HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-10-10, Page 91--(` Not Like Ordinary Soap, but Better • S1 -T:19.4••'.•' -:,1H -F • LAROF.ST.. •'..0.k.L•••IN.:.CANADA • Marl( • MONTREAL. THE STANDARD Is thd istatiankl ‘rWeekly Newspaper of the Dominion Canada. It is national in all ite It• uses the most 'expensive engrav- :Ings, Procuring the photographs from over the world. - its articles are Carefully selected and Its editorial policy is thoroughly Independent. " A . subscription t Th d Standard posts $2.00 par year to any addreaa in Canada or -Great Britain. TRY, IT FOR 1912! Montreal • Standard Publishing COss ,Limited, Publishers. Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Land Regulations. Any person who ia the sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years old, may homestead a quart- er section of' available Dominion • land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta,. The applieant must ap- pear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency. or Sub-Ageney for t the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, on cer- tain conditions by father, mother, on, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader. • Duties.—Six months residence „ upon and oultiva,tion of the land in each of three years. A homestead - lar may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at lea,st 80 acres solely owned and oc- cupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister... In certain districts a homestead- er in good standing may pre-empt a quarter -section alongside his homestead. Price, 3.00 per acre. Duties. ---Must reside upon the homestead or pre-emption six months in each of six years from date of honiestead entry (including the time required to earn 'home- stead patent) mad cultivate fifty acres extra. A homesteader who has exhausted his homestead right and cannot ob- tain a pre-emption may enter for a purchased homestead in certain distgicts. Pric,e, $3.00. • Duties.—Must reside six months , in 'each of three years, cultivate fifty acres and erect a house worth •$300.00. P.) W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the In- terior. • '.B.—Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. Owen Sound may have another vote on the repeal of local option. Hon. Tames Macdonald, former Chief Justice of Nova Scotia, died at Halifax. Specially Selected ..... SASKATCHEWAN VALLEY FARM LANDS From the Land Grant of the Canadian Northern Railway All clean, open land, good soil and arable by traction plow. Sale subject to in- spection of property, with special rate of transporta- tion. Price and terms rea- sonable. CANADIAN CONSOLIDATED • LANDS, LIMITED Eastern Townships Nanklildg. MONTREAL. THE NEWS -RECORD'S CLUB BING LIST FOR 1912-13 *BERMES. News:Record and Mail and Empire.$150 News.Record and Globe 1.60 News•Rmord and VamilY Herald and _ Star with Premium 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.76 1.76 • 220 2.25 1.76 1.76 2.75 News -Record and Witness ............ News -Record and Oen................. News -Record and Free Press ........ News-Reeord and Advertiser ....... • NewmEmord and Toronto Saturday Night News -Boma and •Parrner:'s 'Advocate Naws-B000rd and Farm and Dairy... News -Record and Canadian Farm... News -Reword and Youth's Companion DAILIES.. News-Reoord and Mail and Empire., News-R000rd and Globe Newo-Retiord and Nem' Newalleoord and Star .....,...., News -Record and World ' News -Record and Morning Pro° Press NoNvs.Record and Evening Pree Prose Nevin -Record and. Adyertieer ......... MONTHLY. 4,26 4.26 2.30 5.30 3.26 3,26 2.76 3.00 Newel -Record and Lippinoott's Maga- • zine. '..-..... 