HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-01-11, Page 1aSTABIJISHED 1855 37-0-1. 46,, , )F ORNADA jir. Jame S TlionwG001 Fortner Clintonian KUed * raL 11t eeeteeee-eeeeeeeaeeeel ,,e.eseeee. ersa, '141\r.r.:Q.N ONTARIO THURS.DAY JANUARY TH 11 1912 KILLEO IN A Inaugural Meeting 'OBE , 1.14T5611P l'iN'X'1:) 1860, ,., pit . , . .. $ 2 0 o WPserre and, rInlir dldeil ' 1 ..profits:.,:, — $7,2 o u,oco i rotal Asets - $106,coo,000 •11EA.11) OtT1ClE.,1110NTI.1,EAL I , _ I 190 BRANC11.118 and I aeeeseondente throughout the world 1 Interest3 allowed en Dpot R. E. MANNINU, Mgr. ,OLINIONI,BRANCH ts$0'.*idi- Iffin. have Pee Fish 'WU, have he baths. 5314 hoiav about the quality of ;the [ter ? To help "you itio improve the earne :Weare going t o keep a supply of Fresh Fish regular- ly as *follows= Fresh Erezen Habibut. Red Sea Salmon Finnan noddle Smelts. Flresh Herring. W. T. O'NEIL THE HUB GROCER Phone 48 ea.aharattashaaaah;..".aaa..,aa.. ' Winnipeg, Jan. 5. ---Three ' persons I lose their lives in a witeek on the 'Oen- ' ad tau Pacific Itaiiv ity Company s Res- ton, Wolseley branch tamely today, when an eastboun(1 exprees,eanet with a mishap near Waveaeta, Saeleatelia• wan, The injeted suffered SeVOrelY as the the thermometer was te (legatees, below , zero mad a gale swepie, rhe prairie The dead are J. Itichardsoo, brakeenen, J• Thompson peesenger L. giest, passengei. IThe persens killed were in a cociele which overturned. A number or pas- sengers were injured. _ 'The above item, appeared in the idaZji et, J. Last Friday. Daily Press ant heedly anyone knew that one of the dead was a Clinton hoy, being % son' Of Mrs There:peon, Albert, Street. levid(ty -afterp000 a telegram was received etating that he was seriously hurt, and shortly after- wards another one saying Mr. Thorne/. son was dead. It is thought the first telegiare was sent so as tbe sudden an- nouncement would not be a shock to the mother axed thelatnily. Tide neekes tho fourth a -member of the family who bas net death ni the West. One died of fevee and three have been killed in railway aceidents. Thompson's remains are being brought home fox interment. MOTHER AND RIMER •••0606000•00000•6: WITH THD CHURCHES. TLLY BuRNEa, 1600,1“Peettetet91110‘. GOO 0: Former Residents of Seaforth Terrible Accident at Alameda, Sa,sk, BAPTIST, CHURCH. in- The services last Sabbath were con- ducted by the Pastor. The subject in the morning being. l'An. ideal church service" and in the evening "The Song of the inhabitants of the' Rock." • Seaforth, Jan. 5.-Wolel his been day fleet. when the morning subject Rev. Mr. Wylie will preach on Sun - received from Alameda, Sask, will be "The true Unity" and in the twain the burning to death of Mrs., garrauel Hatumill, and bee Peyearaeld deeightee. Some days ago, while Mrs. Hammitt was cleaning coetains With gasoline, and heel placed them in the kitchen to dry, when an exmosion oe- enured. Mrs. Beenneill's deees was in flames in 00 instant, and ebe rushed 1 from the house. The blaze spread With amazing -rapidity, and befere the neighbors arrived chey lainel • it im- possible to do anything. Mee. liammill said that her dang,luer was in the house, and her husenutevehtetaane no, bed to he held back, as he would hese lose- his life had he eone into the building, Mrs. Hammen was so ter- ribly burned that she died soon after. wards. The family iernieely resided in Hallett Toven9ilip,00d elr,'Hani mill is a son of the late Idea Hammitt,. of Seeferth. TORONTO, ONT. Is eecoignized threngluret Can- - Oa as a school ot the high V4It'grade. Its record proves it. 