HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-01-11, Page 6rri
•ravigur Pigfc.4
25 to 50 per cent. discount off all goods adver-
tised. Saie starts Jan. �th, Sale ends
Jan, 13th. TERMS, Cash.
11.11411es Itud Clitigla,0311's ,
Wter ()Oat,.5 I
• 'ns Price „Ct
1,bei. cent, off BAIIItIAIN.
nind Far.,laried
Inter Sale..':
A S WiVi a
We wish to impress upon the people of Clinton
,and surrounding country that we will not carry over
•this season's stock to next season. It must be got rid
of. We have made the prices solow as tci be abso-
lutely sure that we will accomplish our object during
this January sale.
We mention only a few of th e: many Bargain
' we Offer You
Your choice of any Trimmed Hat in store
Your choice of any untrimmed Hat in store
Dress Goods, reg 75c for ..... .....
Dress Goods, reg. 9oc for
Fur Collared Coats, reo- 25.00 for
Pailette Silk, reg 1.25 °for
Net Waists, reg .500 for
Ribbons, regular 35c for
/ Ribbons. regular 20C for
Linen Toweling, regular 10c for
Wool Toques, regular 35c, for
Cotton Batts, regular tOc for
Prints, regular r2ic, for
Uubrellas, regular $1, for
Flannelette, regular 12.1c, for
Wrapperettes, regular 18c, for...., ........ ....... .
Table Linen, regular 75c for
Cashmere Hose, regular 25c for
Bath Towels, regular 35c for
.10 .25
Terms eash. ' One Price Only
It is not often that we an.nounce startlinc, re-
ductions but we have special reasons for clearing out k
our Millinery stock.
We Have
12 only trimmed hats in stock price from $2,50
to $5.o0. We offer your choice of the lot on Satur-
day $1.19. •
Three Dozen Shapes
Worth from 75c .to $L75 on sale Saturday for.
,29c each.
Please Remember
These prices are for Saturday only.
()Lir, 'First Delivery
at Ladies white waists have been passed ipto
' stock. Thty came to early and we have marked
them at quick selling prices. See them.
The People's Storei,
• • •
• • ••••
„,.,,• • • ' 'tP
T[4.41#4#4**444.0*kiiii0Aiat ."" yNt•O; 0 ' 6
vhdirbg oirewsle'lle. Atm 25'o oie,
Meet Saila th and two chlklion re.
tesriled to their home Peat' Stratf•ord
test weelt }roving epeot it,' conple of
Weelts wilt!) liee parents, nuu , •
Tieh t erne left or Detroit lszst
Miss Berth a'Pestitee, pi Zion Citatillis
was visttieg tile oeighborliood
at week. •
Arneee thee° whe soeh't`New Years
in the vicinity 'were Mr. Peed Slott
and soh Dotigirts, of °furies, Mr. John
l'otteit of Hickson awe Ma Maio of
LOndon Mond
Mr. mud Mrs A. Stepenson attended
a funeral ot Mr. John 8tephenson, of
the Goschen Line lest Satuvday.
A anoi teeny of the farmers , are
• compleining of havin g potatoes
• and apples touched by le os t in their
The roads are pretty well blocked
Tb is reported that a petit ioo is being
got reedy to he sent to Otte we for •
;enrol mad delivery' foe the London
timid and part of Tuckeremith
II 1 eacock and Levi Wiltse took
two valuable Muses to Seaforth last
week. where they had sold them to
Mr. Cudmore,
miRses MeIntosh, of Stretford, Open t
the heliclays the guest of their aunt,
Mrs. Harry OnIctoueh,
Mr, Jainee Stilherlend kiwi:ire now
Mr. Percy Tayior has been laid up
tack ot corinsy. His 'Many
&Jerald hope to es • him :Octet eoon
ago i 0.
Miss Elsie Button spending a few
cloys the guest of her mother, Airs. J.
0s, Friday eveaing there' will he sev-
eral views of Chma shoven in theMetto
°dist Chtrech. Rev, Ate Osterhout is
to bike cherge of the meeting. A coil
ection will be taken to defray the ex-
Mr, "Gimes t..it,7111109 returned to Man-
itoba atter visiting nis mother and
other friends
Miss E sip Button spent Sunday in
Donald. McKenzie is visiting his bro-
tber and other relatives here.
