HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-12-05, Page 6eceicher 5th, 1912 Ruffen Township Mr. W, '1'. 1-1.e1ry of the Clinton toad .has Sold his one-hundredacre arm „for '$6,600, the purchaser being Willimn Morrison of the 6th onwho gets possession in. Feb- uary. The farm • is convenient ,to wn, bas good buildings, etc. and is every ,way a moat desirable pro- erty and Mr. Morrison is to bI eon- .atulateti. ,upon securing.It. Mr: enry has rikot,yet,, fully' decided where I will ieecate .but it will in alI probability, 1 -ie inOlioton.. The s!e-. stilt of Year's. 'of Industry well - en- able him to take life. easy. Much sympathy is felt ,1or Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Dale in the death of -their infant SOH, which event took .Place recently. • , Word Wad received here last week of the "death, which took place in Larnbton (lounty' on Nov:, 24th, of Mr. 'George Andrews, brother- in-law of Mrs. George .Dale. The de- ceased was known to many here.- eibmits. He was in his seventy - .fourth year. ' • Mths Lizzie Rowley returned to her home in Dublin on Monday after spending a Week with Miss Eileen Carbert. 'Miss Elsie, Ross, spent Sunday with Miss Lizzie Shanahan. Mies, Lizzie Feaney returned to her home in Dublin ori Monday, , Mr. IN. H. Farquhar ane family Harlcick have moved into the house of Mr. C. Hoare, just north of Clinton: Mr, W. T. I-Tenry had' the misfor- tune to lose, recently, two valuable botses. One wok; an imported. mare and the other a stallion, The eat::3e *as indigestion. The,following .is .the report for S. 'S. - No., 7, Mullett, for November, 'menses in order et merit : e• Sr. 4th, --Geo. Brown, Dennis Rob- eeton, Charlie Knox, equal. ., -Jr. 4th--3eseic A/Wit:tie, Geo. .Pol- Sr. 3rd --Olive Meerittie, Louie, I•Ier- , . 'jr. 3rd, -Annie Pollard, Joseph Iioggart, • Lillian Tamblyn, Norman Sanderson. - Jr. 2nd, -Berta Sanderson, Laura Beacom, Janet •McVittie. Part 1st, -Harold Beacom. Best spellers are : Sr. 4th, -Geo. Brown, Dennis Rob. erten, Charlie Knox) equal. Jr. etb,-Jessie MeVittie. Sr. 3rd, -Olive 1VIcVittie. 'Jr.- 3rd, -Annie Pollard. Jr. 2nd, -Laura Beacom. e - • -13. Much Teacher. 1 , , The following are the marks ob- tained by the, pupils of S. S. No. 4, Mullett, Mr the „Month of Noy- •esnber. Marks were given, for ex- amine ion welk and daily work at school.. . Those Marked * were . abr • sent for one or more examinations : Sr. , 4th,-eCharlie Sundereock 191, Warren Rogerson Me*, John Adams 48*, ' ' Jr. Itte-Florence Cartwright 189, Sr. 241,-- Lillie Connell 239. , Si. 21n1,-Kithleen Allen 359, 'Tom --APpleby° 348, Willie Briggs 291, Ar- thur Ogbourne 135e. Jr. 2nd,-Ceeil Cartweight 406, Mary Cartwright 388, Alfred White 33e, Ralph Joseelyn 286*, George -Addison 234. - Jr. Part 2nd,-Haze1 Rogerson 132, ' Lillian Cartwright 115, Violet Ad- dison 90, Milton Brown 85. Sr. lst,-Olive easeelyn 50. Jr. lst,-Leslie Knox, Roselle Crawford -Elgin Joscelyn. Perfect attendance-Mae:lie 8021- dereoek, Florence Cartwright, Mary Cartwright, Alfred White, Leslie Knee. No on -'Roll --22. . Average attendance -18. -R. MacKenzie, Teacher. ' , Report of S. 8, No 2 Iiellett for e - November : • ' Se. eth,-Norman Tyndall 78, Mahe el Lockwood 67, Mattie_Diggins 62, Fergus Van Egmond 17. - Jr. 4th,-aohn Mann 60. Sr. 3r8, -Gracie Glidden. 61, Stan- ley Hale 48. ' Jr. led -Clifford Tindall 76 Ber- nard Reynolds 60, Gertrude Bayley 47. e"Sie.