HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-01-11, Page 40,1PIOneer'‘eithe 'official organ of he yerapareance partYebeedathe Sole aiewenginteaereneee , eicietlha neeent Lopel-tOptioin Vete I' -e1- , "' -,.. . • ' Jiareittaleg' the .ecentr'' Mien.ialptalities; et to he, lieardefroare the total ,re-., of the fight epee folloNV's''-- . ' ' ' ,• • ' '' Mallorities ter Lo.eal Option ellialoratlere :egainst 1.49aeleOptipia 26' Total -1 ; . • _a' , 80 ''ere were teireeesaa many enajoie 74 es,'fox,prohibition as :alert/were e'ainett rl , f'he resuilit' Oahe vete, en that Ilea •pea ,conteste was. a clean proe • hileition sweep, arid the ceradlaught of the bat-toe:an parta- restated as 1611101We'--- ReapeSe aerate:It__ .......... None Rea -penile' defeatede. ... .., t 1.5 e 15 ' ;Total • CARRI lenheiin 3 Basanquet ...... 1 Ilaaigot .and Dlythifield -1 • 1Cannington . • Carneevon. , -• tCheoterville Ekfeicl •1Ceilamorgan HowarcliTevp - ' Taking the 65 ' munleipaliliee '9 Which nelv Lea l ,Option liseltiver Were eubmithedi And setting oat , the reenat ott the', vetting ort ; the aempea majority plan, We obtain the , • • folloWing table ea- , ' STARTLING NDING OF ONE 0 ' Places voting against Lee). 20 ' THE MOST ' SENSATIONAL . I. ' - fritar:••- ••' • ••• , - 65 , MURDER CASES ,' IN RE. .The one !serious leincaranee ite a , . 'great .adance by the tempexancel ' CENT YEARS caoseawas the Sant lbhat the three- ISS fifths, Toque -lien -rent prevented the adoptian of Teacart Op'telon in) 21, of the 39 municipalities in Which vie- torie,s ,Were won. Therefore dee net eetsuat ofitlie voting .upon new Lecal Op,tion by-lawe wale as eel- lawts ;- By-laws carried 13 lly-laws defeated_ . 47 Total . . ....... 65 ED.18 , /*Harwich 1(in1oss '1 Lav,a.11ee 3 Lucknoev, • 3 ,Orillia. Twee 0 2 Dee 2 2 t Pelee Island' ' 1 1 1 Peecy lewp 2 .. 1 Walpole . FAILED TO GET THREE•FIFTHS MAJORITY, 21 ' Hlancleard. Caledonia •North Cayuga Chesterville, • tYlsappie. e... Erne /Stehicoke • Godeerich Hagerrnan Hagereville Hepworth `Ancaister 'Athens 13earneville ;Colborne. Coldwater Coillingwaad. Durham .0even Sound' Stratford Twp 1 SUSTAINED, 15 Listawel leladoc laliddlebon. Newbtus. Point Edward Ridgetown .Thedford Wallace. Weaxater Lakefield. • e Peel Township Richmond Hill Tara ThoenburY Waterford. Wyoming REDUCTION CARRIED Xingsten DEFEATED, 26 11/farlebtam Medora Township Miivetton. Miinia Munition. Port Arthur , Rainham Township Sherbrook Tevp Sancoe .Tetendina.g,a. Uxbridge Watford Waterloo Toevnship 11UN1C1PALMES TO DE HEARD FROM -4 aherrie. 1, Dover. Finch 'Alvinston Assignae. ;Brant Township Caerwa'a ;Chatham Chippewa. lercesby. Deck. Dunnville Mizevir and Grimethorpe. Fort WIWi ea -e. - Hastings Huingeirfor Pr' 1 township. Chandos. • A Modern Miracle the woman the drippings, it' incl.. cates marriage. To punch e'our umbrella into) a He Had Eczema 25 Years and Doe- peeson, and .then open it, means, "I dislike you " tors said "No Cure" To ceesang your" umbrella over Yoer thoneder, signifies, "I am making ;Yet Zam-Pulc has Worked Com- . a Vellrellaiily caacfunil-Ysel umbrellai"along the • plete Cure. • tootipe.th means that the man be- hind you is thirsting far your blood. Vile lathe experience of a man of • litigh reputation. widely known in Montreal, arid whose ease ean read- ily be 'investigated, Mr. T. M. Marsh, the ,genaernan reeerted et lives at 101 Deiovimier Avenire, 'Mon- treal, and has lived there for years. For twenty-five yeats he has had eczema on his hands and tee:jets. The diseas• e ' first started in raid 'blatehes, which itched, and when • scratched became painful. Dac.1 sores followed, which discharged, ancl the discharge spread the dis- ease until his hands were one raw painful mass of sores. anaits ,sttiwte of affairs c'entinued fore 'twenty- five years! ,In that time four eminent meal - :cal men tried to cure him, and earth - gave up the ease .as hopeless. Nal- tually, Mr. Matesh ireda remedies of all kinds but he, !also, eta ease tgave it up. 