HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-10-31, Page 5Bl th
e9, '
Mrs• " W IQ; •, Vatson and Mrs, Jas,
t'e were the guests •of : M1
,(Rev,)'Smal1 tit. Hespeler recently;
Mr.; Hugh Campbell, and, bride of
Ilaltoe County,' were the guests: of.
":Posttiiaster Shins and other friends
tin this locality;'
M. Waltar Freeman, '' of Toronto,
-,.n. expert 'telephone lineman, was: in
- :town last weekand looked over the
plant .of the Blyth Rural 'Telephone
Me, •arid Mrs. R, 13. Carter, . who
have been visitinghere for some
time, left for a short visit with the
'latter's brother, Dr. Whitely, at
"Corrie, 'and from there they will leave
for Assinitioia,.''Sasl..,•,where he will
engage in the drug business.
The W. F. M. S. of St: ' Andrew's
-church; held its annualmeeting in
'the' basement of the church Friday
:.afternoon. Mrs. (Rev.) Turner gave
-an address on Mission work. Mrs. N.
(honing gave a• Bible reading and
Mrs.. John McMillan and Mrs• A. Tay-,
:ler furnished tc music. sic. The' elec
•n u
tion of officers resulted is, follows :
President,, Mrs, A. (McKellar ; :'1st
Vice President, Mrs',- Curtisy 2nd
Tice President, Mrs: (Rev.) Turner ;
Secretary, ,Miss Hood ; Assistant
Secretary, Mrs. (Dr.) Milne ; Treas-
'arrer, Mrs. Stothcrs. The collections
amounted to $35.00.
Anniversary services in connection
with St. Andrew's' church will be held
on November 10th. Rev, Mr. J bra -
:ham of Guelph will be the preacher.
The' News -Record to Jan. 1913 150.
Mr. J. 14. Carruth of town has
been passing through severe bereave-
•ment recently losing both Lather and
mother, who were former residents of
Wingbani. On October 90, his 1ath-
•er, Mr. John Carruth, died aged 72,
and one week later, on the 16th, his
mother passed away, aged 71. They
resided in Winghain for many years,
but recently lived in West Toronto.
Three sons are left J„ H. of Wing-
hani, W. J. and R. S. of Toronto,
also two daughters, Miss Beatrice at
"home, and Mrs. (Dr.) Hackett of
Code `rich
Dr,. and Mrs. WHttely 'announce'
the •engagement of• their daughter
Vera to Alexander Jaares Mac)<ioi zie,
of.. Toronto. .The: marriage - Is' to
take place 'the Iatter part of
An extremely' pretty wedding; took
place on October 15111, at • the .resi'd-
enee;al the Bride's parents, .Mr,and
Mrs. John Beckett, Owen Sound,
when the marriage of their daughter,
Edna Olive,'' to Percy L. Tye, M.
D , 'of Milverton„ elder son of Mrs,
W.3). Tye,; of. O'otlerich, was' cele-
breted. Rev. Mr, Rodger, perforin -
ed ;he ceremony,:. Do. and Mrs, Tye
will reside at Milverton.
Mies. Henrietta Ellis, mother of
Chas W. Ellis, of town, died last
Thursday. The deceased • was a re-
sident 'of •London, and was in •the'
hospital there for some Adrdi3 before
coming to Goderich a few > weeks
ago. The remains were taken , to
London for interment.
Port Albert
W; Brown and his gang are at the
cement veneer' on Charlie Crawford's
Dew• residence at present.
Your scribe picked some ripe rasp-
berries int his garden. on two days this
week which were somewhat late in
the year, and on Tliursday of last
week lie found his goose hatching at
the river side on seven eggs. Who
can beat this.
Mrs: Harry Hayden spent Thanks-
giving with her sister in St. Thom-
Mr. and • Mrs. .Win. Grey spent
Thanksgiving with his mother in
Mr. John Schoonhals is visiting
his parents at Berlin.
Mrs: James Hayden and Mrs. John
Tigai:t spent Thanksgiving with
Rev. and Miss. Trios. Hicks at May-
ville, near hamburg.
The News -Record to Jan. 1913 1.5c,
On 11londay last; while trigging
near W. F. VanStone's to
lind sewer connection, Mr. VanAl-
styne was badly squeezed by the
earth caving in, nearly burying him
beneath its weight. help was ob-
tained, and he was dug out, but will
feel the soreness for some days.
