HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-10-17, Page 6ONLY ONE WAY TO CURE RHEUMATISM It:uit Be Treated. Through the blood aud the POIS0110113 Acid Driven. Out The twinges and t,ortures o rheu- ,. matism are net due to cold, clamp weathel as so many persons sup - Pose. Rheumatism comes irom poisonous acid in the blood. This is a medical finth which every suf- ferer should realize. There is only one -way to 'cure rheumatism -it must be treated throngh the blood. All the liniments and rubbing and socalled eldetric treatment in the world will not cure rheumatism, and the sufferer who tries them is not only wasting money, but is al- lowing the trouble to become more deep-rooted in the system and hard- er to cure when the proper remedy is tried. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills 'always cure rheumatismbeca,use • they go right to the root of the trouble in the blood. These Pills • make the new, rich blood of health, and in this way drive out the pois- onous acid which causes' rheuxim- tisna. Thousands of instances of cures might be given, among which is the following one. Mrs. G. R. Dulinage, Cherry Valley, Ont., says: "I was attacked with their anatism which gradually grew worse until I was confined to my bed, For about two weeks I had to be shifted and turned in bed as I was utterly unable to help myself. I was under the doctor's care and so far recovered that I was able to • get up and move, about, but the • trouble still remained in my sys- tem. If I put my hands in cold water, or if I went out in the even- ing or in darnp weather the trou- ble would return and for four years I thus suffered frona rheuma- tism, until I began to think it could not be driven from my system. Fin- ally I gave up all other medicine ' and began to use Dr. Williams' • Pink Pills, and after using them for a couple of months I was complete- ly cured and have not had a twinge of rheumatism since. I can recom- mend the Pills to anyone Iniffering from this trouble." These Pills are sold by all medi- cine dealers or by naafi at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. MIEll TIIE CIIIIS AE BAD TACTFUL WAYS TO TREAT UN - RELY CHILDREN. Teach a Child That Re Must Obey, or Do Right, as the Case May Be. Many a child, alas! is blamed for being disobedient and impertinent, when the fault really lies at the paients' door. When a boy is quite young a fa- ther and mothe'r are liable to smile at his exhibitions •of temper, and, indeed, I have known parents who did things they well knew would enrage their young hopeful. Why'? 0,h, just in order to sce him in a passion I 'A laudable object, indeed, as you will allow. , Children are quick to pick up slangy terms out of doors, and very often they use these terms in the home. Whereupon father says to mother: "My, isn't little Billy smart -hear hinil He'll be a boy 'yet. I can tell y,oti I" BOYS IN THE MAKING. And the mother laughs heartily at the little chap's vulgarities. What results'? The b,oy sees that his par- ents seem pleased, and, very na- turally, tries to gather up other choice bits of elang wherewith to regale them. But perhaps mothers do the greatest harm, especially where boys are involved. The avera.ge mother makes no mistake, as a rule, in the training of a daughter; but many a gross one does she make in the training of a boy. A lusty little demon is playing in the -room; a visitor is present. The Fsaid -demon does something which causes his mother to chide him. Whereupon demon turns on mother, and showers abuse upon her. Visi- tor is shocked, but the mother says, "Isn't Tommy very sana,rt 1 And so headstrong 1 Really, his father and I don't know what to do with him 1" And, of course, Tommy is very pleased to hear his praises sung in thak way, and resolves to give as much satisfaction as possible in the same style. The point being that the boy gets the idea he is eloing something clever, something of im- portance, when his mother so speaks. BABY'S BEST FRIEND. Baby's Own Tablets are baby's best friend and the mother's great- est aid, They cure constipation, simple fevers, break up colds, expel woruas and regulate the stomach and bowels. Concerning them Mrs. Napoleon Pelletier, St. Marcel, Que., writes: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for constipation and simple fever for both my little girl of throe years and my boy of four months and have found them en- tirely satisfactory, and always keop thena in the house." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at SS cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont 111E ORIGIN OF PEARLS. -- Scientists Have Discovered That It Is a Worm. , •"Two' young anglers were exhibit- ing with great satisfaction the re- sults of a day's sport when a young woman asked demurely, "Fish go in schools'do they not1" "I be- lieve they do," mid one; "but•whY do you ask 7" "Oh; nothing, only I was just thinking that 'you must have broken up an infant class 1" The Real Liver Pill -A torpid liver means a disordered System, mental depression, laseitude and in the end, if care be net taken, a chronic state of debility. The very best medicine to arouse the liver to healthy action is l'armelee's^ Vege- table Pills. They are compounded of purely vegctabli „substances of careful Selection and no other pills have their fine qualities. They do not gripe or pain and they are agreeable to the most sensitive etomach. Two hours' sleep is enough for any one -after it is time to get up. ------reemearaeurqment tee-eetaiererywnere. For compar the coin drops o into the there gems. believe tors co in the pearls. ly Ghat diecove worm. SWIM this su phie M We n sign b mud o & SHIM tion c with n of a p the an is due pass a in the Min worms emberl many one 0 of irri teotin then, gradu of lim coeds If t the la ger-fi oyste <level es the in tu the r velop are C rnent eycle, We ing o gator pearl sareo many centuries, even until atively recent times, it 'was men belief that pearls were f clew that gained entrance shell of an oyster, and were transformed into lustrous Arab and Indian divers still that, at certain seasons oys- me to the surface, and suck rain -drops that later become Science, however, has nide- terecl this poetic fancy, and red the real origin to be a • Dr. Rugh M. Smith gives interesting . information on bject in the National Geogra- agazine. ow know that almost any for- ody-a grain of sand, a bit of r shell, a pieee of seaweed or 11 animal -may by its irriba- ause the mollusk to cover it acre and make it the nucleus earl; but the largest part of nual pearl -crop of the world to parasites that normally part of ctheir life -cycle with - shell of the pearl -oyster. ute spherical larvae of mfbrine known as Oestedea became d ed in the soft tissues, as as forty having been found in eylon oyster. As the result tation, thenyster forms a pro - g sac about the intruder, and if the larva dies, its body is ally converted into carbonate e, and the pearly raass pro - to grow with the shell. he 'larva lives, it may pass into ody of the strong -jawed trig- shes which prey on the pearl- rs, there undergoing further opulent. 'Ultimately it reach - body of the great rays, which rn eat the trigger -fishes. In ays the worms attain full de- ment, and produce larvae that ast into the sea and find lodg- in pearl -oysters. Thus the is begun onee more. may literally accept the say - f a celebrated. French investi- , that "the most beautiful is in reality only the brilliant phagns of a worm." • "GOOD 'STUFF." onfirmed Drinker Take Postum. THE DANGER OF DELAY. It is singular how prone parents are to err over the age at which a child is capable of understanding right from wrong. It is the com- monest thing in the world to hear a. foolish mother -declare thht "Bertie is too young to understand; I shall begin his training in a year or two --that will be quite soon enqugh." Will 1117 Probably the boy by that time will be beyond control; and then the case is almost hopeless. You 'cannot begin too early to train a child; the' younger a boy is, the more ea.sily is he controlled; let him get into fixed habits, and he is hopeless. Punishment is required when an unruly child has to be taken in hand. But, of course,. all depends on the child. A sensitive boy may be harmed by corporal punishment - in fact, I have known children to take a loathing to parents simply because these parents had flogged them. Of course, a girl must never be punished in that way._ -.AI -to -liege:id-if a child really requires it, begin at once. Do not keep on saying, "Now, Tommy, the next tiine this happens you will get a whipping!" KING .0SCAR: 'sA!IDINE3 ',The tasty touch that means so much" for luncheon, utter. noon