„. and,-Alina Hale 61, Myrtle Huntel-e6e, Violet Gliddoe 67, Louise Hale 59, Chee ter- Glidden 17, Jr. end, --Annie Shobbrook 15, Har- old OElew 73, Marjorie Glee, 83, Leop- ard Hunter 60, Willis Van Egmond 58, Eddie Dale 5e. -M. E. Brown, Teaeher. The following is the report of S. S. No. 5, names in order of ,merit i Sr. 41h,--Flormace Vodeee, fecal -Asia Weymouth, Mary • Vodden, Etta \v n. Jr.. 30,--rennie Weymouth, Alice McCool, _ Sr. 3r8, -Fred McCool, Mary.yn Jr. etre-Ira Rapson. 1 Vesicle's, .Flossie Gibbings, Grace Jr„, yodden. , Jr. 2nd,-1-Ielmere SIMI', Rose sloe - butt, Artbar Weymouth,' Percy Gib- bings, Sydney Lee. Sr, Int, --Wellington Mee'ool, Mary Nair, Jr, Ist,-Dora 'trodden, Jenay Ger- '. butt, Fanny Lee. 1 The best spellers are : Sr. "Ith,-F. \redden. , ' t Sr. 3rd, -F. McCool. Jr. 3rd, --A: Weymouth. ' Jr, 2.0,-11. Snell. .,......81-. ist,-M. Meer . ' ' J r. 1 s t, -D . Vedder.. News -Record to Jan. 1-$1. Zurich - Mr. Louis Prang visbttalii.s brether in Stratford last week. Miss Ida Sipple of Detroit: has been visiting friends in town. Mr. J. J. Memel., M. P., went down - to Ottawa last' week for the opening of Parliament. 'Rev. Peter Ropp was -in Pigeon, 'Mich., last week attending the funer- al of the late Miss Mary Prest, daughteek of Mr. and Mee. Joe Prest formerly of this section. an' Kinsman has returnee • , to the weet, scent to .far. 14-81, ICipi2en r, Walter Cranfield, who has been engaged in farming all summer with Mr. W. A. RosS, left last week for England to spend -the winter with his people'. ' ' • 111t, John Harris also leaves -short- ly for a trip to his hoine land. ,Me`ssra, Norman Jones and Thoinas Butt are home after spending sever- al anontbs in Saskatchewan, in the ,vicinity of 'rugaska, They ' were Much pleased with the outing , 'Deitz is expected " home from 'the mast very soon.. . ' On Surlday last Mr.. .Upshall: died rather une,ipectedly. ,He 'had not been feeling very well, all day but appearecrto be better towards even- ing. Ile passed away, however, be- fore morning. The sympathy of the community is extended to the fri= ends. Mr. Dugald Kettleton is suffering; just now from blood poisoning. It is hOped, that he will soon .he res- tored to his wonted health. Miss Mc0owan of. MOKillop visited Miss Sarah Dayman this Week. BlUth. Mr. John Stewart slipped from the front of his wagon one day recently while going down a 'grade and the ,front wkeel passed over both feet injuring them considerably, though , w& fortunately there were no bones brok- Mr. J. Lybell has moved,his fam- ily here from Goderich and they have taken up their residence on Morris street. Mrs. Tenney, who was taken ill while on a visit to Seaforth, was -brought home on Saturday ',eek. Mrs. Pats, who had gone down on hearing of her illness, accompanied her home. Messrs. W. Potter and James Tier- ney were in Menem& last week in c.onnection with the will ot the late dames Fetter. Mr. James R. Cutt visited Clin- ton and Goderich friends last week. Mrs. Hyslop, Dominion Organizer for the W. C. T. U., addressed a meeting in the Presbyterian church on Thursday last. Coderich Miss Margaret Strang is visiting in Toronto. Miss K. Brown of Detroit is on a visit to her home in town. Mrs. John May of Louden, termer- ly of Croderich, was in town faht week, having come up to take part in the Methodist anniversary at Dun- gannon, • Mr. and Mrs. Gavin Shearer have gone to Springhill, N. S., where Mr. Sheater has been appointed manager of the Bank of Commerce branch. Mr. Shearer has been acting manager of . the Ceoderich branch for the past couple of months; during the absence of Manager •Williams. On 'Tuesday last *week Miss. Ida Naegcl was wedded to Mr. John Cluthbertson of London. Rev. A. Brown was the officiating