HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-12-05, Page 7FARMS POR 8ALR. M.eiNe,fiAVeSON, Ninety Colborne Street. fleDN, BRED Acitus-COUNTY H,ALTON: ,e,,leeecd.1 House; Buiblinest orohard. oboeiii"esaiete'en, case, tering'. Cauviatt' atailit:',ACRES WITH 0001,,, bulAdthRk• and; apple orchards nbout are m ilete4 rem ,14. W. DAeeSoN, !Toronto; 92 A.C12ES-6 MILES' ,• latom itiNnox market, eon May loam, 2 aeres or - &aid, good Nalco house, frame barn, Would exchange for city, tmvn or 'village property or for emeller farm. The Western Real Estate, London, Ont. FARMS WAN'TEI3. , FAR -ins WANTED—LOW PRICED FOR 014 Gowitry miy.o.,6. J. Drummer, 18 Torolleci Si,, Toronto. STAMPS AND COINS, ), TAMP COLLE0TORS-11IIND1tED DIP- forettt Foreign Stereos, Catalogue. Albuni, 'only Seven Cente, Marks Stamp Company, Toronto, ' M ISCELLA NERO& CAN�IIg, TUMORS, LUMPS, BTO., internal and external, cured with- out pain by our 'Ionia ereatment. Write us before tee late. Dr. Hellman Medical 00,. Limited, Collingwood, Ont. xsga- aterue-Blonala BILYBR • AND YY arose Foxe,. Marten, Fisher and , 'fink, alive, Bloke Vannatter, Nadine - fad, On(ario. • GALL STONES, KLDNEY AND ALAI). ‘ der Stenoe. Kidney trouble, Gravel. Lumbago and kindred ailments positively cured esitie the new German Remedy, "Benet,' price $1,60. Another new remedy for Dlabeten-Mellitue, and sure cure, is "Senolet Anti -Diabetes." Price $2.00 from dragglete or direot. The Salmi Manufac- turing Company of Canada, Limited, Winnipeg, HAG. . ' ,WRITE FOR )CATAI091.1E '17 -` BROWN'S NURSERIES. =LLANO COUNTY, ONT. • Charmed Napoleon. In the winter of 1851 and '52, Eu- genie and her mother were in Paris and it was there she caught the favor of the very man who had warned Jerome against her. When he made ,himself President of France in 1852 anal declared, him- self Emperor, he set about looking ,fer a Royal wife, but the reigning houses of Europe would have noth- ing to do with 'him. They looked upon him as a cheap adventurer and his hopes of a Royal marriage were baffled. Meanwhileihe bad fallen clasper- ately n love with Eugenie. On January 30th, 1853, e married her and the municipality of Paris voted her a wedding gift of 8120,000. She used the sum to found a woman's college, and by granting a gift of 11120,000 for charity further endeared herself to the people. Minard's Liniment 00., Lineirted. Getttlemen,--Lase winter voceived great benefit from the use of MINARD'S LINI- MENT In a severe attach of La Grippe, and I IMMO frequently Droved it te be verY eRootiefe In (mewl of Inflammation. Yours, W. A. IIIITCHINSON. Both Mu& Bettor. Mao. Uppish—"Just think I It's only sfk months ago since we moved away' from next door to you. We're in a much better neighborhood now." Mrs. Sharpe—"So are we." MEE. Uppish—"Why, where did You move?" Mrs, S'hafirpe—"Oh, we haven't moved at all?' Oki Cured of Disfiguring Pimples By Cutioura Ointment; Broke Out on Facc.when Twelve or Thirteen. Were Most Embarras.ing. Had Tried Everything. A Nova Scotia girl, Miss Mabel Morash, of Dover West, writes: "When 8 waq about twelve or thirteen Years of age, 1nY faeo broke out with pimples, and T trlerl every. thing to get rid of them, but failed. The pimples were the worst on my fprehead and thin. They came out in groups and developed later Into sorm, Being on my face they caused great disegurement, and were most embarraseing. ee After trying so ninny remtulle,s without emcees; 8 saw the Cuticura Ointment adver- Need, and, X sent for a box. I then applied ft to the pimples, and In a week 1 saw a great change in my face. / kept using it, • and In a few months it rendered a complete cure. Now you cannot tell 2 ever had pimples, thanks to the Cuticura Ointment,' (Sigaed) Miss Mabel Morash, Mar. 31, 1911, Baby's Face Like Raw Beef "My baby boy bed a large DIMple come en his forehead. It burst and spread ell ) over hie face which soon looked like a piece / of raw beef, all smothered with bad pimples. , It was awful to look at. Tee poor little thing Tatted to aerate'', it and cry terribly. 