HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-02-01, Page 2V 11.Iji 1 t, 1912,
BUSHIER Oltiffil.
Ds, bov.B.A.Tiluq
!Pheneee Que., evetteei, L1 have need
• , Balsyls On T& aoy
iveho euffeeed front, t Sensitipatien
;1 They egniPletelY cured Jeer and 1
can ,ale•ongly recoMmendl 'them to
!• all anothere." The Tablete not; only
Mere eenstiPation�ftebey cove
• all ether troeiblee,aselsing!, from a
'clitordered at q,f the stoma -eh,
• a,nd bowels such ,as colic, colds, sien-
, Ple' fevens, Mdigestemn, etc, Ealay's
0 ism Taleets are sold ely all anedl-
eine dealers or by mall at 25e e best.
fecen !The Dae Medic:the
• Cb., Ernekviele, Ont.
yig -g _
else sees.. e,,e,s, setae gees leeteseale, i,„e e, .
gee, aier..wieee'eaa"!9'eee;Aeal
. • , - "IVO.
:ot.t at andImperto
• .
,e';';'ecTielleTelteTeseieilares,,, •
1 Excitement Reaches a High Pitch
Over Horne Rule.
• Unionists In Belfast and the Sur-
rounding Country Hold Demonstra-
• Bons! Against Separation From
England and Promise to Estab-
lish a Provisional Government
• --Riots Are inevitable. •
• London, Jan. 99. -Ulster is now the
polibical steem-centre of the United
Kingdom. Home rule has bees dis-
Massed ise England and Scotlaud by
'Nationalists and Unionists, but ne
• great enthueiann has been aroused
either foe or against. In Ireland, out-
• side cif Ulster, the people are firmly
convinced they am to heat home rule.
Msterites, however, are up to their
eyes in fight.
Several big demonstrations have
been held in various parts of Ulster
to protest againet any cha-nge in the
form of Government of the country.
One of the demonstrations in Belfast
was of the industrial workers; anoth-
er in Omagh was largely made up of
farmers, small holders and farm lab-
orers, who showed just as strong op-
position to home rule as did their city
brothers. In the latter piece again
the Ulsterites pledged themselves to
form a provisional government if the
bill passed.
• Every voter in Ulster, however, is
not a Unionist. There is, in fact, a
fairly large sprinkling of Nationalists.
In many cases the Unionist members
were only reinmed in the last elec-
tions by narrow majorities, the Mar -
mats of Hamilton, for instance, win-
ning by only 100 votes in London-
! deny. One division of Belfast itself,
' is represented by Joseph Devlin, one
of the Nationalist leaders.
; Elaborate police precautions will be
taken for the motection of Mr.
;Churchill. Should he be joined by Mr.
atedmonel, the drive...40m the residence
10f Lord Pirrie, where he is to be the
•guest, to the place of meeting with
MT. Redmond's usual escort of Na-
tionalists, there is almost certain to
be rioting.
'Except for a -visit of Lloyd -George,
'Chancellor of the Exchemier, in 1906,
"land another by Mr. Birrell, Chief
\Secretary for Ireland in 1907, no Lib-
eral statesman has spoken in Belfast
111° eighteen years, and when Mr.
'Churchill and MT. Redmond appear,
it will be the first time a Cabinet
!Minister and a Nationalist leader have
'spoken from a platform in the city.
Respects Protestants Right.
! London, Jan. 29. -The correspond-
ence between Winston Churchill, First
Lord of the Admiralty, and Lord Lon-
idotaderry, regarding the home rule
!meeting which is to be held in Bel-
fast on Feb. 8, has not yet ended,
M. Churchill sending a second letter
o the ex -viceroy, in which he ex-
• ains that he had nothing to do with
tIse local arrangements for the Belfast
meeting, and reminds him that home
Irate meetings had been held in Meter
Hall receetly. "I had no other idea,"
says Mr. Churchill in his latest letter,
!,"than to discuss, according to the long
'established 'custom of British polities,
'matters which are serious to us and
which we freely recognize are. serious
to you. The rightful interests of the
Protestants of leeland, must be the
'deep concern of every British Goyern-
meet. They will be respected by all
who faithfully strive to reconcile Ire-
land to the British Empire and end
ehe hatreds which disturb the leen-
dations of the state.
