The Clinton New Era, 1912-01-11, Page 5ERVLIFE E 9 MILITATED- MEIN YOUNG MEN AND MIDDLE.AGED MEN. the victims of early indiscretions and later or ceases, who are failures In life -you are the oneswe can restore to manhood and revive the spark of energy and vitality. Don't give up in despair because you have treated with , other doctors, used electric belts and tried '• various drug store nostrums. Our New Method Treatment has snatched hundreds from the brink of despair, has re- • stored happiness to hundreds of homes and has made successful men a those who were ' down and out." We prescribe specific rem- edies for each individual case according to the symptoms and complications -we have no ' patent medicines. This is one of the secrets of our wonderful success as our treatment can- not fail, for we prescribe remedies adapted to each individual case Only curable cases ad. cepted. We have done business throughout 1 Canada for over 20 Years. CURABLE CASES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY Are you a victim? HOMO you lost hope? Are you intending to marry? Has your blood been diseased? Bare you any weakness? Our New Method Treatment will cure you. What it has done for others it will , do for you. Consultation Free. No matter . ;who has treated you, write for an honest opinion Free of Charge. Books Free - "Boyhood, Manhood, Fatherhood." (Illustrat- ed) on Diseases of Men. READER NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRIMEN CONSENT. No 211117108 on boxes or envel- opes. Everything Confidential. Question List and Cost of Treatment FREE FOR ROME TREATMENT. Orts.K EDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. 3.44.K OTICE All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- ment in :Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor offices which ale for Correspondence and Laboratory for ,Cauadian business only. Address all letters as follows; DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. Write for our private address. 3 I sz 4,r1.24. 5 50555415 e -r AtillspAY.t r.TANim 19 111Toman's Safe Step to Better Loo s is not hard to find. If your eees are don -if Your uldu j snli°w' or "lir complexion muddy; if you, have pe roses in yew ehocks, do not bother with cosmetics. Don't risk harmful drugs, Get good, rich bkmd in yeer veins,end then you will have the )right looks and charm of perfect health. are woodeehd aids to women and women's looks. If your blood is poor- .,eYou are pale, weak an I not up to the mark -your etomach and organs of digestion and eliminatMn are tho cause. . Beecham's Pills correct faults. They will help you to geed diges- tion and active kidneys and regular bowels -to freedom from troublee -to purer life -making, beauty -Creating blood. In all truth and serious- ness, you will find that for eved health and good looks, Beecham's Pills Will. Show the Right Way , Prepared only by Thomas Beecham, St.- Helens, Lancashlre, England. Sold everywhere In Canada end ti. S. America. In,boxes 25 ceats. • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0000000 D0000000000110•••••• • • os Nanted • • :• • • • • e • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • se0es3mseeseceseotoo•••e0esseeessoceee0eseeoesoo•••44 —AT-- ..topleton SaW 11•111=1113111=■3111011111\ TILL KINDS OR LOGS WILL GET HIGHEST PRI E • No. Basswood 11eading $3.75 per cord Delivered „ • • • • • • - • • •• • 00 • • YOUR CUSTOM WORK • WRLL BE WELL DONE Lesson IL—First Quarter For Jan. 14,1912. IttE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the LeS5011, Luke a 67-80. Memory Venom 76, 77 -Golden Text, • Luke a 6$ -Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. • Will some one tell why the visit a Gabriel to Mary, with the most won- derful announcement ever made to any mortal. is wholly •omitted, and the Christmas lesson a Dec. 24 again as- signed for Feb, 4? It A not ours to reapon why, but simply to pray, Lord talk with us by the way and open to es the Scriannres. May