HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-10-17, Page 7Makes, Monday shorter, eagier, cooler. POSITIVELY tiie LARGEST SALE In CANADA Witt -re is thre an individual Who is as capable to act as the ems:tutor of rotor will as this Com- pa j, which, was organ}zed and dere_o_osd especially for this pur- po;e7 This Company will carry'out:to the last letter the terms of your will. It will manage the estate eciontly and economically, and avoid legal ent ngiementh. It will not be tempted, as an individual mig''nt, to speculate with the funds held in trust. It is debarred by law from specu- lation. This Company cannot die, get, ick or take a holiday-a1waya ready to faithfully perform its. trust. Charges are newer greater, but usually less than the remuneration allowed individuals Services of Family Solicitor always retained. Correspondence receiver; prompt and careful consideration. Managed in connection with the Huron & Eris Loan and Savings Co. S 117•77triM c» C:, tuturtf, MONTREAL: THE STANDARD 1• the National Weekly Newspaper of the Dominion of Canada. It Is national in all its aims. It uses the most expensive engrav- ings, procuring the photographs from all over the world. Its articles are carefully selected and its editorial policy 1s. thoroughly Independent, A subscription to The Standard costs $2.00 per year to any address In Canada or Great Britain. TRY, IT FOR 1912! Montreal Standard Publishing Cd4, Limited. Publishers. THE NEWS-UECORD'S CLUB- BINS LIST FOR 1912-13 eavy Losses on. Both Sides—aGreat'' Re,oiicin Tontenegrin`, Camp,- • Prince Danilo directed operations at the front, 'The Montenegrins re- sumed the bombardment. • of Dat- chitch art dawn, and a heavy can- nonading was lrept ,lip until 11 o'elook in the morning, when the Turkish batteries on the mountain were, silenced. In the meantime a great battle was proceeding near the Turkish town of Tushi, about fifteen miles to the south,' of Podgoritza. At 4 o'clock in the. afternoon .the '.Turk- ish commander on Detchitoh, with his officers and a majority of his troops, surrendered. The Monte- negrins captured four guns. The Montenegrin standard was hoisted over the captured, position. .There were heavy losses on both sides, but the Montenegrin camp gave itself over to rejoicings on the first vic- tory in the war. A division of Montenegrins, con- manded by General Vulcotuch, crossed the frontier early Thursday headquarters at Podgoritza while morning,. near Berana. A despatch from • Podgoritza, Montenegro, s'ays ; • The Montene grins have 'captured, Detchitch Mountain. The Turkish comman- der and officers,. with many sol- diers,- have, surrendered. . For the past thirty hour's the battle between tbla Montenegrin forces, under, di- rect command . of King Nicholas, and Turkish troops, strongly en- trerohed in the hills, has been in progress. The fight : began at 8 o'clock Wednesday ._morning,. the first shot being fired by Prince Pe- ter against the Turkish position on Mount'Planinitza. Within a few hours the Turks evacuated that dis- triet• Strongly fortified positions Were occupied by the "Turks, how- ever, on Detchitch Mountain, whioh commands the road to. Scutari, and reinforcements werebrought up which resulted in a general en - 'gegen -kilt, which extended along the line for several miles, King Nicholas remained at his TUE NEWS IN' A' PAR�BAPI ULPPEiVIN(S FRIM ALL OViifl in the " _ TUII GL'O,1i'1 LIN A NUlSih1LL. PRICES OF FARM PROUCTS WEEKLIES. News -Record and Mail and Empire. $1.50 News -Record and Globo .... ... News -Record and family -Herald and 1.75 Star with Premium •• 1.75 News -Record and Witness ,. ,.... News -Record and Sun. ........ 