HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-01-04, Page 2..44.10e 6
.We are only Ethic ones, but we know Zarn-
Buk eased our sd cured our sores.' Per-
haps it would cure you, too, if you tried it?"
Isn't this 'sound advice from but a few days' treatment with this
"babe e and sucklings9 Take it! halm gave her ease. Then the
The speakers are the children of sores began to heal, and we con -
Mrs. E. Webster, of _SeigneUrs Ste tinned the Zam-Buk treatment.
Montreal, and the mother adds In a short time she was quite healed.
eight to their appeal. She says: "My little boy sustained a seri-
y little girl contracted scalp
ous scald on the neck. It set up
Besse at school. Bad gatherings
owned all over her head, and not a bad sore, and quite a few thiargs
enly caused the child acute pain we tried, failed to heal t or give
made her very ill. The sores him ease. Once more we turned
harged, and occurring on the te; Zam-Buk, and we were not i
we feared she would lose disappointed. It acted like a
er hair. She was in a pitiable charm in drawing away the pain,
at when we tried Zam-Buk, and EOM healed the wound."
tin-Bnk is "Nomething different" in the way of babas. It
ainspowerfulheilingherbalessences, whioh, assoonasapplied
n diseases, kill off the germs and end the painful smarting.
r essences contained in Zam-Buk so stimulate the cells that
healthy tissue is speedily formed. Eczema, itch, ulcers, cold
,abscesses, festering sores, blood poisoning, chronic wounds,
cracks, etc., are healed and oured in tide way. Use it for all
injuries and diseases. It is also of great service for piles. All
ggists and stores at 50 cents box, or Zam•Buk Co., Toronto.
e1j5 't
Send us 1 cent
stamp for post-
age, and we will
mail trial box
free. Mention
this paper.
They Capture an Italian Position
at Tobruk.
Report From General at Tripoli Says
That the Troops Attacked a Forti-
fied Camp and After Twenty -Four
Hours' Fighting Todk it and Al-
most Annihilated •the Defenders—
. itPtords Are Captured.
Washington, Dec, 30.—A. '24-hour
battle, in which the Turkish troops
defeated the Italian force, killing half
of it in the rout, is described in an
offieial message from Constantinople
made public at the Turkish embassy
last night. The message was transmit-
ted to the Imperial Minister of War
at Constantinople by the commander
;f othe Turkish troops from Tobruk,
Tripoli, nyder date of Dec. 22.
t Tb etspo'itt, follows; '‘Nrehilaireeeale.,
' een.detiliell •posts of the en -
Withstanding the fire from
-hips and fort batteries, we
the fort and the garrison has
mihilated. Ammunitions, pre-
war material and a quick -fir -
mg eent, have been carried into our
"In its forward march one nk mu.
1.11,4a. • • AWNSIbIllatla
Mfga1 .goarasirm ETU
.wruen restated in ane lacer etuadang or
one of his party, William Shaw, and
the consequent conviction and life sen-
tence for manslaughtex of Farquhar
MeRee, reeve of Lancaster Town-
ship, and brother of deceased
I). C. ltdellae was 13 years of age
and leaves two sons and one daugh-
terwas closely related to the Owner -
ons, Mffirlocialds, McLollans, MeRaes
and ()thee Glengarryefamilies.
The funeral was one of the largest
ever held in the County of, Glengaery.
The service was attended by his ,lorel-
ship BishopMcDonnell of Alexon-
dria, and six priests. Rev. Corboh
IvIeRae of this town was the celebrant
• of the requiem mass and the sermon
was preaehed by Rev. Di. J. E. McBee
of St. Andrew's.
wings cut nit Pm retreat ot the enemy,
who fled toward the coast. During
the retreat the enemy lost half their
number. The battle lasted all day
and night. Among the killed were
three officers of the enemy, Our losses
were seven killed and a few wounded.
"The Sheik H. Alert, with his five
sons, came at the head of his tribe,
is among the dead. The courage of
our offieers and soldiers is exemplary.
Lieut. Nedpb Bey was the brat to en-
ter the fort. He destroyed the quick -
firing guns and carried away one into
our cam
Drove Off Turks.
Derna, Tripoli, Doe. 26.—(De1ayed)
—An Italian force, under Gen. Del-
buono, while protecting engineers at
wok repairing the aqueduct, was
strongly engaged by a large force of
Turks with heavy artillery. 'The Ital-
ians, though hard pressed, managed to
hold off the enemy until the work was
completed, and then retired on their
redoubts with a loss ef three killed
and 77 wounded.
