HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-10-10, Page 10News -Record October Mrd, I9t2 ►ar �ellin� Opt Sale Couti���es We have just received the bal- ance of an order for rubbers placed last winter and though prices have advanced Our prices will remain at the old figures. We have also in ;;tock winterri', goods such as _Felt Lined Boots, etc. Women's gun metal blutchers ' and button lines, regular $3.50 for $2.85. Men's gun metal blutchers and but- ton lines for $3,75, J. Twitchell � Son CLINTON, ONTARIO WILL EITHER SELL OR RENT THE STORE To Those Who Want the Beat To those who want their pick of the finest look- ing, best wearing shoes produced this season we say Come early, the new fall styles are in. If you are one of the many who look to us to us to supply your shoe needs for the coming season with something distinctive—entirely different than ordinary—come and make your selection right now. We want your business not only for today but for all future time. Try us once and you'll not desert us. We guarantee everything we sell to give satisfactory service at the price you pay and we always make good. FRED. JACKSON Good Shoes for everybody • AN• •••• SAA••••.•••• NN.ANAAAA••N NA• •• N•• Our Alm to Please_• • • • - tt Briligs Gustorners Back I • Furniture Buyers at this store invariably come back when they want more and bring their friends • • with them. • To Use Our Furniture is to prove that it is 2 as (rood as it looks anti that is snyincr a whole let, • e ser �' Substantial Furniture .can. be bought l now at money saving prices. Why not secure what pieces you need now while prices are so favorable. • ' Atkinson Dunford • Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors • Phone 104• • PHONE, 127 --NIGHT AND SUNDAY CALLS— PHONE 16' •••••••••41411444044441•••41,4114•144,14114-,•••16.•••• NN NM bait styles mark the change of Season The Az 'oar � Fashion Sheet Er OCTOBER interest every up-to-date woman n+• FRFF W. D. -FAIR CO. Often Cheapest - Always the Best ,• P ,IUllI tannin numnnIIII or G�•�,,, Personals Mr. W, II Mlies; was in Toronto' yes- Mr L` J tel:'son, Jr was in Go er Rh oderich on Wednesday,. Miss tlhn sane in North street church, Goderich last Sunday. Miss Jennie Taylor of London was in town .,a couple. of daysthis week. Gibbings and Mrs. S; 33, Treleaven left yesterday forvisit in Toronto Mr. Roy Griggof: the Hank o Mon treah staff, Goderich, was horse for the week -end. Mr. John Seeley of Varna was the guest of his brother,Mr. Albert. ' Seeley, on Sunday. Mrs. Walter King and Miss Margaret Ball spent the 'weak -end visiting, Blyth and Auburn friends. Mr. Roby. Mackenzie has returned to Queens University, :Kingston, to 'resume his medical studies. Misses Leila and Eileen hoover, spent a few clays, at home' this week, re tinning to Toronto on Tuesday. Miss Jennie Robertson: returned last week alter a pleasant visit of sen, eral weeks with Brantford friends. Mrs. Wm. Ford is spending a fevv days with her sister, Mrs, "H. Deihl, near Varna, who is just re- covering from a severe illness. Rev: J. E. Ford is in Mitchell today attending the funeral: of the Rev. George 'Smith, one of the pioneer ministers, of the Methodist Church. Miss Maude Dowzer, who has been teaching at McLeod, Alta., for some time, arrived in town Tuesday for a visit with her sister, Mrs. Nel- son Ball.: Mr. Albert May, who has been vis- iting friends in town' and vicinity, .or several weeks past, leaves this week for his home in Stevensville, Montana. Mr. and Mrs. ,James Watson' of Sea - forth and Mrs. (Rev.) 