1.75 News -Record and Free Press ••.••.. 175 5 News -Record and Advertiser ..... Nows-Record and Toronto Saturday 2 30 Night . News -Record and Farmer's 'Advocate 2,25 News -Record and Farm and Dairy... 1.76. News -Record and Canadian Farm.,. 1.76 News -Record and Youth's Companion 2.76 DAILIES. News -Record and Mail and Empire,. 4.25 Neivs-Record and Globo ...... ,.,. .. 4.20 News -Record and News .... 2.30 News -Record and Star . ........... 2.30 News -Record and World ..,..3.25 News -Record and Morning Free Press• 3.26 News -Record and Evening Free Press 2.75 News -Record and Advertiser 3.00 MONTHLY. News -Record and Lippincott's Maga-, zine 3.25 News -Record and Canada Monthly, 1,40 If what you want is not in this list let us know about it. We oan supply you at loss than it would soot you to send direct. In remitting please do so by Post -office Order, Postal Note, Express Order or Reg- istered letter and address, Synopsis of Canadian Northwest' Land Regulations. # . Any person who is the sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years old, may homestead a quart- i k er section of available Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must ap- pear in person attheDominion Lands Agency or Sub -Agency for the district. Entry by proxy • •i-• • •ir. • •ys,1 •i• . • per cent. have been paid c'ontinu- u, Pn ' ' ously for twenty-six years. Priri- eipal and interest on the -bonds are .� cT payable On April and October '1st at yf)�ly��l the 'Bank of Montreal. may be made at any agency, on cer- tain conditions by father, mother, son, daughter, brother or' sister of intending homesteader. Duties.—Six months residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homestead- er may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and oc- cupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. • In certain districts a homestead- er in good standing may pre-empt a quarter -section alongside his homestead. Price, 3.00 per acre. Duties,—Must reside upon the. homestead or pre,-eniption six months in each of six years from .date of homestead entry (including the time required to earn home- stead patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra. A homesteader who has exhausted lis homestead right and cannot ob- tain a pre-emption may enter for .a purchased homestead in certain .districts. Price, $3.00. Duties.—Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate fifty acres and erecta house worth $300.00. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the In- terior. • N.B.—Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will 'not be paid for. REPORTS FROM THE LOAOINO TRADE CENTRES OF AMERICA. . Vetoes of Cattle, Grain, Cheese and mime Produce at Hem. and, Abroad BREADSTUFFS. Toronto, Oot. 15,—Flour—Winter wheat, 90 per sent. patents, $3,05 to $3.90, at sea• board. Manitoba flours—First patents, in jute bags, $5.70; -second patents, 55.20, and strong bakers', $5, on track, Toronto. In cotton bags, 10c more is oharged. Manitoba Wheat -No, 1. new Northern, 98 to 990, Bay ports, and No. 2 5,6 961-2 to 971.20, Bay ports. Feed wheat, 67 to 70o, Bay ports. Ontario Wheat—No. 1 new white and d wheat 93 to950 outside,and the 90 to 911.2o; May, 951-4c; No. 1 hard, 921.2o; No. 2 Northern; 89 to 92c; No: 2 Northern, 86 to .893.20. No. 3 yellow corn, 671-2 to 681.2c. No. 3 white oats, 301-4 to 31o. No. 2 rye, 611-2 to 641.20. Bran, $19 to $20. Flour—First patents, -$4.35 to $4.65; sec- ond patents, $4.20 to $4.65; first olears, 53,- 20 3: 20 to $3.50; second clears, $2.40 to $2.70. Duluth, .Oct. 15,—Wheat—No. 1 hard. 911.80; No. 1 Northern, -901.8c; No, 2 North- ern, 881.80.; October,. 