3.26 Newe-Recori and Canada Monthly, If what you want is not in this list lot us know about it We can supply you at lees than it would oost you to send direct. In remitting plettne do eo by Post -office Order, Posta Note, Express 'Order or Beg, istered letter and. address, W. J. MITCHELL, Puolltiher News -Record 'CLINTON, ONT4R10 TIMBER FOR SALE • Tenders will be received up to and la. eluding the first day of October, 1912, for the right to out white and red nine and sortie% on two timber berths' oo the Upper waters of the Sock° River east of the toWnships of Garrow and Lockhart, in the Distriot of Maiming, Provinoe of Ontario, the berths being designated "Jeckci No. L and Zooko No. IL," each rontaining tweuty-liVe square miles more or lam For mans and oonditions of Sale apply to the undersigned.• ' W. n. HEARST. Minister of Lands, Forests and Mines. • Toronto, July 4/113, 1912. 1••••••••••••••/•••••••....m. IN -VESTMENT For the investment of surplus funds or the re-"' investment of dividends we recommend any of the following securities as combining absolute safety • of principal with high interest. Price Yield TORONTO PAPER, 6% First Mortgage Bonds 98 61/4 % Due 1942. Interest 1st March and 1st September. Denominations,: $100, 5500, $1,000. SPANISH RIVER PULP, 6% First Mortgage Bonds . 98 6:20% Due 1991. Interest let January and 1st July. Denominations $500, $1,000. BELDING PAUL. 5% First Mortgage Debentures89 VA % • Due 1936. Interest 1st May and 1st November. Denominations: $100, 2600, $1,000. DOMINION PANNERS, 6% First Mortgage Bonds.. 1031/2 % Due 1940. Interest 1st April and 1st October, 'Denominations: $500, $1,000. • CARRIAGE FACTORIES, 0% First Mortgage Bonds. '98 61/4 % Doe 1940. Interest 1st April and 1st October. Denominations: $600, $1,000. CANADA MACHINERY, 6% First -Mortgage Bonds. 98 61/8 % Due 1940. Interest lot February and lot August. Denominations: $600, 91,000. ONTARIO PULP & PAPER, c% First Mortgage Bonds Due 1981. Interest lot January and lot July. Denominations: 2100, $500, $1,000. MUNICIPALS, MUNICIPALITY OF POINT GREY, 13.C., 6% Notes. 99% 9% % Due Sept., 1913. -Interest lot March and 1st Sept. Denominatitals: $100, $500, $1,000, $5,000. MUNICIPALITY OF BURNABY, /3.C., 5% Notes... 991/2 51/2 % Due Sept., 1919. Interest 1st March and 1st Sept. Denominations: $100, 2600, $1,000. 94 ILO% Any of these securities may be bought on Periodical Payment Plan. 'Complete details be sent on request. our will DOMINION BOND COMPANY, LIMITED 00.4119199 Dorm Dumont° TORONTO ' • 0914719ZION EXP1112139 13911.01N0 'MONTREAL, TANCouTtfirt LONDON. 122021. 1:100111111110111111111111111111111111110111111111111$11101101111111011111011111119110111111 111101111011110$11159111111111110121$11111 THE NEWS IN A PARAGRAPH HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER THE GLOBE AN A N UTAinFLL., Canada, tho Empire and the World In General Before Tont Even, CANADA. Sir William Mackenzie has decid- ed • to build a street., railway in Stratford. United States bills raised from one dollar to five dollars are being •circulated in Toronto. • Montreal's two and a half million bushel elevator was opened for busiimss by Hon, J. I), Hazen. - The C.P. R. directors decided to issue $60,000,000 of new share ca.