HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-10-24, Page 7sri '
lf THE STANOARD is the Nati5na1
!Weekly Nevispaper of the Derainion
lot Canada. It is national in all itt
it lliseSi the 'meet •expensiVe engrav-
'procuring the photographs from
fl pVer the world. ,
,••Its articilet areeearefully Selected and
Itt editorial pol'icsr 1i thoroughly
indePeadent. ,
'A subscription to The Standard
gtoets $2.00 per year to any address in
Vita:ado' or Cereal Britain.
TRY, IT FOR 1912!
blifiontreal StandardPublishing ,Othe
Limited. Publishere.
Synopsis of Canadian Northwest
Laud Regulations.
Any person who is the sble head
of a family, or any male over 18
years old, May homestead a quart-
er section of available Dominion
land in Manitoba Saskatchewan or
Alberta The applicant must ap-
pear in person at the Dominion
Lands Agency or Sub -Agency for
the district. Entry by proxy
may be made at any agency, on cer-
tain conditions by .father, mother,
son, daughter, brother or sister of
intending homesteader.
Duties. -Six months residence
upon and cultivation of the land in
each of three years. A homestead-
er may live within nine miles of
bit -homestead on a farm of at
least 80 acres solely owned and oc-
cupied by him or by his father,
mother, son, daughter, brother or
• iI:41"
4100,1/ 1.1
ee ••
‘r. --'r---/'--- --. — --,-----7-r-V
( 63)
I 'e\
Turkey, Bulgaria and Servia Are Now Fighting in'
Dead Earnest.
, A despatch from .A,thenS says:
Greece, not wishing to detach her-
self from her allies, sent instruc-
tions early on Thursday morning to
the Minister at Constantinople to
communicate a declaration of war
to the Porte. Greece at, the same
time sent a fraternal greeting of the
allied States.
Servia wet the first of, the three
States to declare war on Thursday
night. , Bulgaria followed with a
similar declaration.
A despatch from Constantinople
says: The formal declaration of
war against Servia, and -Bulgaria
was published by the Turkish Gov-
ernment on Thursday.
A despatch from Athens, Greece,
says: Fighting between the Greek
army and the Turkish forces sta-
tioned along the frontier began
early on Thursday.
A despatch from Sofia says: King
This map indicates the manner in' which Greece, Bulgaria, Ser -
via and Montenegro, are attacking Turkey. On the north-west, the '
-Montenegrin troops captured several thousand Turkss and are about
to invest Seutaria, which is pouring over the border. On the east the
Bulgarian army is making its way towards Adrianople. The Turkish
fleet threatens to land Turkish troops in the rear. On the south the
Greeks have captured Meluna Pass, and are ready to invade Mace-
donia. It will be seen that Turkey is assailed on all Sides.
eater, k
In certain ,districts a homestead-
er in good standing may pre-empt
a quarter -section alongside his
homestead. Price, 3.00 per acre.
Duties. -Must reside upon the
homestead or pre-emption six
months in each of six years from
date of homestead entry (including
the time required to earn home-
stead patent) and cultivate fifty
acres extra.
A homesteader who has exhausted
his homestead right and cannot ob-
tain a pre-emption may enter for
a purchased homestead in certain
districts. Price, $3.00.
Duties. ---Must reside six months
in each of three years, cultivate
fifty acres and erect a house worth
Deputy of the Minister of the In-
N.B.-1Thatith0rized publication
" of this advertisement will not be
- paid for.
Prim of Cattle, Crain, Cheese and Other
Produce at Hams and *aroma
Toronto, Oct. 22. -Flour -Winter wheat,
90 per cent. patents, 83.85 to 93.90, at sea-
board. Manitoba fiours-First patents, in
jute bags, 55.70; second patents, 45.20, aud
etrong bakers', $5, on track, Toronto. In
cotton bags, 10o more is charged.
