The Clinton News Record, 1912-10-24, Page 4frariewurommemonnemeneemammfow Hensall 1(13'. and Mrs. Frank \'bite of Sas.- atorin have been , visiting relatives Miss liattie Me12iieen has retorted after ti,t.nrlinr, 0 iorbat)11 with the guest; of her aunt, Mrs. C. Pica. 1' oxetei: friends. cont The township council /net Saturday Mrs. S. C';. Andrews and little sons October the 1 1, all present. 13y lain Colin are visiting friends in this No, d authorizing the issue' of 1)- neighborhood. 000 debentures for the telephone sys- ,0Jiss Lovell took in the convention tens was duly passed. The telephone in 10iaghanl on Thursday and Fri- del,enttire rote was struck at 051.37 day and spent Saturday at ]ger home Clinton News -Record ©ctobei 24th, 19112 Sum tnerhill Mt. and Nies. Jas. Johnston spent Sunday the guest of tit: former's mother. Miss lernia Jordan spent last week _ c' '11 `fidephnne or an annual pay- in Wroxcter: anent of 1;7,15. Miss 151. Clifton has returned to her The council bought Hili of tele- home .af-ter a weeks' visit with her graph poles, which are tuostdy in good brother, Mr, C. CJliitorl. shape, and will mance good. telephone;) Rev.' 1V. 1-1. Dunbar preached to. a Doles. 1ltirge congregation in St. Peter's Claimsfor sheep killed by dogs church on Sunday. - Itis many fri- v ere presented to the council. I ends were ,pleased to have him in Peter. 1=laberer $92 laid over till their midst again. neer meeting, Mr. and Mrs, Clordon Johnstone of Peter Deichert 1:9 was allowed 114. Wawanosh spent Sunday the guests council will meet again on; Satyr- ,of Mr. Chas. Lovett. day the 2nd _day of November, at Misses Jessie, and Nellie Watkin of one o'clock P. rn. Clinton spent a few days the guest of their uncle, Mr.. R. J. Watkins. Mf. and-111eS. 0, Beacon, entertain- ed a number of thole friends on Fri- day evening last and all report hav- ing spent a very enjoyable time. t:. ML, George Mayes will have his auction sale on the 31st inst, and shortly .alitecwards will move to Clinton where he and his life partner wii1 make their home, )laving bought the residence on Joseph street for some time occupier) by Rev. Mr, Wylie. Sonle- 1913 Wali Pape' NOW ON SALE: SPECIAL P U R CHASES ON SMALL LOTS AND REMNANTS. \ViIlllovt SliaUes REGULAR A N D SPECIAL SIZES TO ORDER. 'OOPER OO. CLINTON Coderich Township The Sunday sellout of St. James Church, Middleton, intend giving a concert in the lecture room on Tues- day evening next which promises to be a success hiss flay Rance of Clinton is ar rarialltg the program and will herself give a large part 0f it. &Ir. Rohr Thompson of 1110 13th con., has purchased a house in Clin- ton. Ile does lett intend ,lust at present to occupy it himself, but it will be in readiness for hint should be decide to retire, Mr, and firs. J. 11. Ilarrisonof the Lake Shore e rwere able to treat their Clinton guests on Sunday to ripe raspberries, fresh gathered, which were all the more delicious because of maturing so late in the season. A Cottage meeting will he held at the residence of Mr. Robb. Thompsoi of the 10th con." Thursday evening o this week at 7:30 o'clock, The ser- vice will be conducted by Rcv. C. 1.1 Jenkins of StP1 s church, Cli n ton ).hese meetings will he con tinned weekly until further notice All welcome., Ild'NSALL, iMrs. Thos. Simpson, has return. from a. visit with her sister, Mrs. Pearson of London. ,... 3111:1.101 DRESSMAKING i`. Ask her. having ments _pieces. 7:R S" AND We lie - READY PHONE No. 78 TO - \\' E:UL Couch & Co. .._ any well- dressed lady Sinart, is millisll that are absolutely dependable COUCH '1'o most women the ,satisfaction furs are right is worth thein. We specialize of all hinds and better Lower prices than where as much in class ours .to • & CO. as fur and of gleans buy Flurs and she will say of knowing that the pleasure of fur -lined gar- setts and single less quality, '.. the in hats tions, T� Autumn tilde is every is one Your Os'--v'-now h '`7 /ry m •„ 5 1 e "' I� coil now here woman's of the will find •' 'plete p. y/ . ':. � �i ,N 0. 