HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-11-14, Page 4lipeeesiouteitismweleseep Clinton Neva -Record ea nor Christmas' Now is the time to plan for Chrismas as it s only tt weeks away, Do you realize it? WALL PAPER Pbssibly� you ivill want -to have a few rooms pa- pered bef'oie your friends eenne to .visit you It oma if so come along and we willive you some splendid values sel- ected from 1913 stark, Also a big stock of Wiidow Shades and Curtain Poles .to .select from. FANCY WORK You can't do justice to any piece of`.fancY walk` in a few nights, why not come in and select your. materials at once and give yourself ample time to do good work Stamped Linens of all kinds also Cushions, Laundry Bags etc. Berlin Wools Fingering Yarn Eiderdowns etc XMAS GLOBE ready soon Bigger and better chan eVer. No change in price, 50c. Leave your order. GREETING . CARDS` See our sample book of splendid new fines, Printed to ,your, or- der in lots -of 1 doz, or more, prices as low 'a, $1.00 per doz. One of the brightest depart- ments of our store is the China de- partment, which has been r e - stocked with French, German, Austrian, English and Japanese goods' direct from the makers. Toilet Sets—Diner Set's—Tea Sets -and Chinaware of all kinds, Fancy Cooper & Co:, Clililull 1•111111111•110.., MILLINT•:RY ANT) DRESSATAKING PHONE No, 78 READy To WEAR Couch & Co Milliner $3.98 Weput on sale Saturday 15 Ladies' trimmed hats; All new this season and trimmed in our own work room and are up to the minute as regards style: These hats sold regularly at .�,•i $7.00 and $7.50 Satur- day $3.98. Come early ---`' for best choice, A COAT THAT'S DIFFERENT A Woman who wants a fall coat that's differ- :, '%`'Y ent from others would do well to come here and see what we have. to •of- fer the fabrics are exclus- ive . and you will not meet a dozen women dressed in the sane style of coat. The illustration hews one cif the many good styles we are showing. Whether you intend to buy or notto buy, We spec- ially invite you to call and inspect our display. FURS OF QUALITY. FUR -LINED JACKETS ,and SMALLER FURS... We invite it, eareftal i)ispection of all our fns, 1' 7e have values that cannot easily be eclua}Ierl. Any customers who diorite promptly will realise the satisfaction of getting the beet. Ibis needless to look rot a duplication of our present variety later in the season, SPECIAL FOR THE. CHILDREN Exactly the tght thing to make into the right kind of w`nter coats for children is often ;hard ea obtain, We have in etook naw coat materials that are botind to please. ;Special goods at special prices, aspominommasommeeesn Rolmesville Mt. •Wm: Stanley left on yrlday ntornmg for , Hamilton to joie F the "Frost party'''' trip, his name having .been announced in Tho Ncws•Rccord as one of the lucky "Mies a few weeks, ago. He will be absent about a week, Mr.J. T. Brown of Montreal paid a flying visit to the Chicken sta- 'tion on Tuesday and found things hunsxniug, every' department running full blast. „Ely ; the way', six or" eight hundred ducke'. in an outside enclosure make iluite„a 'lively' seren- ade some eights and 'When the, rain is falling, as has been the case quite frequently, Lately, their many feet` make a' great pattering inthe wet earth. They also enjoy a swim in the nearby creek', and make vocal` their enjoyment unmistakably. The friends of Mr, T. Elliott, who was so badly injured by a .fall a few weeks ago, not been getting along so well as was expected, hav- ing had to have his disl'ooated' shoulder pot right again, He is now doing nicely and all hope that his re- covery may be rapid and complete. Mr, J. Schawnts of the 'Huron Road has threshed about 200 bushels of beans from thirty acres and they are, reported to be of a good, 'bright quality, At prevailing ,prices, hover- lag around the $3,00” mark, who shall say that beans do not pay.' This has not been the most favorab- le year, either. Preparations for a splendid pro- gram- for the Mons' fowl supper and entertainment are going on apace and present indications point to a most brilliant success. The event has been postponed from next Sunday and Monday until the following week, Nov. 24th and 25th. The Women's Institute 'will hold its regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Wm. Mulholland on Thursday after noon at two o'clock. Two papers will be given, one by Mrs. Geo, Malt, and one on, "The Meaning of Cbristinas Decorations," by Mrs. Ed, 1MIiller.- All the ;members are expect ed, visitors always.