."Your letter forced me to refer to a
personal matter. lour lordship has a
elaim, to which I bow, to remand me
Of the memory of Lord Randolph
Churchill. You were his friend
• rough evil, as well as good days.
he Unionist party, who, within a
few months of the very speech which
now on your lips, pursued him
-with harsh ingratitude, have no such
WAS on the platform of Ulster
Hall !that Lord Randolph Churehill,
denounced Mr. Gladstone's home rule
bill, and at the same time declared
e'Ulater will fight, and Ulster will be
right." It is to the meetion of this
by Lord ' Londonderry, that Mr.
Churchill's letter referred.
• "Unioniste are , organizing a counter
demenstration, but the First Lord of
the Admiralty, in advocating a policy
Which his father with equal -vehem-
ence denounced., will be the centre
of ettraetion.
!Anclrew Bonet Law, the Unionist
leader, will go to Belfast on Easter
Ihaeeday. April 9, to reply to Mr.
Churchill and there will be another
dernontrations so that Belfast has a
lively time ahead. ,
• The objections of Ulster have been
set forth be the Rt. Rem Thomas.
Sinclair, one of the leading merchants
of Belfast, a former Liberal, wile left •
that party on the introclaction of Mr.
Gladstone's ftrdt, hOrnO rule bill in
1886 and has SiDCO been leader of the
sinti-h.orne rule party. Theta are
many objectione te the measure, he
said, but among the chief of theta is
that it would leseen the (statue of the
citzenship o Teletermere Under the
union they had the eame eivie !status
as aresident of England, , the same
control of local affaire, the same re-
preaentation, in Parliament and enjoy-
ed the beedits of its legislation. To
etnT- this eveuld be an tan-
' Ian -table degradation .01 fothrelr :orb-
,arr.-----. ehae mateiotteg
only else t al, ; ; . ," rne 0 i a hateelee,Yee
ei 1 e TolliePer Her nausea divert you frbanel these page 1,e-
„ ,,.... ! 1 e p•
and' filagere 'Were, alll. twisted Mild cePtisii.3. 'e elvok!leee i.X. t 5!rochlets,
Ber limbs Mellen eativice their na.- May elinie that he s a _ e
eteral tsizee "'Phe &set= had then Which isiele !Beene wor,bhy of a Ger-
beenstattending' her fee hwe moneles Men ,e tee", iee'e Mermen Preelleelee. ,
d she 'seise -led sf beadily Igeoevsng
Worse. We did rsot cisme move , --- ,
bed foe f este of iler beaait .giving ease , Tills•.0N 11HATiopv
She was ,as Dailo as a eeepse and bee
lep.s and f!aeei atleenys cold. Ne bad ,
to fan bee continnelly, and if we,
ceased even lettere man whil. She
Aee the f riendinason buy. erste th w'oulld gasp for beeethe and no one
the puke? • • • 0,41Tv hee thought iteeossible she
could get better. She ,suffered such
An !someer e ober, epee an thtet I used, ea go, out the
M es me room and pent thy !fingers in my ears
to slent out hex gaspeng aria mopn:-
• ), had known before of D. WA
li•ams1 Pink Pills, end as :we goad
gradually eee her sinking ',1 told my
aon I was ,goingeto giVe hm• the
PRIG. lee was epporieck to my idea
fee he thought a change in the ined-
teine might, prove kettle. However St
was finally deelded to give her the
Pills ID a week's Bane she eleowed
same improvement and feet like ;eel'
ing. From that time on the began
to;gain Steadily, ,Gradually ier
hands and fingers became straight
the swelling in the limbs 'went down
and her la eantbeaes becam,e regular,
and the colon wetruined to her Lace
and soon elle cure was complete.
