HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-11-07, Page 8I Elk
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An Illustration as IIow,7.t Works
Out in India.
Any system of caste 'works mis-
chief wherever; it may be practised•
It makes the upper class arrogant
and the Power class aervilo. It is in
India that its evil effects aro most
frequently and plainly witnessed.
In her account of "Our Tour in
Southern India, Mrs. J. G. Mur
ray-Ayn'sley tells a story which il-
lustratesthe annoyances that at-
tend the observance of the caste
It is related of a missionary who
was some years ago attached to the
Cottayam Mission that he was walk-
ing one day, accompanied by •a`na-
tive of the slave caste, when he saw
a Brahmin' making frantic signs and
calling out to them.
'Telling his companion to remain
where he was, the clergyman: walk-
ed on, and asked the Brahmin what
was 'the matter. . He, received for
reply the statement that the Brah-
min wasactingthus to warn the
low -caste man to keep away from
him the requisite distance of ninety-
six paces.
"Oh, so many paeesl"said the
missionary. "Show me exactly, if'.
you -please; how far that is."
Unsuspectingly, the Brahmin
„walked off the road to indicate the
proper distance, on which .the mis-
sionary e to
beckoned to
come up to him, thus making the
Brahmin leave the path open for
this humbler -born brother.
When in Trichoor, I' myself more
than once saw a man of the people,
when he was addressing his super-
ior, hold one or both hands before
his face. I was told that this is a
token of respect.. It is done that.
the breath of the low -caste man
may not offend the nobility of the
Animals Cost $5,000, But Returns
Run Forty-five Fold in Seven
Like a chapter from the Arabian
Nights is the story of the silver fox.
industry in Prince Edward -Island,
with the: difference that the latter is
tangible, open to inspection, end
capable of verification, says the
Charlottetown Guardian,
That the smallest province in the
Dominion, heretofore regarded as
without natural`' resources • except.
the fertility of its soil and the proli-
fic life in its waters, should sudden-
ly find itself in possession of a sin'-
gle source of wealth rivaling the
gold mines of the Yukon, is a mat -s
ter of no email moment. And this
is what Prince Edward island has
found within the past few years in
its fox industry.
As is the case of the gold mines,
the available wealth from the fox
industry is, as yet, an unknown
quantity. Unlike it, ,however, those
who have "digged" in, the latter,
with ordinary forethought and pre-
caution have, we believe, without
Found Gold
Held New, Rich Blood to Restore
Them to a Healthy Condition. '
Actually in need of food to nour-
ish thebody and yet afraid to eat
because of the racking pains that
follow. That is the condition of the
'Sufferer from indigestion—a choice
between starvation or merciless
The urgent need o, all dyspep-
tics, of everybody whose organs of
digestion 'have become unfit to per-
form their important duty, is for
stronger stomachs that can extract
nourishment from food. Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills give weak sto-
machs just the strength they need
by enriching the blood supply, thus
giving tone and strength to the
stomach and its nerves, and enab-
ling it to do the work nature in-
tended it to do. Thousands of
oases: of indigestion have been
cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,
of which the following is but one
instance. Miss L. A. Brown, Port
Albert, Ont., says: "For a number
of years `I was a terrible sufferer
'from indigestion, and as a result I
became completely run down, and
suffered from backaches and nerv-
ous troubles as well. I had to force
myself to eat, but never enjoyed a
meal owing 'to the awful pains that
followed eating. Life was becom-
ing a burden, and as medicine after
medicine failed to help me I felt I
was doomed to, go through life a
constant sufferer. Finally a. mar-
ried sister strongly urged me to
try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I
have •mason to be thankful that I
followed her advice, as they have
fully' restored my health, and 1. can
now enjoy all kinds of foodwith-
out the least discomfort, and my
friends say I am looking better
than I have done for years. At all
events I know I feel like a new per-
son, so shall always praisd Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills."
Sold by all medicine dealers or
by mail at 50 cents a box, or six
boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil-
liams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
many of them most liberally.
