HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-01-11, Page 2' vmont000;;.......oiom00000mO.000mOmotoo.00000p.o.h00000.o.o.000f.h........"."."".."=:;,
liV,rAiktIStrAj):i8115„ 4O1:40: No• A
I • . , jttLINTON 'ONTAFZ, THURSDAY JANUARY .11 1912 ' mr. H. Kerr 8z, Son Editors and Pubhshers
KILLED RECK, Inupgulinj EIRE ClitISES 1100 leAMAGE 11
• . " ' • . ' • ' • .; ' ' • • '
„ , • j „, , . .
4Pttai' O; 0 0
AO$OrVe 'and endivicied
L•To,faiiiss'atS *§ItiO,060,000
,of Town, Council
Firemen Had Hard Fight toConfine13laze to Upper Story of Big
• •
the memleees ( eigieed their
iqualific,ation p(epere, and the Council
of 1912 opeinedeveithiMayor Gibbings
• in •the chair and Reeve Dantelon
end," 'Couneillons, Ford, -0e,r4ah, a P,
Jaeleeon,,Beacoan, Thompson ,Eunet T.
jack -son present. ,
'The minuites 'o•fthe last meeting
Wee read and deelatred correct.
iismitOnoomokosopoomoot0000mmoomearo011 •
' ' l'60,0401,111.14/' 4 '01 . /Att,1,110‘ii•A)•.WW,010,11,f60,,ortd0.014, '
• 1179,0 wh•O 114are
Mi 01' t t • ' ;' Strilottire-Great.. Loss oocaeiOned 'ley Water Soaking
• Winn.iteeg, Jan; 5 -Three ' eteriedne.. ')i1:y Press and,harclly' an,yolie; knew
• . . , , . , •
earnoto, Seaketehe- was seelonslk hurt . and s ortafter
• • . ••
wiien an eastboend, exl)resaiene et , with telegraan,was received stating that lee
lOst their, lives itna weeek on the Oen- thatono of the edead was a
'adieu Pacific •ItaileVey Cent ietetly'a :Res- bon son d at Mrs. 'Thompson, .
ton, Wolseley t)raneli early todiay, Albeit Street. ,'Fleicitey -afternoon a • !Wheat Stored BelOW. e • : •
a iniehn,p neal , • ,
n The iujuted euffered severely as witede another one saying Mr. Thoinp•
the the thermorneter was .4.1 , degrees , son iyeas dead, It is thought the first
' '" • , .
.• • - •,. •-• ' • •
ICOrresPendents throughout the world
, • 190 BRANCHES . and
Interest); allowed. on Deposits.
,.- • , •
" .Re E. iVIANN• '
1 .. 7osawnsz000ta* '''"
' ' ' ' ...
Goderich Jan. 5 -Fire, which broke
pie the telegi am WaS sen so as 1, e su en anc-)
out shorilg ,Liter 8 (e'clock FrklaY
morning in the top stdry of the West-
ern Canada Flour Mills' eleyater, did
damage cybieh will' amount to about
$60,000 before it was extinguished.
The alarm:was respended to prompt-
ly, and all the vessels in tbe barber
sounded their whistloi. The fire was
a very difficult one to combat, and the
biting cold added to the difficulty of
the department. The 'brigade, how•
ever, put np great fight. and con-
fined the fire to the top story. Thous-
ands of elollare' dainege was done to
below zelio teild a e;•ale, swe t h dd
prairie. The dean are : • noueceinent would not be a shock t
Thoreareson, pessengee„, , Tins makes the fourth member or the and, A. J. formed were appointed
L. Gingiest, passenger. ramilY who has met death in the West.
on tate Striking nommittee
which overturned. A number of• pas- Itilled in railway accidents. air. and seconded by Reev•o Cantle.on
sengers v•vere injured, Thompson'e vet:cleans are being brought ;the 'Council .a.el urned ep.
The finest order of business at the
J. BiolMrilson brakeman the mother and the•tannly.
The persona killed were in a coach One died of feVel and. three have been 'Moved by (Councillor T. Jamieson
'Cone:willows Jacluon, Jas. Forq.