She is now as strong and he•althy
ae any give of hee oge, once to see
her you 'wouletnever think ;she
had passed theough an illness from
which none ot her friends thought
she would ecover. You have my
sinceeest thanks for what Dr.Wil-
lianas' Pink Pills have done Xolr• my
daughter, and yens may be leure
sball always witemlee recommend
Wleen money es leIght.
'the roar is .ap t to be
generous ;with his eolly.
Claildren Ory
Jealoney is but another 'name for
ing!rown Iselfeeeteem.
Ctliclriv stops•°Oughs, cures colds, heals
nac ca:r.oat rIncl " ^ - 25 cents,
,Con,SeaNatiS111, RD rheurnatien
causes amen to.make haste elioevly
Children Cry
Probably rose by any other
name would have just as many
Any man eanedarn socks lane it
bakes a clever Woneare to mend
there, '
arnagotr,...alZitts. milt °heels.
Gemeville Kleiser, Sorineely
Towonto, but nave monitor
on Platearm stylet eoethe
speaking hes wecently eryse
tallizecl the wisdom he leas acquit-
ecl tame, twenty yeare oe e lung
and. study inn., series 01 "Don't's for
"' •1- " •which ishoeld
A .seeman eares not if her clothes
are unbecoming, provided they are
sty lash.
The woman nem hes occasion to
foegive her husband,. never allows
him eto lorget it. e •
When .a man 'is in love with a wi-
dow it's a sign She knew it long be-
fore he made the, discovery. .
/ 7
peeve even raoa•e valua,ble it ei the
'budding is!batesman than the sla.me
gentleman's ,falmons teat:ere ell
"HOW et Tell aFuneee Story." Ver.
Kleizer's' "'Denies" axe as f otiose's--
Don't !sheet.
Don't heisitate.
Don't apotagiee.
Dont -attitudinize.
Don't praise yourselfi
Don't pace the platform.
Don't' denier:at your evoeds.
Don't !speak in a high key,
Don't exceed youle time linait,
DOD'i epeak through plesed !teeth
Don't indulge peesonalities.
Doe's emphasize everything, •
Don't tell -a longeeltory.
Don't away your -body.
Don't be eefunny."
Don't fatigue yeast. aodience.,
Don't ditink While epeaking.
Don't fumble ,svitle your clothes.
Don't be leareastic.
Don't "hem" and
Don't stand; likes la statue,
Don't ale= your theoalt,
Don't declaim.
Don't !speak rapidly,
Don't antagonize.
Don't fidget,
Don't ,overegeeticulate.
Don't wander from your subject.
Don't be awkward. ,
Don't address the ceiling.
Don't be monotonous.
Don't be violent. •
Don't eaise on youe toes.
Don't put yo,ure bands on your
Don't foeget to alt clown when
you have finished.
Ten little penitents, feteling mighty
One said, elloveselow it ise."-- then
.there were nine.
Nine little penitents, bravely spurn
ing bait,
One got a Sbomaele-ache-s then
there were -eight.
Eight little peniltentee with eyes
emmed to heaven;
One glimpsed a! beer sign -,then
there were seem!.
Seven little penitents, nobly say-
ing "nix!"
One ,got tongue-stied--theni there.
were six.
Six. little penStents, 'struggling not
to dive, e
One ,smelled a free lunch --then
there •wore five.
Five llttle penetentss burning to
the core,
0110 grabbed a lamp post,then
those were four.
Four little penitents, sipping so
ing tea, '
One saw a purple enake-then there
! were three.
Three little penitents, struggling
:to be true,
One oun (I a. co rkserew-th en •therse
weee two.
Two little penItentse yearning, oe
a bun,
One wasn't lookin,g--then there was
One little penitent, lone end isiek.at
at heart,
Then weaving. thud was lamed !-
empty e the emit.
Children Cry
And there are peo.ple 'who neeer
arrive at a concluslon until the un-
dertaker is ready td ;take their
meas.= e:
The yomeg man evho tells a girl
during leap yeaat -that bee could
listen to her voice! all the rest of
ids days, take* desperate .chasices.
