HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-11-21, Page 6*November 21st. 1912 monommommommosomommenos bette it•house aast fruit Grow Mr. gaged Stove stone AMR guest Miss ler si • ' weekl s',!Iseen, Mr.". 'waite , eeS, in' the f u Carso Mr. Madge ,.• 'latter' • 'cessful • •••• , day •,, Guelph :Was 11 Goderi of lis to nea lars. ' The • 1912 fc • Abou was .11 Brown' side of his• rot ed, th poase. • • done the diffi 6.• * the fir by war S3,500 cover dre wa high w and if the w ▪ one. St. Sunday .., present by the text fr the very - f class, reSponSi liave spiritua • Church. • • A yot I 'employe met wi • afterno lie get caught, ted th putated. A Sad to high liott, o visited St. Da three plight; f The sr • was in Hunter :the el where i but it totney the case Coroner The • tors of held in Judge hoard, port, sl the last ty-five crease fore. Owing ing 91 Ciaritero ely ac make n vidingi tnade t The .ance of The for the the firs appoint , boats! • connect 1; bit wer God' is saved ly and va tiort Nure "r".. what -what 1 • • . they yo • • • Go(1 s t.,•• ' Scripins "•' s world, gobeta cbhiti , have e ' • "Whoa I receive ' • 43). " not co • • first -be Louse • es: ' the de had sa '.; ..; will p 'Salvat itt tlIVI "Self tie !...' • , • Yeti 18 • Clinton News -Record Bilithi. , ' James R. Cutt is now getting of a rather severe attack of otism. . . . , • R. R, Sloan was .in ,Toronto veek in charge ofl the county's exhibit at the' 'Ontario Fruit ir's Exhibition.. 0, M. Chambers is busily en- crushing furnace coal into coal, having hired the Clinton crusher for the purpose. Pridharn of Goderich was a of the Misses Cutt. recently. lerogden of Londesboro 'visited ster, 1111rs. D. FloOdy,siecently.' (Rev.). Turner teturned - last roni Montreal, where she" . bad ittendin hermothers.' f ''" 1 g , unara, . and Mrs, MeXaliall :;11reittis: ' - of London renewed aecinainters Blyth last week:" ..":. , ., • ; and Mrs. John• Patel:, attended neral ,of the latter's•'sister in, .ville, Mich., lastsWeek. ' : , ' and Mts.' T. E. Herself. of Us-, been the 'ghosts of • the' s mother, Mrs. P, Willows'. - , Andrew's church " held very ,suc- anniversary services .o* Sun.-" mek. Rev. Mr.' Abraham' Of was the preacher- 'the choir assisted • by Mrs. (Ray.) Smell speler arid Miss Pridham of ,Ths The collections ,aneounted :ly two hundred and fifty dot- Sews-Record until the ,end of ,1: 10e. Have you tried it ? adequate Hensall ' "Would 11 ;be well:Lfor Our husiness, men to folloNv the example of thost, 'Of Louden' and import a . few cars o ,- . .. , . . , potatoes, otherwise we,nught have fainine• through' the winter. , An effort is being made, to. bring up: - . the stipend of ,•Presbyteriadministers, IIP to $1,000. a year and ',Rev. E. Ma,- Sillitill has been al/POilltial to visit congregations in connection with the .rnatter. • ; Last week the flax workers emu-. pleted the lifting and }ladling in, and the ' flax, Crim Pt -012 raw in the barn. ,Owing to the , exceSSIve rains all -concerned, with the , work have:had a syery„. disastrous Season,' " 'A Ilitet'aisad,Writineto 'the Tildes • ,. . , .. , .. , , s pbents to-'Eteter :Stores elOkingseverY '''" ' " ' ' ' ' '. ' ' ' '''' • night, ,in the' week", expect' Seturday. _ In. hissopursons'at.don , wes, h fur , eit -men a fait 'Chance. , to "sPenct , his' oney an: a ..satisfac e y 'tn,eneer„,,,,,,, 'Was Sellery, 'Of ,Kineasiliam . Sta the, guest of her , son, ,Bist .Sellery.„ , .,, ....., OliVe, .daughter of Peal 'IVIadge, - ot, 1111111i• River, Afta; forinerlY a Than-' . ., . . .essfload Was, recently' marrieds to - •W, P. Stewart of Taconia•WeSt: •' We, ate, pleased to teamthat Mr. Smithsis recovering 'rapidly from the effects. of the operation. : , Mr. Ross of slirttoefield' is likely to move into Mrs. McAllister's. tesi- dente on Riclunonds Street South, -year ' , Fritz Liersh, whoformerly was in the employ of J. C. Clasiden, here, is now running •arharness shop in At- wood,' - , • . . ' • Marriages LAI8IXON -- JOI-INSTON-At Knox church manse, ; Goderich, Nov. . 