each one no- tice and firmly believe the assurance of the Supernatural birth and Mary's acceptance of it, perhaps little dream- ing the cost to herself of Saab an hon- or (verses 35, 38). Then etotIce the Plain and simple prediction conceen- leg the throne of David and the COM - tug kingdom (verses 30-33). See Eliza- beth and Zacharias filled with the Holy Spirit and note all their words (verses 41, 67). Observe carefully ,the It. V. of verse 37, "No word from God shall be void of power." I have In my mind associated with this Ise, Iv. 11, 'It shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I. please." When Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit, said, "Blessed is she that believed, for there shall bo a per- formance of these things which were told her from the Lord" (verse 45), then Mary burst forth with, "My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced ia God my Saviour," clos- ing with, "As Ere spake to our fathers, to Abraham and to his seed forever." Many of Mary's utterances remind us of Hannah's prayer or song in I Sam. 11, 1-10, closing with. "Ile shall give strength unto His King and exalt the hotn of His anointed." 'Tins is the first reference to Cbrist as the 'Messiah or anointed one. Compare John 1. 41. The son of Elisabeth being born at the full time and the eighth day, or time for circumcision, having corae, there was a little perplexity about a name for the boy, as some would have him called by, his fatber's name. but Ins mother said, "13e shall be called John." They made signs to his father, who, to the surprise of all. wrote, "Ilis name A John" (verses 57-63). See verse 13 and lind the other six who were called by name before they 'were borm two of them several hundred years before, or at least one, ' Notice the release of Zacharias from Isis affliction which came upon him be- cause of unbelief. Faith in Jesus Christ, the reception of Him as one's personal Saviour, not only delivers teem the wrath to come, but delivers from all bondage. The truth shall make you free. If the Son shall make you free ye shall be free Indeed (John vill, 32, 36). The band orthe Lord upon the cbild reminds us that be was to be filled with the Spirit from his birth (verses 15, 06h and the tveo say- ings make us thlta of Ezek, in, 14; will, 3. This Is your need and mine. dear reader, the hand of the Lord upon us and the Holy Spirit Jelling and controlling. Prom verso 07to the last verse of the chapter we have the say- ings of Spirit filled Zacharias, telling as of the kingdom which would have come bad the people been willing to receive John and Jesus and the king- dom, but whicb, because of, their re- jection of all. is still in abeyance, wait- ing for the King to come again in glory to set up His kingdom of peace and righteousness. He had spoken by the mouth of all His holy prophets in all the Old Testament Scelptures con- cerning a kingdom to include all na- tions. with Israel a redeemed people at the center (verses 68-75; Is. lenell. 11, 18; Aril, 1-7; lea. U. 1-4; Ix. 1-22, and everywhere). The prophete,told, how- ever, of n elessialf erlio would be de- spised and rejected nnel be cut off and bave nothing as well as a Messiah who as son of David would sit on David's thnone (ha. liti; D1111. vii, 13, 19; ix, 20 margin), but they did not tell of the Mug interrn1 ot this present nge between the sufeerlogs end the glory, when duriug the postponement of the kingdom and the scattering ot Israel He will gather out by the gospel a people to share His glory arid reign with Him when the kingdona conies. This was reserved to be communicated,' to Paul and through him to us, .See Roue xvi, 25-27; xi 25-27; leph. ill. 41•031=111•116MINSEM. B3IZErell=31SIE55067111247.W.2015.7351 MIX 2 Genuine Tegetable, Fibre Parchment, for wrapping butter—the best sheet on the market, •in 'pa:kaps, not printed : 300 Sheets for tiOc. 200. SilieetS tor '26e Better Still Rive your nam -, farm and post -office neatly printed and inake,a reputation for your product. We use • only special butter paper ink, guaranteed not to run or lo injure the butter. s. 11100 /Or 173 2On or $3.00 5800 for 7,00 Wrap your butter, and get two centsr,' per pound • more than if unwrapped. tax61932011..maa.P.1=01=6661101.41. We also would be plea,sed to supply you with printed Letter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, Envelopes, Wedding Invitations or Announcements, Posters, Circulars, Catalogues, Calli lg Cards, in fact anything in the printing line you may require. 