.1' ee; steseera ;Zee
Stricken With Acute Rheumatism
Recovery Scarcely Expected.
Mrs. Dolina Lawlor, writing
Lem Oxbow, Saeske says, "I wouid
be lacking in ,geatitude if I did not
write you and let you know of the
wonderful lgo6d yomt
Pink Pills have done for my daugh
ter, Belle Lawlor. Indeed 'think I,
may safely say that they have been
the means of saving her life. For
many years my home has been in
'Brune Mines, Ont. Something over
a year .ago, any son and daughter,
then in their ,sixteenth year Atilt for
the 'West. When leaving here my
clautgleter was in the beet .ox health
but in the foilloWing seeing she was
stricken with what the doctor seId
was inflammatory rheumatiene in
Its worse lam. After ft few weeks
she was able to get up, but her
hands and limbs mime go swollen
that she .eoulde net dress eerseie,
She .coneinued. Ithlik :way „foe
some time, and, 'then a second at-
tack, worse theneehe first, set in,
-and my son itelegraphedi me as she
eves very low, While I was getting
ready to make 'thee trip !of eigh-
teen hundred milee I got &second
mesloge tosiottne 05 01)051, as they
feared she malice not live. When I
reached her I found her even worse
than I had expected. Shel Wale so
weak and emacietece that, I would
not have known her, and eould
Fr. Local News a.
ivleenrSeh' : e, .Pe:Pe teri: ' i'l lir rtheiSerpurpose :3e01,Y°00Fiff St .1.5 LB tsi; lr yi;
• the eeee • sae hab s .
. rein tia
! Home ' irelnadands:e7bttleldel:risl:
did , joe entirele
'eh itrelancl hp.a
ish net
, fa. Shan et ineetasingle
eln I .
Tenders will be receiveld by the
Council of Rullett fore the eupply
of 2000 fit Rock elm -plank 16 Pt long
and 2 1-2 in. thick 'to be delivered
as fol10ws-500 ft at Fingland's ;
500 fel at Miller's 'and 1000 ft at Lei -
pees. Tenders will be opened at
the Township Hall on Saturday Feb.
3rd. at 2 P. m. James Campbell,
Meek. .
Applications for Office.
• Applications addressed to the -un-
dersigned and meekest "Applica-
tions fer Office" wilrbe received ey
the Council of the itownt ef Clinton
'apt° 6 p.m. an February ends far
;the potation of 6• !
C ief Constable, ete.
Tax Calleceloa•.
Night Watchanaln.
Cemetery $uperintsedene.
Duties to eommence on February
113th, 1912, and to,coneicaue loor one
year, OT such other lime as
the '001143eil may determine.
'Fifteen • !thousand bushel beets
Wanted. Essay • crop preferred.
Pantieia Wishing to gentract address
Minsk• Earn, Room' 51, Bank of
Isantess70, Len en, polL
Prof. Dereewend of Toronto,
begs to announce that he will be at
the Rattenbury House, Clinton, on
display of the nevsest London, Pee The Elevator
Friday, Feb. 0111, with e complete
geode. You are invited to call an- Citillet011 Ontario
is and New York, mentions, keener 1
you no
that you are
• getting the
one prepa-
ration that
has stood;
the test for
.over thirty!!
five years
and still re-
mains the 5° taytdard
used and recomrnended
by the medical profes-
sion the world over.
Se ?fft151
is the embodiment of
elements that make kr
good health and
Si' cm; attmaabl 'A a
13A ARMTEK f3()L TO 00Bei• NOTAle ,
The following quatailty of L ve Pout-
ity is wentecl at !the Rolanesville
Pooltey Station each week -
1000 GetielteetS
• 500 blade •
360 Iliteteles
3000 Doz. New Laid :Eggs
Poultry takenl the first three days
• of •11 week-
falighest Prices Paid in Ca,sh,
ilerite or intone Before yott Sell
Phone 4 cm 142, .
wooed not be easily defended itthe
evesdoan =necessity of the espen-
&thee Were under discussion.
