The Clinton New Era, 1912-01-18, Page 2e.
hicevery of Body Indicates Fate of
Fireman Walsh.
' New York, an. 15. -In the shadow
Q f weakening walls that threatened
•eagle moment to totter and fell. a
Seated of firemen worked for five horns
yesterday afternoon to wrest frona the
ruins of the Equitable building the
bedy of I3attalion Chief Wm. Walsh,
who met death in the the of last Tuea-
day. They fond his body shortly af-
ter noon, half •sitting, half recliniag,
with outstretchedarms, pinned face
clown by a (giant inn beam and 'with
only his rubbee eoat showing. It was
dark, when they lifted him out and,
save for his great coat, he would hard-
ly have been identified.
The corenex's physician believed
that the ehief had been asphyxiated
as he groped through the burning
building, and that the debris which
fell upon him crushed an already
,lifelese body. The neck, and almost
'every bone in the body was broken,
There were but few btrns.
A crowd of thousands defied the
sharp wind and biting cold and gath-
ered about the ruins ae his body eves
taken from the wreckage to the
hearse. They bared their heads in sil-
ence as it drove away.
Funds for the relief of the families
J of those killed in the fire rolled up
,to a total approximately $10,000 on
A special merit fund, to be r.,rated
by oontribittions from financiers and
corporations and to be placed at the
'disposal of the cominissioners of the
police and fire departments of New
York, of relieving distrees and re-
warding heroism, was started Satur-
day by Z. P. Morgan az Co. and Kuhn,
Loeb ote Go. who headed the lists with
donatihns cif $5,000 each.
in their letter to the commissioners,
the bankergive the motive inspiring
the ereation of the Med as a desire
to express the appreceatien ot banks
. .
and bankers in the Wall street district
of the work of police and firemen.
cmckty stops coughs, cures colds., heals
the throat and' lungs. - - 20 cents.
Decision of the Privy Council in
Regard to G. T. P.
Ottawa, Jan. 15.-A reeent decision
by the judicial committee ot the
Privy Connell makethe Dominion
of Canada responsible fer a large
amount of inmeeel, sentto mach the
sum of ten million dollars.
It will be recalled that the original
nOntract with the Grand 'flunk Intel -
fie, that of 1903, provided that the
Government was to gateaux/tee bonds of
the railway company, The eontraet
named certain sums, and the guartin-
tee was to cover the face value of
bonds of those amounts,
The second centred:, of 1954, by in-
troducing the -word "implement,"
changed. the 'bargain materially. If
the guarantee was to he for $13,000
a mile, the new arrangethent that the
Government must guarantee boucle
enough to produse4 :03,000 rah, no
matter at -what price the bonds were
This construction eras raced upon
the revised arrangeeet by critics of
the /neasure, and it has been upheld
by the Privy Count -oil.
Who Wants Lustrous Hair Full of
Start now onaclam, this is just the
month to begin to suoquire a &risme
head of hair oe which you will be just-
ly proud during the Metal events of
winter -time,
If you haven't need 'PARISIAN
SAGE you twilit on ehe high road to
hair beauty. PARSTAN SA(38 isthe
sriost delightful preparation that cle-
stroys the dotndrafe germs and by so
doing removes in a :Mort time tine
cense of dendruff, falling hair, itching
scalp, faded and. lifeless
Dandruff germs are obstructionists ;
they prevent the hair from receiving
t's proper nourishment by raverioUsly
devouring the sa ore 0at:Irishmen re Use
PAI3ISIAN SAGE for one week and
note the wonderful improvement.
W. S, R. Holmes guarantees it, 50
cents a bottle.
Portugal Kind to Missionaries,
Lisbon. Jan. 15. --The Govinnment
commission annotmees that American.
