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Smart styles mark the change of 'Season•
• The
Standard Fashion Sheet
will interest every up-to-date woman
er COPY FREE at nut' Pattern Counter
Often Cheapest – Always the Best
Mrs. Win. Wheatley and daughter
were in Toronto this week.
Mrs. J. S. Evan's was a guest over
the holiday of Detroit friends.
President Craig of the Clinton Mot-
or Company is in Toronto on bus-
iness this week.
Mrs, W. D. Fair was in St. Thomas
this week visiting Mrs. Overbury,
who has been 111.
Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Johnson spent
the week -end in Toronto with their
son, Mr. Harold Johnson.
Mr. Gordon McGregor, accountant of
the Royal Bank spent the holiday
at his home in Owen Sound.
Mrs. Wm, Taylor and Mrs. P. Can-
telon spent a few days the past
week with relatives at Walkerton.
Ir. N. Werrett of the Molsoes
Bank staff spent Saturday to Mon-
day evening at his home in Sim-
Mr. and Mrs. (1, M. Yates and fam-
ily returned Monday evening from
a few clays visit with lAsidywel re-
Mr. A. .McKown was the guest of
his daughters, Mrs. Doulre and Mrs.
1): L. MrIntrye, Tororem, from
Friday until Monday evening.
Capt. Weeks, Torcinto, of the Sal-
vation Army's Inimigrat:on De-
partment, was in town over Sun-
day and assisted the local corps.
Mies Etta Wingefelder and ktiSs Lil-
lie NOCIallion of the ^ teachers -in -
training, spent a few days of the
past week at their homes at Ros-
tock and Stratford, respectively.
Dr. Woods of Bayfield, one of the
county coroners, was in town on
Tuesday calling upon a number of
person41 friends !who are always
exceedingly glad to welcome him.
Mr, D. H. Fulton of New York City
has joined the office staff of the
Knitting- Company .as accoun-
tant and systematizer. This
will relieve Mr. H. W, Brown
of a great deal or detail and per-
mit him to devote more of _his
time to the selling end of the bus -
IVIr. Walter Cole of Seaforth, former-
ly of Cbinton, has been in the west,
the post season as superintendent
of sales for the Bell Vngine Com-
pany. Ile returns east this week
for his anneal deer -hunting expedi-
tion but expects to go back to the
west shortly, aceoinmanied by his
" family. They purpose locating at
Mr. A. J. Cooper of Godetich was in
Clinton Monday paying on: ot his
occasional visits to the old town
where he spent several happy years
after coining out from the Emerald
Isle. Mr. Cooper dearly loves
his native land and has sweet re-
collections of his boyhood days
there, yet he ,thinks more of Can-
ada and has reason to do 50 for
he has prospered here and is now
looked upon as one of the well-to-
do citizens of the county town.
Councillor Moore of Reynold was in
town Tuesday having come over to
attend a meeting of ,the beekeeper:Is'
association., Bee -keeping with Mr.
Moore is a matter of both pleasure
and profit, the latter becamse it is
a source of considerable income. The
worthy emincillior knews a thing or
two and more too about bees and'
when you get him a going his eon-
' versation is decidedly interesting.
Bee -keeping has apparently been, a
continued study and while he
knows much about the little honey -
makers he achnits that he is con-
stantly adding to his stock of
knowledge. Chief Wheatley listen-
ed to Mr.:1Moore's talk with' a very
. evident pleasure and finally the two
wended their way over to Mro
•'DOdri's • apriary -where , their
,ways,"ete,,, were dismigsed ,"to the'
e'vrplesion of eVerltbiag, else; As
one result of it all Chief
Is more thee Stalk convinced that
he wotiild like to Joe s. bos-kesper
.4iSg.' Hill'. of Stift
was at her: hohan 111 Gelt over tlio
Mr, ,10/111 Slitter vieited ,Stratford
and Listowel ,oVer the 1,v:colt-Cad and
Mr. John Rannhall visited his borne
in •te4,11 from FT:iday OVPIling !lu-
ta Monday.
Mr. John Watrener, who spent
past few months in town, returned
to Sarnia on Tuesday. ,
Mr, Jack' blICCalighey oi the: Union
Bank staff, Goderich spent the hol-
' iday at his home in town,
Mr, Art:hue Bean, a medical student
at the Toronto, 'University, visited
his mother ver the week -end.
Mr, and Mrso James Morris of Tor-
onto were guests over the holiday
of Mr. and Mrs. James Twitchell.
Mrs, Andre* Porter and little Mies
Harriet wore •Thanksgiving guegts
• at her lather's , Mr. Fred, Rum -
ball's,. -
1VIrs. Galloway and littje daughter
Gladys of Woodstock were the
guests of •IVIr and Mrs. Cr. D. R01-
erton over the holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. J, J. Clayton and Mrs.
J. J. McCaughey •of the Commer-
cial returned Tuesday after' spend-
ing a few days in Toronto,..