11eed Feed Feed
• telliRIRLE$ V. ems..r.,
_ ,
()annoyance, riot; ry Public.
Commission . , eteel
Issuer of eilarriageliceesee,
EturcroeSt., Cllinton,
Boar 101* Service
Having purchased a thoronah-
bred Taneworth Reg, will keen him
for !service at lot 23 on the 3rd.
, Con. Hullet. teens $1.00 at time of
,serviee with the priviledge of re-
turning if necessary.
• • L. Tyndall
Netary:Public, c,cceyar;CPr,
• Financial and Real Estate.
r$surs.lion AGENT-Reiwesentiod 14 Fire In• '
e.t..11Ttitlet3 '
• Division ,ilourt
Field 'Stone Wanted.
Field Stone suitable foe road
making! is vented .by the Town of
Clinton. Price $3.56, pee coed o113,-
000 pounds. .
J. A. FORD, •
Chairman of Street !Committee
Logs 'wanted'
. DiElereliele.
All kinde of logs, Maple, Sof t Elm Offices over 09SEIL'E
and Bassemed preferred. Highest
When in need of a ton cr
spoolai cora taken to make dental tine.
tWO of Shorts, come to tne II
.W. Do erty Piano and Organ Co. enena as painless as possible.
1, price )aid.
on!, W. •rn)ivirocion
deinn, Surgeon, nto
Paulin; attention given to diseases ot the
nye, Bar. Throat, arid Nose,
EY% CanSfUllY exomined, and ;suitable tgl
Office -and Bellideuce.
ewe moos west of the Commercial MOM
Unroll S.
IV. Gunn, IL. 0, O. DUD
Dr I at Gandier. 114,51,
Moe -Ontario Street, Clinton.
Right'ealls at residence, Rattenburr St.
or at botnital
cconelieur, ete„ °Vice and residence on Bat-
tenbury 85,, opposite W. Earran's residence.
DR. F. 74. Waled
• CIOWli 1111.5 ltridge Vork a Speellalty.'
Graduate of C.O.D.S.. Chicago. and B.O.D.S
Daylield Olt Dondars. Mar 1st to Decently°
Elevator and be sure of gett- --- --
Live stook and general A,uction see
Having returned to town I arta now 1 GODERIOH ONT
, pvepm.pd to take boarders, either j• Ilt al SlIng. sales a spocii,111 OiCett ef 31.1
' ladies cm gentlemen. Apply at house l '1.4t.,''..wairEeeRnAis.0V1454eGal'hinlet.°11 e'l'arrintAner' s'' Yee ennaotan a
Mrs, elogriclge, Orderio street, es; seeesee
Boarders Wanted THOMAS GUNDRY
ing all you want.
Large supplies 11 of Bran,
Shorts, /ow grade llour,7Fhop.
ped feeds now on hand,
The L, Suitter Co.
That's Why ge Thankful Woman
Recoanmende Parisian Sage.
Pasture Land (5. D. eleTaggart Se. D. MeTaggsm
____ Mereagglart Bras.
Some filet class pustule land to be I
sold in lots to MIL nure meat. DITIMEERS
1"Yotiliv,PRn,',.1,7E;,,,):AGT1:1J. ". City Agent I
; Genoral zanhing Bushoerse
, Drafts Inoue& Intermit (Mowed on
tillOrtillteleES illif Silk- The Sinn:11Th acres of lot number 81 deposits.
aed the South East part of Lot no, 30
inspect his' ,goods. • • 'EeltephOne 64. • FAIL.31 FOn, RI:ENT
. The New Ere. Often receivei Gov-
ernment reports and booklets con-
taining highly • neeful informatem
for farmers. It is neMossible to
preserve or find house vacua bit
all these, and itis believed the beeet
lase' to be made of them is ece place
them at the; disposal of farming
callers. AcCoeclingly these will be
Toned just within 'The New 'Eta
door in front of the 'glass partitien
Farming yeadees are 'weleome to
theme the tele beteg fire, came,
fuse served. • They 'are welcome to
make tamer .choice and take free'y
what is of• any: use or interest to
them. •
W.S.R. Holmes will sell yen a 50e
bottle of Parisian Sage (and guar-
antee iteo banish 'dandruff, !stop
falling hair and itching 'scalp, or
rctoney back. itis a delightful haie
dreteseng that makes1 hair lustrous
and' fascinating.
