HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-02-01, Page 1.r...else• •
. .
BerASYs+ISMI) il, eee No'
Or. Mel'ichailt's Report 'Will Stay In .Stliatfor,d afe
c) al )361-1k
iNecalpDliAunln less,
Pidapital . . $6,25o,000
' The Annual Stetemeet, allows the fol-
lowing inrreaSes for 1911
IRO 1911
Rp.§crve . $7,clooidoo
Deposits, fll7:1,070 6()7 $$$,294,809
oans &
' Investments 55,28r1,1370 047e0,072
' Total Assets 92,510,340 110,528 512
e.--,---; '
. ' 207 BRANORHS arc)
Correspondents throug6ut the world
Iieterest allowed es Deposits.
' - 101001110000.002.100000.00.000..0003010.1a0.00.050.,
fish and
elitcneig=11 •
WE have the Fish
YOU have the beains.
But hew about the quality of
tile latter?
To help you ;to improve the
same we are going eo keep a
supply el.Freeti Fish regular-
ls follows-
Presth Frozen Habibut. '
Red Sea Salmon
Finnan Beadle
Fresh 'Herring.
Phone 48
large attendance.
It should be borne in mind ehat troclucecl, such as The ea
the Alliance ie the one great elect- Hely Spieit," "Spiriteale Work
ne the Sunday School Schol-
Will •Probably Be, Aveilable 't0
PreSent tO Legislature Within
Dr. F. W. 'Merchant's report on .
the ;alleged I:mega/lure:lee in con-
nection Wtk the conduct of beim-
gaol rschople in( ,Ontarriet: wii11saoe
be public property, ...Heelers les
work Well in hand, pled il 18 snarler -
stood on the best .aurtherity that
his eepoek ,well be ready in ten days
or two weeks, and be preaetied .
the Government, and will likely be
available for presentattion in the
Ontario Legielestme ;within( one
It IS 'also encleestood that Dr,.
Merchant has not heeded in Main -
ember report, and that the only re-
port on bilingual selmols to be pre-
sented is the, one based teethe in-
eetigattion he has been conducting
during the past ream.
1 Baker ,of the New Bra. •
Among :the many Convention calls
which come ;to use none -SO far as
concerns moral, relorm-le of great
• er sigif
necance, at elm present
• juncture al bee euuntry, than the
one just issued from the Domineen
Alliance lox a"National Temperan-
ce Congress? to be held in Massey
Ball, Toronto, Tuesday, Wednes-
day, Thursday and: Friday, Febru-
ary, 13,14,15, and 16.
iBesides much in way a iroutilne
and important business, there will
betwo public mass meetings held
on Tuesday arid Thersda-y evenings
when addresses are expeeted from
such representative men as Judge
Lafontaine, Alderman Spence, ))r.
Barker from the 'United States,
Chief Justice Lemieux} of Quebec,
and ethers reptesentino difeeeent
parts al the Dominion.
The program is eertainly attract
ive, and should command a very
Convention Call
Ine.reese your E'arninel Rower
attending the Populser
'.......ettleee...!; /7
Beat place in Canada: ,for
Grade Besinese .;Bduca.tion. E
new. Open all yeas'. Cate)
REV, W. E.1VIILLSON, ef Stratford,
;who,• had been invited. eo,Ontarie
Street Church, .01inton; but Who
declined the invitation on Tees-
• day. •
the secretary ' el the 'Congress.
Let -01intoe be well to the front.
J. Greene.
TRWITI dnd Country
W. H. Kerr &' Son, :Editors and
Mr, George Gov:deaf Holincsvillo
this week received • alio' ter from
Rev, tiarris famn Shang,hai,
Ur. Itarris -Mated thay •are all
safely in Shanghai, gavaiiiting peace
in th,a4, turbitiant land.
As Rev. aRrris is rthe foreign
Missionary supported •bYl Rode -
rich District Pmworth Leaguesit
ehould be IgratIfyieg, to its mem-
bers td know that he and his lam -
are Fel compared:0e Gately.
According to latest despatches
tram China. •and they may be rese.
on pages 3 apd- 6 el •this issue,
peace as along way off. .
Dn Wednesday el rehle week the
teachers and officer:3s of sOntario
Street Methodist Sunday School
gave on addrre,se .apcil a hymn book
to Miss Brame Smith, who leaves
next week foe Stratford.