Manitoba wheat -No. 1 new Northern,
99e, Bay porte, No. 2 at 971-20, and No. 3
at 951.20, Bay ports. Feed wheat, 65 to
67e, Bay Ports.
Ontario Wheat -No. 2 white and red
wheat, 94 to 950, outside, and the poorer
gre,des down to 760.
Oats -No. 2 Ontario worth 390, outside
and 43 to 440, on track, Toronto. Un-
graded, 35 to 370, outside. Western Can-
ada oats, nominal.
Seeley -Forty-eight lb. barley 65o, out-
Corn -The market is easy, with No. 2
old American Quoted at 741-20, all -rail,
Toronto, and No. 3 at 74e, all -rail. No.
3, at Bay ports, 68.
Rye -75 to 760 for No. 2, outside.
Buckwheat -65e, outside.
. Bran-Manitobe bran, $23, in bags, To -
Tonto freight. Shorts, $26.
Tenders will be received up to and in.
eluding the first day of October, 1912, for
the right to out white and red pine and
spruce, on two timber berths on the upper
waters of the Joao River east of the
townsbips of Garrow and Lockhart, in the
District of Nipiselng. Province of Ontario,
the berths being designated "Tooke No.
I." and "Jocko No. II.," each containing
twenty-five square miles more or less.
For masfs ad( conditious of sale apply
so the uuderalgned.
Minister of tis.nds, Forests and Mines.
Toronto, July 17611, 1912.
BING UST FOR 1912-13
Butter-Delry rolle, choice, 26 •to 27e;
bakers', infeetor, 21. to 230; choice dairy,
tuba, 25e; creamery, 28 to 290 for rolls,
and 26 to 27e foe solids. •
Nggs-Case lots of new -laid, 290 per
dozen; fresh, 270.
0heese-14 1-2e for large, and 14 3-4e for
Bellnealltilideeleked, $3 per bushel;
prithee. $2.90, in a jobbing way.
Honey -Extracted, in tine, 11 to 12e per
lb. for No. 1, wholesale; combs, $2.50 to
$3, wholesale.
Poultry -Wholesale prices of choice
dresse;l poultry s--Cliisiketis, 140 per lb.;
fowl, lb., 10 to 11e; ducks, 11 to 120; gem,
11. to 12e; turkeys, 16 to 170, Live poultry,
about 2c lower than the above.
Potatoes-Offeringe have recently fallen
oft, and prices are firmer at $1. a bag, on
Cured meats are quoted as follows: -
Bacon, loug elear, 15 to 15 1-4c per lb., in
Oaeff lots. Pork -Short cut, $26 to 927;
do., races, $21.50 to $22. Hams-Medinna•to
light, 17 to 17 1.2c; heavy, 151.2 to 160;
rolls, 141.2 to 150: breakfast bacon, 19e;
backs, 21 to 21.1.20.
Lard -Tierces, 1.4 1.2e; tubs, 143.40; pails,
Baled hay -No, 1 bay, $13 to $14, on
track, Toronto: No., 2, $1.1 to $12;, clover,
mixed, $9 10 910.
Baled straw -$10 to $10.50, on track, To -
Northern, 063.40; October. 661-2', remittal:
December. 88 1-2c bid; May, 03 1•20.
Montreal, Oct. 22. -Oats - Canadian F f') be appointed to the Quebec Su -
Ferdinand is on his way to the head-
quarters of the Bulgarian army
near the Turkish frontier. A special
service will be hold in the Cathe-
dral, where the Archbishop will in-
voke a blessing on the holy was on
which the country is embarking.
Similar sere ices Will be held
throughout the country.
A 'despatch from Berlin says:
Turkey has withdrawn a large sum
of money, reported to be $17,500,-
000, from Germany, according to 'a
special despatch from Bucharest,
Roumania. The money was deposi-
ted in. Germany during the Seign of
the Sultan Abdul named and was
ear -marked exclusively.for a war
fund. Germany has consented],
says the correspondent, to its de-
livery to the Ottoman Government
and the gold is now on theway from
Kestendje, RoCrnania, to Constan-
tinople, on board of the steamer Re-
gele Caro11.
