HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-01-11, Page 3e 7 ae. ti esu iiieei' heofefleitel Organ of the Temper:gentle party hied the, fel.' inreference oethe eleeent• " Oirtitting the' fOur eunniqipaleties et to be heardftom, the total te- •nalt ,Of the fight itia0 folloW's;- , . ,joriteee for Looa154 aJ°IriltIte0 aglaina t Lena Opiion 26 Total • • e 80 • ire were ewiee a's many major e as for,gPleathibition as therlf ev.ergaths1#1 The respet of 'the viete intlitettlete peal Contests was la el e pee- ,h5jitoa eweale, and 'the onsllautglitt 'ot ;the bar-roora party reseilled es $631101Ves ;- • •• , • Betapelts •carried ... None lEteapeaes defeated ,, 15 te• 15 , ' Taking' the 65'. munIciPallitiesein eth ,pew •Lotalo, Oartionebyelaws . 'Were Sabmittede, and . setting out efhelrasiat of the Voting on the • •Peewee 'vetting '.icer 39' Placele 'vatting against, L, ' • 26, TOttalIen. • ithee one egarion's hineeraziee to great, , aelVance by: the it °taper an cal ecause was the fact 'that ;the theeee lifteese'ee.citierement'•preVentatd, thee 'adoption' °if 'Local ')Op'tilon in) 21,, 65 the vie-•• torieis Were wo.n.Theretior7 •'the net-resulet,,Of 'the. voting upon new ne ne,eal option byeleaws, was es 18 ., By-laws defeated ...41 Total • CARRIED. 18 .-- 3 , Harwich .. , deostanquet •...... . .. Begot •and Blytehlield - davallee . , ............ Cannington ... 2 doecknow Paretarvon. ,Orillia..Tevp , Cbestee ville 2 Deo Elefrid . 2 Pelee Island' ;Glamorgan ' 1 'Percy 'Ilwar (11o,waecl.Tevp ..... .. a Walpole FAILED TO GET THREE-FIFTHS MAJORITY, 21 fieeandford. Caledonia Noe& Cayuga Twp Cheaterville. Chapple. Emo tatiebieoke Boderich defeeg•erman Bagersville tHemworth ekocaster Athens Beamsvelle Colborne. Coldwater elCollingwood. Durham 'Owen Sound Steatforcl Howland. Listowel Nadoe Middleton. Newbury. Point Edward Ridgetown efthedforci Wallace. I Wroxeter SUSTAINED, 15 LakefieId. e Peel Township Richmond Bill Tara Thornburntownship. Watexford. Wyoming REDUCTION CARRIED Kingston DEFEATED, 26 'Alvinaton Assignee. Brant Township Cayuga - ;Chatham IChippawa. Crosby. Dack. Dunnville Elzevir and Grimsehorpe. Vett William • Beatings Bungerford. Smaie. Chemins, Markham Med-ora Totivieship Milveeton. Mimic° Moungto,n. Port Arthur Rainham Township Sherbrook Twp Simeoe .Tyenclinaga, Uxbridge Watford • Waterloo .Tewnship MUNICIPALITIES TO HE HEARD FROM -44 Dover. pinch f 3 1 A Modern Miracle the woman the cerippings, it, led. , miles marriage. :To punch your umbrella into; ,a He Had Eczema 25 Ye'ans and Doe- person, and then open it, means, "I dislike you.' a eors said "No Cure" :Yet Zane -Belk has Woeked Com- plete Cure. 1110„„eee' o Thee is the experience of a man of reputation, widely known in ontreal, and Whose case can read- ily be investigated. Me. T. M. Marsh, the genteemen reerel .o lives at 101 De i orimier Averre e. n- treal, and has lived there for years. • . For twenty-five years he has had • eczema on his hands and aerists. The disease first stareed in reed blotobe's. which itched, aad when iscratched became painted. Bad •isores foelowed, while discharged, • and elm discharge spread the des - ease until his hands were one raw ,parefell name . of Boxes. ,Trus 'state of affairs continued •fore twenty- five years! . In that time foutieminent inedi- eal men bried to cute 'him., and each gave up the ease ,as hopeless. /eat - mane', l‘fe. Meneth treed remedies of all kinds, but he, (also, at; )lest • ggive It up. For