HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-11-14, Page 6GEO'WIN a QIIItLS AND ALL
Should Keep Their Blood Supply
Rit h, Red and Pure.
On every hand you see` women
and growing girls in the deadly'
clutches of anaemia. Slowly but
surely a polka as of death's, > settles
on their cheeks; their eyes grow
dull;' their appetite fickle; their
steps languid. Daily they are be-
ing robbed of all vitality and
brightness. The trouble, if neg-
lected, becomes more acute until
the signs of early consumption be-
come apparent. What women and
young girls in this condition need is
new, rich, red blood, and there is
no other medicine can do the work.
of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, in mak-
ing this new, good blood. These
Pills make girls and women well,
and bring back the; charm and
of perfect, regular
health. Here is abit of proof. Miss
Lillie O'Carroll, Norwood, Ont.,
:says :—"About .two years ago my
healthbegan to fail; I was weak,
run down and had no ambition for
anything. I had frequent head-
aches, would be completely tired
out after the least exertion, and
had little or no appetite. A doc-
tor who was giving me medicine
finally told me he feared I was go-
ing into consumption, which, of
course, made me very much down-
hearted As the 'medicine I was
taking was not doing me any good
I decided to try Dr. Williams' Pink'
Pills, and hehall ever feel grateflil
that I did so. My story may be
summed up in .the words "nine
boxes of the Pills fully restored my
health—perhaps saved my life, and
I am now as strong and healthy as
any girl.'' •
Every anaemic 'sufferer can ob-
tain equally good results through a
fair use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
', Sold by all medicine dealers or by
mail at $0 cents a box or six boxes
for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine _Co., Brockville, Ont.
"It was simply a question of vera-
city between us," said the oldest
inhabitant. "He said I was a liar,
and I said he was one." "Humph.!"
rejoined the village postmaster.
"That's: the first time I ever heard
either of you telling the truth."
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited.
Gentlemen,—I have used MINARD'S
LINIMENT on my vessel and in my family
for years, and for the every day 1110 and
aroidenta of life.' I consider it has no.
1 would not start on a voyage wiyhout
it, if it cost a dollar a bottle.
Behr. "Storko, ' Bt. Andre, Kemouraska.
Blank Spots Not Soot But Cre-
mated Microbes, Says
Scientist. '
There are two reasons why the
modern fashion of papering ceilings
is accounted unhealthy by the scien-
tist. The first is, that paper of any
kind is objectionable as the lining
of a room, whether on the wall or;
the top or the floor; the aeoond is,
that the ceiling" should be left as
porous as possible, .and should
have an alkaline coating • of lime-
waah or whitewash ready to absorb
alI the acids that are always given
to the air when ehuman beings live.
In our so-called temperate zone
of the world it is very necessary to
keep rooms, warm, especially, in tho
autumn evenings. We can do it in
many ways: by fires, by gas, by
electricity, or merely by huddling
together in large companies and let-
ting the internal combustion of our
bodies keep up the temperature.
There are two 'sohools'of thought.
withregard to the porosity of the
lining of a room. One thinks that
a rough paper or a carpet; or a
porous ceiling is a '
Place to Harbor Microbes.
AYx `shire Man Gave Other PrIon-
ors Unwoted "Nerves."
A prisoner in an Ayrshire (Soot -
land) prison bas been giving to the
sphysioians and prison officials an
anxious and worrying time. For
two days and nights he kept singing
song after song, . without any inter-
vals for food, and ceased only when
sheer exhaustion caused "him to
He eame from theP rison farm
and entered This cell singing the
'-'Glory" song. He was threatened
with punishment if ho did not give
up, but.he seemed not to hear the
warnings. He sat in his cell appar-
ently quite happy till the never
ceasing "Glory" song,; got on the
nerves:. of the other prisoners, and
he was removed to a cell which was
as nearly sound proof as possible.