1 Ali, ' by the Rev. 'G eorge E. , . , a , Ross,. ' Richard ' H. Lanxon and ' . Jessie Johnston, both of 'Ooder ieli, , HOPKINS-DEW_AR--At Sault •1-'ite Marie Mich., on NOV. 4th, Ly 13:eV. ' Ira' 'Smith, May ' Dewar dangleter of Archibald Dewar, "to, . Cedarville, Mich., ' to Arthur Challcu Hopkins, formerly o Goderich and Hamilton, • SMITH--DAVIDSON.•,--At the home • • oi the brides mottos, on Novem her 7th, by Rev. ' 1)..-Perrie, Jos eph E. Smith, o , • ' ' • 'f 'Purnberry, to • - . .bert. "'S's Mary -ughter of Mrs.- -Davidson,' -.,,Gayin 1)avidson, of Wingtain. - S . %TER" • LARK ,r, . I, BF ,.... -0 i -e•In month, on , , °h.., . nth, b Rev. W. Harpeat drayss Win. R. Isbister, second - ,', on ci, , . rit. ts. 1. lams Is -to tiater of Wingliain,' to Elsie M. . • 'dark,' daughter !of the late Wm, . .. - , .I' :Clark of Morris. , FAMINER-,TRIEHINER-- In' Stephen ... , Nov. 1131)h, Minnie, daughter , : of Mrs and Mrs. Frank Treihner • , • to Henry, Palmier. , • • NADIG,Eits-N.A.13SHWANGER - At . Dashwood on N.ov. 12th, Merger- rel E. daughter -of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nauslisyangem • to Edward H. Nadiger. . BISSETT--ROLLINS - In Winnipeg on Oct. 30th, by Rev. Cooke, Harry Bissett, eldest son - of Mr. Geo. ,I -I. Bissett, formerly. of Ex- eter, to' Verde Rollins, daughter 08 Mr. Bd. Rollins 'of Crystal . City, Man. formerly of Exeter., , , WAN WANTED AT ONCE. STE/0T' jol-L: Suitter. b'o., The Elovatov, Clinton, ' _. 56, • ' , -, . . . 0IFiliiTIN"G OF THE HURON COLIN- FA.RM FOR SALE. -THE UNDER - -' cil,-The council of the .County of signed offers for sale lot 18, con- Huron. ,..,will meet in the council 16, Goderich township, containing' , ..eliamber, in' the ToWn of Goderich, , 80 acres.. On it there is a ,iood, emen t PRIVATE; SALE bi i-IGUSEHOLD - *. , '' " ' • - • , , , Purnitnre, .property of Mrs. Nor- , • man Fair, including ,set oak 'dinerS; Morris chair, rocking chair, 'extort.- Sion tble,Keot, etc., centre ' table, .Small bureau, granitewartiCurtain poles, o ban, barn, .. each ' 'frame h use and - to- • ' on Tuesday, December the' 3rd, at , - 3 -'o'clock accounts' t tl with stone foundation, and also an i , . Alt.. , agams ie , . - iniplement hoes • It ' good coun y,r• requiring settlement, must a. ' la a g etock- farm as there is plenty of be placed with the, clerk ,hpfore this, . ilate,-W. ,Lane, :Clerk , Dated Nov, Water. Convenient' to churcho0 and 18th, 1012, : ""' ' ' ' school, Telephone -connection. ''`-'":. - , , orchard and about 5 acres of .-• FOR SALE shades etc - Apply' at home ofI' ' S '''11 'ft ' 's . , am e on a ernoons oi -. r Nov, 22nd and 23rd. -56-37. , - . , . ., - ' , bush. -For terms aPPIT to J. 11. --'- Lowery, Box 1212, North ' Bay, or AUCTION S r A A.LL - MOVINC+ ' to Jos. Proctor, ; Holenesville, --45 clearance auction sale of a number , of second-hand ' organs, • ' , , i ' , I. , . . kUCTION SALE OF FARM,FARM ' . .. t. R stock and implemen s. •Mr. ,. o• pianos,. phonographs, ViolinS' stools . etc , oue t - b ' '' FARM FOR SALE4-240 ACRES ; IN , souvenir ase, burner stove, one nice oak sideboaril, some chairs , e: , pwriaap of. Stanley : 80 :ae- 1.,ONDESBORO, e) ONT. Marsliall will sell by publie auetion on his premises, Lots 52. ' and' bedsteads, will bei, sold: • at nay • res under erdP; 20 aeres good former store '' ,s sr s ,B1, ' 1 hardweoh Mash ; ,ataisce.•••10-- astups oar c (1c1, • P ' ' • • • ; • . ,, :13ayfield, Con. Goderich) rownslap, „ 1 ' 1 le on Iliesday, Dec. 3rd is e oe 1 • following • mare p. In. s imp, the . 10 years old supposed to be in foal Ba 1 B '9years old , • r ) 9al' 'alar°, ._,.. i , ' 3as, horse years old, Piny rib- ing 3 years old, sired by Bar , , ,, . • , 1, ' Gelding rising 2 years old, sired by Bar .1, Filly .rising 2 years old • sired by Bar 1, Colt 5 months old' - , - - • . - ' • , - •• on • : ,. „ , s , Saturday, Nov. •300, ,commeneine land. Farm tile ,drainedsand-sin • / ., • • - goodstatef 1 ' t' ' ' " • • , a a o, elock. p. ms--Thrmle-Alls ,-,g o outlive ion: Comfott- ' • •)- ' • • able frame hous "Ion d' ta ' t 's suate, of 1m and under,: cash, 'on . . 