German and British miesionaries will
be allowed to remain in Pertuguese
East Airiest. This decision wars tat I
alter conferences had been held with
' the diplomatic representatives of
these three -countries here. Portugal, 1
, however, has deMcled to establish its
,„ own missions in Africa, M counter-
balanee the influence of foreign neis-
1311/e eureel lne. „
"My face became covered with a
kind of reale. Virhinil itched and irrie
toted. This nosh then turned ,to serea,
which discharged ',freely and began ,to
snread, 1 first tried One thing and
then another, but nothing seemed to
do me anY good, and the eruption got
Worse and Worse, until my face was
jtASI covered with running sores,
('Apart from the pain (which was
very bad), my face was aneh. a ter,
tibia Sighto that woe not fit to go
out. This yeas my state when some
One advised me to try Zam-Btok. 1
got a aupnly, and, marvellous as it
may sound, Within little under a
month every sore on my face ,was
healed. I was eo amazed that, I have
told the facts to several persons and
I have 00 objection to your' stating my
experienee for the benefit, °X melee
sto eferers."
Zam-Buk is purely benhal in oom-
position, and is the ideal balm for
babies and. yo tang childeen, for whose
tender skin coarse ointments are so
daogerees, 7aeamBuk is a sure cure
for cold sores, chapped hands, frost
bite, blood-poisod, vaxicose sines
piles, aealp sores, ringworm, inflomed
patches, babies' me:options and chapped
ploo,ces, cute, borne, budges and skin
it -duties generally. All druggists and
stores sell at 60e. a box. or post free
from Zion -Bole 0o., Toronto, upon re.
ceine oinpriee, 'Refuse havneful 'sub.
more Attention to Fruit.
Ottawa, 3an. 15. --The coevention of
freit growers, which is to be held hers
next month, will, if the fruit men
have their way, result in much closer
co-opeeatinn between the Department
of, Agriculture and the fruit industry.
It is probable that a resolution will
be presented and passed favoring the
establishment of a fruit division of
the Depaatment on much broader
lines than those upon which the fruit
branch is notv conducted.
The Government is said to look with
favor upon such a -change.
Mee. (Rev.) W. fi. Clarke.
Stirling, Ont., writeos e f
Wish to give this nnsolicited
testimonial to the great value
rot Baby's Own Tabiers. Our
little girl, born last Feloneary
vnIS at first very constipated.
When other mimed hos failed
we tried tbe Tablets and in a
week she was completely
cured. By the use of the Tab.
1t she has been kept well
and happy ever since.'' 15 is
strong praise like Oda Diet
bas made Bahyns Own Tablet,'
so popular. Thousands of
other mothers have seed
ce we gam the Tables ,
a trial eve bad• meshing but
make or them." The Taio
lets ere sold by needieine deal-
ers or by mail t 11) evil! s a
box front The Dr. eVillienea
Medielne Co., Brockville, Ont,
Other eonnties of the Stott° retain
the township system, by which each
little locality attempts to look after
its own roa,ds. Estimatee show that
of all the money epent lab year un-
ednelyt-hfieveb°pWern4llPcants3rwsteenT l''obk°urnbersoelvy' The' follo;;;**ena°a-t-itv---ftsive Pont
T ffoldinchalkiTtiluepraP°40rvediorrt goads,. 00
passable Ptroyulty Stattion 'eatchn We'e°k-
wan e a the Hohnesville
Operator Could Secure No Trace of Enghie and Cars -Relief rain
Dispatched and 11flalces a Successful Search, ed over again for more patobing ; 5
ee Berne months longee, %lee the 00 wane
same amount, will have to bee eapand. % 1000 4)Iiieliceng
while of the money expended under
3.e.NHARY 18.111, 1912 ,
.ti po li t w.. ...„,„(0,...
, , , . _ , 4'1"1-01411:), ET0,
vi illy \\IAN,' i I) BeallBealTElt 11101/ICITT011,4 POTAite
, Belgrave; Jan. 11-nThe engMa
hauling the way -freight from Lou-
den to Whighani, was eta:lied int a
bag •drift five miles northt of thast
attrition Masa evening, and Engine.
ceer AnStie, Concluetoe McAuliffe.
and other troembers .0a erew
Skean London had a !terrible tinie
before they evene reesicuied.