twto years he lead lto *Oar gliov es day and Dighe so •Ilerxible was the pain and itching when the air got to the epees. " • 'Then came Zam-Buk 15e tried it et as he haet tried hundreds of emedies 'before. But he soon found • out th-at Zam-Buk was different. •,Withlo a few weeks there were dis- einct 'signs ref benefit, ad a little perseverance with this gre,at herei- el balm resulted in e what hehad given no all hope of -a .complete To .seving yOtur urnbrella 0 VC/. YOut erlionedee, signifies. "Tam m-aking a nuisance of myself." To trail your Umbrella 'along the hootpatei means that the mare be- hind you is thirsting for yew.. blood. To carry it at right 'angles under your arm ,Segolfies that an eye is ,to be injured bythe man who follows you. This is generally a woman's way of carrying her umbrella To putt an alp•aca umbrella by the ide oe a silk one 'signifies "Ex- change no robbery." To lend an unebrella indicates. "I ant a fool." To eatery an !umbrella, in a ease signifies itis a shabby one. To press an umbrella on: your erieend 'saying, "Oh do take it ;; I wooed' much tether you would than note"signifies lying. To give afeiencl half your um- brella means that both ot you will get 'wet. To, carry if from home t in •the morning means, "It will very like ly be a fine P ef ,4•fi fo," .!k Pert and Impert‘? Irereete.....weereevenweeteaeveeee 4..01 eje ,cure And the cure was no tem- Times oharioe wheels make their porarY cure. It Was Permanent. earreage road intim fairest face. He was 'Coped nearly foor years ago. .Interviewed the &hex day, Mr. Marsh said: "The mire ;which • Zana-Buk :worked ha's been absol- utely permanent. From the •day that I was cowed 'to ,the present, moment Ihave had notnace of ee- e'erria, and I feel 'sure Atwell innate return." ' If you suefer from 'any skin 1;plIckly stops couills. cures moms . The' .weest men oaten give the best 'advice. rims G t he throat aad • 25emote. roub.e, cite one. this eatiele, ,wretie across e1 the name o,f thas paper, and mail it, with one ,eeelle ,5(tainp" • :to pay return postage, to Zane -Buie Co., TOS'01.0.0. We will foxwaedlyou . by return afros trial bon of Ztam- Buk. All druggists and stores sell this flamous 'remedy, 50,e. box, rie • three fox $1.25. Refuse leartiaful ' teulestittutes. esed Lap,tg.9t94re et 'Umbrellas i There ie a language oil umbrellas as of flowers. For instance, !Allele your urebreela Ina rack, and it will , eaten indicate that ite well change o., To open it quiekey in tete street inleane, that „eornebody's eye isego. ele,g to be in clanager. t TO 'shot italuttelelY sigaiii.ea tle,at Imt 'or Iteelo' , Preheiblee flee' 1 _Affectation la a Igseater enemy to the face than the ,sinaili--pox: • He 'who .can take ativiee ;times superior to him ,who .can give . • , ----- • Children Cry" FOR A S, 'V 0 ,R A Pepe/7 is, fregnenelly the ;badge of ignorance. Activity is liable to commit 'grime injuries. but *idoilence is sure track no good, dr en Cry • FOR. FLETCHER'S - A'S C) .R I A. ,Wrt umbrella , .ied oeneee, • ,artrnee moo ,aeetneg ,iaottheogbet . ' • enta'riejo.piintg,,e,,,eee f133,11,1f,l,e,, „g,i'Tshi,..7‘ yo11.11,11,1,1)1;:e11;ir..1(1:lii' 15aerrelZd- ' ' When a Man .lealectoe tiro re. , a04e,eaere b end enne ee that of Oonemettele Bela. ISS 1 STARTLINO ENDING OF \ ONE OF THE.. MOST SENSATIONAL MURDER CASES IN -RE CENT NEARS Boston, 4ari. 8. ---The Rev, Clarence V. T. Rieheson, Mrrnerly pastor of the Immanuel Bapeist • Chard) of Calebrielge, yesterday made a written icorifession to the effect that he poie- oiled his forme sweetheart, IVIiss Avis Linoell. The statement was giv- en into the hands of his counsel, who made, the, confession public, at one p.m. Saturday. As Rev, Afr. Richeson stands to- day barna the law, he is indicted for the murder in the first degree of Miss Linnell, by giving her a quantity of cyanide of potassium. 