- pital and planned to expend it all. A lifeLsize statue of Joan of Are, by a famous French sculptor, was unveiled in Montreal on Sunday afternoon. Ten million tons of freight passed through the Sault Canals during September, making it the best month in their history. The lieRnvie of Capt. Fred Stew- art and his son, Raymond G. Stew- art, second mate of the ate -saner .A: E. Stewart, were suspendedbe- cause of negligence in operating the vessel at high speed duringesmoky weather, causing it to be stranded. UNITED STATES. Eight were killed and fifty in- jured in a railway smash near West- port, Conn. One officer was killed a,nd eight men injured through an explosion on board the U. S. torpedo-boat de- stroyer Walke. GENERAL. There was a fierce frontier en- gagement between Turks and Ser- vians. The situation shows no im- provement. The 'German Foreign Minister stated that war in the Balkans may break out at any moment, but that the powers' were united in their de- termination to prevent any terri- torial ehanges as the result of the war. ITALY AND TURREY. The War May be Brought to a Close •• Iinmediately. A despatch from London says: Peace between. Italy and Turkey was signed at Ouchy, SWitzerland, on Thursday night, according to a news Agency despatch received from Paris. . A despatch from Paris says: Pietro Bertolini and Beohad Pa- sha, the Italian and Turkish peace delegates, left Ouchy, Switzerland, orsFridaynight for Rome and Con- stantinople, respectively, in order to secure the 'ratification of their Governments to the peace agree- ment reached by them, according to a special despatch received here from Ouchy. BED IN REFRIGERATOR. Chinese Laundryman Found There by Sanitary Inspector. A desparbch from Ottawa says t An inspection of the laundries of Ottawa is being conducted lay the Civic Sa,nithary offieials, One ot the discoveries on Wednesday morning was the presence of a Chinaman sleeping in a refrigerator. The place was formerly used aa abut - cher shop, in connection with which s, stationary refrigerator had been built. In this the laundryman liad his bed. 0 THOUSANDS SAW inn DIE. Airman Killed While Giving an Ex- hibition at Trenton, N. J. A despatch from Trenton, N. J., says: Plunging from a height of nearly 2,000 feet in a biplane, Charles F. Waleh, of San Diego, California, was dashed to death in 'sight o15,000 people at the Inter- state Fair on Thursday afternoon. The breaking of the lower plane as Walsh was beginning a circular downward flight was the cause of the accident. Walsh was breathing faintly when the first person reach- ed him, but died almost immediate- ly afterward. 55. STRUCK DERAILED FREIGHT. Three Fatally Hurt and 29 Cars Hurled Into the Ditch. A despatch from Buffalo says: Three persons were fatally injured and fifteen others more or less seri- ously hurt in a collision of a West Shore passenger train and a f reight train at Wende Station, 20 miles east of here, on Thursday morning. The freight.train had been derailed at a curve and the passenger train crashed into it at full speed. Ten passenger coaches were derailed and 18 freight cars were hurled in- to the ditch. THINKS CITY IS LIA131,11. Ottawa Solicitor Says Typhoid Vic- tims' Survivors Can Site. A despatch from Ottawa says: That the city of Ottawa is liable for damages for every case of typhoid fever in the two local epidemics is the opinion given by City Solicitor McVeity in an official communica- tion to the City Clerk on Thursday. In the 1911 epidemic there were 1,- 100 eases and 83 deaths. In the epi- demic thin year the.cases numbered 1,150, and the deaths 60. The city's bill Of damages will, therefore be a colossal one if the courts uphold the interpretation the city solicitor places on the law. ' Paine Have Vanished Neuralgia Completely Ctuisd. 'The* cure of Mrs, if, L. Barrett, Guthrie, P. Q., in another victory 1:1" Mood's Sarsaparilla, This great medi- cine has Succeeded. in many cases where others have utterly failed." Mrs. Barrett says; suffered Intensely from neuralgia 'in the head face and ehouers. 