All through the night, all next day
and next night he kept on singing
until at the end of forty-eighthour
he suddenly ceased, and he wa
found lying on.the floor of his cell
in a swoon., •
Whomwellve hours later, he re
(levered in the prison infirmary h•
had no recollection of having •been
singing,at 'a11, .All he said.;he coul
remember was that he seemed sud
deniy to lose his memory when sit
ling in the prison van and -though
he had fainted. That he had been
winging for two clays was a gra
surprise to him,
All. sorts of evil little things may
live. in . the tiny dust -harboring
space on walls clad in this way.
The other schools of thought
thinks that porosity is an aid to
ventilation. Of course, both so-
oalled .schools think much alike.
They merely disagree as to whether
the good or evil is the greater : whe-
ther microbe harboring does more
harm than ventilation does good.
We remember an of<l experiment'
by which a sudden puff of air pass-
ing through a' perfectly dry brick
was made to blow out a candle
flame. All brick -built houses must
partake of the nature of this ex-
lierimental ,brick, ' all plaster ceil-
ings must let air through more or
less easily. . According' to the laws
of .diffusion, hot air; should pass
through very, quickly indeed, whilst
cold air: should pass quite sbowly.
In a hot room 'with the air moving
steadily upwards, all the products
of combustion from fire or burner
or breathing human being »cumu-
late near the top. A heavily sized
paper does not allow a ready pas-
sage; plaster with a coat of lime -
wash over it lets the hot tenuous
gases pass through easily, and as
they pass through the whitewash
acts as' a filter, taking into itself all
the evil matters' that have come
from the lungs or bodies of the peo-
ple living in the room.
Bits of
Toasted 'to
A delicate
Light gW ht Bron-
To be eaten with cream
and sugar. or served with
canned fruit poured over
—either way insures a
most delicious dish.
"The flemory Lingers"
Canadian Postum Cereal Co., Ltd.
Windsor: Ontario.
Lonemastamtmoomor esp.
we expected to be buried in sand,
the whole scene changed. The
storm •seized the great dark cloud
as if with a, mighty hand, and twist-
ed it round into a whirling column,
twenty yards in diameter, that
stood for a moment perfectly up-
right. :Then, little by little, it lean
ed forward, and like a great spec -
tee, -it swept by us, passing GO near
that grains of sand flying off at a
tangent struck tie with incredible
force. When a mile away it un-
wrapped its shroud, and collapsed
directly across our road. The don-
key boy bent over, scooped up a
handful of sand, and tossed it to the
dying wind. All was 0111.1.
It as some time before we could
speak. Then I asked' the boy why
he threw the sand.; He replied, in
little more than: a whisper, that the
sandspout was. the most voracious of
all the devils,; and that unless it was
appeased it might arise directly
under us, hurling us into the air as
a hound does a rabbit'. I. believe,
had T been alone, I should have cast
a `little sand myself. Later, when
we beheld the hundreds and hun-
dreds of tons of sand piled up where
the "spout" had fallen, I realized
wherein our real danger had been.
Had the great mass 'fallen on us,
we should have been buried twenty
feet deep.
Black Spots Roasted Germs.
In a lecture given at Manchester,
England, recently Professor Vivian
Lewes threw two curious sidelights
on both points of view, and one can
only 'gather that 'a whitewashed
ogling is better than a papered one
on all counts. Bo was explaining
the peculiar effects of incandescent
gasburners. Naturally, they heat
the air and press a thin, hot, readi-
ly diffused atmosphere against the
ceiling; but they do something
much'more subtle. We have been
accustomed to see black markings
on the white tops of our rooms over
each burner. Any one who thought
about it jumped to the rather super-
ficial conclusion that, the gas was
not completely ' burned, and that
traces of carbon were left that went
up, to deposit as a kind of soot.
Professor Lewes has found from his
experiments that nothing of the
kind takes place. Combustion is
complete. •
But the microbes and other ob-
jectionable substances . that are
drawn towards any kind of gas
flame flutter upwards and are
singed like moths. It is their cre-
mated bodiee that blacken the ceil-
ing, whilst the .products of their
cremation pass onwards through
the plaster.