D. J lefcRae Buried.
ea. Cornwall, Dec, SO.—The funeral of
the late D. 3. McRae of Bridge )iind,
who figured so prominently in the re-
cent McRae case, took place at St.
Margaret's Church, Glee Nevis,
Thursday. Mr. McRae Was the fath-
er of Mrs. (Dr.) Magee, Ottawa, whose
trouble with her Protestant husband
led to the attempt of Magee to remove
his child from the McRae homestead,
Lesson L.—First Quarter, For
Jan. 7, 1912.
'Text of the Lesson, Luke i, 5-23.
Memory Verses, 15, 16 --Golden Text,
Heb. xi, 6—Commentary Prepared by
Rev. D. M. Stearns.
Nottee in the opening verses that
Luke says to his friend that he is
about to set forth a declaration of
things most surely believed, that he
might know the certainty of those
things. May all who study these les-
sons be most surely believers, knowing
the certainty of all things wrIttensin
the whole Bible.
It seems to me that Luke must have
bad in mind the word e of Prov. exit.
21, "That I might make thee know
the certainty of the words of truth,
that thou migh-est answer the words
of truth to them that send unto thee."
Thauk God for a book of certainties
concerning things beyond the wisdom
of men and concerning Him of whom
the whole book tells, the Creator, Re-
deemer, Judge, the Head of the church,
the Messiah of Israel, the King of
kings and Lord of brads. Matthew
writes of Him as King of the Jews,
Mark tells of the perfect servant,
Luke describes HIM as man, the Son
of Man, and John sees Him as the
Son of God, reminding us of the four
faces of the cherubim, the lion, the ox.
the man, the eagle. Be was foretold
as the coming one from Gen. P1, 15,
onward, and Ile often appeared as a
man before He came as the Son of
Mary. But Ile was the Creator of all
things and yet set apart as tbe Re-
deemer before the world was (John
• 1, 1-3; Col. 1, 16, 17; I Pet. 1, 20). The
Holy Spirit who 'wrote the whole of
this book foretold both by Isaiah and
Malachi that a certain one would pre-
cede Him and herald His morning and
prepare the way before Him (Isa. xl,
3, 4; Mal. ill, 1). Tbe angel Gabriel
confirms this in verse 17 of our lesson.
Herod reminds es of the great ad-
versary, the devil, to whom be be-
longed and whom he served so well,
but God works out His purposes in
spite of till ltdversaries and makes
even the wrath of man to praise Him
Ms. lxxvi, 10). Herod belonged to the
line of Cain, which will be consum-
mated in the coining antichrist, or
• wicked one, or beast of Dan. xl, 30, 45;
Thess. ii, S. .9: Rev. xlx, 19, 20.
Zacharias and Elizabet h are in the
Line of Abel and belong to ntui who
shall yet overcome, the Lamb, who is
also the Lord of the wbole earth. How
beautiful the testimony concerning
them In verse 0, "They were both
righteous before God, walking In all
tbapornmanarnonto nee nrainnw.o.
111 171 T117 qj 1
'1111 11'11 r I
,,i)1111.11iiiJ 1 'J1,44)110'
Bread or Your
Money Refunded
Every Bag of Cream of the
••••• ••••••••••
West Flour Guaranteed for Bread
Yes, madam, I am the Cream of the West miller.
I know what Cream of the West is, It's a strong
flour. It has extra bread. -making qualities, and I'll
guarantee great, big, bulging loaves of the lightest, whitest,
most wholesome bread,
Craeangi thef West Flour
the bard Wheatilour that is guaranteed for bread
Tell your grocer you want to try Cream of the West Flour. Buy a bag
subject to the guarantee. • Tell him we expect him to refund your money
-if the flour fails to do as we claim. He won't lose a cent, We will
reimburse him in full. Show him this paper with the guarantee. It is his
authority to pay you back if you ask him. 102
p:tp,o-vr=0 =i0=0 roo1=10 c= 0 c3 0 =10 ctmo r=loot-j
.reby affirm and declare that Cream of the West Flour as a superior bread flour,
s such is subject tomtit solute guarantee of money fl:iack if not satisfactory
t a 44r, •t.taier heeeby authorized 90 rettlrn price
tgatised n of bag if the flour la uot a
Was So Choked Up
She, Could liardy
Bronchitis is an acute inflammation of
the mucus membrane lining the air tubes
of the lungs, and should never be ne-
glected, for if it is very often the disease
becomes chronic, and then it is only a
short step to donsumptiort.