20c; December, 897.00 bid; May, 94 3-4 to 947.80. .LIVE STOOK MARKETS. Montreal, Oct. 15.—A few choice steers sold as high as 96,25, but the bulk of the. trading in good cattle was done at 56 to $6, and the common and inferior sold at from $3.50 to $4.50 per etvt. Butobere' cows brought from $3,25 to $5 per cwt., as to Quality, and the bulls sold at- from $2.60 to $3.25 per cwt. Ontario lambs sold at 05.75 to $6, and ewe sheep at $3.50 to 53.- 75 3: 75 per owt. Selected lots- of hogs sold at $8,50 to 98,75 per cwt., weighed off cars. ee w ea . The demand for oalvee was good at prices poorer grades down to 700. • ranging from $3 to $15 each, as to size Oats—New Ontario, 36 to 300, outside: and Quality. Toronto, Oot. 15.—Cattle--Choice butcher, 05.76 to $6 16; good medium, $5.40 to $5,60; common, 54.50 to $5; cows, 03 to $6; bulls, 53 to 54.50; canners, $1.50 to $2. Calves— Gond veal, $8 to $9; common, 53.50 to 56. Stockers and fenders—Steers, 950 to 1.050 lbs„ at 55,26 to 55.60; feeding bulls, 900 to 1,200 lbs., at $2.75 to $4.25. Mincers and att ifroms 850teto $75.ady 0-4 Sheepand foanr d od lambs- Market firmer; light owes, $4 to $4.50; heavy ewes, $3 to 5350; lambs, $6 to $6.- 25. 6:25. Hogs—Market 150 higher at $5.40, fed and watered, and 98.00 to 50.15 f.o.b. —"- APPLES TO SOUTH AFRICA. but little No. 2 to be had; they 5100 bring 40 to 41o, outside,, and 43 to 44e, To- ronto, Western Canada oats purely "nom• roar. Peas—Nominal. Barley—Forty-Dight lb. barley, 63 to 650, outside. Corn—No. 2 old Amorican, 75o, all -rail, Toronto, and No. 3 at 731.2c, lake porta, Toronto. ltye—No. 2 quoted. at 71 to 730, outside. Buckwheat—No. 2 at 70e, outside. Bran—Manitoba bran, 523, in ba;e, To- ronto freight. Shorts, $26. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Butter—Dairy rolls, choice, 26 to Ole; believe', inferior, 21 to 23c; choice dairy, tubs, 25o; creamery, 20 to 29c for rolls, and 26 to 27o for solids. Eggs—Case lots of now laid, 28 to 290 per dozen; fresh, 26 to 27e. Cheese -141.2 to 143-4o for largo, and 14 3.4 to 15e. for twine. Beaus—linnd-pinked, $3 per busltel; primes, 52.95, in a jobbing way. lfoney—Extraoted, Lt tins, 11 to 12e per lb. for No. 1, wholesale; combs, $2.60 to $3, wholesale. Poultry—Wholesale prices of choice dressed poultry:—Chickens, 14e per lb; fowl, Ib, 10 to llo; ducklings, 10 to 12c; turkeys. 16 to 170. Live poultry, about 20 lower than the above. Potatoes -85e per bag, on track. W. J. MITCHELL, Puslisher News -Record CLINTON, ONTARIO BELL 'TELEPHONE FINA1\ I.F.S. Earnings Applicable to the Bond Llterest Have Shown a Steady Increase Since 1905. In view of the fact that an addi- tional issue of Bali, Telephone bonds is about to be offered to the public, it is interesting to note that these securities are a first charge upon the whole lines, works and plant of the company other than real estate. The. real estate in unencumbered. The value of the plant account (not including real estate) is $20,531,327, or more than three times the out- standing bonds. As regards the security from the •income point of view .the following table speaks for itself.: Earnings Gross Applicable Bond . Revenue to Bond Interest Interest 1906 . $4,139,334 $1,135,838 $142,983 1907,,. 4,829,657 ' 1,223,767 179,970 1908 . 4,580.,606 1,606,724 182,450, 1909 . 