'I took 'him to a doctor tut he only got ' worse until I WAS Quite frightened that he would always be disfigured. Then 1 got two tins. of Cutleura Ointment, together 'with Cutleura Soap, and in two months had quite cured hint. Now...of CORM I use Cuticura Soap for all my, children (Signed), mi.g. r,. Perry, PO, Waterloo ltd., Aldershot, &lg. land, May EL 1410. Outleura Soap and Ointment are sold throughottt the world, but to those who have suffered MUC11, lost hope and are with. out faith in any treatment, a liberal sample of each with a 32-p. booklet on the skirt and scalp will be !nailed nee, on application. ,Addreee 'Potter Drug, & Chem. Corp,, 65 Columbute NVO.. Bested, if. , A IF YOUR BABY 18 SICK DIVE BABY'S OWN TABLETS The little ills of babyhood and childhood should be treated promptly, or they ratty prove seri- ous. An occasional close Jf fla by's Own Tablets will slaEe the sto- mach and bowels and keep liitle .imes well. Or they will promptly restore health if sickness comes unexpectedly. Mri, Lenora M. Thompson, Oil Springs, Ont., says :—"I have used Baby's' Own Tablets; for my little girds ae occa- sion required, and have found them alwaye of the greatest help. No mother, in my opinion, should be without the Tablets." Sold by medicine dealeia or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. • , IN GEORGE 1II.'s TIME. When Strikers Were Imprisoned , and Flogged. In the days when George ITT. was King the law provided that, should • mao refuse to go to work during any dispute about wages, he should not only be sentenced to a term of imprisonment, but receive a sound flogging as well. An amusing story is told which proves that even in those days there lived at least one man, and he n� less a personage than the then Lord Mayor, of Lon- don, who sympathized with the strikers, and who, alasl was made to bitterly regret his leniency in this •respect. During Mr. Woods' tenure of office a oertain journey- man sugarsbaker, having had the audacity to go on strike for higher wages, was duly brought before the Lord Mayor and charged ,with his 'heinous offence. The humane Mr. Woods put him in prisms but omitted to make an order for the flogging on the warrant of commit- tal, so that the prisoner escaped this most humiliating and painful' part of his punishment. When he had done his • time the sugar -baker, in- stead of throwing himself before the Lord Mayor in an ecstasy of grati- tude, brought an action against him for breach of the law, and the jury were 'compelled to award him dam- ages for being illegally deprived of his flogging I - A DOCTOR'S SLEEP Pound He Had to Leave Of Tea and Coffee. Many persons do not realize that a bad Stomach will cause insomnia. Tea and coffee drinking being such an ancient and respectable form.of habit, few realize that the drug—caffeine--containeti in tea and coffee, is ono of the principal causes of dyspepsia and nervous troubles:. Without their usual portion of tea or oolfee, the caffeine topers are nervous, irritable and fretful. Thai's the way with a whiskey drinker. I:le has got to have his •dram "to settle his nerves"—habit. To leave ,off tea or colflee is an easy matter if you want to try it, because Postum gives a gentle but natural support to the nerves and does not contain any drug—nothing but food. Physicians know this to he true, as one fromsthe South writes: "I have cured myself of a long- standing case of Nervous Dyspep- sia by leaving off coffee and using Postum," says the doctor. `II also enjoy i-efreshing sleep, to which I've been an utter stranger for 20 years. "In treating dyspepsia in its various types, 1 find little trouble when I can induce patients to quit coffee and adopt Postum." The dotter is right and "there's a reason." Read the little book, "The Road to WelIville," in pkgs. Post= now comes in conceit- trated,powder form called Instant Postum. It is peeparecl by stirring a level teaspoonful in a cup of hob water, adding sugar to taste, and enough cream to bring the color to golden brown. Instant Postum is convenient; 'there's no waste; and the flavor is always uniform. Sold by gr00m's- 50-cup tin 30 ett., 100 -cup tin 50 cts, A 5 -cup trial tin mailed for gro- cer's name and 2 -cont stamp for postage. Canadian Post= Cereal Clo., Ltd., Windsor, Oria Ever react the above letter? A new ono appears from time to time, They aro genuine, true, and full of human Interest. Pointed Paragraphs. Impressions -made by beauty are more than skin deep. People never credit a man's vir- tues as long as he has a vice. Peanut politicians should hot -complain if they got well feasted A beggar naturally has a pinched Look if he is arrested for vagrancy. Oceasionally a detective forgets to disguise his 'breath with a clove. The winter of our discontent is as likely to show up in summer as any other Elmo. , The epicure hates 05 waste his ap- petite on :cheap food, and no won - A man seldom realizes that he' a fool until other peophs who have known it for years. But the man who masters a hard life is of more importance than the man who is mastered