harts itai draw a long ereatte, "nna-a-- away elate eirecturd 040111117217
mw With Nierviline IS 01±8181'Yteg111at01on wbieh won -toucan
dopoml. Soldin auto depress
oiont, So ThigibilY Valued is IsTorViline - ef strength -4:4e. I., $1; go. 2,
1)y 15.0110 Wher use St that manY farnilies >58747q • „. 10 deareee stranger, $3; Na. C.
consider it quite as good SO a clOctOT' for 01100101 Cams, 35 per boa,
Sold by nli druggists, or sant
for ache.% pains, and minor afinicnts repeal at tacoi ‘it oe polos.
of every icind Large 20c botts! leare'
301d. ?Al 4410-ro,•COKFIEmalsia6,,ti69ta067¼r, vomorkiviNdows , , , WINNIPEG, VI,A.N,
shoal Nile*
whop Vie hat
hest yoke
One 9-f the Best .
Equipped ,
Piano Factories
irg Canada .•
Doherty PIR1111411 and
Organ Co., 114thalted
Factoriesi atidtHead Office '
Woatern _Br anch, , 7 •
280'3'IARGRAVE sTnEnT,
• 1 •