'Tele ;' a tee 841,eae+... zEtastormatea , I.Was Cured by Lydia E. Pink- _ liam's Vegetable Compound Waprika, Okla. had female trou- bles fer seven years was all run down and so nervous I could net do any- , thing. The doctors treated me for dif- ferent things but did the no good. I got so lead that 1 .could not sleep day or night. While in this condition I reed of Lydia El, Pink- ham'a Vegetabee Compound, arid, began it use and wrote to Mrs. Pipicharn for advice. In a short time I had gained my average weight and am now strong and vs/ell." -Mrs. SALLIE STEVENS, It. F. D. No. 3, Box 31, Waurika, Okla. Another Grateful *Woman London, Ont. -I feel as if I could not tell others enough about the good Lydia E. Pinitharri's Vegetable Com- pound has done for me. I was so weak and tired that I could not rest nights. A friend recommended your, Compound and I soon gained health and strength and eould not wish to sleep better. I know other women who have taken itfor the same purpose and they join Inc in praising it. -MRS. Wm. A. 131.1aeY, 905 Dame St., London, Ont Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound has surely cured many cases of female ills, such as inflammation, ulcer- ation, displacements, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, back. ache, that bearing -down feeling, and nervous prostration. eioncerning tne posrponertient or lee kingdem until His return see Lula. xis. 11-13; Acts 111, 20, 91. end notice lee joyful worship of' the disciples when they understood the t Ile would eome &min in due time to fulfill ttll the propheciee concerni ng 11 Is I; ingdorn (Luke xxiv, 25.27, 4-1-1e1i. The a orde of Zacharias and of all the prendrets alibil be as literally fulfilled as weite ell the predictions conceraing Elie birth and humiliation, and the ti file draws ever nearer. Meantime while we wait tor the literal fultillmeut on Israel we may flnd in our lives. ns Ills redeemed ones by His merlon:4 Mood, many a fulfillment aud manifestation of these precious words. It we are In Christ we are delivered tenni the wrath to come and are the seed ot Abraham and joint heirs with Him of the whole world (I. Thess. 1, 10; Rom lv, 13; vfil, 17; Gal. ill. 20). Whether salva- tion be Malden] or nation:11. It must be through the house of David and the King of the Jews. for salention is of the Jews, and there is none other (john lv, 22; Acts iv. 12). 11 we are L119 re- deemed ones, waiting for the kingdom, we may by His grace eery° Him with- out fear In holiness and rIghteousneee. DELICATE CHILDREN • enapomereisea;,,the' •Ameiicea of- fleet evlea acoonepanieel Dr, Sun (Yitt 'Oeu,to Mae; A war( Bead for the par,. ' pose 08 tidnge responeible position • antie the eavolittionarlea as military adViee5t, 'hes reoeived official notaft. cation thee there is a penalta of death Aantamtyrh.iiednn ietkahl Pe sp,onaliutelre,,r,itePicamttijeoolu, a ign7 0. Aft ell: to • 61-11:1ea):1 SnaPant,wae:1:-schTtihoeto A°:eetel.aYff. powers Levee unclereakou t proteetion of the rattroad between Peltia and the pea. • Interruption of traffic along this line, which has prevented the passage of the iztails for four days, has resulted' in this decision. Detachments of Brit- isha German, Jepaneee, and lereneh troops have been stationed at inter- vals between Pekin aucl Chinwangtizo, amending to the plan devised two months ago, A Japanese genoval is in command, as he is the tattling The