HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-01-18, Page 12STAB,LISHEI) 1885., o1. 40.,
NO. 311
TPI L MOiij JO- .22114
oya,1 ark
V0011PORATBD leo.
CaPital . $6,2oo,o0o
Re.serve and undivided
profits . $7,2 o o,000
Total' sse s - Sloo,000,000
190 BRANCHES and
Correspondews throughout the world
Interest allewed on Deposits:
WE have the -Fish
Y.OU, have the brains,.
Rut how about the quality of
„ the later?
P0 hep you to improve the
same we are ,going to keep a
supply of Fresh Fish•regular-
ly as follows --
Fresh Frozen Habibut.
Red Sea Salmon
Finnan Haddie
Smelts •
Fresh Herring.
W. T. 09NEIL
Phone 48 '
Is reeognieed throughout Can-
ada as a school of the highest grade.
Its record proves IL Write WI'
eatalogue. Ent er any lime.
Tonga and Alexander Streets.
Unaer p2es of Willis -Church Choir
ateveusou (Ilasunic) Male Quartette of Toronto
(Mr, Dick:, Foster, Basso)
Mr George
Plan of I -Tall at. W, 3). Fair's.
Prins 50z. and 35e. Concert will commence at 8i.
OCcupies Pulpit After Having
Gone Through Strenuous
Exeter. Jan.14.-Rev. . Richard
Hobbs' Was in his polio at St.
lames street Methodist church Sun
day, for the first time since letend
erecl his .resignation three :Meeks
ago, and made a:public statement
1witill regard to re.cent events in
i this Congregation: He assured his
!congregation that he felt he ' bad
gone through one oil •the greatest
trials of his life,: as many ot his
friends knew.
"DJ is hard to resign - a p.astortal
Icharge," 'said Rev. Mr. Hobbs, "but
I .was comforted in the thought that
I was not resigning my work and
office in the Christian Vaistry. I
feel .well able an4 1 hope to $1BrA'g
my Lord and • Master,: for many
years. -to come. But, strange az it
may seem, after having --resigned
this pastorate, it seemed Inet as
1 ii•d",'"Ier ., various reasons, to be
'netsuaded, to:resume the worli, in
James Street -Church. But, by,i the
pressure brought to bear by the
genial president of -the conference,
Rev. Dr. Warner, and ,the overt -
Whelming petition of the members
el the chureh; including eighteen
or nineteen official- members, I feel
that I could not well do other than
accept" •
... Rev. Mr, Hobbs spike plainly with
rqgard te the ,slituation whicht had
been elosed. There had; been
some who had taker( • no account
whatever of -the general wish ot
the membership of the „church and
its Supnortere, and had placed the
pastor at the inercy of a certain
number of official's, althoughlour
-or, five hundred members of the
chnrch were in-1CYVe and 'sympathy
D. Di WilsOn mid John A. Wilson
Monday issued a Writ against ,Tatnes
Stewart for an injuoction restraining
the defendent from cutting, ice in • the
river at P0719/id and letting weeds,
drift into the Egrnondville porid
in Tockereinith Township., and for
damages for ice out in preV1011S 705.1681
Gederie Board of Trade, Through
Mr Prettdfoot, Will Bring
Bill Up in The
At the corning 'session of the Leg
islature ain't]. will be submitted
milted on behalf of the Board of
Trade of Goclerich permitting
cities, towns and villagee to virt-
ually -tax the mail order and cata-
logue business done in a town by
a departmental store situated in
some other to:wn. Details of the
plan to impose such a tari ate
not yet forthemning, beyond that
It is proposed to rna.ke the tax
equal to the avera.ge amount of
taxes paid in the town by an °mile
' ary retail business
preposed bin is to be en -
1 busted with Wm. Prondloot, C,
M.1'. P., for Centre Hari in. IQ1.
I designed to get at the besinese
1 dome in Ontario towns by means of
I etialogueS through the maids by
the big departmental stores. Th's
competition' with the local retail ,
mwebrint has unfair features;', it
-with him. . is claimed.
