HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-01-18, Page 3- " • , fl'HUIBS]).4.1.1', JANUARY 18b117 1-01,2 • , oNii.ORD-CO BYSPEPSh ,Prove(of Great Value to Me" There is only one explanation for the numbers of enthusiastic letters that we receive praising Na-Dru-Co 'Dyspepsia Tablets, and that is that these tablets certainly do cure any 'dna of stomach rouble. Nere iS a typical letter from Miss Ifiiza Armsworthy, Canso, N.S. ``It is with pleasure I write to inform • you that your Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tablets have proved of great. value to me. I tried remedy after remedy but Without any lasting good, }laving heard of your tablets curing such cases as mine 1 decided to give them a fair trial. • They proved satisfactory in my case." The rental kable success of Na-Dru-CO Dyspepsia Tablets is such a success as can only come to an holiest rem'edy, compounded accorclink to an exception- ally good fornmla, from pule ingre- dients by expert chemists, If you are troubled with your stomach just ask your Druggist about Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tablets, compounded by the National Drug and 'Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, and sold throughout the Dominion at eoc. a box. 142 •SUNDAY _SCHOOLI Lesson III. -First Quarter, For Jan. 21, 1912 • THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. and BF Lord or lovas to be Isorn nt tne long hfore appolated time and pmee. But at out ot harmony Wlth, God is this, N'pl'Id which He , made and the peoplOrvho inhabit tt that there was no so4O for the Creator in the world WhiehjHe had made and no weleome for gen. "There MS nO l'00111 for them ii the inn" (verse 7), Does the though of it lead you to say, "Oh, some p my heart, Lord leses--there is Noe in my heart for Thee?" It so then iau iney rejoice in the comfort of Josh) 1, 12; ReV. 111, 20. The tory of the shepherds takes us back ti Abel and to Moses and David and A los, and tbe darkness makes us think ef the darkness that now is and will heti]] He shall come amnia in His glory (aa. Lx, 1-3). The night is far spent,;he day is at hand, and the time 1 for on new bodies and the redeem- ' teen M Israel is ever drawing nearer 1 (leonekiii, 11, 12; Luke xxl, 28). •the Ishephdels were doing just as they had always' done, watching oyer their flockeewhen the angel ot the Lord came piddenly upon them, and the glory C the Lord shone round about them (nerse 9). Moses and David and Amos yere keeping their flocks, Dlisha was Owing, Peter and John and oth- ers atltheir nets, Matthew at ' the re- ceipt 8', custom, when the special can came 4 them. It is required of some that toy leave their fernier calling and ofetbers that they continue where they vere .1nd therein abide with God (1 Cor. via 23, 24). Note the visits if the Lord to such lowly peo- ple as1Hagar, anumah and his -wife, Gideon and others and in 'ea. 'vie 15, Hiitwo dwelling places. To Zach- arias ,nd Mary and the shepherds there ims given the heavenly "Fear not" (verse 10; 1, 13, 30). It was also the enters message on the resurrec- lice Taunting (Matt xxvill, 5). HOW Can we explain our slowness to tell to all people the good tidings of great joy? Is it because the tidings have never trought us the joy unspeakable of I Pe. 1, 8? The lepers of II Kings vie 8, P, put as to shame. What can we say to Christ? Suddenly a multi- tude of tbe heavenly host is heard by the shmherds saying, "Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, good will toward men" (verse 14). Listen lo the testimony of more than a hundred millions of angels in Rev. v, 11, 11, and then if you know that you are redeemed join more beartily in the scng of Rev. v, 9, 10. The Lord Jesus in all His life on earth nerer sought Ills own glory nor His own will, and it must have been with joy that He said to His Father In His greet prayer, "I have glorified Thee on the earth" (John vi, 38; vita 60; xvit, 4). Our motto should. be "that Gscl in all things may be glorified" (I Pet. iv, 11; I Coe x, 31). When the Lord Jesus shall have become the peace of Israel and shall have spoken peace to the nations through Israel then quickly shall the whole etrth be filled with the glo- ry of the Lord (afic. v, 5: Zech. ix, 10; Num, xiv, 21). His people shall be willing in the day of His power (Ps. ex. 3). The angels. laving ex- ecuted their commission, went away into heaven; simply went borne. How easy it sounds, how wonderful and glorious it ere that we have ever with us these mintstering ones who behold the face of our Father in heaven (Het). I,. 