clergyman. On Wednesday of last Svc& Miss Lucy Evelyn, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Amos Fisher of Bernsiller, web united, in enarriage to Mr. Wm. E. Stothers, only tin of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Stothers of Goderich. Miss Vera L. Whitely, eldest deep - ter of Dr. and Mrs. Whitely of town, was wedded last Wednesday to Mr. Jas.. Alex. McKenzie of Toronto. Rev. A. Beown performed the cere- mony, assiseea by Rev. Dr. Legear of Michigan, uncle of the bride. Mr, and Mrs. McKenziewill take tip re- sidence in Toronto after their honey- moon. - Mrs. D. Bickle has returned home after a month's visit at her home town of Perth. lIer• Chester Elliott, on. of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Elliott of town, has been transferred from the Flour Mills Co's offices at Winnipeg to a branch which they are opening at Vancouver, where he evil' have charge. Mssch inconvenience has been exper- ienced by the break in 'the electric light plant hut -the . probability is that by the time this goes to press the repairs will be made and once more 'the town will have plenty of light. Hensall Miss B. Gunn of Clinton visited elleneall friends laSt week. Misses Walker and Calves: of Lone nom visited friends in town recently. Miss Clara Speck -man of Baylield, a nurseein-training in a London, hos- Pital leg -tett Mise Rete Jarrot last Week. On Wednesday of last week Mr. Ilectoe Milton of Granton was wed- ded to IVIiss Merger -et .Hobbs of Lon- don township. The new station will SOOa be ready for use. A new, platform fourteen feet wide has 11.16en laid the entire length of the station and sheds. Mr. James H. O'NeR who recent/j left here, for the west, has been -ap- pointed assietant to the Clerk of the Supreme Court and Registrar at Moose Jaw, Sask. Mr. Lorne Me'raggart, of oalt Lake, formerly. of Hensa.11, was mar- ried eacently to Miss Agnew. of Wap - elle, They will reside at Oalc Lake, Mr, Nilsen oe'llsborne has /1105- e1 into the 'residence formerly knows' , , as the Keppen parson/le. • i.e., De: •Jaines 3ell left last week 'for liarrieburg, Penn. where he well re- sume his wetter .dental practise. A qsaet weeditig book place at the home oC .Robert Bonthron on Wed- nesday week, when his .daughter Margaret was united in 'marriage with Seephen .J. Voir • of Barrie. Rev, E. Mcie Smith officiated Only a few guests were preeent, among teem_ Mr. and Mrs. Ysidie di: Berrie pe rent"; 'of the groom, Tlicy will visit Detroit anti leer/its in Obio be- fore bet/ling in Barrie. More Rural Mail Routes. The following additional mail rout- es have been laid out in this triet From Clinton cast to Alma, north to 2nd con., west to road between lots 25 arid 20, thene6 southerly to Base . Line and to Clinton, About' twelve and a half miles:. . s From Clinton north on Base Line to Suininerhill, east on con. 6 to the road between lots 5 and 6, and the Constance postoffice, thence south to con. 4, vvest to the 'road between lots 25 and 26, thence, southerly to ,the Base Line and to Clinton, about nineteen and a bait miles. From Londesboro east along con. 10 to the McKillop townline, thence south to the road between cohs. 8, and 9, west to the road between lots 35 and 36, south to the Base Line, north along Base Line to the 10th con, and east to Londesboro,- About twenty-two miles. From Auburn east along Hullett and Walwanosh boundary to the road be- tween, lots 25 and .26, Hallett, south to con, 1i2, wtht to Base Line, north to the boundary of Hallett and Wawano:sh and cast to Auburn, About fourteen miles. ' From Blyth south to the