by an easy 000. It doesn't follow that a frenzied finan'cier would make a suecessfal farmer because 'he knows how to water stock, ' As a matter of fact, there , isn't enough truth in 'the world to keep the tongues a gossip wagging -- therefore, you can draw your own conelusion. IDS Daughter—"Pitpa, did you knowmamma long bofoye you .mar- ried her?" Her Father—"just be- tween yoa and me, my dear, I don't knots her yet." , • talnard's Liniment cures niehttieria: WILL MAKE DAUGHTER HEIR CZAR TO BAR HIS BROTHER FR081 THE THRONE. Recent Illness of Prince Brings Out , Points in Russian Court Int rig ue. Undoubtedly the recent mystera ous hitless' of the Ozarevitchhas given 'all true friends of! Russia, a bad scare. But it has ,serged one good purpose in ein)0611t; the broad outlines of a ,court intrigue that in- volves the Grand Duke Michaels - the Czar'S hold, had brother—and the Dowager Empress Mario arid which aims at the placing of Miehael on the throne Of .Russia upon the death of Nicholaa :fad, •the sweeping away of all the liberal reforms for which the present Gaar- has worked more than he always gets .oredit for. There ere those who do eot hesi- tate le declarethat the recent ill- ness! of the Ozarevitch really' was dim to an almost Successful attempt te kill him. Substance is !lent to this opinion by the, secrecy with Which all the .court surrounded the affair: There is, however, nothing 05 eonnect the Dowager Empresa aual her son with the affair. ! Czar Changes Succession Law. The Czar, however, is already making plans- to foil the 'conspira- tors. A dozen years ago, befere the birth of the Czarevitch and while he was still.completely under the in- fluence of the Dowager Empress, Nicholas proclaimed Michael the heir to the throne. Under the Russian law of succes- sion promulgated by Emperor Paul, Michael was the natural heir pre- sumptive, follow,ed by the other Grand Dukes to the exclusion of the Czar's daughters. But the Czar oi! all the Ru.ssias is not an absolute autocrat for nothing; and he can at any time alter the law of succeselon in such a way that his oldest daugh- ter, the Grand Dutheas Olga, would ascend the throne in the event of the Czarovitch's death. And that, in short, is said to be his plan to thwart the reactionaries. Part and parcel of this scheme to place his oldest daughter on the throne is the Czar's present unwill- ingness to consent to her marriage to any one. Obviously her marriage To the Prince of -Wales, for instance, would effectually bar her from the throne of Russia. At th4s present moment the Rus- sian cburt is arrayed in tato hostile camps. On the one side is Nicholas, trying to put through his various liberal reforms. He is supported by small army of ardeut but power- less souls, who see in him their country's only hope of salvation. • On the other side is Grand Duke Michael, a strong, robust, ruthless iron -handed man, who openly preaches a return to the absolute autocracy that trampled under an iron heel the ignorant, suffering population. Standing with him is the figure of the Dowager Empress ,Marie, the leader of the reaction- aries and anti -liberals of Russia. ROW MALTESE WOMEN DRESS They Are Always in Black with Bonnet and Toil. The dress of the Maltese, is very singular, and that of the women stalking in tim extreme. When abroad, they are all arrayed in black. They 'put on over their other dress a robe or loose aldrt of that color, brought high on the bosom, and iu place of bonnets their heads are covered with a black silk man- tle, which invests their shoulders tied descends half way behind. . The part which covers the head is furnished with a piece oil whale- bone, inserted in the ,hem, which keeps 4 in position and prevents the silk from dropping over the, eyes. One hand, placed inside, is always necessary to hold together the sides of the scarf in front, and the other only a forefinnger, being allowed to appear through the open- ing left for,the pnrpose. Of course, under such snufflers little can be seen of the beauties of form Or 1 ea- ture, if a Maltese nymplit happens 05 possess them. The eyes and a moving, pall-bla,c1c figure are all that can be distinguished. But some times the fair one deigns to exhibit her face to a curi- ous gazer in place of engrossing her- self the privilege of seeing, and fea- tures good-humored, rather pleas- ing -than handsome, and irradiated by a pair of fine,'sparkling oyes, are displayed to the beholder. The complexion is a dark olive, partak- ing a, little of a sort of mulatto tinge. The mantle is obviously