14; Matt. xvill. 10). The shepherds did not seem to question for one moment the good news they had heard, and they considered the an- gels as • the Lord's messengers, tor they said, "Let us now go even unto Bethlehem and see this thing which Is some to pass. which the Lord bath made known unto us" (verse 15). They did not delay, but made haste. and found Mary and Joseph, and the babe lying in a. manger, as they had been told (verses 12, 10). It was not any kind of a figuretive manger, but liter - Idly a place l'?Om which cattle ate their food. As a rule. the statements of Scripture are plain literal state- ments, and unless the language is. plainly figurative, as when our Lord said, "I am the vine," "I am the door," "The trees of the field shall clap their Text of the Lesson, Luke ii, 8-20. Memory Verses, 10. 11 -Golden Text. Luke ii, 11 -Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. "tw. Those days of verse 1 are spoken of in Gal. iv, 4, as "the fullness of time," the time appointed betore the world was, for the great deliverer to some. for "known unto God ere all His works from the beginning of the world" (Acts re, 18). Be declereth 1 the end from the beginning and doeth according to His will both in heaven and on earth, turning the king's heart whithersoever. He will (Ise. xlvi, 10; Dan. iv, 85: Ps. cxxxv, 6; Prose xxi, 1). So it came to pass that the world ruler's decree was used by the Lord of all the eartb to fulfill His pur- pose and to cause the Prince of the kings of the earth. the King ot kings TT'S EMULSION is the best and quickest way to perfect health.. Women and girls who suffer are simply weak -weak all over. Opiates and alcoholic mixtures are worse than worthless, they aggra- 1 vate the trouble and lower the standard of health. Scott's Emulsion strengthens the whole body, invigorates and builds up. Be sure to get SCOTT'S I - it's the Standard and always the best. em. DRUGGISTS 11-21 t csilliTc)$ ,NEW RH& ' HER •S1(11, SIEI El) , 'ttenbers., Loot Street WasCuredbyLydiaE.Pink= hain'sVegetableCompound Lindsay, Ont. -“I think it is no more than right for me to thank Mre. Pinkham for what her kind advice and Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound haS done for me: When' wrote to her some time ago I Was is very eick woman, suf- fering from female troubles. I bad inflammation o 1 the female organs, ' and could not stand or walk any distance. At last I was confined to my bed, and the doctor said I would have to go through an operation, but thie I refused to do. A friend advised Lydia 11. Pinkham'S Vegetable Compound, and now, after using three bottles of it, I feel like a,new woman. Imost heartily recommend this medicine to all women who stiffer with female troubles. I have also taken Lydia E. Pinkhanfe Liver Pills and think they aee fine." -Mrs. FRANK EMSLEY, Lindsay, Ontario. We cannot understand why women will take chances with an operation or drag out a sickly half-hearted exist- ence, missing three-fourths of the joy of living, without first trying Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vegetable Compound. For thirty years it has been the standard remedy for female ills, and has cured thousands of women who have been troubled with such ailments as displacements, inflammation, ulcer- ation, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, indigestion and nervous prostration. Vancouver, B.C., Jan: 15. -Two arin- ed highwaymen held up a street car on Hastings Street in toe east end of the city at 11 o'clock Saturday ei,glit. Aftee securing :all the valuables, which the passengers had, and shoot- ing Conductor William Barker, they escaped in an entennobilewhiCh they bad earlier in the evening stolen from G. ill. Torrey,' manager for Henry Birks & Co. Yesterday Morning tile automobile was 1 ound 111 perfeet con- dition, Standing in the rear of the Cambia street 'bridge. It le estimated that the hold-up men got $3,000 incali and jewelry. Conductor 'Barker refused to give up his fare box and the robbers fired , three shots, one stril?..irig, inm in the back of the head 'anti ,rendering him unconscious. 