'Dna above item, appeared in the home for interment.
evening :meeting was the neaten:: ot
MOTHER NO Mibhtilfil •:•••0006e00000009•0:
Imlay ollimEg tG06000000400i0006000:
?us Former Residents of Seaforth in. The service° last Sabbath were con -
Terrible Accident at
the morning being. nArt ideal church
ducted by the Pastor. The subject in
IWE have the Fish ,
• YOU, have the brains. •
• But hop' about the quality of
(the latter ? _
To help you to improve the
same We are ,going to keeP
supply of Fresh Fish regular
1y follows -i•
'Fresh Frozen Flabibut.
Red Sea Salmon
Finnan Middle
S melts. .
Fresh Herring'.
Phone 48
Alameda, Sask., service" and in the evening "The Song
of the inhabitants of the' Rock."
• Rev. Mr. Wylie will preach on Sun-
Seaforth, San. 5, -Word, hes been as,y first. when the morning subject
Ireceived from Alameda, Steele., re- will be. opie a. • ti
daughter. Some days agie, white 151r5. The weekly meeting of the B. Y. P.
.Hammill was cleaning cureains rvith U. was held on Monday evening. Mr.
gasoline, and had placed them in the J. Tucker presided and introduced tho
' kitchen to dry, whefl an expioalon oc- subject, which was "Courage". An
=reed. Mrs. liernmill's dines 'ryas in interesting . conversation on this im-
e y an In le
gardins, the burning to deeth of Mrs.
"Requirements for Heaven"
Samuel Flatumill, aud het ra.yealeold evening
fleariesiu an instant, and she rushed portant topic followed.
I fiann the house. 'rim ['daze speead
1 neighbors arrived they lonzed - it lin- WESLEY CHURCH.
vvith amazing rapidity, and before the
possible to clo anything. Mese Hammitt A. special week of Player will be held
had to be held back, as he would nave A missionary "At JeTorne" will beheld
house, and her husband...Ante-nava/cm no,
108t Ids life had he gene into the ia,Intc.,1seito: ntuhiviuspices of the La-yman's
movement; on Tuesday
building. Mes. Harnratil was. so tee- ."-"'
ribly burned that she dieti soon after. t)vening. .1 an. 23rd, Addresses will be
given by Mr. Geo. A. Staley, of Lunen
wards. The family fermerly resided „„,, Mr. Ralph Steele, Guelph.
in liullett Todenseip,aed el le'llan) mill "'"'
is a. son ot the late Mete Hammitt, of On Sunday Jain, 27, Rev. Ir. M. Woet
Seteforth. . ton, of Stratford, will preach Mission-
_... -•-•-e ary anbiversary sermons.
Stanley •
' Reeve Glen on Sanday leaf' att ended
the Inner/el:of Me 3 on t, Stephenson,
one of the oldest and meet highly re-
spected pioneere of the taieetion Lino.
Is recognized :throughout Can-
'. • Oa as a school of the higheet'grade.
• Its record proves it. 'Weil.° for•
patalogne. Enter any time,
•Yonge and. Alexanden Streets..
eitid that her daughter was in the from Jan. 21 to .
The pure kind at. S5e per
ib. the (same price as the im-
pure kinds.
Some Baking Powdees are
.as good as ours line they
e0St lnoaib. ,011a.s is rnae erf:v.
with ,chetniee'ly P'-
Of Toe tar and bicarb -nate
ol Soda. Always fresh, al-
ways good. nat per lb.
X. 7E1. 1:-11.(3)-‘711,-TrIr
Dispensit g Cherniet,
Me2Hatry Lednor neul brae visited
attbe home of Mi, rao;o. ROO this
week, • Theyleft em testlay foe their
.botne neer Port Albelt
Charles Faleoner, of Hayfield,
spent, ti few drys week among
franide on the sonond. .He was the
guest of Mrs. 3.03111 0.:Intionr. •
• Mr. laeter alcDenitid and. is mother:
'of Bleab, are vieitieg ,it.the home of
Mrs..jobn Alaitenene this week. •
Mr. • John A. vaillaveli .under the
Doctor's care this week.,
1-e-----a----•-------es--na-=--3-=•-...-e.-• ______
Rev, 1?e Barber, of Listowel, will
preach Missionary sermons next Sem
day morning end evening. Dr. Berber
former Clinton boy and is an ex-
cellent preaeher.