"In the 'spring I was redovering
from asevere daises of •erysipjelas,
Which left me vertually bald on the
ilront .of my ha A and next ito my
ems. The hair kept, coming • out
r-apidly and nothing e used stopped
my !geeting entirely. bald, until I
used two boilitlee oe Parisian Sege.
This ttoniet made My hair ',stunt ko
grow in and, inisfeete ,greve me a
good Pair atraountl Pf hair, and itk
has entirely stappedtfray hale fall-
in!g out. e
It is with pleasure !Watt I give a
public treeommend Ito Parisian Sage
which I know !esti \vender." Mrs.
Ella Gilchrist, W. Pitt St.: Bedford,
14 FLOATS ball in the 1st eoneession of
Two cleoice yo,ung bulls, both
roans, the best of breeding. Price 1
lean Seed Barley, 0.A.C.. No. 21; 1
to !suit the times. Also some good
and Sensation Oats, Apply
B. H. 'WISE, Clinton, P.O.
Phone No. 12 01) 155 Gederich Tp.
Extensive Auction Sale of
Cows and Young Cattle
An extensive auction sale oemows
and young cattle w
tele Normandie Rotel bairn, an
Tuesday, February eth. See bills
next ,week for full particulars.
e Proprietore.
An American physiean has express- • t
ed the hope that in the Dear future
medical seience will make it possible
to stop a patient's heart throb long
enough to talent some trouble auti
t hen start the vital organ goiog again.
Tbe progress nettle in the healing art
Wet, donbt wonderful but some people
i 1 to the proposed
will be skept ea as
A table of ten comariancements is
"Not though the soldier knew some-
one had blundered," Tennyson's im-
mortal poem, 'The Oharge of the
Light, Brigade," is having exemplifica-
tion te-day in the unsupportable action
of ltnly in its attack upon 'Tripoli.
The Italian government and war lords
may not wish toacknowledge the error
but the soldier at the front could like-
ly tupply the information as they face
death without any real cause for 'their
presence in Tripoli, What al out the
Powers and the law of meditation and
int el ference ? WhiIe very few would
be disposed to lend a hand to ,Turkey,
as a Nation on account of her past in-
humanity and atrocity, there is cause
to call e halt in staying the uncalled
very widely eirculated in Germany
at the present time, a'nd reads as
follows ;-
1 -Never Mee 'sight( of the inter-
ests et yerue •eompatriolte Pr of the
2 -Do not forget tha.t when you
buy a foreign product, no matter,'
Hit Is only a eel) lee Iwtootit, you di-
minish your fatherland's wealth by
just so much. ;
3 -Your money Ishould profit only
German merchente end workmen.
4-530 not proeane 'Germain 'soil, A
German house oorat, German work -
,shop by using torseigri machines land
!tones. ,
5 -Never aIllow to be fi3OTVed alt
your' ,table foreign; fruiter meat
tents Wronging Germane grosaiers,
and mores's/ear, compromr ing y,oair
your health, becauee foreign meats
are not inspected! by German, sani-
6-Weith on German paper, With&
Getman pen, and' dry ithe ink with
German blettees.
7 -You 'should be clothed: only
withaderman goods land should
wear only German hats.
8 -German flow German! fruits,
and German beet 'atone make ,Glen-
nea,n etrength.
9-I1 yots do flat like the !German
malted eofeee, drink colltee front
the Germari colonies. It you pre-
fer ',chocolate or C00001 for the chile
dren, have asvare that the choeoe
'tate ar gocoa are of excluaivelyaer
man produeteoaa. ,
10 -Do not
Farm tor Sale
S anley tewnship is torrent for a term
of yeaes. This property is clOse to the
town of Clinton and possesesion can
le' given at once, roe further parte-
oilers npply to Beery Plurosteel. ()lin- 1
ton, OM., or McCarthy, Boys & Mur- '
°bison, Barristers, Barrie, Ont,
The Mcilillop Mutual
Fire Insurance eo.
