HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-11-07, Page 67777 Clinton News -Record Novembet 7tk, 91.2 iristmas the time to plan for Chrismas as it eeks away, Do you realize it? PAPER you will want few rooms pa l'eyour• friends visit you _at so come along will give you ndid values sel- 1913 stogy>k. big stock of Shades and Poles to select FANCY WORK You can't do justice to any piece of fancy work in a few nights, why not come in and select your materials at .once and give yourself ample time to do good work Stamped Linens of all kinds also Cushions, Laundry Bags etc. Berlin Wools Fingering Yarn Eiderdowns etc LD.All sizes of Gold Fish in our new fresh stock ----Fish j food, globes and ornaments 1 One of the brightest depart- nients of our store is the China de partment, which has been re - All French, German, Austrian, English and goods direct from the makers. Sets—Diner Sets -Tea Sets -and l+aney, e of all kinds. caper & Ca., Cliutoo .rr PHONE No, 78 1Zt.ADv TCI WLu ouch & Co. illinery $3.98 put on sale Saturday 15 Ladies' trimmed hats. w this season and trimmed in our own work nd aro up to the minute as regards style. Theee' hats sold regularly at $7.00 and $7:50 Satur day $3.98. Come early for best choice, r' A COAT THAT'S DIFFERENT A woman who wants a fall coat that'sdiffer- ent from others would do well to come here and see what we haveto of- fer the fabrics are exclus- ive ` and you will not meet a dozen women 1 in the same style ; of coat. The illustration ane of the many good styles we are showing. ter you -intend to buy or not to buy, We spec ivite you to call and inspect our display. FURS OF QUALITY. -LINED JACKETS and SMALLER FURS. invite a careful inspection of all our furs. We have values that asily be equalled. Any customers, who choose: promptly will he satisfaction of getting the best. It is needless to look for a ion of our present variety later in the season. ` olmesvhe. . Mrs, "Jesse Snider of oderielt" was' the 'guest foraafew ,da'ys of the paat week of her daughter, Mrs, John Teh- butt; and firer son, Mr; . henry °3nid et. Previously she had been visiting in London and Clinton Mr. Thos. Elliott, who a few weeks ago met with saich a severe accident, is now getting elolrg uieely,. just as speedily' as .could be eXpect ed. But for all that it will he. at least,' a month: before he will be 'able to use his right arta at all 'freely. He is bearing his affliction, though, with groat good nature and says he' will make ep fpr the Met time tient season. Crlurt, Selwood a,to, S7; 0. O. P, . is in a progressive and thrrishing con- dition. , It on-dition.,It meets the second and last Friday of each month and 'fromr all reports ,a pleasant evening is spent by` the members at the regular meet- ings,- The members are now plan- ntngf foe an interesting and'. pro- gressive campaign to begin: shortly and at the last meeting arrange- ments were about' cgm!p.leted for their annual supper and entertain- ment to be held on Dec. 2nd. These annual gathering are always ' of a tt k pleasant e a nater and are looked tor- 1 ward to by the members though the regular meetings take on quite an entertaining character, carpet balls and other games being indulged in aitui: the routine business is disp.,sed i•f Miss It Goodwin and Miss Z. Er- win win are the guests .of the f rn er's sister, Mrs. McCormick, at the , par- sonage. There was no service in the Metho- dist church hero last Sunday morn- ing on account of Sacrament ser - vires being conducted at Bethel.. About eight t toc es of snow fell on Friday night last and many of rhe. orchard tre<s were broken with the weight of the still unpicked fruit and the snow. The farmers are hoping for fine weather so that the apples can be gathered: The poultry business is still boom- ing. Mr. Trewartba has been unable to get sufficient pluckers to keep up with the work. The number of chickens being received is a surprise even to him. Sometimes over a ton a day is expressed. Goderich Township The services ire St. fames' eller. h,, Middleton, neXt i ,relay d to On will be lakes by Rev. C. E. Deakins, rector of St, Paul's ,h.ir h, i Tinton, who on the few ocea does he i,as, preached there has been 'istened to with very evident oleasere. The following is the "'eport for 5. 