'Far two years he bad to Wear ,gteves day and: nigehb so iteerible was the pain and itching twthen the air got to the eores. Then came Zam-Duk 1 He teiec.1 11 et as he had tried hundeeds 01 emeclies 'before. But lee goon found cut that Zam-Buk twee different. Within a few weeks there were dis- tinct aligns of benefit, and a little 'perseverance with this great herb- al balm 'resulted in what ha had . given tip all hope of -a complete ,cure! And the cure was no tem- porary twee. It was permanent. Tie was -cured nearly fonr years ago. .Interviewed the other day, lele. Marsh said: "The euro ;which Zam-Duk :worked has been absol- utely permanent. From dm clay that I was cured to the present moment those had no tea.ce of ec- ' zema, and Ileal owe ibwLU neve: return." It sou Sufkfer teem any skin ' tronble, cut out this article, .wrate across it the name of ifins, paper, ,and mail it, witil ono eente ,strurip• to payeretnen postage, to Zara -Duk Co., Toronto. ,We will fewevarchyou by return a free trial box of Zara- aBek. All druggiets and stowes sell this llamous eemeds,, 50.e. box, oe three for .$1.25, 'Refuse herbal). pubstittetes. (wised Lang:nate of Umbrellas There ie a $airgulige of umbrellas as of flowers. For. instance, place • your umbrella ima tack, and it will eftee indicate Chat iti will change owner% To open it quickly int the street rileana Hiatt sorneboderls eye is ego- • ha.g to be in clan,ger. To shut it quickly siginfies that a hat or two will pro,hablyi be knaeked A rab Ila carried over a( woe , n ,.11 re , . , , mea, the meau. igeo.ing nothing . bat ..'„ItlitIa, drippings atthe rain, signifeee _ -Pee. gpi4 of 'eulogizirt ,, ot apola- e., .1 e.... ee, ,,aleeee.4g,,, f qr: ' Wicked ae.tion,' is eeceitrid ".Nrbtmtesnrit.P6..tott'n'' I1;:a0. il:12():br.,,e11:4 an tti. , .,0 Illy ',be the1t, ,ref .eeterni,ttint thenan . . . Ta carry ie at right angles under your arra signifies that an eye isto lie injured bythe nun who foillow,s you. Thee is .generally a WODISD'S :any of earrying her umbrella. To Put .an ,alpaca .umbrella by the side of a silte one signifies "Ex- change no robbery." To lend an umbrella indicates. "I am a fool." • To eatery an (umbrella, in a case 'signifies itis testi:tabby ono. To press an umbrella on ; your friend saying, "Oh do bake it e I woulld much eather you would than no 11,4 sign ifies To give a friend half yotir brella mean's that bath ot you evill get wet. • To carry if from home, in the morniug means, "It will Very like ly be mane day."-Tit-Bies. p Pert and Impert t.s. .$1 Times chariot wheels snake their earrlage road in the fairest face. The worst men often neve •th,ci beet .advice. 1100 j7_ti 7 Aps 8 nulckly sops qoullhs, cures colgs,heals Liie th m et emu lungs - ZScents. Affectation is a greater enenay eo the face than the eraaelapox; He 'who can take advice is sone - ;times superior to him. who' can gi've et. e , Children Ory , FOR FLETCHER'S PASTORIA Finery is frequently elle 01 ha'reerance. • Activity le liable to commit 'some injuries, bUlt-idolence is sure todo .good. " Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S- hedge C"STORIA we lin VaeltIr ladicaeon, In the *and F trwon;Hote paturday. ' Of an optimistic nature were Dr. ; Horning's reinarke. 