HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-11-07, Page 11l tubber Weather AND'OUR SELLING OUT SALE STILL CONTINUES We have received the bal- ance of an order for rubbers placed last winter 'and though prices have advanced O`ur prices will remain at the oldfigures. We have also in stock winter goods ,such as ` Felt Lined Boots, etc. We have an extra good'liiie in patent button and bhitcher and gun metal, and blucher of which the regular price is $4.50 but which we are selling at $4. J. Twitchell & Son CLINTON, - ONTARIO WILL EITHER SELL OR RENT THE STORE :•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••44.4........... FALL AND WITEROOD G S 2• • 2 2 We are daily taking in many new lines of season- #, able gocds which will be sold at closest prices. Our stock is nearly complete, , -LADIES' COATS • have bought this #�E bg year very largelyin all lines in this department, and have the larg- tsi est stock that we have ever had, and will sell at the lowest possible price, See them before you buy. I%Clothing Ready -Made and Made -to -Order. , WE carry "full lines in this department and cannot be undersold, duality considered, BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS i� FULL stock in all lines and selling at old prices i v.. ,,, although there ., has been an advance of from I". 10 to'15 per cent. on wholesale prices. Remember we have good lines at low prices. • COME AND SEE US. i • • • • • • • • S • SMALL P LU MT E L MOBE PROFITS B ROS. BUSINESS • ••••••••••••••••••••••••N•••••••t••••••NN• onentosono ousinanonmanonatinnonstassuminllIMINIMPRIIIN To Those Who i Want the Best To those who want their pick of the finest look- ing, best wearing shoes produced this season we say come early, the new fall styles are in. Tf yait are one of the many who look to us to us to supply your shoe needs for the coming season with something distinctive -entirely different than ordinary -come and make your selection right now. We want your business not -only for today but for all future time. Try us once and you'll not desert us. We guarantee everything we sell to give satisfactory service at the price you pay and we always make good. FRED. JACKSON Good Shoes for everybody 11111111111111111111 •••• ♦♦N NN •••• •••••••• ••••.4•••••14.1•••••••••••••Z Aim to Please • 2 I 1 BringsCustornors Back 2 Furniture Buyers at this store I Ivaria I come ome 2 back when they want more and bring their friends with them, ; :, To Use Our Furniture is to prove that it is od 'as' it looks a that is saying in a whole lot, • as cn and Substantial Furniture can be bought here now at money saving prices. Whynot secure what pieces you need now whilerices are so favorable. P s • 3 Atkinson Dunford Furniture Deales" a nd Funeral Directors s Phone 104 Puoint 127 -- N fGUT AND S'rl;rn ty' CALLS- Pi o >•; � 16 NEWS-RECORDJAN. NEXT FOR 150 News.Reeo Smart styles mark the'change of Season' The Standard Fashion -Sheet for OCTOBER will interest every up-to-date woman Geta ceps FREE of .ur Pattern Counter • W D. FAIR CO, Often Cheapest - Always the Best � ft1°'NJto l i7 L a yi , inNunn eeeen tee,,, l Mr. John Wiseman spent the week- end in St. Mary's. Mr, E.. M. McLean of London was in Clinton on Friday last. 1'Ir, Wilmer Wallis, who has been in Toronto for sonic time, has return- ed home, Rev. Wm. Lowe of. Lucan was a guest at the rectory the forepart of the week. Mr. W. Crooks returned last week from a few days visit with his sis- ter and other relatives and old fri- ends at Linwood, Mrs, George Cochrane left this week to join her husband at Vancouver, B.C. She will visit friends at var- ious points enroute. Rev. J. Greene was in Staffa over the, week -end and conducted sacra- mental services in the Methodist church there on Sunday, Rev. J. L, Ford was in London.Mon day and Tuesday attending a spec- ial conference of Christian workers at which he was 'the chief speaker. Mr. Gordon Waldron, barrister, Tor- onto, was in town last week, hay- ing come up on a brief visit to the old homestead on the London. Road. Mrs. S. G. Castle has been in Brus- sels duringthe past eek` haviu g been called home by the sudden ' death of her Sather, the late Enos Crich, iIr, Charge