'The penalty for such a crime in evEassachusetts is death in the electric ehair. If Riche. son stands in court on Jan. 15 next, She date set for his trial, and acknowl- edges his guilt in accordance with his statement made public Saturday, •the eourt, under the law, would be obliged to impose the death sentence, So the opinion of court house officials. The confession of Rev. Mr. Riche. son follows: "Boston, Jan. 3, 19155. "John L. Lee, 'Esq.: "William A. More, Esq.: "Philip R. Dunbar, -Esq.: Gentlemen: Deeply penitent for my sin, and earnestly desiring, as far as in my power lies, to make atonement I hereby confess that I am guilty of the offence of which I stand indicted. "I am moved to this course by no inducement of self -benefit or leniency. Heinous as is my crime, God has not wholly abandoned me, and my con- science and manhood however de- praved and blighted, will not admit of iny still further wronging by a public trial her whose pure young life I 'have destroyed. Under the lashings of 'remorse I have suffered and am suffering the tortures of the damned. To this I find a measure of comfort. In my mental anguish I recognize that there Is still, by the mercy of the Master, some remnant of the Divine Spark of goodness still lingering with me. I could wish to live only because within some prison's walls I might. in some smell measure, redeem my sinful part, help sorne other despair- ing soul, and, at lad, find favor with my God. "Yon are instructed act deliver this to the district attorney, or to the judge of the court. "Sirmexely yours, "Clarence V. T. Rieheson." J-ust before noon Saturday the judges of the Supreme Court and the distriet attorney went into eonlerenee at the court house, and about an hour later representatives of the press were called to the office of William A. Merse, the leading couneel for the ac- zused cleegyman. Typewritten sheets containing the confession were hand- ed to the newspaper men, and those who paused to ask for some further ex -planation were told that there was nothing mon to be said at this time. The fact that the confession was dated theee days ago was also poiat. ed out to the counsel, but they relies. ed to eomment upon it at this time, Jr curio:ea/stops eoughe, cures colds,. heals the throcd and Innes. - 25 cents, is Ione' - int its Wnelay rerneneon, In' the Utilld Union " Hotel, Saturday. ' Horning's remeaks regardingethe re - Of an optuaietie oature were Dr. daeions between England and Ger., minty. The elose relatioxarhip of the two great natiooe in Many lines made for peace to si greater extent than any fiscal difference of treuble with reerfebraeintmcee:oincotlhoz enioairtian eoctioangolt n liweaoru... "It is not poesible to think that these great Teutonie 'nations, withethe ganle •high ideals, the ream° love of home, justice, right And God, and the same thigh thought, can -ome to war," he said. "They cannot be sep- arated and must be together if they are to eorreinue their parts in the de- velopment of the world." • Black China 4 London Fad: Though the women of London are