'Wain for, catalogue. Enter any time, )ELLIOTT,ROSINESS COLLEGE, ;Wage and Alexanden Streets. easereasseteniewee==eecaeateeatereetecaaremea aknra Powder The pure laind tileper Miele isarne price as the im- pure kinds. Some Some .Baking ova(deria are :as good .as our lree the - cost More. Ours ie maile e nee with *chemically pule: thane. of Tartar and Bicerbenete of Soda.. Always freeh, Ways gond. geed. 25e per lb. evening "Requirements for Heaven" The weekly' meeting of the B. Y. P. U. was held on Monday evening- Mr. J. Tucker presided and introduced the subject, which was "Courage". An interesting conversation cm this lin- portant topic followed. WESLEY CHURCEL A special week of Prayer will be held from Jan. 21 to 28th. A missionary "At Home" will beheld under the auspices of the Layman's Missionary movement; on Tuesday evening. Jan. 23rd. Addresses will be given by Mr. Geo. A. Stanley, of Liman and Mr, Ralph Steele, Guelph. On Sunday Jan, 27, Rev. F. M. Woot ton, of Stretford, will preech Mission - :lacy anniversarv :amnions. of Town Council fillORNINd SE,§$101i. All the members signed...thein qualificiation vapers_ apd the Council 01 1912 opened:a/vita Mayoa. Gibleinige, in tele chair and 'Reeve ;Oantelon andt Councialoces Pond, •Morrash,, F, Jackson, Beacom, Thompson ton.cl.T; jaeltson.,ptesent. The minutes of the last meeting 'was readand declared correct. Cotaicillors N. Sachsen, JIS. Ford •, and A. J. oirixeo. rwere appointed on the St6Iffriking, eaminittee , 'Moved by !Con/Minor T. Jackson and seconded by 'Reeve'.C-antle'awn the *Council .adiourned .till 8 alIVENING SESSIO51. biting coldadded to the difimulty ot evening meeting was the noon, the ,etrileing *committee .which was fined the fire to the top story. ands of dollars' damage Nvas done to as follows ;- wheat through, water so,thing down i fl each committee is Chairman. CAUSES $50,000 DAMAGE IN ELEVATOH„ , H. Kerr & Son, .Editors and Publishers VU GODEIIICI You Who liave Firomen Had BI/p'e' -,- Story Of Big Structure ---Great Qoeasi'oned 'j WateiSoa1dng Wheat Stored Below., , Goderich, Jan. 5 -Fire, which broke •out shortly alter 8 o'clock Friday morning in tile top. story of the 'West. ern Canada, Flour Mdls', •elevator, did damage Which will at:door& to about $50,008 before it was extinguished. The alaror was respooded to prompt- ly, and all the vessels in the barber sounded their whistles. The fire was a very difficult one to combat, and the ONTARIO ET. CHURCH • . stardey • Reeve Glen on Sereley beet attend ed. • . D • of Lietowel, will preach Missionciteee'ermons next Sun. day morning and eV ,ning, Dr. Barber is a roamer Clinton boy tmel is an ex- cellent preacher. . The Jittery meeting of the W. M. S. was ballet the pereonage on Tues., dey afternoon. Tea was served from 5 to 7, Although the weather was un- favoreble there was a good attendanee the funerid of Me.) cm at brie) ieneon, One, of the oldest ;Ma meet highly .05- spected pioneere of the Goechon Line, Me, }Terry Led nor :led Merle visitee at the home of eta. Thee. ;Baird thiS week. They left, on Teesday toe their hoem near Port a line t, • Mr. Obarlee Falconer, al Bayfield, spent a few der.; thie week among evieeds on the eeeond. J1, was the guest ot Mrs, ;Toile Gilmour. 