There is an idea prevalent that
the money exchanging hands for
foxes here is all Prince Edwa;d Is-
land money, passed from one neigh-
bor to another in exchange for fox-
es, aid that, after all, the industry.
brings no additional wealth to the
province. This is not so. Within
the past few days •a gentleman from
Port Elgin, N.B., bought five pairs
of foxes from; Tignish and Alberbon
parties, paying for them $50,000; a
gentleman from Moneton bought
four pairs, also from parties in Tig-
nish and Albertan, at the same
price, $10,000 a pair; a gentleman
from St. John bought two pair in
the same locality at the same price,
and wanted two more pairs, but
could not get them. Hon. John Ag-
new, of Alberton, informs us that
he has had almost daily telegrams
from parties in the neighboring pro-
vinces making all kinds of offers for
foxes, but that there are none for
sale. The island stock for the pre-
sent year and much of next year's
stock is already sold.
It is Cri�i�al
to Neglectthc
Skin and .11air
THINK of the suffering
entailed bynegiected skin,
troubles — mental', because
of disfiguration, physical be-.
cause of pain. Think of the
pleasure of a clear skin, soft,
white hands, and good hair.
These blessings, so essential
to happiness and even suc-
cess in life are often only a
matter of a little thoughtful
care in the selection of effec-
tive remedial agents. Cuti-.
cura Soap and Cuticura Oint
wentdo so much for poor
complexions, r e d, rough
hands, and dry, thin and
falling hair, and cost so
little, that it is almost erimi
nal not to use them.
Although ,Cuticura Soap. and Oint-
ment arc'sold by druggists and dealers
everywhere, a postal to "Cuticura,"
Dept. 5M, Boston, U.S.A., will secure a
liberal sample of each, with 32 -page
booklet on Skin and Scalp Treatment.
A Financial Factor.
One of the banks in Prince Coun-
ty took in $80,000 in three days re-
cently, all fox money, ' and the
greater part of it from outside the
province. Another took in $00,000
in a week, most of it, from New
Brunswick. One 'country , branch
bank in Prince County among the
fox ranches has more cash on depos-
it than the localhead office, and all
this fromthe fox business. We have
it on good authority that in Prince
County alone half a million dollars
changed hands during the past sum-
mer for foxes, and that at least two-
thirds of it came from' outside the
province. We understand that this
year the addition to the provincial
income tax, as a result of the fox
business, will be about $10,000.
A business that in so short a time
has risen to such proportions is
surely worth talking about, worth
promoting, and worth letting the
world know about.
Now, as tothe value placed upon
silver foxes. Five thousand dollars
for a little black fox seems an ex-
orbitant price, extravagant, risky,
and all that. But in foxes, as in
other investments, the cost is exor-
bitant or the reverse in proportion
to the returns. We have an authen-
tic record of a single female black
fox which in seven years produced
45 descendants, which lived and
were sold. These at the prices rul-
ing to -day would be worth $225,000,
a pretty liberal return in seven
years for an investment of $10,000
for a pair.
Manchester Sees Theist Increasing
Butllllueh Pulpwood Found in Lac
Labieho Region.
The Forestry Branch of the De-
partment of the Interior has had a
number of parties out during the
past season continuing the exami-
nation of the unexplored districts to
find out the supply of timber on
Dominion Lands' and determine the
lands which should be reserved per-
manently for timber purposes.
'Pldese ( parties aro generally in
charge of graduates of the Forest
School of the University of Toron-
to. The work for the season is al-
most completed and the parties are
now returning from the field. Two
of the parties have already re-
Mr. S. 11. Clark examined during
the past season the district lying
north of Lao Labiche and east of
the Athabaska River in Northern
Alberta, 'which is along the route
which was proposed for the Alberta
Great Waterways Railway; The
seslson was wet, and, as the district
was found to be covered largely by
muskeg, the examination of it was
difficult. The muskegs were almost
impassable, and the few trails that
were found are in poor condition.
In spite ofthe condition of the
trails quite e. targe number of peo-
ple were going in to Fort McMur- ,
ray to locate.
It had been reported that there
was considerable large timber north
of Lae Labiche, but the „examina-
tion brought out efact,
the which has
to frequently beenathe case, that
the quantity of large timber is small
and only in a few scattered areas.
There is, however, a large quan-
tity of immature epr'uce'and.lack
pine, which needs only protection
from fire to be a valuable crop for
pulpwood or lumber. The land is
generally' covered with muskeg,
and the soil, nowhere first-class, be-
comes lighter and sandy towards.
the east, where it cohsists of sandy
jack pine ridges with muskeg be-
tween. The undrained muskegs
make the timber growth slow, but
the whole district is more suited for
timber than for agriculture.