Atmost .as aeon as the, locornort-
ive ,woote Dialled the fires went out
an& .a 50 -mile gale oi wind
blowing and osnow falling in blind-
ing heaais, the crew vet ,cco work to
do ,witat they • conild. The bralee-
roan 'went back to protect his
tx aim, as the .passenger Noon)
Leon:Ion was knoWn to be loelowing
The engineer oat once drew the
water from the boiler, see that im
case film train had !to be abanden-
ed the water would not freeze up
and burst the botler.
teener Train Sent Out.
When the passenger train reavh
ed Belgrave, however, the opera-
tor relused to allow 11 50 proceed
he could find Isome traces of,
the freight. time' passed.and no
trace of the freight emeriti. be ob-
tained it; decided to send oat
a relief paely, and Conductor:Wee--
me-s, of London, and several sect-
ionmen, started, leaving Engineers
Fixter arta Moore to look after the
doubleLheadero that was 'trying to
get the passenger trrain through to
Win.gboann The rescue party made
its Way Here miles tape the track
theough a terrific ,sitoatm before the
frotgiee win/ Ideated. As aeon 18
poosible they stanted to worrier to
try and dig a way .theongte aha.
Rack to Belegeave
They wore doing ibis work wile»
another engiue that hod been Teat
out to help in ease or need made its
appearance. The freight' was hewn
ec eae to 33e.glave, .sencl the pas-
senger twain went on. It finOly
made its was thoongh arriving in
Wingham at 3.40 in the morning an-
oste,aell or at 7 o'clock in the even -
Y, C. A. BLDG.,
Registered last season upwards of 300
students and placed every graduate. Seven
specially- qualified regular teachers. One
hundred and fifty London firms employ
our trained help. College in session from
Sept. 5 to June 30. Enter any time.
Ca teloeue_P=
Forest City 112.11!1 College
47, Chartered Accountant,
• Vice Princloe. 110
'Co mea out el 1010 nuure
Sentence on Chilman was deferred
by Justice Teetzel. and it will be prob-
ably •sorne day this week when the
prieoner learns his fate.
Public interest in the trial of Chin
man and Acheson was very keen
throughout the peoceedings, and every
'day the wart room was packed, while
many wermunable to gain admittance,
Public sympathy was unmistakably
in favor of the prisenere, and this
faet probably accounts far the mma
nine of disapproval with which the
jury's verdict 1111,8 received in the
court room.
J, Cniirnan, Howevep, Found
Guilty in Robbery Case.
Jury In Hamilton Case Where Young
Paen Are Charged With Complicity
In Express Robbery Decides In
Favor of Acheson, But Judge
Expresses Doubt of Mari' I n-
nocence--Verdict Unpopular.
Hamilton, Jan. 15. -"In the ease of
Joseph Achesdll, we find him 'not
guilty,' In the case of .1 D Oh'l
man, we find him guilty en the tldrd
-count of the indictment, of rereiving
money knowing it to have been stol-
Suele was the verdict announced on
Saturday night by Foreman 1. A. Mor-
ris of the pay which heard the
denee in the eroWn'S three charges
against the two men in connection
with the mysterious theft of more
than $8,000 from the office of the
Canadian, Express Co. eine last Sep -
The trial was begun early last
Thursday afternoon and it was not
until five o'clock Sathrday afternoon
Shat the ease was given to the juey,
The verdict was reached. at 9.16 Sat-
urday night, more than four hours
being oonstamed by the furore in theie
discussion of the problems presented
by the ease.
Justice Teetzel was very niuch
pleased with the jury's finding, w,hich
he designated as a vexy intelligent
verdict and entixelY justified by Om
evidence. The judge's charge to the
jury was ,strongly against Cbilman,
while in it he practically instruoted
the juroxs to acquit Acheson. When
the verdict was delivered 0. W. Bell,
junke counsed Tor the defence, de-
manded that the jury be polled on
the °Mimeo ease. This was done,
and, in response to the -calling of his
name, each of the ttvelve men prompt -
y answered "guilty."