tea or social evening. De1101elie 1 Nourishing I Got them From your Grocer ' Trade supplied Sy n JOUN W. u>ro,n a GREENING, }taint:PON. Aunt Dorothy -How many conr mandments are there, Johnny 1' Johnny (glibly) -Ten. Aunt Doro- thy -And now suppose you were to break one of them? Johnny (ten- tatively) --Then there'd be nine. , ----- Recognized as the leading sped - fie for the destruction of worms, WHEN A RING IS NOT KING. When Ile Undertakes to Make Changes in Ris Palace. During the last year there has been a delightful comedy enacted in Buckingham Palace which goes a long way towards proving that a. king is no longer master, even in his own house. For some time the King has been at war with his Majesty's office of werloe. The King has been dissat- isfied with the drainage at the pal- ace and also with the circumstance that several of the doors in the building had been permanently nailed up. When he moved into the palace &ae bnmediately. gave orders that the drainage be unproved and the doors opened. Imagine his sur- prise when he received an official looking communication fnora the of- fice of works pointing out that he had not secured the permission of that department for the .changes. King George immediately set Colo- nel Bine, his private secretary, to work, and as a result of his in- vestigations discovered that he has no more legal right to open a, door or ley a drain -pipe in Bucldngham Palace than the humblest newsboy in the street- without. Whereupon he altered his procedure, humbly petitioned his 1VIajesty't offics of works to make the desired changes and awaited results. In the course of several weeks he received a re- ply to the effect that hie communi- cation had been received. Be wrote a letter of thanks and received in return the information in printed form that his request was reoeiving attention. A .couple of months lat- er he received a letter ,asking him to fill M 50 enclosed form. The form contained a long list of ques- tions and the answers were to set forth just what changes were want- ecl the location of the doors and existing drain -pipes, the reasons why, and so on and an on. The King patiently --filled in the f MM. As a reward, almost a year after he first made the requests, he received the weleome new that the offiee of works agreed to make the required alterations at its earliest conven- ience. The officials selected the few weeks just past for the job, and the King comes back to his palace hap- py in the assurance that he can now pass from roomto room with- out climbing through the transoms. Mother Graves' Worm Extermina- tor has proved a boon to suffering children everywhere. It seldom fails. First Man-a"When• I see hats like yours I pity the poor birds who have 'to give up their feathers." 'Second Man -"I pity the poor men much more who were 'plucked' for them also.'' Skin -Tortured itfle nes MAWKISH SENTIMENT. • That merely teaches a child that he can do all sorts of things, and at the worst he will only be threat- ened for any first offence in any direction. • So parents, do not threaten a child' when you have no thought of carrying .the threat into execution; and, having made up your mind to give a sound whipping, then do it, without hesitation. We have had the kid -glove meth-, od of training children rather long; it is a pernicious policy -the boy never yet existgd who was not im- proved by a judicious use of the rod. We have spared it too long, with the result that obedienee is al- most unknown, respect is quite un- known, and, in fact, in many households the young,sters have ab- solutely the upper hand, • No one advocates brutality; but no one can reeommend mawkish sentimentality -there is a middle course, which any parent may fol- low. -London Answers. •, WIND AND VVAVES. — They Are Said to Re the Cause of A ed w stea "F have ness I co doot der whin ous the C ----- MIGHTY CAREFUL. Word had been received by the inspector of the electric light sys- tem that an overhead wire had fal- len doWn in a crowded street. The inspector -betook hin_selitto the spot as quickly al he could. When he arrived he found the inevitable crowd handling the wire in a most careless manner. Luck- ily. no accidents had occurred. Going up to the nearest emu, who happened to be an Irishman, ho edmonished him severely in grave tones. "You took a grave risk,' ealct the inspector. "You