HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-01-11, Page 7ANTIARY ROOCH Our 'handsome line of exquisite' Pearl Brooches will :appeal to the good taste of all ladies. They are of 14k gold, ,and the gems •are as flawless as price will allow. Our large stock makes select- ing very simple, and the price will apot'tal to all economical shoppers Call in to day a_nd.' look over the lot. ' You will had your ideal here at a price WITHIN YOUR MEANS istaittersuaaesseureatotwernaavreasenantt W. 111ELLIAlt JEWELER and OPTICIAN [Births -m BIRTHV 'W4.TT-1.a, 'Tolevsrn1th, oi jr).4 FkI •StOtte' :11Ya1teit': , d FieldStone Iseetablet '";fe0 road Making.,t wanted: by the ToWCjnto,n aPrice $3.00"per cord ci1.13,' 000' pounds. •' j. A. FOED,., Chairman 01' 6ltd'eet CoMmittee ••=rzzgz.5mgzlzmgm.""==32r...170205. Rttw Furs Wanted An kinds of Bow Furs wanted al: highest prices. Also FOR SALE— A few 'geed Barred Rock cockeree bred from one of the best eteains • in Canada, also a dozeia Black Leg - 'Thorn cookerels, bred froni a good laying strain. BERT. HOVEY. Meeting ot the 'Huron Co. Council Fee felA oc When in need., of a tan pr two of Shorts, come to the Elevator and be sure of gett- ing all you want. •Large supplies of Shorts, low grade flour; ped feeds now on hand. The Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the council chaniher, in he town of Gone- ' ride, on Tuesday the 23rd inst. at 3 o'clock.. All itocouuts against the :county must he placed with the Clerk previons to thiete—W. Lane Dated, Jan. Sth, 1912, Clerk. Boy Wanted'. To assist in stock room. Good future for capable, willing Youth The Doherty 'Piano & Ongan Co., Clinton. Publie Notice Bran, chop - The L. Suitter Co. The Elevator. Clinton —H Ontario Telephone 64. The Annual meeting of the sub- scribers of the Goderich Toiwn- ship Telephone System will be held Barnes"s 1101, Barnesville, on Friday, January 12th, at 1.30 oclock p.m. to receive the report of thid Commissioners and to transact such business as may be brought be fore them. O. W. Potter, Secretary Watt' a' dailf;?ltetr• 41" . • t Mb et 45 4h t. cnj .1311,OADVOOTaeln.,. ties. ! Deeetriber 23tle,4o'lifte. ittid MisAlex,] Broildfoat denehtote • District ,. . , , .. L._....._,...L..„._, . . „iLeetmr.. dlj,Eivil 'IGirls.be Ito ,retetreed eback ononday td,his eollege tit Sendertic aftet sh A\ pending the Chriptinite holiclay With his pot:exits and relatives, in our bur• 1Vir .Idoneen•AteRlay from the West was tVe guest of his nephew, Mr..JOhll Faririth part of Thursday and -Friday of lasiweek. Mr. Ferrish was pleased to eee*irn having not seen' hini, for tee years pest. Mr, ltd Mrs. Jas. Herten, of 11 - i field )0,d Goclerich 'PownsItip paid a visit tcrur burg on Thursday ,,of, last' Praytr meeting will be held Nit the home Mr John Linklater on Thurs- day ev ling. • , Brueefield Mise sadly, of Westminieter is the guest �her aunt, Mrs. Wm, Scott. Mr. Dlliot hat returned from AI- hertm e viill spend the Winter at home. Mr. Anlaie of Knox College, Tor- onto, l preach in the Presbyterian Ohurch ll Sat:lib:1h next, . Mr km uel Lainiesborough and family, ifitkota, are visiting at the home o Mrs. Landeshorough's par- euts, C)14,1es Routiolge and wife of Tockeisntb. It is some years since they hev'tspent a winter in OntarioSkatinis now the favorite past - time for Se young people. Meet enries Routiedge- who was recently hdly injured is slowly ine proving. • aVnt. Et" has returned to Toronto Uni veesity A nutribt of telephone wires were broken dOig the storm. Miss Walinshaw, of Clinton, is the guest of Mir Pearl Wise. Mrs. Geetee Turner visited her par- ents Mr. aritAlee. Winter last week. Our villag had a little excitement on Tuesdaydorning when our railtvey station caugt fire from a stove which was not proerly protected from the pitetitions, 4 was put out by a few pails of watt. The stalion agent with the aidIlt the section men who were in the Yed shovelling snow, mid a number fret the village with pails of water ptit'et tbe blaze. The loss will be a very,:nall one to the oonn pany. ThereVes a bigh