borrow- ed, or rather, it has descended from a distant age and people. It an - ewers to the veil of Eastern ladies. Sueh figures, thousands of whom are abroad on the Sabbath, give the streets a funereal look. It seems as it all Malta had gone into mourn- ing,. - ED. 1. ISSUE 49—'124 ARE YOU AS WEIJ... AS A. TEAR AGS1 Dr, WIIIIUMW Pink Pills Point the Way to Health and Strength Ask yourself the important 'ques- tion whether yott are as strong as you were 'a year ago, as bodily fit as you should be, 'Many a reader has to confess "No." Some weak- ening ailment has during the past year laid hold of the eystem; unfit - Ole you tor the duties of life and seriously clouding ,blie outlook of the coining days. It may be rheu- matism with its sharp twinges of pain, indigestion, headache, nerv- ons debility, depression and lack of energy, or the pains and ailments which only common folk know. It is well to know that all these weak- ening; <hoarders' arise from an ini- poverishect condition of the blood. Renew and enrich your blood and all your ti•oubles will cease. This is a strong statemerit, but it is made on the 'testimony of thousands who once suffered, but who have gained health and strength by the aid of the new, rich blood aupplied by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. We can quote thoesands of GUASUF1 similar to the following: Mr. Jos. Grandmaison is a young inan well known in the town of St. Jerome, Que.' He says: 'For a couple of years I began to find my strength • failing, but did not dream that the troUble was serioes. As I grew weaker I began to doctor, but it did not help me. The least exertion made my heart palpitate violently, my stomach seemed out of order a,nd my whole system became so run down that wail finally forced to quit work. I had now been doctoring for ahnost aix months and was very naturally growing discouraged. At this Juncture I read of aa case similar to mine, cured through the use of Dr.' Williams' Pink Pills, and decided to try them. I took the Pills faith: fully for about two months, gradu- ally growing stronger and at the end of that time I was as well as any, man could be. I shall always praise the medicine that raised me from dispair to the blessing of good health." Sold by medicine dealers every- where or sent by mail at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for 82.50, by The Dr. Williams' Medicine Go., Brock- ville, Ont. .r. WIER- YOUR NOSE IS SMALL. line to the General Use' of the Handkerchief. Your nose may not be ao midl as to attract undue, attention, but at least it is not: so laage and noble as it would have been had you been living in the days of Caesar. The inaignificance of the present- day nose is due to the introductioll and genera use of the handker- chief. Handkerchiefs—Which are very modern indeed, as things go—were never used by the Romans, and they .were lees liable to colds axtd the still more troublesome com- plaint, influenza, than we are now. As a result, they were possessed of the largest and very best -shaped noses.possible. :When civilization, which started in Rome, spread to the northern countries of Europe, the inhabitants of these changeable climates found they had continually to rub their noses, and thus they fell below the B,ornan standard, - This explanation, of course, sounds somewhat far fetched, but it is a well-known physiological fact that any part of the body which is continually illeased will eventual- ly deteriorate. Valuable Horse Saved By "fierviline" Was Too Sore and Lame lo Work Quickly Cured by Nervillee. "I have had a long experience in treating horses and I can safely say that I know of no liniment for strains, sprains, and - swelling that is so useful around the stable as Nerviline." Thus writes Mr. J. E. Murchison, from his home, Crofts Hill P.O. "I had a fine young mare that wrenched her right foreleg, and frem the shoulder down she was stiff, sore, and swollen. I applied Nerviline, and it worked like a charm.; in fact, that mare was in shape to work a day after I used Nerviline. "We have used Nerviline on our farm for twenty-five years, and never foued it wanting. For man or 'beast it is a wonderful lini- Five thousand letters recommend- Nerviline as a general househokl liniment, as an all-round cure for aches and pains. Try it yourself. Large size bottle, 50c., or sample size 25e. sold by all dealers, or The Calarrhozone Co., Kingston, Ont. , Marriage may either form one's character or reform it. Milord's Liniment Cures carget in Cows, Typical 0 ross-Ex. ani Cou nael--1) o you know