0woman , itNo .x ,/ // 4.3 �� i r f 1I1 D �e elr %'' - L�IN- chilly days when ward -robe. hardest it one \,_ 'tt\, Ii ,li — '' „. y r.v r i 5 p: I � �' I e`' _, e RY are now here in earnest, faSbion demands a: Change, The 'question of fitly to solve under some condi- of the easiest if you visit our millinery department with the most coin- stook ot trinlluings • shapes, ready -to -Wear and dress hats, A stylish be- coming hat to' suit every s purse.' ,This storeleads all . 1 a Ot1G'ls in high Class' milliner,. ''LADIES' coAT E Lie..ybody knows e kind d of coats 'we cal!- . r r',y but n'obod ),^noww Such �pI1 es as will be this se'asol, This branch' Of our business g1'ows ever year, y , s results never cdn�e by ohallce. The latest nov- elty, the best values are always found in stock, Bayfield. Miss Hilda King is visiting friends dt Milverton, Rev. John Joan Muir, representing ' the Ddjliinion Alliance, occupied the, i;iul- pit in St. Andrew's church on Sun- day morning and that of the Metho- dist church :in the evening. Ile, preached two excellent sermons in tltc interest of telaperancc, his ad- dresses proving a good opening lot the local option campaign. The congregation of St.. Andrew's church will give a '1'hen',a,;lving sup-. per in the lecture room on 7MIonday evening. At the conclusion of the supper a good' ' program .3vi 1 00 giv- en, aninteresting feature of it being burning of the mortgage on the pro- perty, ' The congregation' of St. An- drow'•s. are 't'o 'be congratulated upon the :Tact that their church will in 'future be free' of debt. The differ- ent departments of the church work are in a healthy state 'of activity, neurit of the present progress being due to the energy and faithfulness of the pastor, the Rev. A. Macfarlane, who is tireless in his labors. Holmesville Miss Bertha Stanley returned - on Thursday last after having spent nearly three Months -with friends in the west. Blest of the Sime was spent aU F!aniiota Man., where a Sister s s resides. Miss. Stanley enjoy- ed her visit very much and was quite favorably impressed with Man- itoba as a place of residence though not by any means going back. on Old Ontario and the good old county of • Huron. Varna Miss Leila Ford, • assistant teacher in the Clinton Model school; visited Miss Effie Snowden at the parsonage over the week -end, • Stanley Township 1M'Ir., and Mrs. \\'ilsou Armstrong have retained home from a pleasant nt visit with friends in Manitoba tea and other parts of the west. Quite a number of the young peo- ple of this vicinity attended the granite shower which was held last Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Samuel Johnson in honor of Miss Mamie .Johnson. Mr. George Henry Stephenson ar- rived home frust the weSt one day Iasi week. Miss Ll '+a • a Pearl Duncan of Saskatoon is visiting under 1.110 parental roof for a short time, 11Iiss Minnie Antos of McGillivray is visiting at the home of lir. An- drew Dinean this weelc During the past week Mr. and Mrs. W. H, C 103111ll moved their house - held effects to Sutton where they will in future reside, lilr: Stogdili having taken up the Massey -Harris agency at that point. They acre a worthy couple and we were all sorry to see them depart, but they have our best wishes for their future hap- piness and prosperity, Miss Maggie Peck, a student- at the Clinton model school, spent a few days at her bon' Iasi week. Mr.Gco Reid, who has been visit- ing friends around 1,1101(»ow and in Stanley township for the past r six man1i5, left for his home at Spritlgwater, Oregon, 011 Tuesday. Mr. Reid is a native of Stanley but it is nearly