having their gowns made up, of the same brilliantly eolered stuffs as their fashionable sisters in other countries, they are surrounding themselves with a setting of black. For some time black wall papers have been a fad of the wealthy English women, but MOTO recently carpets and upholstery in the same sombre color ibave become the craze and now 'follows the latest de- velopment in a fancy for black china. Black tea services are 'being made by London firms, The cups are lined with white and have gilt edges. Other tea services are lined with color. About 30 years ago black china was exceedingly fashionable. Then came the demand for china in lighter colors, The black china then in vogue used to be lined wieh a color to harmonize with tile scheme of the room. If there were turquoise eurtains and upholster. los the cups were blue inside and black outside. In the same way bed- room sets of black were sold, These frequently had the name of the owner engraved on the outside in, gold or some eoeor. These black bedroom sets will probably come into -use again if the fad for black tea set e continues. Bus and Dray My 'bus and dray business is now located atrny house on Ontario St. hvodoors from' Betteribury Hotel barn. Call or 'phone No. 42. All orders, promptly attended to. TOSEL COOR. Amami Meeting The aneutal meeting, oP Inernbene 01 the McKillop Mubital FleIn suranee Co., will be hec1 on Friday e - Jan.10511, 1912, in the 'Town? Tr.sci. Seafoetth, at one o'clock p.m. The business of the meeting* ect rece:ve the annua'l eeport and .au.ditons re port. The election of three( dir- ectors and other businessnwhieh may &eine up for the good ancl wel fare of the company. The re- tiring directors are je 13. McLean. Wm, Chesney and.MalcOlniMeEwan who are eligible for, re-election. T. R. McLean, T. E. Hays, President, Secretary CARTEit renic LIVER PILLS. Adversity, borr'ows its sharanst sting from 'impatience. Our actions are oor own; their consequences belong to heaven. ,C1-011dren, Cry FOR FLETCHER'S • ASTO R BA' ,The pen wounds, the sword, kills. Let no man presume to give ad - eke do others that has not given good council to himself. Electric Restorer for Men PhosPhon°1 rt?isigefig;erggfoinVP:slegleys vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual weakness averted at once. rhoRphonol will make you a new man. Price $R a box, or two for $5. Nailed to any address, Tho Scyllal. Drug at. Catlutrines, One. - As .theashing separates the corn from the chaff, ,so does efelietiort purify virtue. Saectified afflictione are epiretual p °motions, More Afraid of °bias, hfontreal, Jan. 8. -Hon. Senator Le. gels tells 3.11 Le Pays •yesterday why he sends his two sons to McGill Uni- versity and 'eeplies to L'Aetion So. ciale of Quebec, who claim that the Senator is heinhed up with a Free- mason, meaning, no doubt, 0. Lan. glois, IVI.P.P., editor and proprietor of Le Pays, He says he does not care whether he had to do with Free- masons or not, all he wants is a sin- cere adherent to Liberalism. The Senator points out -that Sir John A. Macdonald was a man high up in the Masonic Order and asks what es the difierence, as Sir •Johe Macdonald was supported by the cler- gy of this province to a man. Thee Senator Legris tells how an Obl t Fgtther brutally assaulted hie rton Wil- frid while the latter was asleep in the dormitory, and that, although the boy lost an eye and carries a brok- en nose as a result of the attack, She college authexities pleaded' that they were not responsible for the aet of one of their number, and, consequeritly, Senator Lopes affirms that he is more afraid of an Oblat than a Freemason, and gre a sons were not always at MaGiel.