Terrifying Illustration of It Wit-
nessed in China.
Learning by Love Letter.
"Love letters between young men
and -women are an excellent me-
thod of teaching literature," says
Dr. Arthur Holmes. But it must
be done tactfully. We have known
a young lady to break off an en-
gagement because her fiance 're-
turned her love letters with the
spelling errors neatly corrected in
red ink.
Superficially, desert and ocean
are entirely unlike; one is water-
less, the other nothing but water.
But they have . their similarities,
nevertheless. Under 'the oompul-
aion of a whirling- wind, particles of
I desert sand and particles. of sea-
' water act very 'much alike. A ter-
rifying illustration of this fact was
afforded to Mr. Warner Van Orden,
who was travelling recently across
China on missionary business. He
relates" his experience . in the New
York Times.
Alz we drew near a large town in
a valley. we left the green wheat-
fields behind and found ourselves
on a quivering,fiery desert—not a
housein sight, not a tree, only the
yielding, treacherous, slippery
sand. Suddenly there appeared on
the horizon a deep yellowish cloud,
that extended rapidly from the
northwest to the south. "
Our pack -train, the donkey boys,
everything about lis, became tinged
with its fulvous hue. Ottr• glbide, a
great, hulking lad, displayed con-
siderable nervouaness, at which t
was aurprised,z for. one becomes .in-
ured to durst-stormssin this part of
China. Each "•s tcceeding minute the
wind inereaeed in force; great
blasts of air drove the .sharp sand
against our faces until the tears be-
ganpto, wash their way down our
cheks. '
. Now the yellow cloud in the west
gradually became darker., until it
was transformed into the moat omi-
nous blackness. It was moving to-
ward os with 4reab rapidity. ;In,
etinetively we slipped from our
beasts and crouched beside them.
May animal was shaking like it leaf,
too frightened even to whinny: The
air was heavily charged with: elrc-
tricity. We tingled all over.
T.nthe twinkling of an eye, just as
But Change of Food Gave Final
Most diseases start in the alimen-
tary canal—stomach and bowels.
A great deal of our stomach and
bowel troubles come from eating
too much starchy and greasy food.
.The stomach does not digest any
of the. starchy food we eat—white
bread, pastry, potatoes, oats, etc..
—these things are digested in the
small intestines, and if we eat too
much`, as most of us do, the organs
that should digest this kind of food
areovercome by excess of work, so
that fermentation, indigestion, and
a long train of ails result.
Too much fatalso is hard to di-
igent and this is changed into acid$,
sour stomach, .belching gas, and a
bloated, heavy feeling.
In these conditions a change from
indigestible foods to Grape -Nuts
will work wonders in not only re-
lieving the distress but in building
up a strong digestion, clear brain
and steady nerves.
A woman writes :
`About five years ago I suffered
with bad st6mach—dyspepsia, indi-
gestion, constipation—caused, I
know now, from overeating starchy
and greasy food.
"I doctored for two years with
out any .benefit. The doctor told
-me there was no cure for me. T
could not eat anything without suf-
fering severe pain in my back and
sides, and I became discouraged.
"A friend recommended Grape-
Nuts and I began to useait. In less
than two weeks I began to feel bet-
ter and inside of two months I was
been ever
a well woman and have
"1 oan eat anything.I wish with
pleasure. We eat Grape -Nuts and
cream for breakfast and are very
fond of it." Name given by Cana-
dian Postum Co., Windsor, Ont.
Read the little book, "The Road
to Wellville," in pkgs. "There's'a
Ever read the above 'letter, A. new ono
appears from • time to time. They aro
genuine, true, and full of human Interest.
Excellent Shooting;' Fishing ^ and
Moose Hunting. ,
Shin All Covered
With Eruption
N. Henri
Tried Many Remedies 3 or 4 Years.
Cuticura Soap and Ointment Cured.
A Quebec man, N. Eenrl Tariff, of St.