0, . g L'S, , nce , case over .that amount six months Phone installed. " Frame barn, 00 x ' credit Wilt i ' k' s 100".`feet; with stone stabling end ,. , s : be given 1 de, amt. A . Water we Ms s ' t ASISTIll I am. moving my music store to . P. Ys, Ola • ' 1 onal. 'Elliott's' block next °minter's mw- barn and house, suitable for farm • • . , . , help, . Farm' situated MS miles from ellery store, all , , , , . these goods will . be sold, -C, Hoare Brooefiel'd • station on the G. T. R. '• •and i • • • • • • 1, mace twin the village • of ' ' TRACTS _, , . The Drunkard's Friend (Wesley) Yed,die err "Yon Lovely Mon.'? A Plain Talk on• Justification. (Sturgeon) • Tho Down Grade Movement. sired by liar 1, Aged! 'driving mare, Driving colt 2 mars old,4 cows 1 calf PcirrOW supposed. to he in . • cow, fat cow, 3 tatheifera 2 years Varna. Terms , to suit purchaser. WANTED i -Apply. to John" MeN*aughton Var- AT ONCE -A HOUSE TO • na. P, O. ' buy. One centrally located and -12. with no less four bedrooms. ' • (Spurgeon Hells A Terrible Reality. (Rev, Geo, Gordon McLeod) Errors old, 2 steers 2 years old 3 heifers 1 old, 1 ster 1 year old, 4 spring • e calves. Magey-Harris binder deer- ' fy new, Massey -Harris drill nearly Frost Wood disc harrow, • ,than , Purchase price not higher than • ,, $900. -Apply to Mrs, Jas. Butler, FARM FOR SALE.- LOT 24, CON. ,Albert St., North, Clinton P. 0. (3, township of*. Hullett, containing 100 acres„ 80 acres cleared and in a of Russelism, (Rev. James Gray of Moody Bible Institute) Send postage for free samples. new, & Frost & Wood mower, Set iron harrows, Frost & Wood steel rake 10 foot nearly new, Turnip sower,• ' Ganplow,Ha Scuffler, Plow, g y .. ' good state Of eultivation. 15 acres TEMCHER WANTED, HOLDING _good hardwood "bush. There are on . • the premises a first class bank barn Second class certificate for - S. S. • 'system • with water in connection. No, 5, Goderich township (Porter's Good recessed framo house FRED. J. HILL Cl- inton - Cariada. i Goderich fi 2:30 Sunday morning smoke oticed pouring from; David s general store on the west 1he Square by Siegel Moore on tdds. The alarin being sound- s firemen made a quick res- Very little damage • , was by the -fire, but owing to culty of locating the seat of , greater dainage was caused sr. The stock was covered by insurance, , which will likely 11 damages. The cause of the s a 'detective stove. A very, • nil was blowing at the 'time, the fire bad broken through ole block would likely have We understand that, John B., Ste-' art, who recently sold his farm, con- templates moving to Ilensall before along. • Mr. Donaldson, who sold out his harness business here and went West, is DOW conducting' a livery business in Branttord. The 13 acres of beans which Don- aid Urquhart purchased from ,rnom, as' Kyle, averaged 30 bushels to thet acre, or a total of 390 bushels. William Moir and family , , . moved.reasonalsly.-Apply last week into -his residence on King street: By this change they bid f ere- well to the farm and its' associations. 0. A. McDonell and Alf Taylor are home from Rockland, NEW Ontario, Where they were hunting deer, They secured one fine specimen. fork, car and 100 feet rope, Chat- seven Hill) Duties i ' n • 20' with to commence , with hard and soft water. Tele - nary next -Apply Apply stating SERVANT WANTED.-APPI.Y TO' Mrs. :Malcolm MeTaggart: --57 • 1 .8 ham, fanning mill, Set bob sleighs, 2 buggies, Set platform scales cap- acity 1000 ths. Lumber wagon, gray- 1.,,' Cl ox, 2 hay racks, Set double harness, Set single harness, Set . qualifi- • phone connection. st miles from cations and salary expected, to Clinton and '3 from Lontlesboro. John 'l'orranee, Secretary, porter's Hill P. 0. ' • -54-1. 