forty years since he settled in the State of Or- egon antl naturally he has learned to think highly of his adopted land, and especially of the climate of Oregon Mr. R(1(1 is an uncle of Mrs. .James Reid and Mrs. Coo. Coleman. His brother, Mr. James Veil of Thess anon. also visited friends in the neigh- borhood during the past week. An oldBine resident of the Iia) Odd Road, Stanley, in the person of Mr. Charles Wells, was killed recent- ly at his home at Maryville in the State of Missouri, aged eighty -dye ,tars. His horse became 101300ned and turning suddenly threw hin, out 1. el the rig. ln, r\d14 Was , tit a native of the North of Ireland but came to this cou11'Iv with his parents when hut a -youth He left Stanley about ivienty-fife years ago. Mr, Wells was a c'en511 of Mrs Andrew Keys mid Mrs. Wells is a sister of Mrs (Treasure)') Reid. Mt, .Tames Reid of 'Bruce County has been the guest of Mr. ,.Tastes Reid the past week. Good 'Morning' 1 clear reader. 1 -Mw flocs you sub, to The NPW5-Il080rd reaad? The label tells the story. Tuckersmith Township A quiet wedding took place at the Ontario' street, parsonage, Clinton, Wednesday afternoon when Miss F.or- ince H_ Townsend, daughter or Mr. Thos, Townsend of this township, un' was v united inmarriage Fran- cis • . , r e to Mr. 1. at an- as J. Coleman 'of hgmonrdvtllc. The ceremonyas preformed r w 1 t o mid' by the Rev. S. J, Allis. The many friends of bride and groom inin 10 congratula- tions and good' wishes. - ^ TTTi. WEEKLY SUN. A ) farm ; paper whose editor is 'an active farmer :Mist of neeebsity be near the farmer and know his needs. This is,, o e of the reasons for the popularity ot The Weekly Sun, Tor- onto, which for over 1,)0111;y -two years, the Ontario fatne rhas con- sidered . his s t s business paper. Then, again, The,,Sun's market reports, are of such value to those who take aad- vantage d- vant ' a c the1nF r , g of o 13 ktition given thcd: 1111)' will not do without it, Sun subscribers are active farmers, who farm for prof?t. • 7f you are not A subscribe to The Sanh000ld be. The Sun can help ,you make the farm pay all it can pay. • When) renewing your subscription for the News -Rt cot( order The Suet ; Conyention'of East Huron Teachers. 'Tice Seth,animal convention of East Huron Teachers was held in the Op- era Rouse, Wingham, Oct. 1,7th J.ntlt. The morning session opened in due forma In the absence of tie Presi- dent., Mr. Tiolman, Mr. Field occupied the chair. Programme and Resolu- tion committees were appointed and reporters drafted. Mayor, Spotton opened the after- noon session with a cordial address of welcome. Mr. Logan', specialist in penmanship of Peterborough, Busi- ness College, was then called upon. He opened his discourse with the utilitarian value, of good writing as a source of oxpression in' all the sub jeers of the curriculum. It. was shown that the muscular movement far surpassed the old -detrimental copy -book sy51011, in that itis the more practical system. Mr. Logan demonstrated the proper position of pen and pupil to achieve the best result, With the aid of the board, he showed the various steps he the progression Prom the lowest to the highest grades. The address was followed by an enthusiastic discus- sion : t writing. Mr. Logan is on 0 Ol 6 the teaching staff of Peterborough Normal School and 10 thoroughly ac- quainted with the subject.' This was. followed by a girl's chor- us under the superintendence of Miss Reynolds. '1hc chorus ch was heartily yas encored and replied 1 by a second performance_ This was an' excellent demonstration of what may de done by the Tonic Sol fa system. This was followed by an 'address by Mr. S. Pickles, who is on the Staff of 'London and Stratford Normal Schools. I:lo Grst' dwelt on the neces- sity of Normal Training as • a liberal education. Jf_,we are true