Provincial Constable Phippen has
received a number of singing birds
direct rots Germany. In the ship-
ment were warbles and rollers. Mr,
Phippen now has one of the best col-
lection of singers to be found in
Western Ontatio.
Miss Imlay, who was acting
superintendent of the hospital during
the summer, has recovered from her
'recent illnees, and was able to re-
-turn to her home.
Mr, Robt, Thompson, of West Wa-
•vvanosh leas a goose that is doing
double duty this year. The goose
laid fourteen eggs in the spring and
raised her young and is now busy
?laying again. •
The many friend's of Mr. Win, Nay-
lor, who was operated upon at the
hospital last week, will be pleased
to 'learn that his corrlition is favor-
-able, and that he is doing as well
as can be expected.
Last week Mr. Win: Maxwell sold
his ferpn on the Bluevale Road to
Mr. Miller Procter, of the 3rd' line
of Morris. The farms contains 150
;acres. Mr. Maxwell will give pos-
session next March, Mr. Fred Har-
die, of Culross has leased his faros'
for a terns of' years to Mr, Samuel
Burchill of East Wawanosh, who will
get possession next March. There
seems to -have been a sort of selling
fever among the directors of the
Turnberry"Agricultural Society. In
addition to the above two gentle-
men, Who are directors, Messrs, J:
'A. Brandon and Geo. T. Robertson,
who recently sold their farms, were
also directors of the Society,
Judge Doyle held Voters' list
. Court on Friday. There were 225
appeals, the local option contest be-
ing responsible for the large number
of appeals.
]lits. 1. V. Feare has sold her lov-
ely home "Earnsclifle" to Mr. Gout-
tes. Mrs. Feare and Miss ,Helen, in-
tend leaving for Calgary.
The auto family is growing rapidly.
in tiown. There arc now 20 cars
owned and used in Seaforth. where-
as ,.two years ago there were only
'two or three. The 'owners of autos
are as follows ; Robert Bell, " W. B.
Cole, Dr. Ross, Dr. Burrows, ' Dr.
Mackay, Mrs, I, V. Feare, Mr. Out -
hill, John Turner, D. McDonald,- R:
S. Hays, Charles Clarlc, George T.
Turnbull, :Turnbull d; Mclntosh, F.
Kling,' Oscar Neil, A. 14. Forbes, E.
Sperling, James Archibald, W. T,
Box alid John Dodds. Who will 'be
next ?
On Monday, the employees of the
Furniture Factory called at "hill
Side," . Egmondvflle, and presented:
Mr. and Mrs, L. 1J. Bristow with a
purse, of gold. Mr... Bristow was
married to Miss Lulu Vansiolile re-
Arthur . Reid,. who has ' to come
home from the West on account of
'nervous trouble,' is feeling' and look
ing real well'again. Complete rest •
and Seaforth's'healthy climate did
'the trick- Arthur will soon Leave for
Sherbrooke, Que., where a position'
awaits him.
Mr. and Mrs. ,John Goveniock and
slaughter, ;Miss Harkin, of Edmonton,-
.are visiting et the home of Mr. J.
1 Govenlock, Norah Main ' street.`
Mr.and Mrs. Govenlo
k have .been
having 'an extended trip,,.v> sting,
England, Ireland Scotland and the.
Southern States,- They intend re-
'niainiug in, Seaforth'' for' a week or
the Reeveship.
'uckersmitb Tovyaship...:'
Mi, and: Mrs,", b ostler 0t;1?etr00;
are t110 ,gljeSts of 1VIt G Crich,
Misses 'Reba Woods, and' Ruth.
'Switzer, teechers-fn-training at . the.
C(1Kiitton Mojdel school, spent the week -,end. and the hplida' at the .'lornner''
parental home, that of Mrs;: George''
Woods of-:Seaforth.'.'.
McSsrs. J: and Wilbert 'Crich` have
invested in Homesteads in Neiv 'On
tarso and' intend locating there.
Mr, and Mrs, Chas, Layton of,
Seafortii visited 'Mr. Fred Pepper
tat3U ,wet:»„
From The News -Record o9
Oct, 2Sth, 1896. •
Clinton- Oct. 28th 11896'
Mi. Te ;J'ackson, Jr., was in Tor-
onto this .week.