1 MS Sarni has never been rented and is one of the best in the coenty. Terms reasonable as • the undersign- • • • • • • ei, „ • „•1 „ • le. • ' • • • New Currants Pon S L , s E. -A GOOD CUTTER, nearly new also a good Saskatehe- , b • . wan to e, nearly new ; will be sold to. John I anxon -) Clinton. ''' -57-1 , plow harness, 2 sugar kettles, wheel barrow, Pea harvester,Cap- it I a c.ream separator nearly slew, 'A eil is retiring; irons farming. -Mrs; HELP WANTED -THE JACKSON) T.Ca b ' ' t P 0.' Olinton P. Mf C H d d r er , , ,_ , -47 g• orftpany- an sewers an • :' • • • . • • 46 , Raisins .. : • Pulpex, quantity of Turnips, operators. • Steady work, Short, • s' li • • • MINIMMIIIIIMMIII d Id About 30 loads f an mango s, o hey and about 800 bushels of oats , Forks, chains and other articles 1 too numerous to mention. Mr. ur Well lighted 1 ventilated o s, am FARM FOR SAI,E.--LOT. 35, CON. work rooms. Good at pay. -Apply at 10, Goderich nownshim; consisting of office or to J. McLeod, Supt. 80 acres, all cleared with the , ex- 5 bush. • • • • Our big Christmas • • - • • Fruit Sale is now on and • • , .• PO rATOES.-OUR SHIPMENT OF potatock from New Brunswick will -not arrive for a few days yet. in the meantime we can supply a lint- ited number of customers with small quantities until the N. B. . cars come in -Steep& Co. Orders ' say be left with°13eaeone Xr, Smyth, 1Pilione No:4 1 ' • 5. -57 - • - Marshall 'will also offer his Mem for sale subject to a reserved bid. , ,0 Everything must be sold as ow- ing to ill health the proprietor is giving up terrain . Terms : All g FOR SALE-ONA WOOB STOVE and one medium size coal heater. - J. Doig,' Marble Dealer. -r., 4'''''' eeption of acres of 2 acres orchard„' 40 acres in grass. Good clay loam.. Well watered mid fend- ... , . ed. Frame house, and barn 42 by 57 with cement Stabling. 40 foot windmill with water to house and for thenext fiveek • weeks • • we will sell : • re • • 3 lbs Valencia Raisins ' 25e •, • 2 s • new •• a 25c 0. • 28 tt • leorge'b Church was 'crowded night when a class of 23 were id for confirniation conferred Bishop of Huron. He chose his an the 8th chapter of Acts of *sties, ,17th verse, speaking srciably and clearly to 'the -ointing. out fit them the many bilities" and. privileges they n entering. upon.. their new 1 life • as meifiliera of, ' the , ..." , ,, •,. • . , • ' ng Eriglislimaii baineds Silk, d at the fittniture factoty, 1 a serious accident Monday, ai. while running a save, when the fingers of the lett hand and they were so badly lacer- at four fingers bad to be am- „ • stat0:of affairs was . brought , last week when Agent Els' 1 the Children's Md. Society, the home of W. J. Beeves, rid street, and found ^ there poling children in a pitiful rota lack of proper care. 3titigest a boy ot four months ' ' such a serious state that Dr. was called in. He ordered ild taken'to the hospital, 1 was taken on Friday night, died on Monday. Crown st- Seeger was informed of • and after inquiry ordered ., Holmes to hold an inquest. snuual meeting of the dine- the Alexandria hospital was the courthouse Monday night. Holt, as president of the iresentid the sixth annual re- . Seaferth.• . , The anniversary services in eonnee- tion with the First Presbyterian tion 'with the First Presbyterian church will, be held on Sueday_next. • The preacher will by Rev. Dr: ' Gan- dier, prineirceraf" Kna 'College; Tor- 000- , . Mr. Robt. Steele has returned trona the west where he has beer, spending ths • • some mod . • • Atkinson Dr aof Detroit visited his mother, :MrS: 0M, Chesney, recent- 13'*• Mr. W. R. Smith and Mrs. Smith were in New York last week' attend- big the funeral of. a friend. • . A ,very satisfactory fire drill was executed at - the • publiMaiGh091.. •°li Thursday atternoen last, The gong 'was • sounded and the m ' roos were cleared in '45 