On the first sign of bronchitis Dr.
Wood's Norway Pine Syrup should be
taken, and thus prevent it becoming
chronic. ,
Mr. John D. MacDonald, College
Grant), writes:—"My little girl,
seven years old, caught a bad cold which
developed into bronchitis. She was so
choked tip she could hardly breathe.
Reading about your wonderful medicine,
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, I decided
to try a bottle, and with such good re-
sults that I got another which completely
cured her. I cannot say too much in its
praise, and would not be without it in the
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup is
put up in a yellow wrapper; three pine
trees the trade mark; price, 25 cents.
Manufactured only by The T. Milburn
Co.. Limited, Toronto, Ont.
Wgoose, bushel ;IA
Wheat, fall, bushel 10
Outs, bushel
lliarley, bushel •
Barley, for feed
Peas, bushel 1 OD
lituelcwhent, bushel' ' 0 CO 0 62
Toronto Dsir Merket.
Butter, store lots ° 2 76
18111.7720, 000arator, dson 1 1,1:: 000‘,i1202rsi 081
0 .
cheese, 11010, 11)
honeycombs, tioxen _ 51 800
oney, extra eted, Ib 112
0 151/2 6 le
P80aeliev-lier'itds 0 so
080 0871
002 075
M, n
.Montreal Grain and Produce.
MONTREAL, Dee. 29.—basiness 61
Manitoba spring wheat over the cablal
was quieter and bids were rather irre-1
guiar, some being tower and Stheral high-,
er, cinisequently sales of only a fevei
loads were made, A fair trade continues
to be done in coarse grains 011 SPOt, the
demand being steady finrn outside points
for car lots of oats, The demand for
flour is 01711 somewhat limited from athi
seurces and prices are steady. A g
trade continues to be done th bran an
shorts. Cheese is strong under a fairIF
good demand, nutter is active and firm.
Eggs fairly active. Demandtor provi-
sions fair at steady prices.
Oats—Canadian wotern, No. 2, 4741;
Canadian western, No, 3, 45%c; extra, .1609
1 feed, 4.6141; No. 2 local white, 96.140; No,
3 local white, 4544e; No, 4.local white
Barley—Manitoba feed, 640 to a5c; malts
ing, Ole to 920.
I3uckwheat—No. 2, 6843 to 70c.
the Lord, blameless." 'Their standing
before God was correct, for they could
say, "In the Lord have I righteousness
and strength," and they relied upon
the ,blood which maketh atonement for
the soul (lea. xlv, 24; Lev. xvii, 11).
They lived according to Mb. vi, 8,
doing justly, loving raercy and walk-
ing humbly with God. Yet In their life
story there were a loneliness and a
long unanswered prayer (verses 7, 13).
The prayer had been beard from its
first utterance, but God's time had not
come. Let us never doubt that Be
hears es, but let us be gladly patient
as we wait for Ilim (Ps. xxxvii, 7). In
their case it seemed a hopeless mat-
ter, somewhat like e.braham and
Sarah, but the latter had assurance
from God that the child would be given,
and so he staggered not through un-
belief (Rom. iv, 19, 22). There must
locr good reason for allowing us to
come to the end of ourselves and to
wait till the last minute, so to speak,
before manifestly answering our peti-
tions. Consider the case of Peter in
Acts xii. Having committed the mat-
ter to the Lord, go about yotir work
with the assurance that He will see to
it. Zacharias was doing as was his
custom, executing the priest's office
before God (verses 8-10). It was the
time to burn incense, and the multi-
tude were praying without. It is all
so suggestive of our present privilege,
for there Is one before God on our
behalf who ever liveth to make inter-
cession for us.