In accardance With the recoils-
meedation eithe London Methodist
Conference, and arrangements, of
the Goderieh Destriet, the week
following Dec. 21s1 was observed as
a week ot,speeine prayer. Follow-
ing tiles there was }a gatheripg of
ministers eor ,conseceetieet and
rounsel coneensing thee spiritual
interests Of the work. This meet-
ing was culled on Tuesday, ;the 30th
in Ontario Street( Church. All the
ministers evitb, one or. two excep-
tions, were present, and two ses-
sions were held undo the dinereeen
of the chairman, Rev. A.13rown of
Godea•ich. Several topics evert! in-
.i) tral Temperance organize:Hee for A ion „
the Dominion, .which embraces ell ars and Young People," "The Min-
eections el the, Church of Christ inter's Own Spirieuat Lile in Rela-
and all local Temperance 'societies; tiers Ito his Work." "The Imposta.nce
- hence every branch of else church of Aiming nt IDirectl Spirituel Re-
--g7e,. and &every temperance society suet's in :Peeaching WA Other Ser-
e arrange to be represent:ea.: 1 vices." The meeting was quite in -
All the exereises Neill be ope,n.
the public, enc.( a.return railway' cions influences from! an high, and
High fare may be confidently expected each went back to les field with re -
neer • d ose and serength for
' lomat and west inaelted by tgra-
to 'all who will purchase a sing e
ticket getting a certificate from more effective resultte in winning
the a,gent and having it eigned by .souls for Christ,
The pure kind at 250 pee
lbethe same price as the erle
pure kinds. •
Some Baking Powders are
as .good ours but tbey
zest mare. Ours is made only
twith chemicaily puee Cream
of Tartar and Bicarbonate
of Soda. Always fresh, al -
Nays geed. 25e per lb.
Dispensing Chenaist.
vorsary serVices }were held eed
• WITH THE cauRctEs. •
The Lathes Geed of St jewel's
church, will holdf" their regular
monthly Tea in the eachool room on
Monday, February 5th i alt 3 oclock
A musical leap yeas soolal, under,
the :auspices of (thee 1Girls' Club,
;will beheld in the be:seine/et of the
church, on ;Tuesday evening, Feb.
6th. A :goad musical program Will
be given and_ light lrelreshmentte
se(rved. Admission 100.
Rev. M.T. Grant preached his fare-
well :sermon lase Sunday evening, ,
and during hie stay in itown has
111 I
• R. A. Tones, (seethe Ontario Bur -
elan of letalbnipattion, \VW charge
of an efir-laibitlan cair/ sent out by
the deuairtment, ishowingkstlie nor
tutial wealth of Newt Ontario, anck
iwas a:Clinton Iasi Friday and at-
traeted much. attention. The ex-
hibb4m of grain 'and vegetables
was a evelation ol. • who eaw
ithtem, and ones. ,could 9:cattily be-
lieve itewas one rolle"the rtravelleag
eans which from One to tine cern e
drewn erem lefanittobre 'and the
ItSV. DreMeLEANe ,fiast, North Weigt.,garden 'and field
Week oft Goderich, and t formerly gli'°c1.1.,.1.1* were ;secured from ileetlers
Pastor of lielyith Rresbyteriare
w .Ontario, residing between
Halleybeey lama Cocitmane. 'Nene
church for e3 years.; e' of the samples were taken irc:en the
- government experimental stations
zczemomapmeaernsoge nir iitora item garldeners in: ,cannec-
tion 'with the (T.& leeledifray, but
mill Du FRENcH BEAD ,in„,,arney oSne,
•farms 'about two art three years.
•• According to Mr .Josses abatements
and the phoitagra.phe which sus -
round the upper poet of the ear,
, •
First Keeper Of Huron Ode House
the ground in New Ontario is level
, Of Refuge Dies in the West, and base, top' soil oli blalck muck
which is ,aich .and. composed of
•. vegetable matter. The sub -soil is
News reaehed Clinton that Mr. Ile also rich and free from grit, and is
French, fortnerly superintendent a 30 feet deep.