'Me. Peter eletioneel and Ole mother. •of Biedh, are vieiting.at, the home of Mrs. 'John Mc:Cowen teia week. Mreerohn it. eItaBweit is undee the Doctor's care this weee. 40el'Iir Di spensir g Chemist,. Ilint=a0M217.-1=7.=.7SELM172 -------- The no* order 'of business at the the department. The 'brigade,- how. t a mat lt ht and aofl- Ori Monday evening Rev. J. IL Oeterho at gave an in ree ting tuldeese in the Lecture Room of. the eburch on "Ono Mtesion -Work in China." The ((Meese •SVAS illustrated by about leie splendid views. The first mune mentionec n through to the lower °ors. Street Ford, -Cantelen, Bea-, COM, Merits -h. Property and Illeetrie Light -T. Jackson„ Thompson, Void. Fire aoil •Water -Morrish • Si..'cicson, Ford, CePtetery - Thompson. Can. teloe, Morrish. Charity -F. Jackson, Thump - eon, T. .1 ackson. , Park T. Jackson, Beacom, Morrisk • lt is ,believed tbati the fire`Was cans ed by electric wires becoming crossed during the gale which raged here all night. , The f ire department had only arriv- ed back from a fire in the flew public school, 'where a blaze had started in O coalnin and spread to a pile of kind- ling ,i‘oocl. The blaze was extinguish- ed before any great damage was done. When the men' turned out, for the second fire many of their clothes wexe so saturaa ed with water that they froze on the way. and by the tune •they reached the elevator many of the fire fighters resembled walking ice pillars. ov000a0o004.0000000.0.00,100•04:4000.0000044.000.00004.000,0 Le 0 0 0 * 0 - to 0 00,000000000004.00,04,000004,0•000.0000000400000.004,00.0 0 ST. MARY'S W,ON. ROME CIRCLE. 1 At St. aVlaryIs on Wednesday eV- The members of the Horne- Circle ening the home, team defeated Sea- -of Clinton are asked to meet in the forth, intermediate team 29-7. I.0.0.1'. hall next Monday even- ing.. There will be the election of lay -taws -13eacom, Thonapscm, n. F. Jackso Loc I Ne • officers and .other important na,at- Pittance -F. Sackeom Vamp. ItOCICEY STANDING. ,._ 2 1 Monday evening the Interinedi- .aost 'Ors. dis,cussed. 'won 3 0 • ,. 1 CLINTON WON AT MITCRELL. o ----------2 ate 0.11.A. hockey team cleicate11 0 3 the Mitchell team at Mitchell by a 600re of 7-2. The •bo ye Were never in danger of being defeated down there. Mr. D.ForOes of Str(atforit was the referee, • 0011. Caut1on. Court of eViSOft-Gibbin,„os, "1.eana Clinton Beacom, Oautelon, Ford, St. Mary's. le. Jackson. Seatorth Special Jr. ;Joderieb.ackson, Oantelon, . Ford. itcneat A letter was read from the Sick 1 MINOR l',OCALS. Child.renis Hospital, Toronto, and co, -'''''/Plays hockey in Goderich the ustal 'grant of wee (Aad e 0 2' # night. that institutiou. ..18.:Q,/.Sour eye on tite. hnekleY ../The Clerk made his official re- !schedule. and you will know then port on the ewo by-laws passed on there -Will be a game in', town, end January 1st. • make -a point to be there. You will Chipman, the one on the .sewerage The University stndents M town ,systeen and his accourd With', the returned this week to Toronto. • town for his werk with the -Water- weeks. The queetion of seweinge ONTARIO BUREAU OF • %dB left over to be .discuesece at COLONIZATION' C.AR. ' alatee date; and his amount which he C:nillIS 'aInt)1311 I.S to ei3e0 but Will accent ee01) if. paid in Jlenua•ry . was tent to the Finance Covatittee to look up his acecaint an, .pay e it correct. 