The appearance of the angel troubled
Zacharias, as also It did Mary some
months later, but his word to each bad
a comforting "fear not" (verses 11-13,
29, 30). There is many a "fear not"
for you, 0 faint hearted believer, if
you would but appropriate them. God
does not give fear (II Tim. i, 7). There
must be great joy and gladness where
the angels live, for they have much
to say about it (verse 14; Lu. 11, 10),
but it is all because of Him to whose
voice they love to hearken and ex-
celling in strength to do His pleasure
they delight to do His commandments
(Ps. eill, 20-22). How wonderful is
verse 15, where we learn that this
promised Son would be great in the
sight Of the Lord and filled with the
Spirit from His birth, in order to make
ready a people prepared for the Lord
(verse 17). There is, however, a sep-
aration implied, according to Num.
vi, 1-8, without which the spirit filled
life cannot become a reality. Insula -
Hot from the world is essential to a
God' glorifying life (Rom. xii, 1, 2).
Elljah's life was a separated 'one also,
his motto being, "The Lord God of
Israel 'teeth before whom I stand,"
but even he did not always see the
Lord alone, nor did he always cease
from himself. Zacharias did not
promptly receive Gabriel's message
and Was in oonseauence dumb.
so -
Flour—Manitoba Pring Wheat eaten
firsts, $5.60; seconds, 50.10; strong baker
64.90; winter patents, °holes 69.75 to
straight rollers, 54.25 to 54.40; striitKilt.0.!
ars, bags, 61.96 to 52.01
Rolled oats—Barrels, $5; bag of 90 1110.1
11,1111Ececl—Bran, 523; shorts 525; in
dlings, $27 to $28; mouillie, $29, to $34. uli
Hay—No. 2, per ton, car lots, 515 to
Cheese—Finest westerns, 141/20 to
finest easterns, 191/4e to 14%c.
Butter—ChoMest creamery, 311/30 to
seconds, Me to 310.
Eggs—Fresh, 60e to 5.50; selected, 300
Mc; No. 1 stock, 26c to 27c.
Potatoes—Per bag, ear lots, $1.25 fel
Bogs—Dressed, abattoir killed, $9.75 tlig
610; country, $8.50 to $9.
Fork—Heavy Canada short cut in
barrels, 35 to 45 pieces, 522.50; Cana
short out backs, barrels, 95 to 66 piece
Lard—Compound tierces, 376 lbs., 9%0
wood pails, 20 lbs. net, 9c; pure, tiered,
378 me., iec; pure, wood palls, 20 lbs. nets
)3ee2—Plate, barrels, 200 Abe., 614
Plate, tierces, 300 lbs., 621.50.
Minneapolis Grain Market, '
MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. 29.—Wheat-0100
—Dec., 51.0371, nominal; May, $1.001/2
s1.06'4; July, 61.0674 to $1.07; No. 1 hap;
51.0634; No. 1 northern, 61.0644; No. 2 northsl
ern, 51.0334 to $1.01l; No. 3 wheat, $1.014
. Oats—No. 3 white, 45e to 45%e...„1
Corn—No. 3 yellow, 59e to 60e.
Rye—No. 2, 8745c to 550.
Bran—$23 to 523.50.
Flour --First patents, 55 to $5.30; seco
Patents, 54,60 to VA: first clears, 50.60
55.757 Second clears, $2.40 to 62.80.
'Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Futures
Close Lower—Live Stock—,
Latest Quotations.
LIVERPOOL, Dec. 29,—C1o8c—W0ceat—,
Spot, steady; No, 3 Man., Is Wel; futures,
dull, Dec., is 930; March, 7s 4410; may,
'is 23/40. Corn—Spot, steady; American
mixed, new, 62 2d; old, Gs '70; futtirea,
steady; .Tan,, fis 80; Feb., 55 73441. Flour—
Winter patents, 274; 60.
Receipts of farm produce were 500 bush-
els of grain and 7 loads of hay.
Wheat—Two hundred bushels sold at
92c to 930,
Barley—Three hundred bushels sold at
800 to 85c.
Hay—Seven loads sold at 520 to 883 Per
CHICAGO, Dec. 29,—Fear of injury,
to the 2aill-sown crop in oast of a eel-
' vere cold wave rat 2 ed the wheat mar-
lcet to -day after an -early dip, due to
better reports from the Argentine har-
vest. The close was steady, 1-40 Off
to 1 -to wp as companed with 24 hoUSIS
• before. Corn showed a :gab). of 1-00
to 3-4c net and rata en advance a
3-93e end 1-2e to 5-8c and 8-4.
end or the clay left hog predate s w
in 2 1-2c either way from last night%
level. •.„,
Wirmilaee Ontions.