Canada, the Empire and the World
In General Before Your
Saskatchewan farmers are paying
up to $4.75 for threshers.
I. N. Belleau, LO., of Levis, is
Western, No, 2, 541-1 to 0, 00 130. 00.
feed, 64 to 64 1-2o. Barley -Manitoba feed,
61 to 62e; malting, 80 to 84e. Buckwheat, -
No. 2. 74 to 75c. Flour -Manitoba Spring
wheat patents. firsts, 95.80; seconde, 65.-
30; etrong bakera', $5,10; Winter patenta,
ohoice, $5.35; straight rollers, $4.95 to $5;
do., bags, $2.35 to $2.40. Rolled oats -Bar-
rels, $5.05; bags, 90 lbe., $2.40. Bran --$23;
shorts, $27; middlinge, 028 to $30; moulllie,
$30 to 535. Ilay-No. 2, per ton, ear lots,
$13 to $13.50. Cheese -Finest Westerns,
131-2 to 13 3-4c; finest Easterne, 13 to
133-50, Butter -Choicest ereamery, 29 to
291-40; set:Kinds, 173-4 to 28e. gge-Selegt.
el, 29 to 300; No. 2 stook, 21. to Mc. Pota-
toes -Per bag, ear late, 66 to 70c.
Montreal, Oot. 22. -Sales of choice steers
were mede at $6,25 to $6.50, good at $5.-
60 to $6, end the lower grades from that
down to 04.50 per owt. Clboice eows, 95.50.
Sheep and 'Lambe, $3.76 to $4 and the lat-
ter at $6 to $6.10 per cwt. Calves, 56 to
$12 retell, as to size and quality. Hoge,
$8.85 to $9 per owt., weighed off oars.
Toronto. Oct. 22.-Cattle-Chothe butcher,
95.75 to 96.16; good medium, $5.40 to $5,60;
common, $4.60 to 95; eowe. 93 to 96; bulle,
83 to $4.50: canners, $1,50 to 92, calves -
Good veal, $8 to $9; coalmen, $3.50 to $6.
Stockers and Feeders -Steers, 950 to 1,050
lbs„ at 95.25 to $5.60; feeding bulls, 900
to 1,200 lbs., at $2.75 to $4.25. Milkers and
springer0$50 to 970. Sheep mid lambs -
Light ewes, $4 to $4.50; heavy ewes, $6 to
$3.50; lambs $6 to $6.25. Hogs -$8•60, fed
and watered, aud $8.30, f.o.b.
News -Record and Mail and Empire. $1.50
News -Record aud Globe .-. , 1.60
News-Reeord and Family Herald and
Star with Premium
Newa-Reeord and Witness ,.....••••,.. 1.75
News-Iteeord and sue , .. ......„.. 1.75
News -Record and Free1.75
News -Record end Advertiser.. .. 1.76
News -Record and Toronto SaburdaY
Night • , 2.30
News -Record end Farraer's Adeocate 2.25
News-Rererd end Farm raid 1.75
News -Record mid Cana•Ran Farm-. 1.75
News -Record and Youth's Companion e.76
News -Record and Mail alt Empire- 4.25
News -Record and Globe ...- • .... .. 4.25
News-Reeord and News .... ...... 2.30
ews-Record and Star .„. ........... 2.30
ewe -ewe end World . 3.26
ewe -Renard and Morning Free Preto 3.25
eSve-Record and Eveniug Free Press 2.75
News -Record and Advertiser 3.00
Minneapolis, Oct, 22.-Wheat-13e0em11e0,
801-10; May, 933-4 to 937.60; No. 1. herd,
601-10; No. 1 Northern, 871-0 to 900; No.