The Jumaey meeeing of the W. M,
S. was held. at the parsonage on Tues-
day:Otto:noon. Tea was served. front
5 to Altheugh the weather was un-
-rev:m:01e thee WW1 a good attgnda,uce
the striking Co,minittee Whiele was'
as follonrs
The first name nem' tamed ill
each committee is Chairman.
Street - ord, Cantelon, Bea-
com, Mellish,
Prirperty and tleetrie tight
-T. jackson, Thompson, Ford.
Fire and Water .--Morrish,
Jackson, Foci,
Cemetery '11).onipsoin Can-
. 'beton, Morrish.
Charity -Fa Jackson, ThomP/
son, T. Jackson.
Park - T. Jackson, Beacom,
Morrish. ,
111y -Laws -Beacom, Thompson,
11. Saekson.
Pittance -V, Jackson, 'Thomp-
son. Oantelon.
Court of Revison-Gi,bbings,
13oviom Cantelon,
Special -T. Jackson, Cantelon,
) .
wheat through water soaking down
through to the lower floors.
4404,..4..............+4,......eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 0
• *
e or e
• Local Ne '7' 4'..
. •
At:• Sit, Mary,s on Wednesday ev- The members (lathe Home Ciaclie
ening the home learn defedteel Sea- of Clinton are .asked to met in the
forth, intermediate team 29-7. L 0.0.F. hall next Monday even-
ing. There will be the eteetion of
officers and other important mat-
ters discussed,
• It is believed that the fire was carts
ed by. electeic, wires becoming crossed
during the gale which raged here •all
The fire department had only arriv-
ed hack f.rom a fire in the new public
school, 'where a blaze had started in
ti coelnin axed spread to a pile of kind
vk nod. The blaze was extinguish-
ed before any great damege %vas done.
When the men turned out• for the
'second fire many of their clothes weie
so saturated with water that they froze
on the way. and by the time they
r•eacberl the elevator many of the Lire
fightere resembled walking ice pillars.
'Clinton lo•st
0 .
Te,am 'evon
......... ea.. 3
St. Mary's. • • - 1 0
.. .. 1
Seaforth •
ate • 0.H.A. ho.ckey team dereatiell
0 oderieh
• 0 . 3 the Mitchell team at Mitchell by .a
itehell • : ,ecore of 7-2. The boys were never
A letter Was read from the Siek MINOR LOCALS. ' in canger o . mug
Children's 'Hospital, Toronto, and . . .
.the usual. :grant of $10 .Ntale Izalco.° i i 3:
on Friday n g t .
Clinton plays hockey in Goderieh there. Mr. D. Forbes ot Stafetforlt
. .was the referee.'
tl e I ocleey
a ,The Clerk • made his official re- Hale:lute, and you will know then
port on the. two by-laws paseed on there will be a. game MI town, and
man, the one on the •seweratee
letters were eead Silonil w. get your money'y .worth.
make a point to be there. • You will
The University. students in town
January lat.
system and his account withi the returned this week to Toronto.
town 10'T hie Work with the water- ' •
Works. The question of kewerage ONTARIO BUREAU OF " • • :
was lett over to he diseuesedi • at 'COLONIZATION 'CAR. '
a later date; et.nel his aecount \chic:a The Ontario Government' will
he Claims .iimonn a o ,
aceep.t $200 if paid in January 'Wee
tent to the Finance Committee to
look up his accoemt . and, ,pesa ir
By-laW Neal, 1912 wait read and 5
Battoover was, appointed to the
13oarel of Hoalt.h; D. A..lrorree ter, e o
the C. C. I. Board; j. W. Teeleaven,
to the Library Board- and Messrs.
Wiseman and Peter Cantelon,
Monday evening the Intermedi-
1 f b defeatedown
that institution.
Keep your 050 011
On , Mormay evening Rey. , , .