Offilman heard the fateful dcisjon
apparently unmoved. Acheson, whale
told by theejuge that he was cliacharg-
ed, left the dock and hurried frorn
the tourtroore alone with his ever-
present smile somewhat broader than
George Lynch -Staunton,' KO., vehe
had charge of the defence, was not, in
She court room when the jury brought
io its verdict, C. W. Bell, who had
wotked hard for his clients hi the be, -
lid that they were both innocent, and
who confidently expected the acquit-
tal of both (lhilman and Acheson, was
keenly disappointed when the ver
chot adverse 'to Ohilinan woo rendered.
judge 'Wee, 01)>M18.c. tb§..
,Sieot Father of Abductor.
' Fort Worth, Texas, Ian. 15.--J. B.
Onead last night shot and instantly
killed A G Boyce sr., father of A. G.
Boyce, recently arrested in Winnipeg,
Man., charged with the abcluctMn of
" Snead's wife. The shooting occurred
in the lobby of a local hotel. ,
An illustration of'tbe way in which
Zain.13uk cures even the most seri
and chronic eases of uleete, eruptions°
rf and sores is provided by Mr.11.fl
Barker, of Oleneairn, Ont, BO says •
41 would not have believed that any;
remedy con cure so quickly, and at
th Urn s ff
dignharging Acheson, Stistice
etzel said he agreed with the ju
ecisien. The prisoner was, x,ovetie-
038, 13till under grave eusnicion, find,
his ease should be a lesson to in.
NVItile expressing the hope the ha
8 Xustioe Teetzel ea-
sed nebetioiri,41 he, was guilty, net to
st until the pot qfjhe stolen money
hich he Might haierreceived was re-
tuned to fie rightful (mum,
intieism of these ee Innarks lsrgi
)17 th
n ea e e oe eetively as Zeta- '
• e e. • • .„"
. , .
• , •
o ro eertn.
LO -Fire • yesterday
,e1 $S.090 worth of
1' ox- sture kept
aeo.noo here. IL W.
neer aen" leolly dam--
- nee ohe
ale meees are covers
Elf1117,1 IORINES
It is These That Bring WrinkleS
and lIfiake Women Look Pre-
Mattireiy Old
Almost every woman al the head
a home trivets daily with many
' little Nvorries 111 her household "if
fnirs, alley May ho it o &ritual to Un-
tie° en hour aftertvarde, lout it is
met. Fame coneeant little worries
1111 make eo many women look pre -
moo tnt ely old. Their ef feet may be
noticeol in eielt or nervous headaches,
flee 1 eppet ite, pain in the batik ne
side, sallow complexion and th
owning of WrInicien, which everee wo.
main &Pods. To those thus. afflicted
Dr. Williams- Pink Pills offer a
titeoily antl rtri tam more,' 0 restoration
nf oolor to the cheeks, beightnese to
I he eye. a healthy appetite and a
sense ot freedom from ever/rim-tea.
Atruong the thou:sands of Canadian
‘1,0111 en who have found iiPW health
end new 02 ienftill through the ',tee of
Dr. Williarns' Pink taints is Mrs. W.
(l. atorr, Loudon, Ont., who says; -
nA acne tato yeare ngo I found my -
eel"' so badly run down that it was
1011,111 impoesible to perform my
hwtieehold duties. I fell off in flesh,
was weak and very pale, had no ap.
petite, feet constantly cold and to
.1)1 1.1 1,1+,5 make any life miserable 1 . was
afflicted with those othee ailment
'from which 40 moony women aufeer. I
tried many kinds of medicine, but
got 410 benefit, and ,began to feel
t was slipping' into chronic in-
validism. I was advised to try Dr.
Williams.' Pink Pills, and although I
felt somewhat hopeless decided to do
so. :Co my delight after taking the
Pills a few weeks, I felt much bet-
ter, and a further use of them brought
me back to my old time health.
liteve since recommended the Pills to
many others, and those who have used
them have always been benefited
,,,n/d by all medicine dealers Or by
1)1011 05 50 cents a box or six boxes for
52,60 from The Dr, Williams' Medicine
Broekv1pe, Ont.
Pert and Impert
Courtesy is the sauce of existence.