5, No: 9 for the month of Octo- ber. The names of pupils aro in or- der of merit Jr. 5th class—Willard. Gray. Sr. 40—Hattie Ostrom, Roy Cott ncll, Sadie Cook. Jr. 4113—Emma Connell, Lola Htldie: Sr, 3rd—Edythe. Sterling, Irene Harrison, Tont Modic. 'Jr. 3rd—Winnifred 'Nelson, Earl Cooper, C'harlie Cooper, Bruce Grigg, Blanche Nelson, Jean Cook. Sr. 2nd—Reta Tiarrison, John Os- trom. • Jr. 2nd—Gladstone Grigg, Cecil Connell, Willie Sterling, I:Ifred Mudie. Sr, 1st -Wilbur Nelson, Ila Grigg, Jr. 1st—Charlie Harrison, Harold Connell. Honor Roll :—Wilbur Nelson, Emma Connell, Edythe Sterling,, 'Winnifred Nelson, Irene Harrison, Charlie Harrison, Willard Gray, Rete 'Har- rison. Edythe A. Peddle, Teacher. Summerhill. The Ladies' Guild met at the home Of Mrs. Robot. Watkins on Wednes- day. Mr. and 'Mrs: John Scarlett of Leadbury spent Sunday at Me. and Mrs. Geo. Tyner's. Mr. Geo, Hayes, had a very suc- cessful sale on Thursday and realized good prices for his stock. Mr, Fred Lawson of Toronto spent the . holiday at his hoine here, Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Millen of the 2nd cona were guests of Mr, and Mrs, 11. Govier. Mrs, W, J. McBrien and Miss Mary spent the holidays with Detroit fri- ends, Mrs. Forbes and Miss Hilda have been visiting Wiarton friends: Miss Jean Mate spent the holidays under the parental roof.' Mrs,. John Watkins and Miss 11'at-' kine of Clinton were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, R. J. Watkins Sun- day and Monday. Mrs. John Lindsay and Miss iielen Lindsay of London were visiting' Mrs, P. J. Lindsay, The Price Doubled. The difiiculty of obtaining -barrels has handicapped apple dealers around hare. There : are 'none made in Kin- Cardine now, Some years ago, there were several coopers here who made many har;rels,, but they have gone out of the. business:+ The National Fruit Co., secured some in Lucknow but not enough and their gangs are pick- ing the fruit and housing it until a supply of barrels can he had. No one else appears to be in the apple exporting business here, and much good fruit will go to waste. -Barrels cost 40 cents each. Not many years ago they sold for less than half that amount.—Kincardine Review. if'ECIAL. FOR THE CHILDREN :thy the tight thing to make into the right kind' of winter • children is often hard to obtain. We haye in stook cow coat' s that are hound to please. Special goods at Apeeial prices, Bioko 'Bean threshing in, now on .and the crop;.is' turning out well for this exceptionally wet 'seasons Halloween pasbod .over without any pranks being done, °Wing to the Baufleld' Mi. Janes Wallis, ()obi of 'din `:'most ' respected eitizenp; was obliged to `go to the hospital at301iintien ].ass'-, week' for -treatment for lafs:-oyes." ' A numberof our young people cel- ebrated the :5th of November' evening, by a dance and supper in the hall, M'r. Robert, Thompson, collector of taxes for doderic'h township, was iu the '.village on business on Monday. Mrs. Wertz' of Bon, `,Island, Alta., was the guest of her sister, Mrs. George C'opcland, last week. The evaporator isfell up with apples and there already being as much stock ' on hand as his stall can manufacture for the remainder of the season, Mr. Whiddon has been obliged to refuse to take any more. . Service in 13oly 'I'rinity church will be held at seven o'clock' each Sandal.' evening instead of at eleven a.m. for the winter months, which- it is hoped will be satisfactory. All are welcome' to the