The Clinton New Era, 1912-01-18, Page 7--etelfentte
,^^P-40.1k7,9,0e111 , •
10. AYe ,JANIJA-13)tiaithr
Is goorl kg' Growing Girls
and Boys—and they like it It
nourishes their little bodies and
llnakes them healthei and strotig.
CoWates Cocoa, as you get it from your
1. grocer,,is absolutely per. Its deliciou;
',flavor' is obtained by the use of tho bghest
grade of Coeoa beans, skilfully blended,
Nothing is added to 'impair the health -
building properties of the Cocoa.
Do Y011 Use
Corin's Conoa ?
, Yen 'seera out ot hen LINN t •
Wile 'the cheneellor'e greeting.'
"I ane indeed that, eount. • I received,
a letter'today from the Prince rege
was sept to ii1ii Ily his ' MajestY,
WhO 18 huhting ire Bavaria. Bead it, ,
, count, hat' ',pray, tp Yee to do noth-
I•ing has y.
The ,chancellor did not 'open the let.
ter; he 'merely belcuiced it. HIS ats-
• clothe:Led pallor cteeume a e a eh
tinge. e '
"So bis majesty 'declines 2" he • said
"Yee eave.alreedy heard?" cried the
amazed' ambassador.
"Nettling. 1 surinise. Tile hour,
the leteee--to WbOt
else could , they poiet, 1 WaSat aid
all elong. it. hie majesty could
but See hert gho not worthy of ,e
crowri ?"•
"flerb.eek, nettling would please me
better' than to see this marelage con.
60 se
Copyright. 1909, by the Sabin -
Merrill Company
,• "Where is the prince?" . •
8..‘ieeteeregereliceess-linleewOAV-eg f
the' Mit 'interests of the atett6.".
• qiiere is the Bavarian princess," re-
marked the ambassador rausingly.
, "Ha! A good thought! But the king
Is romantic. She is older than he and
"Yea are not telling me everything,"
"I know it I am telling you all that
Is at present necessary."
"You make me the unhappiest man
in the kingdom! I have worked 00
hard and long toward this end. When
did the Wag decline this alliance?"
"Bvidently the moment he heard it.
I have his letter. Listen:
s "My Illustrious aed Industrious Utiele-I
regret exceedingly that at this late day I
should cause you political embarrassment,
but when I gave my, consent to the es-
pousal of any of the 'various princesses
at liberty surely it was understood that
Ehrenstein was not to be considered. 'I
refuse to marry the daughter of the man
who privately strove to cover my father
with contumely, who dared impute to him
aline that was any mania but my fa-
ther's. I realize that certain policies called
for this stroke on your part, !Mt it cannot
bit etty dear uncle, you have dug; a line
pit, and I hope you will find it safe, way
out of it. 1 refuge to'marry the Princess
Hildegarde, This is final. It can be ar-
ranged without any discredit to the duke
or to 'yourself. Let it be said that her
serene highness has thrown me over.
shan't go to war about it.
'"Observe 'My illustrious and indus-
trious uncle!'" Iaugbed tee carter
without mirth. "Our king, you wilt
see, has a graceful style." He gained
his feet. He was young, pleasant M
face, but a thorough soldier.
"You are Lieetenant von Baden.
stein!" cried the ambassador. "I rec-
ognize you now."
"Thanks, your excellency!"
are id the royal household, the
regent's invisible arm. I have heard a
good deal about you. I knew yeur fa-
ther well."
"Again. thanks. NoWs the regent bas
'heard-' certain ',timers regarding an
American named Carmiebael,' a consul.
He iseoften seen with her bigliness. extraordinary privilege."
• ']lest your mind there, lieutenant:
lesie •CarMiehael 10 harmless. He can
be eliminated at any time." ,
• "This is reassuring. Yon' will See the
'chancellor tonight and show Mee this
"I will." •
"One word more, and then I'm oft.
If a butcher or a bolter .or even •a
limentaineer pulls the bell fiord mei
shows this ring admit him evitbout
fall. He will have vital Me's." '
For half an hour tee ameaSsador ra,
mined staring at the candlesticks. Be
wantedno dinner. 'Ole rang for his
eat and coat, and twenty mlnutes,later
be was in the chancellor's en.135.nat_
Seems To Be Habittigr
With Many People.