'He we,s not seriously nanils," we must take it to mean sust what it says. Accepting this babe as the Saviour, Christ the Lord. they made known what was told them con• cerhing this child (verses 11, 17). With the artlessness of simple minded peo- ple they just believed what they had heard and told what they had seen, making us think ot Peter and John. who said long afterward concerning the same person, "We cannot but peak the things we have seen." BUTTER A E gmlugmilmssIsmismmatgagamm6m22325622:217"53222151322w2 Genuine Tegetable Fibre Parchment, for wrapping butter -the best sheet on the market, in packages, not printed nil) Sheets for 5ik.. 209 Sheets tor W e Better Still Have your n tine, farm and post -office neatly pi i ited and maku a reputation for your product. We use only special butter paper ink, guarantee,c1 not to run or to injure the butter. 10410 tor 1,75 2050 for $3.00 5641 Ior Wrap your butter, and get ONO cents per pound more than if unwrapped. We also would be pleased to supply you with printed Letter fleads,, Note Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, Envelopes, Wedding invitations or Announcements, Posters Circulars Wedding Calling Cards fact anything in the printing line you may • require. ../In2•111111PW.1...09111,13111, C1=0.91.3=1.64.1rAVIV.441.1a, he elinton New 1[4*Ta• 10.0, siwir 555(015i-, Vasell,s grocery store was held ul) Saturday evening and 460 taken. Two hold-up men were captured last week in the persons of Ralph Munger and j. Afford. / Young Teacher Ends Life. Uxbridge, Jan. 15. ---Miss Evelyn 'Baiter, who until Christmas taught echool at Leasirdale, was in Uxbridge Saturday night until about 10 Welock, when she was driven to her home. by a young man of the town. The family retired, and _after they had been in their room for some time, Miss Baker was heard leaviug her room and go- ing A few minutes after she was found in the pantry taking something, but refused to state what it was. She again went to her room, and in a ;thole time was .heard groaning. When found she was in convulsions, and although Dr. Mellow, who lives quite close, was immediately summon- ed, she died before the stomach pump could be used. An inquest will be held. Stands Trial for Murder, Port Lambton, Jae. Ma -Stephen Keyoshk was yesterday committed by Magistrate T. P. Boothman to stand trial at the April assizes at Brunie cat a charge of murder, arising out of the death of Adams John and C. Naledee on New Year's eve. ;John and Nalidee were killed at the hatter's shack on Squirrel Island, one of the Walpoles, 011 Dee. 31. the body of Nahdee has not been found, and a reward may be Offered for its recovery. Vinegar Works' Burns. Hamilton, Jan. 15. -Fire destroyed the plant and building of the Domin- ion Vinegar Works at 41 Stuart street west, Saturday afternoon. About $3,- 000 of the stock was saved. The loss will be about $20,000. Insurance to the amount of only $8,000 was car- ried on the business. F. H. Yapp, owner of the vinegar -works, stated last 'night, that the plant would prob- ably be rebuilt, The temporary use of the old customs house building has been secured, in which to carry on the business in the meantime. The cause of the fire is not known, but Mr. Yap p thinks it started from the furnace, as there was no other fire in the building. There was no one in the place when the fire started, and it was not discovered until three o'clock Saturday afternoon, at which time it was burning. The firemen had hard work in contending with the flames, and it was six o'olock before they were extinguished. Joseph Pedlar, a fireman attached to the Bay street station, 1 ell through one of the floors while fighting the fire and was badly shaken up, but not seriously injured. 