HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-10-24, Page 5Dctoher 24th, 1912 r.roirwriumwww- 11,111th. AliSs Wil•lonia has returned from a Exetee friends, ,lViciCaTighey visited in Lon- ', and Mts. MLitt' kave returned 4rOin •Wirighaan'where" Mr. Start) was .eupplying the .13 riffle for a ,•' Mrs, Emily' Jones is in London Visiting her daugliter, Mrs, W. J, Fyle , • C:ouncillor and 1V11°9., Carr returned •,1as1 week from their wet-If:ins trip and, have taken up 4their 'esidence in Mr, Carr's house on Queen street, Clinton News-Recorii aliierpowitow ativimiumweitawmase -Goderich , Mrs.' Win. Tighe. is visiting her son in Galt. r: and Mrs. R. j. Megaw lete On Tuesday- oe R tap to Winnipeg. . Mrs, A. Henderson has gone to De- troit for the winter months. , Mrs. Black of Toronto_ has been visiting her sister, Mrs.. (Dr,) Em - mason of town. Rev. el, Pollock was in 'Brantford in attendance at the, Baptist con- vention during the past week. Miss Bertha 1Tfflian, youngesit dau- ghter of Mrs, J. o Minim of town was Married. on 'Wednesday of last week to Mr. Chas. M. Robeetslen also of town. Rev. Dr. Medd performed the ceremony. Miss Angeline' E, Jeffrey, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Francis Jeffrey, was married in Si. Peter's church on Tuesday week to Mr. Ellis E. Doti- . ge. ' Mr. Wm. Matheson m,D.,onegal has purchased the residence ..;/' Mr. J. T: Newell on Mucks street and will shortly move his family to town. The remains of the late John Law - $on, who died at West Summerland, 13. C'., were interred in Colborne cemetery on Saturday week, the tuft- eral taking place 1 rom the residence of Capt.:and Mrs. Lawaon of town. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hamilton of BerenilMr are moving into town. Mrs. Tye and Miss Edeie were in Hayesville attending the funeral of Mrs. Tye, mother of the late W. D. Tye. There hasn't been a single convic- tion itt Goderich en the past six months for the. illegal selling of liq- uor. This is almost without .preced- ent, for this toem. Have the deal - cis turned over a new leaf or they afraid of the inspector ? What might easily have proven a fatal accident oceuered last Friday, when 'Tom and Harry, sons of John Chrisholm, of this town, were out on a shooting expedition. Seeing some wild ducks on the pond, Tom made a short cut across a field with a view of arousing the birds in order that be might be able to take fire "on the wing". In doing so , how- ever, he got in line with his broth- , and the ducks. Seeing his broth - et pointing the gun in the 'direction •of the rising birds, he ducked behind a post, but the brother had fired, and Tom received some of the shot in his arms and knees, one shot also entoring the cheek. Only his prompt - e058 in ducking as be did prevent- ed a •more serious accident, if not a fatality, ' A quiet wedding ot interest to God - each, people too): place at the home of Mrs. John Acheson, Toronto, ,on Tuesday when her youngest daughter Irene Grace, was married to Dr. Charles Lane, of Detroit, Mich. The ceremony was performed by the. Rev. F. W. Hollinrakc, of Windsor, brother-in-law of -the bride. Mrs. A. L. Ellsworth, a friend of the bride, played the wedding music. The bade was unattended, and wore a simple gown of white meteor crepe, trimm- ed with rose point lace and carried leacipet of roses and ifly of the valley. After the wedding luncheon Dr. and Mrs, Lane left for a short trip, the bride travelling M a navy blue suit with violet hat and sable furs: They will teside in Detroit, Mich. ' Seaforth, . Tiotilas Stephens' Roe- and' Detroit' iaat week. Mr. • and, Mee. :11, SifATSEt .retuened• last 'Week • .from. a ',trip to Ottawai, „Montreel, and ,Quebec. ' ."' :• ,Mrs, .W. 13, Southgate',is, visiting Toronto friendS.,' ' . Mr. ,Sevauge , has ; phrtha,sed, the old ,Killexaii property on John. Air, John M. • Wilson 'Teturned, leSt week ,after alI extended' 'etav with 'friends, i,n the Weetern,' provinces. " ReV. °McCalreiluS of London Will'comfact Thanksgiving services'in the. Methodist church on 'Sunday Work is beilig puelied• on the. new Carnegie. Library. God's Way of SalvatiOn. , A Living Saviour for You. If you are not yet saved, e'ven now you area condemned sinner herryiag bo an etetniter of darkness' and despair with the wrath of the Almighty reet- ing anon you. "He that believeth not is condemned already" (John iii. 18). ft matees not what you are -high or low, rich or poor, edueated. or illit- erate, religious 135 immoral- unless you are "born again," unlees you be - conic a new creature in ['heist Jesus, you cannot see the kingdom or God. "Ye must, be born again" (John 111- 7). 'If, however, yon have been led to see youx guilt and danger, and are asking' the question, "Is there salva- tion for Inc ?" 1 can assure you on the authority of Him who cannot lie, that you may be saved as you read these lines r for He has said, "Come, for all •• thiags aro BOW ready" (Luke xiv. 17); "Now is the accepted time, and now is the day of salvation" (2 Cor. vi. 2); '''Look unto Me and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth" (In. xis'. 22). God loved the'world of sinners lost And ruined by the fall ; Salvation lull at highest cost He offers free to all," (To Be Continued.) Wingham Mr,' t.'ecil Knox of 'Toronto has been visiting at his parental home iu town. Rev. G. 'Victor Collins attended he Baptist cionven tion in Brantford ast week. Miss Olive KROx returned last week efter spending a few months in I oronto. Ali. Robt. Maguire went out to ldmonton to visit his father, who as' been seriously ill. Mr. Frank Dinsley is, homeitom he west after an, absence of twenty- ff0 years. , 'v The funeral of the late James aby, who died at Neepawa, Man., Ook Plane to Wingham cemetery on undalr week. ,Miss Rosie Brown visited friends in llyth and Clinton Mat week. • ; Me. J. W. Welter has purchased the estdenee of Mr. Roadhouse on the orner of Edward and John streets. r. awl Mrs. Roadhouse have re.mov- to 'Toronto.' Mr: Wm. Naylor of East Wawanoth tet with a distressing accident one, ay Idet week while tvorking ' threshing machine when his toot ipped in among the revolving kniv- Which cut the etraw mangling 111' terribly that it had to be m- utated. Miss Martha, second (laughter of r, Henry Wheeler was married en ednesday week to Mr. Wm. M. Reid 'town. 'The ceremony was portorMed tile Rev. H. 71. Otoly. Stallion Inspection Under Ontario Stallion Act. Under the proviSion of the Stallion Enrolment Act, inspectors will visit the following places for the purpose cif inspecting stallions which the owners desire to Ileac inepected ; , Exeter at 8:30 a. in. on Oct. 291h, Dashwood at 2:30 p. m. on Oct. 29th, Zurich at 9:30 a. in, on Oct 3011, Henson at 1:30 p. 10. on Oct, 30th, Seafortli at 8:30 it. 10.00 Oct. 31st, ,eadbury at 3:00 p. 01. on Oct. 31st. Brussels at 830 it. 111. on Nov. 1st, Vingham at 1:00 p. el. on Nov„ ist, Myth at 0:00 it. In. on Nov. 2M(1, eondesboro at 1:00 p. in. on Nov, 2nd Clinton at 8:30 a. m. on Nov. 