,•Some are seldom, if,ever, free from it,
suffering continually and wondering why
they can' get no relief.
, • Hea.claChes are generally, caused by
some derangement of the stomach or
bowels, or both
'• gtirdoett Blood titters removeniddlti,
;„ot the stinuach, improves digestion, regu-'
• lAtea the constipated bowels, .and pror
motes a perfect *ciliation of pure blood-
•. :ter a1 portions of 0,e body, thereby caring
• ;the headaeheS by •removing' the cause. '
'1.4., Maguire, .*altualt, Onto
writilig• You, a. few lime
.14.44,, you,. Wluft your Sardock, Bleed,
Pittera .haa, ,110tie' fer w1used to be,
hgreatli, tratibledWith.headiMlim, bht after
Sutdoek, Shied '
:COMpletelyektred.' • Thia
.agai:aud, T hive had ne„
• litri 6fbeadielie since."•i• • , • , •
'I believe you. We two peoples
should be friendly. It lias taken Me •
were ortec:, eve, e we e00„,reete,n1 would
' not ''ofMri be ncedd,Ilitt."Sinee"bur systems hreveshe- .
e e e
'Wealeerred,, 'iratiaired and broken • 'down ,thiough. •,
.iadiSoreriens''Whiele' have gone on,froie the early,age,
throdeb,cemmtless .generations, remedies are needed to
la, cNature m eorrecting„eue inherited ,end .otlierwise , • , ,
'IseteuileilWeaknesses.,. To . reach •.the , seat of ktoknacli '
eilenkness eed, °consequent : digestive tioublete there • ,
not1wg so•good as p Psorcos o1den Mediettl D tie°
'• eree,,a gly,eerice compreuird,, extracted, front native medic- •' ,
, 'inal reite-sold forover forty, yearewith greet, satisfaction 0 all ,usera.,;. Per
• :Weak' tomaeli, Biliousness, Liver COmpleur.
ent po
- ,this. Storeacli after eating,
dre,Da,thi,seBeevleehoin,g, is efood, and
e Diarrhea another
The ienuhize ,,,tas , „ •
or;intside iwrapppli.,th4;
You can't afford to aceepta' sec et nostrum, ilea substetu,e for this ion -al 0”
'belie, 'medicine oe enowe coneeerriner, riot Ovon though the argent dealer may .
, "-Dr: pieree's Pleasant Pellets regu'iate and invigorate stop:tech, liver and
bowels.. • 'Sugar -coked; tiny' granules, easy to take as candy. ,
L isecii,p6o I Vitheat , Outur:s Cies° Low.
, er, Chicago Higher -Live Stock
-LLate t QUotations'
CHIC.A.GO, 13,-.A. •quick rally,
owing to 'bee, • ea 11, eales resultea
to -
clay in ,fli• het aclvanee"fox wheat, Clee-
neg. figure's Vvere .a Shade to eee higher
thgii,laet,, night. Cora 'finished pre-
• cisely •the • same as • 21 beers before;
Oats varyieg froma alieele 'efe to' len
, ,
Op, and hog products at 5e to '15e de-
°Hee• , • 1 •
• The Liverpool market •closed •today
• wheat,•240.• lower than yesterday, and. On
coen %a, higher to 39d. lower. AntW°rD
wheat cloSed 7Sie •lower, 13ellin Voe lower,
Budapest unehan-ecl •' •
Winn i peg Optrens.
• (seen. Bike L1ow. Close. close.
luaY. new. 100 • 100 eS% 100 100%,'
July .........100% loves 1014
May .. •, 41.°4 41%
• Toronto Grain Market.
- • - Wheat, goose,. bushel 092 , ....•
1th v retain. ice ott-t's 111,7 •
..• °fits' . ... . ... , 0 62
menthe to bring this matter round. must 1 0 a e ‘•
The duke rebelled; her highnek scorn-
ed the hand of Frederick. Still, if you
,saw all the evidence in the ease you
would not blame the duke for his at -
"But those, documents rerank for-
geries!" .
"So they may be, but that has not
been preeed. What remedy do, you
suggest?" asked the chancellor. •
"I suggest that the duke must not
"Agreed. Go on."