Mits. N. E. Whyard has returned
Ismeiiinfoelatftiter visiting with relatives in
Me. J. M. Roberts is ill at his • home
Mr. Erect Ross, ra •Aniberly, is the
new principal in the putilie schonl.
Miss Sager, of Galt, is again in
charge of the junior department.
A. very large business in hay is be,
ing done all through this district at
the present titne. Buvers from all
over the district are sconring the 'estio.
try and paying goed prices. Hundreds
of tons of hay are being shipped via
Lucknow and McGave.
. Colborne Township
The Elkhorn (Mate) Mercury, in its
report of municipal doings, gives ex-
tra space to the election by acelanut-
tiou as Mayor, of Mr. H. J. Jones, a
former Colborne boy and son of Mr.
James Jones, H. J. Jones has been
ehput ten years in that section and is
evidently appreciated by his fellow
Mr. Rufus lanes, another son of this
township, is on a visit to his father,
James Jones, and is being heartily
greeted by old friends. fie 18 located
in Moore Park, Manitoba and likes the
country and ia prospering.
The Municipal contest for 1012 in
this township, which lied kuch an ex.
eiting commencement, cisme to a some-
what unique climax on Alonday. First
reports declared Messrs, Bissett, Chis-
holm, Hetherington and Young elect-
ed as Councillors, but later summing
up showed MP881.8. Eletheringon,
Young and lia,liday tied Mr third
and fourth pieces in the race. Thal
was a difficult arobletn, as the clerk
could not well give a casting vote as
between three, and the returns were
carefully revisect, with the consent or
all parties, when wee loud Mr,
Hetherington led by two, and Messrs.
ay and Young weve a tie for
fourth place. The caetil -.es vote was
given by the clerk,te .5f, . Halliday.
Sas. Doak., of Vancouver, Ea 0,
visit id at the hereto of Mr, an , Mrs.
W. D. Beght Inc beginning of the
Burness arcountent et the
13ank of Counnercer has ben tea re- feria
ed to the Berlin breech, and left for
that town on Wednescley. •
Mee, B. forkin left on Thu veday
Mess.• ,
to vielt her 4,00, Henry, in B. ston,
Art s Edge siedei went an operation
foe appendie tie on Tilos Amy. 'The
ooevatioti wn s successful, and Mr. Rage
Tho 3
Path to >
• ,
. • 4.;
.Parry seetteete, tire pet Coen. *
ly oils:selects end o cortifortetiln.
sestets) of inside closet. - „
et No Plumbing aecessary
$10 to
Clall and See far youreelf.
a , &zmitter
, '' The • New 'Ere Wiehiset to itt- '
'enema lee etatar of ebereSpondeets '
, thronghout ibis vaunts, p.r4 in
vites the help of those Willingte •
, :send. in . ' 'front week , to :week. 1
' , iteine of neves in the' oeighoe- .
.•hood.• ' M a tt e i s , of iniportance ,
are al wasai %vets:eine, hut ccittelly,
so are the .itetne• tenitig , of tbe
reoveeients a peopl6 to and ,
•.from tae loestli ay.; Toe New Era '
' at:es that all willing to help in
' tbe worka, which Will benefit the
'14)60.11:y1ot bringing tt hefore the '
world, Write to the' Editor or
the New Dear when semplies :of
, paper, en veleMee and postage
,vvill be fur nestled. ' • , -
is doing as well ae could be expected,
leaet George,Pateveon; son of Solos
'Paterson, fell from the top ole freight
cat, at the 'station on Fteday, and, feae-
tueed his right leg below the knee. -
C. L. Paper, of London, veiled on old
friends in town this week,
Mrs. W. Hides, of Toronto, is spend-
ing 0 few weeks with her goober; Mrs.