Jtliuu Caesa'? - Witness—Ne sir. Counsel—Have you ever met him 1 Witness—No' sir. filounsel—You remember that you, a,re under oath ? Witness—Yes, sir. Counsel—Then, if you have never met Julius Caesar, how can you say on your oath that you do not know Justice—I ' think we have* had enough of this style of examine - Counsel --Your honor 'will please -note rity exception to your corning to the assistance of ;the witness. Statism—If you say 'that again T shall have you exPelled from the court rtnon. THE, D1tITISIF1 SOLDIER. Singing of Well -Known Hymns Ls One of Ills Characteristics, In spite of his lighter tastes no one who knows the British soldier of the peesent day will deny that he has nevertheless inherited much of that old ardor of our forefathers for a rousing, godly chant; and nothing is more soul -stirring, especially in the field of war, than to listen to a gathering of British soldiers threw ing a cleop-thioated heartiness into some well-known t-ild hymn, like "0, God, our help in ages past," which was heard inmany a camp ±11 South Africa a few years back, ' In fact, nothing 'seems to draw forth from the British soldier or sai- lor more whole-souled effort than hymn:singing; and many will. be able to recall occasions where its effect has gripped the hearts of all by its dramatic intensity, Surely no hymn had ever a more dramatic setting than that which rose from Khartoum when, with the field ofs, Omdurman still "white as snow in Salmon" with the unburied dead, the British troops, gathered upon the scene of Gordon's heroic death, sang that beautiful hymn, "A 'few more years shall roll," its finite pathos intensified a thousandfold by the sternly 'sad associations of time and place. Every heart was pro- foundly stirred, and the eyes even of the iron -visaged Binder were moist with tears. On one other occasion the singing of. British soldiers will long be re- membered by those who heard it. It was after the reyiew at Delhi, at the time of Lord Curzon's famous Durbar, when night had wrapped the huge plain and its a,sserabled thousands in deepest shadow, star- red by the yellow watch of the silent and waiting army. Suddenly from the summit of a lofty, invisible plat- form an electric baton waved, and there rose ald swelled up through the darkness from the lines of all the British troops :-- "Abide with me: fast falls the even- tide, The darkness deepens; Lord, with me abide, When other helpers fail and corn- ferts flee, Help of the helple,ss, 0 abide with After the Imperial pageantry of the day, it fell upon the ears of the intently -listening multitude with the 'solemnity of IL great Reces- sional. • 4i THE MAGISTRATE'S STORY.' What Ire Owes to ZanallInk. Mr. 0. E. Sanford, of Weston, Kings Co., N.B., a Justice of the Peace for the county, and a dee, con of the Ba,ptist Church. in Ber- wick, says : "I have wed Zam-Buk for piles and found it a splendid remedy. re cured me." Mr. Themes Pearson, of Prince Albert, Sask,; writes: "I must thank you for the benefit I have received from .the usie of Zam-Buk. Last summer I had a fever, which left me with piles. I started to use Zam-Buk and found it gave me re- lief, so I eontinued with it. After using three or four boxes it effected' a complete cure." Zam-Biik will also be found a sure cure for cold sores, chapped hands, frost bite, ulcees, eczema, blood - poison, varicose sores scalp sores, ringworm, inflamed pAches, babies' eruptions and cshapped places, outs, burns, bruises; and skin injuries generally. All druggists and stores sell at 50e. box, or Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, for price. Refuse substi- tutes. , That Was Se. She—What an atrocious necktie. I wouldn't trust you to select any- thing on earth. I never knew a limn with so little taste. FIs (Chnekling)—You forget that I selected yen, my dear. 'She—That was something you couldn't help, WHY NOT SPEND THE WINTER IN CALIFORNIA: Attea dive rates will be quoted by .vart able routce, affording finest scenery. The Loa Angeles Lienieed, leaving Ohioago daily 1016 pen, for Southern California, the San Fra,uoisco Overland Linneed, hew- ing Ohicago 0:30 pen„ lose than three don on eoute, provide the hest of everything in railway travel. The China and Japan MaO leavee Ohicaeo daily 1040 Pm. for San Francisco and Los Angeles. Illus- trated lateraturo on application to 5,18. 