The Clinton News Record, 1912-10-24, Page 8Newi-Record` enesuppinen •o♦♦N•♦*.i4N♦M'••M♦♦* NANf♦M♦♦♦♦!♦♦♦♦�'' +' We aro daily taking in many new lines of season- able goods which will be sold at closest prices. Our stock is nearly complete, LADIES' COATS wE have bought this year very largely in all lines in this departments, and have the larg- i est stock that we have ever had, and will sell at the lowest possible price, See them before you buy. Clothing Ready -Made and Made=to=Order. JE carry full lines in this department and cannot be undersold, quality, considered, BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS FULL stock in all lines and selling, at old prices although there has been an advance of from 10 to 15 per cont. on wholesale prices. Remember we have good lines at low prices. COME " AND SEE US, • • i i •• i. • s SMAI PLUMSTEEL EEL MARE PROFITS B ROS. BUSINESS I ♦ ♦♦♦♦N♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Onr Selling Out Sale. Contines We have just received the bal- ance of an order for rubbers placed last winter and though prices have advanced Our prices will retrain at the old figures. We have also in Gtock winter goods such as Felt Lined Boots, etc. Women's gun metal blutchers and bntton,lines, regular $3.50 for $2.S5. Men's gun metal blutchers and but- ton lane:, for $3,75., I Twitchell & Son CLINTON, - ONTARIO WILL EITHER_SELL OR RENT THE STORE To Those Who Want the Ilest To thosee who want their pick of the finestec t look- ing, best wearing shoes produced this season we. say Come early, the new fall styles are in. If' you are one of the many who look to us to us to supplyyour shoe needs for the coming season with something distinctive -entirely different than 1 ordinary -come and make your selection right now. We want your business .! sdno only or todayUut for all l futu re time, Ta .y tts „ We guarantee everything we sell tb give satisfactory service at the price you Day dnd- I we always make good FRED. JACKSON Good Shoes for everybody 1 ♦♦♦•*•N*ON N♦.♦♦♦•NIP • NNe.MNN.♦!♦.N•••••••••• jOur Aim to Please Brings Customers Back 1 .' Furniture Buyers at this store,iAvariably eerie i they• back when want more and bring'their friends•Z . with them. - 2 To Use Our. Furniture is to prove that it is 4 as good as it looks and that is saying a whole lot, • : Substantial Furniture can be bought bete Sub w 1, now at money saving prices. Why not secure what ip1e es you need now while '1 e rices are so, favorable.o ratio. tAtkirison& :-grd •0un Sideral "Dlre.ctOCs 'and Funeral Furniture Dealers Phone 104 PHONE 127' -NIGHT ANIS SDNT}AY CALLS- PRONle 16.2 Smart styles mark the change of Season The standard Fashion Sheet far OCTOBER NEI interest every up-to-date woman gee n r��•• r,4rr mf • W. D. FAIR CO. Often Cheapest - Always the Best •••••••••••••••••••••••••••40••••••••••••••••******** iv¢L. John Ransford went down to Toronto yesterday, Mr. and Mrs. ' G.. R. Keys visited with old friends in Stanley ' over the . week -end. Miss Gertrude Chant has been the gest .of her sister at Glencoe for the past week. Mrs. John Wiseman is spending a fortnight with her mother, Mrs, Grant of St. Mary's. Mr. and Mrs, Miller of Staffa were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, James Mahafty over Sunday. Miss Leila Ford spent the week -encs the guest of Miss Effie Snowden at the parsonage, Varna. Mrs, Wm. Cantelon roeurncd last week from a visit with friends in the State of Michigan: Mr. Richard Walton left on Monday foe Stoney Creek, near Hamilton, to take charge of a fruit farm; Mr. Join Guest left on 'Tuesday to spend three weeks or so on . the old homestead al Birr fn London township. Mr. and 11Irs, Harold Rayner will visit over the wbek-end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Luit- ler at Glencoe, Miss Etta \i ingefelder of the teach- ere-in-training each- frS-it t.l g' r r•r'nin at the Model 1 School spent from Thursday to. Monday at her home at Rostock, Mr. Fred Rumllall has been (pate ill ini during theest week,but his g