4th, Goderich at 2:00 p, 111. on Nov. 4th, Dungannon at 9:00 it. 10, on Nov. 5th, mcknow at 2:30 p, m: ou Nov. 5th. Years Aao From Tho News -Record oi Oct, 21st, 1890. Clinton, Oct. 21st, 1896. Or. Freeborn and family spent Sunday with Seatorth friends, Mr. and Mrs., John Toxemic° of Zurich' were in town on Wednesday. Mr. David Beacom. of the Bayficld leine,..has sold his farm to his neigh - ems, Mr. John Cnuft. The evaporator is paying ten cents per hundred Mr apples and they are running through about three hundred mshele ay day. Mr. Case, who is in charge, is populae with both sellers and the etaff, Lase Monday •Mr, and Mrs. Wni. Jackson left to attend the annual fleeting of the Canadian Ticket Sel- ler's Association, at St. John-, N. B. at the conclusion of the busi- ness meeting they will- go to Han - ilex by special train. An orchestra has, been ' for- med in town with the fol- lowing members ; . James Me: Rao, Errnst Davis, 01w:tone', ; • Miss McMurray, Walker, violin 1, Enoner ton, f I u te, 'Geo. McRae, cor- BEAUTIlel.fL PICTUItE. We notice in this week's issue of The Family Herald and Weekly' Star, that the ' publisher's have secured, as a Prealium Pieture for subscribers, ,another , -beautiful ' subject,' entitled "Mother's Treasuees" a 'oompanion to the beautiful •, picture "11*e whnch they gaie last year: Family • Herald pictures, are always good and it is said 'that "Mother's ereaSetres" is, the best yet. It , is -truly wonderful what great value one reeMves, CO): one dollat a year 'in The Family Herald and Weekly'. Star. It is a paper no home in Canada. should be without, 'Every member of a family will ,find some part, of .it interesting and alone well worth the years : Subseriptien. The • premium , picture, "Mother's Treaeuree" is 23 by 29 inches, ,all ready for framing, and alone would sell in any 'art store , two dollars. The Family Herald should do big- ger business Hiatt ever this season, LOW RATES FOR. HUN MRS VIA GRAIND TRUNK RAILWAy. Fares -Single first-class fares for the round trip from allstations in Ontario (except north of Graven,hurst ad west of Pembroke), also limn Detroit and Port Huron, Moll., Buie falo, Black Rock and Suspeueion Bridge, New York. : Going Dates -October 7th to Nov- embet 0th, inolusive to all points on Temiskaming and Northern Ontario Railway, Temagami, etc., and to cer- tain points in provinces Of Quebec, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, also the state of Maine. October 17111 to November 9th, in- clusive, to Muskoka Lakes, Lake of Bays, Georgian Bay, Maganetawan and French Rivers, Kawartha Lakes and points on Grand. Trunk Railway, Severn to North Bay inclusive, Mad- awaska to Parry Sound, Lindsay to Halibur ton, Argyle to coboconli, Penetang, Midland and Lakelield. Return Limit -All tickets valid to return until Thursday, December 12, except to points reached by steamer lines, Tuesday, November 12th,, 1912. Write to A. le. Duff, District Pass- enger Agent, ,T:nion Station, Toron- to, Ontario, for free illustrated book- let entitled "Haunts 'of Fish and Game,'' containing Game Laws, Maps, Rates, etc. DUNG AININ(1N. • , , Disbee, aged fifteen, was the nner, the' Salver presented by e, Militia to the Rifle Aseociaticm ' His Scotewas three hundred -eight out of four hundred net, H. B. Chant, French Horn ; Richard Downs, trombone ; Robt, Downs, bass ; Bert Kerr,' banjo i; Jas. Jackson„ guitar ; Miss Linnie Irwin, pianist. More menihets ate wanted. Rev. A, Stewart preached at Port Elgin lase Sunday. The New -Record is indebted to Mr. .1.0-. Steep for , a liberal sample of the largest, best colored and flav- ored snow apples seen this season. Mr. Phil Crews has decided tn en- gage in thc jewelery and watchnialc- ing business hero on his own account. Miss Eva Ceoll spent several days at Tavistock last week. Rev. W. and Mrs. 