Casimir, writes in a letter dated Mar. 31,1911:''
"I had a very bad skin, all covered with.
eruption, eight, years ago.' I have had all of
both my shoulders covered with it, and tho
high part of •my arms, and my face, but it
was the worst on my shoulders. I tried many
different remedies to cure it,but nothing was
any. good. At, last I wont to an apothecary.
IIe asked me if I bad ever used Cuticura
Soap and Ointment... I, told him no, and I,
bought a box of Cuticura Ointment and a
cake of Cuticura Seep, I' used three boxes
of Outloura Ointment, but I am glad of
the same, for Cuticura 'Soap and Ointment
completely cured me of my akin eruption.
I spread the Cutloura :Ointment on all my
sore parts, and'I think that In washing my
face with the Cuticura. Soap, it hindered my
eruption from itching and burning.' I tried
many remedies during three or four years
but Cuticura Soap and Ointment cured me."
(Signed) N. Henri Tardit. -
Cuticura Soap, and ,Ointment ;are sold
throughout the world, but to those who
have suffered much, lost hope and are with-
out faith in any treatment, a liberal sample
of each with a 32-p. 'booklet on the skin
and scalp will be mailed free, on application,
Address Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., 50
Columhu9 A..,..; nngnn, Tr, a 0,.
and all kinds of heuam banging., Woo
Write to ns gamut yours. Gold' Medalist.
The Heart eta Plano is the
Action. insist an the
Piano Action
Torches Preceded Edward VII.
Tramping Home One Night.
Recently the King had the exper-
ience of driving home from the thea-
tre with torchbearers tramping in
front. The incident recalls the
most eurious sight in a pretty var-
ied London life, wrote a London
Groping down St. James . Street
early one foggy night about the
middle of King Edward's reign, I
was surprised by a great glare of
torches, and there emerged silently
from the fog a number of, mon, like
footmen, bearing torches and be-
hind them a group. of gentlemen in
cloaks surrounding some one walk-
ing heavily fn the middle, and an-
other body of torchbearers brought
up the rear.
The personage in the middle was
revealed by the 'torches as Bing
Edward, and the party moved slow-
ly and •silently down the street
along the Mall to Buckingham Pal-
ace. The, King had 'bffien dining
with Mrs. George Keppel in Port-
man Square. It was a curious
sight to see and made one think of
the London of OharleaII. .
Plain. Speaking.
Nova Scotia is rapidly becoming
one of the most popular tourist re-
sorts on the American continent,
The healthful summer climate and
the great variety of sport available
make the province an ideal vacation
land. No .part of Nova Scotia is
more than thirty miles • from the sea,
and the country is full of the charm
of •scenery and the magic of hietori-
cal association. It offers excellent
galue. bird +•shooting, iu;ciuding wild
fowl, forest birds, and shore birds.
The two great game fish are the At-
lantic salmon and the speckled or
brook trout. A leaping tuna, weigh-
ing 680 lbs., was captured off the
Nova Scotian shore by hook and
line on August 261110911, and, con-
stituted a world's .record. The
game gentleman, Mr. J. K. L. Ross,
of Montreal,' fishing .with the Duke
o£ ' Connaught, wa,s fortunate
enough to land another ' tiuna,.
weighing 800 :lbs. Nova Scotia af-
forcis in generous measure the finest
sport in America=moose hunting.
About 800 moose are shot °,every
year. Bear and wild cat are numer-
ous. The woodland caribou is plen-
tiful on the island of Cape i3reton,
ED. 4..
ISSUE; 46—'12
happenings In tite Emerald Isle; of
Interest to Irish-
A disastrous fire occurred at
Messrs, Henderson and Wallace's
sawmill, Belfast.
Dr. Daly has been appointed as-
sistant medical officer of Monaghan
and Cavan Asylums.
Daniel McBride' and Frank �\Mc-
Cue, two Irish harvesters, were
drowned in the Dunbar Harbor.
The death has occurred of the
Right Rev. William Edward Meade,
D.D., Bishop of Cork, in his Both
A fireman named Calgon, of the
S.S. Haslie, fell overboard at the
North Wall, Dublin, and was
The Athlone Guadiana decided
that they' would not ask people to,
have their children vaccinated'
against their will. ,
The death has occurred at Private
Hospital, Dublin,. of Thomas A.
