HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-10-17, Page 8FALL AND V�INTE6 GOODS
We daily taking in "many IleSe lines Of season- i
able goals which will be sold at closest prices. Our
stock is nearly complete, *
j7 have bought this year very largely tin all
lines in this department, and have the larg-
t• est stock that we have ever had,and will sell at the 4
lowest possible price. See them before you buy.
Clothing Ready -Made and, Made -to -Order.
'NATE carry full lines in this department and 4
cannot be undersold, quality considered,
FULL stock in all lines and selling' at old prices •
xalthough there has been an advance of „from
10 to 15 per cent. on wholesale prices. Rememberr we
Lave goo in
l d lines at low prices.
Our Selling Oat
Sale Continues
We have just received the bal-
ance of an order for rubbers placed
last 'winter and though prices have
advanced Our prices will remain at
the old figures. We have also in
stock winter goods such as Felt
Lined Boots, etc.
Women's gun metal blutclaers and
button lines, regular $3.50 for $2,85.
Men's gun l,tietal blutc'hers and but-
ton lines for $3,75,
News -Record
Smart styles mark the change of Season`
October I7th, 1911
1Jr. Jelin Sutter spent -tie week-aad'
at his home in SiiXitford.
Mira Lucy Couch of Toronto is "'vie-
itin; elre. W, Ross of town.
Mre. A. T. Cooper yrsited friends is
London, on Monday and Tuesday.
Mr. Edward Sands of London Vise
ited at Mr. Jennison's last week,
Rev. J. P. and Mrs. Ford are this
week the guests of Windsor fri-
ends. •
Mr. John Leslie of Oakland, Cal.,,
is the guest of his water, ,Mi . W.
D. Fair.
Miss •Asmetron,e of Goderieh was the
guest of Mr, and Mrs. J. G. Medd
over the week -end.
Miss •Hattie Dawson of Auburn was
Alm guest of Miss Nellie C)sbaldese.
ton for a few days last week.
Miss Bessie•Slomaa returned to New
York City ;last week to resume ber
duties as a professional nurse,
Misses Edith and Annie Heideman of
Exeter were the guests et their
sister, Mrs.' Wm. Mason, on Sunday
Mr. Tack Forrester returned hams
laet week from California where he
has been for the past two or three
Standard Fashion Sheet
will interesteveryup-to-date woman
Cot's r s r i+PFr, rr nor Preform Counter.
Often Cheapest - .Always the Best
J. Twitchell& Son I
To Those Who
Want the Best
To those who want their pick of the finest look-
ing, best wearing shoes produced this Beason we say
otan� earlvt 'tie view fall styles are in.
7v o look to If you are one of the many wkl bs to
us to supply your shoe needs for the coming. 8eason
with something distinctive --entirely different than
ordinary -come and make your selection right now.
We want your- business
not only for today but for all future time. Try us
once and you'll not desert us,
Weg uarantee everything we sell to give
service at the priceyoupay and
we always make good.
NNtN• •N••N.NM NM•*••.4...*•�• ••e• •*••
NN •1•t
1 x,..)414 .,WALL Illi klk
years. •
Mi. and Mks. Chas. Poeard and
two children. of Brussels were week-
end' visitors of Mr. and Mrs, J.
F. Wasman.
ales. James Shepherd returned last
week from a visit .with her son,
Clarence of the Royal Bank staff,
at Iroquois.
Mrs. Johnston aad little son of. Ham-
ilton spent the week -end in e. town
the guest et the lady's sister, Miss
Sadie Campbell.
Mrs, Peter Hay, better known here
as Miss Ada Jones, was in town
Monday on her way from Goderick
to ber home at Henfryn.