wind blow ing and had thfire not been put out at once. it wolf soon heve burned the station house. elartry Altvede of Bayfield,is again on the stege. Shaw who has been on the stage forne months has gone tu his home at Etton. ++++++++.44, •••e+A++++++++ T T Root Maker and Repairer Repairing done promptly. Skates put on while you wait Skate straps of solid lea, her but any length desired. Suit cases and Trunks re- paired. A trial will convince you of the neatness and promptness with which I execute my work Store open every evening Opposite Postoffice. • Dog Lost On or about the Eith of rlecember a black and 'white Beadle Bound .With curl on tail. Anyone foundi harboring the same will be prbsec arted.—Norman Kennedy, Clinton,,„ Winter Resorts T. Watts Auction Sale.ot Cows and Young Cattle. Mr, Geo. Rolland' has instructed the undersigned to sell by public auction at the Hata Normandie Stables_, osIl Monday, Jan. 15th, the 1oi1lowm,g,-2 farrow mows milking Well; 2 cows 'dlue in Janu- ary; 2 coNve due in February; 15, cows 'clue iauMarch and April ;, 2 heifers rising 3 years ad ; 3 .heifers rising 2 years old. Guarantee—Any ed,wneit proving to +,be; in call by Mar& 1st, 1912, can L,be retufned, . and oath or note twill berefutracied. TERMS—Six months .credit on ap- proved ioint notes or 6 per .cerilt per annum disconnt for cash. Sale at 1 o,oltick 'sharp, 'Holland •& Connell Proprietors, Thos. Gundry, Auc- tioneer. ' Round Trip 'Tourists Tickets now on Sale to all principal winter re- sorts in chi ding • CALIFORNIA,M:FeXICU, FLORIDA The A:el:motive Route to WESTERN CANADA is. via Chicago. Annual Meeting. The Annual Meeting of the Holm- esville Cheese and Butter CoulPanY limited, ;will beheld in Holmes Ball. eld-rnesville, on Wednesday, Jan. 17ilin at 2 pm., f OT tthe Winding up of lihe past year's business and for election of officers. All sharehold- ws and patrons ,are invited to at- tend. GEO. HOLLAND, GEO. P. GOIJLD, President'. Secretary ••••r Notice I wish to ennounce that I have dis- posed of my Her:le:ere huein55s ro IWilliam S. and W. J. Harlend who will continue else business in the Fame stand and unrIer the 551110 firm,name iif tltkrland Bros. Thenkleg allfoe • pest fevers and hoping r,w 5 enitinu: , A nem Of your Rupport, to the new firm, 1 :deo wish to stete thet 1 have, , i 1 ection et all notes a,nd book ex:counts which can be paid'at the store of Bar - bend Bro,. during' this month and ask 'SI:earned-lip Tiekets on Sale by all for prompt settlement. Yoers truly . .3 obn T. Ilruland. \ For Sale Lines. t It'ul 1 ry+ri 'eiders from , ,,I0FIN RANSPORD & SON, •A gente 2 medium, .sized coal lieetess, Ap 'A. 0. PATTISON. ;tenet agent / ply, 'Hi% Doig, oPPoolte -Azwnrz;Kn,t...en5..ntr.ttt^,4Z4.;i1:.klatZeelsTuZrvaraam—r—osl.rA;Lz,-stteiaat.e7ate.vt.t........ • PEONALS. • • • It iS theesire of the Z publishers at all should • take an inest in this colmun ofTHE NEW Ent.. If yonave friends • • visiting yon or are go- ± ing away fok, trip, leave word or senlit on a Post card. • • ++++•••••••••t41 ++++++•••• Mr. Russel Bro4 and Miss Nettie Brown, of BrusselsItre visiting their sister, Mrs. J. Leslid,'.err. Mr, Robert char worth of Grand Forks, Dakct t is i Clinton at the present time visitrelatives and friends. Mrp, M. D.NIcTag her houte last Fri home last Friday al lady friends in hone Mr. Jacob Taylor.110 has represent ed the Crat ontedeio ,ife Association as District Agent Wit past fifteen years has signedi anoIr ten year eon. tract. with more tetery added to w.hat he covered 'hire. He had tempting offers to talimber.territery out he has decided 4 the present to remain io Clinton. Mr. 