Miss Eva Hessian, after a‘visit with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Thos,
Hessian, Huron street, lett on Mon -
clay for Pittsburg, Penna,
Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Atkinson of Ex-
eter' were guests at the 'home of
the former's brother, Mr. and IVIrs.
Atkinson of town, on Thanksgiving.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Pridham, who
have been visiting 'friends in town,
are now visiting in Goderinli before
returning to their home in Toron-
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Woody spent a
few days of the past week with
London friends. Mr. Woody is the
Knitting Company's expert mach-
Rev, C. E. Joakins was in Chatham,
Monday and Tuesday attending a
Sunday school conference and A. Y.
P. A. convention, at which he was
one of the speakers, i
Mr. 1,en Cantclon spent Sunday at
Ws home in town. Len is just be.
,ing transferred from Toronto to
the New castle branch of the Roy-
al Bank, where ho will have the
position of accountant.
Dr. Fowler has gone up ,to the North
country on his annual deer hunt-
ing expedition,. This is the, Dr's one
holiday of the year which be not
only eremys thoroughly but al-
ways brings back a good share of
Mrs. Lucas and her three sons, Mersal
srs. Eugene, George and Fred, of
Markdale visited Mr, and Mrs, J,
E. Hovey over the holiday season
Fred, who attended the C. I. here
for some time, is now a student at
Mr: James T. Sibley of London,
England, son hi Mr. and Mrs. B.
P. Sibley formerly of Clinton, was
in town a few (lays last -Week, Mr:
Sibley is representing' 0 firm in
London manufacturing perforated
music for playor pianos and while
in town did some business with the
Dolled y Piano Campany. His (Inn
has a branch in New York and are
establishing one in Toronto and it
was in connection with this busi-
ness that Mr: Sibley was on this
side the Atlantic.
Mr, W. E. Newman, Ridgetown,
known somewhat as the "Bean
King" of Canada, was in town
Monday and had a look over the
crop in the vicinity. Ile was well
satisfied with the yield and said
the quality too is good considering.
A for the price, while it will
yield the grower a nice profit it
would be better still were it not
for importations from ,Austria,
California. aril other countries,
which, notwithstanding the long
haul and the duty, compete with
the Canadian grown bean and re-
duce the price to the grower. Ap-
parently reciprocity would have hit
the bean growers of Huron Road in
a way they would not have apprec-
Coming Plays.
Tonight Perry's Peerless Players in
'"Phe Princess of Patelies.'' Don't
fail to sec this company in a great
Perry's Peerless Players will open
tonight in the "Princess of Patches"
a great Royalty play. See Hanel
Corinne, a charming soubrette., while
Dan Malloy will keep you in roars
of laughter. Vaudeville given be-,
tween each act with a free band con-
cert froth 7:30. to 8 p. di. in front of
the town hall. Don't miss the great-
est ehow that over played in this
county,. Prices, 50c, 35c. 25c, • Free
Band Concert 'tonight in front of the
Town hall. '
Mr. Geo. R. Guy who is known
to the Atnerican public as the King
of Ministrelsy will present , Guy
'Brothers Greedier Minstrels at the
Clinton Opera liouse next Wednesday
November 6th. This season Mr.
Guy is carrying thirty-flve people and
the litest coenpany over had by him
and by the variottis Frees reports it
certainly must be correct as the
• show is playing to capacity business
everyveltere. It ie the 38th year for
Guy Brothers on the noad and that
record is hard to heat. Every mern-
ber of the eerapeoey 15 tike very West
money could satiate. and no time. or
pains were aliened to melte the show
SI, to its former sdioncliard. Tke cele-
brated Silver Band will he carried
and parade . at noon. 011 , main
skeet. They wsibt also give a free
elven ait chateesv• tk et tho Thea-
tre at 7:26 le. M. Sieure Yoar Re-
served, seat ,8ike11 epvy St 18,
Fa'e store. ronn•eve, 35e, and 56c.
• '
• 9
a les
a1t Suits and LOresse
We are showing a large range of new fall suits .and dresses for
ladies' and misses of the very newest Stylesin plain cloths.
Colors—navy, black, brown, green- and grey. Also fancy
tweeds the.t are right op to the raintite and well worth investi-
gating. Priced from $15.00'up.
• ,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,
New Novelties in
Ladies' Lace Neckwear
Just now our stock of novelties in lace neckwear for collars
attached and lapel wear, the very newest in assories, values
that will surprise you at 50c up.
New Fall Rugs
And Carpets
Our stock of floor coverings such as mat, hall runners, rugs,
carpets, mattingS, oilcloths and linoleums is most complete.
We specialize in Axminster, Milton and velvet rugs of good
quality and also carry a large range of tapestry and Brussels
in all sizes from frora $8,50 up.
The News From Lonclesboro
The regular meeting of the Wo-
men's Institute will be held an Thurs-
day afternoon in the Foresters' hall
when Dr. Allison will have charge of
the progra,m. All ladies are cordial-
ly invited members or not.