. osoamactsmnrrovertnan.rumIltstmsrmenrcrrumeramutuatc.ra,,sreararsmrpmfauramouane.r.....—.4.......t.rirsiali
g?iL der
The pnre kind at fie per
lb. the .same price as the im-
pure kinds.
Soine Baking POwde.:z
as good as OW5 but they
cost more. Ours ioimaile on:y
with ehemicaly pare Cecair
of Tartar and Bicarbenate
of Soda. Always fresh, al -
Ways good. 25e per 1.1%
Dispensing Chemist.
41000011.004t0.••••*••••••o. .Gomoo*•••••• •••••••*•444,••••*o•44se.too
.0 4
laCOrporated 1850
iZeord o1f Progress for Ph/6 Years .1i 9Z6.1914
1916 1011
,, S3;000,000,00 $1,000.000.00
- (-4APITAL .
, • , -, . ' .
-'' 3 000,000 on 1,600,000 no
DE PO :;11'g: . . . . „ 2:1,677,780.00 30,042,311.00
LOANS AND I NV-EsTmENTs . 27,157,0911.00 3/3,854,8"it,00
TOTA L A.5 S ET S . . . , . 83.1190,1.02.00 48,217,271 00
i. Has 85 Branches hi Camilla, snit Agents anti Corresponilents is all
the Pettit:Iva' 4"ties. hi the World.
mall Branches. Interest a/lowed at highest Ourresat rale.
(”inton Branch. C Si DOM7DIN'G' . 1\ibinager
V11150,011%111: hrt,111ME6"1,'; .fil565(
11511MMEMZE11303319121 fillilMEMMEISSAM
Owing to the fire which occurred in JohnsoP's harness
shop our Overcoat stock was slightly damaged by water,
We secured a satisfactory- settle,ment; from the insurance
companies, ad the hest Overcoats we have will -go right
into this sale—Nothing reserved, For quick selling we
have made just four prices $8,50, 11.50, 13,50,' 18.50
• Men's $ to a.nd $ I2Overcoat Fire Sale price , 8.50
• • Men's 13.50 and 15.00 "
• Men's 16,50 and 18.00 " 13.50
.44 Men's 20„ 22, and $24 "
• Boys' $2.5o Overcoats, Fire Sale price
Boys' $4 "
Boys' $5 and $6 "
Boys' $8 and $ico
. . . . ... 375
Act at once it von are interested, or we assure you that these Garments
vtill not haye to watt long tor buyers at these low prtees,
e Morrish elo „
"14 Square ea Every lyab,,
W. H. Kerr & Sori, Editors and Publishers'
• 4°In
1115• wa 1
Y Was an en-t-b1e. nloYed, of finumbr th
e'who Still think e old time '
1 ,
. late J.Fiair ,ait the mill. Tie la now public examination eNereises at,,the
11 . -.running alumber yard and( atiP- I dolse Of "the school 'terins,shoulctbe
. pIy'Ibafactory .with his son out west. I resturrientedi and made a day of cop
, , , ,
ls Is his second) visit to Okla'. necting the home and, die 'school '
wieKillep. Feri•nere Barns Buril ion Isince he belt 37 yearS, ago, His It, in sometimes g,00d policy to
' old friends were igla:d to gee ltiM, make • haste slowly. Sraeed may be
V1/ife and Datightbi. Die ; :wiles Ethel Breidsliaw has oechrecl all right but a runaway horsetruay
apesitibn as,noglapher , with ,Ema 11( .i.ltungs. i
•'He Has Smallpox ,the Rnititing Co. ' • • .
—.....,-. .Mir. Prank Poiwler is tinder the
Walton, Jan. 13.—As a climax 10 a
leng series ot misfortunes, Michael
Rolencl.". a farmer. MeRillon
To'wnsthip, Is lying ill et his home,
&man tined' foe ,smalipox.
An urgent message has been
40141 to Toronto for a man to take
care of film, and the provincial
health department is sending Dr.
Hayes to look into the ease.
In :the summer of 1910, his barn
• ,yere destroyed by fire. Last sum-
merhis daughter, Mrs.) Ijr. Ryan,
died, and only two. weekadater Mrs.