1 55(155 '55551' RI", Seale!: 1 Frost King's Toll In West. Swift Current, Sask., Jan. 15. -The body of Mrs. Gardinea, a widow, liv- ing eight miles north, was found froz- en to death two miles from town yes- terday by a farmer who was driving in. She left here Tlibesday afternoon to walk home before the blizzard start- ed. She is aged 40 years, and leaves three children, the youngest being eight years. The body of Thomas Robinson has been found on the road, 45 miles south of here. Mounted police have gone to inveitigate. Clalgary, Ilan. 15. --Stephen Pritt was found frozen to death about eight miles west of the city yesterday. He had been employed as cook at Bow- ness camp, where the Associated Charities have 4 ntienbee of men at werk. C T 11-1 A V Y C BRONCHITIS • giki FIRE Dory Other Treatment Failed •But "Fruit -a -ties" Cures Gaesma laesse, Qtrne jam and, 5950. "My wife was greatly distressed for three years -with chronic liezema °lathe hands, and the disease waS 56 severe that it almost prevented her from using her hands. The doctor gave her sereisi ointments to use, hut none of them did any good. I -le also advised her to wear tubber gloves and she wore out three pairs without getting any benefit. As a last resort, I persuaded her to try "Fruit -est -Ives", and the effect was mai:vetoes. Not only did "rruit-a- tives?' entirely cure the Eczema. but the Asthma, which she suffered from, was also completely cured. 'dives. N.JOUBt. " R We both attribute our presonlcrod. health to 'Bruit -a "I'ornit-a-tives" will always 'cure Eczema or Salt Rherim because "Itruit- a-tives" purifies the blood, corrects the Indigestion and Cotistipatioe, and tones up tbe Nervous System. "Fruit -a -tires" Is the only medicine In the world made of fruit juices and valuable terries and is the greatest of all blood -purifying remedies, .soc. a box -6 for $2.50 -or trial size, 25e. At all dealers or from Prult-a- tives Limited. Ottawa To Whom It May Concern Bluevale,,Ont., May 4, 1910-"I was sick for two years with chronic bron- chitis and a consequent run-down con- dition, I reoeived no benefit from doc- tors or from a trip which I took for my health, and I had to give up work, Vinol was recommended, and from the second bottle I commenced to im- prove. I gained inweight and strength, my bronchial trouble disappeared, and I am at work again. It is the combined action of tlie curative elements of the cods' livers, aided by the blood -making and strength -creating properties of tonic Iron contained in Vinol which makes It so auccessful in miring bronchitis. Vinol is a constitutional remedy for chronic coughs, colds, bronchitis ad Puhnonary troablee-not a 'palliative like cough syrups. Try Vinol, It you don't think It helps you, we will return your money. Sold and guaranteed in Clinton by W. S. R. Holmes. erre reprieve 'ur tau rioter unutp.,... has had an excelleet effect through- out the country, which Saturday was aroused when it was learned that the King and his Ministry had Jailed to reach an agreement on that question. iIIE ED IS iER Manchu Rule Is Needy at a Close in China, PREPARING. 1'0 • VAMOOSE , Everything Is Being. Put Into Reabi- ness to Get Away to Jebel Unless 0 - Miracle I -I actions - `titan Insists on PeUsion and Guarantee of Safety -Cannot darvy on the Awful, Struggle Much Longer, . France Has New Cabinet. Paris, Jan. 15. -,The French Cabinet organized by Premier Poincare was officially announced yesterday. Ne changes have been made in the port- folios as given one Saturday night, but yesterday's announcement includ- ed the Ministers of Public Instruction and Commerce and the Under Secre- tarTle i els. Cabinet is composed as follows) Premier and Minister of Foreign Af- fairs, Raymond Poincare; Minister of Justice, Aristide Briand; Minister of Labor, Alevandre Millerand; Minister of Marine, theophile Delcasse; Minis- ter of Finance, L. L. Klotz; Minister ot the Interior, Stiles Steeg; Minister of Public Works, Jean Dupuy; Min- ister of Agriculture, Jules Parns; Min- ister of Colonies, M. Lebrun; Minister of Public Instruction, M. Giusthau; Minister of Commerce, Fernand David. Under Secretaries: Interior, Paul Morel; Finance, Rene Besnard; Posts and Telegraphs, Mr. Chaumel; Beaux Arts, Leon Berard. Pekin, Jan. 15, -The abdication of the Emperor is expected to take place within theee days, but events may occur to give the Manehue a new lease of life, Or, they often have in the past when matters seemed hope- less. Yuan Shi Kai's secretary makes po secret of the preparations, and. the