to our pro fe5si0a, we Hurst develop the child's motor activities wale)) arc lying dor- mart. Pupils require a certainstimit- lus and Manual r'raining fulfils this requirement. '1.110 tradring. in three fi'S is now being displaced by the training of the three 11's Heart, Head and Hand: To his second address 11r. Pickles first dealt with the method of teach- ing ManualTraining. Ii0 exhibited hibited excellent samples of handiwork clone by public school pupils and explained their construction. This address as well as the first was very greatly appreciated. Mr. (1. R. Smith of the high School staff, ,gave an excellent paper on "'Methods in " Arithmetic." Elis re- marks were of an 0ucouraging char- acter. The changes in the methods of dealing with number wcr illustrtted and the practical side exemplified. Ile made .a short reference to the Metric System, its origin, alai its gradual displacement of other sys- tems. Examples of rapid .calculation and short methods were developed on the blackboard. Mr. Pearcy, also of the Iligh School Staff, followed lir, Smith with a pa- per on Nature Study, He neared a solution for the problem of Nature Study in the Public School. He de- monstrated through the theory of 0)0101inn, the close connection bc- tween maul and Nature. !Nature Study is purely human and the pupil should learn It in such a Manner as 10 - ac - (11)110 the knowledge by his own et forts, Dictating of notes by the was teacher C R strongly crnldemhed. Col 1(00.10115 .roil notes made by First Forru pupils we:e exhibited' In con- cluding Mr. Percy gave a brief out line of the work which should he taken up in i\ ttuee Study. The ad- dress was highly applauded. On Friday inlay morning the officers for the .year 1 912-1 3 were elected) — President, Mr. B, S, Scott of Brus- sel;'Vice-Pres., Mr, .1. Naylor, Sea - forth and vice, Miss Smith Brus- sels ; lexecutit+e Cout;n1'ttee—Messrs, Ilouek, Holman, Fowler. Misses Mac- Gregor and Welsh ; Seerctary, Mr. Stalker, Winghant, Miss Blyth then gave au interest- ing papers on Art, setting 1o1'tit the value of the subject in all branches of study. An 01111itte of the course and the methods in teaching was al- so given Mr. Field then told the audience that hiss Myth's ren>arks were t. not theory nty I•uL > that she had rl! put them into practice with excellent results. Miss Rance of Clinton gave a blight tail. on Golden Sileuoe and Silver Speech. ')'here has not been enough stress placed on Reading since it is of value in all subjects. Natural Reading should be encourag- ed and is indispensable as a means of proper impression, Me. Musgrove, M. L. A gave a splendid talk on 11)010ers pertaining to the Conditions of previous times compared with present conditions, The teaching profession has a bright and progressive outlook. At con- ventions some years ago, the -major- ity ajority or the teacher's were orales, Now it is the reverse. Whether, this CCM - clition i ten was heater than the old, iVh•. Musgrove declined to say. Mr. Scott ' of Brussels expressed' his appreciationPLeciati on of. the ionot confer- red red upon hint in electing hint `Pre- sident. re•sident. Flo �thet ,gave a splendid d15001.se 00 English Literature as a Centre about whichall other.snh- jects, are gathered. Then followed .a well rendered solo by Mr. Mackenzie. Mr. Poslilf then -gave, a'short hue interesting 'tall. on School Sports, showing the, value of ohysioal deve- lopment as an ahl in building up a bright and healthy mind. It also •hreaks down the barrier between the Pupil. ' and 'has instruete;, Mr Holman, the retiring President,. closed the se5ston with a few re- marks. on "11Zy ideal ;School," deal - Mg particularly with the wolf .bat anc0d programme 'and the good re- lationship existing between teaehe1 and pupil; these being the main fea- tures of .an. Ideal School, • A heart f thanks } vote o a s was ten- dered -,the citizens of, Wmgham ; and all"who took part to the convention. One of the l:esolutious adopted was that tirere should he a 'Trustees coa- ventfon, ' THE YOUTH'S C.'OMteANION FORM 1!) i3. 