Manchester, England, is about to
take (measures to bring about bet-
ter'hygienic renditions amongst the
Chinese laundries, so many of which
have lately been established in the
city. The Manchester correspon-
dent of the Lancet says: "It ap-
pears that the number of small Chi-
nese laundries conducted by China-
men has inereased at an astonish-
ing rate, and at present about 40
areestablished within the city area.
On the advice of the medical officer
of health, the sanitary Committee
has now decided to issue special no-
tices in Chinese characters warning
against spitting on the premises,
and pointing out that penalties will
be imposed for any offence in that
direction. There is a prevalent
belief—but whether based on fact
or not, it is difficult to say that
spitting is very prevalent in some
Chinese establishments, and that
this act is not confined to spitting
Gal the floor. Spitting is said to be
a part of the process in some laun-
dering businesses, as in the ironing
process it is stated that the opera-
tor expectorates freely en the arti-
cies which are being dealt and
that as an aid to the sustained se-
cretion of saliva chewing gum is
largely practised by the laundry
Some Simple and Valuable Rules
to Maintain Inuniulity. '
The following hints for the pre-
vention of cancer are given by Dr.
J. Fletcher Little, Medical Officer
of Health for Harrow -en -the -Hill,
When warts, moles (especially
dark colored), and other skin
growths are exposed to constant
irritation they should be immedi-
ately removed.
Avoid excessive smoking, as ; it
predisposes to cancer of the lips,
tongue, cheeks, etc. Inhaling Cig-
arette smoke tends to cause cancer
of the vocal cords.
Avoid irritation of the tongue and,
cheek by broken, jagged teeth.
Tale great care of the back teeth
or g'rindeee. Money spent on the
teeth will hiring a greater return
than saw other investment.
Avoid excessively hot food a.ncl
drink, which induce cancer of the
Avoid laking large quantities of.
iced drinks and ices..
Mn;stieate ,;l1 food thoroughly, as
food - imperfectly chewed causes.
chronic irritation of the alimentary
Avoid alcoholic drinks, as they
are a. predisposing cause' of cancer,
and diminish the average prospects
of survival by 30 percent.
Do not delay when cancer is sus-
pected: , 1f arly recog.nitiort and
prompt removal` deprive cancer of
it 9 terrors.
Nota• Periilancnt ILettu'n.
"I see your married slaughter is
home again 4'>
"Yes, •but only for a visit, my
;dear,` only for a visit."
Tie best for
all occasions.
Always suitable. Always. stylish.
Seo that l the ir'•de nrarl; is on every gl ova.
Mutual dace tion is a popular
game during courtship.
Shipped to London.
At a public meeting of fox -ranch-
ers a few days ago Hon. Charles
Dalton made the statement,, and
submitted his books to prove it, that
in 1910 he shipped to the London
fur market between 40. and 50 skins.
For these he received an average of
:6270 each, or $1,350. Moreover, of
all the skins that brought over £100
Mr, Dalton had 00 per cent. This
fact along with the other equally
significant fact, that of all the black
foxes in eaptivity in the world, 85
.per cent- are in Prince Edward Is-
land, goes to show that Prince Ed-
ward island' may safely be regarded
as the natural headquarters in the
world to -day.,
The possession of such an indus-
try is of incalculable benefit to the
province, and, if guarded,' and it
deserves to be, will, before 'long
make the province one of the rich-
est in the world.
This is not an advertisement for
the•fox business, nor an. etiempt to
induce inexperienced, unbusiness-
like investment in it. It is as easy
to lobe one's all in the fox business
as in any other, if entered into
without necessary business .precau-
tion s.
Because Mother Looked So Well
After Quitting Tea and Coffee.
A woman was almost distracted
with dyspepsia and heart trouble.,
Like thousands of others, the
drug—caffeine—in coffee was slowly
but steadily undermining her nerv-
ous ` system and interfering with
natural digestion of food. , (Tea is
just as injurious as coffee because
it contains caffeine, the poisonous
drug found in coffee.)
"For 30 years," she writes, "I
have, used. coffee. Have always
been sickly -had heart trouble and
dyspepsia with ulcers in stomach
and mouth 'so bad, sometimes, I
was almost distracted and could
hardly eat a thing fora ;:week.