seconds the pupils marching out in perfect order. Mem- hers of the fire brigade, town conn- ell and school board were present and wit"assed l'ha teab' ' R. P.Bell W. R. Cole of Seaforth R. and Mr. Taylor of Hensall returned • • • • i last week from a hunting trip in A - goma. Mr. Taylor WAS the only one lucky enough to bag scene game, he having secured a deer weighing 150 pounds. •— I . m John Roberts has returned so the West and is spending a Pew day'S in town preparatory to leaving for Toronto, where he has secured a good Position• „ sums of $10 and under cash, on over that amount' 11 months cred- it on a proved joint notes or 4 P ' ' ' percent. straight off for cash on credit amounts. Hay, grain, and 3 fat heifers Mar- . • HOUSE FOR SALE ON PRIN(31SS'S Rtreet.-For particulars apply ... to Mrs. James Tooker, Clinton.- -40 ' barn. i mite from school and 4 miles from ' Clinton. ALSO part lots 37 and 30, con. 10, containing 105 acres: Good brick house and . 2 barns; 50' by 50 and 30 by 50. cleaned Voetizzas : currants 25e ...• • New lemon peel per lb 15e • " orange " • lue •• " citron " a • 20e • • " cooking figs " 7c • • " dates " 7e LOST - BETWEEN THE GRAND . Truniss.Sreight shed and the post- office on Thursday,. Nov.. Iiith, a purse containing a sum of money, There is a strong suspicion as to the finder of the purse but no pro- ceediags will be taken' if it is turned promptly. -A, E. /Statile- son Flour and Feed Stores -57. • easb. Robert shall Proprietor G. . tm- ,, _ ' HElliott,' "nser• . • -- F. C. .1). BRISTOWE, PROF, op Music. -Organist of 'Willis Church ; Piano, G00f1 outbuildings. Farm well fenc- ed and' in good state of cultivation with never felling spring, -3." mile ' from sell"and 4 from Clinton. • • 18 lbs Redpath's grants- iN V lated sugar 81.00 • • 20 Ib's Redpath's yellow • sugar 0, $1.00 Organ and Theory ; Voice eillture.-Pupils prepared Ancient Order desired for any of the examining bodies 'in Toronto or for the Lon- . For further l'" particulars apply to T. H. Cole, Clinton P. 0. , -44 • • • a • The quality of our • • ; fruit is excellent and on .. of Foresters. - don (Eng.) College of Music in all g• rades. Special system for piano- fort kir • beginners between ages . •• eight and eleven. Terms on apple -at - • • FARM• FOR SALE -The Executor of , . the Southeonibe estate offers for. sale 50 aereS, being east• half Of, : display in our south : • window. Order -early.. • • • a' ,.• WANTED -SMALL 130Y TO DE- liver parcels ftd work around the store after school bouts. Aeso an intelligent lad to learn tilt bud- ness.-Apply at Irwin's, Clinton. -57-2. Established 1740. - ' ation, Studio in Mr, Hoare:s ---- store next to Mr. W. R. Counter'S MEMBERSHIP 1,250,000 ' • - jewelery store. . - -49•' CAPITAL $47,252,055 ' . loil 28, con. 6, Ilullett...This is a firs -class farm, well Watered: and improved and with good 'buildings. Also the undersigned offers for sale fa- 0e; • — --•-- ---. --- ''-'' -. 1 . • , , s iv W. T. 0 NEIL 4 '• • P • • * — , Courts in every part of the Globe: G 1W SEWINACIIINES REPAIRED •----, • and repairs 'kept on hand, also ag- SThat Benefit. eney foe new machines. -A. Hoop- ick Benefitsto lot 29,con. 6 Titillate consistingof 100 ' ' acres. These farms may be bought' together or separately.- Apply R. J. Southeombe, Clin- • :,,, , ..,...ghe Hub OrucerY." 4: * - '' - - " ' ' ' ' - • •• • • oo • oo • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • TA WILL 13E AT THE following , . places to collect taxes for the township of Mullett : Clin- ton Dec. 918, Londesboro, Nov. 23t1t and Dec:01;11 Auburn Dec. „il, so. s., • __ • • "" c n -rule°, Dee. Ilth. , Five co at ' e e - cent/3 on the 1 In will beoll ct cct on all taxes unpaid after Dec. 33th.-Wm. lhotm, Collector. -57-2. 