'regm'aillteetha re- , iations 'between England and Ger, many. The close relationship of the atwo great nations in many lines made for peace tocf. greater extent than any fiscal difference ef teoeble with reference to colonization aright coun- • terbalance in the directian of war. It 3s not poesible to think that these great Teutonic nations, with the same high ideals, the same love of home, justice, right and God, and the same high thought, ean come to war," he said. , "They cannot be sep- arated and mist be together if they are to oontinue their parts in the de- velopment of the world," Black China a leoncien Fad: Though the women of London aro having their gowns made ep of the same brilliantly colored stuffs as thete fashionable sistere in other countries, they are eurrounding themselves with a setting of black. For some -time ' black wall papers have been a fad of Boston, Jan. 8. -The Rev. Clarence V. T. Richeson; formerly pastor of the Immanuel Baptist Church of Cambridge, yesterday made' a written tconfession to the effect that he pois- oned Inc former eweetheart, Miss Avis Linnell. The statement was giv. en into the hands of his counsel, who made; the, confession public at (one p.m, Saturday. Ae Rev, 'Mr. ,Richeson stands to- day before the law, he is indicted for the aturdar in the first degree of Miss Linnell, by giving her a quantity of cyanide of potassium. The penalty for such a crime in Massachusetts is death in the electric ehair. If Riche - son stands in court on' Jan. 15 next e date set for his trial, and acknowl- edges his guilt in accordance with is statement made public Saturday, 'the -coma under' the law, would be obliged to impose the death sentence, in the opinion of court house officials, The confession of Rev. Mr. Riche. son follows: "Boston, aan. 3, 1912. •E "John L. Lee, sq.: "Williinn A. Morse, Esq.: "Philip R. Dunbar, -Esq.: Gentlemen: Deeply penitent for my sin, and earnestly desiring, as far as in any power lie% to make atonement I hereby confess that I am guilty of the offence of which I stand indicted. "I am moved to this course by no inducement of self -benefit or leniency, Heinous as is my crime, God has not wholly abandoned me, and 3ny con scienae and manhood, however de - prayed and blighted will not admit of my still further wronging by a 'allelic trial her whose pure young Me I 'have destroyed. Under the lashings of remorse I have suffered and ara suffering the tortures of the damned. In this I find a measure of comfort. In my mental anguish I recognize that there is still, by the mercy of the Master', some remnant of the Divine Spark of goodness still lingering with rne. I could wish to live only because within some prison's walls I might. in some small measure, redeem my sinful part, help some other despair- ing soul, and, at last, find favor with my God. "You are instructed So deliver this to the district attorney, or -to the judge of the court. "Sincerely yours, "Clarence V. T. Richeson." Just before noon Saturday the judges of the Supretne Court and the district attorney went into conference at the court house, and about an hour later representatives of the press were called to the °face of 'William A. Mersa, the leading 'counsel Inc the ac- eused clergyman. Typewritten sheets containing