Close. Open. Mel. 10w•
Dec, 9389 9841, 9344 9534
May, new 9834 9834 9934 9834
Duluth Grain aMrket.
DULIITTT, Dec. E.—Wheat—Closed—Nal
1,111)00, $1.00A; No. 1 northern, 61.0331.; N001
2 northern, 51.6034; Dec., 51.0241, nominalO
May, 61.0574.; July, 51.061/,,, nominal.
East Beffalo Cattle Market.
EAST BUFFALO, N.Y., Dec. 29.—catt1el
—Receipts, 260 head; fairly active and,
Veals—neceints, 300 head; active, at
higher, 55 to 511.
Hogs—Receints, 6900 head; active • and
steady to e.trong; pigs, 66.40 to Mg;
roughs, 5170 to $5.86; dairies, 56.25 to 56.50.
Sheep and Lambs—Receipts, 9400 head;
active; sheep, 25c; lambs, Sc' higher;
lambs, 53,50 to $7; yearlings, 54.50 to 66.60;
a few 56.75; wethers, 53,75 to 54.25; ewes,
53.50 to 58.75; sheeP, mixed, 61.50 to $3.90.
Chicago Live Stock.
CHICAGO, Dee. 29.—Cattle—ne0eiptse
MO; market, steady; beeves, 59,75 to 08.60:'
Texas steers, $4,25 to 55.75; western steers
54,40 to $6.50; stockers and feeders, 57,215
to $6.85; cows and heifers, $2 to 16.44
calves, 55.25 to 18.
1.1058-1teeelpts, 32,000; market, slot%
and fic lower; light, 55.85 to 56.20; mixt 4
55.95 to 56.35; heavy, $6 to 56.40; rough, 55
to 56.151 good to choice hogs, 50.15 to 50.4011
pigs, 54.80 to $5.85; bulk of sales, 66.16 to
Shcep—Ticoolpts, 13,000; market, steady;
native, 52,75 to $4,60; western, $3 to 114.605
yearlings, $9.65 to 65.60; lambs, undyed
54.25 to 56.50; western, $4,75 to $6,50.
Every Wel' an
i,,tfoit,,,...,,-sivtg, -
_ (miry
the 11
iia?nr 00,1
the etea
niot c!
ments be
the Spam
ort Dee, .
back On 77
The repo
Moutreal ft
showed 133
It was an
water and I
show a pro
The Libel's
gathered yesi
with Hon. W
in local and
Detective 5
real, after 23
force, almost
detective bure
years ago Inc
Now Finds it a Pleasure to Enjoy Meals
Here is a case which seemed ae bad
and as hopeless as yours cart possibly be.
This is the experience of Mr. IT. J, Brown,
384 Bathurst St., Toroelo, jos bis 01011
"Gentlemen—I baVeniuch pleasure in
nientiouing to you the belief:de received
from your Na-Dre-Co Dyspepsia Tabletq
and earl cheerfully recommend them,
simply had confirmed dyspepsia with all
its wretched symptoms, end tried about
all the advertised cures with no Suceess,
You have itt Ne-Dru-Co Dyspepsia
Tablets the best emative agent I could
find. It la now such a pleasure to' enjoy
meals with their consequent nourish-
mentlhat I want to mention this for the
benefit of others."
The fact that a lot of prescriptions or
so-called "mares" have failed to help you
is no sign that you have got to go on
suffering. '' Try Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia
Tablets andsee how quickly this sterli ug
remedy will give you relief and start yonr
stomach working properly. If A doesn't
help you, you get your money back, sec
a box at your druggist's. Corimpunded
by the National Drug and Chenucal Co.
of Canada, Limited, Montreal. 145
To Amend Copyright Act.
London, Dec. 30.—The' Yorkshire
Post says the Home Government has
invited the Dominion Government to
siibmit legislatioe amending the copy-
right Act. It is impossible to have a
uniform empire law 16 the new Canse
clian Governfnent takes the same vieW
as its peedecessoes. Germany and
other countries are determined to
stand aloof from the convention if
Canada persists in her present atti-
tude. Mr. Burrill's recent statements
tend to spread the hope that Canada
may Come into line.
Gutters Ran With Liquor.
New York, Dee. 30.—Police head-
quarters cleaned house for the new
year by throwing into the gutter yes-
terday over 3,000 gallons of contraband
liquor, which had been stored there
since seizures made last 31.1110. Mern-
hers of the excise board came with
axes and sledge hammers, smashed
liquor bottles aud demijohns and
kegs containing more than $5,000
worth of liquor..