had no right to touch that wire. NAThy, man do you know you might have,been outright by the shock 7" - The Irishman looked at the in- spector with a knowing air. 5514 he, "I was Mighty careful, sorr I Sure, and I felt it carefully before I took hold of Al" ititt ' SUFFERERS FROM PILES! Zam-Buk Has Cured These! Friction on the hemorrhoid veins that are swollen, inflamed and gorged with blood, is what causes the terrible pain and stinging and smarting of piles. Zam-Buk ap- plied at night will be found to give ease before morning. ' Mr. Thomas Pearson, of Prince Albert, Sask., writes: "I must thank you for the benefit I have re- ceived from Zam-Buk. Last sum- mer I suffered greatly from piles. I started to use Zam-Buk and found it gave me relief, so I continued it, and after Using three or four boxes • it effected a complete cure." Magistrate Sanford, of Weston, King's Co., N.B., says: "I suffered long from itching piles, but Zam- Buk has now cured me." Mr. William Kenty, of Upper Nine Mile River, Hants 00., says: "I suffered terribly from piles, the pain at times being almost unbearable. I tried -various oint- ments,.but everything I tried failed to do me the slightest good. I was tired of trying various remedies, when I heard of Zara-Bult. and thought as a last resource I would give this balm a trial. After a very short time Zam-Buk effected a com- plete cure." Zam-Bok.is also a sure cure for skin injuries and diseases, eczema, ulcers, varicose veins, outs, burns, bruises, chaps, cold sores, etc. 50c. box all druggists and stores, or post free from Zam-Bulc Go., Toronto, for price. Refuse imitations. Try Zam-Buk Soap, 250. tablet. The Boy -"What is a den?" Pat- er -"A den, ray eon, is a place where wild beasts make their homes." The Boy -"No, I mean a den in a man's house." "Eddie," interjected the mother; "your fa- ther's definition applies to that also." Very many persons die annually from cholera, and kindred sunamer 'complaints, who might have been saved if proper remedies had been used. If attacked do not delay in getting a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kel- lbgg's Dysentery Cordial; the: niedi- oinp te-4W6 a *are. Those who have used it say it acts promptly, and thoroughly subdues the pain and disease. Pretty Miss- I want some ad- vice." Old Lady -"Certainly my dear. What ie it 7" Pretty Miss - "Shall I marry a man whose tastes are the opposite of mine and quar- rel with him, or shall I marry a man whose tastes are the same as mine and get tired of hinal" to housewife was recently surpris- hen cook served F'estum le- d of tea and coffee. She see: or the last five or six years I been troubled with nervous- , indigestion and heart trouble uldn't get any benefit from the or's medicine, so finally he or - me to stop drinking gaffes, b I 414. (Tett,ie as injuri- because it contains caffeine - drug in coffee,) I drank hot water while taking doctor's medicine, with some rovereent, then went back to ee with the same old trouble as re. A new servant girl told me ut Postum-said her folks used nd liked it in place of coffee. got a package, but I told her I not believe my husband would it, al he was a great coffee nker. • To my surprise he celled for a rd cut, said it was "good stuff" wanted to know whet it was. have used Postum ever since both feel better than we have years. . 'My husband used to have bad lle with his stomach and would sick three or four days, during ich iinie he could not eat or drink ything. But since he gave up ffee and took to Postuna, he has d no more trouble, and we now ly believe it was all eaused by ffee. 'I have not had any return of former troubles since drinking stuns, and feel better and can do ore work than in the last ten are. We tell everyone about it- me- say they tried it and did not ke it. I tell them it makes all the fference as to how it's made. It ould be made according to three - ons -then it is delicious." Name given by Canadian Postuin Windsor, Ont. Read the book, The Road to Wellville," pkks. There's a reason." Ever read the above letter? new ono pears from thne le time, They are twine, true, and full of human Interest. SURGEON ANT, the imp coff befo 11 abo it a We did like clri thi and iWe and in spe be wh an Famous wherever gloves are worn. Noted for their Fit and Finish. See that tho trodelear lc ls on • every