Morris. Iiullett boundary, east to the read. between lots 20 and 21, south to con. 12 and east by way of Her - lock .postollice to the Hullett-Mc- Killop boundary, north to the -Hul- lett-Morris boundary, -west to the townline between Morris and Waw- aaosh and north -to Blyth. About fourteen miles. From Seaforth west to the Teo-, kersinith-McKillop boundary, to the road hetween the -lots 30 and 31 McKillop, /meth to con. 8, west to the town line, south to con. 6, west to Constance and the road between lots ,5 and 6, south to the con. 4, east to the road between lots '30 and 31 McKillop, thence to con. 2, then west to the road between lots 5 and . 6, thence to the etulletteeue- kersinith townline and east to Sea - forth. About twenty-two and a • hall miles. HEART HEAD, HAND; Educate the heart to feel, train and head t'o think and accuston the band to act. Tens of thousands of young people hold- ing formost positions in Canada and the United.- States at salaries rang- ing from ($1000) to ($10,000) and over per year eeceived their educa- tion at the Spot -ton Chain of Seep Colleges, Flusedreds of Colleges in Can- ada and Visited States have en- gaged our graduates as teachers. Ambitious young people carr learn of the success of. former students in their locality for„the esking. Home Study Department -assists those who cannot enter for a time. It pays to attend the largest or- ganization in Canada with thirty years' experience. A way ean be opened for you no matter what the obstacles. Applications for this town and vicinity should be sent to the Clinton BUsiness College or to the famous Spotton Business College, London. 1 GOOD MORNING ! Good Morning 1 dear reader. How does your sub. to The News -Record rand? The label tells the story. Marriages 141cBRIDE-CLUFF'-In Clinton, on Dec. 1th, by Rev, Dr. Rutledge, Della, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. S. (guff, to Dr. 'C. J. McBride of Welland. DEAN--URTEL-In Berlin, on NOV, 27th, by Rev, W. C. Boese, Am - 'elle Frieda, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. '1'. H. Urtel, to Robert J. Dean, both of Berlin and form- erly of Goderia, STOTHERS--FISHER-At the home of the bride's parents, Beinniller, on Nov. 27111, by Rev. A. W. 13rown, Lucy Evelyn, daughter of Mr. end Mrs. Amos. Fisher, to William E. Stothers of Godericle IVIACKENZIE co WHITELY -- At tise home of the bride's parents., Gode_rich, on Nov. 26th, by Rev. Dr. J. T. Legear, . of Lansing, lefich., assisted by Rev. A. Browse Vera Leon, eldest slaughter, af Dr. J. B. Whitley, to Alexander Jam- es Macicenzie of Sarnia. Births DALE -In 'Mullett on Nos,. 19111, to ble. end Mrs. Chrie. Dale, a son. SIMMONS.-Le Winghatn, NOV. 20th, to Mr and Mrs. Erneet Simmons a son. BEATTIE.---In Winghem, Nov, 25th, to Mr. and Mrs, Robert Beattie, a son, • ' • MARTIN -in Exeter, oil Nov. 211t, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Martin, daughter. PA'PERSON-On Nov. .27th, to Mr. and Mrs. 8. Paterson Of , church, e. eaupter. BOYER-In' Toronto on Nov. 211th, to Mr. and 'Vire. George Boyer (nee Minnie Cook, Clinton) a . daughter, still ,born. , MANN -At the home of, leis:. James Trick, Victorie street, on Nov. 28th, to Mr. and IVIrs. Robt. Mann Of Toronto, a son. Deaths 11Alele-les I-Iullett, en Nov, 2Is1, Oliver .1521195, infant son. of Mr.' • and Mrs. Chris. hale. - CURRY -In Goderiebe -ors -Dee, - erd, .John Curry, aged. 73 years. SIMMONS --in Wieehene, Nov. 25bh, Erns/ Simmons, aged 26 years and 11, mernthe. Kel()X,-eln Morrie, Nov. •24t11, Wm. IT. KI1ON, is kis 6e1111 year. PORePER.