P many friends will he pleased to learn that he is again on file mend. Mr. and Mrs. Olin Hooper and Child ren of Blyth were the guests on Sundayof the fernier's arents' n parents, Mr. and Mrs: A. Hooper of 4- �Jv� nen ,Detroit the Ifii ACO: 11:; of last ,week and will Ila `die guest during the winter of lite sister, Mrs. S. Oriel) of Hur- on street. Miss White of Windsor, who will be the guest over the holiday of Rev. Mr, and Mrs. Allis, will assist the Ontario street choir in the ser- vice of song on Sunday next, Mr. A. Hooper is in Toronto Soder- going a course of treatment, his attack of theuinatism proving ob- stinate. His friends are hoping that his recovery now will be 'rap id. 'Mrs. Cornell,, who, has beim the' guest of her parents, , I1 it Mrs. Geo. Swats, and her si ;ee; N'rs.. neumball, for the past lel tnieht, this week for her home in SCS leas Cleveland, Ohio. Mr.' John Crooks, who has been in the west most of the summer in the interests of a large i,hclesale week- end in Toronto, spent the we end in town as his duties for some weeks, will keep in lain in Western Ontario, be may take a lc', 'r genial Jas run ll Often, The p g is. always welcome in the ,old town, whepe he spent so many years and where he has hosts of friends. Mr.. Wni,. Corbet, who forty years ago was a reeident of Clinton, carne back last week' to look over his old stumping grourrl, but" so many changes were evident he got, lonely and .didn't ' stay long. "Where are Rattenbury's Corners?" was his first question on 'nieeiting Chief IVheatleg and he was ab first Lard to convince that the .iYfolsons Bank block now steeds upon the in old 'c 1block s familiar ldenti a 0 pioneer days. Mrs. T. A. Walker and nen, late of h have been vie- London, who iting friends in town and vic- inity for a fortnight or 00, lett on Sats rday for Winnipeg where the family intend to reside in future. Miss Delle: Walker has been in the Manitoba capital for some time where she is filling an-inportanlepossi14on; Mrs, Walker While Here disposed of her Louse, which is occupied by. Mr. J.. A. Mc5turray, to Mr, : Robt. Thonlpeon of the •18th eon. of Gpcl.- orioh township. At Hunt Club Meet. CQa Saturday afterrteon the Mein real'' Bunt.Club and their friends were the guests of )4Ir. and Mrs. huge Paton .at Bois Franc Lodge, foil the annual hunt steeplechases. The weather was ,perfeet, the turf springlike in its verdancy, the bril- liant October sunshine throw.ing.into. relief every feature of the picture presented by, ithe gathering, the vari- colored foliage e the ismartly gowned wornen, many of them in semi -sum mer attire ; the pink -coated hunts- man' en his white mount the riders, most, of then prominent members of the Hunt,,. in gayly -colored ,riding jackets and caps, besides a bevy of spectators all interested and good- humored and reflecting in turn the goodwill of the genial host and host- ess. Refreshments were served dur- ing the afternoon in the buffet lunch- eon room below the grand stand. Few of the geosts rode to the meet, the majority preferring the greater speed or ease of motor or carriage,. but among the former were Mr: Isaac Read with his little daughter, a smart little .figure width her 'dark hair, draped riding habit and white hunt- ing crop. -Montreal Gazette. Mr, Read is a native of Clinton and brother of Mrs. Will Harland. P1JERY'S ;PEERLESS PLAYERS.' The greatest and biggest reper- toire company that ever toured Cari- •af}a will open a three night's engage- ment in the town hall, commencing Oct, 37st. You all remember 'Jerry from Kerry.'' This season G. Herbert Perry presents Dan Malloy, Broad- way, New York favorite comedian, and Hazel Corinne, a soubrette, who has been starred with big leading productions, ether well known ar- tists supporting. Thio company comes direct from big city time playing to capacity. High class vaudeville between each act, with special electrical effect and all scenic embellishments. Seats on sale at Fair's. Prices 50c. 35c. 25. ' The Wee Bowler Getting Better Cc.' 7e