1 13.4' • Irixe0rpOrated 1855 • rAID $P-11,000.000 Rest Fond, =$4,6C'Z,000 as S5 BrAneliet, in %made, and Agents and Correspondents ha '140 ineipal t"tios an, WOrld. GkilneleiL 1iitsisiTillifSTINESS frItANSA.CINED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMEN' at all I:ranee-mi. 3.atarest allovced at highest et1rrent rate. Clinton. Branch C DOWDING, Manager Two letters were need foonal W. 801- Yoco 1:0-0,1307'Y w°T111- BY -law N0.l, 1912 Wee read and B. Hoover was appointed to the Board. of Health; D, A. 13'OITCSIe0^1.4) the Ce C. L Board; J.W. Treleaven, to the Library Beard end Messrs. John 'Wiseman:and Peter Cantelon, were appointed auditers. Severe! accountswerepreeented and were ,sent to the Finance. Came. mittee and if correct will be paid So that they will be charged up to. la -et year's bueinesa. ROME -MADE COOKING. Don't forget the home-made cook Mg sale at Mr. Wiltse's store this week Saturday -afternoon, San. 13. The ladies of ,Ontario St. Methodist Church will have choice cooking for sale -home-made candy, jellied meats, pies, cakes, etc. The Ontario Government will •KEFF 1'FI-3. 1st FEFF. have ,lheit. Colonization Caw at Clin- A humorous comedy will he pre - Ion 00 PricluY, Jan. 26th, and will be on the ...aiding opposkno the Suit- .senled in the Town hall 00 Thors- ter lelevatoe, on the London Road • day, Peb. lst, under the axIspices of cressino• so lhat the citizens and i 1he Pastime Club Particulars next re,VMeCsi of this community can see 1 week. whall is -grown in Northern On- I • - ' i.-P.f...A.Y.ERS SIGNED. tario, and 01:100 the minerals. No (me should miss this privilege. 'The 1 Following are the plovers sigolcd exhibit) is free to all. . I by- Clinton for the hoefiey mason ; 1 -R. .3, Ramball, L, Doherty, 'i, Tat tin 1 O'Donneil VV. S. Johns° L. E, Ore.! , TEE POULTRY SUOW. Act 71. TA r4 1 C. 'W. Draper, Al - be County Poultry ShoW will ey, ,e, ei,Katy, be held in the 'I ta avil MB. (-lin lo14 bort R. Mitchell, Leonar.1 Fair, El - San. 1010 to leth. A large eollee-- mer 3. Ker, B. 1urni6e, C. Cold?. 'lion of birds expected. A cordial ' ' 1 th - 31.th- CLINTON WINS AGAIN. Magic K.off Kure •kurxw .the merits of this p.repe.ra- tion. You Itnow it act speed- ily and is sure go do the • Work. . You ,waro have neVer ;tried it are not awake ef iits value • for coughs an& .Bronchical Itronble, ask your neighbors alxont Koff Kure anc.1 try. it on their recoanmeutlation, We guarantee every bottle W. A. McConnell 11011./..014011,•••114( 5 ocuaacor nivilatioe le e. The ,sereet committee 'wall eisleel . lie 10 011010 and •L'We the 'beet( birds Wednesday evening Clinton de- to.ralvePtiso foe stone for 1.11.0 ' in the country ; whiners from Tori-e,fottle& Mitchell intim rink here by macadam roads that• 'will be built . onto, Guelph, and all elle .shows this a score of 7 to 1. Clinton led al half ne(t) )'000.