--.In Winglfam, Nov. 23rd, IVIary jape eicleee, wife re Alex. Porter Sr., in he.: 77th y.eer. Steatford: on Nov. 27th, Emma, de -tiptoe of Mr.e. T. Smith formenly of Chin/On. Clinton News -Record DO IT NOW. If you! want to treat yottrself to a genuine hafgain that will please you during' 1033 and for all years to come, send a dollar to rhe Fondly Herald and Weekly Star 61 Montreal, for a year's subscription to that great paper, and you also re- Cfitre a copy of their new picture entitled, "Mother's Treasures," size 23 by 29 inches, all ready for fram- ing. Itis,the best dollar's worth to be had. The picture, "Mother's Treasures,'' will be a surprise to you. It is worthy a place in the best homes. The Family Herald and Weekly Star is known to everyone ab the great- est newspaner on the continent. One do/lar cannot be bether spent, Try it and be convieced. POTAVOES.-TWO CARLOADS Ole potatoes have' arrived for us from. New Brunswick and are 11015 011 sale at Hill's grocery one, door north of the hospital. They ere a f,,•ood clean variety. -Steep ee Co, FOR SALE - ONE DRIVING horse seven years old, Apply bo - J. Gannett, Bae.Line -59. PRIVATE SALE OF ONE WOOD heating stove, one coal range, cup- board, two bedsteads, three tables, organ, some carpets, etc. -Apply to Mrs. jas. 13utler, Albert street. -57 HELP WANTED -THE JACKSON. Mfg. Company --Hand sewers and operators.,,, Steady work, Short hours, Well lighted and ventilated work rooms. Good pay. --Apply ab office or to J. McLeod, Supt. SERVANT 1VANTED.-APPLY TO Mrs. Malcolm McTaggart. -57 HOUSE FOR SALE ON PRINURSS ,sereet.-For particulars apply to 'Mrs. James Tucker, Clinton. -40 TEACHER WANTED WITH NCR - mai training For S. S. No. 2, Hid - lett, duties to commence Jan. 1st. 1913. State ealary and experience. -L. Tyndall, Fe 0. Box 264, Clin- ton. •-56. DRIVER FOR .SALE.--RIS/NG- 6 years. Sound, not afraid of autos. ' Lady can drive hinn-Apply to A. '0. Patteson, Victoria street To , prohibit the sale by 'beton ' of spirituous, fermented or other manufactured liquors in the Ilienicipality of the Vil- lage of Beyfield The Municipal Council of the Vil- lage ot Bayfield hereby enacts as follows : 1. -That the sale by retail of spir- itus, fermented, .or other manufac- tured liquors is ansi shall be prohib. _Red in every tavern, inn or other house of public entertainment in the said municipality, and the sale there. of, except by wholesale, is and shall be prohibited in every shop or place other than a house of public entertainment in the said municipal- ity. 2. -That the vote of the electors of the said Village of Bstyfield will be taken On this By-law by the re- turning officer hereinafter named on Monday the sixth slay of January. One Thousand Nino Hundred and Thirteen commencing at nine o'clock- in the morning and con- tinuing until five o'clock in the after- noon at the undermentioned place : The Town Hall in the Village of Bayfield by II. W, Erwin, Returning °Meer. 3. -That on the Third day of Jain eery A. D. 1913, at his office in the Village of Bayfield at the hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoon , the neve shall appoint in writing, sign- ed by himself, two persons to at- tend at the final summing up of the votes by the elork, and one person to iestendeat dePh poOlnigUNPacW.ou behale of the persons intereseed 'in and de. ious of promoting the passing of this 1,y -law, and a like number on behalf of the pereons interested in and de. sirous of opposing the passing of this By-law. 4. -That tee Clerk -of-the said. Municipal Council of the Village of Bayfield shall attend at the Town Hall at the hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoon on else seventh day of January A. D. 1913, to sum, up the number et VOtreS given for and against Gee By-law. 5. --This By-law shall cense into force and take deed-, as from the first day of May after the Meal passihg thereof. Council Chameer, Nov. 9th, .1.982, H. W. Peewee Clerk. George Lindsay, Reeve. NOTICE. Take notice that the above is a true qopy of a peopeeed By-law whick 'nag been taken inks considera- tion by 'the Munieipal Council of the Village of Bayfield ance which will be filially passed by the said. Come - oil Oa the event of +Ise assent of the 'electors being obtained thereto, ae provided be "The Liquor License Ad," and amendments thereto), al. ter one month from the first Publi- cation thereof in the News.Record, Center', the date of which first pub - Reaction war Thursday the fieth 'day oI December A. D. '1012 and that at the hour, day ancl place therein fix- ed for taking the votes., of the el- ecters bee polls will ee held: ID'. W. Lamle, Clerk. FARM 1)'013 SAT,E.--LOT 30, CON. 1.1, (1oderich townstip, consisting of 80 acres, ell cleared and in a , good state of culeivation, 30 acres in grass, 1 acre erchard. Good outside wire fencing good concrete dwelling with eight goome. Stone dairy. Fernse barn, 1 mile from. I-Iolmesville and 4 from Clinton.. Will be sold 011 easy terms. For further parteetelars aPPIT 1'0 W. Ceeoks Clinton, P. 0,. or Fred Lecoard, FARM FOR RENT. -LOT 14, CON. 6, containing 100 acres situated •le miles south of the village of Var- na, near to good school and chute ches. Will rent for term of 3 or 5 years, to suit the renter. Pose session can be given at once. For further particulars apply to Mr., Afalrew Reid, Varna P 0. or to Rev. R. Murray 3827 North Moyne Ave., Chicago IR -49, AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK 'and Implements.- Me. T. E. Mas- on has inetructed the undersigned to sell by public auction at lot 27, con. 6, Hullett, on Wednesday, Dee. 114311, the following : Hoeses-brood mare 10 years old supposed to be in foal to Bankfield Baron, peeing rising 3 sired by Bankfield Berets, weight 1500 pounds, gelding rising e general purpose, 2 fillies rising 2 years well matched, sired by Bankfield Baron, spring colt, fil- ly, sired by Bankfield Baron, driving mare 11 years old. Cattle - 2 cows supposed to be in calf, due In April, cow supposed to be in calf due 125 June, heifer 3 yews old, 2 heifers 2 years, Polled Angus, 3 heifers rising 2, Polled Angus, 2 'steers 2 years old, Polled Angus, 1 spring calves, 1 gaff 2 months old, Hogs -1 brood iow due to farrow Jan. 23rd, 11 pigs ee• nionths Implements -binder Frost Sr. Wood with truck, mower new McCor- mick, Sulky Take Frost et Wood, cultivator Massey -Harris, disc hale row„ seed drill, land roller, turnip drill, Perrin Sulky plow, Walking Plow, set 'iron harrow new 4 see. tions, set bob sleighs new, set light sleighs, wagon with box, grav- el box, pig rack, hay rack, fanning mill, cutting box, pulper, set settles set heavy harness nearly new, set plow harness, pea harvester, liuggy -road wagon, cutter nearly new, grind stone, stone boat, Daisy. churn, Capital Separator nearly new, washing machine, iron kettle, 3 bed steads, 1 centre table el doz- en chairs some- pictures, hay fork 140 feet of tope, slings, ropes and pulleys, whiffietrees, neckyokes, a quantity ot feed corn and man - golds, a.nd about '15 young hens, forks, chains, heee, grain bags and ' other articles too numerous to ' mention. Corn, fowl mangolds and hogs cash. There will be ample necomodation for horses on day of sale at the•faxm barn or at Mr. Jas. Snell's and Mr. Jas. South - combo's. There will be no reserve as the proprietor is giving up firming . Terms: 'Ael sums of $10 and under, cash ; on over that amount 10 months credit will be given on approved joint notes or a discount of 1 percent straight for cash. 1'. E. Mason, Proprie- tor, T. Gundry, Auctioneer. 