glove. .2........aeraucaccasaixamersoa I- ET tETTER LIGHT From CAL OIL (Keros ne) T teats by Prof. MoKergow, MeGill University, Montreal on ceding ell -burn. ing lamps show the AMddin Mantle Lazne is the most economical rind gives over twice as much light as the Nay° and other lamps tested. It Is odor. less, safe. clean, noiseless. Guaranteed. Better light than gas or electric. To introduce the Aladdin we'll send a sample lamp on Experience un- 10 Days Trial. AGEN S WANTED necessary. Every " horpe steeds this lamp. One agent sold over 1000 on nve Pardo" n money back guarantee, not one returned. Another sold $800 worth in% • daYS. Evenings made profitable. Ask for agents prices and trial offer fikiHTL LAMP COMPANY 205 Aladdin Montreal sad taiatilpeg too Let Apples be the hristmas Gift to your friends across the sea. FAMINE CAMP IN GERMANY. 800 Fat People Doing Strict Diet in Order to Get Thin. There exists rile+, far from Dres- den, Germany, a "famine camp," where a eolony of 800 Germans is. established. The nnrp052-6F the camp is :),..ift.ghfiever-increasing adipDar tissue and one can find there men and women of all dimen- sions. A severe regime is in force, and.as the 'servants employed there are incorruptible, it is possible to reduce flesh at the rate of four or five pounds in a few days. Here is the day's menu: At sev- en o'clock in the morning is the first breakfast, a, plate of cherries or grapes with a cup of coffee and a piece of bread the size of your - watch or two biscuits. At ten o'elock there is a second breakfast, consisting of a glass of lemonade, another plate of cherries or grapes. At one o'clock a luncheen of two small slices of meat, lettuee "ad libitum," and a fruit marmalade. Again at four o'clock one eats, but only a small plate of cherries or grapes with a glass of lemonade. The dinner le at aix o'clock, and it consists of a plate of vegetables (potatoes forbidden), a plate of cherries, two little slices of bread, lettuce "ad libitum," a 'glass of milk and seenetimes a half dozen nuts. But ,one must be willing to get co ftil my Po 111 ye so 11 di sh Earthquakes. ti To the average man any move-,, ment of the ",solid" ground is a striking exception to the normal order of nature. To the seismolo- gist, on the contrary, absolute tranquility of the earth is the ex- IVIothers1 Are your little ones s ception, and the quakes -large or enall-are the rule. The little suffering from itching, burning quake,s are quite as interesting eczemas, or other torturing, from the scientifle,point of view 55 disfiguring skin troubles? Are the big ones. There is an interna - you, yourself, worn out with 'clonal commission for the study of long, sleepless nights and cease. osbth71,"Inrc'e8eirs," -as they are less anxiety in caring for them? has a period of 4Trety°.efernaler'711C Then you should know that, in ' has been traced to friction of the most cases, a warra bath with wind upon the earth's surface. In- - vibrations - over a,n extended ther words the wind creates waves t. S u ictira oap d do .,,, ar.,sur ace, just as rt es over e and a gentle application of Cuti- °e'-'ean• An4Dther tYPe has a Peyk'd of frona five to ten seconds. This clira Ointment bring immediate re iwsi.nfodu1104:1 to have no relation to the lief, the little sufferers sleep, tired, eteorologi.cal fretted mothers rest, and peace eortelitionst° It°Lhenrteiwlein moot Tltausief falls on distracted households. • bly attributed to ,,,,,... waves on the seashore p' cC o sold by druggists and denims everywhere; a storms on the Atlantic_th.us •se'Lrena'pt Although Cuticure Soap and Ointment uydal to "Guticura," Dept. 25, totton Co I ap Se a '0 11 In certain islands of the southern acific there is :tri ant which acts as surgeon to the wounded native. This ant has very low; and power - 1 mandibles, and, ;hen a naLiVe ets a bad cut, ihe holds its two dges together with one, hand, while with the other he sets the ant's cad tothe wound. The mandible,s f the insect at.once pierce eloan hrough the cut's two lips, making two stitches that bind the lips to- gether. The "ant's head is then nipped off and the mandibles re- main until the cut is healed, when they aro uiraWn out easily and pain- lessly. SOMetimes, when a wound is severe, st ,clomen or more ant sur- geons are. required to K'AV it up. thin at all costs, for a warning is posted saying