2 Northern, 041-2 to 871-00. No. 1 yellow
corn, 65 to 660. No. 3 white oats, 301-5 to
31c. No. 2 rye, 62 to 651-00. Flour-Firat
entente, $4.30 to $4.65; second patents, 94.-
20 to $4.65; first dears, $3.20 to $3.50; see-
ond cleats, $4,60 to 94,80. Brare-$18.76
to 919,50.
Duluth, Oct. 22. -Wheat -No. 1 hard,
893-40; No. 1 Northern, 88 3-40; No. 2
perior Court.
The Royal Bank has bought the
Manning House property in Wind-
sor for $120,000.
Miss Mary Yeomans, of Belleville,
Ont., has been named as probation
officer for Alberta.
Three men and a girl were drown-
near Sacket's Harbor when two
barges foundered in a stor.
Wen. Wilson was fatally hurt by
a fall while oiling machinery at the
Imperial Cotton Co. factory, Ham-
J. K. Quay, a longshoreman union
striker, was fatally stabbed in a
,strike- riot at Vancouver by Chas.
Bodes, non-union.
Andrew Steves, Dominion Ex-
press Co. agent at Yarmouth, N.S.,
was killed when an auto upset. A
companion was not hurt.
A bullet went through Steve
Brophey's hand at Blackville, N.
B., without breaking a bone, and
killed a moose 350 yards off.
Harry Corby and George Gordon,
ex-M.P.'s of Belleville and Stur-
geon Falls, respectively, have been
appointed to vacant seats in the
Eight Hamilton youths, who
pleaded guilty to assault upon a
young lady on the mountain, svere
seeten'eed by Mr. Justice Kelly to
prison terins and fifteen lashes
The United States government
may take official notiee of the "ar-
rogant attitude" of the government
and press of Germany toward Am-
erican commercial interests whieff
have culminated in the formation
of a national stock company to oust
the Standard Oil Co.
Polish Woman. Distraught, Ended
Life with Carving *Knife.
A despatch from. Medicine Hat
says: The Mounted Police were
summoned from this point on Thurs-
day morning to investigate a mur-
der and suicide which occurred at
Tidelake, 26 mils north of Carla -
teat. Mrs, Julie Pok,sky, who lost
her husband and one elkild recently
through typhoid, ,and who appar-
ently beeame somewhat unsettled
in her reason through grief and
through complications in regard to
her possession of the homestead,
slew her two remaining children,
aged five and three years, with a
carving knife, and then apparently
turned the sank& weapon upon her-
self. The family were Polish immi-
grants, and the tragedy was dis-
covered by Polish neighbors. •
News -Record aril Lippincott's Maga-.
69115 3.25
s' News -Record and Canada MonthlY,
If what you went is not in thie list let
no know Mutat it. We can eupply you at
less thaa it would eost you to send direct.
591 remitting please do so by Post -office
.Order, Postal Note, Express Order or Reg-
leteted letter and address, .
Punlishor Nowa-Record
Icelandic -Canadian Girl Offers Ser-
viees to Bed CVO$S.
A despatch from Calgary, Alber-
-ta, seys: Married only tWb Weeke
ago and now accompanying her
'husbaud to the seat of war irk the
Balkans is the romantic story of
se Canadian girl, Mrs. Peter Lead-
ed, for4nerly Miss Violet Tjola 01-
rornaef Wirjfieg. This young wo-
n will offer her services to the
Ld Cross in Greece to go to the
'front. She is an Icelander by birth
and her mother resides in TIMM-
England to Make Shells for United
States Navy.
You'll Know Its
Quality Some Day.
Why Not Next
south of College atreet, only a small frac-
tion hue been reached by tbe churches.
Both in preaohing and in works it is un-
doubtedly. the . fact that Rome of the
churches' in down town Toronto are out
of sympathy with the manes whom they
are supposed to serve.