"I could not sleep :for .-nervous-
ness, and when'I would lie down at
night I'd belch up coffee and my
heart would trouble me. It was
like poison to me. ' I was thin—
only weighed 125 lbs., when I quit.
coffee and began to use Postern.
"From the first day that belching
and burning in my stomach stop-
ped. I could sleep as soundly as
anyone and, after the first month,
whenever T met any friends they
would ask me what was making me
so fleshy and looking so well.
"Sometimes, before I could an-
swer quick enough, one of the chil-
dren or my husband would say,
'Why, that is what Postum is doing
for her'—they were all so proud
and glad.
"When ;I recommended into any-
one I always tell them to follow
directions in: making•,Postum, as it
is not good to taste if weak, but
fine when it heli the 'flavor and rich
brown color." Name - given by
Canadian Postum: Co., Windsor,
Read, the little ,book, "Th:e:Road
to Wellville," in pkgs. "There's a
ever -read the above lettere A now one
appears :from time to time. They aro.
genuine, true, and. Y011 of Irtiman Interest
Vegetable Baitcry.
Cleaning and Gilding and Kid Gloves cleaned
These ean be sent by post, 1a per 00.
The beat place Is
x.31- - -11c,ol,f.si-ss
Proteot-- Preserve —Beautify
Samples and Booklets on Application
[8741 Bathurst Street. TORONy10
Every Pair Insured sen
pays sgainet breakage
Cords elide when you move. No
pulleys, no harness—lust comfort I
Certs* .t,m,ed "EEE" au teals .
at Dealers or
Dst ai for bOC.
o d
• s
Mothers having once used Baby's
Own Tablets for their little ones
will always be found using them as
long as there is a baby in the home.
The Tablets are acknowledgt.d by
thousands' of mothers as being
their best friend in keeping the lit-
tle ones well. Whether it be con-
stipation, colic, indigestion .or
worms; whether baby is suffering
from cold or has simple fever, or
whether his teething is difficult, the
Tablets are the one safe remedy
which will speedily cure him. They
are guaranteed by a government
analyst to contain not one particle
of harmful drug and may be given
with benefit to the new-born babe
or growing child.. Sold by medicine
dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
At the tender age of three, mas-
culine conceit had gripped that
small boy with a relentless clutch..
He had kissed a little girl of three,
and she was rubbing her lips vigor-
ously."You mustn't do that
again," said the boy's mother,
"She doesn't like it. Just see how
hard ehe is trying to rub your kiss
off." "Oh, no she ain't," said the
boy, "she's rubbin' it in."
Mlnard'S Liniment. Cures Carpet .In.Cows.
Far Better.
Miss Waflee—"George said 1 was
the best singer he ever :saw."
Mrs. Hitt—"Wouldn't you rather
be the best singer he ever heard?"
Cure For Consumption: Por oosslimp•
tion, weak lungs lingering coughs, laryli.
`itis and. bronchitis. Ramie and addresses'
or those only given a tew days tolive by
specialist and doctors, after taking. this
Cure aro olive and well will be sent on
request. Write Win. ah„tlopeland, 511 Pape
Ave., Toronto,- Ont.
Scientiststell us that there has
been discovered in the forests' of
India a strange plant which pos-
sesses in a very high degree astoa.'
ishing electric and magnetic pow-
er. The hand that breaks' a leaf
from it receives instantly a shock
equal to that which -is produced by
the conduetor of an inductive coils
At a distance of .six metres a mag-
netic needle. is 'affected by it. The
energy of this siingular force varies,
but in times of storms ills intensity
increases in striking proportion.
One never by any chance sees a
bird or an insect light on an electric
plant; nature seems to warn them
that they would find. their death.
Romantic Husband—Ah, how I'd
like to be back again on the old
Prosaic Wife—Huh ! But I notice
you had no desire to be back until
you knew the Harvest work was
A druggist 'can obtain an imitation of
MINAND'S. LINIMNNT. from a Toronto
house at a very low price, and . have it
labeled his ':own product.
This greasy imitation is the poorest one
we have vet seen of the many: that °very,
Toni, Muir and Harry has tried to intro-
Ask for MINARD'S and you will get it.