Y, M. C. A. BLDG.,
Registered last season upwards of 300
students and placed every graduate. Seven
specially qualified. regular teachers. One
hundred and fifty London firms employ
our trained help. College in session from
Sept. 5 to June 30. usEnstser a.ny time.
catalogue Free..
Forest Cdy• 11 blew uollege
Chartered Accountant, ,,
Vice Principe'.
nay ma a (mime across tne street.
There are not enough cauclidatos
to fill the aldermanic seats at Belle-
ville, and new elm:titans will be held.
M. Gobe, the French aviator, estab-
lished a new record iu a monoplane
at Pau, France. He covered 740 kilo-
metres (460 miles) in eight hours and
seventeen minutes.
Two fishermen, Sohn McMinnie and
Charles Taylor, who went astray from
the sohooner Loran B. Snow and were
reported to have perished, landed
safely on Seal Ishdnd, N.S.
Washington photographers are for-
bidden to sell pictures of tourists
showing President Taft in the act of
slinking them by the hand or in earn-
est conversation with them.
Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Thompson
were run down by a train on a trestle
between Aldershot and Waterdown.
Mr. Thompson was killed 'and Mrs.
Thompson hurled off the trestle and
seriously injured.
For the first time in the memory
of the oldest inhabitant, Goderich har-
bor is entirely clear di *ice at Christ -
roes. Rowboats and dories are in
use, where at this time during most
years there is safe skating.
Rev. Thomas Paton died at St. Cath-
Huntsville people enjoyed boating
on Christmas Day.
Harriet Oornelias, an aged Indian
woman, was burned to death at Mora-
Rev, Canon Abbott has been ap-
pointed Dean of Christ's Church
Cathedral. Hamilton,
Frank Smith, St. John, N.13., was
yesterday chosen Rhodes' scholar from
Mount Allison University, Sackville.
Mr. Miyalco, M.P., of Japan, who is
visiting Ottawa, says his Government
intends to stop the emigration of Ja-
panese to Canada.
President Madero of Mexico has
granted to a syndicate of Seattle men
a concession to build 300 miles of rail-
road, which will connect Acapulco
with the Oity of Mexico.
It is reported at Montreal that To-
ronto and. British capitalists, headed
by Mr. Aemilius Jarvis of Toronto,
are promoting a scheme to establish a
modal eltv tha Telefla.
Important Events Which Have
Occurred During the Week.
Tha. Busy. World's .Happenings Carai
fully Compiled and Put Into
Handy and Attractive, Shope for
the Readers of Our PaperA Solid
Hour's_ E njoyM ant. ,
Presbyterians of ,Woodstock, N.13.,
voted' against Church union by 153
I?. W, Snyder., one of the leading
business men' of Berlin, Ont., died
yesterday. .
The:ChristIT11),S 11)tilayin,044,-Thda wora
Miss Mary Lebeau, Edison, Sask.,
writes:—"I was troubled with heart
disease and nervousness for over two
years, and was so bad at times I had to
sit up at night being unable to breathe,
and every little noise would make me
shake and shiver. I tried several' doc-
tors, but they were unable to do me any
good. A neighbor then advised Me to try
a box of Milburn's Heart and Nerve
Pills. As soon as I began to take them
I began to feel much better, and by the
time I liad used the third box I was com-
pletely cured. I would advise anybody
suffering from heart disease and nervous-
ness to try these pills. They will save
quite a bill in doctor's fees."
IvIllburffis Heart and Nerve Pills cure
all heart and nerve troubles by their
restorative influence on every organ and
tissue of the body.
Price 50 cents per box, ar 3 boxes for
31,25 at all dealers or xnailecl direct on
receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co.,
Limited, Toronto, Ont.
After 1
Nearly every
dyspeptic stoma
hence the difficul
Burdock Bloc
the distressing s
and in a short ti
Mrs. P. C. Gro
—" I have been tr
for the last seven 3
of medicine for it,
cured me, for as
using any of them
would come back.
vised to try Burdoc
I did, and used fou
so strong I eae d
nicely and can eat
out it affecting me
"Our boy is als
complained of pain
all over, like rheum
of ten bad to stay h
hasn't quite used to
feeling good, can at
and eats heartily.'