'rile Youth's C'ontpaniou aPPeals to ev01v interest offfamilylife, from hotlsckceping to athletics; le egins with stories of youthful vim 'and vig- 01, WW1 articles which disclose the secrets of sueeesslul play in the great gauges, ovith charming tales of life at Lite gids" (*lieges. ' But The Companion does no4 surrender these readers when Utley^ have entered the more serious paths of life. Mothers *ill welcome the page for little child- ren and the weekly' doctor's article. Fathers viill i'ini the important news' of the day as it is, and not as it is eurnored to be. The entire house hold wilt appreciate tke sketches which touch gently on coul5non foi- bles or caricature eccentricity. In fact for less than live cents a week the Companion beings intp the home clean entertain -merit, pure inspiration,file ideals, inotcase of knowledge, Names rarely seen in tables of con- tents will be Toutfd in The Compan- ion's Announcement for 1912, 'which will he sant upon request—with sam- ples of the paper, to those not fam- iliar. \tint Every new subscribe: Tor 1913 who sends will receive free all the `6 11 issues le17 the remaining weeks of 1912 ; also, tree, The Colima:Mon Window Transparency and Calendar for 1913, in ricli tranelueent color's —the most: beautiful of all Compan- ion souvenirs. to em,s lHI, Pick)II'1 7)01015 ANION, 14'1 Berkeley St., Boston, Mass. New Subscriptions 'Received at this - Office. THE LUCle OW hl\'APORATOR GOES UP IN SMOKE✓. Lucknow, Oct. 2,1.—.John J oynt's appleevaporator was. burned to the groan)) - this eveni !;' between 5 and 7 =lock: •The fire originated in one of the dry kilns. 11 'spread • up the walls to the roof, and along :the dry pine partitions with a rapidity which nothing could diode,' Only a slight wind was blowing, ,which was all that saved the 'woollen mills and perhaps man} residences to the west. S -\ it wa d stumps 1 the , Lt t 1 ps a Oltg 1 river flats were'c eset afire as far as twenty rods away. 'lo Mr. Joynt the loss is about 113,.000, With no insurance. '1'o the town the lobs is Very great also, as the evaporator was one of the lar- gest of the kind in de. province, and employed nearly 40 hands, But to the farmers around the •loss is even greater, as there we00 thousands of bushels of fruit ready to be brought In and high prices being pail, This fruit will rime go to waste. or 11a0e to be drawn forbidding distances to other factories. For nearly an hour after the tire started there was scarcely enouglt water thrown to extinguish a bon - Ore' Tills ROYAL ITON I TI AND THE ROYAL DISEASE. Sumitten. changes of weather are es- pcctally trying, and probably l'o none more so than 10 the scrofulous and consumptive. '01111 progress of scrof- ula during a normal October is coin tinnily great. We never think of scrofula—its o hunches, cutaneous yr u>tions, and wasting of ht bodilysubstance--'without thinking of the great good many sufferers from i.t have derived from PTood's Sarsapar- illa, whose radical and permanent cures of this one disease are enouglt to make it Ole most famous medic- nuc In the world. ')here is proba- bly not a city or town where Hood's Sart;apatilla has not p,vvte:I is mer- it in more )tomes than one, in. ar- resting and completely- eradicating scrofula, which is almost as serious and -as uut01) to 1>e Icared as Its near relative,—consumption. I13: SURE '00 INCLUDE IN YOUR ORDER a a plentiful supply of our package goods. They will not spoil,oil, and you'll find them mighty handy to have in the house, ORDER. .YOUR GROCERIES IN PERSON if convenient. A visit here means becoming'acquainted