' Oeterliont wive ao interesting addeese
id the Eacture Room of the ehurch on
iiOne Mission Work in China." The
addrese was illustrated. by about 100
splendid views; ,
t t $320 but will have their Colonization Car at Clid-
ton on St riday, San. 26111, an
d. will
be on 1,he •riding opposite .the &Jit-
ter :Elevator, on the London Road daY,under the alloPleeS of
erossing, ea that the citizens and the Pastime Club Particulars. next
,farmere of this community can see 1 Week.
what' is grown in aTerthern 0n- • -
terio, and also 'the minerals, No
one should miss this privilege. The Follo•wing aro the players signed
exhibit/ is free to all. • by Clinton for the hu -key reasen:
I -R. J. Rumball, L. Doherty, .anirtir:
O'Donnell, W. S. Johnon; L. E. Gre e
Huron County Poultry Show will ey, C. G.Kilty, C. W. Dearer, Al -
Several. accounts were presented i
and were sent to the Finanee (,1011T- bo bold in the Town Hall. falinton beet R, Mitchell. Leonard Fair, El-
mittee , and if correct will be Paid ! Jan. 161 to lath. A large eollec- neer 5. Her, na pairrae,e, e, Copp,
so that they •will be tharged up to I :Lion of birds expected. A cordial
laat year's latishmss. • invitation is extended to the pub- CLINTON WINS AGAIN.
bi ids W 1 inch c evening Clinton de -
Incorporated 1855
TarrItal, PAU) UP $4,00.09000
gest Fund, $4,6e.1,,000
'..LC; Principal P1t1e8 in the World.
HOS 65 Branches ilai,•nada, and Agents anti CorrospottleOs
Jit. CritOalFareL gailMilie ca ISITSINT,ISS 'ErafeNS.A.CTIEDe
at all Ritranaiints. Interest altiowd at lidigitest earrent rat?.
waveLs,ir...w..7s-p-mwrzl,g4=== Clinton Branch - - C Ft DOW DING Manat:fer
Don't forget the home-made cook
ing sale at Mr. Wiltse's store this
week, Saturday afternoon, San. 13.
The ladies of •Ontario St. Methodist
Church will have choice cooking
for •sale-hoine-made candy, 5ellied
meats, pies, cakes, etc.
A humorous comedy will be pre-
te in the Town hall on Thera-
• aVlagie Koff Kure knoW
the meribs of this prepara-
tion. You know it act epeod-
ily and as sure to do the
• You Who have nevee tried
it are not •aWsere of ite value
for eonglis and. Bronehical
'trouble, ask your neighbors •
' about Koff Kure and try. it
on their recommencle.tion,
We (guarantee ev•etey bottle
W. A.N1cConnell
• Holmes'
were appointed auditore. TIIE P,OTTLTRY SIIOW. Wm, 11..11 Graham, I, tetna, ...r ,iL, 1
The 61 reet eon -unlace was ashel • lie to enene and see the besh et
tontiver Use for stone for the ' the country ; Winners from TOT" foaleti, Mitchell in the rink here by
macadam roads Heat will be built onto, Guelph, and all the •ehoWs tilie a :Icor() or 7 to 1, Clinton led at half
next). year, year, Will be on exhibition, Show time, 3_0, The game wee fast, aria
with three months notaie. 0 free ,QU.ARTETTE COMING. C,inton Kerr and Greig plaTed an
T. jaekson, as the Stevenzion (alasenie) male clear- Ivitteltel hail a chance to shout- D.
/3 brought etp atot of items 'which ening, San. 22ncl. One of the mem- Folewing WeS the lineup -Clinton
that of neve inentriee ; connection favorite 'with Clinton audiences, O'Donnell, cover ; Fair., rover : Kerr
..k contract between the tenni and ' lc'ePeetillreer ednYPI;o41.11Ya•el-Itib;v"Tri.ircol. ri tgitliPme, coneidering this is the first
Miteliell bo.ys playeal .a good
teed' into •f or one Year>
the Bel Telephone CO,, Will 17'e 'en -
TO Step St. Thomas. • Admission 1.0e. I yeer they have had a rink. For
John -
phones are e.sked for by the town. i
The Willis Cherch choir engaged : ,• exeellent game, while "Billy John -
man of the Speelai commit:le(' tette ref Toronto, f 7T alon day eV- Forbes of fiteatford was rkteree.