Roland passed. away. ,.
The 'Roland place ios aboul half
way between Brussels and Sea: -
Important Meeting at Goderich
To Discuss the Ontario
GOderich, Jan, 12.— Representa-
tives of the itownships of Ashfield
SDI Huron and the toWns of Gode-
rich: and Kincardine, • are meeting
here to -clay, to confer 'ast to the
taking of united action in regard to
the Ontario Weat Shore Railway,
whose bonds are 'guaranteed by the
municipalities named The total
amount of g-iiaranted bonds is
$400.000. made up- as follows: God-
crich, $150,000; Ashfield, $125,000;
Huron Township, $75,000; Kincarci-
1on 'te this areouni. it is
presumed that 5200,000 additional,
recnaircd by .a.greementi loas
been spent by the railway mompany
making a total expenditure Of h600-
000, and only about fifteen miles of
the railway. has been 'completed.
The municipalities have been called
upon pay an instalment of niter -
est on the 'bonds, and Itis tow sug-
gested' that they take over ihe renal
and 31111 it -themselves. • They 'may
alro take Stens' Kseertain bow the
laree -arnonnt of money mai spent
eith 'Fa) little. apparent result. J.
Moyes, 01 Torente, is president
of the Ontario Wm.1 0401.6
The road couneets tyith the C. p. R.
11 Menzt. across the river thorn
iflodefich, and remors -civet persi,9-
tent that the 0.1'. R. will actreire
the desire (0- the
publislters that all sitould
1110 ititerisst thiS .47
-0 column of T311$ 111Elt
ac;lee'girdos. +++ more poopk. \mold read and 01-
e ger t parliamentary speeches it :t e
0. ling away for a, trap, /tare, e.oquenee were pat into a VO'n-;..5
. of. 30 minutes instead of an hour or
word or scud it en a post
+ two. Not one man in a. hundred eau
4' card.
sperdc with instruction fort sixty
Cowie:11mo. T. jackson Ir, ,was
,doetorls care but his, friends'41 h
for a:speedy recovery.
Editozial Notes'
Sone& lively timee rimy be collated
On when the Loattl Legislature meets,
,. ....._0_ , ,
Lend a hand to every good cause and
) lend a f00G to the dispoiler oi whet
iwould tend to the moral uplift. Mlle
is short so get busy tight away. The
gospel of liastle is often a wineer.
1.1Lho will be Huron County's- War-
den for next year is the question, of in-
terest just now. The meeting of the
Co. Connell on the 28rd inst., will settle
Now would. be a fitting time to /mirk
out ts program for next Spring and
Summer's work. A good plan, care -
felly coneidered, is invaluable to the
accomplishment of a large share of
success and achievetnent.
'We believe the Short 00111130 offered
hy the Ontario Experimetal College,
Guelph, is one of real Value to the
young men and women on the farm.
It is designed to he practical and hence
may he worked out when the student
gets home In this age when a good
idea counts Toe mucn it is a wise act
to Eeeure them especially when the
expense incurred is so small, A post
c,ixti to the college veouid secure first-
hand particulars.
It is not a fitful or spasmodic effsrt
that count* best for the developumat
ole town but rather an altogether-
keo ping-evorlastinglyat -it. The man
who has faith in his town should give
evidence of it by investing in property,
going into business of oome remuner-
ative. sort, and talking hopefully of
the haute. $100 invested is O'fleu
,worth more than 48 months "hot ton'
The banks vpill loan money on the for-
mer but tIle latter is often of little nee
except in thn biL110011 b119100,55, wthieh 18
not the route usually desired by the,
--- 0 --
Few eiti,:e have as manym illionaires
as Montreal in proportion to their
size, and few have as many teasone to
rejoice at the spleculid manner in
which souse of the wealth is being dis-
bui sad. Monied men are a great ac-
quisition to a place if the puree et) ing,s
att.. not drawn too l'ightly but ale 0
brake on the wheel of progress when
misetly anti small smiled. There is
a disposition on ths part of the public
to harrass men of means that is a sort
Of a "hold up" without the preeenta•
tiers of a revolver; Many an individ-
ual wind be wonderfully generous
with the pocket book ne slacaebody
else who rarely "Um§ eve" up With his
el men kid lame. :tad
weary audiences by at temptin4 to
do the -impossible. The closure is
Exeter Wednesday, a very Important ancl necessary
to any deliberate' body or
Me. W. J. Mnrray, of Exeter, D. D ndlunall
G. M.. of the 1.0.0.F., was in town 11 a slated -period were allowed
on Wednesday with his degree and n gong s'nunded al: the terrnin-
, , /eft taxon, of "miff sod" many a man
toet-fLit'llet(5)-'tarafitelw forh()SileaallforThlive.'i's'iteste elan wonlci be .thought a pillion -
they installed 1010 officers of the Oman who by too much 300e nas
lodge in that town.