Ponca arid isolated Town Pepe
arty Only insured.
J. B. McLean, President, Seaforth
Jas. Connolly, Vire Pres., Goderich
Thos. E. Rays, Sec. -Trees., 5hceiorth
Farm For Sate. DIRECTORS.
Jas. Connelly, Holmesville; John
Watt, Harlock; G. Dale Clinton; M.
woon.; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop, J. Ben.
The undersigned- offers fonsale, East I
1 Half, Lot lie on 3rd Onneession, of
Hullett his choice farm of 65 acres, all
I clear' ancl in grass, 2 never !ailing
springs good well at house, river at
back, it choice gravel pit, cement or
road gravel. A good frame house,
new frame 'kitchen with wood shed, 1
k acre good bearing orchard. Reasons
for selling nnt able to work. For par-
ticulars apply on premises or address
Olmton. P. 0.
To close lehe eseatel ethel late
James Wood, there is offered fo51!
sale that valuable enene in the!
Township of 'Hope, Durh.am County
Ont,. 300 acres, clay loam, 260 acres
cleared, 50 acres virgin pine, hem-
lock and hardwood, all well fenced,
Splendid 12-troomed ,brick house,
farDitne heated; bacrn 40x110 feet;
full stone to,undlation and, (Ambles ;
also been 30x60 feat; farm well wa-
tered, running etream. All fall
woek, Ploughing done; 30 acres
planted in ftsull wheat; 10 'ames
meadow. Convenient to railway.
Pont Hope 12 miles; Peterboror 18
miles. Moderate terms to suit pur-
chaser. Poseeelei0J3 Alta let, or
eoonar. Pelee $9,000. •
R.03. WOOD, Bailliebaro, Ont.
A somewhat arnusibg situation has
arisen in Montreel over the Mayoralty
electien. One of the features is the
published pledgers of the nominees and
the Autobiographies appearing mon•
cerning the candidates, clone with
their own little pen. 11 is evidently
much eaeier to promise than perform
and we fancy some of those seeking
She chair would have a rude awaken.
ing, if elected, in attempting to carry
cam the platform upon which they
soughtthe office. As in Montreal eo
in every other place an established re-
cord is worth infinitely more than all
the kite -flying that may be done and
should weigh well in the placing of
men in positions of responsibility and
Judging by the Doeninkan Parlia-
ment's estihnates of expenditune,
there is not going to be any change
an the polliey of handing out monies
for the erection of public buildings
although the geography may be
shifted according to the political
influe,nee or poletecal future • cif
She canstiltuencies. In many re-
spects the formula adopted is ralleil
the eanee and- in somee instances
et foreig• n boas!ters
Y, M. 0, A. BLDG..
Registered last season upwards of 300
students and placed every graduate. Seven
specially qualified regular teachers. One
hundred and fifty London firms employ
our trained help. College hi session from
Sept. 5 to June 30. Enter any time.
catalogue Free. .
Forest City Rwal" College
Seorthand '
J.W. Weseeweer, JR. J. W. WESTERVELT,
• Chartered Actountant. t• Principal.
• Vico Maoism'.
Two Houses to Let
The undersigned has two houses to
let, apply to
• Jacob Taylor
Carter' s
Uttlo Liva3 Pith
411Itist Boar Signature of
„f -f-20
A 1 qt./ft:hi gs,:lCivairi.allFaiscE,Sidill' air:;:en://,:PriPtler 5EOaDIZINIi.°W. .
lb ' ' RS
ii 10 viola as (mese .
nrira Fon swoustagss.
pluoi4, OR sCAOLLIISeTwIPAgliert.
trard„irareditregoONO.,4".-='• '
...,__ ,, 01111.111Mlif MUMMAA0Woulos, 1,
'7. . ,oup' p,;,-rerti-a'ftt.-gtA-lotir, .-
, , , ... ....'