"Yon will put the matter before her
"That will be difficult"
"Let her repudiate the negotiations.
Let her say that she has cbanged her
mind. His Majesty is quite willing
that the humiliation be la.- ,
"That is generous. But suppose she
has set her beat en the crown of Ju-
gendheit. What then?"
"In that event the affair is no longer
• In our hands, but in 'God's."
"Is there no way of changing the
king's mind?"
"Read the letter, 'count," said the
Herbeck read the letter. It was the
everir of e rather irrespousible boy.
"May r take this to her highness?"
asked the chancellor. "I promise its
contents will not go beyond her eye."
"I will take tbe risk." e
Herbeek consulted his watch. 00 wae
half after (3. Her highness did not
dine fill S.
"I shall go to her highness imme-
diately, baron. 1 ehaltereturn the let-
ter by 'messenger, and h.w111 tell you
the result of' the intervieeir."
"God be with you," eaklethe ambas-
sador, 'preparing to take his leave, ,"for
all women are coatrary,"
After the baron was gone the chan-
cellor paced the rebin with halting
step. Then toward the wraith of les
ambition be waved a hand 115 10 to ex-
plain how facile are the schemes of
men. He proceeded to the apartments
of her highness. Would she tote asido.
this crown or would shb flglit for it?
He found her alone. ,
He sainted her band respeciTally. "I
have here a letter. I have given my
word that its contents shall not be re-
peated to the duke, 'your father. If I
let you read it will you 'ngree to that?"
"And who bas written this letter?"
noncommittally. '
"Hie majesty the king of Jugend-
heit," slowly.
"A. letter from the king!" she cried,
curious. "Should it not be brought to
me on a golden salver?'
"It is probable that 1 am bringing it
to you at the end -of it bayonet," sol-
emnly. "Ie the duke learns it,coatente
the inevitable result' -will be war,"
A allelic° fell imon them. -•
"He declines the honor of my hand--
is,that not it?" she finally said. '
• The eliaucellor assented.
"Ali!" with a note ,of prede in her
voice tied a flash in her eyes. "And 'e?"
• "You will tell the duke that you have
changed your mind," gravely.
"And 1 if I refuse to change my
mil resigned ,,te• any and all
eventS." '
"WRIT" tfer ftwer.tritS serious. "..8nd
idiat hag the king to seggeet?"
"Ole propoSes t aeoePt the hilmflia-
tion of being rejectese by yell."
"Why, this is a gallant Idng! Pouf!
There goes a crown of +Ilietledewil."
Then she laughed. • There wag nothing
but youth in the latighter-youth and
• gladnees. "Listen to me. I declare
to you that I am Ilappler at this um-
ment thgtn I have been in days. To
marry a man have never seen, whose
looks, character and habits are un-
known -why, I have lived i11 a kind of
horror. I ate tree!" And she tittered
the words as with the breath of spring,.
The chancellor's shoulders drooped a,
trifle more, and , his' hand closed down
ever the letter,
ere Will be no war" remained her
hIghnees. Itiaowsiny father. Our
'Wm may claSh, but in this thstance
mine shall be the stronger."
thia is not the end." •
"You Mean that there -will be other
child, tenet be a political marriage, it
S a.hars»
"My nig.uness will or will not marry,
as she pleases. Arn a chattel that
fun to be offered
amese this free -
tier er teat?"
The ehs metier
reeved uneasily.'
"You will, then,
tell the duke that
there,vrinhOuther,t4ngs,: Lam
sorra Jiat,oUflg' add has „no' .4er'
you have changed
your mine, that
‘1/4,• you have reeon-
98 sidered?" he 1)00-
,...,0- sieted. '
se"'"' Now, -godfather,
you may kiss her
serene higeness
re• on the forehead."
"This honor to
me?" The chan-
"5 BEA" NEM) THE colter trembled.
evuorm smolt tro eleven so."
Ile did not
touch her with his bands, but the kiss
he put on ber forehead was a benedic-
"You may go now," she said, "for I
shall need the whole room to dance in.
lam freeeif wily for a little while!"
CII 0 •
RETCHEN was always up
when the morning was rosy,
when the trees were still dark
and motionless and the beaas
of clew white and frostlike, for what is
better than to meet the day as it comes
over the mountains and silence breaks
here and' there in the houses and
streets, in the fields and the vineyards?
Let olkl age, which has played its part
and taken to the wings of the stage -
let old age loiter in the morning, but
not green yr:tura. Gretchen awoke as
the birds awoke, with snatches and
little trills of song. To her nearest
neighbors there was about her that
wIalee reminded .them of the regularity
of.a good clock; when they heard her
voice they knew it was time to get up.
She was always busy in the morning.
The tinkle oil the bell outside bretight
her to the door, and her two goats
came pattering in to be relieved of
their creamy bureen. Gretchen was
fowl of them. They needed no mire
at all. The moment she 'had milked
them they went tinkling off to the
4 steep pastures.
Even in midstunmer the dawn was
chill in .Dreiberg. Gretelien blew on
her fingers, The tire began listelieer
ful crackle, the eettle boiled briskly, and
the frugal breakfast was under way.
There was daily one cup of coffee
but neither Gretchen nor her grand
mother claimed this luxury; it was fo
the sick woman un tee third floor.
What the character of the woman's.
illnese was Gretchen hadn't an Weft
but•there could be no doubt that she
was ill, desperately, bad the geese
girl but known it. Her 'face was thin
and the bones were visible under the
druinlike skin; her hands were merely
claws. She mysfiBed the girl, for she • '
never complained, never asked flues.,
dens, 'talked but little, and 111W113'3. ' tee e
smiled kindly when the pillow was i Tie- ee er
"Good Morning, ftau," said Gretchen. 1 4
"Good morningliebebee."
"I have , brought you a brick this
morning, for it will be cold Lill the sue ,
is high."
.•"Thank you." ,
• Gretchen pulled the deal table to
the side of the cot, poured' out the cof-
fee and buttered the blend.
"I ought not to drink coffee, but if,
its rue only tiling runt WarMS the. You
haye ffeen very patient witti me."
"I run read to help you."
"And that is why 1 love you. Now,
I have 501110 Instrectioes to give you
this morning. Preeently I shall be
leaving, and there will be something
besides crowns."
• , "Yee are thinking of leaving?'"
"Yes. When I go I shall not come
back. tinder my pillow there is an en-
velope. Yon ovill find it tied keep it."
Gretchen, yourng and bealthy, touch.
ed. not thi§ melancholy undercurrent -
"You will promise to take lt?"
"Yes, frau."
"Thanks little gosling. I have au
errand for you this morning. It will
• take you to the palace."
"To the palace!" echoed Gretchen.
"What shall I do?"
"You will seek her higbness and give
her this note."
"The princess! Will they not laugh
marl turn tee out?"
"If they try that, demand to see his
excellen.ey Count von Ileebeclr amd say
that you came from No. 40 Kremer -
"And if I cannot get in?"
"Yot will have no trouble. Be sure,
though, to give the note to no one but
her highness."
Gretchen decked Iter beautiful head
with a little white cap, which she
wore only on Sundays and at the
opera, and braided and beribboned her,
hair. Who was this old woman who
thought nothing of writing 11 letter in
her serene highness? And who were
her nocturnal visitors? she pondered.
Being ef a diseernidg mind, she idled
about the Platz till after 9, for it had
lbeen told to her that the great sleep
rather late in the morning. What
Should she say to her serene highnees?
'What kind of courtesy should she
melee? At least she would wear no
humble, servile air, for Gretchen MIS
it bit of a Socialist. DM not Herr
Goldberg, whom the police detested
Ile not say that ttll men were
equal? And Surely - .teis sweeping
statement included women. With a
confidence born of right and Mom
cenee she proceeeed toward the east
or side gates of the palitee. The smithy
smiled at her.
-1 have a letter for ber serene high-
ness," she mild,
-Leave it."
-I am tinder orders to give It to her
hightiese herself."
"Vett ,ettmot enter the gardens wide
out a permit."
. Gretchen remembered, "Will you
send some one in Iiis eseellency the
chancellor • and toll him 1 hare come
, frow No. 40 krintterweg?”
'Krutnerweg'. The very name ought
L. to reese any elite flee girl. are yea
-.Speak i ng till rho, it y
Gretchen exhililted the note. Ili'
, scratched his chin. perplexed.
"Nue along. 10 they eek tee 111 say
that I didn't soe you." 'I'he sentry re -
11 10 beat.
Gretchen stepped • iusifle the gates,
and the real beauty of the gardens
Doctor Failed to lie p—B ut
Rlarriscy's No. 1 4 Blood Remedy
•. Restored Health.
2201102070, ONT, Sane 2, 1111.
•"Isor the past ,stwo years I had licea
et:Er:ring from nervousness and a run-
down condition, eaused from worry and
overwork. 5 tried several remedies to
buil,' up my norvourf system, end 0,180
had iny physician ,preseribe for rno.'bat
gemmed to get no better until 5 tried
- your No. 14 Plood • ItellledY• 5 0130(0
ono beg, and begen to brace, un, and
by the time 5 had finished Ike figth bort
was fooling fine They Bombed to toilet
my nerves and .ravive me generally and
1117 cemplexion fs lots better, /try appe-
tile 10 111m -I feel kenn and'fresh, and
am better able te dOlux work than 5'
have been. for Over a Year. I Suppose
there are 8 lot of people troublea 85'
• I was and, if this lette`r -will help any
o2 'them to find, the light 'remedy, you
• may ptiblieh it for their ben.efit. 'I can -
'not refrain from giving this eXpression
• about Your No, 14 Blood 'Porde, as I
'consider it without an equal." .
Wm. StoWers.
• Tho shrove prescription Is no a lire -
.A11' , or so waled patent medicine. Dr,
.merrlseY i;resermed 10 Tor 44 years,,,tatird
,oured .tboAnands after, ether doe os
• , _ '
dr EUUOW 76,70rrificY :,,751°511°1140
Pyle% SOe.", Pet Jae% a your dealers,
14018184WOrefL • " !,°,1 „
soicftnct, guarantee & in Clinton by
it40010140 •
t Bari Sr, bushel 085 050
Barley, for deed 0 65 '0 76
Peas, bushel 1 10 ' 1 12
BitekWheat, bushel • 0 50' 062
Toronto Dairy Markt.
Slitter, store lots 0 e5 • 0 25
Rutter, separator, (Wry, lb0 30 0 34
Butter, creamery, lb. rolls0 33 0 35
)liutter, ereainery, solids ,,1 32
Cheese, new, ie 0 15% o 15
Honeycombs, dozen . 2 AO 3 OD
Honey, extracted, lb . 0 12 ....
Eggs, case lots 0 82 .• .•
Eggs. new -laid 040 ••.•
Montreal Grain and Produce.
- Oat i$us Defeir • + + rite flea '144 ft?1, + etts ef'es 44 etc
large Angeea eat owne
PPW0 in Eaat Lee, XaGeaChOSSeitS,'
'act§ ae watch -deg and Puts .to flight
all'four4onted letterderrie hiarly ,leet
spring, three ,deer, 'euMuding. a large.
buck, invaded the pretniees occupied
bY 5904. the cat, • ' The owner states
that his , deughty cat imniodiately
singlecl,,Out the btiel and pureued' him
some 2:wo, limedred Yarcls, die-
' appearing , over it hilltop, • The met
has been'taught to ',drive cows and' to
perform. many other Useful 'acts.
MONTREAL, ,Tan, 13, -The foreign de-
mand for IVIanitoba spring wheat was
quieter, owing to the more favOrable ad-
Tpildess=dtiLe peliennetinoet, lea tesippcees,
quarter. The.m was some demand from
local buyet•s for American No. 3 yellow
corn, and sales were made to arrive at
721hc, ex -track. Oats were Erin, under a
good deMand from both, local and out-
side buyers. Flour is steady under a falr
local demand. Bran and, shorts are ac-
tive and firm. Cheese is strong at the
recent advance in prices. Receipts for
She week were 86L boxes, against 522 a
yearago. The demand for butter Is in-
creasing, and the tone of the market Ls
firmer. Receipts for the week were 1743
packages, against 1444 it year ago. Eggs
active and firm. Receipts for the week
were 707 cases, against 1431 a yoar ago.
Oats -Can. Western, No. 2, 471/8e to 48e;
Canadian western, No. 3, 451,8e: extra
No. 1 feed, 461/2c; No. 2 local white, 48e;
No. 3 local white, 45c; No. 4 lace]. white,
Barley-IVIalting, 96c to 980.
Buckwheat -No. 2, 70e to 71e.
Flour -Manitoba spring wheat patents,
firsts, 55.60; seconds, $5.10; strong bakers',
94,53; winter patents, choice, 94.75 to 851
straight rollers, 14.23 to $4.40; do., hoes,
$1.50 .
Rolled oat -Barrels, 94.65; bag 90 lbs.,
Millfeed-Bran, $23; shprts. $25; mid-
dlings, $28; moulille, 628 to $34.
Hay -No, & Per ton, tar lots, 315 to $15.50.
Cheese-FInest westerns, 151Ao to 1558c:
finest easteres, 1Mo to 15c.
Butter -Choicest creamery, 311,fic to Wei
secondS, 29%c to 801/20.
Eggs -Fresh, 45c to 600; selected, 31.180
to 32c; No. 1 stock, 275,8e to 280.
Potatoes -Per bag, car lots. 81.40.
Hogs -Dressed, abattoir 93,75 to
$10; country 'dressed, 90 to $9.50.
Pork -Heavy Canada short mess, bbls.,
35 to 46 pieces, 92160; Canada short cut
back bbla, 45 to 65 pieces, $22.
Lard -Compound, tierces, 375 lbs., Me;
wood palls, 20 lbs. net, nic; pure, tierces,
, ,
375 lbs 11.34c• pure wood pails, 20 lbs.
not 12730.
bbls., 200 lbs., $14.50; plate,
tierces, 30e lbs. 521.50.
Liverpool Live Stock.
LIVERPOOL, :Tan. 13. -Beet, extra
India mess, 100s. Pork, prime mess.
western, 87s 601; hams, short rut, 14 to
15 lbs., 560; bacon, Cumberland cut, 20
to 30 lbs.,- 40s; short ribs, 16 to 24 lbs.,
45s Gd; clear 11 to 16 lbs., 45s 61;
long clear middles, light, 28 to 84 lbs.,
48s; long clear middies, heavy, 85 to 40
lbs., 475 tel; short clear backs, 10 to 20
lbs, 408; shoulders, square, 11 to 13 lbs.,.
465. Lard, prime western, In tierces, 478
60; Atneriean refined, 47s 601. Putter,
finest TJ. S., no stook. Cheese, Cana-
dian, finest white, 74s; do., colored, 748.
Tanow, prime city, 31s; Australian, in
tierces, 32s. Turpentine spirits, 365 98.
Rosin, common, 17s. Petroleum, refin-
ed 701. Linseed. oll, 435 3d. Cotton seod
oil, 1:11111 refined, 24s 7 1-2(1.
Minneapolis Grain Market.
• MINNEAPOLIS, Ian. 13,-Wheat-C105e
-May, $1.0131,8; .7uly, $1.07; No. 1 hard,
$1-.063/4; No. 1 northern, $1.0674; No. 2
northern, $1.0128; No. 3 wheat, Caere% to
Corn -No. 3 yellow, 62c to 63e.
Cats -No. :3 -white, 47e.
Rye -No. 2, 91j8e.
Bran -52&50 to $23.75.
Flour-Firet patents, $5.20 to $0.50; se -
road patents, $1.80 to 95.10; first clears,
13.60 to 93.95; second clears, $2.50 to 92.90.
Buffalo Grain Market.
BUFFALO, Jan. vvheat 'dull;
No. 1 northern, carloads, store, $1.0373;
winter dun; No. 2 red, $1.01; No. 3 red,
99e; Ne. 2 white, $1.
Cern-Higher; No. 3 yeilovv, 07c; No. 4
Yellow, %Vie, all on track, thru-billed.
Oats -Scarce; No. 2 vie -Lite, 53%c; No. 3
white, 52e; No. 4 White, 5254e.
Barley -Malting, $1.25 to $1.35.
Duluth Grain Market.,
'DELETE, Jan. 13. -Wheat -No, 1 north-
ern, hard, $1.0059; No. 1 northern, $1.051/5;
51,0514; July, $1.05%.
No. 2 northern, $1,02%; may, $1.05% to
East' Buffalo Cattle Market,
• EAST le,UFFALO, San. 13.-eCattle-
Receipts, 175 ' head, ; firm.
Veals-Reeeipts, 150 head; , active;
500 lower; $5 to $10.50,
Hogs-Receip'ts, 9600 head; Slew and,
steady; dairies, $6 to $6.35,
Sheep and Lambs--BacelptS; 6090
head; slow; yearlings, 35c higherl
lambs, $3.50 to '97.6.,5; yeanlings, 95.e5
Chicago Live Stock.
• uNICAGO, • Jan. U. -Cattle -Receipts,
01 1500; market weak; , beeves, $4.75 to DUO;
Texas steers, $1.30 to $5.85; western teers,
$4.50 to $7.25; stockers and feeders, 111.50 to
55 &5• cows and heifer% $2 to $6.45; eaives,
7°.ui' PEL'snsin4 11.10130u150?" "Ilogths-$R9're'elets, 21,000; market slovf
`wile revealed to her for the first time-. and 5c lower; light, $5.85 to $6.25; mixed,
strange, sowers she bad never seen be. t66,0t5° to$6.365;.1S;heaevoya 901'0°6ohteole$00;mIllij
g 6 11055,
tore. It was all a feryland. 'Ihmie to wig; 42-1,§ to !1.65„; bulls of eaters,
iwere marble urns itetla hanging,' veues
and marble.statues. SLe°1) anti,
kat weazt, $3.25 to $4.95; western,
hand-..graSperl.: bet rudely by the $.2,ss, to Yearlings, $6.26 to $6.20, lam S,
me, $4,76 to $7,15; Western, 85,25 to
• "VVID-ti;
Otto Sun dare4,,, teref thun- L.
LIVERPOOL, Jan., 1.3,--sohn nosern
"`EioNr dare you touch me like that?" tir?teiLliajAvieCiTicoTktions feOir V3a-01'eY door -
deed .tbe head gardener. "Be off with iverpo'ol Provident.
• elle cried arigrilY• ped .ohe-balf cent per pounN, compared
•,Something ie. her glance .cooled even !with those cabled. States wad' dan- •
the 'wa•rim 'blooded Hermann. edictal steers were from. 18 8-4e to i‘iy,e
"But 7On,lly in Dreiberg an:d ought .;1611cr!, uP jeutnhedeere's,h,Seete7p:1_,,Weceeex:':eeLa,Pliefi,eilielrldweraeti.
tO iinOr4" .`
"You cotild have taid rite without 01 1-40 eie 11.3.4e per pound. '
•Food Doo:a Yo:yits No Good
leaf the rime you're afraecl to eat;
your 'tongue is coated, mouth tastes
bad, stomach ia bleated, 50 3011 Want
to get well, btop using clySpepSia taib-
lets, and go to the source of the free-
bie before it is too late. fgrengthen
your stomach, cast out the bile, regu-
late the bow:SS-de this, and diYsImil,"
sitt well be no niore.
For your condition the hest preci'dp-
thin ls Dr. Hamiltea's wbleli are
made Specially for the stomach, kid-
neys and liver. NO bettor Tertnetly veill
be devised, ter Die lIarnietonee Pills are
'`No. one could realize my sufferteree
from ete.maeb trouble and indigestion.
For five years I hove not been well.
My feed me no gome beeeerec
couldn't digest or asSimilate. My doc-
tor sed constipation was at the root of
my trouble, so I got Dr. Hamilton's
quickly. I am delighted with the thors
oinell cure I derived front Dr. Harell-
eon's Pilts.
'l(Signecl) MARTIN E. WALKER,
Quick results attend the UsO or Dr.
Hamilton's Pills; this, medicine , cures
all trouble in the stmanch end cligee-
Dive organs by removite: the causet,
, .