Mrs, Cosens entertained her San -
clay school class at the Ontario
Street Parsonage,on Monday even -
The Iowa Croaker
In every town you find some men
who always croak and growl;. them
chief amusements seeing to be to snarl
and whine and bowl. Of course they
do not prosper well -Bach .people sel-
dom do -and so they strive to make
themselves and all their neighbors
blue. If strangers come these men
enden.your to get them olf alone; ton
them bow the toiyn is dead and
passed away, and hasn't 'any enter-
prise that half begins to pay; holy
real estate is very IOW EiMi taxes very
high, and every improvement scheme
is sure to wane and die. The good
book says a day will (mine when all
must, ass away and swoop for wings
and goiden harps this tenement of
clay; the earth will With fer-
vent heat, the sue gn out in bloom,
and every breathing thing shall
find a real tomb. When that time
comes the croaker who drives against
his town—and tries to drive good men
away and break their elforts down—
will be declared 0 victim for a special
close of flame.
Locai News g
Team wen lost
St. Marys 3
Seaforth( 2
Goderich. 2 ; 3
MitoheU 0 5
. The intermediate hockey match,
Which too kplaee at St. Marys Wed
xiesday isight between Goderieh and
St. IVIaryis, Was tari exciting game,
:was witnessed by one thousand
speleta(tors. The score at half
time Was 8101 in favor of St Marys
Pinal,13 to 5, in favor o& St.Mary
The annual meeting of/ the Olin,
ton Spring Pair tvill pe held in the
Council Chamber, Clinton, Wednes-
day, Jan. 31, 1012 at 2.30 0"clock. A
fill attendance of a.11. interested in
this 'enterprise shOuld make a vette
of ;this date' and try and be on hand
as matter of much importance will
C003 up,
Who Have
Magic Koff Kure know
- , ,
the merits of this prepare -
;tion. You know it act speed-
and is surel to do the
ltou who have never tried
it are not :aware of ite value
for coughs and Brenehical
trouble, ask your neighbors ?
about Koff :Kure and try, it
on their recommendation,
We guarantee every bottle
A VVonderful
Thats ,what one of our cus-
tomers called—
the other 'clay, 'when he want-
ed. another jr of thet great
healing ointment. Its good'
fox anything that needs
healing, from clailbleines up,
and it is only 25c. at
W.S.R. lioht es
Phm R,
D.0.01 0,, Bro. C. Tyner, Sum-
D.L., Bro., L, Johnston, Sum -
1.0ms for the year odin March tn,'
.The report 01 the Minister of Gus -
UAL has just reached 1:lw follow-
ing are the numerics of revenue col-
lected. in this and surrounding towns.