son was always in the way when
al he paced before ti • members- bees is alr..Diek Foster, an old Lime Joh neon, .goal ; Rumball, pond ;
C 1") 11 "n eldr" 1•"in 0,n . rid. they will. be glad. to have this , centre; Graham riaelit, wing ; Crreig
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee00.444 riats•ca4/4)***Sereetelatege 4/40.434• 4. 1-4441/4/4eteeetele4nre.4144,444444,4e4.4,411
'A •
Owing to the fire -which o-curred in.Iohnsop's harness
shop our Overcoat stock was slightly damaged by water. I
We secured a satisfactory seitlement from the insurance
companies, and the best Overcoat8 we have will go right I
into this sale ---Nothing reserved. For quick selling we
have made just four prices $8 509 11.50, 13.50, 18.50
: •Men's Sio and $12 Overcoats, Fire Sale price .. 8.50
1 ' • '
' 40
, 40
• ' , ' •••• , ',"'
. 0 ' . Act at!i ilitterested. $4br ivq., assqlr4,. 3Titill tIlat'lhOse
t ,
. .. . '
- 111,,T10it07,41V,'"..to: Iv aat io/tg titr , ony('Irs 'sit Itlf's 00-.).v!' 101'11e
: ', ' ' ' '',:-.7)7.411t.14!„1:',43,11,1).()NIINCI- . IVIL11,4 • I., til!1 , Til,1!1: '11.tli4J:',.'f.. .,
Men s 16.50 and 16.00
Men's 2o, 2 2, and $24 •
Boys $2.50 Overcoats, ire
. 33.00 •
18 50
with the C. P. . ;
1 G. la Ft. to connect With new la ,,n
at Stratford for Toaonts ; and stone
opera, chains for the town hall.
Councilors Jackson was Willing to
put on senile local commits to raise
fends for the purchase ott t new
chair: for _the xeserared scat sect -
1. n 01 the hail, All the' mattes re-
ferred to will be looked into.
Council adjourned. . ,
,e ... 1.35 4..
The. Best Remedy
For the Worst Kof
25 cents
W.S.R. Holmes
Phm B.
t-PP°.tt-unitY or hearing him "gain. ' loft wing. Mitchell- Brown, goal;
evhe, has jest retnrned from a three : I). Eizerman, ponli; matheson, cov-
Mr. Geo. Fox, the famous violinist,
'yearie tour in the Gneted. States, is 1 er •'i
centre; Stranch, rigne a .. , , ..
W. Eizerman. revert; Mort:ion;
1 11
also on the program. ,
or tho' Steveneen Melo Quartette, 1
"Men R. B. Foeter, the base soloist
lived up to his reputation as a
lending basso, the man \elm can
hold the intereee of his audienee
with his •songs. 0.r the Sea, at which
he is a spec:all/al-To ?onto 'elail
•end Empire, Mr. Rigby of ta.o.le
nourimin 3,11i -flail Bonprm ctus,t0t, . ,31,0,70.1 Ilit exeren,v a
RuKo powers la llin trying solo from
uniuum k"' 11:andels (Samson) ateleaoile 4- ed
' ---- Arms," .1. ),.1, was lendoubtedly the
Blaze Started From Stove arid Got a
Great Start Before it Was
Discovered s•
Brucefield, Jan, 0. -The • Geand
Prank station hove was 1 ,e15 oa
aged. by 'fire tine morning. The
fire •slarted 'in the wafting -room
from the stove, and when discov-
eeed( had a good start. Only ,the
leardeaa kilnd el work saved the
whole building' from being wiped.
out, The fire epresel to a toom ad-
joining the waiting-Poorn, bin, was
checked( here,. and was gotten un -
dei• 00111101 80011 atm:matt:1s.
MOEN 1 ELECiiiic Chili
most artistic piece oi singing heard
that night." -Lindsey Watelinaan-
"Warder. .
Tuesd.sy evening of this week i .
W. J. Murray of Exeter, Distrteil
Deputy Grand Master 0( 11110 LO.O.
F., with his degree team composed
of Bros, R. N• Creech, Hastings,
11.1'. Boyle, W. W. Taman and J. T.
Cmaing installed the otrieers 184
the Clinton lodge into their respoe-
live chairs, 1 A pleasant evening
nas spent, the local lodge putting
on the eecenti degree in good 915.88
Following Were tbe officeas an-
• Kern. " cured. Much gratification is felt
N.G.-W. IL Ifellyar by the Department over ileo Met
etleae this year is the first 4.10
V.G -A. IVIiiebell
. standing field crop competitions
D..1:21:3w..1?einabbainng8 were ,startecl. In 1907, in which the
'Treas.-11:. B. Chant. exper,t judiges have beee unal):0 to
Chap:at/1-3. W. Moore cl,iscovee a single seed of wild oats
in all the larere exhibit of oate et
the Guelph 'Winter Fair.