• • Calls Contribution, insane Ottawa, Jan. 8. -"Any contribution to these insane naval ormaneents is a backwaicl step, and we should be careful in Canada," deelared Dr. L. E. orningi. professor of Teutonic philo. logy at Victoria University, Toronto, H in the <mune of an ,address on the present day relations of England and Iffeemarly, lisafore the •Canadian Clula Sick Ecrulache and relieve all the tronbles inef. dent to a What/8 state 01 tho h 'stem, end. as Dizziness,. Nausea, Droweiness, Distress after eating. Fan e•the-S ide, a. While their most yernansable semen has been elm vn In curing ., e' lee 4,, efeadaebo, yet Carter's Little Liver me are equally valuablo in Cons tip ation.cating nadprc. venting this annoyingcomplain , while they also correct all disorders ot the htclun stimulatethe liver and regulate the lanyels. Dven if they 0E4 Cured Ache they would be almostpricelessto thosew110 suffer from thiol stressingeomplaint; bittforta nately their goodness Coes notend hero,and those who oneetry them whiling] thcsaii tile pffis vain, able In so many ways that they will not Us ling to do without them. But after all slek head Is the ham of 08 0007 lives Ilit horo irg where Nve make oat great boast. Omplile cure it while others do not, Carter's Lime Liver eine aro very small and very easy to take. Oneor two pills mako a ,1040, They arc strictly vegetable end do not gripe oz purge, buthy their gentle action pleate alt who Jose them. c. onus 38301115111 80., 38841 Imall 11kImg11 D6804, ,gl4all NV. R. Counter Jeweler and Optieinn. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. aweeeepowseeteweereeet ke, Avanirsla tic frikiiirw ERA.1 - „I quantity. of Mandseheurii Bare. - ley forreale, yielded '50,1aus p,err acre; free ,froin enoxiona Seritile,", teieeds, must be s,oficl by jam eerie. 85•een4e, per bus. AiIsdt quantity. of " (Gelder& • , Drop Os.'Wm. • A.Gleant, Deft 45. Lon ,Rciatit TUIP1Z00.719,thilth, TO4enehip Boar tor Service 4' Having' 'puirebas'eti 'a thoreau'gJr- bred 'Taneworth Hog, will keep him for iervice at lot 23 on the 3rd. Con. Bullet, ferme $1.00 at lime of service' with the priviledge of turning if necessary. L. Tyndall • TWO HORSES 10 Let The undersigned has two heuses to let, apply to Jacob Taybor Servant Wanted. Wanted' agape! general servant eo whom the highest wages will be paid. Apply ;to Mrs. Geo. Mc- Tagg,art,, ci eement Yards Opposite G. T. R. Station All kinds ol Coal on hand - Chestnut Solt Coal Stove Kennel Coal Furnace Coke Tik• FOR13E5 Phone 5e. , ADVERTISE IN THE NEW ERA, aidaaaalaeAlAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 4 , 4 4 Pi . . 4 1 P. 4 ' 11" 4 et. ISee and here our finest I 4 New Stylish designs of a 4It. 4 Doherty Pianos and 1,1: el a P. 4. to •Organs, a a .4 •a 4 4 .5pecial values in .1 . Cases a < < 44 Piarios and organs rent 4 b 1 ed, choice new Edis'on 1=- 4 a tt phonographs, Music & r. 4 . a 4 variety goods. a 4 D. 4 4 :el IiillS.M Emporium II 4 4 . 4 1 4 ,. i .1 .4 z t fie 5. 4.• 5. 4„. 