the confession were hand- ed to the newspaper men, and those who paused to ask for male further explanation were told that there was ' nothing more to be said at this time. The faot that the confession VAS dated three days ago was also point- ed out to the counsel, but they lulus - ed to comment upon it at this time. I 8 atrickty stops coughs, cures colds, hcals the titthat and lonms. - 25 centS. the wealthy English women, but more recently carpets and upholstery in 'the same sombre color have beeome the craze and now 'follows the latest de- velopment ia a fancy for black china. Bleak tea services are being made by London iirm.s. The cups are lined with white and have gilt edges. Other tea services are lined with color. About 30 years ago black china was exceedingly fashionable. Then came the deniand for china in lighter colors. The black china then in, vogue used to be lined with a color to harmonize with the scheme ef the room. If there were turquoise eurtains arid upholster. les the cups were blue inside and black outside. In the same way bed: room sets of black were sold. These frequently had the name of the owner engraved on the outside in, gold or some eolor. These black, bedroom sets will probably come into use again if the fad for black tea sets continuee. Bus and Dray My 'bus and dray humness is now located atmy house on Ontario St. two doors froire Raietenbury Hotel barn. Call ur 'phone No. 42. All orders, promptly a.ttended to. ZOFell. COOK. Annan' Meeting The annual meeting\ da members of the Mclaillop IVIutnal Fire' In- a -arm -tee Co., Will be held on Friday Jrin.19eh, 1912, in the 'Town) Hall. Seafortle at one o'clock p.m. The business ofthe meeting .tce eecelve the annual report and auditors port. The election of three( die- ectees and other businessteWhich may adine up for the good and wel fare of the company. The re- tiring directors are V. B. McLean, Wm, Chesney and. Malcolm MaEa'an who are eligible for, ite-elteation. J. B. McLean, T, E. Hays, President, Secretary tARMS ITTLE 1VER PILLS. Adversity. borrows Its sharemet Ming from impatience. OOuractiores are our own; their consequences belong eo heaven. wil Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S 4DASTORIIA Tie pen wounds, the sword kills. 'Let no man pvesume bo give acl- e ice bo Mimes .that has not .given good' council to himself. Electric Restorer for Men Ph°sPh°11°Irtcolg=7 rg:roirn:s it= vim and vitality. Premature decay and ;ill sexual weakness averted at once. Phosphene/1 l make you a new man. Price 88 a box, or two for $5. Mailed to any address. The Scoliell Drug 1:6*. St. Catharines. Ont. - As thrashing separates the cora from the chaff, so does efetiction purify virtue. Sa.nctifiecl afflictions are spiritual pi remotions. I Mere Afraid of Oblats. Montreal, jae. 8.--alon. Senator Le- gris tells in Le Pays yesterday why he sends his two eons to McGill Uni- vereity' and replies to L'Action So - chile of Quebec, who claim that the Senator, is hitched up with a Free- mason, moaning, no doubt, G. Lan- glois, 14I.P.P., editor and proprietor of Le Pays. He says he cloes not care whether he had to do with Free- masons or not, all he wants is a sin- cere adherent to Liberalism. The Senator .points . oat that Sir John A. .lefacdonalcl was a man high up in the Masonio Order. and asks what is the difference, as Sir ,,Tolui Macdonald wait supported by the clew - y oe this province to a man. Then Senator Legris tells how an Oblat leather brutally assaulted his son Wil- frid