Goderich 24 513 26
Clinton 27 1'0(.00
Seahn th 18,2-0 .13
Win 6,74,05„
A record for cold weather was
po obably made last Friday night
when the Mercury went to 21 de-
grees below zero. With the ;cold
tame perfect calm', ,and few people,
perhaps, realized ;that the temper-
ature was ets low as it was. Satur-
day morning even to tholse who
had no thermometers, the tale was
'told in frozen water pipes flowers
destroyed lsy the frost' .which
caught them where precautions had
not been ltaken tc(,remove thous
from wincloWs, etc,
hanged himself. Sheri, Well eon- .,,.1:0CIT.,L01' INSURANCE CO''ir,
sidercd, properly (cOnstrunted The annual ithaneim statement of
sentences are neerl.;.,- always in
the' .IleKillop Mutual Piro lusur-
place While clry, longi. winded har-
angues, travelling -over the cume
ground. aseere of times makes you
'Mrs, Andrews, Who has been N-igit grow- weary. If there AO any c rase
ing her daughter, Mrs, B. J. Gibb -
of men 30 Parliament who ;should
intros left for Cleveland, Ohio, Tues
whab-Vie- will visit her son. it,eactio.°,gYia,ailpilYiheeil,,sis'e.Tosli'a, Fla, art y,
when 'some -of the M. P.'s( take a.
notion to turwind. If Hams/3rd were'
abolished the country Would ,save
badly spent dollars and: the parlia-
mentarians many a "hot box."'
Thmte's a disposition on ',the nar t
Mr. Hugh SimPson, 0)0 Moose Jaw
Sask., is visiting with; his brother;
IVIr. William Simpson, of town.
Mrs. Goodfellow .atid little dau-
ghter, Eva, of Hamilton, are visit-
ing.with the former's aunt, Mrs. J.
S.Afiller. .0ranT 'street.
Sask., came home last Prida,y night
for &few. weeks visit. His many
of some people and cerlase lot -meals
friends will be glad to meet him. 10 01510 sport of the church, et7-
Mrs. Lee and datighteri Miss Jen- ttanizations for Moral Reforini ancl
nie, of ;Brantford ,werel visiting
same for resisting the encroach-
IVIr. J', W. Btu 'ler from Ca:Ilona,
withi Mr, and Dirs. Hugh posa,,,ast men who .stancl 1.0 am'at'.en 'to the
Boos. monts of pileastm, sporti and car-
tuchx5ec.rstla, syaivoiincsae,m0e,gis3.,eartIgiaueveczfl ocBleakrnst. parades (Ili est:
ton, it,.tvsRaislev.sRisloiatbisnitng,sw,oene,bkiNav,hsolebt ears, bhleresa.
1. relieving accountant the, Mel- cream paror's et., butt: we ,trlet,
4, ,es Bank, has returned, to Tort- 01e09 -01e09- Mantha 01:14.10-
sowith the open 8004 in vogue, be-
• onto.
• Mr. K.Erskine, returned' last Fri- be ,chastising the present( deelecucl-,
44: daY atter a two -months leave of
weelc. Mrs. Lee is a sister of avf.r.
ousel -apon the Sabbath. Some of
IVIr. Rober.t Maxwell, of Leansing-
fore these same autharitlea would
ors) 0,r one clay in seven for the:1i-
absence owing to ill -health ,andl is cense .permitted. The mien who
once more in his place at the 111101 --
for 1030 50 called( ]therty of
G011613 bank feeling much, batter, the people are not safe guides and
Miss' Buchanan, ,ancl Mrs. John are DO friends tol tho cause- of
Young' and children off Rossburn, oobrity, thoughtfulness and
Man., were guests of Mrs. IVIcIvor _ 0
g ocI morals. If applauded IQ is
• oven $ondaY• • for their "nerve" and recklosonlatio
' : . In" N. Nicict'll", °I KiPPen, ''Pen -t wuth which they view presenteay
: Sunday with. her mother us 'town. necessities. :There is a .seido diver-
gence between license. and liberty.
6Remember rthe. Sabbath day to keep
iat) A10115r?' 11 is still bed rock.
Miss Emma Levis Was inottIng
• friemds in Exiter duringt the past
• Ma. Combe and Missf M. Combe
.• .are visiting in St. Thomas.
; Rev. Dr. Barber, of Listowel was
• the sliest at the ,Onatario St. Par-
See that the boys andgialsattend
school,ragulariy. A teacher can-
ance Company has been, issued:
This shows a total membership of
1.088; property Insured valued) at
'1'3.696,3,40. The premitun notes am-
ount 10 5141 187. The assessment
collected for 1911 amounted to 50,-
938.85. There ("05 Paid ill losses for
1110 yea thum
e s, of $4.434,45. The
heaviest losses were, PatrickOnno-
urke, barn and echotan Is, 52,000; Ida
Snell. barn 'and/contents, 51,000; J.