'Murray Jacksekow of Toron• to, and son Of OOLIOC • V, Jackson, .8103.7, "Pace to Face" :ry effectively in Ontario street Af :dist church, Nev Year'e night. I loisesses a rich baritone voice, Mr, W. B. Taylor . A , Wb,0 is a Faculty student to Tato is at pres- ent supplying tas, Ola a( Master at LOCall bligh echoolhes heen of feted the position for year hut will return to Faculty i few weeks to eoreplete his year in t tint ertained at afternoon, her thou; her young • Miss Broder. ou 211uw. 444.qa W*PL. 1'5ot .Lia,adaaVras draa4aa,I0 :larliarpa0eat4ea. .eee,,potlieeientle aufAa-aaah..haticiattias NaLtia-4LaGaliS,, . Cf' ftLiA ra. • • • Jeweler and Optician issuer ot Marriage Licenses "0.011 and so is every Chirir we Show. You select, one awl have wife select other. It will be a "toss up" which is best. -You can't go atnitis on .NY KIND OF A CIICAIR in our stock. They're all good. Just so with entire stook we shew, It's best in • towri, and that's tb why“ose who know' buy furniture at our place. It is ennouteed wit ret that Dr. Lorne Itobertuon, of S ford, is quite and has been so tor r a week. A consultation of three vsiciaus wee held and there 51.0 801 syMptores 0; tyhoid te vet- —'T he D„dany friende in town will wish far tsde eeeo sieve Miss Dell Taylor, wy is a .general fevorite with her asseeee left on Monday for Alma, 06114131. ThOfIlfik and will he them for deldree, She will be missed, not onto. home Me in the yam* peoples wint eouteto ion with 0, :trio , Si. etth in which showas an active rneni, ead emelt intereetecl. AVANAMIAIIMic Local News AltNimmmiPmwm* L1C,ENSES. FOR AUTOMOBILES. 'During the past twelve months 11,000 licenses weee issued -by ibe Provincial Government toalliterate.: bile owners, This year a change leas been made in designs of the li- cense tag, the new Pattern being 01 sheet steel specially design e,d to stand a maximum amount of ,Wear and ;tear. It .wfil heal. ;the crest of t'he Province of Ontario ,with black letters and numerals on ,a white blackground. The officials of the Provincial Secretary's De- partment' are .convineeci that both both in appearance and in durabili- ty the tags are ;along' wa,yt ahead of those previously issued. ' Opel -kegs 'of 'COnnatiPiit Has a' FfINO' • ceroS,to i -lar Credit, The Dueleets of 'Aosta/8 expedition • to Central Africa j.s not he first ex - patients of big, genie shooting. She was 'in Africa two years ago, on ths •same, quest, and lhere is 0, pictuee in •existeuce representing her pientling heeicle 'a large cleacLzebra, a trophy of het; gati, says The Loudon Thnes. It • 10 not eurerleing' When one considers the reaLdeeigers and hardships of thie toTra 'a, sport that the number of wo. Merl who have taken it up serionslY The Duchess /of Aosta, however, has trained herself from childhood in all kinds ef open air, sport. When, her Parents the (donde and Cotentosse de Paris, lived et St.ewe she hunted with enthueiasm, but, unlike her mother, she did hot care much for covert shooting, • She shares to the -lull her husband'slatowledge and love of hones and she Was one ef the first ladies of rank to take up aeronautics. , The Duchess of Coenaught bagged a.• large rhhaoceros this Summer clue, hag the duke's sporting expedition te Mast Africa, but the Duchess of Aosta is the only prineess who has had much experience of big game shooting, • Lady Delamere, who is on her way to England on a visit to her parents, Lord and Lady Enniskillen, has be- come under her husband's tuition a notable „big game shot. She spent her honeymoon in East Africa, where Lord Delamere ,has practically made his home near Nairobi,, cultivating se - gar and cotton on a large scale. Al- though the equator runs through 'his estate, yet as it lies some 7,000 feet above the sea the climate is delight- ful, as Mr. Churchill, who has stayed there, centestify. Lady Minto is, however, probably the most distinguished big game shot among English. sportswomen. In the firat year of her husband's viceroyalty Lady Minto and her daughter, Lady ..Eilenn. Elliot, each got a black buck While on a visit to the Maharajah of Bikanir. A year later Her Excel- lency took her share of the shooting during the viceregal visit to ICashmir killing seven out of the thirty-six black beam secured by the,pitrty. On a subsequent visit to Bikamir Lady Eileen Elliot got her first tiger. CHEAP POWER FOR GODERICH. The first meeting of the Gederieb council for 1912 was held. Monday. The most important fe,atuee of the meeting was the