85 $5 per week for 52 weeks, er, Albert street. -30. $3 per week for another 32 'weeks. • • ton P. 0, , $100 at member's death. • $50 'at derttlt of inember's wife, A THOROUGHBRED YORKSHIRE „ ANYTHING ' boar. $1.00, at time of service 't1 •' ' WI 1 ptivtlege of returning if nee- Insurance Braneh-Straight Life , • • . , .essais ,-L, Stephenson London Pay Life, Endowment. All Profit - ' 13earing Policies. itoad. -53 ' ,,,- te IOU ANT DONE —in the line of— • • No AssEssmENfr sysTlim. ___ FARM TO RE•NT OR FOR . of Sale, known as Springhill For further par" . Farm " on the 13 a y 1 i e 1 4 any menthes of Court Prosperity or Court Road, GoilerichPownshi' p, consist- A. F. Cndmore ing 175 acres, south half lots 51 •s and 52 and part 53 and 54. rwo Secretary mi/.es from Cit IIto n and one from • sohool. A first-clase stock and ' 00,,,,, '. • • , ss , TIN ..%, •• s ,, '"'""'"'""- ' .34884' PLUMBING FURNACE WORK STOVE 1VIOVINGI EIVETROUGHING. _..-- BYAM & SUTTER „, FOR ALE. --ONE SPAN • OFenquire heavy horses, 5 and Ti years old, weighing 8700 pounds eaeh.-J. R. I-Tot/nes, Ilohnesyille. -56. rowing fully the work done year. Ono hundred and six- iatientk. were treated, an in- a sixty-nine over the year be- to the present hospital he- for 'tke work, the wogk, 1 property has beea just lab- suired, ahti plans are nut to . s.cessary improvements, pro- that arrangements can be . raise 915,000. • s , -, nancial report showed ai bals $1,114. present board were re-elected coming year. MIs, McDonald 1 regent of the D.. 0. E., was id as hohorary member of the for her unceasing efforts in on with the hospitals 5. ' Wg1;. tranO .and: 'A. O. Nes- a elected' auditors. " : • • Births ' - KEN•NEDY-In Clinton, on Nov. 171h, to Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Ken- nedy, a son. • LAWSON--In Clinton, on Nov. 16th, to Mr. and Mrs, T. Lawson, a • daughter. • . • ' ', TI-IIEL-At Zurich, on Nov. 8th, te ' Mr. and Mrs, George Thiel, ire : a Son:: .' .. • ' KRAFT-e.g. Dasliwood, onsNov, 8111.; • to Mr • and Mrb. • E. b.rt' Kralt, , twin boys, DURAND-At the Sauble Line, Stan- . . ley, ors Nov, • S3th,"..`to Mr. anti' Mrs. Louis Durand, a', daughter. es , meaths ' •' . REYNOI DS Ia Aurora on Istov. , k. ,G, Him; seas, Robb. Reynolds ' nee Miss Emni-a Slayers, Hullett. ' ANN UAL SALE. -TRE LA.DtPs. ('18'grain St, Paul's Guild. will hold their annual sale of , work in the Sehool Room on Thursday', Nov. 28111. Fe- frestments will be served riming the - afternoon until sena o'clock, There will be fancy work, apron, homemade candy and h,lne made cooking booths. -e-56. • farm. 85 SCADS ef good pas- -'',.. _ ture land. Well watered and has liss • TINKERING JOBS Sanitary Numbers Phone 71 ' • . never haspring at barn. Good ,_ SF,--- wells and eistesn. Bank barn 62x52, with stone stabling, 150 apple MAIL CONTRACT. . trees just beginning to bear and all . kinds of small truias. Reason for Sealed Tenders addressed to the selling : Owner hi poor health. Postmaster General, will be received Terms , to suit purchaser. -Robert at Ottawa until Noon, on Friday the Marskall, Clinton P. 0. -36 2018, December 1912 for the. convey- . . . • " F TI , NING 0 Niling You know you said the last time • it rained : "I'll have that leak fixed." You ought to thank us for reminding you, but instead LET US DO THE WORK, - • Possibly you kave some other IitMc job in mind. , If it's in MIS metal Worker's line, we are the ' _ •,,,. •eq ----. n`o - ' • a's-, -- a ' ••• eirirts.s-.. e , . * The. eyes are Vrif 1 wage earners. .,,,t,'. 1 Anylhingshori of. ,• perfect v1sion.disnin.... tabs. the earnanif ,,01 I 1.sese.re. We perfect sour sight.' TEACHER WANTED WITH NCR- mal training for S. S. No. 2, Tful- lett, duties to imminence Jans lst. .1913. State salaty and experience. -L. Tyndall,P.0 I3oX 261, Clin- ' O. , ' • ton. • -56. , • ante of FIcs Majesty's Mails on . a , ^ ' proposed contract for four years, six FARM POR SALE -100 ACRES,substantial round trips per week over Rural Lot. 18 eon' .3' Mullett' 23. miles I i Route From Hensall Ontario ! . ' . s„ kai s„ . .. , _ , from ,Clinton, 1 mile from Sch.eo1.4 (SOuth-east), to conninenee' ati the Good farm soil clay loam, well wet- Postmaster General's Pleaeure.