The church perhape most popular in
many Ways with the crowd is Bond
Street Congregational, Whose destinies are
Presided over by Rev. Byron If. Stauffer,
who came here several years ago from
Buffalo. His methods are mete' less sen-
sational tban those'employed ld this pul-
pit twenty years ago by the late Dr.
Wild, but he contrives to naake his ser-
viced interesting, and he always draws
farIbouses. Ole is a man of considerable
personality, a fluent' speaker and embel-
lishes his sermous with frequent refer-
ences to the' affitirs of the hour. Some
might call some of his addreeses lectures
rwther than sermons, meaning that there
is less of spirituality about them than 10
usual. 'Bond street c•hurob is sometimes
compared to a business, of which the
preacher is the general manager. Beariee
out the analogy; he has there an office
which he occuplen several hours a day.
And yet Bond street has no empty pews,
and that is one point gained.
The New Corporation Counsel—New Labor
Paper-71:l0wn Town Problem—A Sig
After several mouths' delaY the CitY
Connell has decided to appoint hie Wor-
ship Mayor Geary to the Corporation
Counselship, made vacant by tbe elevation
of Mr. IL L. Drayton tO the ehatrmanship
of the Dominion Railway ' Board. The
salary Is to be 48,000 a year to begin with.
This le not much advance over Mr. Geary's
income as Mayor, which was $7,500. But
it has the adVantage of being perman-
ent. Besides, Mr. Geary has expressed the
hope that- when he makes good the sal-
ary will grow. And it doubtless will.
borne aldermen who °pleased Mr. Geary'e
appointment on the ground that he was
not a big enough lawyer for the job,
satin they would be prepared to siay $25,000
a year to the right man. 'Viewed from
this Standpoint, it is just a question 12
the uity will not do as well with Mr.
Geary on the job as it would with some
man with a made reputation at a fancy
salary. It is true he has not had much
experience in legal work. But, tine ie
partly offset by his intimate knowledge
of municipal affairs. Besides, he is young,
energethe diplomatic andardently ambi-
A despatch from Washington
pays: A contract for part of the ar-
mor -piercing shells for the United
States navy, on which the Hatfield
Steel Company of England recent-
ly underbid all American competi
tors by nearly $2,000 on less than a
million -dollar contract for two
A it, theusand fourteen -inch shells, and
by about $300,000 on a contract of
about $1,000,000 for 2,500 twelve -
inch shells, will be awarded to the
English concern, it was announced
ork Wednesday by Acting Secretary
'Winthrop. just how many &mils
will be made by the English com-
pany has not been decided, but it
is said only enough will be contract-
ed for to serve as a test.
Facing Murder Charge, Vancouver
Youth is at Liberty.
Of Leading IVIontreal Daily
Endorses GIN PILLS
131R long years of
cuff eying from
Kidney Trouble -
two boxes of GIN
PILLS --- and it's
all gone. That has
been the experience
of Mr. Eugene
Quesuel, Chief City
Circulation Agent
of ba Patric, of
Montreal. He
describes it
feelingly :
May 331, 1912
"I have been suffering from Kidney
trouble for over, five long years. I
had also Rheumatism in all eny bones IdeNaughton, school trustee, was
and moscles, could not sleep eights n
ts ad '
allowed out on hail when an appli-
on some occasions could hardly walk.
I hadbeen treated by Sonic of our best cation was made before Justice
Physicians but without roi;ef ant 1 loot
over fifteen pounds. One day I' met
one of our leading hotelkeepers, who
had been cured by your famous GIN
PILLS, and he advised me to try them.
So I bought two boxes at my druggist's
and before I had used one box I felt a
big change. Before I finished the
second one 1 was completely cured.
I can assure you I can hardly believe
it.for if I had only known what I
nOWI would not have spent over One
Thindred Dollars for nothing when twei
boxee of IN PILLS cured me."