We rwiek
District Deputy Ourimore, ol' Clin-
ton, mild sin official "visit , to t be Sea -
forth Lodge or the Ancient Order of
Forestrevs on Mondsty evening lest.: and
installed the newly elected officer's,
Jo n MeLennen was appointed organ.
leer for Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs. LendshoroUgh and
three children, of Perk River North
Dakota, are visiting friends in this
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Knight:, of Ed-
nionton, Alberte, who have been vieit-
ing at ths home of the lettevai mother,
Mts. McKinley, left on AVedneeday for
'Florida, where they -will spend the win-
Me Corbett, of the Presbyterian
'rheological College. Montreste is visit-
ing at the home of Postmaster and
Mrs. Dirkson.
Ellintt. of (4oderieh, executive
°Meer of the Ubildren's Aid SocietO
for flueon County, if ne in town this
week iteratiging tor it lecture to be
given in the town billion Saanday even-
ing by ,f. Osborne, of Toronto, keeper
of the Shelter •for neglecteti Children.
Mr Miller, of Tideonto. o ill also
adcleess the ineetinie.
George Spahlegher, a piano tuner, of
Goderich, was killed ny the second
section of express No.15 at Paris :Omit
nine o'clock last Wednesday night.
Mr. 8pa1legher wits at she depot, wait -
Mg for a train to take loin Mails house
and walked on to the stock directly in
front of the express, which was late,
and which does pot stop in Pettis, lc
Is thought that the unfortunate mato
thinking No. 15 woe hie train, whieh
was No. 25, stepped on to the tracks,
intending to enter the train. and was
caught before he could get act ose The
express was stopped and, when it was
found that the man was dead, cantima
ed on to London. Deceiesed was about
54 years of age. He was tnarried but
hed no family, and was employed foe
years by the Goderich Organ Com
An action brought by George Queen,
of Stratford, against McLean Bros„ of
Godetich, for $200, was tried before
Judge Macbeth Monday morning at
London. McLean Bros. for a time
conducted a branch store in' Leedom
which they later sold' to Harry
McLean. The latter obtitined goods
from Queen, of Stratford, who alleges
that he obtained no notice of the trans,
ter of the business from McLean Bros.
to Harry 1VIcLean. The latter milking
an assignment Queen received only
$200 on an accouut amounting to $400,
and he bas brought aft action against
McLean Bros, to obtain the balance of
the accohn it, Judgment was reserved
in the case, Mr. R. T. Herding re-
presented the plaintiff, and Mr. W.
Proudfoot,.M. P. P., of Goderich, the
defendants. '
It again becomes our duty co chron-
•" ea o one ot the pus eee rest-
/ dents of Hallett Township, the per,
I. sou of Honor Perkine, beloved
wile of Mr. James Stiobbeook. otter asi
tenets of short duration. Oeceased
was born in Osboune Towesh, s over 6:3
years ago and resided there, mitil Pet'
toareisige about 41 years is to to her
:tow beeeaved been/incl, 1,1, led inlet y
aftev her merriage bhe nioveo, silh her
husband Onto imam farm ort the 12th
cormestion teutletetwhere •0 tinder -
wen 1 the many trials limitless). to pion.
eer nee. To bet. sv8s horn 0 1 Mily of
six girls and two hoye , i• '
survive with the exeeption the late
Airs. Crawford, who died L d esbotm
about two months ago tre fatuity
are: -John El. of the E1th or Ilutlett ;
Mrs 0.1U:tuning, I21h of Heil eta :Mrs.
. , ma iconib, thvetd y, Mete;
Mee. John Becifotti, 12th CON 0884111 01
flulktt : Mabel, Lours, and 11 sword at
tome. The late Mrs. Shoe:look wee
etamich member of the Methodist
Charcle was of a, kind andleeieg dis-
pootion and held the aeepect and es
the pleasere of her
acenitintaneee. TIle futteral p'aers
from ber late residenne on Tueedey
nfternoon to the Unian Dinie evy,Rev.
Mr, Osterhour, of Loadeishore.condoet-
ing the eetivice. To the' bees need bus'
band eed family the sympatoy of tate
• cotninonity ie vett:tided.
Mr. 'Frani; King, of' tannnipeg,
speeding fe months with valet i Yee
10 Ln Mellow 0110 Clinton to 1 epent
few (lays h eremite a. 1 tarteight.