Premier, Saturday afternoon, °enter - red. for two hours with Hen Shih Chang arid Shih Shu, the throne's guardians, respecting the measures to be undertaken. It is understood that plans are be- ing arranged foe the departure of the Imperial family to Jebel. The Im- perial guard will probably eat as an escort, unless the flight from Pekin Is secret, which is not improbable, before the abdication proclamation CANALEJAS RESIGNS. Disagreement Over Reprieve Causes a Crisis In Spain. Madrid, Jan. 15. -The Spanish Cab- inet of which Jose Canalems y Men- des was Premier, resigned yesterday. The Cabinet resigned as the result of a divergence of views with Ring Alfonso as to the advisability of com- muting the death sentence of one of the rioters. who murdered a judge and wounded several court officials in the town of Cullen., Province of Valencia, last September. The gen- eral strike at that time in Valencia and other provinces involved a plot to assassinate Gen. NVeyler. The trial of the strikers has en- grossed public attention to the exclu- sion of all else. thank e to the skill- ful campaign of the. Radicals,. who Left Throat 'and Lungs Very Sore. There is no better core for a cough or cold than Dr. Wood's Norway Pine, $Yru.P. • It is rich in the lung -healing virtues of the Norway pine trce, and is a pleasant, safe and effectual medicine that may be confidentially relied upon as a specific for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Hoarse- • ness, Sore 'throat, Quinsy, and all Throat ' and Lung Troubles. , • Mr. S. Monaghan, Charlottetown, P.E.I., writes: - "I certify that 11)r. Wood's Nbrway Pine Syrup is an excel- lent medicine for coughs and colds. Last winter I tontracted a heavy cold which left my lungs and throat very sore. I bad to give up work and stay in the house ;or two weeks. I used several cough mixtures, but got no relief until a friend advised me to use Dr. Worens Norway Mee Syrup. • Three bottles entirely cured me, and I can recommend ii: as the best medicine for troughs," . Don't he imposed upon by taking any- lthieg but "Dr, Wood ' as there are many' huitatione of this sterling remedy "Dr. Wood's" Is put ee in a yellow wrapper; three pint trees Cte trade mark; price,25.c erns. Menufacturecl only by 'the Ts IVIdburn. Tereuto, Ont. . • kt; It is saki that the Manchus have considered and have agreed to accept the terms offered by the Republicans some days ago -protection and re- apeot such as would be accord.ecl to a retired foreign monarch residing in China; the eetention of the palace at jehol or the summer palace -neer Pekin, for the use of the Emperor; the other members of the Imperial family to retain their personal wealth and property; all the. Manchu pen- sions to -continue for a fixed term and the payment of a large annual pension to the court, said to be 10,000,000 taels (about $500.000)• A difficulty hag arisen in that the Manchus are unable to obtain a guar- antee that the future Republican Governnaent would not repudiate the pledges. Premier Yuan is still insist- ine upon a national assembly, from which he will undoubtedly endeavor to obtain assuraece for the safety of the Imperials and their maintenance. The Manchus recognize that they c: met continue in power without fur- ther financial aid, sufficient for the support of the army, while it is prob- able that even after the last treasure chest is empty the Republicans would still be powerfel. As a consequence ths. Manchu princes have decided not to disgorge. They realize that a lib- eral pension may not again be offered if the struggle is continued and the Republican.s incensed. The diplomatic representatives held a conference Saturday with Brig. -Gen. E. J. Cooper, the British commander at Tientsin, and discussed 'w'ith him lois ability to keep open the Pekin - Chang Wang Tao Railway. It is be- lieved that possible trouble in Pekin was also taken under consideration. It is understooci that the leading powers are ready to support Yuan Shi Kai, believing that he is the one strong leader capable of grappling with the situation, especially in view of the discord among the Republican leaders. Dermatches received from the pro- vinces report many murders and the looting and burning of