Young [people soon give and soon
forget affronts ; age is slow in both.
Ambition breaks the ties of blood
and forgets the obligations of grati-
tude. „.
Only a dear and good, conscience
can make men ,noble.
Children Cry
Electric Restorer for Men
ph osphonol restores every 410(45 141 the body
to its proper tension ; restores
vim and vitality. Premature decay 0511:1115=00
weakness averted at once. Pitoaphonolt will
. make you a new man. erica lS a box, or two for
55. Mailed to any address. The ScobellOraz
Catharines, Ont.
To be angry is to revenge the fault
of others upon oureelvee.
A pure mind in a ehaste body is the
mother of wisdom.
Children Ory
(7,:t S ic) rAt 1 A
Nothing makes a woman more as.
teemed by the opposite eex then mod-
He who makee quick moeof thr mo-
/tient is n, neon% of prudence.
Iveltivalloetrti S
Self.resperot is a gem beyond value
that anybody 0;111 'wear.
The giel who deromyee her mother
ruins her SO131,
Pollution is fvequeritly a eonmenion
oix the levet kise.
Ob.ildren Cry
0 S 0 R 2 A
Kisidiapi without afieriL 11 is Ilit• ea-
senee et meintreeity.
Pe11 y olighto SItO 0o'ii oesieles herder
to ;war than sextette let ary.:
Sem-indite opens her right -Mind Jet
pion -nor and her leit te pain.
Sows ForroWinii In Winter Shouid
Have Warm Quarters,
If young pigs do not come in Octo-
ber and November we do not seriously
object if they put in their appearance
at about any other time of the year,
provided Nre knOw wizen to expect
them and there are no1 too many to
arrive ito winter. We have brought
them throughexeept when. born in
the months mentioned, caul ',etre tried
it then, but it is too long before spring
comes, writes an Ohio farmer in the
National Stockman. I understand it
is ylry good advice to have tho pigs
1 all come aboul the same Done -say in
March or Aoril-and hare them grow
up togothee, leui: not many men sue-
ceed 10 haying 100 pigs come rthout the
same time in March, and in so large
nutnber several will not thrive equally
well with the rest, zo that the herd
should be enlisteg anyhoev, eels° in
keeping a large member ot sows it is
not best to let all run to,gether. Again,
separation is desirable.
We put the sows in box or closed
stalls in the lower story ot the barn
Where the windows may be opened
to the sun on the south side. These
are good, wenn place, as we would
eaja lu wieter. There is quite an
amount 011 heat from the horses, No
drafts get in. The sow% are easily
watched during most oil the day, and
if the weather is extremely cold when
due to farrow We take pains to sea
how matters go at a time or two dur-
ing the night. If pigs are chilled they
are taken to the house to be revived,
As I recoil, the experietices in mid-
winter with litters have not been more
trying than they have been in cold
weather in March. The ,pigs should
be ready to wean when grass comes.
and their mothers will be ready for
another.litter a good while before fall.
It should be noted that rearing pigs in
winter is more trying on the constitti.
lion of the sow than in SPring (),' 8MM
Thirty-seven counties in Michigan •
have adopted the county roads aye.
tem. A county tax is levied and
three eonamissioners are elected to
expend the money thus collected up.
on permanent improvement of Woe
main travelled highways. For every ,
mile of macadain road thus built the
state pays to the eounty a reward of /
a thousand drillers, and five hundred
dollars for each mile of gravel road.
Thue if a cennty built% ten miles of
good toads the State presents It with
enough money to build approximately
two and a lialf na lee more,
She county systera ninety ptir cent
went to make permanent road- that
can be kept in good condition At
comparatively small expense. The
patching -op plan would bankrupt any
railroad in a few Years.-SaturdaY
Evening Post.
Imesested and should linow
shoat the wowlesial
11111.1VE1, Whitling Spray
The now Vah.In:ti,lSr.yrinlk
- M
-ost convenlent. It eleasbes
Wiedeas, 0,4, G caeca! Agents e or Cana a.