'A THOROUGHBRED YORKSHIRE boar, $1.00 at time of service with privilege of retdrning if nece essary,-L. Stephenson, London Road. -53 Ancient Order of Foresters. Established 1711 Membership 1,260,000 Capital $47, 252, 55 On a 20 year endowment at the age of 25 the yearly premium is 141, 51. On a 20 year Pay Life the yearly premium at the age of 25 is $25.10. On a Whole Life the yearly pre- mium, is 116.00, age 25. , Loan Values, Cash Surrender, Ex- tended Insurance end Paid up privil- eges with every Policy. 'rile policies are all profit bearing. No assessment system, For further particulars enquire of ()Ty member of Cosset Presperitiy, .or A. F. Cadrnore, Secretary agons Buggies Cotters AT REDUCED PRICES 1 rebuilt buggy $25,00 2 " " :35.00 1 heavy democrat 25.00 1 1 -horse heavy wagon 25.00 1 rebuiltcutter 4.00 1 7.00 1 [1 LI 12.00 FARM '1'0 RENT OR FOR Sale, known as " Sptinghili Farm." on tip Bayfield Road Goderich township consist. - Mg 175 acres, sout'h half lots 51 and 52 and part 53 and 51. rwo miles from Clinton and one from school. A nrsteclass etoolr and geain farm. 35 acites of good pas- ' ture 'land. Well watered and Was never failing spring at barn. Good wells and Meteors. Bank barn 62x52, neees stone stabling. .150 apple treee jest beginning to bear and all kinds of small fruies. Reason for selling Owner In pope heelth, Terms „to suit 'purchaser. -Robert Marshall, Clint:in P. 0. =36 - FARM FOR SALE. -THE UNIDER- , stated oilers for sale lot 18, con. le, Goeerich township, containing 80 aoree.. On 11 there is a good frame house- and bank barn, each with stone foundation, and also an implement house. It is a good stock farm as there is plenty el water. Convenient to churches and school. Telephone connection. Small orchard and about 5 acres of busle-For terms apply to J. 11. Lowery, Box 1242, North Bay, or to Jos. Proctor, Hohnesville. --s FARM FOR SALE -240 ACRES IN the township of Stanley : 80 ac- res under mop : 20 awes good hardwood bush, balance in pastille land. Ferns tile drained and In good state of cultivation. Comfort- able frame house, long distance tele- phone installed. Frame barn, hO x 100 feet, with stoue stabling and wateeweeks system iNcliclit)lonal barn and house suitable for farm help. Farm situated 2,} miles from Brumfield station on the G. T, le. and ne mem) from the village of Varna. Terms to suit purchaser. -Apply to John McNaughton, Var- na. P. O. - FARM FOR SALE.- LOT 24, CON. 6, township of Hullett, containing 100 acres„ 80 acres cleared and in a good state of cultieation. 15 aores good hardwood bush, There are on the premises a first saws bank barn with water system in connection. Good sevon roomed frame house with bard and eon water. Tele - Phone connection. 