GIN PILLS are gainink a world -wick
reputation, by the way they conquer Om
most obstinate caeca of Rheumatism
and all kinds of Kidnei Tronble.
What the church in down -town Toronto
needs to -day hi a Spurgeon. It wanes a
man with fire and spirituality. The har-
vest is waiting for him. He maid take
eueh a building as the new arena, 'whieh
will seat 7,000 persons 5111 it three times
on Sunday and possibly on any other ev-
ening in the week, if he had the phyaical
strength. But where is the Spurgeon wine
tug from?
Down town Toronto needs more, of
course, in the way of church service than
a preacher, even 50 he were a liptirgepn.
It needs a small army of workere.
a few now loyal and devoted, but their
numbers are sadly out of proportion to
the work that is to do. One wonders of
the churches really appreciated the
work that lies right at their hand.
The sound criticism of the appointment
ia ou the ground that no 'member of
Council should be appointed to a peeman-
ent job during his term of office. In the
present inetance the kfayor atheittedly
did not give the subject disinterested cou-
sideration, and that is eoruething the
public, having elected him to the Chief
Magistracy, had a eight to expect frora
him on every 16'Stle, parimularly on one
as important as this one. There is a good
deal of underlying soreness about this
Phase of the matter.
There is some surprise that Mr. Geary,
by Ms notion, has expressed a preference
for las legal profeasion as ae,alnst politi-
cal life. He Gould have had 0. nomivation
for Parliament any time during the hat
five yours, and with -the star of the Com
seryative party in the apeendant he might
limo been expeoted to have had a brilli-
ant career. And lie may yet. return to
the political arena. hitmewhile he is to
be known its G. It. Geary, R. C., Corpora-
tion Counsel.
A Parisian has :discovered a me-
thod -whereby the X-ray may be
rnanipulaed in perfect safety.
Defalcations already aggregating
the huge sum of $5,600,000, and
constantly increasing, have been
unearthed in the offices of the
Ga,-ncl-Ternenzan Railroad in Bel-
gium, through the accidental dis-
covery of f.alse share certificates
among a small parcel recently sold.
The manager of the company has
A despatch from Vancouver says:
Despite the fact that the accesed
had confessed to killing Ernest
Spinarel, and, that the charge was
on Wednesday afternoon altered
from manslaeghter to murder,
Harold A. McNaughton, son of Mrs.
sec. abox, 6 for f2. O. SaMpie free
Co. of tanada, Limited, °route, 549
if you write Nationa Dru,,and Chemical
Murphy in the Supreme Court. Mc-
Naughton will stand trial at the
Workman ;fooniod From Car and
Was Crushed to Death.
A despatch from North Bay says:
Isoclore Levesqui, teamster, em-
ployed by the Superior Construc-
tion Co., was killed on Thursday
when the Algoma Central work
train on which he was riding collid-
ed with a bull lying asleep 3,e1006
the rails. Leyescmi jumped from
tlie ear in whieh he was riding, ancl
was eruthei under it when it top-
pled over with the inspect.
The appearance of a new labor paper in
Toronto ie an event of importance. 1101 HO
Mad' for the immediate effect it will have
in polities or in labor affairs, but because
of the potuatialities for the future. 'Phe
°dhow -in -chief is Mr. James Simpson, for-
merly a typesetter, more recently for
many years city hall reporter for one of
the local dailies, and always an active
httor agitator, de Well 115 temperance lee-
turer and Methodist loeal preacher lit
was also a member of the Board of' Edu-
cation ror some years and was a member
of the DC/1111111On Government's Connnission
on Teehnical Educetion. He will likely
this year be a candidate for the Board of
Control. -
There have been many previenie attempts
to eetablish, a labor organ in Toronto, but
the attempts merely served to help fill
the nowspeper graveyard. A paper called
"The Toiler" was the last victim. There
are higher hopes for the letest venture.