while the latter was asleep in the dormitory, and that, although , the boy 'lost an eye and careiett a Me*: en 'nose as a result of the attack, ths. college authorities pleaded that they were not reeponsible for the act of one of their number, and, consequently, Senator Legris affirms that he is more afraid. of an Oblat than a Fveemason . ogre s at his sone were not always at. lefoGill. Calls Contribution Insane. Ottawa, an. 8. --"Any contribution to these insane naval armaments is a backwird step, and we ehould be oareful Canada," declared Dr, L. E. logyatVactotia Univerine To llorninfn profeesor of Teutonic philce in y„ root o, , , OM COLIZ130 of an eaddress on the present day relations of England and alLeegiaaY• eliteee the Canadian Chita Sick 'Headache and roil/n/0AD the troubles Inc) dent to a hilions state of the system, Sad. an Dizziness,. Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after oai uting, Pn in the Side, &c. Whlic their wan •thtuarkable success bus heenshown IR caring lJ Beadache, yet Carter's Little Liver MN ar0 ogvully valuable In Constipation., curing maims. venting ibis annoying complaint. whi/e they also correct:di disorders of then turmoil, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Bvenif theyoul3 etree &Whey would be alemetpriceless to thosowho suffer :rein this distresting coal/ taint; bettor:it nattily their goodnessflocsnoten 1 hcreond those Arno once try them will find theselittle pills Indic able in so many ways that they will not be ty I. lag to does -tweet teem. Butaf 01.511/fink head Is the Nan of Bo tansy lives that hem is where we make our great beast. Our pills carat while others do not, Curter's Little /AIM' Pills are vai7 small and very may to take. Oneor twepille make a dose. They me strictly vegetable abd do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle notion patua au who Am them. G Meal hand= el. NW hall NI il1Dogga Y(:)i.'1,t rqrt frt. t W. R.' CoLipter Jeweler and opoefan. issuer of Marriage Licenses. , Yi3'41:°}1 rfitfor Sai leERA LIVE 0t1111 r ey ' .0,1antity, dr *Ian ella4h41,11111 fe'y for, tome, yielded .60.13tee por acre;. etee' 'mediated seeds,' Must'rap, poldley ellen ;Peace 8a.centlet ,per bus, meoe.,,tea. gatentity ofe. ;Golden. 'Arent-acad. oats.. Wine 'IA, 'Grant, beet la, Lent -lea: Road, Teekerternith Roar tor Service naving Purchased a thorough- bred Tamwortle Hog, Will keep him for ;service at lot 23 on the 3rd. Con. Tifullet. terms $1.00 attime 01 'service' with the privileclge of roe turning if necessary. ' L. Tyndall Two Houses to Let The undersigned has two heuses to let, apply to Jacob Taylor ervant Wanted. Wanted a good general eervout whom the highest wages will be paid. Apply to Mrs. Geo, Mc- Taggart„ Yards Opposite G. T. R. Mallon , The following quantity of Live Paul. PtvgyultisrywSataattieodn eaatch twilae ek11-21me v I a • 1000 Chickens 500 Hens •, 800 Yetetelts 3000 Doz.'New Eaid Eggs igtliliEYS AND GEESE EATER Poultry taken; the first three days of each week. flhest Prices Paid in Cash Write or Plsone Before Yon Sell Phone 4 on 142. N, W. TREWARTHA HoltnesVille• Shorthorns and Leicester Sheep for Sale. 1 Tthe undereigned has for sale Lot. 35 Con. 3 Tuckerstaith L. R. S. 2 choice young bulls aged 19 and 13 months old, color dark red also a 1few Leicester ewe lambs. Prices right.