houses. ,Hun- dreds of women are committing sui- cide, in fear ofobandits who are com- mitting all kinds of atrocious crimes. The armistice will expire Jan. 15, and it is, thereforee,e expected that abdica- tion 'will bi,,,completed before that date. The .13rilace at Jeyol has been sufficiently restored to accommodate the Imperial entourage. President May Resign. Nanking, Jan. lb. -President Sun Yat San received the news of the pending abdication of the Emperor quietly. He said that he was pleased to learn that the first step towards the pacification and reorganization of the country had been taken. He anti- cipated some delay in the readjust- ment of affairs, and added that it was quite possible that Yuan Shi Kai might. be President of the new re- public. He adhered to his declara- tion that he would resign when the Manchu Government had been 'ousted and peace completely restored throughout the country. The first stage would necessitate a military government, under which. or- der could be secure, and the Republi- cans were determined that the old re- gime of corruption rarest be abolished, and the people of China permitted to earn the full reward of their lebor. Armistice Extended? London, Jan. 15.-Accercling to a Shanghai despatch the armistice has berm extended foe two weeks to give the Manchus an opportunity to abdi- cate. eramage ;to Inc extent of between $30/000 ancl $40,000 was done by a fire which broke out in a building on Mc- Gill College avenues,' Montreal, occu- pied by Montgomery, Ross dr Co. lean Seguin, the stage hand at the Princess Theatre, Montreal, whose back was broken between two acts qf the performance last week when a heavy »and bag used as a counte weight, fell upon him, died SaturdaY. Urge Lewis Against Socialists. Berlin, Jan. 15. -The immense rally to the Socialist 'flag :during the eleea tient, to the Reichstag is .indicated by the figures of the number of voters in 50 constituencies taken at random. These show that nearly 82 per cent: of the voters were Socialists,' and foreshadow an aggregate Socialist 'vote at the, conclusion of the polling of 4,000,000. The IsTorddentsche Zeitung yesterday headed ifs column with warnings to the Government and to all non-Social- iet partieeto make strong efforts in the second' ballots against the return of Socialist candidates. The Socialists, it says; exercised turbulent terrorism at home and build up a vision of the general fraternization of the :peoples of the world. The foreign enemies and _rivals of the German empire, the newspaper continues, build their hopes upon the Socialists and will re- joioe if they add to thei: victories in the second ballots. In conclusion, the article says: "Our work for peace can only pros- per when we keep ourselves strong and united as a nation. Among the first tasks of the new Reichstag will be the guaranteeing of our defensive power. The party calling itself inter- national is incapable of meeting this important demand. PREMIER 00.LEJ0.S. • seized upon the affair as a weapon to attack the Government, in the same way as they utilized the refusal to re- prieve Francisco Fence, directoe of the modern school, who was executed 1009, to briug about the downfall the Mauler Cabinet. Realizing that it vsasa soedid crime and that the accused men -were ina- osaible objects • of sympathy, , the adicele raised a falee iseue, aeons- inthe Government of all poets of toeteres and. cruelties towards the prisonete. ,Consequently the agitation spread with great rapidity and caus- ed grave concern to Premier Oenale- jae. The Ministerial ctieis at the moment of the Feanco-Spanish negotiations on lVforocco is of exceptional gravity, mid the' Xing lias lost no time'in eon - selling with the leading statesmen, in turri conferring with tie% Montero Riles, president .of the Certice; ex -Pre - Mier Monet Prendeegait, and ex -Pre- mier Maura, all of whom. agreed that the IAborCis should, remain 155 p07505. 