Skinner. 110 1101/ and eontents, 5500.
All the others ranged from $5 up
to 5150, The year opened with a
balance 01 )011,280 ID the treasury anti
closed wita a cash balance 0152,702
and no liabilities, The statement
111 a. satisfactory one and, shows
this old and popular eoinpany to
still under careful and. capable
management. '
PASSED AWAY,.011 Sunday, lan.11111, Alecla; be-
loved' daughter of Albert and Mrs.
Seeley passed away after an illness
that has eustended over two years.
Though able 10 attend ischool off
and on and (was nearly arways
about Inc house but( it was seen
that she Was gradually gtowing
,weaker d anon Friday she had po
take to her bed'. ,The Sun eralt Was
held on Wednesday from the par
entail home en Mytan
was private. The services wer•
(conducted by Rev. 3.11. Vord.
The heartfelt sympathy i9 extend
ed to the parents.
Huillqtt District Lodge of L. O. L.
held its ;annual meeting alt Summer
hill on Tueisday, 3ha 1,7t13.1 Con-
sidering weather conditioas a very
.good• muster was present front
Clinton, SuMmerhill, Winthrop and
Settforth. The following officers
were elle:cited for thie ensuing year;
D. M., Bro., P. Searlett, tea abut Y
Aro. Joe. awless, Slimmer
Bro. John Scarlett,' Leadbus
W. ongleY, Clinbs n
manage while in town over Sunday. not accomplishu
much wrthl a pupil
Misa Pearl ,,Oibson, of( Listowel, of the hit-and-mions variety t and
,apent Sunday in town the, guest o& .it is often as discouraging to the
Mrs. J.Lesfie Kerr. ' pupil as to the instructor': Par -
11111r. and Mrs, McOak1, and clau_gb exits can do much to help by speak -
{ter, of Vernon, .33. C., have bees:able) ingI encouragin,g ,words to the
guests atthe home 0$' KM. W. S. R., schole who is often up agamat real
Ho:lanes. difficulties and although' father
Mr.a.MarlOw, of 'Silver cur enti; or, mother 'may not; be alsle to un -
Soak -IS visiting hist e1ter, IMes. wind tha tangle a wordl ot good
,David "DiPlitady It. is over VT years, ,cheer will ofiten lend a hand , over Bro. J. Miller, Clinton
Tttr. P. IL ROSS,
A name which has been prominent
In Canadian journalism for many
years is that of Mr. Philip Danaken
Ross, B.A., better known as Pi D.
Ross, proprietor of -the Ottawa,
Journal. I3orn of Scotch parentage
In Montreal in 1858, Mr. Ross
graduated froin McGill University and
entered the journalistic field in 1879,
In 1882, when only twenty-four years
of age he became assistant editor of
the Toronto 'News'. Three years later'
lye find him back in his native cit-
es Managing editor of the Montreal
It was at this time that Mr. Ross)
smell but rapidly progressing can't ;1
turiied Ida thoughts towards the the
city of Canada and the follestleg seix
saw the estabhshment of the papa
which has since acquired such pros;
perity aud influence. Mr. Ross ha
seen Ottawa grow from a small towob
to groat and wealthy city occupyin
an enviable place amongst the bigi
centres of industrial activity and pro -
gross in the country. With the genWthl
of, the city his newspaper lute grri1vine,
steadily and. uninterruptedly, and to4,
day the voice of the Ottawa 'Journal
ssnee Mr 249.11004 It 011,1iton. Pre tithe )1Al'aPlittee. We' pie aniongthe D. T." lire. 3, MontlganSery, Sea -
Mr. P. 11,. ROSS,
iv heard and respected in'the
councils of the land. 910/. gotta spent
a year in the 'City^Council of Ottaisi
and for a much longer period b
held office in the ity's Beard
Trade. He has also found time
engage in politics and .sport imti
been president of the Ottawa
servative Association. and, the,.
Canadian. golf Dials.