-A.Elcoat, Brucefield, Ont. • Strayed on tee' the premises of the under- signed Lot 19. Con, 13, Hallett about the first of August Di red yearling heifer'. Owner can have same by proveing property and paying costs, , Thomas Pate. Logs Wanted All kinds, of lags, Maple,Soft Eleci and Basswood preferred. Highest price paid. W. Doherty Piano and ,Organ Co. Boarders Wanted Ali kinds ot Coal on hand- Efaving returned to town I am now Chestnut Solt Coal Stove Kennel Coal Furnace Coke prepared to take hoarders, either ladies or gentlemen. Apply at house Mrs, elogridge, Ontario streetE Pastnre Land Some first class pasture land to be seal in lots to suit plachasers. At tractive prices. ApR ply to John umford, G. T. . CityAgent FORBER S • PARR FOR RENT Phone 52. ADVERTISE IN THE NEW ERA. atiaaAaaAathistatuttaaaaaAAAAAa 4 15- 4 4 A ,., Pi; 0,- p. 4 it. A t.''' 0› .4 le 4 le ISee and here our finest re 1 New Stylish designs of la 4. 4 Doherty Pianos and It 4 .t tu a ..irgans, fl 0 to D 1. ID tt. D ID D Or ), F... ,Ipeciat values in Cases Pianos and organs rent ed, choice new Edisbn phonographs, Music & 1,7 4 €1 variety goods. 154 41 15 4 C Hoare 15 15 15. 15 VVVvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv • Piano urdimers don" noinivea asleep ionle hat rifeDONERTY 18.498/ on earn; tide qmpped .ctories d Fause. and Ileaci Oefiee CLINTON, ONT. Wetitera Branch, • • eSO TaABGRAVE STREET, • , Ioetteunomenietrannaperamen The SOtitli 70 eeres of lot number 35 and tbe Smith Feist pert of Lot no, 80 14 11.01•58 both in the lst coneeseion of auley township is fervent for a term of years. Thi e property is clOso to the town of Clinton and possesesion can be given at 000e. For further plata eelars apply to Hems Plumeteel, Clin- ton, Ont, or McCarthy, 13ove a; Mur- chison, Barristers, I3arrie, Oh% Farm he Sate. itt:FIleLlonidegori gned offers for sale, Haat 3-tI Concession, of Hellett his choice ferm of 63 acres, all deer and in geese, 2 enever tailing epringriegood well at lions% river at hack, a 01)Din5 imiviel pit cement 00 rend gravel. A good frame 'home, new frame kitchen with wood shed, 1 acre good bearing orcherd. Reasons I for selling not able to work. For par. I decilitre apply on premisee or addvess RICHARD TASIKER, aullett, Clinton, la, 0, . Steam Enane For, Sale The undersigned offers for sale an upright steam engine; -about 7 horsepower; in good running or- der. This is certainly a snap for any farmer wanting poever for gen eral Me on farm. Engine can be seen at my blacksmith shop. Jabez Rands, Clinton. Farm tor Salo. The executor ol the Southconebe Betate offers for sale 50 'meet; - East half allot 28. con, 6, Hallett. first -Mase hum, well watered and improved, and with good buildiegs. Also the undersigned afterd for sale, lot 28, con. 6 Hull- ett, 100 acres. These farms may be bought together or separately. JAMES SOUTHCOMBE. Clinton. Cottage leftr Sale Mrs. Ross offers her Cottage on Victoria etreat for sale, It is au excellent property in a good 10- calion and in good repair, W. Bisclone. i'ord & McLeod aVe ere now 85 ling Timothy seed at $7 00 SI, bushel, Government Standard, We have also Ou band Alfalfa at 214(0, Aleike $10, Red Clover feom $8 50 to $0 We have always on , hand Goose Wtieet, Peas, Barley and feed Corn at eV a ton. Highest Mai t pieces peid for all grid*. fordW,7 c„,eod N110.) 