1. C. Hoare vvvvvvv,vvvvvvvvorvvvvvvvvv Piano urchasers show's' noimnair (dap /ode /*I PeD011EIZTY is hest value •on earn3 • _ " , • itristrati'A uokny 1---------_-- Ot BARBFITER SOLICITORNOT,620, " if W. lIRYDONE, PUBLIC. OTO. The following quantity of Vire Poul- try is wanted at the Holatesville Poultry Station each week - 1000 cigickens, 500 Ille7s , • 800 Ducks 8000 Doz. NewEaid Eggs URILEYS AND GEESE LAYER Poultry take»P the first three days oi each week. Highest Prices Paid in Cr Write or Plhone Before '- Phone 4 OD 142, N, W. TREVVART111.4. Shorthorns and Leicester Sheep tor Sale. ,The undersigned has for sale Lot. 36 Con. 3 Tuckerernith L.E. S. 2 choice young bulls aged 12 and 13 months did, color dark red also a few Leicester ente lambs. Prices right.-A.Elcoat, Brueefield. Ont. Strayed on itni the premises of the under- signed. Lot 19, Con. 13, Hullett about the first of August 1.0 red yearling heifer. Owner can have israme by proveing property and paying chste. • Thomas Pate. Loos Wanted All kinds) of logs, Maple, Soft Elm and Basswood preferred. Highest price paid. W. Doherty Piano, and Organ Co. Boarders Wanted Having re/taped to town I am now prepared to take boarders, either ladies or gentlemen. .Apply at hoose Mrs elogridge, Ontario street Pastore Land Some first class pasture land to be sold in lots to suit purehasere. At tractive prices. Apply to John Bamford, G. 7.35. OityAgent FARM FOR RENT The Small 70 acres of lot number 35 s,nd the South nese part of Lot nn, 80 14 acres both in the lst conceedon of anley township is torrent for a term of years. elhis property is Q10 to the town of Clinton and possesssion can e given et once, For turther parti- culars apply to Henry Plurosteel. Clin- ton, Ont., or McCarthy, Boys a; Mur- chison, Barristers, Barrie, Ont. Fano For Sale. Half, Lot 12, on 810 Concession, of The undersigned offers for sale, East Hullett his choice farrn of 05 acres, all Mena' and in grass, 2 ,oevet failieg springsegood well at house, river at back, a ehoice gravel pit, cement or reed grave]. A. good fro the -house, new frame kitchen withtvood shed 1 •0 :I'll I eonToaamnLemeel aSs iNo nc )1 Set a: Yent17.111;) 1710 r REAL ESTA'BE2AND INSURANCE Issuer pf Marriage Licenses, HuroneSt., Clinton, • H, T. RANCE., itTsuRANop art Ofike., evanies. Medik..a1. DR 1. TilOMPSOM Asian, Surgeon, mu, snocial attention given to ±1000050 01 the nYo, Bor. Tbroat, and Noss,- Eyes care , examined, and :suitable Pelee proscribad. Oface and Residence, • Two doors west of tlic Commercial norm Maros. St, ,. DRS, GENN and GANDICIIIR Dr, W. Candi, it. (1, 1...y, R. 5.8.. Jett, 5, Ganglier, G.A. 111,13, Office -Ontario Street, Clinton. Night calls at residence, Hattenbtur St. or at hospital "DR. d. W. 6 AW. PHYSICIAN, SURGHON, eco uchenr, etc. office and reszdence 05 It et, tenbury 80., ounosite W. Farran's residence, D • DE!. P. 11.11)PDM • ENTIST c. Crimp slid 'Bridge 1Vorir a Specially. Gradate of C.O.D.S., Chicago, and 12.0,0.5 Toronto. Itoyfield 410 1001,011LVS, Hay 1st to Itecembe IL FOWLER,' DENTIST. Ofifteeci ever 0'38111L13 store. Special care taken to make dental treare ment as painless as possible. THOMAS GUNDRY Live stock and general Auction ier GODER1011 ONT kat rr, Mont sales a awh) asOldest a , 54'w ERA offiee, Clinton, prc,mg t4 attendee to. Terme reasonable. Farmers sale note discounted G. D. MeTaggare M. D. MeTagger MeTaggart Brost, 11.FIIVICEIZS ALBERT SP, MINIM ciseneraltrBasTalteltteAt laktsfineett NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued, Interest allowed on deposits. Fire Insurance eo. The MeKillop Mutual erty Only Insured. Jj e13. 