Mrs. Edmeston of Toronto, v¢ho. ear
been • visiting friends in town for
some weeks, is nowthe guest of
her brother, Mr, Janies ?omeg of
Rev: T. Wesley Cosens of Empress
Avenue church, London, formerly
pastor of Ontario street church,
Clinton, addressed the Bible Soc-
oo-iety meeting It Zurich last seen-
Mrs. Peebles and her daughter, Miss
Hazel, of Hamilton were in tovri
during the past week, hating some.
up to attend' the funeral of :the
lady's father, the lets William
Rev. W. J. Ford of Teeswat r /as
the guest of his brother at Wes-
ley parsonage oter the week -end,
Saving some down to conduct an-
aiveesary services in Ontario street'
Kr. and Mrs. , Edgar East returned
,Saturday evening from g honey-
moon trip and ate now becoming
'comfortabiv settled in the resid-
ence oe Ratttnbnrx .etreeit Which has
ben ocpupied by the Missb9 Jack-
Registrar Coate was in reran ox
Saturday and mane of his en-
' time friends. had the pleasure. ti a
handshake. Mr. Coats is always
Pertain of a most cordial welcome
on hit occasional- visits to the old.
horse town.
Rev. A. Macfarlane of Bayfield, who
just returned from a vacation
spent at Collingwood and' Banks,
a vacation which was umluly ex-
tended owing t•o illness, was i'n
to'*n yesteralav, 17is friends, ars
pleased to see that he has novo al-
most rcd-
re� e
st telly e
Mrses.. Marsh and Master Normans
Who have been visiting the lady's
parental home in town, that 01
Mr. end M. Geo. Davis, lett for
their home in Detroit, on Saturday'
afternoon. They were accompanied
by Miss May Davis aril Mr. Al-
bert May„ who wilt spend a few
days in Detroit before going on is
Stevensville," Montana.
Mfr. Ernst Lawson took a oorreea
pondence ' course with the Toronto
Automobile Institute Oat has Te-
ceived a diploma entitlixig him
to rank as an expert on the up-
keep of a machine. "Erne" is
natptal mechanic, at 1iis bappiest
when working about machinery, so
to pass the exams suocessfulle was
much easier for him than it would
be for 5001e others,.
Mr. and Mrs, J. W. 151l1 left on Men -
day for 'their borne, at Oxbow
Sask. after' having .been in Clin-
ton for two .months. Mrs. Dill,
who is the mother at Mrs. Will
Plum'steel„ came east to leave a
serious operation perfceemed in our
local: kespittal whish' was so due-
cesstully done that when she left
again for the west Mrs. Hill vias
feeling better than she had for
years. Mr. and Mrs. Hill speak.
in the very highest terms of the
Clinton hospital, and of the auxe
ser iters ' Was notlifo,; ton goo
they could say.
C,; C. 1. Weekly'Exafps.
Spelling Form 1,-0, Johnstone 100
C. Twitchell 100, F. Reynolds 100,
F. Edwards 100. A. Shanahan 100,
H. Canteloa Me- P. Cuninghame 100,,
M: Lansing 100, 1. Sinclair 1110, K.
McGregor 100, 0, Phillips 100, L.
n 97,
F. 5
haing 100, a 97 C. Whit-
97, Jas. Wylie ,
more 97, II. Kilty 97,. C, Mails 97,
s 7
G. Beaton 97, F. Penneber 9 , N•
Sparks 04, C. Cantelon 9,1a a. Nede-
ger .94, F. Copp 94, C. Thompeen 94,
A. (glazier 94, W. Appleby 94, L. Wil-
kin 91, w, Oriole 91, A. Townsend
88, D. Shipley 88, G. Wallis 88, L.
Churchill 86, G. Beatty 88, B. hall
88, 13. Rowdesi 85, 32. Miller 85, L.
McConnell 85, O. Cook 85, Z. Over -
chill 79
. �
2 L
Carter n
h 11 8
. st 70 L
ar mer 79 J
Forrest E.P 1 '
Allister 70„ IS. Sheeley. 67, V: Garret
Goin position Form Le -0. Beaton
Mrs. John Bailey of Stratford was
in .tows on Friday last.
Mr. Brydoae tette red oa Saturday
from a visit in Toronto,,
Miss Mattie Belcher of 'Goderiok vis-
ited Miss Elva Levis over the week-
Mr. and Mrs, S. T. Cadet of Brus-
sels were, guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Lavis over Sunday.xas the
Mr. L. W. Levis of Wingharn
guest of his parents, Mr. aad Mrs.