Mies Mari h e Crawford it t timed to
eltatesee Wedneedev :se 1 her coo-,
IdO, iss Atint110 ()Va.% toed, Lona es -
bee°, who itenottipeined her oill apeud
this year in Nlegotte , •
The 5, 5: No, 5 held titeIr annuel
'meeting one day recently and Wm.
Mairs, Albert Weymouth' and ,Jernes
Snell will be trusteed for trait yense
• laicharr1Vodden, son of Albert Vett-
den is learningopeeating tlee G. T,
1-1,. depot of,Londesboro,
Miss Ella Lee spent a few days with
ber aunt Mrs. Ireank Gibs, of Olin -
Joseph Riley is engaged with Alex,
1VIcEwen, of Harlock, ter this year.
Herman Sundercock 10 0, :aged with It 1
Win. Jenkins of the 10111 Concession With
Sanitara PIUMberg • ifeerinijme
igh&is13 o.1:7e5aSirea.h'ropolltroeptuwrnee5C, adt11911; 8d1:°1)18:t
5 spending her vacation wito triends , 1.1.111111
• un - ana-- fl,4) ° ta •
'0 'the lantern Rn,• ,• .••
••igitfi? noel A.ee ieiPoc1ing 4114
-week' with her ariencatiaietopenta Gloues
A quiet Weddiug•Was •selenseiee4 ot
the 'residence of Mee; Wiggtee,
Nottawat Ontario, at high noon on
December 271:11, when her ' youtigeet
' dauglster, Ella J.. was refuried 141,,
3. IPOSt(IX' ' Gibbings, • of Kimieesioe
Siteltatahewen, sop oe Mr. and Mate
Robert Gibbinge, o'f Clinton, Outerin.
'The bride Whp wits unattended, wore
her nevyleue travelling suit with hare
tucked netand insertion waist and
it bouenet of white earnations,
lily of the valley, and feros, mitered
be parlor On the arm, of her heother,
Mt. 11. E. Wiggins, ,to tbe straMs of
the Lohengrin Wedding mareh played
ny Miss Mabel Weber, and during Ube
settling of the register Miss Mamie
Brown Sang teBecause," At the can-
clasion a the ceremony, which was
performed by Rev. W, 0', Aldridge, of
•Collingwood., the company or guests
sat down to a daintily served wedding
• breakfast, Mr. and Mrs. Gibbings left
d ut ring the afternoon ler Torontes Olin -
ton and other places' to spend a few
weeks with friends before leaving for
their future home in Kindersley,
iaebewan, The bride wore a navy
'bine merge suit with velvet het to
match and willow plume and Peesian
Lam b furs. •
Council met efonday.
The aoade, a,re filled with snow.
Miss Suowdett is visiting with Mr.
Will Pickerels,
Mise Teseie Crooks is the guest of
arise 8, Aitcheson,
Mr. Fred Warning, of Delhi, has
been renewing old acquaintances tin
this section. Ile oleo visited his
!laughter, Mrs, Geo. ()rooks on the
Base Line near 'Clinton.
The following persons made the noc-
essavy Declaration of Office tool Pro-
perty Qualification.
Reeve -john McClure
William H. Loeb
Councillors John Rethwell
George Hudie
. D. A. Lindsay
The following accounts were passed
:-Goderich Star Printing $12 0 0.
Lee, tile 114.80. Balance due Ilullett
$11 33, Collectors postage and Station-
ery $1.75, Geo. Tebtnitt posting state-
ments 91.75, Sick Children's Hospital
SIO Municipal. Woeld $5.00. Robert
Colclough and Arthur Evans refund of
dog tax $1 each. '
The following townshitcoeficers were
Nos. E. Whitely -Treasurer $65.
Nr W. Trewartitit -Clerk $105.
John Thompson- Aesessor 900,
George Holland 1
George Gould J Auditors $5 each
John Cox watt re-rppoiated as mem-
ber of the Board a _Health, and Da'
Whitely, Medical Health Officer.