1'0 t.6 gt? .0., )1 0' xicia) Iltare, 0/ , 74.1tV'ji ig11 W. IturtIoza'n, sAanisTER BOLIEII%10RII ZaOTAXI, PU.SatIO, IIITOi ereINTON OHARI,R,S B. naLn Conlleyance, Notary Public, 0011.1011esioner, eta. REAL ESTATEVAND INSURANCE Termer of Maeriage Licenee% lalu(roireSt., Clinton, • H. T RANCE' Notary(Pu blie,' Conveyancer, Financial and Real Estate. .1.17801RA CE AGI0b1T-Tiepresen ing is Fire In &mama:, Companies. lialviSion Court Office. Medival. DR 1. W. THOMPSON J101841, SCIrgeoil, Eno Otleoial attention given to diseases of the Eye. Bar. Throat, and Nose, Eyes carefully examined, and:suitable rei es proscribed, Office and ReSidence. ,Two door's W00* of the Conamtrelall Mitt Huron 83. DES. GUINN and GANDIElt or, W. name J. it, e., 7.15.0. ire MR 10r. C, Gaudier, 15,A. 81.13„ Office -Ontario Street, Clinton, Bight calls at regidence, Itat‘enbut st, or at hosDitai 'DIR. a. W. *SHAW. PPITSTOIAN, WORGBON. cern] °hem, otq*, Mike and residence on Bat- tonburY St., opposite w. 80315n79 residence, OR. E. R. TIXON 11141111111ST th CYOU'll find Iltrirtize lIt'et* a speelany. Graduate of C.O.D.S,. Chicago, and Lt.O,D.S Toronto. lilityttold on 111Inminvri, 8E115 1st to Deeenibe OR. IL FOWLER, IDErtinSlee Offices over O'NEIL'S store. Speciei care taken to make dental nem. mem 513 painless BS omelet,. THOMAS GUNDRY Live stook and general Auction ei•• GODERICH 014T 91 930535 sales a encomia./ Ciders st EliA °Mee, Clinton, p1umty alitenciest to. Terms reasonable. Farmers sale note dirienanted G. D. McTaggart ltd. D. MeTaggar MeTaggart Bros, BANNERS ALBERT ST, CLINTOr General Banlaing BU0Smataa treetisaateel NOTES DISCOUNITeD Drafts lance. Interest allowed on depoeite. The McKillop Mtatliai Fire Insurance tee. Porta and Isolated Town Preps erty Only Insured, OrFICERS. J. B. MeLean, President, Seaforth Jae. Connolly, Vire Pres., Goderieh Thos. 'allays, SecaTretts,, elieaforth DIRECTORS, Jas. Connelly, Holmesville; Jehe Watt, liarlock; G. Dale, Clinton; 1'f.. Chesney, Seek:nth. I. Evans, Beech. wean; J. G; Grieve, Winthrop, 1. Ben - newels, lerociliegen, 111. lereEevan, Clinton. Each Director is inspector oi loseee Jo les own locality. Rob'AGEPITE. t Smith, Radecki Ed, Hinchloe Seaforth; James Cumming, Egmoa& aBlel j, W. Yeo, Holmesville Payments may be „made at The Morrish Clothing Co., Clinton, or 13.11. Cult, Goderich. JACOB TAYLOR OLIN:01cl Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Reeal estate bought anti nod money to lean Oflace:Issac:Street, neett:door :to New Era , errand Tarinikaleitway SyStalte --- Railway Time Table Lohdon, Huron and Bruce. North Passenger London, depart... ;8,80 a et 4,50;p:re Centralia 1140 , Exeter 051 5.59 liensall Kippen ..... 10.08 6.05 10,10 0.11 Bencefield 10,30 6.10 Canton 11,00 0.85 Londeeboro 11.18 0 52 11.27 i.00, 13e1grave .. ... 11.40 7.13 Wingliam, arrive.- 11,50 7.35 Blyth • South , Passenger Wingham, depart.. 6,43 a m53,33 p ni Belgrave 6.54 8,44: Blyte....... .... . . 7.08 8,e6 Eondesboro 716 4.04 Clinton, 750 423 Brucefielcl 8.12 439 Kippon 8.23 4.47 Ileeeell a 452 148 5.05 Centralia 9 00 5,15 Londonaarrive 10 00 6.10 :Buftelo andetiode,e West Pecuiengerleee (1 101 9fl pin 3:01 Stratford 10.00 12.20 528 10,20 Mitchell .....10.2212.46 5.55 10.47 .10.45 1,10 6.18 11.12 Olintoe . 11,07 1.25 640 11.2e 16 1,13 046 11.38 ' Goderieh.: .. . -11-35 1.50 7.05 11.35 East " assenger am pom pis Goderich • .... 7 10 • 140 4.50 7.26 2.57 5,06 (Hinton ... . . . ... 7 85 307 5.15 Seatorth 752 NI.Z 5.82 dPubell .. 116 848 5.51i Stratfoect,.... 8,40 4.15 6.20 1.*. de Van's, FernaTe Pfls A tell:361e Frendli tegImIcteyt never fails, ,Thcso pine are exceedingly powerfill regulating ,Oe generam tive pottlemof the feale system, Rabin& I en leareeeee, Dr. de Van's are sold at. ' I 85a Iicet` °frame for $10: AtriiIed to any fiddreSS. SetstuIlL 7fs•ctq' Ortos 85.,pa551strinetss OAS ,