• . • • ered ansl improved. 2 acres orchard. ones to do it, providing you (Agee ion and it prices. want • sa t ssas • TnitipN. nAlyftinini, ' • our 'posses as etp in. t • • vestment yield' yinit , returns; • - , -)aIi. if - . Printed, notice, containing- further Good buildings, barn 50x51, stone informatiou as to ceadttions cif pro- • basement, commit floors, stalling posed. Contract may be seen and for 28 head, of cattle and' 5 horses, blapls ,forms of Tender .may be 08- Also 8 large box stalls. Hog -pen Offices of ' Hen- and en -house 17x30,ceniene base- tained at the , . h . salt, Hurondale, and at tke Office of ment. 7 roomed, two story, brick the Post Office Inspector at London.. veneer house with summer kitchen, s• ' Ht. C. ANDERSON, • wood shed and buggy house conven-, •' Stipule en an. . • , • • • '' '' t d t Met to house Tetma 2-5 of purchaeo - , , otor rest Office. Department Mail Service .rnoney down, 1. minder on place Branch Ottswa, ... ' • at 41, • or otherwise to suit • , . , A' Good Breakfast Prepares yoor Ike hay's work. Bread. and rolls from • OUR BA EBY K . . _ . . Insure a good breastaat eyely, day and that means good (Imes - , , , Con; 'good health and good times ou ' • • ' y • To have every meal a success or- .,,a * •.,...,... *"<„,-_____---:-_. , s 4...07 • I, AGNES KNOX BLACK, THE CEL:- ebrated reader, wilt give a recital in• the town hall on the evening, of Friday, Nov. 2918, under the pat- restage of the Clinton Travel Club Tiae • 35e and 25e. Plan of 'Mall, te s ' ' open at panes next weeli. -,--56-S2'. , , . ' • - s Way oil Salvation:Post How to be SaVed. ' •' . a wonder that any ase en- , , ;Men Clod has shown so clear- fully in His Word. how ' sal- , is ,to be obtaaned. es, instead sit being guided bY Got% Beck says, go by It, So -and So ,thinks ; thus ire ignorant ot the simple rt,demption. ' . 111c13,13.I.DP In, London, on Nov. 311/1, . • Mrs. Arch. McBride, daughter, ot Mrs. Eliza Wyatt forinerly of Goderich, aged 45. years. . , VID • ' In Goderich • a Nov 39111 CAN- • , ) s .• : • .Ittlia A. Sweeny, wife ot Thos. ' • James Videan. 'Nov.• WADE-InLWingham, on ltli ; • - ' George Wade in his 741h. year. LINDSAY -Ie. East Wawanosk, ' on Nov. 10th, 1VIrs. Rebecca Lindsay, in her 8068 year. , ,• . - • . ! ' , • ' , FUN 1 FUN 1 'FUN' 1!! s . . ,. • . .. .. " - - ' ' 618.Nevem- percent. , . , . , _ •.- ' purobaser,-Apply on premises. or der the pure foods lull ot whole- ' . ., address 5.. A. Brown, Box ps, dit some, nutriment ISOOS our sant- taty. hakery. •-•••••„,- ' _ son, p, 0, . , _50, , . CHAS. CONNER A. J. GRIGcr Scientific jeweler, and :// _ , . . , . : . . LET NO INNOCENT 'MAN- • , • ESCAPE, . . ,,,•,.., ,,,,,-- • a" szas•- . FARM POR SALE. -LOT 30, inCYN. 3.1, • Goderich towneltdp, consisting ,N. BAKER - and - CONFECTIONER •••' , e ......i... ' . CLiNTON. ONT. i wish to be saved, beer what ays to you in tlie following res : "For God so loved the that He gave I-Iis only bM Son, that Whosever 13elieve' Him should not 'perish, 'but rerigOing life". (John iii. 16). • ------ '' - - . • PRIVATE SA)LE• Ols ONE WOOD heating stove, Otte coal range, cup- hoard, two bedsteads, three tables, organ, some. carp.ets, etc. -Apply to ,. . . Mrs. Jas. Butler Albert street. -57 ' ' • , -sees-, ' at the Great Mock CourtT '4 .•na ' • • • s -. • - ' the 'under teuSpiees 'Of Clinton. Lawn . , -.- Bowling Gillis in the • T Clint • own Hall,.on ' . on• ' s . s •uesday • Evg. Dec. 3 T ; . ,,. .. , li d l'• ' • 0E0 i of o.us. most tespee e ci isens ,ct wall • be charged with Bread.' Of Pro- .. . •, . • !riled Regular Coati Rulee. Start- ling.' Develop Cats Lu*ierotts Ste' tiri LocalmEfitiv'. An Evenin • of s aa,: p ,,, .r.? I, ..aa, ii, ,. . ,, g • ' • .. ' •"*.e I'D" • '''''!'-''"' ''•"' .i ' e8' . 