Mrs, 'F, W. Watts has returned
from a pleasant visit in Chicago.
Hattie Holloway left on Monday to
visit Dr. and Mrs. McNally of Tara.
Dr. McKay and his mother of Sea -
forth were last Sunday the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. lack Kennedy,
Mrs. Lough, Miss J. Dowzer and
Mrs, II. Ross are to represent Wil-
lis Sunday school at the Provincial
convention at London.
Mrs,, (1)r.) McNally of 'Tara spent
several days visiting in town, re-
turning home on Monday.
D. Cantelon shipped a car of hogs
to Collingwood yesterday.,, the aver-
age price paid was $3.45.
new plate front has been placed
in Cooper's Block for Mr. P. 13.
Crews, who will be all ready for
business in a weer: or so.
Willis church Y. P. A. has elected
the following officers : Iron. president
Rev. A. Stewart ; president, Miss J.
Wilson ; vice, Mr. T. Lindsay; sec-
retary, Miss N. Clark ; treasurer,
Miss L. Lindsay.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Jackson and IVIr.
A. T. C'ooper returned last week
from the annual meeting of the Can-
adian Ticket Sellers' Association in
St. John, N. 13.
Messrs., Ed. Cantelon, Ilorace
Jackson and Chas. Dowzer left on
Friday for the wilds of Muskoka,
where they expect to bag all the
game the law allows.
Hohncsville, Oct. 28th, 1806:
Mr. P. W. Scott,
It is understood that Mr, P. W.
Scott will be a candidate for the
reeveship of East Wawenosh at the
coming election. He is a man of
ability and 'having had much munic-
mniaipal experience, including five years
in the council, he is now entitled to
the reeveship. He' would do justice
to the position.
CiLARIC-GINTTI`iTlR-In ` )ashwood,
on, :Oet. 23rd by Rev, Then,
crank CharJr.of ThatneS•Read "to
Bertha, Glut -trier: of Dashwood.
sons;, Alta., on October 2nd, Lew-
ellyn Sylvester Jones of Medicine
Hat to Edna Earle, youngest
slaughter of M5. and Mes. W. "Ii..
Watson, Morris townslii,p, Ont.
'JOHNSTON-4n Morris,' Oct, • 22nd„
Mr. and Mrs:' Silas: Johnston, 'a
Grey Township
The township council meets on
Monday, November, 4th.
We are sorry to, hear that David
Davidson, formerly of `rbc llth con.,
is laid up with typhoid lever, at the
Red Deer hospital in the west. Ile
is now progressing favorably we are
glad to state and will soon be able
to he about we hope
The school in S. S No,. .1 had been
closed for a week owing to the
teacher, Miss Pearl Backer, being on
the sick list.
1VIr, James Jackson of Clinton was
calling on old friends in this town-
ship last week, He came to attend
the funeral of his sister-in-law. Mrs.
Irwin ,Jackson'of Arthur i who was
buried on 'Thursday aftctmoon.
On. Tuesday Mrs, George- Speiran
underwent a successful operation at
Guelph hospital, 1' js'expected
that she will be able to :rettira
home in abouttwo weeks. "
'The. News -Record to Jan. 19.13 15c.
RITCHIE-In Grey township, on
October 21st, to Mr.': and Mrs.
John Ritchie, a son.
TREIBNER-In • Exeter on Oct.
2055, • to Mr. and Mrs, John
Treihnor, a son.
CORNISH - In. Exeter, on Oet.
17th, to Mr, and Mrs Fred Corn-
ish a daughter.
ROWCLI'FFE-in Usborne, on Oct-
ober 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. Witt.
Rowcliffe, a sod;
FIOLT-At Grand Bend on October
15th to Mr. and Mrs. Roy I-Iolt,
a. datiglrter,
C'ORN'ETT-In Calgary, Alta., on
October '15th, to' Mr. and Mrs.
1 Milton Cornett, .(nee Miss Ida.
Bone, Wingham), a son.
STEWART-At Blyth Boundary on
October 19th, James Stewart,
aged 89 years, 5 months and 19
FULTON.-In Brussels, on October
21st, James 'Fulton, aged 81
years, 7 months and 11 days.
BEATY.-In Goderich; oto October 18
Mrs, Thos. Beaty, aged 63 years.