'Ford have re. LIITI1O(1 from is delietted visit to Ole White Winged city. Last Friday evening Mr, A. W. Creambell, C. FL, Provincial Instruct- or in good road making, gave an ad- dress to those interested in the coune cil thamber. Dr. Shaw, Masonic Deputy tor Huron District, is paying an official visit to the several lodges within the jurisdiction. .° Last Saturday morning 13/1r, Joseph Rowell, one of 'Ctinton's Oldest and most reepected citizens, passetl away at the, age of eighty -live years. „ Hohnesville, Oct. 21811 1896. DUlagaltikOlt Mr. Jackson 'is acting nianager of the Sterling Bank in the absence of Mr. Beattie - who is on Ids vacatini. Mrs. 193. Ceaevfoed and her daugh- ter, Mrs. • WilliS, visited friends in Goderich las,t week. HerbCreasor returned last week from the north where he spent the sitnifnseserrs'.fi:3,ea4nc ginge. ivea. wiora ansi J. Johnston have each invested ie Win- chester ,ritlee itt readinessiMr the op- ening of ,the bunting season. TOMATOES FOR SALE; RIPE OR Cireee. Can be kad aji Bartliff's "or O'Neil's grocery store' or at my place. -F. W. Evans Plione. 1.01. Marriages WASMANN - VAN EVERA - In London en Oct. 15th, by. Rev. 14„ 11. Biugham, Mabel Pearl, (laughter of Mrs. P. R. Van Ev- era of London to William Edgar Wasmaen, eldest son of Air. and Mrs. J. Ie. Wasmame, ot Clinton. COLEMAN-TOWNSEND -- At the Ontario street, parsonage, Clin- ton, on Oct, 23rd, by Rev. S. J. Allis, Florence II., daughter of .Mr. Thos. Townsend of Tucker - smith, to Francis J. Coleman of leginotelvilLe. 1) UNK1 N -J 0 I -IN STON-A t the re- sidence of the bride's mother, Babylon Line, on Oct. 23r0, by the Rev. Mr. Johnston of Varna, Mamie, daughter of, Mrs. Samuel Johnston, to Chester Dunkin, all of Stanley township. ROBERTSON -MI Llei A N -in 0 oder- alt, on Oct.. .16th, hy • the Rev. Dr. Medd, Ber.tha, daughter of Mrs, J. 1". Million, to Chas. M. Robertson, an of Goderich. DODGE -JEFFREY -In °C-eoderich, on Oct. J5111, by Rev. leather McRae, Angelinc le. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Jeffrey, to Ellis E. Dodge, all of Goderich. Births NOTICE. -S0 MANY APPLES have been brought in lately that our bins are mow overflowing„ but on Monday, Oct. 28th, we will be able to take in further supplies and will continue to pay the high- est market price„ -A. Case, The Clinton Evaporator. THE HORTICULT'URAL 50011e71Y. -The annual meeting of The Clinton Horticultural Society will be held in the C'ouncil Chamber on Tuesday Nov. 5th at 8 P. M. All. members ate requested to be pfeserit.-M. D.' McTaggart, President. -53-2. AUCTION •SALF, OF HORSES, cows, young cattle, hay and straw; OR Nov. 5th at lot 10, con., 7, Parr Line, Stanley, 2+ miles south of Varna. --Archie "McGregor, prop- rietor, T. Brown, Auctioneer. -53-2 FOR SALE -ONE WOOD STOVE and one medium size coal heater. - J. Doig, Marble Dealer, -52: HELP WANTED -THE 3 A C K SON Mfg. Company -Hand sewers and operators. Steady Work, Short hours, Well lighted and ventilated work rooms. Good pay. -Apply alt office or to J. McLeod, Supt. • RORIKIE--In Clinton, on October 22nd, to Mr. and Airs. II. E. Rorke. it son. , RATIIIVELL-In Goderich township, on October 23rd, to Air. and Mrs, 13en. Rathwell, a son: 1)AVIDSON-Tn Baytteld, , Oct. 32th, te Mr. and Mrs. John Davidson, a, daughter. PIPE -In Morris township, on Oct. 10111, 13 Mr. and Mrs,. Wm. l'ipe, a son. Deaths 11 ELLV-Tn IVforris Toeveship, on Oot. 1313, George Kelly, aged 81. LOWRIlee-" fit Hallett, on Oct. 13th, Win. 