inaugural address by Mayor Reid, :who outlined the program to be followed during 'the coming year. "The most import - tent gueOtion," he said; "that • is. before us atthe present time' is cheap poever. It ,should be a mat- ter of gratification to us aill that the poever by-law carried, and that it is now within your power aml your duty to make the best .con - bract possible with the hydro- electric commission . Harbor im- provements and the establishing of the permanent millitarY camP nt Goderich Were matters which he urged should ,command consider- able attention from the new .cou.n- cid. Referring to the matter of tele phones his worship advo,eated thee the franchise of the Bell Telephone Company, which expires next June, should' not be renewed. Other mat tees referred to vette- p. new system of lighting for the town, a perman ent street improvements an,d new fire alarm system and intersOvitch- ing of the G.T.R. and C.P.R. at the harbor. A Byron Pose. Lady Dorothy Nevin, who recently published a new book of reminis- cences, tells the following story of Lord Byron :— "Lord Byron, when he first dined with Mr. Rogers, the banker poet, to whose breakfasts I have been when a girl," says Lady Dorothy, "was ask- ed if he would take soup. No; never take soup.' "Would he take some fish? `No; I never take fish.' "Presently he was asked if he would eat some mutton. 'No; I never eat mutton.' 'Mr. Rogers then asked hin-u if he would take a glass of wine. `No; I've never tasted wine.' "It was then necessary to ingnire what he did eat and drink; and the answer was: `Nothing but hard bis- cuits and soda -water. , "Unfortunately neither hard bis- cuits nor soda -water were at hand; and lie dined upon potatoes, bruised down on his plate, and drenched with vinegar! "Some days after, meeting Hob - house, Rogers said to him, 'How long will Lord Byron persevere in his pres- ent diet?' "He replied, `Just so long as you continue to notice it.' "Rogers subsequently ascertained that Byron, after leaving Ms house, had gone to a club in St. James' street and eaten a hearty supper." HEALTH AND BEAUTY An Irish Feud. Ancient land feuds and family quar- rels die hard in Ireland. At Cork the other week, Joseph Bradfield, farmer, Kinsale, was awarded com- pensation for malicious injury to a number of sheep and lainbs. It was stated that the ,mother of the appli- cant was in. possession of the lariat for a period of twenty years. Before she took the farm a person was evicted from it. A couple of years ago a re- presentative of the evicted tenant, who had established himself in a good place in New York, eame back to Knisale and demanded the farm from Mrs. Bradfield. Since then they had been annoyed, everyone with whom theY dealt in the town of Kinrefie had received threatening letters, and the police had to guard the farnt by day and night. The magistrate said this was not alone a malicious act, but a very disgraceful and scandelous one, and such things were the curse of ire - land. Clean Healthy Hair Is Woman's Crown of WorY, and Can be Easily Kept Just So. • One of the reasons why the yolks of eggs are good for shampooing the hair is that they contain sulphur and ammonia; another reason is that they are also emollient. ' Hair which has been cleansed with an egg &puma° invariably locks -full of lustre and brightness, and is soft and silky to the touch after the drying process is complete; but, in order that these results may appear, thoroughrinsing Le estential, as, if any of the egg preparation remains in the hair, it wile be unpleasantly sticky and greasy afterwards. One of the secrets of successful head -washing, In fact, ia that, whatever medium be employed for cleansing purposes, the rinsing in Pure clean water afterwards should be earefuliY c.arrictl out Another seerot which Is well worth knowing is that pure rain or dietilled water te antideal hair cleanser. Wash- ing the bale in vele, hard water le seldom successful. In the c,ountry rain -water is easily obtainable, and, If not perfeotly clean, can be filtered before using. In towns it