respee ive nations assunae eharge of different 'sections of the road, Great 13rieain taking eare of the section betemen Pekin and Yang- shan, the United Stats, Tangshan, to Lanchow, and Japan from Lanchow to Chin Wang Tao, The United States has no troops in North Chien, except NO legation guards, and has been lin- able to assume responsibility for the seetiOn allotecl to it, but British troop are protecting that district until the AnseriCanS arrive. Just when addi- tional American troops will reach China is not known, although Min- ister Calhoun cabled several days ago to the State Department at Washington, advising the despatch of a regiment on a peace footing. So far he has received no reply from the Department. The legations regret that they can- not control the Chinese Imperial ' Railroad up to the Japanese junction jit Manchuria, thereby ensuring'a continuation of the trans -Siberian mane, but the protocol does not auth- orize anything further than maintain- ing communication to the sea, the nearest open port being Ohinwangtad, i as Tientsin s icebound. Yuan Shi- Kai is pleased at the ac- tion of the powers, because it relieves the Imperial adminigtration of respori- sibility and ensures the maintenance of communication, which the Imperial troops might be unable to do. The powers do not assume tho administra- tion of the distriote and. consequently the Iniperialists profit by the arrange- ment, the trains not being available to the rebels. Premier Yuan has sent a telegram to Wu Ting Fang eomplaining that it is inconsistent with the national constitution to establish a republican government, the president of which has taken 'an oath to overthrow the Manchu Government. Yuan asks to be informed as to the object of the establishment of a republic and wile. ther the presidetit could be removed from office should the national eon- vention decide on a constitutional monarchy. It would appear as if the Imperial Premier is seeking delay, believing, that time will creme dissensions in the south. Several generals are urg- ing him to fight, but it is thought that he will await an attack. The people of Chili and Shanturn Pro- vinces, who are for the most part revolutionaty, are organizing, but they find that they are not in a posi- tion to take part in a rising, as they are without rifles or military supplies. Should the Imperial army become dis- affected, the case would be different. The Empress Dowager has issued orders to the princes not; to leave Pekin. Recently there has been a stiffening of the court's decision to hold out. t hatet is a stele tattle's, re antiestral s, eeeeteeaewoaaee--r-aaeeae ate ee Made Strong tiy Vino/ "I wish / could Induce every moth: er 'who has a delicate, sickly child, to try your delicious cod liver iron tonic, Vino!. ' • "It restored bur little 'daughter to health and strength after everything else had failed. It truster; so good she loved to take it -not a bit of cod liver oil taste. -Mrs. 0. ,W. Stump, Canton, Ohio." - The reason Vine Id so Sucaissful In building up puny, , delicate, ailing children, is because it is a combina- tion of the two most world -famed ton- ics -the medicinal body-building ele- ments of cod liver oil, aided by the blood -making and strength -creating properties of tonic iron. If we can induce you to try a bottle of Vinol as a body-builder and strength-ereator for your child, and you do not find it is all we claim, Wo will return your money on demand. Sold and guaranteed in Clinton by W. S. R. Holmes. ornect to Death. Montreal, Jan. 8. -Three-year-old Albeit Gingras upset a lamp in hie home on St Timothe street yesterday vliiIe nie mother was out, and the blaze thus started burned his nine - mon ths.eici sister to death. The fire wes soon controlled by the firemen before much damage was done. YUAN SEEKS DELAY He Asks Extension of Armistice and Dr. Sun Accedes. POWERS PROTECT RAILWAY Revointionery Forceto Care Fo Tie,n1sintPekow ;eine ana Foreign Gevernment With