Earle,late of Northumberland Ave-
nue, Kingstown.
The. Market Committee of the
Belfast Corporation has sanctioned
the use of St. George's covered
market 'as a drill hall.
Two men were given acetic acid
by aship's captain at Limerick
Docks in mistake for rum, and one
died in Barrington''s Hospital.'
' A bull attacked Sergeant M. Hea-
ly of Gorvagh while on a Revenue,
Patrol, and he is now lying in Mo -
hill Hospital with a broken leg.
A special parade. of Belfast Boy
Bluejackets, or Sea Scouts, was
held at the residence of the Lord
Mavor, Cabin Hill, Knock.
1Vfn.eter McPhillip, son of Mr. Mc -
Phillip, N. T.,, Rosbercan, Nelw,
Ross. ' has won a National Univer-
sity scholarship, valued at $250.
The work of widening and recon-
structing the Cross Guns bridges;
Dublin, undertaken 12 months ago,
is now practically completed.
"I see you passed a candy store
onyour way here this evening"
"How in the ,world did you ever.
know that R'' '
"Because you didn`t bring any
candy with you."
She. Had Read Joke Books.
Husband—You don't mean to say
that you 'have been trying to bake
Young Wife—Yes, but you have
nothing to fear ; I put two dyspep-
sia, tablets in each one.
Daby's Own Tablets are
good for all babies: : They
are geed for the newborn
babe or the growing child—
the babe who suffers from
constipation or the one whose
teething is difficult or who
has indigestion, colic, worms
or any of the other babyhood
ailments. The Tablets ban-
ish all these 'troubles—they
are perfectly safe; being
guaranteed by a government
analyst to contain' no opiates
or harmful, drugs. Sold by
medicine dealers or by mail at
25 cents it box from The Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co.;
Brockville, Ont.
Flattering' Her.
He -I have a compliment for you
Sho—What is it?'
He --Mrs. Jones says you have the'
handsomest husband in town.
Minard's: Liniment Cures Colds, &c.
When It'll be Most Needed,
"Got your furnace going?"
- "Yes, unfortunately."
- "Why unfortunately 1"
"Because every time I go down
to take care of the fire I know
blamed well that the coal I throw
on so recklessly now would come in
mighty handy if Z could only hang
on to it until next March."
"John, am I all right for the
"My dear, I hardly know what
you consider all right. You have a
dab of powder on each ear, but
none on the tip Of your nose,"
Mlhard'o Liniment Cures Dtphtheela.
Three Months in Hospital and
Came out Uncured.
Zani.-Iluk Cored Sint in Few Weeks
Mr. Fred Mason, the well-known
upholsterer and mattress manufac-
turer of St. Andrew's, N.B., says i
"I had eczema on my knee, which
caused me terrible pain and incon-
venience. The " sore parts would
itch and burn.and tingle, and then
when rubbed or scratched, would
become very painful. -. When the
knee got warm, it burned worse,
and the itching and burning and
smarting were almost unbearable.
I tried various remedies,' but got
no better, so.I decided to go to
Montreal and take special treat-
ment, I received • treatment at the
Montreal General Hospital for
thirteen weeks, but at the end of
that time I was not cured, and al-
most gave in. A friend advised me
to give Zam-Buk a trial.
"Almost as soon as applied Zam.
Buk stopped the itching and the ir-
ritation; I. persevered with the
balm,'and it was soon evident that
it would do me good. Each day the
pain was reduced, the sore spots
began to heal, and bythetime I
had used a few boxes of Zam-Buk
I was quite cured.
"Since then Zara-Buk has cured
blood -poison- in my finger.
For eczema, ' blood -poisoning,
piles, ulcera, sores, abscesses, vari-
cose ulcers, bad leg, cold sores;
chapped hands, cuts, burns, bruises
and all skin injuries and diseases,
Zam-Buk is without equal, -
50c. box all druggists' and stores
or post free from Zam-Buk Go.,
Toronto, for price. Refuse imita-
Breaking the Neibs.