1 miles from Clinton and 3 from Londesboro. This farm has never been rented and is one of the best M. the county. Terms reasonable as the undersign- ed is retiring irons farming. -Mrs. T. Catheet, Clinton P. 0. -47 FARM FOR SALE -The Executor of the Southcomee estate offers' for sale 50 acres, being east halt of lot 28, con. 6, Hullett Thie is a 'firs -class farm, well watered and improved hnd with pod buildings. Also tile undersigned offers for sale lot 29, con. 6, Mullet*, consisting of 100 acres. These farms may be bought together or separately. - Apply to R. J. Southern -lab°, Cline ton r, 0. -89 TINKERING JOBS OF TINNING You know you said the last time it rained : "I'll have that leak fixed." You ought to thank us for reminding you, but instead LET US DO THE WOleK.. Possibly you have some °thee little job irk mind. If it's in the metal worker's line, we are the one,s to do it, providing you waut eatistactiott and fair prices. THOS. HAWKINS. TO THE PUBLIC Having bought the seock in trade and Imbed the premises of the late John Leslie, I am pie - pared to do all kinds oi wood repair work. I have also several new and 2nd hand buggies and light wag- ons which I will sell at a reason- able price. ,Yonr patronage respectivele sol- icited. David Elliott. CARRIAGE BUILDING- AND REI'AIR SHOP. LADIES!ANTED Employment offered in Player Pneumatic De- partMent. Light, suit- able work amid heathftil surmundings. In New York or Chic- ago this is considered em- ployment for the highest class of lady operators. Estate JOHN LESLIE W. Doherty piano & Clinton, Ont. Organ .,Co. Ltd. ISEWING MACI-TINES REPAIRED and wpairs Impt on hand, alsc ag- ency for new maellines.-A. Hoop- 'er Albert street. F., C. D. B1USTOWE, PROF. OF Music. --Organise of Willie Church • Piano, Organ and Theory ; Voice celture.-Pueils prepared if desired for any of the examining bodies in Toronto or for the Lon- don,- (Eng.) College of -Music in alt grades. Special system for plane - forte for beginners between ages eight and eleven, Terme on aPPlie- ation, Studio in Mr. - Iloare;s store next to Mr. W. R. Counteres jeweleey store. -49., . ene. Christmas Gifts We are well prepared for your wants as our stock is now filled with articles suitable f o r Xmas presents. We will be pleased to show you our goods and by paying a small deposit will save any article for you t i 11 needed. A. J. GRIGG scientific jeweler and Optician CLINTON. ONT. CONNER'S BREAD There is no -other food you can have that is of so much value to the sys- tem as Conner's Home -Made Bread It contains the nutriment you re- quire pound for pound. It is time and time again more valuable than meat. It IS clean Bread, It is made of the very best iligredients we can buy. Now jest try a loaf. We knoter you will be a steady user of this health giving Product. CHAS., N. CONNER BAKER - and - CONFECTIONER ••••••••••••••i••••••0 • : New Raisins A; : Currants . - • • ON • 8 O , • • 6 • * O The quality of our • : fruit is excellent and we : : are ready for you with: : e a : 3 lbs. Valencia Raieins......25c • : 9 " new " " .....1 00 : • 11 " " Patees eurrant's -1 00 : 4: New lemon peel per lb ' 15c ; orange " " ......16c : fit " citron " .......20c : e • " dates 7c • o to • 6, fios , Te • • ' • 18 lbs Redpathie grame * • • lazed sugar ........$1.00 • • 6 20 lbs Redpath'e yellow el • engin. $1.00 • • • • W T O'NEIL • • "The Hub Grocery." • • •••o•••••••••••••%••••,•1 ANYTHING YOU WANT DONE --in the line of- PLUIID3ING FURNACE WORK STOVE MOVING! EAVEIROUGIIING. BYAM & SUTTER Sanitivre Plumbers Phone 73 Home Study Thousands of ambitious young people are being Instructed in thou lumina Dr our Rome Study Dept, You mar finish at College if you desire. Pay when. ever you wish. Thirty Years' Enver, bailee, Largest trainers in Canada. Internee da', Positions giunniuseelj. If you rob to smile board and learn while you earn, write for par Venters. NO VACATION CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE CEO. SPOTTON f eutsIDENT The Newa-Record to end of 1913 for one dollar, 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 .4 1 4 1 4