(A1Z, left wing. -
.Arrangiements are being made by
Mr. J.Loekie Wilson. Soperinaenl-
ent of Agrieultadel and Heralcul-
tonal Societies, for agrQ el-atm:0
societies throughout the Province
to purchase quantities of pedigree
banner oats from a farmer in Carla-
elon county, w'hose grain has been
,ettreltilly watched by the Cetentien
SeedagroWersi A.ssociation, It is
suggesteda that the See/rotary of
=eh society should coremnnieate
with lalr. Wilson or his Department
at the Parlisruent buildings. Mr.
L Ff. NeWenan of Ottawa, Secretary
of :the Canadian Seed-growe's'
socialiOfl, has promised that he or
some 01 his staff' will see that' all
,vain is peoperly bagged e;17(1 beal-
ed and a tag Will loo t attatehed' to
each( bag, with. full instructions as
to •the best metho.ds of cultivating.
It: is expected that by this means,
9,1 web as through the influence of
the standing field crop competi-
tions, Ontario will come to be
known ee the paceee whe:e• the lee,
seed in the Dominion •can be pro -
Dr. 'MacDonald has been called the
:morainal member of the GOVOreleeet
While not quite true is an in-
G:cation of his influence in tbe great
row of polities, tbough he would be
the first to dieclaim any arcibllene ,
la that dlreetiou, believing truly WM
journalism, which he aderne so evell,
the real field through widen tlie
cede of Canada will be induced to
mkt, un their full responsibilities, as
ell:leen:a There is no doubt but that
le 18 very eliort time, the Press of
Caned:, will be the reel leaders, -
editors fox' wane, time have re:111188
:heir reepentibility and are aradualty
rdi8iT22", the general tone of their
rayon:. z,nd no ono has done more, to
+e'en,/ t -.bout Cairn Dr. MacDonald,
Warden -G. We ,
Boston, Jan. 9.-A plea of g,tutty
, Conduct -boo -J.' Tucker.
made by Rey. C.aredee V: 1. Rie L 9 N G 'Rut:obeli ,
of rrenair bi the fiest idee'reej ,,was
8011 tell (lie superior couet (ta-day , „ „„
and leo even sen.eneed ;Jucteee j ita
Boys 64.• Sanelerson bo death by e.ecero en- le,
Non ei,onee tinie eluting the week. of •ie- ei•
B'oys' F35 arid $6 "
Dr. j. .a.„ IlLIBOOtil ALI),
Educated for the Presbyterian
Mini:6(15, MacDonald graduated at
Kiiox College Toronto and watt or-
dained to the ministry of Knox Churelt
St, Thomas Ont. in 1991. In 1896 be
resigned Ids pastorial charge and re -
1,1,0 CU 10 OrU71;,0 to become first
------- • edam' of the Westminster, a religious
TO 017R READERS. monthly, subsequently a number ot
other enurch paaers were acquired , • ,
For the past year We leave had
and coneondated under his eaitor-
teouble .with our ne,v•s press, and b
s ip ant issued weekly under tee ,
aame of the Pretsbyteria.n. For tire 1
years Dr. MacDonald was principal • (e),
of the Preabyterian college for lad,c!,,
and in 1906 he was a.npolnted by the •
Ontario GOVOraMellt to serve on ialie •'
Board of Governors of the Univerafter
of Totionto.• ••
' Slime lie became editor of the To-. .
route Globe lie has riot only inaisetle, • •
new life into the great liberal orlon,: "
but hat, strengthened its isoettiee„,:‘,,
both editorially end financially as ',.
writer anti speaker Dr. Maeleonald '
trenchant and convincing, -a man' e
who knowe his mind and knows howa,' •
te express it without fear or favone.
Outside his •editorial work he has
fine:Rive artioiep on literary, social.,
published 1*0 boots and a nnnabor of
Political and religious eubjects. ,
1313 -1117. 1, 2 LSS A Lawson • last Thursday, just as We were fin-
....... . .. . stiing ora ran, eve had a bad break.
5001•; - 1 ' • ' G" C •cV. Langley •
' • 'ilielaesore lead pleaded not •giedty • (0,-4,,,Ti.itne
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