Miss R. L. Young of Brantford
spent Thanksgiving at her home here.
Messrs, Chas. Govier and Bert
Brensclon of Port Colborne were home
far a few days this week.
Misses 11. Lyon and E. Mains spent
the holiday season at their homes
here. •
Miss Edna Lyon, who is attending
Stratford Normal school, was house
Over the holiday.
Mr. W. B. Allan, Mr. Doer and Mr.
and hirs. W. B. Crisp of London
were guests at 1116 home of Mr, J.
L. Allin for a few days this week.
The Misses R,eeb 01 Port Colborne
visited at the manse over Thanksgiv-
Mr. and Mrs. F. Johnston and
blaster Harold spent Thanksgiving
with Toronto 'friends.
Rev. A. E. Jones and family were
guests at the parsonage for a few'
days this week,
Miss Coonibs of Listowel was home
over the holiday,
51e, and Mts. W. L. Merritt of Lon-
don spent Sunday with Mrs. Coombs.
Mr. R. Gibbs of Seaforth came up
for the fowl supper on Monday even-
The anniversary services in con-
nection with the Methodist church
were held Sunday and Monday and
were verY largely attended: Rev. W.
Millson of Stratford was the preach-
er of the day and preached two el-
oquent and inspiring sermons. In the
evening the church was filled to cap-
acity. On Monday evening the an-
nual fowl supper was served in the
basement of the churn followed by
an excellent program. 'Pim supper
was all that could be desired both as
to quality and quantity and Was
much enjoyed The program con-
sieted of addresses by Rev. A.
E. Jones of Belmore, Rev, R. A.
Miller of Auburn,,Rev, W. ID. Mill -
'son of Strattontand Rev. W. T.
Pearcy, pastor of 'Knox church, Lon-
desboro, musical numbers by the Mis-
ses and Messrs. Lobb, readings by
Miss May Rance of Clinton and Solos
by Rev. Millson. The entire proceeds
of the anniversary Services and sup-
per' amounted to about $315.
H ullett Happenings
Mr Clifford 1:'reeman of Seaforth
spent from Saturday till Wednesday
with frierels in this vicinity.
Mr, John Flynn was in Stratford
over the holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Craig of
Morris are spending a week with
Mrs, 141„ Hesselwood, Mrs. Craig's
'Mr,. James Rapson, who has been
suffering from an attack of blood
poisoning has not been improving as
fast as his friends would like to
see. •
man and the Misses Williams of Sea -
forth motored up and spent Sunday
with friends in this vicinity:
'Mr, Dodds Holloway of Kincardine
Sundayed in 'this township.
Mr, Thos. and Misses Loretto and
Failala Flynn were the guests of Mr,
Idegh Flynn of IVIcKillop over the
Mrs. Snell who had the misfortune
to break one of her ribs a few days
ago, is improving.
Mr, Chas, Clarke, Miss Alma Free -
Mr. Joseph Shanahan was home
for a few days this week,
The following is the report of S.
S. No, 2, Ihtliett for October :
Sr, 4th—Norman Tyndall ((5 per
cent„ Mabel Lockwood fie, Mattie
Biggen 57.
' Sr, ard---Gracie Gliyidon 78,
Jr. 3rd—Clillord Tyndall 68, Ger-
trude 13ayley 56, Bernard Reynolds
Sr. 2nd --Alma • Bale 80, lelyrtle
Hunter 74, Louise 1-lale 66, Valid;
Gliddon 61, Chester Gliddon 58.
Jr. 2nd—Marjorje Glew 82, • ,Annie
Shobbrook • 78, Harold Glow 7'J,
Eddie Dale 66, Willie Van Egmond
5(3, Bessie Lockwood 45.
M. 11: Brown, Teacher.
Mr. James Sutherland of Brucefield
is very 111 with appendicitis. • His
mother, Mes. D. Sutherland, is Mir -
sing him,
lefisees Evelyn and Stella Clarke
spent the holiday time. with their
souse, Mies Pearl • rapinean ol
tra threy
Miss Vera Colclough spent Thanks-
giving with her aunt at London,
Mr,' and Mrs: Wm. Lindsay of
Florence were the guests of Wends
here over the nOliday,
Mr, ,and Mrs, ,Verms of Hensel] vis-
ited the lady's grandmother, M178.
Hamlet Cooper,' on Sunday.
NOW is the time to
b u y your winter
supply when stocks
are complete, We are
showing the rnost'com-
plete range of hats,
caps, ready - to - wear
clothing, g o 1 f coats,
sweaters and novelties
in neckwear it has ev-
er been our pleasure to
E have just receiv-
ed a new shipment
of boy's clothing and
overcoats in the very
newest styles. 0 a 1 1
and see them as often
as you please.
^ Snrweemeannenemeoureremanweemesonne