0Mo earn' clo °PrIi".Fei IseCiedE el 1P:rt. Goderich Seaforth Thos. E. Bays, Se-Treas., titicatorth DlliECTORS, jas. Connelly, Hohnssville; John Watt, Harlock; G. Dale, Clinton; lei, Chesney, Seafcatir 1, Evans, Beech. woon; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop, 1. Ben- neweis, Brodbagen, M. MoEwan. Clinton. Each Director is inspector of losses la his own locality. Penn and isolated TOWER Preps acre good hearing orchard. Reasons . -*AGENTS. forselling nt able bo work. For par• dealers apply on premises or address Robt. Smith, Harlock; Ed, Hinchlee RICHARD TASRERHallettSeaforth; James Cumming, Egmand, , (A,nton. P. 0. Steam Ermine For Safe ville; J. W. Yee, Holmesville Payments may be „made at The Morrie& Clothing Co., Clintotat or 13.71. Cult, Goderich. The undersigned offers for sale JA00B TAYLOR an upright steam engino; ahouk' oza horsepower ; in good running or- der. 2 his is certainly ttsnap for , any farmer wanting power for gen eral use on farm. Engine can be seen at my blacksmith shop, Jabsz Rands, Clinton. Farm, tor Saie„ The executor of the Southcombe Estate offers for sale 50 acres - Bast half of lot 28. eon. 6, Hallett. A first-class farm, well Watered and improved, and with good buildings. Also the undersigned °Herd for sale, lot 291 con. 6, Hull- ett, 100 acres. These farms may be - bought together or separately. JAMES SOUTHCOMBE, Clintoie, Cotiage Por Sale Mrs. Ross offers her Cottage on Victoria street for sale. It Is an excellent property' in a good 10- cation and in good rep.Bairr, wydone. Ford & iiteleed leee. are now se ling Thnotby seed at $7 00t, bushel, Geveru want Standard. Wo have also Oil 10111d Alfalle at 41400, Alsace $10, Red Clover freer; $8‘,5v()etubSegyo always on hona Goose Weenie PettS, Barley and feed Coen at Highest Mci i prices paid for all Laile LoeS ford quipped -nctorges oda auth al reml,b,and Head Office CLINTON, ONT. Western liratich, 8C1 FIARGIIAVE STREET, 4NICIPEC4. MAN. NicLe od 0,211=EIMMEIMEMIRINERIMMII/IM=2,, 0., 11113, 01$ 1 1. tit C.f t, ti gk, .41111, tavie 01$ '070, or ant. - Fire, Ltie and Accident Insurance Real estate bought and sold Money to loan Office:Isaac:Street, next:door :to New Era Grand Trunitlaanway system Railway Time Table London, Huron and Bruce. North Passenger London, depart.- . 8.80 a m Osntralia . . .... 9.40 5,43 Exeter 0 58 5,54 liensall .... . . „...• 10.08 8.05 Rippen 10.16 6.11 Bruceiield . . 10.30 6.19 Chin ton ........ . 11.00 6.35 Londesboro 11.18 652 Blyth • 11.21 7.00e feelgrave 11.40 1.13 Wingharn, arrive,11.50 7.35 South Passenger Wingham, depart0,43 a me3.33 p m Belgrave 6,54 3.44; Blyth. . . ...... 7.08 3.e6 Londesboro 7.16 4.04 50 423 thucefield 8.12 4,39 Kippen 8.23 4.47 1-lensell........ .... 8.32 452 ... . . 8.48 5.05 Oent Londoneatrrive, . 10 00 0.10 :Buffalo andepode, 1. West learisenget-,7eoe am pm pm pfll Stratford 10.00 12.20 5 25 I0,20 Mitchell 10.22 12.45 5.55 10,47 Seaforth.. .. . .. 10,45 1.10 6,18 11,12 Clinton -.11,07 1.25 6.40 11.28 Liol eti 1.39 646 I1,3/3 Goderieh -.11-35 1,50 7.05 11,35 Eastessenger , 580 1)111 p 01 GOd erieb . .. 740 2,40 4,50 Hohae,sville „ 7.26 2,57 5.06 Olintorg .. 7 85 307 5.15 Seaterth 7.52 0125 5.82 Mitobell... . , . 8.16 848 5.55 Steatfoto 8.40 4.13 6.20 Di de Van's, Female Pills, Al reliable French regulator; nave; fails. 'rhea° pille ebe exeeedingly powerfnl in tiegeatalne the I0100101150 'mitten of the female system. Refuse: all, them? tfliitatlons D5 de Van's are sold at 85a box,,,Cr three ler slo. ailed to (key etkiretea 'Thit $490bal 011ag (log S oatharinea,