that the,re is a cafe the alphabet. "Yes," came the re - just opposite the camp, and those ply. `Well, then," continued the who steal over there under the din- -teacher, "what letter comes after BV' "'All the rest of them." Luscious, rosy, juicy, Canadian Apples! Can you ions, gine any gift to the dear ones in the old land that would be more acceptable. • Because of exceptional shipping facilitiee we can make you this magnificent offer. We 'will deliver FREE OF CHARGE to any address in the British Isles a case of Guaranteed Select Cana, $3 00 dian Apples for the small sum of • We use standard cases; each Apple is separately packed, and every precaution taken to ensure safe and rapid delivery. Over 5,000 cases shipped last year. Mail $3.00 NOW, stating where you require the case sent, and WE DO THE REST. Give full postal. diree- tions, along with your own card for enclosure in ease. MAIL ORDER DEPARTHIENT CANADIAN EXPORT COMPANY, 180 ST. JAftIES STREET - - MONTREAL 421=iszA22=21=====2111222. Boar Island, Aug. 26, 1903 Minard's Liniment 0o., Limited. Dear Sirs, -Your traveller is here today and we aro getting a large quantity of your MINARD'S LINIMENT, We And it the best Liniment on the market, malting no exception. We have been in busitleas 13 years and have handled all kinde, but have dropped them all but yours; that sells itself; the others have to be pushed to get rid of. _ _ W. A. RAGEB,MAN. CLEVER JOHNNY. One day Johnny went to his Sun- day School for the first tiine. The 'teacher aeked him did he know TAW KR At -147071(411.171. SmoV and Flues, Wa- ter Flumes, Engines and Boilers POISON "%Mrs, TORONTO Ungineore and Shipbuilders. APPENDICITIS Cured without ancratione. 811 vrho are afflicted with this disease • and wish to be cured permanantlY, safely and quickly with this great Homeopathic remedy, evhioli will be • sent post-paid anYWhore in the world witla full instructions for using so as to effeot a permanent owe. Priee 52. Address JOHN T. WAIT Homeopathie Pharmacy, Arnprior. Canada. FAUNS FOR SALE. Your eroo ts and faded Suits would! els better dyed. If no 88058 05 0010 111 your awn, write direct to montreal, 201 08. Gold Medalist. British American Dyeing Co. YeT fa- NE -Cr X Mt.,' CREOSOTE EntILSL313.0;31,6a "It.,t131,1.3rld.ga Protect — Preserve -- Bob utlfy Samples and Booklets on APPlloatton JAMES LANGMUIR & CO., Limited 131148 Bathurst Strsot The Sow of a. Piano la the Action. enSiot On She claw of darkness for a glass 01 oeer or a "liArtoffelsalarb" will never, never get thin. 01. After a man has been married six months her never takes a friend home to dine without first letting his wile know. Minsnrs Liniment Relieves Neuralgia, A USEFUL INHERITANCIE. De Rich -"The thing my uncle left me in his will is the reason I'm wealthy now. Friend Jones -"What did he leave you?" De Itich--"An alarm clock." •, S. A., will secure a liberal °ample of each; , 'with 32-5book on tic skIrt 'and eicaln anol treatment of their affections. treiee of 'little earth NV ay es, whleh are registered , at Hamburg, Straa.; For six of the past twenty years, burg, Vienna -their araplitaide de- the number of ,deaths it France has ;creasing with the distance inland. 1 exceeded the' births, "OTTO TtRIGE,L" Piano Action. GREW DISGUSTED. H. W. DAINSON, Ninety • Colborne Street'. Toronto. 11.111EDRED ...ORES -COUNTY HALTON.; JiLl Good House; Buildings; °milord. Cheap and on easy terms. Q EVENTY.SIX ACRES WITH GOOD t..3 buildings and apple orchard; about live miles from Hamilton. H. W. DAWSON, Toronto. After fishing for about three hours and not getting even a bite MacIfoozle grew disgusted and de- termined to give up. Just before he drew the lines 10 5. small urchin came along with an old stick, a piece of string and a bent pin. "Hallo, My boy 1" said MaeFoozle "going fishingl" "No," replied the urchin, looking disdainfully at the unsuccessful one, "I'm going to catch some fish 7" Only the uninforme,d endure the agony of corns, The knowing ones apply Holloway's Corn Cure and get relief. You cannot retrace crooked steps • the path of reform is straight. Mlnard's Liniment Cures Dandruff, Do it Now. --Disorders of the di- gestive apparatus should be dealt with at once before complications arise that raay be difficult to cope with. The surest remedy to this end and one that is within rea,eh of