- welcome. The News -Record until the end of 1912 for 10e. Have you tried it Six Rural Mail Routes in Goderich Township. The Borden Government is extend- ing the rural mail system rapidly, 50 much so that in all probability within two years of taking office there will have been more new routes established than there were altogeth- er previous to September, 1911. Trained men are bang sent out who are systetnatically laying down the routes township by township. Mr. G. 11. 011erhead of the Postof- flee Inspector's staff, London, spent the whole of last week on this work in Goderich township, which, The News Record understands, will be served by six routes, two each from Clinton, Goderich and Bayfield, tite routes to be somewhat as follows : Served From Clinton No. '1 -'Gip the u;th.con. to the Maitland Con. then south to 'Iiol- tnosville, • up the Huron ' Road to within a half mile of Taylor's COI:- nu, orTarr, then back by war of the introit Road. No. 2...South to Telephone Road,: west to 16th con., south to Hayfield Road, to Harry Elliott's cm tier, along Bayfield Line to ti.e 9' h cop., north to the cut Line, east .to Hot' mesville, south to the 1Jth con,, to Telephone Road, eabj:,to 14tH con, and north to Eltiron Road and to Clinton Served From hayfield. No, —Up Lake Shore Road to Gut Line, east to 3rd con., south to Hay- field Road ancltmto Bayfictd. No. 2—Along Bayfield Road to 101 con;, no'tth to Porter's Hill, east to 7111 con,, south to Hayfield Line to. Bayfield. Served P'rons Goderich. No. l --South on Lake Shore Road to Cut Line, east to 3rd con., north to Huron Road and back to (loder ich. l No, 2—Dawn Huron Road to th con., south- to Porter s }tilt, east to 7111 cos,, north to Huron Road and to Goderich, Goderich Township Messrs, Walter Layton and Al- bert 'Townsend, the bean theca. ers have already passed thro- ugh the crops of several of our farmers, but, we understaud, have about forty barns' yet to visit.' The crop is tutting' out fairly good. Mr. ,John Schwantz of the Huron Road has 500 bushels off thirty-two acres which al; the prt.vailieg price will net him a nice sum. ' The township council met 00 the 4th inst., all the members present. Mr. H. K, Rey?ell. was present and addressed the 'council in regard to a subway at the 4th con. railway crossing: He suggested that the coun cil should bring the matter before the Railway Board as the crossing is a dangerous one and should have some protection. Coun- cil took no action but . the flatter. was left over for further considera- tion. The following accotits were ordered paid ; $4unicipal World, sup- plies, ,g3.00; Goderich iStar printing, $55.60 ; selecting juniors;,- $7.00 ; Jos. Jervis: fencing Colborne bridge, haul- ing cedar and hanging lantern, $4,00; Geo. Middleton, lumber, 516.25 ; Robb, Brown, tile 519.00 , The coun- cil then adjourned to meet the fit st Monday in ',December at ten o'clock Mx. James Graham has had a Pard time of it the past five weeks,,scia- tica . rheumatism allowing !rim -•'but, little,ease night or day. On 'Sunt day, hough, he felt well enough to, attend service in $t. James' church and; on Monday was is Clinton: ,:':We all hope tliat -the pain may soonten- tirely; disappear:and 'his -wonted good. health' may return. • Bayleld: 'Mrs. Eddie itsidand ;soli,•, Master I3olaitd returned hO-e fast week . aft ter spehding the slimmer at Owen Sound, Dr. Smith and, Mr, Wm. Mustard. motored to the .Bend on Monday - Messrs. John Toms and son, Mal coj5n,, and' John McLeod left on Mon- day for Port Stanley to engage in fishing, Mrs, Ann Greenslade, for many.' years a resident of Bayfield, died in London' on Sunday last having,; reached the great 'age of ninety-sev- en years. Sirs. Greenslade was the mother of Our toivitsman, Mr. 0-, E. Greenslade, and was well known hero where she had lived for many years. At the time of het, demise she was with her daughter,: Miss Lena of Lon- don. The remains were brought here on Monday and the funeral took place' from the residence of her son on Tues- day afternoon to tlayileld cemetery. The services at, house and graveside were conducted by the Revs. H. J. Condell and W. Hinde. The pallbearers were : Dr, Woods, Thomas Cameron, E.. Merner, I3'. nrehnann, Win. Fns - ter and 'James Sturgeon. London Road. The bean threshers" are busy in this locality, Messrs. Walter Layton: and A. Townsend being, in charge. ' Miss Linda Cantelon of Goderich township has been visiting her cous- in, Mrs, Hanley. Mrs, Mattison and children of the State of Colorado, are visiting the lady's