10.101.,,unot suhnly Ole. •
M,1120,t0 ri(cept no °the,.
Ina 0000009 10V ••
It RiVe5 501 partia-
l:Ors and threctionl invaluable tm ladles.
300 LlitelkS'
O II>oz. New Laid Eggs
Poultry taken) the first three days
of each week.
. 1„ns 13. IRLE
Cenneyancet Notary .Public,
tioneraossioner etc
Isstter cot Ifiarrlage Licenses,
Lioron&Elt., Clinton,
Notary'yoblie, Conveyancer,
Financial and Reel Estate,
IRS-UBANGI] 401IXT--neoreaenting 14 Piro In
'.81,1111000 CODIP0MieS.
flintest Prices Paid in Cash ihrv's2" 'peurt ("lice'
Write or Pftene Eefore you Sell
Phone 4 on 142.
Shorthorns and Leicester
‘ Sheep for Salt.
_ .
1 The Undersigned has foe sale
±01: 35 Co.' .. (..1.bnixeleeatsgineacii
liC,Ii( eloiey, .0ies,
Months old, colon' dark red also a
fete Leicester oWe lambs. Prieee
eight -A. Eleoat. Retieefielcl, Ont..
When in need of a 5013 or
two of Shorts, come to the
Elevator and be sure of gett-
ing all you want,
Large supplies of Bran,
Shorts, low grade flour, chop.
peri feeds now on hand.
The L Sutter
The EleVat or
Clinton - - Ontario
Telepbene 64,
Meeting of the Chiron Co.
The Connell of the Crept/ration of
She County tic Heron will 0045(05 10 the
ennowil elmentene in the town of Goole.
rieh, 00 Tuesday the 23rd Men at 3
lecl000k. Ali twee n tio againet the
county- must be placed wall the Clerk
preview(0 to this date- W. Lane
Dated, J an. alt, 1912.. Clerk,
.-itotte 'Wanted,
Field Stone suitable for Toad
making it wanted by the Tonne of
Clinton. Price 83.50 per cord of 13e-
tooto ponmls,
3. A. FORD,
Chairman of Steer( Committee t
POT Strille
on tai the premises of the under-
signed Lot 19, (Jon. 13, Hullett about
the first of August oe red yearling
heifer. Owner tan have same by
pi eyeing property and paying
71.7 Thorna,s Pate,
Logs Wanted
All kinds, of logs, Maple, Soft Elm
and Basswood preferred. Highest
price paid.
W. Doherty Piano and Organ Co.
iitoardors Wanted
Having return:71; toren Taui now
prepared to taliti boarders,' either
ladies or gentlemen. Apply at hotse
Mrs, gogralge, Cntario
Pasture Land
MeTzionatet Br v530
Sonoe firer:el:nes pasture land to be seen-.
00 (1 in Iowan to 1011OlIrChnsurt • At
Dill 93. 'On 11.1101,1Pertt0111
lialan, Surgeon, Etc
sneeial attention 01 von to (Somme of the
EY% Um, Threat and Zqoaa,
Byes navaully :01:101i0ad, rind:suitable
Office and Residence.
Two doom west of tire Commercial now
Ramon St,
lie. IV. I. R. 0.11.. Mitt
Dr. Gandier, 1000. xi:.
°dice -Ontario Street, Clinton.
'Sight calls at residence, Rattenbory St „
or at boinital
10,. W. SHAW,
rtusicus, sumstEox,
neautheur, etc, onion and residence on Rat-
tenbUry St.. opposite W. Furram's residence.
DR, If, Pis 117±0111
Crowit and itridge Vrerir a Specialty.'