'Paterson of ,Sarnia were in town this week at- tending the funeral of thein father, the late John Leslie. Mrs. Ed. Pickett, Master George and Miss Jean, who visited Mrs. Geo, Pickett 'and other friends in town for vveel: or so, have returned to Seaforhh to visit ,friends before leaving for their home in Winnipeg. Mr. Morley Counter, who has been at Brantford for same time, was tak- en i11 last week with symptoms of fever. IIis mother went down to see hiin on Saturday, returning on Monday evening accompanied b' Morley who, with the very hest of home care, 'is now expected to re- cruit rapidly. Mr, John Govett was in Exeter on Friday last, having gone down to attend Mr. May's auction sale, The magnet for Mr. Govett was the fine horses which were put up and which brought $2500. Mr. Govett has the Devonshire man's love of a good horse and is an excellent judge of one, Mr. J. IL Quigley 'arrived from De- troit last evening and will visit for a fortnight or so among his many friends in town and Mullett. It is going ou to two years since he was last over, but time deals gently with the genial "Jack" so he doesn't look a day older than on his previous visit, Mr. A. Hooper is recovering from 'his severe illness, but not just as rapidly as he would .wish for. Still by making a big offort he was able to attend the S. S. rally services the Ontario street er in • church on Sunday last. He said he was glad he was there and be undoubtedly meant it. The school reciprocated giving expression to 'their sentiment by prolonged hand clap; Mr. W. A. McConnell left on Satur- day for Detroit and after spending a few days there and in Chicago will continue his ,jparney to Ont- ario, ntario, California, where his people have made their home and where he expects to remain for the next few, months at least. During the years of his residence in Clinton Mr. McConnell made many warm, personal friends all of whom were sorry to see him depart, but wish him success and happiness wherever he may 'locate. Mr. Frank O'Neil accompanied by Mrs. O'Neil and Misses Belle and Bessie spent Tuesday in London. Mrs, O'Neil and daughters returned the same evening while Mr. O'- Neil proceeded to Toronto, Buffalo Al Cleveland in the interests of his business lin Sask. Mr. O'Neil established his business in. Moose Jaw in 11199 and has, needless to say, in the last tnirtcen years 00- ticed rapid progress in the growth 'of a city which has become one of the most important centres in the . 'groat wheat province. Mr. and Mrs, W. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. J: Ransford- and Mr M. Ransford are attending the annual meeting of the Canadian Ticket Sellers' Association in Ottawa this week. After the 'business part of the' gathering is disposed of the party will take a little trip down to Montreal and from there will go by the White Star steamer, Laur- entic, to old Quebec. These little excursions are always of a most pleasant naturo and are always much enjoyed by those tor6inate enough to be able to take them in. ' °The party from Clinton will prob . ably return on Saturday. Mr. Horace Foster of Brantpion, after six weeks confinement in a semi -private ward in the Toronto general hospital, was able to he renoved to his dome last week. While in the hospital he underwent an operation for kidney trouble from ff red ` 'ch he hassuffered . v v hu intense- ly for a considerable tiim,e Albhougli very weak when takenhome, his many yru' uls• will be pleased to know uh t he is in a fair way to recovery,' although, it wild be some time before he can. resume' his or- dinary duties. Although andel: the care of 0 professional nurse while. in the 'hospital, his daughter, Miss Letha, also 'remained in constant attic+dance. , Mrs, A. Hooper was in Exeter last week on a brief visit with friends there. Itir. Eli IIoltzhauer left on Monday to take a. position in the Hensall. flour mill, Mrs: Brigham of Mensal' made a short visit with Clinton friends last week. Mrs. William Graham was in Hensall visiting friends for couple of days last week. Mrs. William Cantclon left on Mon- day Inc a visit with friends •at Marlette, Mich. Mrs. Marsh of Detroit is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Davis of town. Mrs, Wm. Cooper left yesterday for 1 Ontario, Col., where she will remain for the winter.. Misses Helen and Willa Ford left on Tuesday to resume their studies at Queen's University, Kingston. Dr. Sellery and family of IIensall called on friends in town on ,Sun- day, having come up in their auto. Mrs. S. Crich of Huron street ex- pects her sister, Mrs. Morris of Detroit, to spend the winter with her. Mr. Gordon and