Pat—"Mrs. Flannigan, yure mon
Moike has just fell off th' scaffeldin'
and killed himself, bedad."
Mrs. Flannigan (eollapsing) in
chair -"Hiving I"
Pat -"Airy, aisy 1 'Tis only his
leg that's bruk. It's rcjoioed ye'll
be to hear it when ye thought he
was killed fur -a -t."
MInard's Liniment Mures Distemper.
It's bad enough not to'have coal
these days, but it's ten times worse
to be living next door to the man
who has a full bin and hasn't been
backward about lotting your wife
know that hehas it.
Cure For Consumption,—For conaump.
tion, weak lunge lingering coughs, laryn-
pitie and bronchitis. Names and addresses
of those only given a row Jaye tolive by
specialist .and doctors, after taking this
cure are alive and well, will be sent on
TOdUCSt. Write Wm. R. Oopeland, 511 Pape
Toronto, Ont.
The man who bets more than ho
can afford to Lose deserves to lose.
Minaret's :Liniment Cures . Carset in Cows.
Teacher—Wiy did you put that
pin in my chair? Bad Boy—Boo-
hoo ! How did you know I put it
there? Teacher—Because you were
the only boy in the room who was
hard at work studying when I sat.
i. birktd
29 Broadway, New York.
"I bought some of your GIN PILLS
at Victoria, B.C. last September. Your
remedy I' find, at 6o,years of age, to
give perfect relief from the Kidney and
Bladder Troubles incident to one of my
ago. I urgently recommend GIN PILLS
to friends as being the one thing that
does we good." . G. WOODPORD.
5oc. a box, 6 for $2.5o. Money back
if GIN PILLS fail. Sample free if you
write National. Drug and Chemical Co.
of Canada, Limited, Toronto. 131
gloves are worn.
Noted for their
Fit and Finish.
See that the trademark In on
every glove.��
Efficient. Will heat a good sized room
even in the coldest weather.
Economical Burns nine hours on one
gallon of oil.
Ornamental. Nickel trimmings; plain
steel . or enameled tur-
quoise -blue drums.
Portable. Easily car-
ried from room to
room ; . weighs ' only
eleven pounds; han-
dle doesn't get hot.
Doesn't Smoke
Doesn't Leak
Easily' Cleaned '
and Re -wicked
Lasts for years
At Declars Everywhere
ST. .0 -•N
Thle elegant store 10 the greatnet lnoneyttuking and pleasure prodding antes oras Oared and yen can steel
In td•day selling the Mutat anodico to all yon. Woods.
Each of thea, wonderful
Merge contolu es completestook
bone, Butter Scoffer,
gore candy Salla, kleroa,etc.,
ate., all in lovely gloss lura
end metal sandy easel, the
Aaron no in any big windy
qts W . also
drawer. ettool tho liat
candy moles 100 s.0 abOv0
aomnlolo with weights and
plattorum, aline set of bright
metal ,,00,e to serve the
,eaudy with, a stook of Son
bon boxes, candy bogs and In
feet *very 0,ee0Mly of the
candy store b0010, e.
Then breldenall thinwon.
d*rrui stook of .004101 and
More !Minna
Yy o o
e 12SEtaDc
and Flues, `Ya-
ter Flumes, Engines and Boilers
Engineers and Shiphetldera,
Sixty Thousand trappers 11057 send us
their Raw Furs. Why not you? We
nay highest prices and express charges,
ehergo no co,nmleelon and Nod mone name
day geode oro received. Midione of 'dollars
orop id traupqparn such Sane. Deal with a
rehab l home. Wu oro the larg'oot In oar
line FREE cut "oIp
9ALLtMS TRtodAtPhrhePERaStte"GdLMlttirnnquoof•
a book; of 90 pages, mailed FREE.