'Bennett, General Agent, Chicago and North Weetern Rye 46 Youge eit„ TOTORLO, Ont. The lionte Library. Kiticker—Have they a library? Bocker—Yes a check hook, a cook book anti a dictionary. for the baby to sit on. Cure For Consiimptlem—Por ooneurate tion, weak lunge, lingering coughs, laryn, ritie and bronchitis. Name, and addressee of those only given a row days to live by, _speoleelist and doctors, after taking thie cure are olive and well, will be sent on request. Write Wm. IL Copeland, 611 Pape Aye., Toronto, Oat The police often gel, those who help themselves. Minartrs Liniment Cults CMS. &e "I don't believe Solomon was as rich as people think," said a small boy to his tea•cher. "Why not ?" " 'Cause it says he 'slept with his fathers. rf he was really awfully rich he'd have had a bed of his own." 10 an an enemy within the camp. It will underinine the strongest constitution and ruin the most vigorous, health. It leads to indigestion, bilioueness, impure blood, bad complexion, sick headaches, and is one of the most frequent causes of appendicitis. To neglect it is slow suicide. Dr. IVIorse's Indian Root 'Pills positively cure Constipation, They are entirely vegetable in composition and do not - sicken. weaken Of gripe. Preserve your health by taking Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills PERRIN GLOVES The best for all occasions. Always suitable. Always stylish. Eno that the trade mark 00 onualary Nothing to 'Go By Tommy -7'1 don't think aunty will stay; she didn't bring her trunk." • . Tohnny—"Huh 1 Look how long the baby has ',stayed, and he' didn't bring: anything Mlnard's 1.1nlinent Cures distemper. YOUr Overcoats mut faded eau) would look better dyed. If no agent ot inns itt your town, write direct to, Montreal, Pox a88. Gold Modaliek Britlet:i American 0Yeing Co, THINGS WORTH KNOWING ABOUT CHRISTMAS BUYING Write to -day for Oatalogda. It's FREE. The Le Roy Import Co., 13 Bloor St. E, - Toronto. -BLANKETS Warm, 116a.4'. Government $2.75Per PaIr made Blankete, $2.75 per pair Deli. vered. Free. Cash with order. The General 'reportage. of Oanada 14 Cartier !Bldg., Montreal Of Vital Interat to Syrup and Maple Sugar Makers Wide-awake Maple Syrup makers will consult their best interests by ordering their supplies now instead of delaying until Feb. and March—our busiest time, Write for free booklet telling about our Champion Evaporator, made in 22 sixes, suitable for large or small groves, THE GRIMM MFC. CO., LIMITED 58 Wellington St., MdNTREAL,QUE. Dollars worth of usefulness and comfort he will appreciate. EVERY' PAIR GUARANTEED FOR ONE YEAR Sr:motel Al,,ercladrilamhMoirnnge colored '.4Er 03)9 5 Ocat your Dealers or sent postpaid anywhere for 50c. THE DING SUSPENDER CO. TORONTO, CAN. 411 att- -basal 4,5r4, se 'el tag Light Your Kitchen with a Rawie 'Bracket Lamp sometime. In the kitchen or elsewhere you need -a lamp held high, where it tvill light the whole room, and be out of the reach of children. I The Rayo Bracket Lamp is made for exactly this purpose. It is one of the famous Rayo Family -the best kerosene la,mps made. A clear, white light'steady, diffused, A strong, subataritial bracket, easily affixed to the wall. The lamp is inexpensive. Economical. Lighted witheut removing chimney or shade. Rayo Lamps are made in various Styles and for all FurP°Bes' At Dent:ws Everywhere. THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY„ Limited TORONTO WINNIPEG MONTREAL HAM rAx GT. 810 el el iet ,L,F,Wre Tr".eleteiNaTe=17,... l'EMMESEISIMEGMIMAESERIMM=31 Nei Yourself to ealth Get rid of that outside closet on your farm—it is the cause of most of the sickness in your family-- , because it is a, breeding place for disease. You Can't .Afford to ignore This.Fact It stands to reason that by allowing the foul smelling, outside .closet to roniain within a few steps of your homeit,. poisons every breath of air you breathe. You and your wife; daughters and sons—risk ill health every time you iise it. The outside closet'io really a relic of barberism—no pro- gressive farmer should tolerate it., Just think how your wife and claughtas must hate its sh-ocking publicity, anconvonie,nce and discomfort. Maa—make lip your mind now to ,blot, the outside closet -- from your farm. Lotus s how you how you can install a Good Health" Sanitary Closet—right in your own home—mit a very small cost. Im.agine 'the comfort, 'convenience and protection t.--e-Tiealth it means -to you-. and your :family. Mail This Coupon to 'Us RIGHT NOW THE GOOD HEALTH COMPANY Brockville Oirtario ,O0UPON The aood • -Health Cta Gen tletnen :— Meese, seed me literabure giving full' partioulare of the Good leoalelt Sanitary Closet. utateatardausitcswy...tataacc......atcottteeterzetrocezerstmeacztemeozzostentraearmeetamemt,