ELLIS-At ' Goderich., on October
23rd, Henrietta Ellis, mother of
W. Js'llfs.
Mr: H. Williams of Toronto has
been paying a flying visit to his
sister, Mrs. O. W. Andrews.
The Misses Smith and Dayntent of
Clinton spent Sunday in the village.
Mr, .2. W. Lowery of Summerhill
preached in the Methodist church on
Sunday morning:
God's Way of Salvation'.
Do Yon Know' That You Are Lost
The Plrilippian Jailor knew that he
was lost, else he would not have
asked the all-important . question
"What must I. do to be saved 1"
(A.cts xvi. 30„ 31.)
1Iave you ever really seen yourself
to he a lost sinner ? Do you say,
"0f course we are sinners" 7 That
is' very true ; but some are sinners
saved by grace journeying to heaven,
whilst others are lost, hastening 'as
fast as time can carry then. to un-
ending misery.
The great question is, Are you sav-
ed or lost 7 Face the _question fair-
ly. Were you called',4o meet God at
this : moment, are you prepared ?
"Thou art of purer eyes than to be-
hold evil, and canst not look on in-
iquity" (11ab, 1. 13), ''Righteous-
ness and judgment are the habita-
tion.of Iiis throne" (Psa. xcvii. 2.),
If unsaved, unconverted, umforgiven,
listen to the Word of Jehovah
"The soul that sisrneth, it shall die"
(lszek. krill, 4) "The wicked shall
be turned into IIell, and all the na-
tions that Forget God" (Psa, ix- 17,
Rev. 20-:15) If you know that you are
lost, there ris One both able and wil-
ling to save you. Isis mission to
this world was t0 "Seth and to
'that tv.hiolwas lost (Luke ixix. 10)
Take' the lost sinner's ' place, claim,
the lost -sinners aSa\iou1,and salve -
lion will be 'Vans: ' •
, (To Be "Continued)'
C'ONSTA'N1i14. •
Mr. Edward 18011 is drilling a well
this week for Mr. Howard Arm-
The News -Record to Jan.
Smart boy at Duca,-W, T, CC'Noi1;
FOR SALE -ONE :41'001) 3'1'0VT9
and one medium size noel heater. -
Doig, Marble` Dealer. ' -52;
Street Church are serving a Hal-
lowe'en supper in the school room
from 5.30 to 8 o:clock this,
('Thursday) evening, A good pro-
gram consisting' of choruses, solos,
instrumental numbers, addresses by
the resident clergymen, etc. will
follow. Admission 25c and 15c.
ly new, Due wardrobe and 115 Rock
prvllets. .Apply to News -Record.
field Agricultural Fair will receive
their prizes by calling on the Sec-
retary, F, A. 'Edwards, on or alter
November: the 15t1): 51-2
Farmers in this district arc of-
fered, the chance of staking their
needs for help next spring known all
over the United Kingdoiu, through
The British News of Canada,
which is an Ontario • newspap-
er circulating among the emigrating
classes each week.The Editor is
Mr. Arthur Jiawkes, whose special
Report on Immigration to the Dom-
inion Government has been so well
received on both sides of the Atlan-
tic and whose knowledge of immig-
ration conditions is unique. One of
the troubles of getting help (farm)
from the 010 Country has been that
the farmer has to pick up in the
spring the best he can and often has
to go to Toronto an added expense.
The inefficiency of much of it is pro
verb;ial. '1'iat good Old 'Country help
is first class we know and we are glad
to be able to ' put our farmers in
the way of getting men whose char-
acters are vouched for in the dis-
tricts from which they come. Farm-
ers are invited to write direct
to The British News of ' Can-
ada, 32 Church St. Toronto, to
make their wants known. If a re-
quisition for twenty to fifty men
can-. be made up from this district
the chances are tltr''. zih} fainters w3,11
get what is required.
in a few weeks Parliament will
meet, and subscribers will be < read-
ing the Parliamentary reports. Would
it not he interesting to know the
faces of each of the Cabinet Minis-
ters 7' The News -Record has at -
ranged with The 'Torbnto Daily News
to take yearly subscriptions for both
papers for 12,10. Upon, receipt, of
this amount a splendid picture of
the B'er:den Cabinet will be sent you
post paid. Send on your subscrip-
tion at once to The News -Record.
there is room, We are still ":bltty
ing and will" continue to - do so as
long as there 49steels to 'buy -
Town Si Caec, i'he, Evaporator.
colt, 2 fat' heifers two years old,
3 spring calves, 1 Cookshutt sulky
piov nearly new, I lumber wagon,
low down with hay 'rack; Clover.