I,be Rayon Muss of Refuge, died in The ear is particularly, designed
the hospital Westaskiwin. Alberte. to show much in a email space. On
Mr. French, had vet been geed one side are :the iglasetcovered
health for some years, and went West cases tor cereals and grains ot ev-
ery description :while. on the tether
eide, aelong 'table is arranged for
roots, vegetables, etc. eThid table
is ,about theeet feet ie weelth and
is divided into comparements about
Iwo wide hale feat in length. At
one end sun office is:fettled uptwhesse
books and folders, 320:Ming to the
famous netv ,agricultural &street,
.are given out. In the eame end ef
of :the .case is ta comveniently ar-
ranged folding booth, evhich,, 'when
not in use as a bed, .can be fad uP
in daytime into p. westing seat ItUS
Visitors. The interior cif the Par re-
minds one et a eastefully arrenged
Wing el a main . building at a large
country .1 air, Included in the' ex -
bibles are fall} and spritsg wheatsi
rSeveval vaeieties of oats, peas, bar-
leys, and beans,. Red sheaves el
grain, alfalfa, hops, millet and peas
apd beans in ttlid earaW. In the
line ef vegetable's are pumpkins,
citeen, summer .scmast, kohl rabi,
eurnipe, mangles, seigerl beets,,ear-
Tate. winter radish, parsnips, pota-
toes, eabbage, . vegetable marrow,
marshmallows, onions and in fent
everething in the line of vegetablee
These ;were picked up here and
there at the several ,fairs in Mew
Ontario, and ,werat, }grown by the
femme. The size and quality of
the vegetables eause surprise wher
ever shown. Very feel DOOpite from
Western ,Ontaxio have. ever ea:kein-
e:trip to the Nortbi and they at
ence asseciarte that ;word, Nowth
whenever New ,Ontario is mereltiate
ad. To the .averege person here
in the Beet the. name suggests 0.
cold bleak district,.
bweceurildalikel'otalfeeule effir Celrait.t weeeive to visit his son, who is-echtor and pro-
the call Lathe church, :acedhe 'Would prieter et the West tistriwin Times.
make a Worthy :successor to Dr. His wife survives him, having just
Steweet. the evening rserviee come East Decemher, mid is at pre -
the male quortette4 emriposed of sent visiting her sister, Mrs, Elliott,
Dr. Gandese, H. Alexander, W.Coll- nesee0entralia.
yer and A.:Mitchell, gave an ex- The body is being taken to Oshe,wa
cellent number. , toitrIrb.711•tetinch was aseminted keeper of
, The Ceres' Club had an election of
the Huron Gee:louse of fteruge in 1803
officers last :Tuesday, evening, -
acid held that position for over 12
Han. President, Mrs, Stewart. years.
The old friends of the • deceased will
President, Miss E. Dhidley.
regret' his demise.
Trees -Mee Miss' L.Walkinshaev,
Seerettay, Miss Forbes,
.011 Sunder, Rev., Me. Ross of
Goderich will declare the pulpit of
Willis Church vacant. 0 '1,
The ladies seeietee .01 the church 4 ihmimuti-
5! Resolution
held a .succeselui ;tell at the hame
of Mrs. J. Elliolati lirsti ''Wednesday - .•
The Board of Menargere 'appoint-
ed los iteae coming year were, 'W. J. PRESENTED To TfrIE inIUR.ON
etevenson. A. 3. efloerishs Geoege
NIcLennten and W. T, , ei .
reports °tithe year Werc prespetcd
Messrs. Stevenson and( elorrish
have ettme resigned.
Last Sunday the missionary 'anni-
The Molsons Ban ehey ;were indeed, euccesseel reel
helped ranee Bev. Kr. 'Wooetton of.
Stratford being the preacher of the
Incorporated 1555 day. His sermons were practical
ones as he had served as a domestic
Record of Progress for Five Years =19Z6=19ll missionary in ehe West When be
first entered ehe ministry, and
19013 •1911
RESERVE . . • . . . 3 000,000 00 4.000,00000
DEe0e1TS• . 23,077,730.00 35,042,811,00
LOANS AND INVESTMENTS . 27,457,00n.00 88,854,801.00
TOTAL ASSETS • . • . . 33,090,I92.00 48,237,27e.00
Ilas 85 Branches in Canada, and Agents anti Correspondents in all
the Principal i"ties in the World.
at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
C1linton Branch ' C E DOWDING. Manaver
o•••••••••••••1•••••••••+04 ••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
fireSale ol Overcoats -
gave a geed ourthne what tfle
work ,called TOT. There was still a
great everk to be, done as the new
neetlers muse be reached.
Rev. fiele. 1Brown of Goderich
preached aspecial sermonin Wes-
ley church on Tuesday evening.