Stewart of Calgary, who has been in town tun ,and district for the past couple of weeks, spent a couple of days in Listowel this week, Mr. W. F. Keys of Varna was in town Monday having accompanied his son, Malcolm ivho is now a student of 'the Clinton Business College. Rev. Father Dunn was called to the parental home at Wyoming yester- day by the serious illness of his father who, has reached the - ripe old age of eighty-three years. Mr. John Ransford was, in London on Tuesday attending a meeting of the special committee of the Synod -ap- pointed to consider the advisability et achnittingwomen to membership in the vestry. Mrs. {neo. D. Chidley and babe leave today for Indian Head, Sask,., to. join Mr. Chidley, who has gone in- to business there. They were ae- companied. by Miss Agnes Chidley, who will take charge of the office in •herbrother's store. Mr: Wm. Iiathtvell of Stanley was in town sin Saturday arranging with Clinton artists to assist in the entertainment to be even in the Methodist church, Varna, on the evening of December second. end. 1`hIs is an annual event and a big one, too, ho matter what the weather or roads may be like,' Mrs. C: Pugh las been in town n during past week getting her household goods packedand ready for shipment to Sarnia, where. Mr. Pugh is engaged in business. Mrs. Pugh has been in London for some ti� e with w th he slobber": who < has been quite i11. • Mr. Pugh is also here and they i:will leave this week forarni a. S n Miss Fannije Jackson left. on Tuesday for the West, where a brother and a sister reside. She intends re- maining for a time in ^Winnipeg and later will go to Portage la Prair- ie. Miss Jackson has made many friends le ds during her residence: in town who regret her departure, b,ut who wish her happiness and .good fortune in her new home. Mr. and Mrs. J, J. McCaughey • en- tertained in ;honor of their friends,, Mr. and Mrt.•J. J. Claytoa and Mrs. J. Bicknell, on Friday even- ing, 'prior to their departure • on Saturday, Mr. and Mrs Clayton going-', to Goderdcb, and Mrs.-:B•ick- nell going to ,St. ' Thrall , _.The many friends which they made, dur- ing their short stay in town were, indeed, very leery to See thmnr gm,. a ers©nals' Dr.' Shaw Was in , Godcsihli on Men say Mr,. Frank :McCaughey spent Sunday • in Gcderich ' Mise L. Shanahan .visited in Gorier - ' Leh over Sunday. Mrs, W. J. 'Nediger and little Miss 1 -Alen visited friends in Preston, r last week, Miss' Elva' Lavis web the guest of Miss Hattie Belcher, Cioderich; ov er Sunday: Mr,. Reg. Elliott, manager of the 'Mo1sons Bank at Norwich, was in town today. Mr. Will )Harland left on Monday for •Belleville to assume management of a hardware business, Mr': Ray Ford, son of Mr. John Ford of town, has: taken a position in a clothing store at Fort Wil Bats, Mr. J. /A. Irwin supplied the pulpit of Victoria Street church,- Goderich on Sunday last in the absence of the pastor, Rev. Dr. Medd. Mrs, '1'. E. East will receive at her home on Ontario street on Thurs- day, Nov. 28t11, from 3 to 5:30 o'clock and afterivards every fourth Thursday. ' Mr, Ed. Mole, superintendent of the, electric light plant itt Seaforth, was in town Sunday ; on his tivay 'back from a visit at the parental home in Auburn. Mrs. Jessie Snider, and her daugh- ter, Miss Mary Snider, Goderich, spent a fete days iii town the past week as guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Snider. Mr. W. H. Hall of Molsons Bank staff leaves tomorrow to join the branch at Highgate. "Billy's num- erous friends in the old,honte town will miss his Mr. Douglas L Wark, advance agent for Guy Bros., who was in town last week is a grand -nephew of the ]ate Senator Wark, who died a couple of years ago aged over one hundred }ears Miss Agnes Chidley received from four to six o'clock on Tuesday at- ternoon, prior to her departure for the west yesterday. A large num- ber of her friends took advantage of the occasion to bid her farewell and wish her God -speed, Mr. G. R, Keys, C.O.F. organizer, was taken ,very ill while' in London last week and Mrs. Keys was tele- graphed for but he made speedy improvement and was enabled ..to return home the forepart of this week. It is, expected' that