'T. Loweie, son of Mr. and , Mrs. Charles Lowrie, aged 19 -years 5 months and 3 (lays. , On Wednesday a very ,quint Wedding took place at the residence of Mn. Joseph Iletfedge *hen youngest daughter, Etta, was rniareied to Mr, Wesley Learoyd of Windsot. • Mrs. -W. Elford of Godeeich iS spendinen, few- days in the neighbor - and all average per day, hood. . elle four, days' ehoot, of nin- Mrs, G. Tehbutt: returned on Sat- -seven out „of one hundred and ueday tenni a visit to Eiondon, , IVIiI- Verton and oilier placee. , the Rattenbury Hottse bit October 30. These Toupees • ace not only,' perte,ct - in coristruction, but are -the only san-' House!) ,F0EsatLE N preearemsg Rory and patented eubstitUtes tor sereee,e_yar peel:401.4,re •.apply, ee ones ONV11 hair. • ,MIs. James Tuolcer, Clinton. -10 ' ' Ancient Order of Foresters. The only Fraternal Society doing business in Canada on legal reserve basis and the only Society paying profits on policies, straight Life, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 year Pay Life, and 10, 15, 20, 25 kola 30 per Enlowments, TIM BEST SLCK BENEFITS. Its Sick and letintral branch gives the best sick: benefits that money can buy. AT THE LOWEST POS- . STBL111 001371. FOR SALR.-I ,WILL DISPOSE OF my household furniture including stoves by private sale at my house on Raglan street. Everything must go. A. Snap. -11. ('antelon. -52-2 4. THOROUCHIBRIel) YORKSHIRE, service with privilege of returning if necessary. -L. Stephenson, London Road. -53 NOTICE TO DEBTORS -In THE Estate of. John Leslie, deceased. - All persons indebted to the es- tate of the late Jain Leslie are hereby requested to pay to Mr' W. I), Fair, Clinton, the amounts ow- ing by -them. As the estate is to be wound up forthwith persons in- terested in this announcement will please give it their prompt atten- tion,- James Watson, executor. Clinton, Oct. 16, 1912. -52-2. BOARDERS OR ROOMERS WANT - ed -School girls preferred. Apply to Mrs, Chas. Wiltse, 'Huron street, opposiCe Hie Commercial Hotel. -51.. A policyin the A. 0. F. am° ,Peals to young men 'mid to - husbandsarid. tattlers. It giv- es Sate insurance a -t the, low-. , est possible cost. For fuitherr informateon on- coliffr 511' any member of (.'ourt.'Proeperity ot CridWicOrf; Secretary AUCTION SALE Ole FARM sToca arid Implements. Mr, George Hay- es has instructed the undereigned to sell by public auction at Lot 16, 'Con, 17,4 Base Littc, Goderich town- ship, at one o'Olook sharp on Thurs- day, October 31st. Horse 4 years old, Horee 3 years old, Driving horse 4 years old, Aged borne, 0 cowe • due to calve in Spring, Far- .. row cow, 2 heners 2 years old, Yearling steer, 3 yearling heifers, 4 ' calves, Messey-Harris binder, Deering mower, Massey -Harris drill, Massy-flarris cultivatot, Deering 'disc karrow, Horse rake, Land roller, Pubper cYlinder, Grid - stone, Buggy 'new, Runiball buggy, Roadwagon„ Cutter Fanning Mill, Perrin sulky plow, •Gang plow, Sy- lvester walking plow, Chatham wa- gon and box, Turnip sower, Set harrows, 2 scut:flees, Ladder 24 feet, Car, Fork, Slings, Pulleys, 140 foot rope, Set double harness„ Set' Single harness, 2 sugar kettlee, Cream separator, Set sleighs, Hay rack, 60 