4,949,197 1,651,339 182,450 1910 5,510,685 1,729,575 182,450 1911 6,476,848' 1,657,814 231,879 On the basis of the average 're- sults for the last six years the net earnings approximate to six times the total interest oharges. The present "authorized issue of the bonds is $7,500,000, of which $6,- 649,000 are out. • The company has a capital stook outstanding of $15,000,000, which is valued by the market at 160 per cent. Dividends at the rate of eight Canada,wtbd Emplro and the World; ia• General Before Foul' Eves. CANADA. The 'tominion' -Government will: build a 'seisluologieal observatory, at Victoria, B.C., to cost $10,000. Two 'hundred new rural- mail de-: livery routes have been established' in Ontario'and Quebec this summer.' James . Bruce, was acquitted at Hamilton • ofthe. charge of murder- ing Rose:Ziepe by poisoned candy. Mr, Marmaduke Terrill of Tren- ton was` killed by a trainwhile on his way to meet a wedding party. James Doyle died at Belleville and Thomas • Harding, held for as- sault, may face •'a. more ,serious charge. „. As ensation has been caused in London over charges made by City Engineer; Geo,.. Wright, who has re- signed. A six-year-old ,son of Geo. Mer- cer, Hurdsville, died from the ef- fects of falling into a boiler of boil- ing water. Edward Bradford and Arnold.. Ebert sawed their way through a panel in the Kenora lock-up and es- caped. Wellington Topliffe, a Kingston farmer, fell dead off his wagon as he was driving into his, yard on a load of grain. An auction sale of Federal Gov- ernment lands is advertised to be held at Portage la Prairie, Man., on Thanksgiving Day. Henry Johnston, who died at At- kinson, Frontenac county, was re - PROVISIONS. Cured meats aro quoted as follows:— Baron, long clear, 15 to 151.20 per lb, in ease lots. Pork—Short out, 826 to 527; do., moss, 521,50 to 922. Barns—Medium to light, 17 to 171-2c; heavy, 151.2 to 16s; rolls, 141.2 to 15c; breakfast bacon, 19c; backs, 21 to 211.20. Lard Tierces 14120; tubs, 143.4o; pails, 16e. BALED BAY AND STRAW. Baled ifay—No. 1 new hay, $12.50 to 513.50, an track, Toronto; No. 2, $9 to 511, clover, mixed, $8 to $9. Baled Straw—$10.50 to $11,' on track To route... MONTREAL MARKETS. Montreal, Oct. 15.—Oats-Canadian West- ern, No. 2, 641.2 to 55o; extra No. 1 feed, 64 to 541.2o. Barley—Manitoba feed, 61 to 620; malting, 80 to 84c, Buckwheat—No. 2, 74 to 750. Flout Manitoba Spring wheat patents, firsts $5.00; do., seconds, 95.30; strong bakers $5.10; Winter patents,.. choice, $5.35; straight rollers. 54.95 to $5; do., in bags, $2.35 to $2.40. Rolled Oats— Barrels, $5.05; bag of 90 lbs., 02.40. Mill- feed—Bran, 523; shorts, $27; middlinge, $28 to $30; metallic, $30 to $35. IIay—No. 2, per ton, car lots, - $13 to $13.60. Cheese— Finest westerns, 133.8 to 135.80; do., east. erns, 13 to 13 1-4c. Butter—Ohoicest cream- ery, 281.2 to 283-4o; seconds, 271.4 to 271-e0. Eggs—Selected, 29 to 30e:. No. 2 stock. 21 to 22c, Potatoes—Per bag, oar lots, 65 to FOR SALE MORE LAZE IT • ,..ti r • Tenders will be received up to and cludi.ng the first day of October, 1912, for the right to cut white and red nine and spruce, on two timber bevthe on the upper waters of the Jooko River. ,east of the townehitfs of Garrow and; Lockhart, in the District of Nipissing, Provinee of Ontario. the •: berths L being designated "Jocico No: - I" Wand "Socio No Il ":: each. containing -twenty-flue square mtloo' morn er less. For maps And conditious of sale apply . -to the undersigned.', ' W. H. HEARST, ' Minister of Laude,• Forests and Mingo. 