Neglected [Duty,
"She blushed for shame.”
Why l" •
"When someone questioned her
the ether night she had to adiiiit
that her children had kept her to
'busy she hadn't had time to read
the latest novel."
0 NTAR I 0 -- - FRUIT,
10 A.M.
10 10 P.M.
TORONTO, Nov. 12 to leth
SINGLE RAILWAY FARES From AH Points in Ontario
1 IIII111ihiii►iii1iii1itu1iiililiUiliitiili lj1 r '
(Number tie
tt at-
0 s`4e
Try it -test it --see fpr yourself —that "St. Lawrence'
Granulated" is as choice a sugar asmoney can buy.
Get a too pound bag—or even a so pound bag --and compare
"St. Lawrence" with any ether high-grade
granulated sugar.
Note the pure white color of "St. Lawrence" -its
uniform grain—its diamond -like sparkle—its match-
less sweetness. These are the signs of quality.
And Prof. Hersey's' analysis is the proof of purity
-"99 99/100 to loo% of pure cane sugar with no
impurities whatever". Insist on leaving "ST.
LAWRENCE GRANULATED" at your grocer's.
Should Have Good Light for Studying
A poor light strains the eyes,and the injurious effects may
last for life. .An oil lamp is best. The light from the Rayo
Lamp is soft and mellow. You can read or work under it
for hours without hurting your eyes:
The RAYO is constructed scientifically. It the
beat hung made—yet inexpensive and economics!.
trade ofsolid brass— nickel plated.
f p P9 ' Lighted without removing chimney or.
shade. Easy to clean and rewick. Made in various
styles and for all purposes.
Dealers Svorywhora
THE lifUlPER0 "L OIL. COMP NY, Limited
MOWTr; EAt.� � -
Thle elegant n0ore le Elle greatest money makled. and 0100,0roproviding mutat over offered and Yen can start
Inlibilay selling the anent candles to all your blonde. It le a Snot model of thehid ensh r dl L boating
dome naofl line
these Wtoe Bow
$10000 much and rings p every sale made. 11 In 00"t
nin kofilne °hoaot complete
e1 Dou� w1 ) .... rIatowithbanlaloolc and hays and 10 atvuresful preheat
hood, ButtereaoLah,- Loden. ' 1
gerd,enndyn,01',,l0011,0 , kt 1 - llur0 and little,: get this°aW, will
and You Will ho
atm, a0 of lovely gime Jae i 5,y . the envy f ally n Wend.. lye will div Ole yen Om,
and natal o dy trees, :the r, ,,, Y T •x I' pl ,eatt the able 0 cash taglObo and 11 tfyou alt
aem4 R! In anY bid :seedy y ' J'r a IC ng Der Wanda, d, 1,80 bottles ohmsd 0011al
toxo. ' .q% S II r. al int 1 ,e oortnmen E m ny ldo, ottani 'Chu, tome
WO Mao provide o. Ana / ix lav IY odore—tVhdo EOM, eatnatIOn Lily of the
counter with d were t or valley, nolietrore, Wood Violet endae k y club, put ap
niacin, ilia magnificent cot t ' �. , tt• le One ''bade bOrrden with beautiful gold floral Inhale,
candy goatee You non Cabove,G. , I axytrodyy utl it thin lovblYy Pattnmo a1 only SOC, a
complete with weights end .n•v.tx `y oIIV rpalehkahourpra
11 t[ tenteIl a sot of ,end and ad lira pont un today w t , tymr with'
metal nth a to nerve Lh , i� ,( tee
ndY with n stook et Bon %� IJ c 'II hen need rettirnm mit a tummy, only MIA, b1oath
1 C camploh�-nu needy atom exactly no lttuatr E d bis �y
f beetle, candy' end in T ,t,S pInter aulaL wltlba a tL y uAB30LUT:i'LY
fedi very busied.. of the 'e ' --i"} .r}'' lt�t h
moldy aWrohunC busied..
ltd 2„ eir1aREUe the Snothryour ilnlghLornoui'to'soE he
Than board Alelno, , {g;y, Wonderful Loto� .101(0, ,
Might nttink r nanam� and '"h' - NATIONAL PRODUCTS,. LIMITED''.
ataen nttinJ n ; 1 /E „. ASADA.'