rovVs turnips, A quantity .of hay, Forks, Chains and other ar- ticles, too numerous to mention. All will be 'sold without reserve as the owner has disposed of his farm, Terms : MI sums ol $10 and tinder, cash, on Over that amount 12 months credit' will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. A discount of 4 percent. per arcane allowed off for cash. GOO: Hayes, Proprietor, T, Gun- dry, Auctiuneer. BRIN-G IN YOUR APPLES WHILE there is room. AVe are still buy- ing and will continue to do so as long ae there is stock to buy.:- ToWn & Cese. The Evaporator. FARM FOR RENT. -L -LOT 14, CON. 0, containing 100 acres situated 1+ miles south of the village of Var- na, near to good school and chur- ches. Will rent for term of 3 or 5 years, to suit the renter, Pos- session can be given at once, For further particulars apply to Mr., Andrew Reid, Varna P. 0.. or to Rev. R. Murray 3827 North Hoyne Ave., Chicago 111. -19. F. C. I). BRISTOWE, PROF. OF Musio.-Organise of Willis Church ; Piano, Organ and Theory ; Voice •ctilture.--Pnpils prepared it desired for any of the examining bodies in Toronto or for the Lon- don (Eng.) College of Music in all grades. Special system for piano- forte fa' 'beginners between ages eight and eleven. Terms on applic- ation. -At present at the Hotel Nor- mandie. -19. FObI SALE --ONE RUBBETt TIRE' buggy with top. One light spring wagon. 'One cutter. Aid the above articles are in good condition and will sell cheap tot quick ply to Thomas Watts, Clinton. -30 'BALD. 'MEN „ Should, call and inspect the fam- ous; Sanitary „, Patent Toupeeo;135 shown by Professor Dorenwend, at, FOR SALE- ONE YE ARL 1NCI colt, 2 fat heifers two years old, 3 spring calves, 1 Cooksluitt sulky plow nearly new, 1 lumber wagon, low down with hay rack, Clover Leal Manure spreader. --Levi Trick, Clinton 0,0. -47 FARM FOR SALE -100 ACRE'S, Lot. 18, con. 3, Hullett, 21 miles from Clinton, 1 mile from School, Good farm soil clay loam, weal wat- ered and improved. 2 acres orchard. Good buildings, barn 50e51, stone basement, cement floors, stalling for 22 head of cattle and 5 horses, also 3 large box stalls. Hog -pen and hen -house 17x30, cement base- ment. 7 roomed, two story, brick veneer house with summer kitchen, wood shed and buggybouse convea- lent to house. Teema 2-15 of purchase money down, remaieder on place at 41 pereent, or otherwise to suit purchaser, -Apply on premises or address 5.• A. Brown, Box 95, Clin- ton. P, 0. -50. • "ANTED -A GOOD MAN AND A smart boy at once, --W, '0, O'Neil, FARM. FOR SALE.-- LOT 24, CON. 0, township of Ilullett, containing 100 aeres„ 80 acres eleared and in a good state of cultivation. 15 acres good hardwood bush. There ara on. °the premises 'a firet class bank barn with tvater system in, connection. Good seven roomed frame house With hard and soft water. Tele- phone cennection, 4 miles from Clinton and 3 from I,oudesboro. This farm has never been rekted and is bee of the best in tile county, Terms °reasonable as the undersign- ed is retiring irom' farnitng.--Airs. T. Carbett, Clinton 0. -47 FARM FOR SALE. -LOT 55, CON. 10, Goderieh township, consisting eif 80 acres, all cleared -with:the ex- ception of 5 acres of bush, 2 acres orchard, 40 acres in grass. Good clay loam.' Well watered and fenc- ed. Fraene house, and barn 42 by 57 witk cement stabling. 