bright, cheerfdl services weekly. Varna Malcolm Keys, second son. of Mr. W. F TCevs, went over to .Clinton on Monday morning and is now tak- ing a course in the Business College there. Malcolm is industrious and painstaking and we have no doubt but that he will profit by the thor- ough training to be received at that institution. Mr, 3 r I c b Smite lilt has movedinto the House he has bought from Mr. W. F. Key's, who is now located in the Ward residence west of the vil- lage. Mr. John Seeley has taken the house vacated by Mr, Snaith. The Iltcthodist congregation will hold their annual- fowl supper on the evening of Monday, Dee 2nd, and are already preparing for it. This supper has theretofore been very successful and from present indica- tions this year's will be one of the best yet, For the entertainment fol- lowing the supper talent from. Clin- ton and Seaforth has been secured. Mark down the date, Monday, Dec. 2nd, so that no other function may interfere with this one. The members 0f Varna L.O.L, No. 1035, held their annual oyster sup- per on Tuesday evening, to which were invited their wives, sweet- hearts, and a number of friends. It need scarcely be added that it proved to he a Unost en.oyable 'affair. After the supper of juicy, appetizing oy- sters and many other good things provided by the good ladies, had been amply enjoyed, the gathering was called to order and a pleasing program gone through. District Mas- ter Win, Rathwell occupied the chair and performed the chitins pertaining to that position with much accep- tance. Past Grand Master G. B. Manley of the London Road, Rev. II. J. Condeli, rector of Holy Trin- ity church, Bayfield, Rev. E. John- ston,,,. pastor of the Presbyterian church, Varna, Reeve William Glen and Mr. Thomas Wylie of ,Stanley, the utter an old time member of No. 1035, a charter member in fact, each made interesting speeches. 'these were interspersed by violin selections by'the Messrs. Stephenson, Miss Stephenson accompanying on the piano, and several 'selections from Mr. Epps' gramophone, The gather- inging broke up in good time, each well pleased with the success of the Orange supper of 1,912. Stanley Township Mtg. W1 .' Glen returned' on Wednesday last from a visit o several days with her daughters and other relatives in Toronto. Ilir. John Macfarlane shipped one of his Shropshire lambs to an Al- goma purchaser: the other day. Need less to say the price was a sub stantial one. The township council met on Sat- urday and had a somewhat busy af- ternoon passing accounts for gravel, work on bridges and sundry other ex- penditures. It was also decided to again ask for tenders for the excava- tion of 30;,500 cubic yards of Stanley Big. Drain and taps leading thereto. Probably . one third of this is new work on' the taps, that is, the 'smal- ler- drains leading: to the big one; The latter is to be cleaned out. When the big drain was dug about twelve years ago it cost thirteen cents per yard but the engineer in his estim- ate- last ' spring put the new work down at seventeen cents per yard: But all tine tenders put in were above that, figure and it docs not now seem probable that they can be brought down to the engineer's estimate. Miss Maggie Clarke, who spent the holidays under the parental, roof, has returned to Berlin. Miss Pearl Duncan is spending a Pew weeks visiting friends in Meat!. ivary township. Misses Flossie , and Anna` May Stephenhon have returned home after spending a 'few days with friends at Wngiram, Mr,, and Mrs. Thos.. Muliard oP Stephen township visited friends in this vicinity 'recently. Mr, and Mrs. Win. Rathwell at- tended a reception held at : the home of Mr. Wm. Sherritt-, on Tuesday ev- ening in honor of theft daughter Al- berta, who was married to Itir. Herb Hariton of Stephen township or} Oct. 23rd. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr, Sutcliffe in London. Tho nanny friends wish Mr, and Mrs, Ilarlton a happy journey through life, Mt. and Mrs. Ewing of Wiarton were guests over the Thanksgiving holiday of the hatter's uncle, Mr., R. Elliott, 'Goshen Lino; Mr. Will. Elliott returned to Var= ;ity on Wednesday' accompanied' by his sister, Mrs, Gibson, Who will visit relatives in Toronto and 'Ham- 'ilton: Mr; lb. ClitiVat.d sister, Miss Mary, of the Bayfield Line were alsa `guests on Sunday at the home of Mt, R 101-: lora. Klppen Thos. 'Me0iymont atter spend- ing month among friends hete, ee turned to 'his' present'home lm Lon don. We 'ere 'pleased to 'note that his health is very' much. improved. Mr, Robert Meths ' for the last two or three months has 'been living with his, daughter, Mrs, I-ienty Ivison, and enjoying the associations of los old home. Healso left this., week or his home in Londonwith his daugh- ter, Mrs, (Rev,) A` McKibben. His many old friend in. this section fol- low trim with :their blessing and good. wishes, : Mr, and Mrs. II,. Alton of Belfast spent a' pleasant visit with friends here, Mrs, Alton is a sister of Mrs, .Johnston' and Mr. Alton, a brother of Mrs,. Robert :Stephenson of the Parr [inc.. Other Thankhgiving visitors were: Mrs, Crozier of London, who visited in the home of her brother, Mr. Jas, MoClymont, Mrs, Tait ' andlittle daughter,` Anna, of London -visited their fri- ends Mr. and Mrs. W. Fairbairn.. Miss Anna Dinsdate and Miss Ma- bel. Whiteman of Toronto visited in their homes here. : Mrs. Scarlett ofLondon visited in . i the home of hor sister, Mrs. W, A, Roes. Mr.. H. Whiteman and his fri- end, Mr. Mabee, of Toronto were al- so visitors here, • Mr. Reynolds and family are away spending a'well-carried holiday. Lahr Sunday the Presbyterians held very successful anniversary services, when the Itev. Mr. Grant of Ayr preached good sermons. The offerings were liberal and the music all that could be desired, furnished by the choir of the church. Almost the seine words would des- cribe the anniversary services in the Methodist, church a few Sundays ago with the single exception that the Rev. Mr. Woods of Brucefield was the minister who preached very able sermons. A large number of auction sales are being held by farmers this : fall. In a nuniher of cases the farm is also offered for sale. Mr. Jas. Gras - sick held a very successful clearing sale recently, horses and cattle brought good prices, all amounting to about $3000. MMlr. Wm. Fowler after trying farm- ing for a year has decided to return to Toronto. He Nought Mr. Wesley Ifarvey's farm last year and Mt. Harvey has now rented the faun for five years. Good crops of beans are being threshed these days, from 150 bush- els up to 300 bushels being common yields. At 52.50 to $3;00 a bushel this crop will give handsome re - teeth as the yield is from fifteen to twenty bushels per acre. Porter's 11111 The members and adherants of Bethney Presbyterian church enot at the home of Mr. John. Torrance on Friday evening last as a surprise party, the object being to express to Itis daughter, Miss Pricelia, their ap- preciation of her services as organist of the church and to make her a handsome present, A very pleasant evening was spent by all: SEND ORDER I;r TO -DAY ' THAT'S THE; • • ONE AND ONLY WAY YOE' CAN PROVE HOW FAR AHEAD • OF ALL .OTHERs THIS BREAD— MOTHER'S BREAD s -YOU'LL SAY IT'S, THE CRISPIEST CtWS'ftEST, AND 14IOST APPFTT XNC1, BREAD YOU'VI: EVER TAS EB. FOR FLAVOR AND QUALITY IT 'CANNOT BE SURPASSED. H. BARTLIFF PHONE 1 AND HAVE MOTHER'S BREAD DELIVERED TO YOUR HOUSE EVERY DAY. PRESENT SPEOIALS . ARE STOVES, RANGES, COAL HEATERS, WOOD HEATERS, AND COAL OIL HEATERS. ' We have a complete assortment of the celebrated Happy Thought Ranges, Pandora Ranges, Canada Steel Ranges, Welcome National, etc. all in the High Grade Class. The ones to depend upon for reliability and durability. We have