is more din:cult to get but automatic do- mestic stills are now to frequently onployed that where one of these is in use a plentiful suPply of eoft water can always be obtained. ' PRETTY Al% GRACEFUL Itt, e The eeascen of Auctie ' a ie here The New Illra has .ever edety for turlainekout •sale bills qirly, and 'which to advertiste, ae a w,el- iii .also es t an exceilient fir.littan in !tome weekly visitor to 113( hones Meth( in town ,ancl .coatriti Au advertise:Li/tent in 6 paper bringresults. In the o;I of,aue- Um sates, an acivertis ith is in e el paper ef greater loenef Reigate bine. .41 wider field ,cal hos be coVerlede and ,EVA advertent is tuoze likely 1.10 b,e rrad in ,wspa- 7(69:115' e g;ett'2,8 per, 0110.11 waxen posted{ o - tis(stones. yo,a 'are Vol* Noll' thik fall use ;line( New E target erovci prpistketi V E R B age 4 when ealo biiis are prim, t.thfa officer a filee annauncean Ecglsittr." EURNITERIO given runi40 ;bhp beadi “saie maima6guir The girl 'who can effectierely wear her heir ln a tow knot at the back of her head IS fortunate this season. I'bie le one of the prevailing fasitions, and it hi as pretty as 11 10 geareefel, For this style the hale is parted and cleawn aver the ears. The knot may lie a eingle large one In the nape"of the neck, two on either side of the nape, or a trio If done 10 thS laktdr then one .knot must be eloae after the other. , ag etoicitieenP.Aneestelandioulaw ,Couttnences Saturday, January , , Big 'price' reductions on all lines of winter merchandise • Men's and Boys" 'Suits and Overcoats Women's and Children's Mantles and Furs Sweaters and Sweater Coats Wool Shawls, Toques andMufflers • Cars, Mitts; Socks, Etc. Also a "Big Clear Cut" of all brbken liues of Boots and Felt Slippers at manufacturer's ptqc.ks. DON'T MISS THIS 'SALE weememea===ft=I==antnemirnt Plumsteel ee.Se SMALL PROFITS MORE atisnivess eirmussenteeezematatememet=aasswettee 4.0:14:14+0.14444.444-11:411.440440 44+411:+»44+44444-1-0+04:4. Curious Bibles. Among the curiees Bibles is the "Persecuting Printer's 13101e, contain- ing the phrase, "Printers have perse- cuted ree without cause'' (Psalm eXiX, 161). The substitution of the word "printers". for "prinees" is re- eponsible for the giving of this name to. this I3ible. All we know of this edition is stated by Stevens in his catalogue of the Caxton exhibition uf Bibles. This authority tells us that these words WOTO put into a Bible Printed before 1702. There is also the "Ears to Ear" Bible, in which occurs the expression "Whose MO ears to ear, let him hear" (Matthew xii, 401. This adap- tation to cockney usage is found in an OCtR.Vi0 Bible publiehed by the Oxford Pose 10 1310. , —ate_ • • • • eiaSSZIZZIEr • 4• •••+•+•••••+•4••+•+•+•+•+ 44+44+++++++++++++++++++44 mOMMII..=allillaiSOME19.09113k ra1=1111, 1912 I4eoME and will bring many opportunities to you Some of these will be to purchase merchandise, and if you wish to make the best of them you will patronize tlie Emporium. You will find us well prepared. to supply your wants. We always curry a large assortmeet of Goode. We buy always for Spot cash and so get the closest prices and car therefore sell you very cheap. Our ternis, as formerly, will be cash or produce. We nay the highest market price for produce. We solicit front you a fair trial. R. Ada s • 4 • .1- 45 45 Emporium Londesboro WVISISACIFZ=1 4,64, tal% 41% 4104:2, etaronet at Eight. There was a large and fashionable gathering at Blankney Hall, Lincoln. shire, the seat of the Earl and Coen. test of Londesborough, when the for mad opening of the Blankney hunting iieason took place. Sir Robert Filmo it Master of the famous pack, hav ing succeedecl Lose" Charles Bentinck, and he is very popular. Sir Robert is tenth baronet, antl succeeded te tho title BA a Chi1C1 of eight, At one time an effacer in the Gronadiet Guercle, he was engag,ed in the Nile expedition, ancl Was present at the battle of Omdurman, besides distin. guishing himself in the last earn. paign in South Africa. • Like meet sportsmen, Sir Robert id • something of 0. humorist, and he' hat