- ' ' 'year, will be on (e)0Mini:ion. Slio'w time, 3-0. The game was fast, and every day and evening. Free: the 'Mitchell boys played ' .a good lectere on Poultry, . by T„..Scott of . game. considering; tois la the firet A contract between the town and ' open, Weed' into for one year, to stop St. Thomas, , Ameosston a tic. i yeav, 'they, have had a rink. For the Bell Telephone Co., will lee en - phones are asked for by the to eal. I t; free . ,QIIARTETTE COMING. • . The Willis Church choir engaged ', aon was , ! Clinton Kerr and Greig played an ' 0-X0011001 game, whilo "Billy' John - with three menthe 1)0 txe. eillor T. jackson. es elear- , always in !IC way when Coun man of the Special the' Steveneon (Masonic) male quer_ ; Mitchel hail a &lance to shoot, D. oramialee :tette of Toronto, fee Monday ev- ening, jan. 22nd. One of ehe mem- Following was the lineup-Clirdon Forbes of Stratford was rkkerce. brought up aloe of items which lie placed before elte members- 'that of new facteerine ; connection iler's is Mr. Dick Pester( an 011 time Johnson, goal ; Rumball, point ; fa.vorite with. Clinton •audienees, O'Donnell, cover; Fair, Toyer : Kerr with the C. I'• El. ; a" exl-r" train °a and they will be glall to have thisreturne1 1..00rntbrweiinGs.raleam, rieeht 'wing ; Greig. )1111d seine . Mr. Geo. Fox, Ile tamous violiniet, Mitchell- Brown, goal; at Stratford for Toilette e .a. `P.R. to eonneet WW1 new train opportunity of hearing him again, hairs for Ike town hall. wild has just. d from a three , D. Eizerpian; point ; Matheson, 00V opera, c - Councillors Jamieson was willing to year's tour in the Onited Stains, is er ; Yir . Eieerman, 1000110 Morkson, put on smile local concerts to raise . , I centre ; Stranch, righe wees ; ee chair; for the rescelved seat sleet- of the Stev "Mr. RAI roseer, the bass soloist enema Mnie Quartette, NO 'WILD OATS FOUND. 1 enz, lett wing. , fuuda top 12,1e purchase 0,1 1 new also on the program. f erred to will be looked. into. lived tee le hes reputation as a Mr. J. Leekie Wileon. Seperin,eyef:- Arran,gements are being inaae by a r, of the hall., All the' mattete re - ant of Agricultural and Horticed- itur al So 010 110). f OT agre ea:Allred _ societies throughout the 'Province to purchase quantities of pedig,ree banner eats from a farmer in Carel- -clot county, Whose grain has been carefully watched by 'clae Canadiee Seed -growers' Association. It is ouggeatedi that the Secretary oe earth aociety should e ornate 0 I ea Le teeth Me. 'Wheon oe his Deparement at the Parliement buildings. Mr. L, H. Newman of Ottawa, Seeretaaty e the Canadian Seed -growers' AS^. Holmes' Lu • Tonic The Best Remedy For the Worst Kof 25 cents W.S.R. Holmes Mira B. REXALL STORE. rcategonmsurmerax-rmastonvou=suatu=r3=====si 0,...,,,,,,,„,,,,,,,,,,=....,,,q,,,,,,...aaaaaantaarageahaallsavalabor,A=rass=thatrcaaa,araastarrmaty,hachancararaha. 1.10kld the inteeeet, et • his audienne aeading basso, the roan who can 04044.0.0*440440004400.440 4.0.440004,000, 00000 0044,440 9440.000000400.000000.0.44n Council adjourned. with hes songs of the Sea, at• which , (ma Empire. Mr. Rigby of teale he is 0 specie:lee-To:a:late Mail •10 llithrif1110 SIRTION 1211118 powe,.. Llib LrYing solo from quartet, elm wed his exeeetive O ___ eiandele (Samson) "Hoare: r ea 2 0 • -4, Arms," which was undoubtedly the ti7.-h.q3K410 'We9".. 1 rettra If-51,AMSVE4 . MO TM`S.MZE.M.7,750.V.W.U3 Zi) (+Pea Start Before it Was Weeder. Blaze Started Fe= Stove and Got a ihut night.,,__Limi„.,.y weeelememe most arlietic piece ot singing heard 0 4 Owing to the fire which occurred in'JohnsoP9s harness i . * ___ IN STELLATION OF OFFICERS. Tuesday eveninee of this week ,. Diseoveued ei, ., t - shop our Overcoat stock wt,r).s sliwhtly damaq,ed. by wtor o Bruceficed, Jan* 0. -The Grand , . 