Oleo Levis of town, on Sunday.
Mrs. Diokensen of. Hamilton, Ber-
muda, is a guest of the Rev. D.
E. an Mrs• Grrant at tie manse,
Mrs. L.'W..Layis ani family of Wing-
.ham are the guests this we+rk of
the lady's parents, ML. and Mr's.
tree. 'Shipley, aad of other friends
in town..
Mrs. Margaret C'olquhoun, who has
been visiting Seazboro friends, re,
turned on Friday and is with
her daughters, Mrs. J A. MCMue-
ray and Mrs. harry Fttaainions.
Airs. J. E. Hovey -and Master Billie
returned on Saturday from a vis-
it et several 'weeks with the lady's
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Luc-
as of Markdale.
Mr. and Mrs. James Livermore sad
family and Mr. and Airs, . Ernest
Jackson were among the guests
at the Cole-Marsiall wedding on
the Bayfield Road yesterday' atter-
Mr. J. H. Dempsey el near Holmes-
ville was in town the other day_
for the first time in several weeks
owing to illness., 135 had a hard
time of it, butisnow building -up
riicely and we all hope he will soon
be quite iimself again.
Mrs, Hawke lett oa Saturday alter -
soon for Hensalt. She intended'
also visiting in Exciter' . and with'
Aire. 'P. Wesley Cosens in London bee.
fore going on to her new home at
Northwood, where 6&. Hawke bare
taken ohaxge of a circuit.
Mr. George Stewart el Calgary, Al-
to is 'ill town,the guest ,of Mr.
end Mets. Janice McIntyre, He
las broadened „oat considerably piy-
s1ca3Ly Since loafing in the evesb
and his avoirdupois is also consid-
erably. greater. George hasn't any
of the read. estater's ''hot air,"
nor is he given to the average
promoter's exaggeratelon, but rath-
er ' be 'discusses ,eiestcre Problems
fie a modest manor them truly Tee
Shoes for everybodyammismossammssmamasssaamms1
Our dim to Please
Brings ustouiers Bae
Furniture Buyers at this store ilsvariably come
a• and britt their friends
e want more g
back when they ,
with them. .
It is :
To Use Our f=urniture is to prove that�
and that is swing a whole lot, •
good od a
S it looks 2
bought here i
SSubstantial Furniture- canbe`bo b •
ione , savingp rices, Why not secure what now at J p so favorable.
X111 e
prices are
#pieces you laced now•
Atkinson & Duniord i
_al Directors •
•and Purist • ,.
'• ,.FMr>irtture Dealers
Phone 104 _
Twenty five ladies' ii inter coats ranging in,
price from $10 to $16.50 last year's stylesbut just
as warm and comfortable as those made for this
season's sellji, g, styles as cut, sizes 54 to 40, on sale
Monday only at $5.00 each.
Fall Mantles
and. Suits
We are showing the most complete- range of
women's, children'S and misses' winter coats and
ladies' dresses and two piece suits it has ever ' been
our pleasure to display, at prices to, fit all purses.
We invite you and your friends to call as often as
you please.
a � 9
UG -s
We have just passed into
stock a complete range of tap-
estry, Brussels, Milton and Aic-
minster floor rugs in the very
newest designs, also runners
hall end squares to match. If you are needing new floor coverings to brighten
p your home for winter a call here will suggest many new ideas in floor covering,
rice from $8 up $S5.
New Linoleums, Oilcloths, Matts
The News From Londesboro
ALTs, A: Lawrence of Welland
'visiting ai the Moms of Mr. M.
Adams has sa
Mr, J. C.
Indian's taking. up his sugar beets.
i ke McT iilop Telephone System
are extending , their line into Londes-
boro and have 'their meat, Hawthorne
Bros., at work, A good job is as
Sated as the Mesais. Hawthorne are
thoroughly up in their business •and
their work glees entire satisfaction.
Tie I.ondesboro subscribers' are Mes-
srs, Wm. Brandon, R, Adams,
Button and Dr. A1lisot.