parents, Mr, and Mrs, 1L Liv- ermore. - Mrs. Geo. Layton, addressed the League on 'Tuesday evening, at the home of Mr: Peacock, Miss May O'Brien of Stratford has been visiting her cousin, Mrs. Swiii- bank, and other friends in the vic- inity during the past fortnight. The League intend having their an- nual oyster supper at ISIr. Wm, Stan- hury's early in December. Auburn Anniversary services will be held in the Baptist church a week from Sun- day. The preacher will be Mr. Al- bert Hughes, a brilliant student of McMaster Uniyersary. Constance Mr. Gavin ,Jamieson and family have moved into the village and are now occupying Mrs Button's house. Mt Robt. Clarke has sold his pro - pert} and Madness to Mr, F D. Hall of Clinton, who takes posses- sion , this week, We welcome Mr. and "" Mrs. Hall and family to our village. no not: forget the anniversary err vices in the Methodist church oro Sunday, and the fowl supper Monday evening: Rev. Dr, Medd of Goderich will preach on Sunday at half past tet and half past seven: On Monday supper , will be served from six o'- clock to eight after which a good program will be provided. There will be addresses by Revs, 0; Jewett of Blyth W. T. Pearcy of Londesboro and the pastor, music by 1:ebb's male and nixed quartettes, and selections: by Mr...., .0411115 . ,virdinist, and Miss' Ida Colc, elocutionist. Blake Ret _ J. 13, Kennedy of the Dom- inion Alliance ranee st iF a ,Toronto, deliver- ed an able address on 'temperance last Sabbath to a large and atten- tive congregation. - . Rev. Mr. and Mrs, Johnston cal- led in the neighborhood oh Monday. Mrs. R. Allan Sr.,' is not improv- ing as rapidly as is hoped for. Mrs. Howard and Miss Evelyn vis- ited friends in Hensall this week. Dried applee are being marketed in great quantities. Mrf M. Jantzi who visited friends in Indians returnedto his home here. MCI' Jas. Gellinas' sale was 'largely attended and good prices were realiz- ed for all stock sold. blr. ,Itgleson E'sler is expected ]tome i, the near future.. Notem>bgt I4tit, tett Good Morning, Dear Reader ! c01.,WE N0E31 ,;NT TO -NIGHT: Coed Mornin5 ± . dear treader., 1lotp does youI sub, to The Newb-iiieeord •read 5 ! 'The lahol, tells the story,. Stanleh. Township' The following is the report of 5, S. 74o. 4 `North Stanley for the month of October. The names are to order of merit, - t : ,—Besse 'on,. <4unfe Dewar: Jr.Par2nd,-Ha2ndrold ScotcWatshmer, 'Ito} Scotchmer. 2nd --Samuel Mcllwain, Rosie Fos- ; -p os- ter, ' Sparr.ks, 2nd,—;Elva Dewar, Russel S Jr, 3rd,—Alice ,Stinson, Edna Scot - Sr. 30d,—John Watson, Susie West- lake, Mabel Poster, Clifford Scotch - finer, Walter Westlake. Jr.th —Pa r, i Zei' Sparks, Ratti IIous- ton, Martha McIlwain. Mary MacDougall; Teacher. Report of S. S, No, 3, Stanley, for the month of` October based on re- guiarity, punctuality and general pro- ficicnCy : 5th, ---,Eunice Reid 72 percent. Sr. 4t1,—Jessie McGee 61 percent. Ninian Heard 42, Russel Taylor 37. Jr, 4t1f,—Ruby Taylor 57 percent. Sr, 2nd,—Carrie Lawrason, Garnet Taylor.. Jr, 2nd,—Winter Reid, Willie Mc- Gee, Gertrude McGee. Sr. .fist,—Fern 'Taylor, Willie Par- ket l:st,—Clifford Clarke, Peter Mc- Gee, Arthur Peck. Jr. 1st Alma Rathwell, Parents are urgently requested to send the pupils regularly. .—Eva M. Stinson, Teacher:, The following is the October month- ly report of S. S. No: let Stanley, the names being in order of merit ; 51,11,—Grace G. Ross. Sr. 4th,= -•N. lined, A. FIood and Alex: McMurtrie equal. Jr. 4th,—L. Mcelymoat, C. John- ston and A. Fisher. Jr. 3rd, -1! Collins, M. Cooper, and M. Nigh. Jr, 2nd,—N, Hood, G. Cooper, 1I. Rathwell. 2nd Part,—E, Fiedler, V. McOly- mont, and 0. Fairbairn. 1st Part,—A. Nigh, F, Parsons and C. Harvey. The best spellers in the monthly spelling matches were : 4th and 5th,—Anna bI, Hood. .Jr. 401,—Cecil Johnston, Jr. 3rd,—Matilda Nigh. 2nd,—Harold Rathwell. 