See That Pekin td the Coast Service Is Main- teined-Yean Seems to Be Sparring For Time. Bitanghe.i, Jan, 8. -There IS reason to believe that titio armistioe will be" (extended Tor fifteen days, Yuan Shi /Lai has requested tbe exteeSion and President Sun 'gat 3eil is willing to agree to it conditionally. Tornis are now being arranged, The topublicana F.latu,rday assumed esonarol of tim TienteieaPekow Rail- way. They notified the foreign offi- cials representing the British and Ger- roan bondholders that the headquar- ters of the road have been rentioved Vein, Pekin to Nanking. Foreigners eye being 0,c3rrip1ayed, By order of tire piteident a peomi- ;18.tvtatteot,d9zIttno.)-4,cr THE MAR KETS. Liverpool Wheat Futures Close 1.1n, changed, Chicago Higher -Live Stock-Latsst Quotations, LIVERPOOL, Jan. 0. -The market was influenced by the steadiness in Buenos Ayres and opened unchanged to efic higher. There was a good demand for spot, and expectations point to light world's shipments thls week, with the continent bidding freely. Following the opening, there was some desire for profit-taking and prices lost 750 to %a At the close, the market was dull and easier, with prices unchanged te, 5.5e lower than yesterday. Just before the close, there was a slight recovery from the low on continued unfavorable crop advices froin Argentine, but these are thought to be exaggerated, CHICAGO, Jan. 6.-Altho wheat trad- ers refused to follow many of the sen- sational reports from the Argentine as to damage by rust and rain, the mar- ket to -day showed a stubborn ten- dency to move towedd a higher level. en the end prices varied from 1-8c off to a shade advance over last night. Corn finished 1.8c tO 1-40 up, oat 8-80 down to 1-8c up, and provisions at an at:ranted cest of 2 1-2c to 5e.. ' \r,r+SADe$ °V.,0P90 • • :t Open. High. Low, Close, ulOSe. Wheat - do, new10075 aock 1004 664 Oats - A.Veg.elnillePreperationforA5- 5Iffinaling thatediellatriagata- Una ihs.5tozathp a:dam-els of IMATtlinfereaL Protriotes.lnigestion,CheeTful- liessandRest,Contains neither Opium,Morphine tor U.B.F.Lai. NOT NATe oTNc •Pfe,:m 0U .VAgilegaPrirdSle diernAin Sea -- eat -awing e lensmaties- ..40,7 bioS•• linvormiat tiSloSy/v0Ii Mac' 122OzebanmaJI,& •.• firma Seed elog ?fa ,149,ti' • Aporfect Remedy for COltStirz- tion, Sour Stontach,Diarrhoca; Worms,Convuisions,Faverish- ness and LOSS 09' SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature oe [244,42-v. NEW -YORK. 432 J.61 -or Infants s,11,,E.. On' 1.2 hi Kind ve Allways nue, Bear s the ograature • of t Ovor rtv oars EXACT copr OF WARPED,' "iNiPS,FirVienCiVSEASY, 'MC CIENTAIJR CO env, VOP g C117. 2aViltlealettelle, elf fa; 'eV-, et if leS1 , i.gVe, Aga wader pasoose, CfI1JICO, 10."10 'to 551 straight rollers, 54.25 to 54.40; do., bags, 051.95 to 52.05. Rolled oats -Barrels, 14.65; bag 00 lbs., 52.20. Millfeed-Bran, 523; shorts, 525; ndd-: Alings, 527 to 523; motallie, 520 to $34. • , Hay -No. a per ton, tar lots, $16 to 515.60. Cheese -Finest westerns, 1,4450 to 15c: finest easterns, 14%c to 1450e. Butter -Choicest creamery, 31c to ait,fiet seconds, 30e to 3055.c. Bggs--Fresli, 45e to 5491•, selected, 30e to 31c; No. 1 stook, 26c to 21e. Potatoes -Per bag, car lots, $1.25 50 51.2775. liogs-Pressed, abattoir killed, 59.76 to 510; country, 28.15 to 50.25. Pork -Heavy 'Canada short cut mesa, barrels, 36 to 46 pieces, 522.50: Canada short cut backs, barrels, 45 to 55 piece* $22. Lard-ComPOund tierces, 376 lbs., 8%ci wood pails, d) lbs. net, 9c; pure, tierces,' 375 lbs., 12o; pure, wood palls, 20 lb. net, 12450.• Beef -Plate, barrels, 200 lbs., gam:: Plate, tierces, 300 lbs., 52130. Mineapolis Grain Market, MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. C. -Close -Wheat -bray, 51.08; July, $1.68% to MA; No. 1 hard, 91.001/,; No. 1 northern, 51.09; No. 3 northern. 31.0675 to 31.07; No. 2, 51.04 to' 5104%, Cora -No. s yellow. 600. Oats -No. 3 white, 40c to 4645c. Rye -No, 2, 00o. Dra5t-323 to 323.50. 