Miss Florence Cun- ningham spent Sunday the guests of Mr. A. Naftcl on the Lake Shore. Mrs. Ben Cole, was called to Ypsil- anti,, Mich., on Friday last by the serious illness of her sister, Mrs. TIowlett• Mrs. Cook, who has been visiting her son, Mr. Arthur Cook, for several weeks past, left on Friday for her home in Toronto. Mr. L. Davis of the Molsons I'axk staff, Teeswater, formerly of town,' was here for the Pastime dance en Friday evening last.. Misses Dolly Mennell and Dolly Cooper spent the weeik-end as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Brownlee of Seated/h. Mr. A. T. Cooper addressed a meet- ing in the Methodist church,Holm- eavilce, on Sunday afternoon. }itis Cooper accompanied him. Mrs. 1dmeston - of;Toronto has, been they guest of Mr, and Mrs. John Mulholland and other friendsin town during the past week. Mies May Davis, who has visiting her home in town for the past im,onth,,,leaves this week to return to Stevensville, Montana, License Inspector Johnson of Clinton who was a visitor- in town this week,. is rigidly enforcing the liquor laws in Centre Huron.— $eaforth News. Miss Beatrice Greene spent the week- end as' the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Will Pickard' of liblmesville• :She assisted the choir in the special services on Sunday. Mr. A P. Gundry of Strathroy, formerly priroipal. of Clinton Col- legiate Institute, has been elected a member of the Union Advisory Board of the iiduoational Depart- ment of Ontario. Mr, 0. J. 'Wallis took RevMr, Ford, Miss Marion Irwin and Miss Gladys Canteion to Bayfield in his auto on Sunday. Mr. Ford preach- ed - anniversary sermons in the Methodist churoh at than place both morning and evening: Mr. and Mrs. John Derry,, wlio left some m'ontbs ago for England,' have, The News Record is inform- ed,; decided to return to this coun- tay. For this worthy couple Olin - lion's latch 'string will alwayshang out We'll be glad to have them back. Miss Sadie Cowan, who has linen the efficient C. P. R. operator herr, for sevetal seasons, left on __Monday morning for her I oixe in }k tee id , Miss U1owaii has many friends to Clinton who sincerely ienret her departure, bat one and all wish tier continued prosperity and good tiinc. * *•••NN••N♦♦1•♦NNA N♦N♦♦NNNN♦NN♦ • FALL NEW ft1ERCHANDISE ♦ During the past few weeks we have heen kept busy opening up and IF t placing into stock,a great many new and attractive lines of fall and ♦ winter merchandise and we would now be delighted to have you cone ♦ in and examine these goods and compare our values. Never before have we shown such exceptional values in ladies' and 111, children's mantles, children's serge dresses, ladies' and children's furs, e etc. Don't fail to see these before buying; •s • Bargains in all lines of summer goods during the ♦ Big g balance of Se temlaer, ♦ P • PROFITSSMA.L I P L • �ncc T E EL BBUSINESS sesl. NE SMORE • 22i 041.•+•44•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••: NEWS -RECORD JAN. NEXT FOR 230 1 We have just passed into stock a complete range of tap- estry, Brussels, Milton and Ax- minster floor rugs in the very newest designs, also runners and hall end squares to match. ' It.you are needing new floor coverings to brighten up your home for .winter a call here will suggest Many; new idEas in floor covering, price from $S up $35. New 'L,noleums, Oilcloths, Matts GOLF COATS and BLAZERS Women's, misses and children's golf jackets and - blazers in all the popular colors, plain and two tint effects just to hand. These are very popular for w ear and the very latest style in all sizes, Prices $1 to $5. Fall Mantles and Suits We are showing the most complete range of women's, children's and misses' winter coats and ladies' dresses and two piece suits it has ever been our pleasure to display, at prices to fit all purses. We invite you and your friends to call as often as you please. .70:zzAsilkor,:z The News From Londesboro A quiet wedding was solemnized Wednesday noon at the home of Mr. and . Mrs. John Hutton when their Carrie, only daughter, Ca rte, was married to Geo, C. 