told of a conversation between a Scotsman and an Irishinan on the subjeet of criminals and criminal la.sv. The Scotaman !sad been rather sal:oast:Ice oxp,enso f bus HibG' tliF;Ilstidt11;:d the I ishman Oieeland fhey don't hone man'witli wett Heroic treatment for a corn, which has no right to be on the human toe, is to open your handy old corn razor and cut it out. There are bad habits and practices which people ought to cut out, though no razor is needed for the amputating process. For instance, it is a bad practice to get in the habit of buying things through Mail Order concerns when you can buy to better advantage—the mutual advantage of yourself and your neighbor--at.the stores in your own town. If you have acquired this habit take the Razor of Resolution, hone it on the hone of Mutual Interests, strop it on the strop of Town Im- provement and -- c T ,16...-•••••lumnelsonsart- sOUT.M.........neneautaximagma*M.sonacuu.osvect....=ustrn eueuen Said the Scotem never knew that beioree No, that they don't, fur they have to hang Min with' a rope. sante as in Eugland • ead Sc.otland ' 'FOOD efit3Elb. •.1./01). lacy' Toallyr u r with children. .11 a Met is:: entered in: sneeringly. "I the choice uf a pink and a yellow sweet, the pink variety will invariably be selected.. Curiously enough, hem - ever, foods artistically colored green appear to be avoided by ail. . Dr. (+. Norman Meachen, the well- known dietetic Specialist, tteholds the ViOW that diners -out are largely influ- enced in their appetites by the color of the foods whick ere brought beforb If You Like Brown Victuals You Are a Person of Refinement! An eXtreordinary food theory hes "Certain Odors," he says, "stime- besii brought forward by .1)r, J. S. late the appetite and digestion, while Goodall, lecturer to the MiddleseX ethers have the,reverse Oteet. White Hotline] Medival Scheel, Re declares foods, such as white fisli, ere stimm teat when. you enter it restaurant end lents the appetite, teleet choculate-celored feed yoiyita-' • ,q.?eri,lanally„ apry_to has oftra eenseiously shoW yourself a. man ot eeee stimulated Us; caters, taste and eilinennent; but it, on the have Linn:red a vie:tam:ant :snit vett cefil rely, you show a particLity ior feeble appetiii. alel ordered R steak. ,i‘,11017-co1ored. foods, your taste is The steak has cone up a eriap, red. probably low and vulgar. dish, cian:ohit I look Dr. Goodall, in explaining b:s at it, mid ni (menet tly1.3 1 1,I) feed i'i,lp nicety, says that 0,e fir:dam:1e eter,ors, ,:e.etee 01., t eirees have per! m eta with anim . ten, also tuh Eqloet it np. 'It iS lily theory that brown an".1 blue are not coed -innate to a btaltliy appetite, and to sit down to dinner in a green -papered room aftentlestr.oys one's desire for food at . ' t intit.M.CO," he says, is very intica ilithienced by the coler el its food. In OM experiment I plaeed a number, of pieces ef meet, each tinted. a dif- ferent -ordoe, before. a eat. The ani - Mal looked at each ,picee carefully, and then selected th e xecIe o1 • el meat, Dogs, on the other hand, do not up, pear to use their .visual sense like aide. II ,the food smells all right a deg will eat anything. "Human beings are yeey sensitive 0 to the dolor of then; food. Ity making inqairies among caterers I founl. that chocolate.colored foodt wete easily the meet popular among the educatecl classes. Tlic poorer classes have fa 1ikig for Yellow. Otte of the reesons of this may be t1a1 they think such foe& me richer than others.' Pink is by far the moat Pore:Aar col - Yachtsman )uage. Tem yertre ago Lord justice iflotch. er Moulton bought a• 20 -ton yacht, with deckhouse and accommodation for six people, on beard 'Which he has since spent tho Long Vacation, creising On the French and Dutch coasts and up the great canah of Berne countetes. Ills crow consists 01 'his seentary 55 captain, hie butler 'as steward, hie two ehauffeurs as en- 'gmeces, and Isis London. :chef asceok, ,while SIr -John himself takes Isis turn at the wheel and lends a 'willing hand 10 the general workmg of the yaeht.