0 Trunk elation heee eves 1 eelly cue, - DellailY F WW1 hie degree team composed W. j. Mueray ottExeter, pisteeof sociation, bias Ceeand Master of the 1.0.0. 15g01.114llen ?a,111.11i,Sopselli!Ify1 bagged escei eiLtihiai Ifie' It -11-1 promised that he or Wee seoured. a satisfactory seltlement from the insurance . 0,. aged hy 'fire el -lie ince:fling. Tile 07 Brae 33,N, Creech A , Hastings': 1 , 0 tire el weed 'in th,e waiting -room ' • ' ( . ed and a :lag will he 1 attached' to a 0. companies, and the . best.Overcoats Wit3 have will ao right - : reriz 8..-,q satovoe,canset eyhee_ discov T. P. BeYle, W. W• Taman .--116- 3. T.` eacihi bag, With fedi bastruelione :IS ti:01 the best methods cee eultivaiing. 2 into this sale--Nothirig reserve() . For quick seNing we .. 0 hardest:I kengd '0°11 evloailere. s(a)vilelYd thhi tleaeriCillegn'ionn"laeldicgde intheto th°efilil'e:ersspee°! et 1 weal aa Illerongh the influence of , whole: building from *s eapeeted thal by this means 'being wil"(2t1 'etotaihec:11111.efneireti.s,0.1tihd\OA,4,0,311e:a:1:18111,cril,fliereptiurestittly.i.ni.:egg2.. ttzihtoeLeia,nclang field erop competie' .0 have made fast four prices $8, 50, 11. .ou, 13,:o0,' 1.8.50 : O chiplenkeelitteeracind was Igiettee -96 lew IlB Wele 'tile e't 'Ler 111 .. .... , I . . 1 oten e the nate whe-e ihe le Oantario , evill oonae o be 4 , - r rx - 0 out, 'Flee fire Vaned to a tooth 'an- :retailed, {seed in the Dominion eat be pro- * the Department ove 'r the) tad faured. Moab gratification le fell thee this ye,ar is the East einee 'he i- , etandieg field ,crop competilions , Were ,etarted. In 1907, in which the expeitemdges haa e been a , be, le demovet. a single seed of wild onts in all the laree exhibit of oats at ,, .Men's St° and $12 Overcoats, Fire Sale price.,...... 8:50 • Men's 13.50 and 15.00 ." " ...1150 Men's 16.5o and 18,00 " 3.541 , Men's 20, 22, and $24.........i8 5 ,0 ' 0 • • der eonterol soon tat terevateds, o ''P.N.G.-R. B. Kerr. 0 . . • G O 4 N.. -W. II. liellyar 'V.G -A. mite:hen . R.S.--B. J. Gibbiog,a ' i MCVESON TO 1LECTR1C CIE p,e,_,e, Wieeman • Tres. -II. B. Chant. Boebon, Jan. 9.-A plea of gailtY WCilal.a.'r:c11:11i11-61::Ww".Ibde°r°11'e --a- TaeleaLmleiebryeallevita. the full yrde, rig,t.'enk.iic,,Wh'eaLl 1.1°C).s11.1i.a1-.1e.lew--.3-kTeEt\C\1_,C'eenr“ ,10Tina ill:1101 tii\evea suseca eni:ieeneoettioula,:yti.t3;-X4 . ,1-a.S8..INT..GG..--1. '.cEtollull.1::::21, I , Sanderson to death by electroeu- 11•-•.8.91.°'-11. Alc'xaucier tion .scaie time cluring tile week of _R.e8.„S•-e\,V-_CaenYene L.b.e.-A. le Wfl 0 May 19) 101.e. 4) . R. 1 eaon' had pleaded not s11110,, Ider.d-.-C.A..intwnoeIleY * I -1°1 ' '' d ' 'I • 1' . y i•-• . , • ,vhen naTeaxne ,a.t „et us ,incee ..s Atter, lodge had acliejouened a • Boys' $2.5,0 (Overcoats,. Fire 5 B,(:),Ts',1114. r, " 130' Wand $6 11 f , ... 371) . . . 6.75: the GuelpheWiritet. Fair, .. --------- 'ea • TO OUR READERS, O For the past yeer ewe have had o :trouble ,with eta. news prese, and 0 O 'lasit Thursday, just 08 00 were fin - I l• Ishing our rain,, we hid a lead break, A machinist from Toatoado came 14.19.41.MasnkatoporomMaismoso* Ifirm TefienTWrfil 1114 rk WIWI FrTATs , • P1', 3. A. 31.1.1iDO:NALI/ • NewspalIerulan. Dr. 