!The quarterly eervices( will be
held on Sunday; satrain.erut ot the
Lord's Suppee after the morning
Business meeting of the church
Tuesday evening, Feb. eth.
leera etanclay wilt be Communion
Sunday. The quarterly Lave Feast
will beheld atlif a.m. ,The aeJ
ment ofehe Lord\sl Slippee will be
administered teethe ,clese of the
morning preachriaeg eervice. The
pastor may lie expected; to, occupy
• his own pulpill 11 11 axe and 7 pa -n,
• :The evening eervice ;will besetaasie
• gelietle.•
• :The quarter:1 Official Board avill
meet on ftlOnd0.y evening• ,' When
rthe vote on ethe erganie =lion of
• ehe churches will betaken.
Ismaintt. Acrogemanwaimmusommus i
Owing to the fire -which occurred in Johnsor's harness •
shop our Overcoat stock was slightly damaged by water. i
IWe secured a satisfactory settlement from the insurance :
companies, and the best Overcoats we ha-ve will go right I
: into this sale --Nothing reserved,' For quick selling we :
4. -7 .
' have made just four prices $8.50, • 11.50, 13,50, 18.50 i
'Extract from the eninetes ol •rt
meeting of the ,congregationeel
Willis Church helte teethe evensng
el elle lath; January inst.
Inter alia the tenoning eesolu-
lion, having beer duly moved gala'
eecondecl, was tusanimo.usly passed
,be ' testes:n(1111g vete
That ;the ,ceneeregation o,f Willis
Church. desires to exprese pro -
round gratitude to the King and
'Head of the :Churele for his rshep-
herding of this floe]( far .sec many
years through :the devoted minis-
try of the Rev. Dr. Stewart who
has ,continuously beet( tits pastor
Gime July 1878. We make mention
oS tthe uninterrupted: peace which
has reigned in the ,congregation
dewing the whole period of hie
ministry. We ;trust thee this has
had and IS having 'a benefiteenteef-
feet not may( upon out livebut
upon the whole community. We
• avtowwitiwiwiriWq
A Local News
----- I-7- .
Men's $ro and $12 Overcoats, Fire Sale price... ... . . 8.50 '
Men's 13.50 and 15.00 . " '1 , .. .. .. . . 11.56
Men's 1..50 and 1 e.cio , "... 1..3.50
Men's 2o„ 22. and $24 '‘ " , , .. .. ,. . . 48.50
Boys' $2.5o Overcoats, Fire Sale price .....-;......... . ... 1.75
• • , Boys' $4 .. s. . 1. ' , ... .. -. . .., .. ....... 2.75 ' •••
't •' Boys' $5 and $6 " " , ' 1, 3 75
.: Boys' $8 and $'io ". , " . ...- . .. . . . -...... 6,75 .,
• •
• .
.• rbeepeonirtnilvsra is d _liglatin idorepo
e clientend th
,s01.1.0)w as a ganseetaele events 0
:the Culltetes • alt./Jack-sops teetory "suit 04 50 iliseeutabl.nePeevidenee
* wiirt ;try ence pule the Pressers to of ‘G".
* Sleep some night this week. leeliearing that Dr. Stewart's phe
• ;steal condition uecesaiteies rest
f tem *he cannons ROI/tor incident to
IBirth,rs, Iblar_ria_„„wes ct, Deaths twhee loaentooist'aroteeekolltitoboepsiepoonsegat•ebfroat=
peptanee o'ir the tresignation which.
• has been tendered( ilo the Presby-
You Whc, Elave
Magic .Coff Kure '030
time.ntierit$. this pretiara-'
tiom You know it act ped-
ity is ante Ito do the t
w '
You who have never tried •t
it are not awaire of its value
tom P, o i '
cougl a r ne c
trouble,. ask. your neighbors
about Koft 'Kate' and try, i1.
on their recommendation.
We guarantee every bott:e
W. A. Mconne11
- s
000000 011.01•1 .......
l'Ocolgn#e ;the face- that this peace
andherieony have prevailed to a
kerge extent asethe result of the
wise coursel given and high chriet-
kinexample set before us by Dr.