Leaf Manure' spreader. -Levi Prick,
Clinton P,0, -47
buy. One centrally located and
with not less ,than four bedrooms.
Purchase price not higher than
$900. Apply to Ms. Jas. Butler,
Albert St., North, Clinton P. 0.
-The annual meeting of The':Clinton
Horticultural Society will be held
in the Council Chamber on Tuesday
Nov. 5th at 8 P.M. All members
.are requested to be present. -M. D.
McTaggart, President, -53-2.
street. For particulars apply to
Mrs. James Tuoker, Clinton. -40
Second class certificate for S. S.
No. 5, Goderich township (Porter's
Hill) Duties to commence in Jan-
uary next, -Apply stating qualifi-
cations and salary expected, to
John Torrance, Secretary. Porter's
Hill P. O. -54-1.
cupful by James Steep, produee
dealer. -Apply to J. 0. Elliott or
R. E. Manning, Clinton. -37
Music. -Organist of Willis Church ;
Piano„' Organ and Theory ;.
Voice culture, -Pupils prepared if
desired for any of the examining
bodies in Toronto or for the Lon-
don (Eng.) College of Music in all
grades. Special system for piano-
forte for • beginners between ages
eight and eleven. Terms on applic-
ation. Studio 'in Mr. Iloare:s
store next to Mr. W. R. Counter's
jewelery store. -19:
Mfg. Company-I•Iand- sewers and
operators. Steady work, Short
hours, Welllighted and ventilated
work rooms. Good pay. -Apply alt
office or to J. McLeod, Supt.
Green. Can bo had at Bartlill•'s
or O'Neil's grocery. store or at my
place. -F. W. Evans Phone. 101.
Cattle. -Mr George Coleman ' has
instructed the undersigned to sell
by public auction at Catlins Hotel,
Hensall, on Monday, Nov. .1255, at
1 o'olock,p.m.. sharp, the following;
40 head of choice cattle consisting
of. 2 -year-old steers and. heifers, 6
fat .heifers, also 12 choice year-
ling steers and heifers, 1 dry cow
and 1 Cow milking 2 months. 'This
stock 'is all well bred and in good
condition and not the cheap grade
that is shipped in, All vt'ill be
solei without reserve as the -pro-
9(04or has 150 acres grass land
and has all the stock he can Win-
ter without the above. Terms :-6
months credit On apptotail
notes or 5 percent. per annum for
cash in lieu; 'of notes. Geo, Cole-
man, Proprietor ; T. Brown, Auc-
Ancient Order
of Foresters.
The only Fraternal Society
doing ;business in Canada on
;legal reserve basis and the
,a:nit Society paying profits
on policies, straight Life, 10,
'' 1.5 V-1,, 25 25 and 30 year: Pay
Life, anti ".lel, 15, 20, 25 kind
30 year Er:idhly\uents,
Its Sick and Fuiri7tal branoh
gives the best- siolt_ benefits,
that money eau' buy.
A policy in the A. 0. F. an -
peals to young men and to
husbands and fathers. It giv-
es -safe insurance at the low-
est• possible cost,
For furthelr information; en-
quire of any member of
Cotitt Prosperity .or
A. F. Clidmore,
P.ARM FOR RENT.--L.o'r 14, Corr..
d, eontaiuing' 100 acres'Sitttaitd 1s
miles south of -the village,. of Vat-
na„ near to geed snhool and ehut-
elmms. 15111' rent for term of ;3 or 5
Years, :to suitthe renter. Por•'.
session can be given at 'once. For`.
further partieulars apply to Mr...
Andrew Reid, Varna P. 0; or to
Rev., R. Murray 8827 North Boyne'
Me., Chicago Ill,
and repairs kept on, hand, also ag-
ency for neve machines. -A. Hoop-
er, Albert street. -30.
service with privilege of returning 0
neeessary.L. Stephenson, London
Road. -53
0, township of Hullett, containing
100 acres;, 80 acres cleared and in a
good state of cultivation, 15 acres
good hardwood hush. There aro on
the premises a first class bank barn
with, water system' in connection.