35P - . •Ti ket • * 10 W I/ ' Pei •&) . , c $ on sa at..,. . , r d'o', Store., Nov, Mist, : , MAIL CONTRACT. of 80 acres, all cleared and in a ' -• . ' 4._ et"-- r ' ' ' " . ' goocl state et euleivatIon, 30 aeree Sealed lenders addressed to the in grass, 1 acre orchard. Good , . • , --1-- Postemate,r General, will b,e received outside wire fencing good conorete , , ' ' . , ,. : at 'Ottawa until Noon, on Priday the ' dwelling with -eight rooms: Stone , 'Setts December 3.912 for ' the ,convey- 4,a;11:-, , y Panne barns 3: inrile frani Mails osi a 1 r* ' and 4 fro 'Dation_ anee of Iii.sI- onnestille in C ii_roPosed 0. ntrach Pot feu. Mears six • • 1, • • . Will ,be sold on easy terms., FOE round trips per ,woek, ov,er 'Rural further partistailars .aplify bo ' W. • Mail Route Prom Kipp.en, Ontario, Cisooks Clinton, p. 0,. or Fred (Soeth-east) to r commeece fit 6/hp. ,, Leonard, Holmesville: ...el.- Postmaster General's Plea.s,ure.• . .; , • •• ' r '-'-'1"---SS-- - in partMent.',..'..:L,ight, able . Player , r . LtuplOYment s work - ,PnenmatIc : , ........, . .. , atliid . offered • - heathful De. suit- H .in 'tuov o e O . ' . . Thousanfle of ainPildons young pool° axe beiugelgtlytTee titietitg.'ylniV,. '21"..JCin E..4 s.,0.1.1S14e 10 you desire. Pfty 'Then - cr. • q:: EMI Wtelt.t T,,i,.1,,,ytny yo ja ,,,,ii.p. Largos ow ti Ana a. ever 'Belioyeth in Htr, shall remission 'OP' sine" (Acts x. He That l3elietietit on. Him. is ., Meowed:" .(John iii. IS). The tit in tigvil blosedbespeialtled Egypt was preserved /tern in' • - ' ' troyfisg angel, becauee Jeho,vah id, "W'lied I see the blood I Las over • you"(Enfid. xli. 13). .on ' *an only be n ,a ny rastri . , Lord. Jeeuir Ottiet. • ,tion withont meneY, salva- a witImet -price: ttion witikeutSlabotks helleVing h surripe.,;' : :, '-',, ,:'• ion new thie . moment,. then e, '911,1. "w1W, 40/ay 1; , -my n6t• 'see, to-Ynortow-, ii9vr „ - ,_1,..._________ • . . .TO THE PUBLICMajesty's O. , ' . • , , I -I i bott lit the eMelf in pren In. al v ng'i I '-g• d: the - 1-1 s of trace ant ease . the late John' Leslie, 1 • ant are- b a ' all kinds of wood pared o 0 a, work,. ... . . repair. .... , ,v&., . lac I nave asso, se tat nevi , • 4 , , , 2e.d) hand buSegies and light wag- - • • ons' which I will sell at a rcasom- able rice, . • - . ..,,, 1 CPI: atrona e res ectivel Sol- '.: ia1.4304.,.. '1', :, ,, ,,, g , , , P. Y , . ... . P '' ' '• 'l '''• r ' '''''' . DaVld •ElliOtt - ,...: , ' ' ' . • - ' . 'CAteiriActW BUILDING AND , - Printed notices, containing further . /do tfits'ai Oa a8 to . 000diftiOns Of ' Pco- r/t.rthr, Pon, RENT. --LOT 11, 00N. ss.se . OCintraet; ' • may be seen and 6:'• 6 ut twin 3,00 acmes Mtn tad II ''''' " ' • . -, ; • - , • . 0 a g , „a , • . blank forms of 1 endet may be on- inires south f the Villtt e • 1 Vat- ,• • " - . ' , ' 0 •g 0 tamed at the, post Offices ot Knepen, nes sear •to good „sehoel , and clilfr-' . . . ollep. ,VV,i1;.'' rent -tor •teint ,of 3 or e- , Chisetherst and 'al the' Offith ot the Post °thee Tneeeetor at' I,oadoa• nears, ini. spit Be Pies, . • , lad'''i surrou !,..0 s.: , , , ' ' ' , t • ,' - ' In Ne*Nork or Clfc- ., • ^,' . ,,, .. , ', , 1'. , . . , ' -`..s o so° ' •••• A ' -4 a.g.0,aimIS IS c.Ousimereu crit® • ' • ' ,„ . -,..,. ,,,,, , PlOY:Eflen!“P't,.Xti.e'Sbig•ileSt ,.,... . class of lady, Operators. L e. ISnier any day. Poitions guarancoad. If ou vela% to ark@ board and learn Y. you ea' n,1 particulars. wh•le ' %Tile for NO VACATION NTON BUSINESS COLLrOE ma, .- QED. SPMTTON , PRESIDONT , ' . • • d'. ANDERSO- seeelori can be' given At OnCo. . III or "'`Zr. , ' , . • !',''-:• '•'H '',' • - • ' . Stiperintendant , • further .piarticulars apply . to ' Post Office Department, Mail Seri/see Andrew. Reid, Vaiinci 13, 0, or •td . Branch, Ottawa, Ms Novels's-, , Rev, R, Mufpy 3827 Mortkt Horne • " ' ).: .., s ss,,,ss,,,sq W. DOkort?Plitil0 & -. - , n , . ,. , ' , • . ••• " ' • Ne s- °cord to •-esid of 1913. The v., R '''' 1 • Det Ittt'4, *page 4 A 4 4 .4 4 4 4 4 5. 1:st 1 4