'MacDonald has been called the unoVicial Inember of the Government, widen while not quite true hi 911 In- ce:cation or his influence in. the great reld 00 politics, though he would bo I1 e fIrst to disclaim any aralotton La that direetion, believing truly that journalism, which he adorns so well, 1: the real field through' we-lc:0 the 1,1 elle of Canada will be indured to take up their full responsibilities, as eitizons, iehere Is no doubt but that In IL very short time, the Prese of Canada will be the real loaders, - editors for some thee have realizk theit responsibility and aro gradually raising the general tone of their oi\nrott crpo oornetiltdo, Illnulout0ut;;allnan ca_pr.errs,.1 ollee11v I Intel tilted gill ydt.ta tlkat thesdt; fits Ayes Jeanne.). of Hyannis, lelass!,11111eige t h was served which Was • aa y 1.111C , Star °,1114110-,..ING y,110 4a• claY :fasit,.hdto-clkty re:erected SPeeeh-,--Bre- MenTaY, eottossion made emblit S•atter- grana, --t Paned but toe ' •• e foelowecI by the following ,pro - 100. tO Wait IOUo tor 101131CrS tat /oric4115. cern-ler •' • 101Wene, a . leen is to be presented to Gov. Fees end .teie execultee notncil of the Speech -30' l'aeLe6t1 P ea. It es tindersteed that a,leete- Recetation-,-Bre. Hastinge ' ocate eteneinuee tne epeech-Beo. Ceeeeli ' nient oti elea.rge, of peep() iiar , • 148....42,k44,044 Pole and many the council are Bko, Boyle, 10000 imprieonment fee tile, Song•-elero, pre a,..nown et, be, op,posed to eapelel ea"„0-13e0. Oerliog' , ponesionent, Rieheeon's count:it j ee Tam 13 • for. lEver,17 ,Man. vio•A lcirge 'that Ile ineane. • • _ _ ,e • ,t3115eceefeeceen may 9e (feea ea 4Perlea:i"c..,te7t3tel:3n.e.cxicasc. .ealee%yen 1111.1 , le,e4,4444.,4,000040,0earOote•oce•40000004a, page 2,o1 lane aaeue. ' Recetataoh-J-Blio, eiftterray. , , tp and had ellepreps pat in shape EDS \V013500113111, aml peer -led Wed- emsday moening ;to ruai oeir inside pages, when a seriots break hap- pened again, ,an(1 we were deiayed fora daywaking toie partial Deem Toronto,• The 1.the1 break leas beep the cause ()elite minor ones, • and' , we leope from *this oet Ito be able te • peoduee a better printed edition • teea*n we • *sometimes leave turned out. • These breaks Will happen, bet *With the ex eit that has been with te, we lope now that thie will be eihe last ..00 sometime. e • TO, Educated for the ' Presbyterian laTialetry, MacDonald gradnated at Knox College Toronto and was er- Cleaved to tee elinistry of Knox Church pel Thema:: Ont. In 1891. In 1890 ho resigned his pattoatial ciaargo and re- x:levee 10 weenie to become fleet editor of tbe 'Westminster, a religious 100111013', etbsemiently a -number of other church paDers were acquired - and consolidated under his eteitor- ship and issued weekly under 009 aarao ot the Presbyterian. • Woe flee. Years Dr. MacDonald was principal of the Presbyterian college for ladie and in 1906 he Was appointed by °11oetarldt iOG0°voverelarffeerase t ot0t0.1017c)?1 B . of Toronto. Since he became editor of the route Globe he hoe not only infue bnotriouiwettliscillidlaleals itnett:r, nedtn13: ineveaid: al ilinbt agerai aaos :11: - both editorially tied finanelaBy As ae, writer and speaker Dr. lifacDorualci le* who knows hie mind and knows how' to ex P r eehsiolt eardlittloere juati fewaorrlote Illeayehe'arE; - • published twO books and a number of fugitive aetlelee oa literary, oolittcal and religious subjects. ,