Good seven roomed frame house.
with hard and soft water. Tele-
phone connedtion: 4 miles from
Clinton and 3 from Londesboro,:
This farm has never been rented
and is one of the Best in the county.
Terns toasonable as the undersign-
ed is retiring irons farming. -Mrs.
T, Carbert, Clinton P. 0. -47
10, Goderich township, consisting of
80 acres, all cleared with the ex-
ception of 5 acres of bush. 2 acres
orchard„ 40 acres in grass. Good
clay loam: Well watered and fenc-
ed. Frapne house, and barn 41 by
67 with cement stabling. 40 foot
windmill with water to house and
barn. } mile from school and 4
miles from Clinton. ALSO part
lots 37 and 38, con. 10, containing
105 acres. Good brick house and
2 'barns, 50 by 50 and 30 by 50.
Good outbuildings. Farm well fenc-
ed and in good state of cultivation
with never failing spring. 15 mile
from school and 1 frons Clinton. -
For further particulars apply to
T. II. Cole, Clinton 1'. 0. -14
Sale, known as " Springhill
Farts " on the Bayfield
Road, Goderich township, consist-
ing 175 acres, south half lots 51
and 52 and part 53 and 54. i'wo
miles from Clinton and one from
school. A first-class stock and
grain farm. 35 acres of good pas-
ture land. Well watered and bas
never fading spring at barn. Good
wells and cistenn. Bank barn 62x52,
with stone stabling. 150 apple
trees just beginning to bear and all
kinds of small fruits. Reason for
selling : Owner In poor health.
Terms to suit purchaser. -Robert
Marshall, Clinton P. 0. -30
er en:t
our uu lou.
FARM FOR SALE -The Executor of
the Southcombe estate offers for
sale 50 acres, being east half of
lot 28, con. 0, Mullett. This is a
first-class farm, well watered and
improved and with good buildings.
Also the undersigned offers for sale
lot 29, con, 5, Hullett, consisting of
100 acres. These farms may be
bought ;together or separately.-
eparately-Apply to R. J. Southcombe, Clin-
ton P. 0. -89
Lot. 18, con. 3, Hullett, 2?• miles
from Clinton, 1 mile from School,
Good farm soil clay loam, well wat-
ered anti improved. 2 acres orchard,
Good buildings, barn 50x51, stone
basement, cement floors, stalling
for 22 head of cattle and 5 horses,
also 3 large box stalls. Hog -pen
and hen -house 17x30, cement base-
ment. 7 roomed, two story, brick
veneer house with summer kitchen,
wood shed and buggy house conven-
ient to house. Tants 2-i5 of purchase
money down, remainder qn place
at 4;5 percent. or otherwise to suit
Purchaser„ -Apply on premises or
address S.' A. Brown, Box 08, Clin-
ton. P. 0. -50.
the township of Stanley : 80 ac-
res under crop ; 20 .acresgood
hardwood bush, balance in pastuti
land. • Farm tile drained and in
good state of cultivation. Comfort-
able frame house, long distance teic-
phone installed. France barn, 50 x
100 feet, with stone stabling and
\vatertvoF'lcs system A'd'ditKonal
barn and house suitable for farm
help. Farm situated 2:y miles from
Bruoefield station on the G. T. R.
and 14 miles from the village_ of
Varna. Terms to suit ptlrcltasor.
-Apply to John McNaughton, Var-
na. P. 0. •-12.
signed' offers for sale lot 18, con.
16, Goderich township, containing
80 acres: • On it there is a good
frame house and bank barn, each
with stone foundation, and also an
implement house.' It is a good
stock farm as there is plenty' of
water. Convenient to churches and
school: - Telephone connection.
Small orchard and about 5' arses of
bush. -ler terms apply to J. 1i.
Lowery, Box 1212, North Bay, or
to Jos. Proctor, Holniesville. --15
1,1, Goderich township, consisting
of 80 0ereS, all cleared and in a
good state of cultivah,eon, 30 acres
in grass, 1 acre orchard. Good
outside wire fencing good concrete
dwelling with eiight rooms. Stone
dairy. Farina barn, 1 mile from
Hohnesville and 4 from
Will be sold on easy terms For,
further patt'v,mlars apply to W.
Caaoks Clinton, P. 0,. or Fred
Leonard, lioinesvitlle,--