in a few days he will again he able to hustle alter business same as here- tofore. Rev. D, K. Grant was one citizen of Clinton who was especially inter- ested!'in the election on Tuesday which restated in the return of Woodrow Wilson as president of the United States, as a couple of winters ago while Mr, Grant was stationed in Hamilton, Bermuda, he became very well acquainted with Mr. Wilson, who was spending some months on the islands for the benefit of itis "health, That the president-elect is well fitted by, _natural endowments and training for the high office to which he Inas been called is the opinion of Mr, Grant. MEETING OF S. S. WORKERS. A meeting to which all ministers and Sunday school workers in town and vicinity are cordially invited, will he held in Willis church at' a quarter to four on Sunday after- noon next. The' meeting will he ad- dressed by Rev. 11. W. Haipenny, sec t re aZ,y of the Ontario q. S. Asso- ciation and is sure to be interesting to those engaged in this work. THE PLAYERS. Perry's Peerless Players who con- cluded a three nights' engagement in the town hall on Saturday are well worthfy of the patronage of play goers. The Guy Bros, drew a big house last night and gave one of their old- time minstrel entertainments. -Ev- en badclimatic conditions will not keep the people away when the Guys come around, Hullett Township Mr. John Murray of Dublin spent Sunday with friends in brig vicinity. Miss Vera Carbert Sundayed at the home of Mr, C. O'Brien. Mr; John, Quigley returned' to De- troit on Monday after spending` a few weeks in this vicinity. ., Blake Messrs. rs Johnnd Joseph aFoster of 1 argrove, Mich., attended the funeral of their uncle, the late Allan Douglas of Brucefield and while over visited Blake friends: Mra, P. Douglas accompanied ailed by itredher daughter, i Mrs. A. Sparks, call- ed is the village 'on Tuesday. • The entire community turned out this week and did the ploughing for Mr, Wm., Wagner who is and has beenr ,o a year confined to the house+ unable to walk, Such acts show a good Christian spirit. : Most peOple •aro experiencing trouble with their •potatoes ''which are rotting slowly but steadily in their cellars. Clinton Model School Report 1st Divieiou: Sr. 4th -Above 70 per cent. -Merle Moore 81, Eleanor McKenzie 79, El- eanor Kemp 75, Viola Cook 75, Lois ilolmets 74, Iliary Chidley 73, Jessie Watkins 73, Irene Cole 71. 'Jr., .40 -Above 00 percent.-Dot- otliy dtattenbury, 78, ,Bertha Yates 75, Kathleen Dowser 74, Margaret„ Walker 70, Foray Ladd 09s r zed Cock 59, Winnie Dcapra 66, Bessie Chowee 56, Janet Wylie 63, Nellie Watkins 5S, Mikis L. Feud, Teaoh'er, ,November 7th, 191 �1 lssesaIid Ladies' all Suits an Dresses We are showing a large range of new fall suits and dresses for ladies' and misses of the very newest styles in plain cloths. Colors -navy, black, brown, green and;, grey, Also fancy tweeds that are right up to the minute aecl well; worth investi- gating. Priced from $15.00 up, New Novelties in Ladies' Lace Neckwear Just now our stock of novelties in lace neckwear for collars attached and lapel wear, the very newest in' assories, values that will surprise you at 50c up. New Fill Rugs And Carpets. Our stock of floor coverings such as mats; hall runners, rugs, carpets, mattings, oilcloths and linoleums is most complete. We specialize in Axminster, Milton and velvet rugs of good quality and also carry a large range of tapestry and Brussels in all sizes from from $8.50 up. likrmemeense The News From Londesboro Mr. 'rhos. Scott moved Ma house- hold effects to Brantford on Tuesday and Mr. and Mrs: Scott and Master Wilmer went down yesterday. A meeting of the quarterly board of the Mettle/list church was held on lMIonday evening in the lecture room. Mrs: J. L. Allan spent the week- endr s Mr. W. B. Allan with he on of London. Mr. and Mrs. 13. Allen, Mr: A, El- liott and Mr. Bb. Herrington left Por Parry Sound district on Satur- daylast, taking adranta eof the hunters' excursion, a and Division, i Seniors -Bertha Jackson 86, Shia. wyn hi r- wyn Allan 79, May Rutledge 78, Charlotte Sheeley 76, Bessie O'Neil '75, Ruth Macbiath 75, Maida Cooper 71„ Leota Marland 74, Alice Peeltitt 73, Harold