Steam Engine For Sale
The undereigned offers for sale
an upright steam engine; about. 7
horsepower ; in good running or-
der. This is certainly a snap for
any farmer wanting power !for acan
exal 1)80 01) farm. Engine can be
seep at my blacksmith shop.
Jabez Rands, Clinton.
Chesney, Seafoith• 1, inns, Beech.
newels, Brodhagen, M. MeEwan,
Each Director is inspector of iosses in
his own locality.
Robt. Smith, Harlock; Ed, Hinchley
Seaforth; James Cumming, Egmond!
ville; J. W. Yeo, Holmesville
Payments may teens ads at The
Morrish Clothing Co., Clintoa, or
R. H. Oat, Gederieh.
Farm tor Sale.
The executor of the Southcombe
Estate offers for sale 50 acres -
East half of lot 28, con. 6, Hullett.
A firat-elass farm, well watered
and Unproved, and with good
buildings. Also the undersigned
offerel for sal% lot 29i con. 6, Hall-
ett, 100 acres. Theae farms may be
bought together or separately.
Cottage For Sale
'Mrs. Ross offers her Cottage on
Victoria street for sale. It is an
excellent peouerte in a good lo-
cation and in good,repair.
W. BrYdone.
Ford & McLeod
eumili ON,
Fire, Life and Accident
Real estate bought and sold,
Money to loan
Were now selling !Timothy Seed
(Government Standard.).
We also have on hand, Alfalfa,
Alsike, and Red Clover.
We always haVe on han,d -Goose
Wheat, Peals, Barley and Feed Corn
1VIarket P ices paid for Hay
and ,al , ai Wee
Office:Isaac:Street, nextedoor :to New
' Era
Grand Trunkitatiway system
Railway Time Table
London, Huron a,nd Bruce.
North Passenger
London. depart, 8.80 a m:4,50;p1m
Centralia, 9,40 5,48,
Exeter 953 5.54
ensael 10.08 6.05
Kippen . .... . . 10.16 6,11
Brucefleld . .. . 10.30 6.19
Clinton 11.00 6.35
Londesboro 11.18 652
Blyth ...... 11.27 7.00
Belgrave 11.40' 7.13
Wingham, arrive11.60 7.35
South Passenger
Wingham, depart6.43 a me3.33 p m
111';Itave ,1:P8
Londesboro... ...... '7.16 4.0e
Clinton '7,50 4.231
Brucefield... ... . . 8.12
Kippen .. 8.23 4.47
Hensll 8.32 452'
Exeter. 8.48 5.05-
0en tralia 900 5.15'
London, arrive 10 00 6.10
10:1 pm pm pm,
. -10.00 12,20 325 10.20a
•. 10.22 12,45 5.55 10.47'
...,1045 1.10 6.18 11.12'
-11.07 1.25 6.40 11.28'
- 'Holmes ville.....11.16 1,33 646 11.35.
East 1 assenger
8, p M 711
.... • 710 '2.40 el.50
• 7.26 2.57 5,06
... '7135 307 5.15
7.62 3.25 5.132
.4 . 8.16 , 348 5.65
. .. 8.40 4.15 6.20
Ford & McLeod
Clinton .....
a 0• .A.M.§ Goderieh -11-35 1.50 '7.05 11,55!
Before placing your orders for
your season's supply of Coal, gel
our micas. The very best goods seaftwth
carried in stock and sold at the
Olin t ,
price. SiVit,111:tbfPoirla........
lowest possible
Orders may be left at Davis
& Rowland's Hardware sitore, or
with e
W. J. Stevenson. -
Jt Illoetrle Light Plant.
Dr. de Van's Female 'Pills
' A reliable French regulator ; never fails. These
pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the „
generative portion of thekielnale system. Refuse.
all cheap in itations. Dr. de Van% are sold at,
15 boa, or three for M.` Maileddo any address.
Drug Co4 ViithoorInfis. Ont.: