HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-01-18, Page 5J'ANHARY 18,th, 1912,, TRE CLINTON NEW' SIX/e. • piste ct FIN PEARL BROOCHES earanweetzeseateeeserez=emesereettete •Our handsome line of exquisite Fear( Brooches will appeal to the good taste of a,11 ladies. they are of 14k gold, and the gerns are as flawless as price will allow. Our large stock makes select- ing very simple, and the price will appeal to all economical shoppers Call in to day and 'look over the lot. You will find your ideal here at a price WITHIN YOUR MEANS creescredeteesteemarsasereeteernemeneer W. IL HUHU and (fPTICIAN Births, Marriages -I& Deaths DEATHS. SEELEY-ln Clinton. on Sunday, January 14th, Aleda, beloved daugh- ter ot Albert and Annie Seeley.' Mull Lost. A Sable Muff was loet the Saturday night before Christmas, between Con. 8, idullett and Clinton. Pinder will be rewarded by leaving strum with W. Mo(X)OL • Londeeboro Special Notice All parties indebteel to Harland ,Bros., up (1.0 Jan. 1st 1912, will con- fer ageeat favor by paying prompt ly as all accounts, are, expectedto. be maid this . month ift net possible call and (state when. 'Can be paid .at 'Harland: Bros., store. John T. Harland Notice Tenders wilabe received by the 'Council of Hullett for the 'supply of 2.000 ft Rock elm plank 16 ft long and 2 1-2 in. fthick to .be delivered as f04101W13-500 fit at Fingland's ; 500 tt! at 'Miller's and 1000 ft at Lei - pease :Tenders :will be op.ened at the Township all ori S,aturdayyeb. :3rd, at 2 le m. James Campbell, Clerk. Dog Lost ' On or about the Sth of December a black and white Beadle Hound with eme on tail. Anyone found' harboring the ,same Will be prasec 'rated. -Norman liennerly, Clinton., Efne, Winter Resorts Bound Tip Tourists Tickets now on Sale to all principal 'reinter re- sorts including CALIFORNIA, MEXICO, FLORIDA The' Attractive Route to 'WESTERN CANADA Ls via Chicago. Steamship Tickets on sale by all Lines, leue particulers from JOHN RANSPORD & SON, Agents A..0, PATTISCJI1. oepot agent News. eitinalea Mi. ei.Baown, of Tiverton, is mit- ing frieeds and velatives thisaeweek. Ha is the guest ef Mee, D. Meleweri. .114r, Chas. Falconer 'returned to hi Mane in Bayfield on Seterdey meter a week's visit among Mends on the line. We ere pleased to state that trie John A, Mellevan.s tegaeti able to be Lit flottnesellie CornxnencingSencley evening„, Rev. Mr. Coheens will start a special week' of prayer, wbich hes been asked by the Conference to be held. . Die knew Mrs. D. eleeray and little baby, of Wentford, 12 miles north a Lueltno tv, had a narrow escape trout death when . their home was totally destroyed by !fire. On corning downstairs in the morning the husband was met by I clouds of smoke ancl sheets or mune, from the kitchen and had barely time I to rouse his wife and child, who bad no time to secure any of their clothing. I They took temporavy refuge in the barn The building and contents, were ' total wrerk. The lees is about 83,000 with insueanee of $1 500, • Baylield . • • T. J. Markg his gone to lietnsas to spend the Whiter wich his oaughter Maggie.. • A. new election will he held next week in regerd to the vacant chair of Mr. ThOma.s Cameron who. tieing, De- puty Sheriff was obliged to resign.: The two men Richard -Smith and Se Moore wilt contest for the vacs ooy. The Annual meeting of the Ceme- tery Directors was held' in the Town Hell. on Monday lest ene :motet other business transected it was decided ..to write a letter of condolence to Mrs,' Elliott, wife of the late Gabriel Rilioti extending their sincerest sympathy and regrets' for the loss of one wno had always proved 0 sincere. • and aCtive worker and whose judgment was the: general support of his ffellow Direc- tors Ethel A dieastrous fire occurred Monday evening in the village of Ethel, On. tario. when the large roller mill was totally destroyed by fire. The fire is supposed to have started from an over• heated stove in the office. When the men went to the house for tea they left a good fire in the stove and on re- turning found that part of the build- ing a mass of flames. Nothing could be done to prevent the total loss of the building. The mill was owned by Mr. R. M. Henry, arid was a fratue struct- ure. An effort was made to save some of the contents, but only 12 barrels of flour and one barrel ot' oil •ead the weigh scaled wrests sa.ved. There was sorne insurenee on the place. The loss is estimated at Sel 000. Hallett Miss Cockertine,' of Blyth, spent Sunday with her cousin, Mies Milly Adams. Me. And Mrs- WM. Stevens and son silent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs, jetties Sr„ of near Wings ham. ' Mrs. Mogridge has returned to her home in Clinton after spending two months with her daughter, Mrs. Wm. !leek. Mrs. Reek is able to be around again. Mr. Win. Cockerline formerly of Hullett died at hishome in the West last week. He is a brother of Mrs. Brogden of Londeshoro, Miss Jessie Youngblut epent a few daye at the home of Andrew Halliday. of Benmiller. Miss Alice Toll left for Sarnia one day last week and will spend a few months there. Londeabor0 Mr. J. D. Risley spent Sunday with friends at Auburn. Quite a number of people around here got an ear or cheek frozen. T. WATTS Boot Maker and Repairer Repairing done promptly. Skates put on while you wait Skate straps of solid leather cut any length desired. Suit cases and Trunks re- paired. , A trial will convince you of the neatness and pcomptness with which I execute my work Store open, every evening Opposite Postoffice. 1:‘ T. Watts ,-,- ,,,.,k,,,,,,,.tx,"...sscammakkokinkswkwkorckezcomennekkranommacktoo meireanmreetmaxerearematter=reaseetemeserensfseentere...ne 4660 Otl on" and so is every chairewe show. You select one and have wife elect other. It will be a "toss up" which is best, You can't go amiss on ANY la.IND OF A. CHAIR in our stock. They're all good, jot eo with entire stock we show, It's beet in town, and that's why "those who knot' bay fo,rnitnre at our place. V la R L TINDIFIRTAIElfNO AND FURNITURE easennsiessesereesseene ')-7-----ee kffeadachtEY's . , Cured. ' Nialef,V per conk, of pti),T hfoos.daoofrr.000vcveere , bp. irpok.koyteiko\.Wck pernkoreo,n .tf,loy(.`"!e..keh t:eocotikes _) ri'2:'r., ..., will re- ...„ your mOkkok, r•-:_:_.......___.....„0-, rD4 V.7 • 5d Seemlier and Optielian Issuer olliftrriage Licenses Mes, J, Leshetu has not been very well for a few weeks, D. Cantelon shipped bogs and peta- 1 os this week end. 'Watson also shipp- ed hogs, ' Suuday vvas a fine day and the pecesle turued out well to Church after missing the last two Sundays. The postponed Oyster Supper of the Forresters took place on Tuesday night of this week. It was a huge success. The attendantie was good the fare better and the progrenene the best. The Lobb family of Goclerich Town - OM Were hosts in thereseves. There were other excellent entertainers also. The financial part was like Horace Greely's Corn Crop -not a paying one. The Women's Institute Meeting last week was held at the home of Mrs. John Cartwright on Friday as Thurs- day Was too stormy. After the huei- nese WAS OVer Mrs. Cartwright treated the members to a Fowl Supper and needless to say full justice was done and every one enjoyed the report. The members are much indebted to Mr. Moses Brown for taking a sleigh load of them that day. The home coming was one to he remembered as the ladies forgot that they had grown old and acted just like a load of young girls and had a jolly ride, much to the amusement of the people on the road. The Institute purpose having an oyster eunper on the evening of Thurs day ths 251h inst„ at the home of Mrs. M. Mains. Word was received hereof the death of William Cockerline ofesthe Lender', boro settlement in Manitoba. He was in his usual health at New Year's but a short time after suffered a stroke of paralysis and did not recover. He is stirs ived by his wife and two sons also two sisters. Mrs. Geo. Brogden of this place and Mrs. Robert Riddell, of Manitoba Mr. Cockerline was a for. flier resident of this Auer London Road John Hewitt has sold his farm to Mr. John Ashton. Miss Waldron and Miss Cartney visited with Mr. Geo. Hanley, on Sunday. The League will hold a social even- ing next Tuesday night at Mr. Me - Knights, Miss L. Cartwright ie visiting friends on the London Road. 11••••••••••••••••••• • • • WITH THE CHURCHES. • • • •••••••••••••••••••• ONTARIO ST. CHURCH A spiritual Conference of the Methos dist ministers of the Goderich District will be held in Ontario Street ,Church, January 30th. Rev, Dr. Warner, of Ste, Thomas, President of the London Conference will preach the closing sermons of the Missionary Campaign next Sunday, ln heamony with the suggestion of the District Evangelistic Committee, special services will he held next week. Rev. Dr. Barber, of Listowel, preach- ed elcquentesermons to large congre- gatherer last Sunday. Rev. T. W. Cos - ens occupied Dr. Barber's pulpit in Listowel, WESLEY CHURCH. The Pastor, Rev, Mr, Ford, win preach a sermon on Missions in the morning. Subject : 'The World Wide Prayer and the World Wide Lite," In the afternoon from : 30 to 4 : 15 a service of Prayer will be held in the Church in response to the "Call for Prayer," isetied by the Laymen's MiSt.i. ionary Council and senteeolied by all the Chun:hes. The Rev. 0. 0. Jeakins of St. Peels Anglican Church will speak to the men un "Prayer for Misr.. ions,e All are invited. The Subject in the evening will be "Jesus Honored." The Men's Missionary Banquet for the Men of the Otrarch will be held on Tuesday evening, January 23e8, to be addressed by Mr. Geo. A. Stanley, of Lean, and Mr. 11. Ralph Steele, of Guelph, BAPTIST CHURCH. The services last Sabbath were well attended, the pastor preaching exsell. mat sermons, both morning and even- ing. B. Y. P. te, was held on Monday evening. Miss Ella Alsam took' the de- votional part and Miss Maud Liver- more gave an interesting paper on "How to win Young People to Christ." Interesting and helpfulservices were conducted in this Ohurch on Sabbath last. The Pester took tor his subject in the morning, e rhe True Gutty" based on 'John I7-131. He spoke ou the points of the `souls unity with Christ. a.hcl the unity of believers with one another. Three thinge the' world needs, Lova Light end Life, God hsa given these in Christ, Christ expects his people Or Church to live the Life, manifest the Love, shed forth the Lightif union is to accomplish this it must be a union in the "bond of peace", a ninon in the "Tenth of God", holding fast the Word of Life, a unioe for the attaining Christ's desire a,nd the 1.e:ether's pnrposo "Thet the World' may believe that thou bee sent me," If the erue unity is to be, jealousy and acrimony muse give place to Love, pleasure loving in the Mural), to watchfulness in' Prayer and men's de- visings and sclaemings to . harmony with Gotl,!s pian and purpose, which Is the convincing of the world that "The leather sent the Son to be the Saviour of the World."' The evening Subject: "Requirements for fleave,n' was full of power directing' the thoughts of , the TA, heatben to the,: eterall Line of Ilia 00000000060000000000000000 Reeeented The subjects el risen for tteetraent by the letetoe for Sunday Rise are, Morning, "Am algal Church Menlber.'' Evening, "Is teiere A Hell ? Where is it ? Who go there ?'' , • IA Pert and Impertk\ Se eece is Often the best,. argu- ment., • A cheeriesil liar 15 131000 entertain- ing than a ,glooney trultheteller, There, are few ,sheclo teeed in the oeernese mtuas tield ot 'Anti 0130 .km0.13, oisfaehion make a het of women look like freaks. There is aelciom any money .in.the helping( hand a man ia willing( to lend. , Every woman would study, geo- graphy if the boundary lines were leemelitched. Give aamail boy a piece of chalk and he will proeeed to Make hie mark( in ehe world, -9, girl can gee more by pomang during coureship then shil ram by ,shoutines after marriage. ewe__ The defeated candidate es sure Prised at the nuMber of misguided mans who failed to vote for him. . A NV0111011 Who beatz, the street car cOMparree nut of, a elekell ,and pets it in the .cdrarch plate May be- deveein the eternalt Mews of .13hings. e--- Doub Voss that. Vermont 'etidOw meant well when she eroated 0)0011- 000)11, to her late husband bearing "Rest in peace until we meet again" TWENTY HINTS TO YOUNG TEACHERS. 1 -Teachers should be bright and f MI of sunshine. 2 -They .should prepare their work well each day before .eneme- ing ehe ,schooe 1:001:d. 3 -They should (get all the pupils in love With .theme • 4 -"Authority Without love is despotism." ' 5 -Sense of duty is higher than fear, of punishment. • 6 -Misconduct in *school should not be construed as personal. 7 -Uniformity in 'the administra- tion at diAnipline is Ver' intportanit. 8-15raise is ear more ,powenful than censure in producingthe best: Testate in the School room. 9 -Do not adopt mules Wet .ean- not be enforced', and. de not) have any dead -letter rules., 10-A punishment should be pro- spective and not retrospective in its object, f or if it is not calculated. to make the offender better ,and to prevent others from .committ- ing the ,same offense, it is both un- wise and unnecessary. 11 -An unjust punishment does =Oh herbs. 12 -Studying ahould not be made unpleasant' by associating it with. punishment. 13-Ke(eping, the pupil "in" after ,school to review a missedt lesson not be considered primarily a punishment (though it does pun- ish: incidenbally) far itj should be only tiregive the pupil an oppontun ity to "make op" .,etet time or to perrform, a work which, foe Isom e cause, he leas eegiectsd, and le le ;beachee is malting quite 11 sacrifice f 01 ithe pupil's seenced. 14-A demerit ,should not be g1'- 011 to epilog ea a pernIshen en t (though it does generally panish incidentally). tor itesboald be only elle:UW.01 eecolee of the pupiPe ,conduct, and the ,pepili 'who gee it !gives iteo, Meese:Jrtime 1 ie the Pahe of the te.acher only' to, recone it, 11 punishment is neceseartebI should be given in some Miter way, independent( of the deroesit. 15-11 is vetey harmful in any echoed te make dullness a disgrace 16 -Bach piece of 'work done by a pupil whould be his) vesy beet. 17-B1efaeboard work put up by ;the teacher ,shoteld be aecarewe and very neat. 18 -Teachers should always direct their, pupils, to 'good books. 19 -They ehoned give -frog aen t talks 00 "Morals and Maneers." 2O -"A ,schoell should: be made an appreuticeship in riaht The season of Auction sales is here 'aim New 1,tra has ,every facility for turiningt out gale bills quickly, and tt alto re emu exclellent medium in which to advextige, 'mit is a ev,el- tedene weekly visitor to many homes boahl in town and feaantry. An aavereispartent in Oasis paper bringe results. In the ,ease of aue- liOTI eales, an adwlereisement in the , paper 18 01 greater :benefit than sale bills. A ;wider field earn flans be covered1 and an adveatisoinont is ntoro 1i1qlijeo be read in a newepa- per than fenlesee posteelton fences or in (stoma. LI you are ,going eo have a nate use N,e,er Bra Ito 'get:a lartel erowd oe preeepleatime ,buyers When pale bus are printed at this offices 'alrete announeement ,will be given lender ale beading "Sale egist r " . `c). WHO'S WIFif0 , o 6 CANADA 8 0000000000000000000000o000 no-pl. CLIFFORD SIFTON Oluarntan Conservatioe Commission When the Ire'derta Governmeut de - aided to create a Coeservation Com- rnisetou in 1909 with great poWerS1 end put Olifford Salon at ith head an epoch was marked that 'future ;renovations will bless, `for it nment that Canada had at last realized that HOInething must be done and done Quietly if she was , to save her • splendid water powers and forests from vandalism sae deetraction• Slime that date the Commission lads done n)teocad. work --- eoneervina, this forma, controlling that water tall, and advising the dirfereat provinces and mem.claalities tie to the best methods of making the most, without aostroe- ing, of their local waters and foreets. Canada's water powers are' greeter than those or any other comitry in the world. Her known or estimated flow development is about twenty-six Mil- lion horse power, but it is certain that this is but a fraction of her Miter power asset. So far the computation has been de- pendent upon eomewhat unreliable et:al:epics, but the energy displayed by the Conservation Com m i esion has had beneficial resul tis. This important body has etirrocl to action 901110 in- different provincial authorities, and there is eow the prospect that a cam - pleat table or waterpowers in the Domleion will be featly to place be- fore the public, along with numb vnivable information relating thereto. mammessmeesseeseemeememmemese age HON, CLIPPOniasitati'da Chairmen of the Conservation Commission. e • 11 may be said in passing tbat the provincial governments fpr the most part have been negligent inr th,e mat- ter, and it is only where( federal government has control mud :respon- sibility that aceurate Interne:idol' has up till the present time been available. It Is calculated that 'the*tains tenance of one hore'pewaVlalaf"eal`a num from steam POwee inreivea a consumption of 21.9 tone let,coal this basis the available water powers of Canada represent a ,maerlilited energy, 'which, if it liad tee 69.anainr Mined by steam torce'meneeateageeciee. coal, would involve ,a 0041, gorieumm. lion of six hundred m11110.11 tog .pe annum. And the man who Is at' -the -head of thts work? Clifford ,Sifteri 15 otai ' of the strong men of Canada: at, wale during his admlnistrateirmas 'antler& of the Interior that Canada end its opportunities were first brought to the notice of the °Mettle twarld web such beneficial results., a ear , SIR LOUIS JETTE,' Chief Justice ef. Orielite Sir Louis Jette, who left.the guber- natorial chair of Quebec , province, eller serving most .acceptably two mane in the calm of the; vice -regal office at Spencerwoode has done as - much as any representative of his race to cement the bond of friend.. R ttr, Commences guturday, January 6th ormietiorroseesrariesaiimeaseavareaseosee eseadisoorsirersime Big price redttctions on all lines of winter merchandise Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats Women's and Children's Mantles and Furs Sweaters and Sweater Coats Wool Shawls, Toques and Mufflers Caps, Mitts, Socks, etc. Also a "Bic, Clear Cut" of all broken hues of Boots and Felt Slippers at manufacturer's prices. DON'T MISS TUNS SALE 6121tnge ttiltd1111M.M92=250=4.11/ ste SMALL PROFITS recaeterse 1 r se MORE BUSINESS . fait %:•e+04.4444.4*+0+0.14+410411044+•+0 ÷0+0+440+0+414.44+40+444+044 1912 I -IAS eemE • and will bring many opportunities to you Some of these will be to perchase merchandise, and if you wish ▪ to make the hest of them you will patronize the Emporium. Yon * a will lied us well prepared to supply your wants. We always carry e a large assortment of Goods. We buy always for spot cash and so a- get the closest prices and can therefore sell you very cheap. Our • terms, as formerly, will be rash or produce. We pay she highest • market price for produce. We solicit from you a fair trial. • R. Adams Emporium Londesboro • • • + •+•.1.•+•+•44+•+4.44+•+•444•4.++++++++++++++++++++++++++ IAAAAAAAANNAAAAAAAAIVIAAAAAAAAAAAAANIAAAAAAA. V 1.5 OFF 1.5 OFF Winter Footwear S L E, Comwencing Saturday, January the 2oth, we will sell all our WINTER FOOTWEAR at a dis- count of 20 per cent off our regular prices. Just note these offerings and we are sure you will conclude that you are needing something ,in Felt or Rubber Footwear. Ladies FelaFoxed Shoes, Regular $1,75 for 8140 Ladies Felt Shoes, quartered Eased. regular 1,65 for1.32 Ladies All Felt Show, regular 1.03 for 1.32 LadiesSerain Bale, Lined, regular 1.75 for 1.40 Ladies Felt Slippers, Oolors-Red Blue and Brown, 1.00 for .89 Ladies Felt Juliets, Colors -Red, Blue and Brown, 1.25 for 1.00 Childrens Felt Slippers. regular 35 cts for .20 Childrens Teddy Bear Slipperemegular 35 cts for .25 Men's Felt Boots, Foxed, regular 2.25 for 1.80 Men's Heavy Glum Rubbers. 2 bkl and Laced, regular 2,75 for 2,20 Men's Heavy Gum Rubbers, e.pecial 1 bkl, regular " 1.50 for 1.20 Overshoes, Mens 2 buckle, regular 2 00 for 1,60 Overshoes, Mens 1 buckle, regular 1.09 for 1.28 Overshoes, Women's Button,regular 2,00 for 1 60 We have also Several lines of Men's and Women's Dongola Box Calf and Patent Boots that we will sell at great reductions. For example -About so pairs Men' S Pat. Leather Boots, reg $5 line to clear ac 3 50 SALE STARTS SATURDAY, JANUARY Ilittb , > 1 1 1 Jas. TR itchell & Son Clinton > AMAAAAAAAAANwSMAAAIkevers/k" vvVVVNANVVVVVVvVVVVvVVyvvy - aese can: rise -if given a chance. On LIfeE 'IN SIN U.Art.iht. tho seat of the most fashionable dog' • Socroopolitan Medley of People on the Streets All Day Long. In his article en Singapore, in Tee r- per'e Magazine, J: A yl a rd. gives e picture of the varied life of the city. He eays 1 "It was late in the afternoon when we reached the 11100111 of the river, the hour when everybody that is anybody is out driving. on the les- elanade, and every one who is not is there to see. Along tho broad, Iree- 'eliaded. river the rsscinating show trots by, and one en nnot but admire the genius of the people who made it poesitee in this little peeinsula weieli ;John Bull gave the whole elle!. Of Jf1V8. to 1111 :D111011, end Where ati a generation or avo ago Lord 1:0501(10!)n. elt found bet few pirate hole. 'eere'ee 815815road, with your leme to me 500, 1.010 e51.11 eesily imagine your- wh: et a levee eveelc-end perty in Eng- , 1L' cen a broad smooth hewn whiter .weewinwel cern:wet to es ew e e-11 wet eennt-clad fic3.11rt:5 Ut welter, crieket and roundel 4. 1110.0 1 Italy white and 1>111 15 bets sit languidly in wicker chairs, (1110118'ed by native savants who keep guard 0301 blond babies, while their nits - tresses watch the game. -Through a rich, dark curtain of 11.001')' 1011930 a pocket edition of an English oathes dral peers mid raises its delicate spire neainet 'a flaming sk " 'Under the tree -shaded read, be- tween the laein and watee, 11. jiarade'ef meteoric; gees 'oil-brownmen, black men,. yellow Thn eawl, white; Hind:op, Malay, japanese, and Klisiewaseheel or afoot, with here and there131the motley, gaudily costumed throngthe snowy gee) el the helmeeed master. ruled, 'Next 10 him in importance are tIM ChineSe men, of wevethe tho Taal' in,Fcliant prinees of Singapore, who fattier geed Mee eof leeee C,110e cart one goes b behind a 1 I, lig1 l-b't 8111 1, llielS 3erre:, Chief 311e110e of Quebec ehip - between lenglishsrmeakie Prench-epeaking Ottnadians He is now at his former post on the Bend of the Superior Court of Quebec, 0 which: he was rir2i-, raisett thirty year: ago. 'rise eon of a mercer:at, Sil Louis began to study in er in Meutrele W15e2 cove -emelt years of ego and war edehttee to the lee, LWOkliy-six , lee became an abie, pleader In 1878 he wee eppcanted profesicoi oe elY11 law in Laval thee eesity where ha had Om tlegeee of LL.D, cenferese on him. I -le eubsequeetly became, Deen of the Faculty, He ewes one of the Alaskan . Boundary Commis. sionersao represent Canada ,end, alone with Sir A. 13. Aylesivortlh,. declined to sign the award. In a.ddifoon to he Canaeian and British lionoream holer honors from the French Government to September, 1901, ae eves made a IC.C:M.G. and the investiture was raadd by the King, when Duke of elrork, , . Sir, Louis was offered 4 place ,14 1878 in the.Cabinet of TIon; AlexaudM Mackeneleeebut declined ethe honor, He is sone • of he raosf oattrirod- and 800191 01 being . q member 'e of .several • literetee'''eattd 'eeientlfic 'bodies,. He 9easeepenee0atee 1 ' ejprealiem t: I' up- ping, docked sorrel driven by a Ben- gali lad in livery„ with a duplicate footman gravely enjoys les daily drive and chat with his son just home front Oxford. "Following 111311, a sober equipage contains an English mother with three marriageable daughters; thou a, high. caste Hindoa in his kw carriage re- elines on rieh cushions, Ids crinkly white frock and silver buttons ,setting off magnificently his dark, bearded face, crowned with fathoms and fath- oms of sofa white stuir in a carefully laid turbrui a skittiele borse, with an officer in the Lincolu-groen -uniform oS the Sherwood Foreetere at the rib - h0119, his bull pup 1051110 11 :led a little baboon iu barefooted livery sit. tine astern ; 0 elm bb y gel s try :: :el 11 1101 113)10150 priest; n ri kellaw e we a Chinese woman in eeng (a -se wst- rounded by her, II:t1e ereeew reeehe fun ;1 1511) 111 51(1,. we- 106de:eel situ'lletles tesir !mods; turbaned telings in loincloths; snyttge- looking .Tavancee, s, Manchu. lady in yellow silk limps pitifully on hobbltel feet after the musical slink of lier lorci and master's rvooden ohms; 13011. galesse, 11/rehear:medal), epe. Parses -1s," 'erme to .iyrup. was found, oe the arrival, of the Britieh eteruner ,Oesedor Castle, at Port Elite:belle from East, London, To- ontiy elle lower hold oe the yes - eel waslulteef. water, anti its oargo of' 700 'tons of sogar was in a.flquid co3i - 1 (' - to NeceSilly. --aworaan mtates am every- thingtekoept.her mind,