'rimy urged the Ring to try to nreyail ,9•11Sejr. nqQBii.0i11 2 .12iiP7)b', Yards Opposite IP. T, Ilt, Stadion , Ail kinds of Coal on !land- Citestntit Solt Cott! Kennel Coat Ctike Stove tOnrarace ' 11 ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE FREE on t REQUEST 4.1 14. RIEFS FRONT. THE WIRES. The fear of a col strike has rush - ea up prices in, Britain. The Government has decided. to abandon the Newmarket Coital. The re-count in the Bellville mayor- alty election leaves Mr. Vermilyea's majority of four ueeliangecl. Wm. R. Taylor, formerly manager of the Hull Electric Railway Co., clied Ayhtlfr, gue., Saturday,' aged 46. The Effixionzi- hos pile] via s amag- ed by fire and. the-jilitients had to be taken ont in intensely cold weather. Mr. sOstvnld Hickey's clwelliug in Wellenil was evreelted by an explosion 01 gas. Mr. and Mee. Hickey were painfully burned. U. S. millere would redime grain rates from the Canadian Northwest to Minneapolis and Duluth. They pro- pose to mill our wheat in bond. It is reported at Ottawa that the Geand Trunk Pacific will seek for ernpoweeing it to make a de- benture etock issue of $10,000,000. The teekish gunboats at Suez, which arrived at the beginning:of the • Tel -cm -Italian war and were disarmed, are still at that port' and not destroy- ed as rep6rted. It is stated that Me, Finch Miller, eity eolief einem of Peterhoro, has been appointed Indian agent ,fee the Mississategue tribe ei Indians of Rice and Med Lakes, ' Through the' explosioe of tile steam boil& at fieavenharest Sanikeitim the theepatients had to he removed to the °Meld° -cottages, there was some SufiGrillfx 3Yit oxneersre to the cold. ' Intone 517. Train Wrecked; Six Die. Philadelphia, Jan. 15. -Six persons, five womeu and a men, were killed eshen an express train on the New York division of the Pennsylvania Rallimaci crushed into a light stetien wagon at the Linden avenue grade croesing i51 torre_schtle, a suberb, yes - The aencl are: Charles David - art, ILyea.trry-§at O'Connor, aged. 10 years; Brillget Ivtallay, ged 42; Agnes (lenity, aged 22; Rose Gal- lagher, aged 18 yeare, Nuy Ilsoddy, aged 20 years'.---4-4.7,2Sen.VesTe The dead women were all employeel as servants in fashionable homes in Torresdale, a.nd were being conveyed t3 church -when the accident d'ecurred, Daviclsoneevas driving the wagon. The Linden alreiilie- gation is usually gnarded by a watchman, but11t11e' re - plat: man was on leave of absence and. his substitute had not appeared when the coach reached the crossing. Davidson waited for a feeight train to ,pass end thee drove directly in :front of the approaching eeprese. • • DON'T NEGLECT.. YOUR WATC17-1. • A WATCH is a delicate •piece Ara of machinery. It calls for .iasa attention than Most xnac.hinery, but Must be cleaned' e . and oi:ed occasionally to .keep perfect time. Wive prn;;er care a NValthaM Watch will. keep perteet rime tor a lifetime. It will pay rut t. well to let us clean your waxen,. every 12 or 18 months. ; W. R. Counter Jeweler and Optician. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. &AALAAAAAAAAAAAAAA0kAAAAAA 4 4 1 4 4 Its• 4 to 4 4, , , Ito 1 Dee and here our finest t 4 New Stylish designs of it 3 Doherty Pianos and 1E- 7 a.Ir. I Organs, vo. 41 4 ;special values in Art 0. 1 Cases 4 f..' 4 P. 4 4 Pianos and organs rent P. 4 b 4 4 ed, choice new Edison 4 i. .1 phonographs, Music SE .4 variety goods. : 4 4 .4 5,. 11. 4 IP 4P. 4 Music Emporiut ti 4 P. 4 P. 4 5, - 4 P. .--- 11,- 4 4 P. 4 4 4 C. Hoare 41 Is• .4 A Pianos Natural Gas Explosion. Welland, ja,n 15. -Early yesterday Morning, Oswald Hickey was badly burned by a natural gas explosion, and the house h.e occupied, owned by Coss/ Homes, wrecked and burned. The loss, $1,000, ie covered by insur- ance, Escaping gas eaused by the riebb'er tube becoming disconnected. [..1041VVINZWIM1....MaT....I.TraOltrratECineCalltrnitaalleamprritnatnaaa Cook's COM Peat tor.loporatti 0 • The ircali 'Morino Tonle, and Ootay Safe Oirearlal M011til17 MEtOtrcILILOr0111,titi1l1tih5W501On Can d61)011(1. Sold la- three ot strength -No. 1, tg.: ilis, 2„? 10 &grecs stronger, ilia: Jam 00 tor saceial eases, Per box, 00111ell (hints. AS, Or sent, movaal on receipt 03 95155. , . panIshiet4 Address Tur, VOIstrlylVinthg, • V V V VV VVVIrweveeewrITV Piano, urchasers shouk''hommain asleep n hei /het neD011E 1:5 hest gdoe on Avg One af ti -le best Equipped Piano Factories hi Canada Dioherty Piano and. Organ e0,9 ii311111i.ler Faetoxiag end Head Office ' • CLINTON, ONT. ' Western! ',B1.,e1,1.1., 9,80 ITARGSRAVE STREET, '