Mr. Eli A:deLanghlin e[ Sashatool ,
Sask., paid a flying visit . t• kis
sister, Mrs. James Miller, and oto'
ex relatives and friends in Vo .ven
recently. He - fs embarking in
sis carried
Toronto by Doronwend and em-
ber and canoe east to lay in a
stock of the very best goods, for
with rapidly increasing wealth the
Saskatoon people have become very
particular. As is now tolerably
welt known ie. McLaughlin thinks
that-balring Ontario, of course-
;Saeerat0Rliewan La thebanner pro-
t Sleet DAY . CA 1,1,s-- 1 I3ONL..1 fi
s A
P IO]i18 127' _NICxr AICD
Vince- of Canada.
Mr, Wro. Jones'. of Hamilton was in
Clinton on Tues'1ay on
probably be his last visit to ?See
old town for some time as next
week he goes to Syracuse, New
York, to take up • lls abode
his brother, Rev. J. L: .Jones, Met
hodist Episcopal clergyman of that
-.city. While he goes across the
boriler'to maybe permanently re-
sideeat is merely because
there; that t
C' CUlllti
he has
of ,
of ivii up
the slightest intention! -
his Clanadian 'citicenshiP. Mr. Jon-
es owns coesi'derable prop,rty in
Ilamiltan and it is't;iat•itvtrig to�6# I? Cunnlfri''hain 65, II. Cantelon
lenoe that he has donne eery ' well 65, V.0u0ti i'e 80, 6 :k Kitty' 1pd M.
in recent transfers. Ile, Binds that p 60 :.:L, Cartel 6e, e' 73eatby
ntr<nerous changes have'tekea place L K. 6e, E. reer Si 0. 13 55,
few years awhioh have Clap nnohakcr 55, J.
♦6N4•****N•+N• in the O. Phillips 55, F. Pc
std -since he ., left here, many of Wyhe 55 32. t i'ller 55, B, Mall 60;
his old irlands bovine. departed J;. Churchill ;3e, CJ. 'Cook Ga C .
this file and ether) taken up theft ` r
]N vw Tin W"RIrCOt D JA►�1. 11tEX I FOR l�C abode elsawhare.
1'hofap on a.0, A Glazier 59 A, Tett-
Mrs, W. T. Peavey" and Miss Reel
spent edonday with Londoh irfesds.
Mr. and Mrs, (inc. C. ThompeoD re -
tented onTuesday
their honey-
moon y -
moon drip to Detroit and Cleveland.
The farmers ars bitty baking up
their sugar beets. Several carloads
have already been shipped.
Mr, Geo. I,yon still continues very
poprly we regret to .report. It is
hoped ho will soon begin to amend.
Mr,. Wm. Griffiths kas arrived
home atter spending the rammer at
Saskatoon and Regina,
Mr, Armstrong slipped a cat of
cattle en Wednesday.
H ullett Happenings
Jese,ph Gorier passed away on
Thursday last at bee home et" his'
sae, M. 'Join Govier :al the 13th
coe, Mr. _„Gooier 'was fifty-ai.ght
years, of age ate had spent pxaotic
ally ail his life in 'this 'township, of
which be was a native, being the
son of the late John .Govier of the
Base Line. About a year ago 'the
family removed to .London,. leaving
the farm to a son, and during the
past manill k Mr. GGoviea sreeat most
of his time on ' the old homestead,
a illness
and here ke died, after as ills
Iger 50, C. Mair 50, .J. a o 50,
A.'Townserend 50, E. Kaiser 56, C.
v t.
50, G.' Wallis lis 50,
shell 50, R: McAllistllr 50 .4• or�'l•,n-
aban 50, F. Edetards 50,:F. Sander-
son 50, B. Rowden 50, n'. 3opp 45,
W. Crich 45, F. Reynolds 45, J.
Graiagel 45, F. Wilkins 45 le, Sbeely
45, N Sparks 45, C. Wheemere 4'7,
D. Shipley 45, C. (Jaateion 40, L.
Churchill 40, We ,kppleey "l0, 1
Frawley 40,' L. McConnell e0, ;E:. ?ail
MOT 40.