The following persons were appoint-
ed Fence Viewers: -Isaac Salkeld,
John Sowerby, Geo, Leithwaite. John
Stardy, 'W. F. Rink, Jas. Yuill, Hall
Rutledge, Alfred Naftel, Alex, Welsh
Edwrrd Wise, Guy Hicks, Geo. Ache-
son, Chas, Lovett, O. W. Williams and
Thos. Churchill,
Pound Ineepere:-Ben Smith, Isaac
Selkeld, w, ic,klick.A.ndrew McGuire,
G. 0. Cooper and John Connell,
Sheep Valuators: -C. 'W. Williams,
Geo W. Sturdy and Alexander Welsh.
PetIonasters: -Isaac Salkeld, Ches.
Naftel, T1to, Wallis, D, GalbraitheTas,
Bell, John Blair. Hail Rutledge, Rich-
ard Harrison, Wm. Edwards, Francis
Hillock, Thos. Betties, Chas, McGreg-
or. Geo. 0. Sturdy, Leslie (lox, Herb-
ert Cox, Walter Ernmerson,Fred Ford,
Thos. Cole, Jesse Gray,Daniel Glidden,
Geo. Cook, Herb Lemptutey, W. F.
Hick, John Holmes, 3, R. Hohnesi
Gilbert Mahe Chas. Hialer, John Pot-
ter, Samuel Merrill, Wesley Stevens,
Albert Neal, Chas Lovett, Jas. Rap.
son, John Ward, Robert McCartney,
Peed Pickard, Fred Elliott, B. VV.
Churchill, Thos. Mettartney, John
Stewart, Lewis Thestopsoir, Frank
Whitmore, Robt. Colelough, John
Worm, Adam Scott, A Meet Rsimbell,
Jos. Izzard, Levi Trick, Fred Tebbutt
and Rerhert Murphy.
J. R. Mimes was voted 150 Inc nee
tf hall for Township purposes for com-
istlg year.
IV. W. Trewartha
The following is the report of 8. 8
No. 3, Goderich ,Township : -Sr. 111. -
Clarence Counell, Lottie Levis, Jr.
IV -Clifford flollaed. Harold Levis,
Verna Jervis, Roy Munn ines. G er tie
King, Harold Cole, Elva Proctor, Ste
III-Olvig Leonard, Stemma Nair,
Robert, McLeod, Deniel Glichlort, 1111.
ton klolland, Leslie Jervis, Ulif rou
Proctor. ,ir. VVilliate Alcock,
Sr. IT -Emily Ford. Norman Male,
Altalind Alcatetney, ilarry Ford and
Fred Levitt equal. Jr. ]i -Bruce Holl-
and. Pt. II -Willie Miller, Wilfred
Jervis.. Sr. Pt, I -Violet Miller, mar.
ion Almelo Cyril Proctor, Cheelie
Potter. Jr, Pt. I 00-W11lie Jervis,
Dorothy Jervis, Wile Litidete
Pt. I (i )-Alhete, Leerier, Herold liar.
der, Ted Smith, Bert Smith,
tae have bow been treated to a week
of genuine Winter. The tritins are
late and travel on the public reeds as
almost imposeible.
Chetah Oongeetrations were very
smell hitt Sunday,
'Cite uew Council of Hallett 11411 the
first meeting on Atontia,y the Sth.
There n to four rtp p I i cam tq for A...trgess.
or and only one for Colleetor of texes.
The school queetiou was brought up
but nothing csio be aoae as vel.
The annual meeting of Burns ancl
Knox ehnrchee heti to he poste need
attd the Itorveeters Oyeter Stippee ail
ors act:molt OE the etorm.
Businees has been almost et a stand
still this wee,k. '
Tbe people here are sorry to hear of
the. (Meth of Janus Thetnson in Saslc-
ittche wen last week sow we his' icon-
chise with • the liereaved mother mei
brothers' and eisters. .
Some peaties got frost bitten on
Moudity and some on Tocisday.