also cheaper lines guaranteed to do good: -work, only not so heavy and of course not so durable, as low in price - as $28.00, with reservoir and high shelf. Owing to the success of our bargain sale of defective granrteware we have decided to continue a bargain table in all lines of overstock, odds and ends and defective goods, everythingnot right up to the mark will be put on Ibis table and marked in ain figures. This will enable customers to sometimes get what they want at a small cost. A ROOFING BARGAIN 6 only squares Amatite Reg 52.50 for 51,08 TO CLEAR OUT, 5 " " Mohawk 1.75 for 1.55 3 " Lone Star" 1,25 for 1.00 Roofing is complete with nails and cement. Harland Bros. Stoves, Hardware and Novelties 1 When You Need FURITURE CARPETS and CURTAINS Don't forget to inspect our large stock of up-to-date goods. New styles in Bedroom .Suites finished in Red Cedar, quar– tered Oak and Mahogany. White enamel beds. Sanitary mattress ankwire springs at low prices. Pictur- es framed while you wait. J.' H. CHELLEW, Blyth; Bring in your departmental store catalogue. We will meet their prices. .r..�.,. Ditching Machines Pay e read so much these days about flying machines that it will be a change at least' to read about some- thing me- t1,ing more earthly. 1Y Last Friday ns ration of ' there was a demo the t work of a ditching machine on the farm of Nein McDougall, Arran Tp, There were about 200 present and tor the facts of this paragraph we are in. dented to Henry .nkeninaun, once 0 manufacturer, but now a farmer, The price of a ditching machine is 52,700 and with the freight and duty the total cost 18 about 53,600. The demonstra- tion was under the auspices of the 0. I A. C. The power is provided by gas- oline and the machine will dig from two to six feet of a twe foot drain in a minute. The machine •will dig no deeper than six feet and it leaves the drain ,'early for the tile. The Ole for the demonstration was provided free by 'a Shallow Lake brick maker, and our own Samuel Wright. Mr. Aitken - mann is of the opinion that a man would make more out of a ditching machine by taking contracts than from a threshing machine. The farm- ers in the locality where the demon- stration was given are considering the purchase of a ditching machine. This W t has: sonnet• Neinparticularlye shown farmers te necessiy of hav- ing their farces thoroughly drained.- Enterprise, AN INVITATION To our many friends in Clinton and surrounding country is extended a cordial invitation to visit our furnished rooms. We e. show a complete furnished home. We are delighted to have people ask to go , through. You will see a furnished bed room. tt tr parlor:: " dining room. hall. library. t, rt music room. Where we demonstrate the Edison phonograph and Victor -Niacin, bring your" friends with you and as often as you wish. The invitation is extended to every ono. We will not 'ask you to' buy but every - meet any competition. The Store of Quality, Phone 28 W. Waiker Furniture. Dealer and Undertaker Residence Phone 140 Winning Pair TWO BEST NEWSPAPERS FOR THE PEOPLE IN THIS 'DISTRICT. BE ,SURE TO INCILUDE;, IN YOUR ORDER, e a plentiful supply of our package goods. They will not, spoil, and you'll find then mighty handy, to have in the house. ORDER YOUR. GROCERIES IN .PERSON if convenient, A visit here means becoming; acquainted with many a table dainty you would otherwise ,miss, The News -Record and The Weekly Mail and Empire THE TWO TOGETHER From Now Till January let. 1913, for $ ,25 From Now Till January' 1st; 1914, for $1.75 Take Early Advantage of this Liberal:Offer and Get the Greatest Value For the LEAST MONEY,' Send or Bring All Orders to Office of This Paper. . S. BARR The Nems Record to any Dealers la J ,- address in Canada to Jan. GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FOR,- � � h+"+" TIO P I ETON AND. bOM S 1"RTJ TS, - ETU. I lst 1914 for 100