with many a table dainty youwould otherwiseiliise miss. S. BARIC Dealers in GROCERIES, PRO\/JSION,S, FOR- EIGN F r.i,(rN ANI) DOMESTIC;r FRUITS, E;rC. GRANO TRUNK SYSEM THANKSGIVING ' DAY, Single Fare for Found Trip BETWEEN I ALL S'TA'1IONS IN CIANAI)A GOOD GOING October 25, 20, '27, 28. Return Limit• October' 30th Minimum Charge 25e, 101111 parbic,l:ars, tickets; etc,;' from arty Grand. Trunk Agent, ,70110 Ransford w Son,; Town Agents,; A, ;0. Pattison, Depot Agent., SEND YOUR ORDER IN TO -DAY 1 'I'F1A'l'S THE 0151; AND ONLY WAY YO ''U , CAN PROVhl II0W A. It 3Td10A,D Ole 31.L OTHERS IS '113IS BRi1A1D— MOTHER'S BREAD. YOU'LL SAY T 1"'S TIIIi) C'RISI'IEST CRUSTIEST, ' 'AND MOST AI'PJ1'1'IZIN' BREAD YOU'VE EVER T AS'I"ED. F01! PLA'0014 AND QUALITY 11' CANNOT PE SURPASSED. Hy DAR.TLIFF PHONE 1 AND 33AV131 M0'1'IR$SRl S BREAD DELIVERED TO TOUR HOU'SE EVI1IRY DAY. Prof. Prof. Uorenwend of Toronto will be at the Rattenbury House,Clinton Wednesday, Oct. 30th with a large amt varied stock of the newest Parisian, London and New York Creations in I]AIR GOODS; Ladies with thin hair will bdinterest• -' ed in our improved Transformations, The new designs in Oriels are very attractive and dainty. We invite your inspection of these goods, Switches, Transformations, Curls Pompadours, Puffs, Etc, Dorenwend's Sanitary Patent Toupees for men who. are bald are so construct- ed that only the wearer will know that it is 1100 til I ` e t own hair. They give the P necessary t0 phy- sical viral health; Adjust themselves e readily as year awn hair would. Light, strong, made in any style, shade or shape. Dorenwend Co. of Toronto, Ltd. (1110 House of Quality Hair Goods.) 103-105 Yonge Street. PRESENT SPECIALS ARE STOVES, RANGES, COAL HEATERS, WOOD HEATERS, AND COAL OIL HEATERS. We have a complete assortment of the celebrated Happy Thought Ranges, Pandora Ranges, 1 Canada Steel Ranges, Welcome National, etc. all in the High Grade Class. The ones to depend upon for reliability and durability. We have also cheaper lines guaranteed to clo good wol'I, only not so heavy and of course not so durable, as low in price as $28.00, with reservoir and high shelf. Owingto S s 11 S Ot'O nue d • the neer t r bargain sale of d� i efe v e et rang 4ownre g WO have decided to continue a bargain table in all lines of overstock, odds and ends and defective goods, eve!ytitin' not right up to the mark will be 1)110 01) this I:ah]e and marked ut plain figures. This will enable eustotnes to sometimes get what they want at a small cost. A ROOFING BARGAIN 'TO CLEAR OUT, Ci only squares Antat]te Reg $2.50 for 131.08 a " " Mohawk 1,75 for 1.55 8 " Lone Star" 1.25 for 1,0(1 Roofing is complete with nails and cement. Harland Bros. Stoves, Hardware and Novelties When You Need FURITURE ARPETS and CURTAINS i)on't forgot to inspect our large stock of up-to-date goods. New styles in Bedroom Suites finished in Red Cedar, quar- tered Oak and Mahogany, White enarnel beds. Sanitary mattress and wire springs at low prices. Piaui', es framed while you wait. J. H. CHELLEW, Blyth, living in your departmental stole catalogue, We will meet their prices. N INVITATION To our many friends ends in Gunton and surrounding country extended y is a cordial invitation to visit our furnished looms. We show a completefurnished f 'I lsh d ,6 home. oWe are delighted ted' to have people r,p pie ask to go g through, You will see a furnished bed roorn, rr it - parior., tr ar dining room. hall. library. a rr music room. Where we detnopstrate the Edison phonograph and Victor-Viel•ola, bring your friends with' you 'and as often as you wish. The invitation `is extended to every one. We will not ask you to buy but every- thing is for sale with a price ticket •attached that will meet any 'competition. 11 The Store of Quality, Phone 28. Furniture Dealer and Undertaker