'Thompson of Clinton. The Rev. W. T. Pearcy conducted the ceremony.. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson left on the afternoon train. for De- troit and Cleveland, Mr. R. Vodden took a party con- sisting of A: and W. Vodden and Mrs. H. Radford to the Fortlwith Fair in his auto on Friday last. They also visited IIarriston friends, returning hone Sunday. Rev. Mr_ Pearcy will preach anniv- ersary sermons in the Vanua Presby- terian church next Sunday. Miss Reeb of Port Colborne is spending a few weeks with her sis- ter, Mrs. W. T. Pearcy at the ,man- se. Rev. Mr. Honey of Southampton spent a few days this week with his sone Mr. S. L. Honey of this place. Mr. R. W. Armstrong of Toronto spent a few days this week with his brother-in-law, Mr, J. 0. Loons- bury. Mrs. (Rev' -Dr.) Medd of Goderich was the guest for a few days this week with her sisters, Mrs. J. Tam- blyn and Mrs. J. Elsley, Rev. Dr. Medd spent Tuesday with his sister, Mrs. Thos, Lyon and other friends. Are you a News -Record subscriber ? H ullett Happenings Miss ,Jean Daymont,spent Sneelay the names icing in order of merit'. with Miss Lizzie Shanahan. Sr. 4th—Florence Vodden, Keathia Weymouth. Sr. 3rd—Margery McCool, Fred. McCool. Jr. 3rd—Flossie Gibbiri,,s, Annie Weymouth, Alice Vodden, Grace Vod- den, Jr. 2nd -rot' gs, Helmer Snell, Arthur WeyGib»Inmouth, Rose God- bulit, Sydney Lee. Mary ton Weed, "Sr. list—Wellington Maim. Jr. lst;—Dera Vodden; Fanny Lee„ Jennie G orbutt. The best spellers were Sr. 4th—F. Vodden. - Sr. 3rd—M. McCool. Jr. 3rd—F. Gittings. Jr. 2nd—H.. Sne1L Sr. 1st—W.' McCool::. —13. M. McEwan„ Teacher. Mrs. Jas. Flynn and Miss Sadie Cowan Sundayed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Reynolds. Messrs., Gal. IJalloway and Silas Davis Sundaycd with Mr. Frank:Ray- nolds. Mrs. Jas. Reynolds and Miss Min- nie Reynolds returned hone last week aftat spending a few days with dlensall friends. Mr. and Mrs. John Carbert Sun - flayed with Morris friends. Messrs. Wnt. Carter and James Snell were judges at the Bayfield. Fair this week. In their respective classes they are unexcelled at judg- ing. The following is the report of S. S. No. 5 for the month of September Constance Concerns Missas Stella Clarke and Vera Colclough spent Sunday and Monday the guests of Miss Elsie Button at Seaforth: Mr. and Mrs Robert Rogerson were the guests on Sunday last of Mr. and Mrs. L. Tebbutt of Holmetsville. The farmers are now busy taking up th'eii; potatoes. Mrs.' J. Cools has returned frons a visit with her parents, Mr. and "Mrs, N. `.1'. Adams of Blyth. Mrs. W. Britton and daughter are visiting the lady's parents, Mr, and Mrs. McRorie. Mr. and Mrs. D. Tudor visited the latter's father, Mr. -William Stanley of Holmesville, on Sunday Brucefeld ',services sf. dome h�,,. rvcst The annual in connection with the Methodist t u Sun- day church hue were conducted cted ou m- day a[tl;noon and evening last by the •Rev, .R., l Miller of Auburn. The 'xtt,sndanco ,vas,le gc at "both ear - v 1 s. 'Phe ehtirhls was arttscaotircly decorated for the occasion. The us- ual optertainuienir was held on Mon- dry cvorflhg which was ,also well at- Goderich 119. McCreath.i. C u visiting Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Collinson in- tend to LInuiv . 1 v > shortly fheif cldcest daiughter, Mrs. dlockart Stark, cow resides there. Mr. and Mrs,. George Tludhanan o1 Cuba have been ,visiting the forrinor's. parental Iiome, that of Mr. James Buchanan of tows. NEW e7 Fall SuH!ns NOW IN STOCK For the past nine years we have catered. for men's custom made tailoring, produ c 1 n g style and workmanship fully guatanteed, keep- ing none but compet- ent workmen equal to any in larger cities and producing clothes for men at prices consis- tant with expense and much below city pric- es, Why pay big pric- es 'for factory made clothing, when you can get a suit made to your measure at home by an experienced cutter and practical tailors from $`0.00 to $25.00 We have seen oth- ers come and' go but we are here to stay, us- ing the same motto, as when we started "Q'uali'ty." T OZE'R and' W R ®,