4'4 itte, ,7sfe,
• MY t Y'S•
„ 4, sk,
'Mates pur etilitire04In'1Iaire ae 'thel, I
'grow older, anti they ehasuka mb ,or 'not
do a ,thing from e princMle or reaecill
linitdepentlently et tneir apsocietes,
The,' Woman tyno rues iter latieband
• into debt beemese ehe 'must hare what
Oeighbour has, be ofOn the rerlult
of, "Monier'straining,* You rauet 40
Mit beeanse other 'little girle' all, do
The woman -vale slanders her beat
falencle behind their ,backs, is often
Om outcome of the same siert of
things •-- ebe three it beeause ote
;people 511.e associates with elo it. The'
men and Women whO drift into
gambling or drinking - qr ovoese,
• pot from viciousness or alemye even
Weakness, but because - their friends
Now we can't make all our
chl1dre's trieeds for them. We can't
guide all their footsteps - even if
we were fit to, - but we can teach
them ideals, priaciples so that if
they have to wear cotton while their
• friends are wearing silk, they will not
get s4ulky over la but Wear it so grace-
fully and cheerfully that their friends
in silO almost envy them the cotton.
-at is not noceasary to be a prude
er a Prig, because we do not choose
to gamble or drink. But to gamble
and drink when we dont approve, and
don't want to, is often the curse of
conventionality which has made us
ite slave and dwarfed the moral cour-
age wlitch God gave us all originally.
When we free ourselves of the idea
that our neighboars and associates
are to dietete to us what shall be our
pleasures,' who shall be oer friends
and what our tastes, we shall all be
happier. Eccentricity is not le the
least neeessary - I only mean sin-
cerity of purpose and principal' situ-
plicity. Then we can go WherO ws
like, with whom we like in a coat of
armour that is elean and strong.
DAY: 4:ANDIAB.Y 193.2,
For the Winter Eveningte-all
the populer genies; such as
Percheei, Flinch, Lost Heir
Orokinole etc.
, —
Diaries for 1912,
8.5. Helps for 1912.
Canadian Almanacs for 1912.
• This suit is much* favored In Parte
shops. It is made of , fancy black
serge and satin. The fringe trimming
along the hem of the skirt is deciciedly
more fanciful than healthy.
The little coat is one of the most
charming features of this season's
modes ,and it seems as if all the
famous dressmakers were vying one
with the other in turning out costumes
of whose success this detail Is the
key -note.
The robe worn beneath th
Ir tariff reform 'they y the highly
Protected classes he re had it long inn-
ings and should be FaXi,fi'ql to let the
greet consuming class have it chance
in the gam, .
A very decided vie' my was won by
our Cs -insensitive friends, its Prince Ed.
wtird Island, after a lotet teem of office
by the Liberal party. The Air, that
carried the vietors 0011' in last week's
contest appeared to be the car ferry.
wbieh the Dominion (rover nrnent will
have to finance if the promise is kept
Somebody good at arithmetic has
stated that the losses by <Hee in
thin Dominion during 1911 totalled
944 per minute. If coemect, et is
not much ,Wondm.• that insurance
companies are on the alert and
naowe careful Elan ever in accept-
ing risks. Our belief is that many
a bad fire might have been avert-
ed if ordinary precautionary mea-
sures had been taken.
There ie surely a Wide opening in
both Europe and Asia toe the out-
working of Peace Conferences. In-
tervention is( in prospect in some
instances. Jealousy exists to auch
a marked degree among the Nation's
they appear to be afraid to, move
for ear the 'Daher, fellosen will) get
the best of the deal( and all thia
time the .bloottahed and destruc-
tion goes on. War Ones rts
is wicked'.
Old Ring Alcohol has good reas-
on tic:teeters] hearty thanks to the
three -fit the handicrap in saving 21
out of 39 contests on election day.