Graduate el C.O.D.S.. Chicago. and 11.0,058
1100000 on liontlava, Rilav 005 00 Deccan/in
Oftleas over O'NEIL'S f,bore,
Special oars token to make dental treat.
mutt as painless as noaaible.
storde and general Auction nie
Iota-, 51020 95141,2 0Olden et 70
Rtatv 1211A onion, Clinton, prt,.m..-Ny attended
Trrina reasonable. Farmers sale zeta
G. D. MeTaggart M. 0, MoTaggar
freetive strict's, Apply In ALB -412,11 ST
6...coaorsi 2aatEing 73ardiatim:
Dsft laeacia. Inter= totolowed
1 '
John Itatmforti, 'r, 11. city Agent
rit RN Pa. ItEAT
The 80,it11 o ,%.-; of hot mintiter ara
and 11e4 ',ewe is 1±n0, past of Lot noo, :a;
11 110.taa li in tit., 71, :,.thieutr,ri, or of
ownqiiii is a 1 orni
o' you rx. Tluo, pi open T y is r.10,--„,, to tin,
I UV. 1! of (ninton ulll peep, aso,r 4.
loe :IL further oatei
'dere ',10013' 1,, 11, rr, P.onnereel, clin
no, 'trr Nero Hove az Mew
bison, Eer/eatery, Bareie, Chtt,
e t; roil utt turs„.7,r
ply, 'joie, Doig, 'spouse Peet
1J1)1UI' 14;,r • el' 4'
Tilt- ittitlo•ultrt, rt err r,rl' soil', 11.01
1., r, /An 12 coo (1101 Conous,t1c1, ol
11101+ I t Irk It, i• 1 111,5 03 roa I
14.10' 0.011 in 1,1 ; 2 n F.Ve'r 1 i1ig
.f..,,,tuUt 0.110 .5 11111114', 2211-1'1' 00)
"I ,
rk, 0 04. ;,3.171. en
rt %.,..r.„% • 1 .,t.„ oti fr. a ro looloae,
Having Purchased a thorough- t,
bred Tamtvorth /log, will keel) him '
foe nervice at lot 23 on the "rd. .
Con, Ifullet. terms $L00 01 51010 of '
service wich the priviledge of re-
turning if necessary.
L. Tyndall
115100 hi h wood eherl. 1
.1a oul „ no„ do nos ,i. nersons
oesenfone net nen. o 0(1 0, Poe plea
amaze' apple' on t•rentitp., Or mitirraS
T.A.S.K EH, /11111.4i,
Chilton. I'. 0.
Tr:lime ziz eariK
Entort.” seetai Decraiateod Tneorte Female
enety Cirely Ensured,
P,Turxds, f's Suar"orih
Connolly, Vim., Pree„ fend evich
Thos. E. Itaye, reee,e'l% tete., aoeufroxth
.fas. Connelly, Holmeavilleo Jobe
Watt, klarleek; G. Dale, (ilionon; M.
n'inieney, Searnale T. Feasis, Beech.
woon; 1. G. Grieve, Winthrop, 1. Ben-
noweis, Brocihrinen, M. .3111Jolev55a
' Clinton.
• Each Director ;13 0.9.peCI:01' Of losses In
'ill own
Robt e3r51tio, IT:niacin Ed, Hinchley
Seafortbs jaeace Cu/inning, Egmonc3c
ville; j. 'iea Holmenville
Payments may be tnade at The
Moreisla Clothing Om, Clinton, or
11. If. tent, Go d eriche
To1.7 houses to Let • Stearin Engine For Saie
110 tilbloi sigtiPti bat; two loottees" to
let, apply to
The nndersigned offers for sal
an upright etoaan ermine ; about
Jacob „ horscpawor ; tpood' running or-
Annani Meetinir
'The animal meeting on men/lanes
of the MeKillop tro 1 P'e
earance Coe -win be held on Penney
jan, 19111, 1912, in the • .(Powni
Seatorth, at one o'clock ),.0i, Th•e
businees of the meeting or' lee -e'en.
the annual report and auditera
port. The eieetion of theere dir-
ector:3 and other be sineset which
may come up for the go•od and reed
fare of the company, The no-
thing diteetore ere j. B. -McLean,
Won, 0110500) 1)011 aleeeloonn I1Se a'en
who are Migible for.
1. B. McLean, E, Hays,
President, Rene Sara'
Little Liyar
idust Sear Signature ot
der. Tide is certainly asnao fox
any fanner Wanting power f or gen
eral use on farm, Engin.e can be
seen at my blacksmith shop.