IL starts off with fairly liberal support in
the way of stock subscriptions from labor
organiv.atious and individuals, so that it
is assured of sufficient capital to give it a
chenee to get on hs feet. To prevent con-
trol of the pablication falling into the
hands of any individual or organization,
or even group, the nuniber of shares per
witted to any one eubseriber is strictly
It has yet to be demonstrated that the
labor organizations will support an "or-
gan." The fault with previous publiett-
Mons te that they have beeu too much
"organ," and not enough attention paid
to inakiug the paper interestiug.
Subjects taught by expert instructors
at the
Y, M. C. A, BLDG.,
Students assisted to positions. College
in session from Sept. 3rd. Catalogue
free. Enter any time. .
J. W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr.
P2incipal16 CharvticgdprAinccciopeanitant
DIED 010 CUT Tulin%
Grocer Succumbs to Blood resin-
ing Following Scratch.
A despatch from London, Ont.,.
says: William Hayes, aged 74, pre.
prietor of a grocery store' at the
corner of Adelaide and Elias
Streets, East London died on Wed-
nesday morning at his house after
an illness of a few daya. Mr. Ilayes
contracted blood poisoning frora a
scratch on ,his thumb which he ao-
cidentally inflicted with a reser
blade. The wound was not at first
considered worthy of notice, but his
fatal illness developed rapidly.
Friction on the hemorrhoid veins
that are swonen, inflamed and gorged
with blood, ;is what tenses the terrible
pain and stinging and smarting of
piles. • Zam-Bulc applied at night will
be found to give ease before morning.
Thousands of persons have proved this.
Why not be guided by the experience
of others?
Mr. Thomas Pearson, ,of Prince
Albert, Sask., writes: "I rmust thank
you for the benefit I have received from
Zam-Buk. Last aummer I suffered
greatly from piles. I started to uoe
Zam-Buk and found it gave me relief,
so I continued it, and after using three
or four <Ibexes I am pleased to say It
has effected a complete cure."
Mr. G. A, Dufresne, 183-185 St.
;osepb. Street, St. Roeh, Quebec, PQ.,
writes: "1 can chig'nly recommend
Zam-Suk to everyone who suffers from
Magistrate Sanford, of Weston,
King's Co„ N.S., says: "I euffered long
from itching piles, but Zam-Buk has
now cured me."
Mr. William Kenty, of 'Upper Nine
Mile River, Hants Co„ NS., says: "I
suffered terribly ifrom piles, the palu
et times being almost untearable. 1
tried various ointments, but everything
I tried failed to do me the slightest
good. I was tired of trying various
remedies, when I heard of Zai-Buk,
and thought as a last resource I would
give this balm a trial. After a very
short time Zamauk effected a complete
ZaM-BIlk is also a sure euro for skin
injuries and diseases, eczema, ulcers,
varicose veins, cuts, Mime, bruises,
chaps, cold SOTO% etc. 50c. box from
all druggists and stores, or post free
from Zare-Buk Co., Toronto, for price.
Refuse harmful imitations.
Try Zam-Buk Sean, 250 tablet.
Toronto's new amusement 'showplace,
The Arena, has been etteoessfully launch-
ed with a week's "eaueical feetivel." 1)0
signed primarily for hockey matehee, the
promotere hope they Ceti make utie of it
in the off stunton for all sorts of epecial
productions. The problem will be to fill
it. It will hold eight thousand people.
twice as many as any other meeting -place
in Toronto, and a small city in itself. The
sight on tbe closing night of the opening
week, when every seat was filled, was one
long to be remembered. The layout of
the building is that of an oval amphi-
theatre, without galleries. All aroma'
the oval solid masses of Humanity, rising
tier upon tier, furnielied an impressive
sight. It was the greatest concourse of
men and women ever gathered wider one•
roof in Toronto.
Unless it is filled, however, the effect of
the inteitior is harnlike.