10 the 15 inistances Where repseal was
'sought not one of them ;were suc-
cessful, It Was not the three-fifths
enabted them to cavry the day how-
ever. By referenro to the role at
Goderich. Wro's.eter, Listoevel and
othee eitaces the unfairness of the
handicap. roily he clils'eovered with-
out a magnifying gaaiss,
may be a marvel of cobwebby fine- to
nese and patient handwork and coatly to
Mee, or it may be a very simple affair, th
eharreing of line and material, but In "0
either case it is the cat that catebes at0
the eye, the coat that ,gives the cos- of
tume its originality and cachet. . 'tat
One nnist admit that this adorable tti°
little garment has not yet come into no,
its own here. You may see models of, Ai:
the type referred to in some of the ino to
porting houses, and you may have tav
encountered pcohaps a dozen. sneh ter
easter/tee here and there, but, cor- 01°'
respoedents write of them as fairly
epidemic wherever smart 'Parisians
congregate, and perhaps even yet. `.1
before the heason dies, Canadian Pos
women will take Mein etithuslatitic- ed
any on this side of the water, bay
To Witintraw stoppers, abio:1
generally loosen. them. ,
side, then on the other. This will Into
fixed, get a piece of wood and tap hum
carcter. When they are very time, iwoitiei
the stopper 'carefully, first on one
or kriceltieg the stopper of • the de- toad
The cause Is often through rappine
ai 1 the color hoe .he drawn as it is
day if the Bahama Island:taco/ea in.
the Canadian Confecteret ion ? Iti
Is coutitry we ktsow little of the
ullud brudelee" and t nmetitnes our •
quaintance and opinions of him are
a vory dwilt fed .171w, associated
th me ons, poultre FIT,C1 (111 indirPori-
n intuit We will possibly ha,ve
distinguish between Ile genuine
roen end the listleminsi comieg
a di..(1j4'011 Will) the sUalt• sbowing in
or of the liitmr. Hon, Geo, E. Fos-
eill he is hie to unpit US after he
kee his visit..
'he personnel and roweve of the pro -
ed Tateta Cloonni eam to be appoint,
by the Dominion Pc ills went; will
a lunch to do with 111,, question as
ethe'r they will provo 007 pract-
value to the Dentine -el There are
inny shades of spin'on, so many
ly tangled :Ind conflicting
I ests arm 81, motes ceeristmess in the
an thet t he 0 Wcnissioners
/venire to he then .,1 sound judg-
a a iscermnee t enough to
witierposio into nn tl e.r nieritS itt
beanie; of evidence 4; ita tbe prep_
ion ot what win moo, .0 rily prove
leininnue repo: t. le e have been
missions whoee limas efts were not
h the pe pet upon e h the story
old. Tee musemor ,buuld have
re on Coelrvi8f, (1‘1 11.8 well as
ma lettere nom it it is see io be lop -
1 front tee stall,
a 00
00600000e00000000000000000 Crin
•, wnrt
Ediorigdi Notes
00000Goeseeoo0000o00000000 1}1,0
Os. Council will meet on Tuesday,
23rd 'nett :
etO't, 10)) were lie in ('O:, of the I.'?
TE.1131,k4113 kg van way fez' 191f, WItile
a nutober ot fisticeil demone
ors at a public meeting. In
leo the tongue in, moire free
tikt used than the Leto The
may ziot leave 00 15057 black
but the wounds arc often long
in healing It isottiM eolence to,
There is not a farmer in the Donate-- oo,od
this amount is large it is yet institlici-
ent to pay Om interest on tire sinking 'strat t
fund but isran indication of what may 921'Lla
be expected whee the aforthland comes al -11, ell
to its own, team
testate' ;'nil) ; eteidentiy
k:11 :at 3/:.; as
stitirre had to he ealled in to oat'
„ • • freel
y (Beetles pehhe cocetioes in a
leumowecl seeee. We appear
ire think the "vinegar atol peppet"
most be pat in iestead of the "sug-
ar" ease the work is. not Well,
done. Tire public speakev who can
and does emotes:el hie temper on the
'ADA:arse/et tvin coet Mee tinaos
• out of tee. 'Move ate feW eatiat ite
,thts Cone ty Where the "bobby" is
at into eequoiltian although
mres he isaiteht have had a job
'on Cabinet and onlv one in the Ons
ario Legislature Ocibieee It is not
ouch wonder that so many questiote
ealing with Agriculture havo to be
relight out on the Leer of Parlia-
nen ,
There is a wide a eke move on
an by a large ehare of the Democra. g
s a mistake to bring up childree b
the idea that they should do
bing jnuestt
c1130e6cnozellseet0h0lemge, °bIlen
doe s it not. The reasoe
tie party of the United Statee to press 6131'nat
,1 I