40 foot windmill with water to house and barn. + mile from school and 1 miles from Clinton. ALSO part lots 37 and 38, con. 10, contaiaing 105 acres. Good brick house and 2 barns, 50 by 50 and 30 by 50. Good outbuildings. Farm well fenc- ed and in good state of cultivation with never felling spring, a mile from school and 1 from Clinton. - For further particulars apply to '1'. II. Cole, Clinton P. 0. -46 PARM FOR SALE -24.0 ACRES IN the township of Stanley : 80 ac- res under crop : 20 acres geod hardwood bush, balariee in pastel.: land. Farm - tile drained and In good state ot cultivation.' Comfort- able frame house, long distance tele - Phone installed. Frame barn, 1,d0 x 100 feet, with stone stabling and waterworks system. :Adiliilional barn and house suitable for farm help. Farm situated 21- miles from Brumfield station on the G. T. It. and 1+ mile n from the village of Varna. Terms to suit purchaser, -Apply to John McNaughton, Var- na. P. 0. -12. voTErut.T LIST NOTICE. -NOTICE is hereby given that a: Couet will be held putenant o the (latetrio 'Voters List Act, by- Iris Honor; Judge of the County Court of tim County of Huron, at the, town hall in the village of Bayfield on Thursday, the 3113 (lay of October. 1912 at 2 o'cloek p, in: to hear and determine complainte of errors and omissions in •the Voters' List ot the Municipality of the village of Bayfield 'for 1912. Dated at 13ay- field Oct. 151.11, 1913.-11. W. E l'W in, Village Clerk, , -52. FARM FOR SALE -The -Executor 01 the Southcombe estate offers for sale 50 acres, being east half of lot 28, con. 6, Mullett. This is a first-class farm, well watered and improved and with good buildings. Also the undersigned offers for sale Mt 29, con. 6, Hullete, consisting el 100 acres. These feries may be bought together or separately. - Apply to R. J. Southeembe, Clin- ton P. 0. -89 SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED and repairs kept on hand, also ag- ency for new machines, -A. Hoop- er, Albert street. -30. FARM FOR SALE. -THE UMBER - signed offers for sale lot 18, con. 16, 0,oderich township, containing 80 ,acres: On it there is a good framo }Muse and bank barn, each with stone foundation and also an implement house. it is a good stock farm as there .is plenty of water, Convenient to churchee and school. Telephone connection: Small Orchaed and about 5 acres of bush, -For terms apply to J. H. Lowery, Box 1242, North 13ay, or to Jos. Proctor, Holmesville. AUCTION SALE OF COWS-, YOUNG Cattle and Colts. ---The undersiv- ed has received Instructions to sell by public auctien at 13rucatield on Friday ()et, 25111 at 1 o'clock the following,: 27 cows, 10 young cat- tle and ,severtil colts, *The, cowS arc Durham and Ayrshire grades witheone real nice Jettsey.t5 of them will calve before Xmas, The use eat 30 days patentee goes with them, 8 months credit or 6per- cent°. straight for caeli,-Ifolland and Colineil, proptietors, 71. Brown, anal on eel; , FARM FOR SAI,E.-LOT 30, CON. 1.1, Goderich townshiip, consisting of 80 acres, all cleared and in a good state of cultivation, 30 acres in grass, 1 acre orchard. Good outside wire fencing gooe conerete dwelling with eight rooms. 'Stone dairy. Farme barn, 1 mile from I-Iolmesville and 4 from Clinton. Will be sold on easy terms. For further parttettlars apply to W. CIADOliS Clifit011, P. 0,. or Fred Leonatd, Holmesvidle, „.41, The .News-Reerird to Jan: 13-15e. e_ellize___tae. 74-4 1'0\ • PIM; -vont Rol' W vrim. HEA TING. How (Mont it. I Are tilt 'dues all right -the ra liators-evtr 'thing fix- ' ed, for the Winter 9, It not, it i$ time you had these TniNfls ATTENDED '00 at once. We are experts 3» , all kinds .ot. hoesehold and office plum- bing and we give perfect eatistac- tion. 111 woek and price .