We •Would :say, of him ehat as to
his alf 0 before ithe oongee.gation lee
has been blameless, as }touching
his minisIiry in Word) and dactrine
he has (taught) tee scriptures,
rightly dividing the svord truth
teasing 510.1 10 decks's\ the ,whole
cammil efGod and ever keepierg
before us:the tgreall central Figure
• of Holy Welt an 1 of hiettoryeas Say -
four, 'Redeemer and' Friend, 114,41
• all long ,suffering, !tenderness and
patience exhoritingemen' to be re-
conciled to God in Hen antl reprov-
ing, xebekbeg and twinning agairillt
TC1VIEN" WON, • sin; touching hie' peeteeel woolc
Joe Reinharde's Itemat defeated has been dond in humility ef spirit
the Jeckson factory/ team by a and the ,conafent, rdixection and, ene
scare a 8-2., an Nuesday evening. .coure,gelment f thus shall be
Capt. Cook, ewes referee and with a counted with InanY Las memories of
little mese rattled will be able to Pricelees
According et) Mr. Jones, searing
tveeat yields inj New ,Ontatin, 31
bushels to an ,arere and 68 pounds to
the bushel; fall ;wheat 331-9 beshejs
to an acre a:nre 66 pomade to the
bushel; oats 80 to 135 bushels Noels
acret :and 40111e 10 abushel. /One
:harmer eold $1,7001. wasteo of fPim-
,olthy :seed tea Taronte firm The
timothy measured 5 feet 8 inches.
Mr. le.B. Palmer, oil Englehanit
was this assietant with the eat and
could ;up hold New ,Ontario with
the best ell hem.
• , The eantemplated ;severance of
ehe pastoral tie at the present
time does noel ecene about, we be-
lieve, frrenn. anyt desire en the putt
ef Sttewarll end on the part of
ihe ,coneeregation t
.e 'viewed in
handle ehe 'games.
Ontario 81. League defeated the
Wesley league liaree Week. A fell
A Sure Winner
If pee entente fitting up
entrees ow seeck, give them a
ereatment of
- invigorator
It only eases 25c a package
and you ,canime beat it for
any teamed on the farm.
W.S.R. Holmes
Phm B.
Howe before. These who compose
the eommittee are Warden Stroth-
'ere, and BeevesiBailie,Munn/lege.
Kerninghana .ased Cantelen.
PrOPOSal to Raise MartrieUlation
Standard, add to Work of Celle-
giates and Reduce University e' er
tendanee by One Yer"-Need .
Greater Provincial Lib,
;Much credit ie due Messner, Eng-
lehart, DD,ane and Mels
McGee, at e
T. & N. 0., railway ,cosnmiesien .30
putting Math° ear foe .the perpoge
tsf seeming' settler's for New Ont-
ario ieettead. eft- Ileeteng Okla! beet ge
West. In sneaking to the IsTew Bra,
Mr. Tones 'seated that" one of rthe
beet boosts New\ 'Ontario evee got
was when the Canadian Press visit
ed the eountery on a three-day trip
in 1910. ,
"There are silt letestt 16.000,0,00 ac-
res of ferelle, eel) ee ;the retchest
ter in id iterrieery .which
the Government ist .opening," ealte
MT. Jones. "Lt .can purchased
far fiety ,center :mere. All the
• land is quite level and easily drilla
ed. le is, of go.orse covered ,with
timber and must be elearred but the
eimber its given ;Mae man ,whe pew
elmses ;the bend. Anyone den:r-
ing any information; as to special
calessiza.tion ;rates to settlers need
only apply ecethet• %rector el Cole
OniZation, !Parliament • Buildings,
Toronto, and !the information wilil
be given. '
Last Friday Evening, while Principal
Dr. Falconer attended a banquet at
Stratford, after delivering a lecture at
tee Normal School, discussed Uni-
versity matters, and we take the
following from the Stretford Herald: -
in the great world development of
recent years, the appetite for general
education was a marked feature. In.
China this was being increasingly
manifested. This tendency produced
a situation to which our Province
and people must rise, in order to hold
their place in this western world. Our
schuois to give more, must get more:
The cost per student in Toronto U 00
versity of 4186 annually, when com-
pered with ether great universities on
this contenentes, gave point to this
remark. ,In Michigan university the
anneal cost is abont 8289, in Wies
cousin $250. Cornell 5270, etc. of all
the large universities, U.oronto is try, ,
ing to perform egtuil work at lege aere
lay. Toronto has about 3,950 stadents
in the five m ale depertments-or more
than Cornell, Illinois, Califoreie, Wis.
• consin, Chicago or Yale, There are M.
course a few larger, such as Harvarcl.