B.B.B. 34 manufa
T. Milburn Co., Li
With a rifle whit
mas gift, 10 -year -o
yesterday shot an
his mother, Mrs. (
in their home near Je
St. Louis.
As a result of tit
prevalent in Winnin
peoially to put a st
ups, police magistrata
tenced three Galiciat
years in the penitente
Jour Jacila.
Earl Johns, Gordop Bli^1
Frank Albraith, relight:I, 0.s
7 to 12 had ft deS110:15t0
life in the river at Winehoi
going through the ice. TI ,e thr
on to the edge of tle ceit t
half art hour ulatil rescued.
The City of Lead'en has e
writ against the Tosof
asking for an injin etiot, to
that town froin issu .
tuxes in co0000li''; u iti, a
loan to the Hardin, Mel ir
is now a London ; 31,tee
FF 'OA v.
The North sae -
Hon, Dr. Reaun.e .11,0
52. 51.
Fred: Resnie' s r
dren front a btu „tie ir•
real at the rish 01 Lis hi
The Corinne, vial Travel
tion will mai • tie
the Ontario ( ii10e
the conditioi. of 11,r
Mayor GI Litant
the temperance W. 1!!:
&Split° tiVcr 1110 light ti/ 1."11111
neere for the Itemise voile.
The members of the ei
Ottawa are prept.I.:n..:. n,n-
bon 1.0 the Goverment
revival nf the sup,„re iitio:i s
otir.-Snort/ IVE-45:,:_ris-37
Statements made by patients taking the New Method Treatment. They know t C
figir" No Names or Testimonials used without wrilten consent
coNsrirnmiontf., 1.%oon 'DISEASE.
Patient 160. 10406. "The spots aro all
gone frum my legs and arms and I foe]
'goon now. I ant vary grateful to yott
and shall never forget the 'favor Your
medicines have clone for me. You 00:11
WM' my name in recommending It to
ally SOCartIr. I am going to get 1011]"
'750 eoen. Thanking Yon once more:
Patient No. 16706. Age 25., Single.
Indulged in Iltmoral nails 4. yeare. •lle-
posit in utlne find drains at night.
Varlet). Veins so bat sides, pales in
back, weak Sexually. I1e Wrilts1,—"I
received your letter or recent date Aid
it reply 1 tun pleased to sal, thal after
taking two months' trealmen,t 1 Would
oetaider myself: completely mired, as I
nava seen to signs of them coming
back (One year).
Patient No. 15923. "I haVe not had,
regular 9 mission 0 don't 100000 when
and am fee lg, fine. The world seems
altogether d Moroni. to Me and 6 thank
Clod for (Meeting, Inc to you. You havo
been an honest doctor with me.
\ ,
nd cure vArttcq,sz VEINS, NERVOUS V,ESILITY, alaLhen
Tee•guyeapr AND BLADDER notsAsss' and oft
OICE MEC. If tiMthle to ‘,..oll write for
be eddseet
Case No. 10885, Symptoms 110 01
started treaLment:—Age 21, sing,n,
indeed In immoral habits several 4,
Varicose Veins on both sides --P'-9
on the face, etc. After two Into
treatinent he writes as followsi—,
welcome letter t., hand iMid an1
glad to say that 11 think mYself 111
alt' Varicose Voles have comOletuir
appeared for (Mit a while` and n 0-•
a, cure. t worle harder and tap;
tired. X have no deslree,m tllat
whatever and If ,7 stay I m. IV
have every reaSen 50 0e11000 ,
Thanking, you for your kind acienti
GAINED 14 rouNDs 150 02130310'
rutiaiii No. 1:0500. Till- Pallor
06) hal 10 ohror,ic case ,,E NE01001
twynaltird, vSzurni„Wnrieu.,1,(tt,i,Tsvarnr 1\vt,n:
Month's treatment he roorts n
lows,—"I arn foaling very !veil, I
gained 11 nottnos la 0/10 Itt1/1101. 90
will have to congratulate yea"
reportz—"I am beginning, to Nal
like a rnmi, 1 feel roi
getting batter every 100575"' Tils
Pori ,—"Drar r'106)1½1—nu I fee
the ast meath.freatment that
have to gat,• 7imUglt at 010
would 10001. ;e
cured but 1
0100 In yea 'filenn the start a
have cured me." •