11'iour-101rst Patents, $5.40 to 55.60; se- cond patents, Om to 55.20; first olWars, 53.70 ti 54.05; second clears, 52.60 to 53. 'Buffalo Grain Market. BUPPAito, San. 6. -Spring wheat. steady; No. 1 northern car loads, store, 51.1696; Winter, dull; No. 2 red. 4.01; N'o• 3 red, 99c; No. 2 whlte,.31.01. Corn-Ifigher; No. 3 yellow, 60e; No. 4 Yellow, 040, all on track, th,ru billed. Oats -Stronger; No. 1 white, 530; No., 3 White, 511,40; No. 4 white, 513.ia, Barley -Malting, $1.22 to 51.30. Duluth Grain Market. DULUTH, Minn., 'Jan, G. -Wheat -No. 1 hard. $1.08%; .No. 1 northern, 51.0775; No, 2 northern, $1.0475; bray, 51.0775 asked; Jelly, ties% asked. 'reeee Toronto Grain Market. Wheat, Mil, bushel .. .. -50 92 to $.... Wheat, goose, bushel .„.. 0 88 Rye, basilica. 0 70 Oats, bushel 4arlsee, y3'6, ufbsehat: lhfdel • d o 52 Bea . 0 SO 0 901 0 o 70 13t.eltwheat, bushel 1 00 . 0 Go ea Toronto DoirV Mel kat., Butter, store lets 0 20 0 28 13ut.ter, separator; dairy, lb0 80 0 04 Butter, creamery, lb, rolls0 22 024 B'utter, creamery, solids 0 82 . . Cheese, new, lb 0 1575 010 Honey (*alba, dozen 200.300 Honey, extracted, lb 0 12 .... Y0g8S, case 101.9 ---------------'0 .... Eggs, new -laid 0 Liverpool Provisions, LIVIIIRPOOL, Jan. --.Ecef, extra India mess 57s 62, Perk -Prime mese. western, Dds; hams, short cut, 14 to 18 'lbs., 55d; ba,c,0:1, Climber/and cut, 26 to 30 4S.; 47s Cd; short rilss, 16 to 24 lbs, 428, clear bellies, 14 to 10 iba„ 49s; long 'clear middleS, light, 28 to 34 lbs., 60s; long clear middles, heavy, 85 tQ 40 lbs, 49s 66; short clear backs, 19 td 20 lbs, 46a 66; shouldors, square, 15 t� 18 lbs., 475. Lard, prime western La tierces, 478 341; _American refilled, 47s aa. Butter, finest 11,5., -; butter, good U.S., 1129. Cheese, Canadian, finest white, 735; colored 73s Cd. To,110,,V prime' eity, 34s. Turpentine, spirits, 37s (ea Rosin, common, 17e. Petroleum, ran' Tined, 76, Linseed Oil, 42s ed. Montreal Grain and Produce. Monareal, tian. 0,=13'ollowing price& were quoted hero to -day: caevaicsl-th Cnn zwi w 01\14.0,1,1'14, N45% c 2; , ,,41,1.1,zac! No, 1 feed, 40c to 4/'/,c; No, 2 local white,' 45e; No, 3 local wlutc, 46c, 280, 4 local; wbite, 44e, Da; ley -Manitoba tool, 645 tO' 66d; nialti ing, Me to 28m Duekwheat-No. 2, GO to. Mic„ ' b giCsts, 36 60; e ecou'Idta'',Pr86170; WsrftirditutitibAaticcent,P1 CATTLE MARKETS. East Beetal—cl Cattle Market. EAST BLIPP.ALO, San. 8. -Cattle re- ceipts 100 head; firm. Yeats -Reece -ea 125 head; slow ancl ''''.11-3boowgsRe--r;1e5Ceipt501S0 4101000 head;50active and lee to 20c higher; .heavy and mixed 50.65 to $6.70; yot•kers $6.50 to $6.70; pigs 56.30 to 96,40; roughs 95.55 to ee; dairies 5125 to Kee e',heep and Iiimbs--Beceipts 6400 head; sheep active, wethcrs 150 higher; lambs slow and Me lower; lambs 53,50 to 97.10; wethers $4,25 to 9465. Chicago Live Stock. CHICAGO, Jan. 3 -Cultic -Receipts. 600; market, steady ; beeves, 84.75 to 93,50; Texas steers, 54.2.1 to 95.80; We$31.01.11 steers, 94.30 to 20.00; stockers and feeders, 83.21 to 55.70; cows and heifers, 52 to $6.40, C111-11'n'eg7s.-1110cetlic;tn3,15P2,000; market, 50 to 100 higher; light, 95,01 to 56.*1.1; nIxell 26.05 to 96.45; heavy, 90.65 to KM; rough, 56,05 to 9620; good to choice lops, 76.20 to 8650; bigs, 51.00 to 35.70; bulk of sales, 3620 to f..," c p- necoi 11, I s' 2000; ark el. ttea ie ; nelleo, $8175 to 04.00; weatern; 38.25 to 94.60; y earth; es, 31,69 to 36.80: lambs, na- tive, 94,25 to 95,05; western, 94,75 10 56.65. Battioship Adrift. Patera math Eng, Jan, 8. -The bat. tleship Revenge broke from her moor- tho Orion apparently was not clanaag- ed. Both vessel:5 will be, docked. board (+natter of the Revenge, but the exceptionally high tide, drifted on to the bows of the super -dreadnought jeg, owing to Orion. A hole was stove in the star - He Gave Up Shootine A novelist and 43 ranieMst who Inc had an exceptionel career: is Mr. Galsworthy, who has been askire. apropos .01 the proper': H.' " made by nations for aerial eentaate if "y;ater and earth axe net V,iIC (moue for men to kill each other ea wAlloat disturbing the pease and beauty of the ;vie and sky," At ,Harriew lie was an athlete and a. monitor, and began life as a barrister. 