Manning 72, Gladys Kell- er 67. Juniors -Mabel Marshall 77, Leona Hearn 75, Orville Murphy '13, 1'rcda Wallis 72, Murray MacNeil 70, Willena Keys 70, Arleen Armour 67, Hannah Argent 05, Marian Gihbings 64, Willie Stomas 60. -NI: E. Cbidlev, Tutelar 3rd Division. Sr. Class -Mattie Shipley 91, taco. Middleton 90, Robbie Srhrcnt 90, Lida Livermore 88, Alex. 1. tgles,.n I:Iarry Lawrence 31 Ethel Was' Cet:t Dan- ford 78 1 man 7.8, Mary Taylor '' Sle lc on 75,Di S .. ate Jackson ford 76, Jessie I•Iarland 75, Sadie Draper 75. Jr.) Class -Edith Jones 94, Asa. Beeves 90, Merrit Nediger 85, Wilbur Welsh 69, Ernie Little 67, Flora Mil- ler 66, Lawrence 'West 6..2 . J. Wilson, Teacher. 4th- Sr. th S . 3rr1-Aadte ' awren,to 81, Mil• dred Livedmore 81, Helen Ross 77, loman 77, BertS Agnes Walker 77, Will Bell 77,Stuart McBrien 75, Mark Tierney 75e Willis Cooper 74, Jean Bell 73, Geo. Walker 72, Leigh- ton Walker. 70, Mattie Livermore 67,; Jim Walker 67, Ambrose McGttire 67, Jr. 3rd -May Flukey 80, Maggie Hastings 79, George Shipley. 79, Fred Packet 75, Berta Gunn 67, Phemio Cora 66, Ernest Bradshaw 65 Miller 61,John Taylor Ronald McDonald 64, o Taylor 6.1, CecilCooper50. -L, Stevens, 'leacher. 5th Division. Seniors -Fergus Reynolds 92, :Jabez Rands 92, Harry Munroe.91, Dorothy Rorke 90, Amy Hellyar: 87, Willie Match 85, John Craig 85, Gordon Hall 84, Bessie Murphy 83, Marjorie I Beaton 81, ' Lottie Judd 81, Albert Wright 80, Jack Bawdon 80, Harry Bali 78, Mildred Biggin 78, Katie L'aidd 75, Etta Hardy (18,: Russel Britton 07, Eva 13ouck 67, Charlie, MG e- uire 04. Jr. Class -Alec. McRae 90, Mac- Gregor Grant 83, Fred Elliol5 64, Agnes Reynolds 02, Catharine Wylie 79, Kenneth Carter 77, Jleesie Morrish 75; -Stewart) Taylor 74,. Milhotne Bailey 73, Jessie McOrea'ry 72, Geo; Carter 72,Asa Boltonon 70, Mergie te McLeod 6 Jelm Yc 1ec 66 Mar. ar- et 'Rennet 63. H. Courtice, Teacher. 6th Division. Sr. class -Total 300 -Audrey Coll- yer 253, Daisy Nediger 241, Amy Gould 230, Nellie Reltledge 229, Jean Miller 215, Margaret Cree 212, Leona Taylor 209, Helen Grigg 203, Wilbur Bezzo 190, Willie Miller 177, Donna Mulholland 174, Gladys Wiltse 174, Cecil Cook 168, Mary Argent 100, Malcolm McTaggart 102, Henry Slo- ntan 14.1. Jr, class - Total 225 --Gertrude Fowler 219, Harold Lawson 193, Niabett. Cook 183, Helen Roberton 178, Herbie Holazliauer .175, Percy Livermore 155, Lucy Levy 147, Lil- lian Judd 135 Mervin beeves 127, Gordon Lawson. 126, Douglas Tozer 123, Nellie Cooper 119, George Men- nes 111, Marjorie Bateman 113, Ethel Bouck 110. 1i;. 0, Tiplady, Teacher. , 7th Divisions Sr. class Total marks 250 -Ivy n h 229, Plevves 230 Frank rte M Elean- or McTaggart 227, Hilton Butts 223, }Vinnie McMath 215, Roy Livermore 213,Switzer Graelis.211, Anica Hill; t 9 202,Eddie 'cid' Wiltse 1 3 Ella Cram r 19?< Cecil Turner 192, Frank Seru- ton 191. Jr. class,, total marks 150. -Ken- neth Rorke 130, Barrie Combo 128, Mattie Blacker 1t28, Audrey Me4ntyre 127, Jean Ford 126, Oliver Murphy 125, Helen Ladd 124, Violet Huller 122, Reginald Jeakins 122,_ l(a.tharine ' CTrantl..0 1, JacTF"Wiggington 121. M. M. Wiltse, Teacher. • 8th, Division.; 3rd class -Katie Beaton 100, Isabel Johnston' 100, Norman Cotmter 94, Wilfrid\ Grant 92, John Nediger 92, Erni ht Ford 90, Russell Bezzo 89, Eleanor Plums eel 88, Ruth Hale 87, Fergie Carter 87. 2nd class Jean Simpson 100, Phyl- lis Tozer. 95, Olive Laurence 92, Rus- sell Pcckitt 90, Kathleen Taylor 89, Wilife Argent 88, Cecil Ashton 82, Clifford Cooper 80. 1st class -Helen Cools 95, Norma Treleaven 94, Gerald ; Eames 91, Myrtle Wiltse 92, Florence Johnston 92, Kenneth Roberton 92, Austin Matheson 90, Viola Livermore 85, Bert Marshall 83, Gonion Campbell 79. -M, L. l8er, Teacher. NeW FALL CAPS SHITS " ORCOATS NOW is the time to buy your winter supply when 'stocks are complete, We are showing the most cold. plete range of bats, caps, ready to - wear. clothing, golf coats, sweaters and novelties 1II neckwear it has ev- er been o1 lrea, l a p are to display. p y BoYs' CLOTH IN i; WE have just receiv- ed a new shipment of boy's, clothing and overcoats in the very. newest styles. C a 1 1 and see them as often as you please. ,DOZER and BROWN