Dept sot. TORONT0,111 ohn Front St
Toy Steam Engine
has blued steel
boiler and fire box,
fitted with steam,
whis^tle, safety
valve and single
wink spirit burner.
Polished brass fit
tinge, Almost one
foot high.
Send us your
name 'and addroea
and we.. will send
you 30 sate of
Christman, soenlo
and floral post -
Garde to sell at 10
cents a set. .(six
beautiful oards in
each set). 'Whop
sold send us the
money, and we will
sendyou the -en-
gine, all chargee
prepaid. Write to-
day. Address
' CO.
nept.. 130;' Throat,
Two Views.
Mrs. A.—Does your husband be-
lieve in corporal punishment iii the,
houeehold 2
,Mus, B.—Only to a certain point.
He's always whipping the children
but he thinks the dust should be
got out of the carpet by molal su-
All They Got.
"Burglars broke intoour house
last night."
"That sol Did tlieY get any-
"Nothing except my dsusband's
n is n» exent model of the big sash register. costing
t»aO in each and :logo up every Gale mode. 10la 0000.
plate With hulls lock end keys end Ia awoneornapro,onl
In `teal!.
Wore and glrie, get We Gandy store end Ton 0011 be
the envy of rancour Mende. We 1111 giro 11 toyooaoal.
pieta with the elegant cosh resister and ell, If you will
eel' among your friends, only 8O bottle. of ourdeh,htlat
Basal Japoneee Pert era, atonlyl0e. eaeb, They gam
in els lovely 1 Ino allot, bottles ad blot wid J5 key Cluti pub up,
EMIT, .h
dr vraat. lids 10,011 perfume aold0 floral
bottle. n ,111110o hol0050.,
Send and get the perfume ro•d*y. we tract you with
It. Whensold return of m ¢ yj»1 l 53 00 smith.
aomnloo sandy Otero exactly a lflu.6Aeted above ash
Fslater and all, will 1, Benito you'ASSOLUTIXLY
REE Th10 lora wonderful oiler to bright boys Slid,
girl. Ifs the ere` la your neighborhood to gat this
wonderfullture. Address,
W.'DAWSON,. Ninety Colborne Strait,
good .House; ' Buildings; Orchard.''
Cheap. and on easy'' terms.
IJ buildings and apple 'orchard; about.
five miles from Hamilton.
H. W. DAWSON,Toronto.
tortes in - two thriving towns in
Western Ontario. Doing. good business.
Splendid opportunity for the right man.
The Western Real Estate, London, Ont:
will require Pive hundred Tele.
graphere and' Station Agents. Good
wages and advancement rapid. School
endorsed by'raliways and has direct tela
grant. wire connection, Free Beek 18 ex.
plants, Dominion School Railroading,
Toronto. -
!`I Ab10ER, TuRtons, LU6VPS, ate. In-
ILI tonna' • and external, cured witbonl
pain by oar Lome treatment. Write ua
before too late. Dr. Belimnn Medical. Ca.
Limited, .Collin owned,.Ont.
;ILA--' lars, free. Specialties lgenay. Box
1836, Winnipeg.
Cleaning and Curling and Kid Gloves (donned
Those can be sent by post, to per at.
The host plane is
XsGI- MC z eE
03ciL *m.iglezl mibas ,fan
Proteot — Preserve — Soauttfy
Samples and Booklets on Application
18741 .Bathurst Street TORONTO
An Alibi.
While the talesman were being
examined for a murder trial in the
West one was asked if be knew
what an alibi was.
"I think I do ; yes,, sir,
"What do you understand by it 4"
The talesman reflected for a mo-
ment and then, with a hesitancy'
indicative of graveness, replied
"An alibi is when the fellow who
did it wasn't there,, "
Because they actd'o gently' (no
purging•or griping) yet so
.ate..,. -.a
' gem U -CO
' LAXA Y Ira� •r1Gn:1 .J➢3V 4
are best for the chlldren,as well as *l
the grown-ups, 25o..a box at a
your druggist's.
kellonal9ing Oa Chemical bo. of Well, Withal •