2nd Part,—Ella P. Fisher. A PROFITABLE DAIIRY. A farmer in South Western ''On- tario recently sent between fourteen and fifteen hundred pounds of cream to a creamery in one week, This 'would yield hint better than one hun- dred and thirty dollars. He says that cows pay him better than any- thing else, especially in the winter, as the price is then- at 'its highest. If this can be done in one district why not iu every erso 7 It can, if the _farmer is encouraged, to keep first class cows. L'p to the present the farmers of this district have had no encouragement',, 'but that is a thing of the past. The .1Pinghani Creamery will berun- ning all winter. Get cows that will be milking all fainter when you have plenty of tittle to care for them pro- perly. Keep your test above twentyfive and patronize the Wingham Cream- ery. The one that encourages the farmer. We are now paying 31 cents per pound butterfat. If our wagon is not in your district write us and we wilt make arrangements to cot lett your cream, Hensall Mr, , .J,. Mecarthur 01 Toronto was in town last week. Mrs, Ellis and Mrs. Sma}laconm were visiting friends in Detroit re- cently. Miss Dora Sherritt, nurse -in -train- ing Victoria at 1.o hospital; Londonk spent a fen days at her home :here last week. Mr. C. w Christie of Stephen had kis collar bone broken the other day by a kick Froin a plow: Thomas A. Edison announces his New Cylinder Phonograph Record The Blue The Blue Antberol is a musical and mechanical triumph. .Its volume is greater, and its tone is decidedly finer than any other phonograph record you can buy. And it is practically unbreak- able and unwearing. Careless handling will'not injure it, and 110 amount ofY la y ing will cause it P to reproduce lrss perfectly than when new. Ask your Edison dealer to playa Blue Alperol Recoi;d for you on. an Edison Phonograph today, of write us for particulars. Tdouisai A. Edison, las., 100 Lakeside Ave„ Orange. N. J„ U. S. A. A complete line of Edison,Phonographa and Records will be found at V "A.E . The C. C. I, Commencement exer- cises take place In the Low,et hall this :evening or, Which a.'good , program: has been prepared: -The admission Will 'be twenty-five dents, but 'for children accompanied by their par- ents the fee will be fifteen cents. '1111 News-Zleoord to Jan, for 100, Tuckeritnith Township While' •Messrs. Walter Laytoh' and Albert` Townsend wore putting their' bean thresher iii position at the barn of Mr: Joseph. Crich ,''o0'Saturday last the big rope attached to the traction broke and snapped against, Mr. Townsend's leg with such force that he was put out of 'business - for a time. Since he has limped about for a few days' but is now about all right again. The congregation of Turner's church will 'celebrate the fiftieth anniver- sary of its establishment as a congre- gation a week from Sunday, Nov, 2415, when jubilee services will be held. The ladies will provide a sup- per for Monday evening and the oc- casion will be made one of more than ordinary interest.• WITHOUT A DOUBT YOU'LL FIND THIS OUT- - IN ALL YOUR T•lLkYEI., ROUND ABOUT':, THE BREAD TH/rT'S BEST WITH ANY MEAL— IS JUST THE ONE AND ONLY REAL - MOTHER'S BREAD J SOME CLASS to out groceries—and a 1 ttle careful figuring at ;out fair prices will sur- prise you,' for we are prepared to help you reduce 'the high cost of liv- ing," at least when it comes to iorw prices for ore Idried stock of klhGH-CLASS GROCERIES. S. BARR Dealers, in , GROCERIES, P1tOVISIONS, FEB SIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS, ETC. Better Bread Could Not Be Made !HAT'S WHAT 'YOU'LL SAY WHEN YOU RAVE TRIED THIS CRISPY, CRUSTY, MOTHER'S BREAD BARTLIFF'S PHONE NO. 1 AND HAV17 IT 'DELIVERED TO YOUR HOME EVERY DAY. A LIST OF BARGAINS selected from our immense stock of furniture and house furnish- ings will appear in this space next week. Watch with interest. Picture framing and repairing neatly promptly done. and The Store of Quality ;Phone 28 W. Walker Furniture Dealer and Undertaker Residence Phone 140 1 f When You Need Car - pets, Curtains' or Furniture Don't forget to inspect our large stock of up-to-date goods, J. H.Cheilew, Blyth PRESENT SPECIALS I ARE STOVES, RANGES,' COAL HEATERS,; WOOD HEATERS, AND COAL ' OIL HEATERS. We have a complete assortment of the celebrated Happy Thought Ranges, Pandora Ranges, Canada Steel Ranges, Welcome National, etc. all in the High Grade Class. The ones to .depend. upon for reliability and durability. We have also cheaper lines guaranteed to do pod work, only not so htavy and of course not so durable, as low in price as $'28.00, with reservoirand high shelf. Owing to the success of our bargain sale of defective: gramteware we have decided to continue a bargain table in all lines of overstoolc, odds and ends and defective goods, everytleing not right up to the mark will be put oh this table and marked in plain figures, T.bis will enable austomere to sometimes get what they want at a small cost, A ROOFING BARGAIN 6 onlye nares Apatite Re, 2.50 r $1.08 TO OLEAR OUT, 5 1" Mohawk '' 1,70 for ,i.55 3 " Lone Star" _ 1.25 for 1.05 hoofing is complete with naris and cement. Harland Bros.. Stoves, Hardware and Novelties