Mr. James McMichael. •forth N .McMichael of 5e. It. James 1 known far.and wide as; "The Wee Bowler," has been ill for the past three weeks but is now improving and it is hoped he will shortly be h' n if again. Ills quite or almost i e 1 Ps b numerous friends in Huron will be glad to hear of his complete regon' Mrs. Moore carved fpr n' ,'C, C L WtClily Exams. NEWS -RECORD JAN. NEXT FOR 150' French Potn1 1,-H. Kilt)' 01, K. McGregor 87, 0. Phillips 87, C, Mair 81, M. Lansing 75, D. Shipley , 5, 1J, McAllister 73, I Sinclair 73; G. Wallis 73, C. Whitmore 73, E. t'ar ter 70, J. Granger 70, Jas. Wylie 60, H. Cantclon 68, F. Reynolds 68, W. Crich 08, I:. Miller 67, E Sanderson 67; C: Cook 05, A. Glazier 64, P, Cuninghanie 63, A. Shanahan 81-, 2. Churchill 57, C. ,Cantclon 52, Cr. Bea- ton .43, G. 'Beatty 44, B. Hall 42, A, Nediger 14, L. Churchill 40, L. McConnell 35, H. Hanley 31, J. For- rest 32, E. Kaiser 32, F_ Coop 30, W. Appleby 22.4 le. "Pennebaker 28, C. Thompson 20, E. Sheeley 15, M. Smillie 15, 13. Stewart 11 Composition, Form 2,-E. Manning . t rber V. Ga Roberton 68, I. Robe o 59, C; McCool 59, E. Jamieson 59, P. Potter 59, J. Middleton 58, C. Bea- com 58, .1. Smith 57, 0. Cole 57, I I. Gould 57, H. Govier 58 Me - Gill N Gill 56, NI. Day idson 56, rt. Rennie 55, M McTaggart 54,A. lilt•iott 54, E. Wise 54, E. Wasman 53, M. Hall 53, M. Elliott 53, H. Shaw 52, L. Kennedynedy 51, L. Howec 51,J. MoTris 50, S. Smillie 50, II: Johnston49, M. Male 49, I Collins 19, H. Hudie 49, NI. Cook 48, S. Agnew 48, I. Rathwell 48, E. 'Powell 447, C. Hoare 47, K. McNaughton 47, NI. Milne 47, V. Hearn. 46, P. Wheatley 46, D. Cantclon 15, H. Wallis 4.3, L. Cook 43,E C. Kaiser 43, P, Moffat 41, I3. Harland 40, F. Thompson 40, C. Harland 40, R. Chowen 38, NI. Cook 34, E. Brisson 29. W. Caldwell 27. • October 24th, I9t hisses and Ladies'. New Fall Snits and Dresses We are showing a large range of new fall suits and dresses for ladies' and misses of the very newest styles in plain cloths. Colors -navy, black, brown, green and grey. Also fancy tweeds that are right up to the minute and well worth ,investi- gating. Priced from $15,00 up. • New Novelties in Ladies' Lice 1%eeliwear Just -now our stock of novelties in lace neckwear for collars attached and lapel wear, the very newest in assories, values that will surprise you at ii0c up. New Fall Rugs And Carpets Our stock of floor coverings such as plats, hall runners, rugs, carpets, mattings, oilcloths and linoleums is most complete._ We specialize in Axminster, Milton and velvet rugs of good quality and also carry a large range of tapestry and Brussels in all sizes from from $S.50 up, (16111111111191111111111111111 The News From Londesboro Miss 13. Brogden spent Mon'lay and Tuesday the guest of her sister, i o f !Myth, Mrs. D. FloorY o Miss Reeb, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. W. T. Pearcy, at the manse for some few weeks, returned t h rt Colborne on c home in Po 0 'D .r Saturday, y aturda , • . The : `etliodist'. church will hold their anniversary services on Sunday and Monday next. Rev. Mr. MI son of Stratford will be the preacher on Sunday. On Monday evening the ladies of the congregation will give a fowl supper and a good program will follow. Miss May Rance of Clinton, Rev. Me. Millson, flu• meld- ent elergymebs the Lobb Male Quart- ette and others will take part in the progratn. Geometry, Perm 3,-J.Wy- lic 109, le. Gray 100, NI. Mc- Gowan 74, D. Copp 68, G: Draper 02,' G. Walker. 58, F. Brown 54, N. Gar- rett 55,''W. McNaughton 52, 11 r N Bea- com MG- Ic Hell 0 tom •i 2 A. Con 5 Gregor 50, le. Leitch 50, NI. McAl- lister 48, II. Forrest 48, C. Nichol- son 46, S. Scott 36, 13. McCrostie 34, H. Cantelon' 34, W. Walker. 