These are ail heavily endowed,
with long histories arid much Berger
ineomes. Wisconsin sets $1,500ene
from the State; Calitornia a semilar
amount; Illinois $2,000,000 -es com-
pared with Toronto University lest
year only 5405,000. Scime of these
e. universities; named inelude an agri-
cultural college, 'which here is separate;
but allowing fur that, their revenue is,
over double that of Termite true
yersity, and the revenue there is
derived from direct taxation, wbieist
the people bear willingly,
Toronto degrees stand en a pae
with those of the great U. S. uni-
versities Many TorontoUniversity
graduates are on the staffs of Wis.
consin, Chicago, Columbia, Harvard
and other Ti, S. universities. The
quality of our work is recoppised all
over the United States. We give
money to railways and public utilitiegt
but De Falconer urged that our big-
gest utility was educist ion, becauseet
is that gives om people their distinct-
• Dr. Falconer discessed the plan of
further raising the matriculation
standard. Be ad yoce ted making the
senior matriculation stondard
alnt to pass ab end of first year. -
This was not quite as high as honors
in junior rnatriculatiote or the stand-
ar& for entrance to tee Vaeulty of
Education. This would mean rsdze-
perioa of attendance at the Inds
versity by one year, and adding ani.
ether Tear fo the work of Oolleguste
Institutes and High Schools; it would •
be cheaper, arid would have better
namei results mem students, to whom
going to college an a large city was a '
great life Oasis and thee of danger.
Another year would be better smartie
in the home Atmosphere 'It vrould
Mao mean a further toning s • mese
the Province, and places:1'
ford, °wee. Sound, etc,
come even more imports eat
Friday'e Globe had the following
iftera from ithe Northland; - This
year well see pea expensme ne elm
farming industry round Coehrane
thee ,will 1151 me•prising, With
Cechrene ,ae'amarket and( a eenitre
for their produce, definers axe
now preparing the breale a very
large armouset loe, land ea ;the pone -
dreg spring, and everywhere there
us• hope of Avery, profitable year.
Quite a number, of ormasil sawmills
are going insilon, the TratosconOn
• SWAN In Toronto, , on. '.10.nuarY 1it•ePt IltirRailWay sti ail ithe,tolgn-r
to bow Ito the Divene Wel trusting
.22..d to Mr. and Mrs 'George Swan, .ainps opened for sentement, and
• Aetat once if you are int,erested. for Ive assure you tita,t, these Garntents •
• ; 1i •
• , 1.111 DO It laiiire to vtatt, on fitir ottyers at lutes/ hio, olives. •
•* • EARLY (-3441)4,)INCr VTII,IA BE TIIE BEST. • "•2
• • The illortaisti elothing eo, •I
la Square Deal for Every Man."
(formerly M. Brneefieici), daughter, Ithalt• 1Ye'sboill teeeive Th-vinje Ll'ulder around theSe the settlers eluseer.
corrLE Geemeeje Teweseep, ity in elle spirit( arid power which '
on ears, 241.14 Thos. Cattle, aged hes chairactcrirred Mei ministry The eai Weat Ito Seateeth frem
85 years and 3 months.' tehAe sReevvidDern.cSert007,aurite, ,1000.rgp.tioin here op Saturday, morning.
STERLING -In Goderich To,Wnship I
tame in the choice of one w ehall ll,„„, ,they ear, peal tear weed ee
DEATHS. • Ileact us in Chrialtiltui ancl eeee
.Tan. 25th, George Sterling, aPhreeteeition Of amt. erftaAtien 'for
aged 55 years. and 1 mantle
SL,OMAN-In Clinton, on jar, 25th,
William J. Slornan, aged air
76 yes
arid 5 months.
'CRIJRCE(111-In on eau,
28111, Detcaa East ;wife of Mr.
Cherchil), aged 55 yen's.
Dr. Stewart we would and de here-
by insert:net our represeetatiVels to
appear in OnT name alt a meeting of
Presbytery to request that. the of-
fice o2 pasitorri enteral's of the con-
gregation be ,c,o,nferred) Upon him.
,Celntified to be atamei ) extraiet
front the eael Minutes. 1
'Wecluesd,ay ol rtble • week the
flostse of Retiree Cornrnittcevisitted
the :floitae and found everything ba 'centres, while the s
ict:0:33otp.1- caaitatiseesra:blialyev,pinc:,00-1uonteth.. \,yepylo,- ,Iveteok,eletioro' ace-, ernea,eisic} tsy: 11.7),pellei ad. hoe
Deputy -Reeve Clark, of 'Gad, ' 'there was. no fear
• I cieitts./ • ,•
. .•, •
' • . •