16, 1912. Canadian Fruit Shipped to Cape Town for the Christmas Trade. A despatch from Halifax says: The steamer Melville, of the Elder - Dempster Line, sailed on Friday night for Cape -Town with a cargo of 13,000 barrels and cases of ap- ples. This is the off-season for ap- ples in South Africa, and this cargo of Nova Scotia fruit is expected to be in good time for the Christmas trade. Besides Nova Scotia apples the Melville has a lot of Ontario fruit. The export from Halifax so far has been limited to one cargo per year. The Melville is taking a lot of prize stock from Ontario, some of it for the Cape Colony Government. H r. IN.TURED IN A. QUARREL. Man Whose Shull Was Fractured Ray Recover. A despatch from London, Ont., says : Daniel Stewart, whose skull was fractured by a fall from the Thames street viaduct, is improv- ing and may recover. It was thought at • first• the accident was fatalHis brother-in-law, George Williamson, and George Neill have since been arrested for clrunken- ness. They were with Stewart on the night of the accident. Neill is on bail and Williamson is held pending the outcome of Stewart's injuries. The police believe Stew- art and Williamson were quarrel- ing at the time Stewart fell from the bridge. UNITED STATES MAIRICETS. Minneapolis, Oct. 16.—Wheat-December, HIS BLADDER WAS TERRIBLY INFLAMED HARVEST FOR THE LAWYERS Suits. Entered Against Ottawa on Account of the Typhoid Fever Epidemic. A despatch from Ottawa says: Ottawa's second great typhoid` epi - donde, which so far this year has .aggregated 1,200 cases and 72 deaths, promises to prove almost as gocd a harvest for the lawyers as it has been for the doctors. The City - Solicitor has given an opinion to. the City Council that the city is, on the ground of negligence in protect- ing the purity of the water supply, liable for damages to' the typhoid sufferers. Based on the standard figures published, in economic loss- ' oss- "That young Galey is a; chip of the old block ; ion' t' he4" "Rather a tooth of the old rake." IN SS$g AND ORTliAND Subjects • taught by expert instructors at the raanzsiousltosumwzolk ! or Tea, . Mit Cart tBeat Lipton 's" Tho Ten that tiiserilninatin5hQ11seI4iVes always Rant an encore of is Goes farthest for 'the motley. reteiee GIN PILLS Brought Relief Larder Lake, Ont., March26th. "I had been suffering for some time with my Kidneys and Urine. I was constantly passing water, which was very „scanty, sometimes as many as thirty times a day. Each time the pain was something awful, and no rest at eight. I heard of your GIN PILLS and decided to give them a trial at once. I sent my chum 6o mites to get them and I am pleased to inform you that in less than six hours, I felt relief. In two days, the pain had left me entirely. I took about half a box and today I feel as well as ever and my kidneys are acting quite natural again." SID CASTLEMAN. GIN PILLS soothe the irritated bladder—heal the sick, weak, painful kidneys—andstrengthen both these vital organs. Money back if they fail. Soc. a box, 6 for $2.5o. Sample free if you write National Drug and Chemical Co., of Canada, Limited, Toronto, 139 es by disease, the total collectible damages for loss from deaths, from wage loss, doctors' bills, etc., ag- gregate about $420,000. Several of the sufferers have already insti- tuted action for recovery of dam- ages against the city, one widow claiming $15,000. . Now comes another almost hu- morous sequel, to the sad story of Ottawa's waterworks mismanage- ment. Bills for money spent by taxpayers for fuel for boiling the water in order to make 'it immune. P 'BUCMARE31 "Y, M. C. A. BLDG, LO.1 MON@l 6B1ti71. Students assisted to po itions, College in session from Sept 3rd. Catalogue, -• BURSAS 71!184 0 Enter any time, esterVeh, Jr. `.r•.: r11f FF /� °`,';t;}f�4yi}fy A .4EGEaA1 5,CENE OF THE ±ALlfiA0• CRISIS ANY NEW CARS ORDERED Keay,;:= Contracts Awarded for Rotting Stock on the Intercolonial. Railway. A despatch from Ottawa says: 'cars of 80,000 pounds capaoityeach l price, $1.076, Fifty Otis all -spring dump cars; 20 refrigerator cars; price, $2,058.