32, Ni, Carbert' 38, K. Reid 28, L. Ford 28, S.I-Ienr'y 20„ M. Reynolds 22,. M. Yates 20, N. Robinson: 18, A, Cooper 1,6, M. Guru -0 I wilitin 0. De 7 Latin, Form -4,-R, Dewar 73, NI. Shipley 61,, II. Turner 59, H. Min- dleton 57, D. ''piernay 56, D. Blotch -t", ford 55, Il;, Marland 53, J. Glen 521 0. Kitty, 46 ._.. Mr. Skerlock of Winnipeg was a guest at the home of Mr. Geo. Brog- (e. n o n Monday, } Mrs. Christer of Delhi is visiting her daughter, Itlrs. J. 0. I aunsberry. Miss Al, Lee won the silver set giv- en away by the Johnston Medicine Troupe last week, Mr, le, I, it'oodelsh of Goderich spent Sundaay lit his hone here. Mr. fist Mrs, Wm, Lee spent Sun- thly with their son, Mr. Samuel` Lee of Goderich, Mr. Mat. McNall received word of the serious illness of his sister. at Waterloo and left on Tuesday after- noon to go to her, but taking 111 himself on the train he was obliged to return from Seaforth, The News -Record to Jan, ;13-150. Millen Happenings • Misses Alice, Mary, Collett and \'era Carbett spent Sunday at Mr. Clairy's near Seaforth. An enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Matt Carbert on Tuesday. Miss Minnie McIntosh of Goderich is at present visiting at 'the home of Mr. Richard Blake. Messrs. T. McMichael & Son nave bought a Glencoe foal from Mr. Janes Reid of the Ilarlock district sterling i and as Glencoe signifiesn& quality they Paid a fancy price for it. The News -Record' to Jan. 1913 15e, In the Blyth Fair prize list as published in one of the district pa- pers mention was not made of 'tbe fact that tbs 2 -year-old filly belong - Mg to George Dale F. Sou won the first prize a.nd also two specials,. This same filly', sired by the way, by Border McGregor, won first in the Canadian draft class at London To win so T atSeaforth, d also an manyfirst prizes inone season shows . what a fine young filly she is. Mr, and Mrs. Geo, Krauskropf and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. 'Tighe. Zurich New leaded windows have been se- cured for the Lutheras church, which adds greatly to its appearance. Miss Rosie Stelok and Mr, Henry Brown were married on Wednesday of last week. Mn.' James McQueen lost a valua- ble horse the other by its having fal- len into an old well. Mr. 'Frank llossenbetry of Berlin visited' friends here last week. Mr. and Mrs. I3. Kalhlleisch are visiting their (laughter,`Nlrs, John Schilhc of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs, D. H, Steinbach and ._, over Mie C.has.•lralfleisuh motored Siena Detroit last week and visited with friends hereabouts for a Lew days. • Mr. Bert Sheriff, teller in the Molso ie ` Dank Yore for some time past, has beer transferred' to Merlin. Mr. Claris.. Schwertzentruber of the r I' Bronson Line as recently _y ma d a e to Miss 'Lahr of New 'York State. They have taken tip their abodes on their, farm, • the old- Ileitz' place. The: News-Recere to Ja'i. 13-1.5e. Ir. John Schoenhals o ur Popular Port Albert miller, has purchased the Pair's mill at Clinton and will shortly take up residence there. Mr. King of Goderich is going into the Clinton deal' with Mr, Schoenhals. It has been nothing strange to see the ,farmers harvesting their buck- wheat with a cradle this year, the i ground in this section being too 'soft tor the use of horse power machinery. Mr. and Mrs. Wetlaufer and Mr. Conrad -'a Oi'Cr f n Mrs,. G nrad Seim n zz and 1I.o visited Mr. and Mrs. John Schoen- hats the past week, Mr. John '1 has oen on the sick ' Miles b list the past few days. Miss Lizzie Richardson of Houston Texas,; is visiting her :nether, Miffs Jessie McMillan of Detroit is spending a., holiday at her • home here. - Mr and Mrs. Thomas; Nesbitt of B1Y4h visited thee lady'ss brethet , Mi•. Thomas Green, recently. Mine. John ,Quaid has beeni11 and under the aa're of a plf:ysini.'tl'1,; but, her friends hope she may seen reCON ., • s NEW FALL CAPS SUITS " ORCOATS NOW is the time to b u y your ,winter supply when stocks are complete. We are showing the >flaiost com- plete range of hats, caps, ready tc,• - wear clothing, g o 1 f coats, sweaters and novelties in neckwear 'iit:has ev- er been our pleasure to display. BOYS' CLOTHING WF., have just'reeeiv- ed a new shipment' of boy's clothing and overcoats in the .very. newest styles 0 a 11 alld see thein' as, often as you please. TOUR and- - BROWN ri .4