• III:CLA FURNACE LENDS nee are the agents. FARM FOR SAI,E, KNOWN AS "Springhill Farm" on the Baylield Road, Goclerich eownship, coneisti- ing 175 acres, south half lots 51 and 52 and part 53 and 54. Two miles front Clinton and one from, school. A first-class stock and grain farm. 35 amens of good pas- ture land. Well watered and has never ladling spring at barn. Good svells and cisteen. Bank barn 62x52, with stone stabling. 150 apple tre.es just' begiening to bear and all kinds of small fruies, 'Reason ` for selling : Owner In poor health. Terms to suit purchaser. --Robert mar8haii, ounton P."0. -36 THOS. HAWKINS, TRACTS The Drunkard's Friend (Wesley) Yeddie or "Yon Lovely Moe." A Plain Talk on Jostifleation, (Sturgeon) °The laovvn Grade al overnene. (Spurgeon 1-Iell : A Terrible Reality. (Rev. Geo, Gordon alel,eocl) Errors of Ruseeliste, (Rev. James (1rity of Moody Bible Institute) Send postage for free samples. FRED. J. HILL Clinton - Canada. • e • oo •••••••• o • oo •o•ea,,, • • • izsli . • . • • • . • • . • • • •ipoEs . • ••inoi • • • • • • • • • MENU FOR THIS WEEK :- • • . • • • Sweet Potatoes • • • Finnan Haddie BREAD! BREAD!! BREAD !!! The principal part of cier diet, How careful then we should be to use only the best that can be produced. Conner's Bread are excelied by none. In fact 'no other bread comes nearly up to Con- ner's in Quality. It :satisfies the taste of the most fastidious. GIVE IT ATRIAL. STORE TO RANT, RECENTLY 00- eupied by .Tarnee Steep, produce dealer. -Apply to 3. o. or ,It. E. Manning Clinton -37 , . CHAS. N. CONNER BAKER - and oo;NrEcTioNER Lewis Suelter. Harold Rayner. TO OUR CUSTOMERS • • • Spanish Beans no' ne • I and • • e • Fresh,Sausage • • • • • • • • • Peaches nnd Grapes now at : • their best. This will be : big peach week. • • • • • • • • W. T. O'NEIL • • • "The Hub Grocery." • • • • • • 0 .S.A.V.E. You wilt save coal -and yetget more heat, it you have us instal the tanie mei Sunshine Furnace.. 1391 SHALL CLOSE ON SATUR° DAY AT NOON ' AND RE -OPEN, TUESDAY MORNING. IF WANT- ING Y THING IN 0(314 LINE KINDLY LFT CS HEAR FROM YOU BEFORE SATURDAY MORNING SO i.ri-TAT YOU MAY Ble SliPpLIED OVER, THE HOLI- May: , • leVERYTHING IN FLOUR & FEED The L. SUITTER CO. Phone 61. The Elevator. lliDIES WANTED BYAM.riUTTER SANITARY PLUMBERS. 106-1P.' GirlsWanted immediately for Biscuit end Candy, Departments. Light, pleasant work; steady employment ; good wages. • Apply Employment offered in Player Pneumatic De- partment. Light, suit- able work amid heathful surroundings. In New York or Chic- ago this is considered em- ployment for the highest class of lady operators. W. Doherty Piano & Organ Co. Ltd. D. S. Perrin & Co. Limited. LONDON, CANADA The eyes are wage earners. Anything short of perfect vision dimin- ishes the earning powers. We perfect your sight. Our glosses ns nn in- vestment yield rou substnntial returns. A. 3. GRIGG Scientific Jeweler and Optician CLINTON, 024/T. NM I I I I I I II IN MI I I IIINIMIIIIII , IHome Study! Thousands of ivMhitions young people ore being instt noted in their homes by our Home Study Dept. You may fl MA at College if you desire. . Pay when. ever you wish. Thirty Years' TOxper- lenee. Largest trainers in Canada. hinter any 50 0, Positions guaranteed. 21 you wish to SiliVC board and learn while you earn, write for particulars. , NO VACATION CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE . CEO. SPOTTON, PRESIDENT soimamommoummammim —