01%, 4, 4„ alc„ „v6e, 4, 4, 4„,
President, Women's C. Club Ft William
Now tbat women's culture has come
to the Trent in Canada with its con-
summation in. women's clubs it is
well for the world that the Dominion.
has such leaders as 1Virs. 1ViteKellar to,
help along the work. Mrs. McKellar
was founder of, and is president ot
the Fort 'William .010, and trek,*
strong practical intereet in all
charitable movements.
brutsil)g ray 8.001,', defiantly.
wharGretiedeh:en anouli
dgth:t, head gardener ,
'hclgee which di-
vitle'd•the fPrM111 ,grOd'ens from the
tennis aud, areherle gir.9jdufilf4 came a
young +ninths in ,rldin liabit.•
, "ilTbat Is,, the ,�u1e, ilermanoP'
' fll.‘1?°.lirliir' 61-dhuess, tid *you; ni.:;. u''eth ''',U
' ' •• ' ,',,,.:
Coultimucei n ', Week
el; 'I
• .ror i.ufanttrand Uron
the lind You Have Aliayt Bought
, ,
:P0atF° of ,
•' ' • •
• iti!
, • , , , , ,
sieelieee see
Cured by the Ne.w Method Tre:dmrnt
yonrig Ana ineldleetgel men are annually swop:, to rt. prom:stare grave
through eerie indiacretioas, Er.cosaca and Elrod 13iscasen. It you have any of the
loving symptoms. consult us before it is too late. Are yen nervous and weak, de'vcrr,
dont and. gloomy', specks. before the eyes, with dark eireles under them weak back,
Icklueys Irritable, pulpit:air/trot the heart, basi,00, dream.; and lo srs,.1,edinient in urine.
pimple:ion [Ito face. 0,Ves sunken, 1:11low cher-11.1, careworn. evpirsael, Peer atemorY,
distruAMI, lac:: energy en 1 et 10 aly,1 lb t yea 111001110, r is: 111...11ts,
moods, weak re:whoa:1, premature decay, beie pains, hair loose, bum throat, etc.
Our NOW MalCd Treatmeet emir:impel and ultu,c a man or you, rater 110 Witt,
01100 11,0 brain 1.",,,,,031WthOt 01111400a se Una, all pimples, Motel:v.; nint ulrers
disappear, the nerves lessee wiong o5 se that 1100001.1T10014, )111.1101.11,0,-,3 V,Vd. deg -
pendency vanish, the eye beceme.i lirkitt, the Mee full ant clear, enemy returns to the
bo'IY anti the meral, Physical and veined systems aro luviloraterlt all tiraIns oease-no
More v11:11 waste frent Sri system Don't let quacks ;Ind fakirs rob you or your hard
earned dollars. We will cure 00.1 or no Pay.
READER; leo Inatt00 \Alb has trnte.1 you, write for ae lemeet opinion Free of Chars..
Froohs 6r55 -"The Golden Monitor" 1111ustrated) SOOV2t, DiSCi151'3 of Men.
•s. 0' f915 f101t3ij,
P.S.UtifAl tf,-,14..,"
Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold SL, Det.oit, Mich.
vr0'1rs (31(( 15I41 fl (c.15, c All letters from Canada must be addressed e
ern tete s s to our Canadian Correspondence Depart -
kr HEMEELZMIZEIZIMI Ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to e
see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat „
110 pwlieutts in. our Windsor oflices which are for Correspondence and 11
Laboratory for Canadian. business only. Address all letters as follows:
rite for our private address,
Et112MERIEruallar.... '
irersarmamanaratenriammerfaxam s.enearesnomaxxes=V
,9ve tla ugiAt about
ct I
OR some time there has dwelt in your mind
the thought of trying PURITY FLOUR --
the flour that consists q,oholly of the • high-grade
portion,9 of the best TV estern hard wheat. '
That's a good thought. It indicates a desire fok
improvement in your baking-talent—an ambition to
increase the deliciousness of your bread and pastry.
Don't let that good thought perish. Turn on your
will power, ACT ! !
More bread and better bread"
• pptivENDER: On account
•Id of the extra'strength and
extra • quality of PURITY.,
FLOUR, best pastry -results'
are obtained by adding mope
' shortening than is necessary
• when using the ordinary
' Ontario or blended flours.
Also add ino3.e water when
making bread.
Add PURITY FLOUR to your grocery list right now
,tellIFIITY Fe°
, 'way
“a°4.331.0,Nareolln,&0Mell j p sh
_ eo , ,.,.. • ePPerd atleo„4
'!? ....* McLiktlnan &,C,, 13.,v.,,,,err,,isou Wiltse, '
T.. vet:litter Co., Distrilnito ' -----el°31 '•Re"
' 1
. "