all, is Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, the best laxative and sedative on the market. Do not delay, but try them now. One trial wil convince anyone that they are the beet • stomach regulator that can be got. tffirty deer parks in England. There are over three hundred and ItIlilarks Liniment Cures Burns, Etc I SUE 42-'12 • NO, FkilIER. Jones, who -is eomewlaat in re- quest at local concerts, fancies him- self as a vocalist. His conceit, how- ever, received a terrible blow a few nights ago. His wife had gone out leaving bin, to leek after the hope of the family, a bright youth of four. Soon the hed complained of earache, and Janes as a dutiful family man, put hies to bed. The boy, however, continued to moan with pain despite .JOIleS' efforts to egothe him to sleep. ``My'daelelie," said Jones at length, "do try and sleep ;tivill .4.:a.,S'e the pain. Shall I sing you to sleep'?" "No, father,'' replied the suffering one, between his sobs, try to bear the pain." ACRES 6 MILES FROM LONDON if Fel market; soil, (day loam; good- buildinge. Will exchange for oity, town or village property, or for larger farm. The Western Real Estate, Lond0n, Ont. REAL ESTATE WANTED. c„,11 nur., TOUR PROBBRTY QUICKLY for cash, no matter where located. Particulars free. Real Eatate Salesman 00., Desk 5, Motels, NOEL, 0. 0. A. AGENTS WANTED, 65 DAY AND -UPWARDS MADE WITH CP our fast selling Xmas goods; ex. perienao unnecessary. Either sox, Samples froo. Send postage, tWenty cent& Nichols Co., Spadina, Toronto, Canada. MALE HELP WANTED. • TIARN THE RAILWAY STATION 1...4 work and earn more money than in any other trade. Wo qualify for ell Canadian railways. Perittions scoured. Write for free book 18. Dorainion School Railroading, Toronto. Lady (at the bottom of the steps) -I want to see you just a minute, but this skirt is so tight I can't climb the stairs. You come out; won't you'l' Lady. (inside) - I would if I could, but this new hat is too wide to go through the door- way! A Remedy for Earache. -To have the earache ±5 110 endure torture. The ear is a delicate organ and few care -to deal with it, considering it work for a doctor. Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil offers a simple rem- edy. A few drops upon a piece of lint or medicated cotton and placed in the par will work wonders in re- lieving pain. • Wigg-"Ilello 1 old man. I never saw you looking so well." Wagg- "Yes, I do 1e0 in pretty -good shape. You see, I've been Lobusy this summer to go away for a rest." MISCELLANEOUS. • ANCER. TUMORS. LUMPS, eto. .._ternal pitin hoxne treatment. Write le before too late. Dr. Bellman Modioal Coo Limited, Collingwood, Ont. 'EARN SILVER, PLATING-PARTICII. has free. Specialtbas Agency, no! 1036, Winnipeg. 1 Eight Delightful Cruises 80 ttii, WEST DINDIES ANOtIS PANAMA CANAL Leaving NOW York by the Palatial S.S. MOLTKE and • VICTORIA LUISE Jan. 4, 16, 25, Feb, a 25, Mandl 11,29, April 10, Vi' ' 21, 08 hays -$143, 814 0155, and up. o Also Cruises to tho Orient, Around the , World, Italy and ugypt, etc. . • Send for Booklet, S, pang Cruise. HAIIIBURG-AINERICAR LINE, •' 41,45 Broadway, KEW YORM NAORI.J.00 LAXATIVES Women's commoneat ailment ,,.the root of so much of their Ill -health -promptly yields to the gentle but certain action of•1\ta-pru-Co Laxatives. 25c, box at your druggist's. NATIONAL bIEUG AND CHEMICAL CO. OF cANAIJA, LIMITEO10 .. 161 Most Eeononileal NI Odorless , ever in••;;ented $1 00 Postpaid ght Lamp . Burns ordinary KeraseneOil. "A light all nighticir ix aogit." L. 7.4. SURVEYOR 9258. LOWTOHCO Boulevard MONTREAL. C.—Maypole Soap • FOR HOME DYEING Washes and dyes at ane operation, giv- ing r erne skehly clean, bright, fad colors.Dves cotton, wool, silk of mix- tures, 24 colas, will give any shed'. • Colon 10c, block • 15c at yout deolec's or postp'cl with 0, k. ni-kw . to ,Dye' ' 50.5 Item F. L BENEDICT & CO. MontroaIi FREE TO GI RLS We will sitto this beautiful Expansical Brac,elet free of all charge, to any girl or young,ladi who will eoll 40 rote of Olit iirrncisorilo Beason Greetieg, scenic, nod floral nost-ortrds at 10 cents a set (sit beautiful carde in each set). The 'Expansion 'arsonist is of rolled gold plate, and Ate any arm Bend your lamina and we will send Yon the cards. When Geld send us the 54 and we will need you the bracelet,. Address HOMER WARREN CO., Dept. 17. • Toronto, on%