'But the woek was distasteful,. and 'ultimately lie com- menced to write, Ins first book being publishod in 1898, when he was tintity. two' years of age. A delightful aids. light is thrown on Mr.' Galsviorthy's character by th.e, tact that though once a keen. spoetsman, now he • neyer touches a gen, Watching a dying bird one day, .Ite muldenly Sound sport and gave it up forever. Linligiqc,1111; ,1 P 11,4' A I 531 ;1 1,10,1111AT2D CATAti7011.t PRIM (OX1 tett 11,10}f',"si.k. 7 09.01. A. BLDG., LONDON, ONT. BUSINESS and SHORTHAND SUBJECTS. Registered last season upwards of 300 students and placed every graduate. Seven specially qualified regular teachers. One hundred and fifty London firms employ our trained help. College in session from Sept. 5 to June 30. Enter any time. Catalogue Free. Forest City Shorthr2vsd College an J. W. WESTERVELT, .no. T. W. WESTERVBIR Chartered Accountant. co Principal Vies Principe. It An Effective Farm Gong. Get a disk from an old disk plow -- find drive a bolt through it into the top of a post as shown in the sketch. Then bore a small hole through the handle of a bammer and fasten it with a twenty -penny nail to the pose about six inches from the top. A. twelve foot post set eighteen 'nob es into the ground is about. right Tbis gives poli sfm a first class erviceable ar gong. - Farm anti PARIS Ginn, Fireside, • Keeping Cabbage In Fall. , Early in December turn eitCli head over to the north and bank the soil over the stern and base of the head, leaving merely the top exposed. Some • roake the Mistake of turning the heads south, and the bends will be certain to get damaged, for the etern and base ot the head are the tuost tender parts, and these will be to the north, while the morning sun will strike the open bead to the, south when frozen and damage it, says Progressive Partner. Stiffeigd With Nen Tauhle For TWO legs, WAS IMPOSSIBLE FOR Ma TO , SLEEP. Mr. Chas. W. Wood, 1 t Torrance Street, Montreal, (lime writes :-"For two years I suffered evith ncree trouble, and it was impossible for lite ,o sleep. It did not matter w -hat time I went to bed, in the morning 1 was even worse thee the night before. I consulted cloctor, aad he g%ve. tne a tonic to take O half hour before going to 1,5.1. 'It. W5,3 all eight for a time but the old trouble eeturnal with ge.,iter force than b f re "Ole of the boys, who worl.; with inc, gave me .half a box of MIlla en's bleart and Nerve Pills. I took them and I got such satisfaction that I got Smother box, and before I finished it 5 add enjoy sleep from 10 p.m. until 13 a.:..1„ and now feel eood." The price of atilburna Ireart and -0'0ea',e pitlease, le Der Lox, 05'J boxes for $1.25. They are ler sale at all dealers, or will be re tiled atreet oa receipt of price by '0' Inc co„ leitnited. Toronto, Oat. _ ee • A Kite -Flying Composer. Sir Ed W art' V.11(3.4..,violin con- certo has aroused Innen interest in the musical world, numbers kite- , flying amongst his hobbies, but has devoted himself more of late years te cb.amistry and cycling. Mis spends inneh of his leisure time in the labor- atory. In wrieing for the. violin Six Edward is returning to Ins eatly for he was a -fine player himself his youth. Indeed., it would be din}, cult to name an instrument which he cannot play. For five years he, was bandmaster at the Woreestee County Lunatic Asylum, the' band bce hag formed, by the asylum attendante, and it was thus that he becalto iamib ier with instruments, ranging feona Feenelz here to an organ. In those days -arid it is, not se many years ago - England'e greatest coMpoSer wrote polkas, waltees, etc., for :which' he -received 91.25 a set, While 'for nig. goreninStrel ballads ior the.nee of the asylum inscateg li received 11