Jabs -4 Bands, Clinton.
hi" SUM.,
eijaft ON
' I Fire, Life and Accident
Ren1 potato bought an sold.
Money to loan
affice:Issac:Stre,ct, next:door :to Nev'
Grand Trunk Railway IJystota
The executor of the Southeombe
Estate offera for sale 50 acres -
Bast half of lot 28. eon. 6, Efullett.
A first-elass farm, well watered
and improved, and with good
buildings. Also, the nudersigued
°Med for sale, lot 29„ coll. 6 Hull-
, 100 acres, These farms may be
bought together or separately.
Cothgre; For Safe
Mee. Ross offers her Cottage On
Victoria street for sale. It is an
excellent property in a good 10...
catiork and in good repair,
I Ford & McLeod
/514.00, Alsike $10, Ited Olovee front
)Ve aka now atoning T
imothseed at
$7.00 a Weisel, Governinent fa tandard.
WE, have also on band Alfalfa at
$8,50 to $9.
We hope always 'on hand Goose
'Wheat, Peas, Barley and feed Corn, at
$21 a to,
' Highest Market prices paid for all
448 1 Holmeeville..,..11.1e! I.,a3 (146 11,38
Ford & McLeod lYfitchell.... .. . .. 10.2 12,45 6.55 30.47
Stratford ..... ...1a0P10 1P2,201" P5 21'11 1P0.207731
Clinton ..n. . . .. 11.07 1.25 a‘to 1L38
Goderich 11-35 1,50 7.05 11,55
East I essenger
Railway Time Table
London, Huron and 13roce, • •
North Passengee
London,. depart. ... . 8.30 11, 4,itil:p2ivt„
Con Wallet ....... 9.40 5,48
Exeter 1)53 5.54,
le en sail ... , ... , , 1 th na 9.05
Klippen 10.13 0.11
Brooefielcl 10.80 6.10.
..... 11.00 0,35
Lonclesboro 11.18 662
Blyth 11,27 7.00
Belgrove 11.40 7.13
)(Ingham, strrive11.50 7,35
South Passenger
Wingha,m, depart(5.43 rna3,33 p
, 6,51 13,41
Myth 7.08 13.86.
Loncleshoro, 7.16 4,04 -
Clinton 7,50 4.23
Bracelield 8.12 4.89
Kippen ....... . 8,23 4.47 ,
Het -lean 8.82 4.52.
Exeter. . 8.48 5.05.
Centralia 9 00 5,15,
London,'Sxreive 10 00 6.10. .
:Buffalo andfierode,
Wes' • PASSenger
eal=9-Z*2e mormanatRasisassemeastmemagameam JJ Seaforth. ..... -10,45 1.10 6.38 31,12
See Feo•SimUe Wrapper Below.
'claar *awn lima as saw
icklalso as moss
'7"fierio ;FON REATIADIK
ran mueostiEst,
,PnInImozern ilt*reeee
Before placing your orders for
your season's supply of Coal, get
our penes. The very hest goods
carried in stock and sold at the
lowest possible price.
Orders may be left at Davis
& Rewland's Hardware store, or
W. J. Stevenson,
"A lit 1310401411001flarit.
• aoa Joe- aJaifaalra'dteeet, "ta'Lenon
0.111 pm pm
Goderiehn. . .. .... . 7.10 2,40 4.50
Ealmesvillel..... ... 7.26 2.57 5.00
Clinton .. . .. .... . .. .. 7 35 8 07 5.15
Seatorth ..... ... .... 7,52 3.25 5.32
Mitchell ... . . . . . . . ... am 3 4$ 5.55
Stratforct... . .. . ... . 8.40 4.15 6.20
Dr. de Van's Female Pills
A reliable French regulator1 never falls. Theta
Ohl are exceedingly powerful in regulating the
generative ['adieu of the female system. Refute
all cheap Imitations. nr.clevanhg itta eeld at
fign box or th
inemoolow, ,The 11.4101)011 Drag Orm egtharisYug Sea
to a d