- 50 each. One 8,000 gallon tank car.; .price, $2,695. In addition, the Preston Car and Coach Co., of Preston, Ont., has been awarded the.contraot for three baggage ears for the I. C. R. at $7,500 each. It will be recalled that several large orders for box cars and loco- motives have preceded Wednesday's announcement. The Cabinet at its meeting on Wed- nesday awarded heavy contracts for rolling stook for the Intercolonial Rail'lvayr With one exception the various contracts were awarded to, the Canadian Car Foundry Co., of Montreal. Those awards to this company were 500 additional steel -framed box cars; price, $1,210 each. 100 Hart convertible cars of 40 tons capacity. 100 steel underframed platform •man, Dr. Alexis Carrel, of the ported to have' been one hundred Rockefeller Institute, New York. Duluth Council will annul the street railway franchise if the com- pany does not provide "honest, cbreakerapable s. and. sober" crews of strike - and five years of age. Trustees r£ Grace Methodist _Church, Winnipeg, refused an offer of $1,000,000 for the property, want- ed by 'a hotel syndicate. The international survey party marking the Alaskan boundary took a dip in the Arctic ocean when they reached that' distant point. The Inland Revenue Department inspectors will be asked to explain why 90 per cent of the cheese - weighing scales in Eastern Ontario and Quebec are giving short weight. GREAT BRITAIN. Frank Bostock, the noted animal trainer, is dead in London, Eng., aged 50. A heated debate in the British Commons regarding ;the Marconi contract led to the appointment of a committee of inquiry to investi- gate allegations of corruption against Ministers. UNITED STATES. A witness implicated ex -Lieut: Becker in the murder conspiracy against the gambler Rosenthal. Scenes of great enthusiasm were witnessed in Chicago on the depar- ture of Greeks to join the colors at home. • The Nobel prize for medical re- search was awarded to a French - GENERAL. The seal catch in the Behring Sea was 4,764 shins less than last year. Specially Selected SASKATCHEWAN VALLEY FARM LANDS From the Land Grant of the Canadian Northern Railway All -clean, open land, good soil and arable by traction plow. Sale subject to in- spection of property, with special rate of transporta- tion. Price and terms rea- sonable, CANADIAid CONSOLIDATED LANDS, LIMITED Eastern Townships BankBld,, MONTREAL. .eaeiran We o, er the unsold balance of $1,750,000 The Bell Telephone Company of Canada Limited FIVE PER CENT. BONDS Due April 1st, 1925 PRICE: 101 AND INTEREST We emphasize the following salient points of this issue ; 1.—The bonds are a first charge upon the whole lines, works and plant of the Company, other than real estate. The real estate is unencumbered. 2.—Value of plant account (noi including real estate) $20,531,327.39t or more than three times the amount of outstanding bonds. 3.— Earnings last six years averaged approximately 4% times total interest charges. . f• bonds is limited : to 75% of the outstanding 4.—Issue o capital stock. 5. -Company owns and operates the principal Telephone system ,in the Provinces of Quebec and Ontario. 6.—Capital stock outstanding $15,000,000. Dividends at the rate of 8 per cent. per ahnum have been paid continuously since January 1, 1886. SPECIAL CIRCULAR ON REQUEST CORPO r®AT:EON LIMITS 'BANK of(IOI'1TRE.AL BLDG.COR.QUEEN&VOi`t3ES'TOkOilti Ia.•i`"1•WHI-r E— . MAI.IAQe.R• I1"iCSf`/"rf� �M QtJw.e. c HAL IPPB. OTTAWA lAXX M rlda Liclei D • Yk