Algebra Form 11.-N era'ls:1g .id 0,
J. Middleton 08, W. Caldwell 08, el.
llliott $2 I''. Moffatt 8,
M:.Davideon 88, E: Warman 86, V..
Carbert 80, . Smillie , 80, E. Powell :.60, R. Harland 57, 0. Kiley 54, I.
80, C. McCool 80, V. Yearn 72, le, 'Glen 51, P: Tierney 16.
Ncl'a.ggart 72, P. Potter 71., F. The examination results will be
'1{hompson 70 E. Wise 70 C. Kato!: 70
M, Hall 68, J. Smith 66,0 Cole 66,
II. Marland 64, Maud Coo:; 62, 13•
Jamieson n6
0 h
' 6i
Ran ,
6 � J;,
Naughton 58,
K. C,
1 0
. 'Harland
Brie -
son �6, C,
11. Sinew 50,1-I. Wallis 38, 0: lludin
46, ("r. McDougall '�14, Milton Coe
44, 1'' Wheatley 41, IX• Holmes
1,: Sj�obertoti 10, C. Beacom 40, L.
14athwell 38, 0, Hoare 38. O. Mee
Gill 88 L, Kenacdy 34, 1-I, R•odaw y
34, M. Nettie 34, 1 Rothwell 30,
Agnew 28, D. C'.antelon 26, A. El-
liott 26, R. Chowen 26, 17. Jobaston
26, Irl. SJpair 1+2, L,Coo'le 8
several weeks. 'Ince wile and a large
family or sons ape' daughters sur-
vive. 'rhe fuaerai took place en Sat-
urday afternoon to Ball's cemetery.
The pallbearers were : James Barr
Wm. Patterson e 'm. Jac"Qson, A .
Jackson, and his two brothers Rich -
and aril. Henry.
The 'servicers wets eoaducted by
Ite1. 1. H: Fai+r of Blyth. Amongst'
those •ebo attended the funeral from
a distance .were ', Mrs. henry 'Mc -
Blaen of Detroit, Mrs. Burford of
Wingham and ISr8 Longman of Loa -
Compeeetion Form 3, -Jean Wylie
85, 32. Gray 75, E. Beacom 73, Copp
k 6S L.Ford 65, 70, G, Walker
Yates 64, H. Forrest 63, F. Brown
62, 'M. McGowan 62, el. M Crostie
61, ti. Draper 60, N. Garrett 5$, M.
Gunn M, ; W. Lobb'58, K, Ileid es, m.
McAllister 53, W. McGregor 52, M.
Carbert 51, M.' Reynolds 50, I. Wil-
kin 50, S. Scott 50, E. Leitch 49, C.
Nicholson 48, A. Cooper 47, N. Ro-
bison 11, W. M g
Connell '4h, F. Ford 38, 5,. Henry 32.
Latif :Authors Form 4.--H. Midd-
leton 73; M Shijsley 72, L. E.,
sor 7t, D. Blatchford 68, ,III. Turner
published each week. Reports, give,
ing t:esults in full and detailed rrc-
port of :attendance, will he sent to
the parents about November 1st. In
Forms 1.d 2 from an
hour ,and d a
half to two hour's and a half should
be spent in home Work,Work,Theirr„gher,
forms require at least three Iturs
home preparation Pupils who fall.
below forty percent Irl any s'ebleet>
should stress the preparation of telat.
work until thee: standing Is senisfa
tory, Where a pupil's name is, not,
given it is an iatdientiorerr' `
For the past nine
years we have catered
for mens custom made
tailoring, produ c 1 n g'
style and workmanship
fully guatanteed, keep-
ing none but compet-
ent workmen equal to
any in larger cities and
producing clothes for
men at prices consis-
tent with expense and
much below city Fie -
es, Why pay big pric-
es for • 'factory ' made
clothing;'when you can.
.get a suit made to your
measure at home by an
experienced cutter and
practical tailors from
, aw
We have seen oth-
ers come and go but
we aro here to stay, us-
ing the same, motto as
when we started
« Quality.""