Whai, Ifo Heard.
.Tommy-"Mey I stay up a little
longer'!" Ethel"What do you
want to stay up for 1" Tommy -
"I want to see you and Mr. Green
playing cards." Mr. Green -"But
WC are not going to play cards."
Tommy -"Oh, yes, yon are, for I
heard mamma saying to Ethel that
everything dei*Lao on the way in,
Which she :played her cards to-
It is expected that the newspaper will
keep away from tariff antiother iSfilleS
of a general character, devdting itself to
issued which specifically effect the city,
laboring, man, such as conditions of labor
and workmen's compensation. It will, in
Its general effect, peobably eniplittstze ra-
ther then dlnilitish the cleavage hetween
city and country.
Its Bret political itetivity will doubtlees
be in municipal affairs. A lebor "slate"
for nattily all the eivie offices is within
the range or peesibillties this year. If
moderately successful there the next
move, no doubt, will be to get Into Pro-
vincial and DOTailli011 politics. The eliiab•
lishment of the paper foreshadows the
firet serious attempt to launch a veal labor
party in Canadian polities,
IN BOND STREEe 011010011.
IMP letter last week some reference
was made to the down town peoblern con-
fronting Toronto chnrehes, and tho dis-'
Position shown in some miarters to shirk
it and in others to meet it. The solemn
feet is that of the 50,000 persons living
Over Thirty=one Thousand Entered Canada During
the Month of September.
A despatch from Ottawa says :
During the six months, April 168 to
October 161, of the current Neal
year 273,649 immigrants- arrived in
Canada. Of this number 180,990
arrived al ocean ports, and 89,
from the United States. These
figures show an' increase of 13 per
cent. iss compared with the number
of arrivals for the corresponding
months of laSt, fiscal year, which
were 158,614 at ocean ports and 83,-
317 11003 WIC United States, mak-
ing, 51 total for the six months,
April 1 to Oct. 1, 191 I, of 241,931
During the month of September
this year there were 31,140 arriv-
als, 20,690 of them having been at
ocean ports and 10,450 from the
States, as ageing 29,077 for Sep-
ia r last ear 17 593 of whoin
were at ocean ports and 11,484 from
the States.
The immigration to Canada for
the lest hall -year is considerably
greater than the entire population
of Montenegro, the country which
a few days ago declai es ea,.
against Turkey.
The electoral district of Carleton,
Ontario, has, according to the cen-
13100 of 1911, a population of 28,4.053;
it will be seen that the insmigrca-
tion dulling the last six months is
more than equivalent to the popu-
lation 411 nine such districts,
Supposing that all the immigrants
who arrived during the last six
months were in line of march one
pace apart, Indian file, the pro-
cession would reach from Toronto
to Kingston, 111011e than one hun-
dred and fifty miles,
and what Each Represents :-
1. INVESTMENT—Safety with Profit.
2. SPECULATION --Profit(?) Without Safety.
3, HOARDING—Safety(?) Without Profit
IF the First Method is yours you will be interested In our
SIX PER CENT. PROPRIETARY RoNDS, .secured by care-
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Income assured., Denominations: 5100,00, $500.00, $1,000,00.
You can purchase our Bonds on the PERIODICAL PAY-
MENT PLAN and make 6% on, your eavings.
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We es, •ele ,i.sseeenet•Stste
Surely you can spare a dollar or two
from your pay snvelope this week.
Open a savings account and get 37,,
interest, payable half -yearly.
Keep up the saving habit and you will
soon have 510001 more, when you can
buy our debentures and get 4% on
your money. Issued. for Sicso and
upwards. Terms one to five years.
Do this with a safe a.nd well-known
company --with the ()nig/ loan com-
pany in Canada, having a reserve
fu11m equal te its paid-up capital
'nesease'peralied 8809.
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Zoog and
Savings Co.
London and St ThelfUlb.
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In Assets