1 had used various medi- cines without .rellef. I heard of Hood's Sarsaparilla a,nd decided to try It, and I blese the day, I did. I took It :several months and now feel Well. All My paine have vanished." , Get flood's Sarsaparilla today. Sold by all druggMta everywhere. - PRICES OF FARM PRODUCTS SEPORTe FROM THE ,LEAMMI TRACE ckurnse OF AMERICA, trines et Cattle, Crain, Misses ens maw Prague. at Rome and Abroad. BREADSTUFFS. Toronto, Oat. 8.-Plour-Winter whefil;-90 Per cent. patents 63.80 91, $3.85 at eea- board. Manitoba 'flours (t)oese quotations are for ,itite bagsin, cotton bags •10c moreli-Pirst patents,, 55.78; second pat- ents, 9520, and strong bakers', $5, on Oracle, Toronto. Manitoba Wheat -No. 1 now Northern quoted at 51.00, Bay ports, Ana No., 2 at 980. Feed wheat, 650, Bay ports. Ontario Wheat -No, 2 white, red rind mixed, 97 to 980, outside; new wheat, 94 to 950, outside. oats -New Ontario, 36 to 370, outside, but they are of poor quality; No. 2 would bring 400, outside,.and 43 to 44e, Toronto. wPoesate4r_nmonianinala.• oats, purely nominal. •Barley -Forty-eight lb. barley quoted at 63 to 650. outside. Corn -No.' 2 American 81e, oh track, To. ,ronto, and at 76 1-20, Bay porto. Rye --No. 2 at 71 to 73s. outside. Buckwheat -Nominal. " Bran-blanitoba bran, $22 to $23, in bags, Toronto freight. Shorts, $26. COUNTRY PRODUCE. .Butter -Dairy rolls, choice, 25 to 260; bakers', Inferior, 21 to 22a; choke dairy, tubs; 23 to 240; oreamery, 28 to No for roils, and 26 to Me for solids. Eggs-Oase lots of new -laid: 27 to 288 Per dozen ; f resh, 24 to 25o. Cheese -New choose, 141.2 to 14340 for large, and 143-4 to 16c for twins. Beans--Hand-pioked. ,93 per bushel; ProgeBy' acted, in tins, 11 to 120 Per Ib. for No. 1, wholesale; combs, $2,50 to 53, wholesale. • Poultry -Wholesale prices of choice dressed poultry t-Chitikens, 16 to 17e per lb.; hens, 13 to 14e; duoklings, 13 to 1.40; turkeys, 17 to 180. Live poultry, about as lovrei than....the above. Potatoes -70 to 700 per bag, on traok. • PROVISIONS. Cured meats are quoted as follows: - Bacon, long clear, 16 to 15 1.20 per lb.„ In case lots. Pork --Short out, $24.60 to 225; do., mess, 221.50. Hams -Medium to light, 17 to 171-00; heavy, 151-2 to 16e; rolls, 2141 13...420o; breakfast bacon, 19o; hooka, 21 "to Lard -Tierces, 141-00; tube, 143-4o; pails, 150. BALED HAY AND STRAW. Baled Hay -No. 1 new by, $12.50 to 513-- 60, on track, Toronto; No, 2, 510 to $11; clover, mixed, 58 to $9. Baled Straw -Good straw $10,50 to $11.- 00. on track, Toronto. MONTREAL MARICETS. Toronto, Oot, 8.-Oats-Oanad0an Western No. 2, 541-2 to 55o; extra No. 1 feed, 54 to 841-15, Barley -Manitoba feed. 60.50 61o; do., malting, 76 to 800.. Buckwheat -No, 2, 74 to 750. Flour -Manitoba Spring wheat patents, firsts, $5.80; do., seoonde, $5.30; do., Oiling bakere', $5,10; Winter patents choice, $5.25; straight rollers'194,85 to $4.- 90; do., bags, $2.26 te $2.30. Rolled oats- Barrele, $6.05; do., bags 90 lbs., $2.40. Bran, $23. Shorts, $27. Middlings, $213 to $30. Mourne, $30 to $35, Hay -No. 2, per ton, ear lots 913.50 • 'to $14. Cheese --Finest westerns, 13 1-2 to 13 3-40; do., eastorns, 13 1,80 to 13 1-40. Butter-Ohoicest cream. orY, 27 3-4 to 28c; do., amends, 201.2 to 27c. Eggs -Selected, 29 to 30s; No. 2 stock, 21 to 22o. Potatoes -Per bag, oar lots, 65 to 70e. MUTED STATES MARKETS, Minneapolis, Oot. 8 -Wheat -Deo., 881 -Is; bfay, 935-8 to t33.40; No. 1 hard, 90c; No. 1 Northern, 87 to 851-20; /To, 2 Northern, 84 to 87 1-2o; No. 3 yellow corn, 69 to 691-2e. No. 3 white oats, 30 to 301,20. No. 2 rye, 60 to 611-15. Bran, $19 to $20. Flour, first patents, $4.35 to $4.65; second patents 94.- 20 to $4,551 first clears, $3.20 to $3.60; sec- ond clears, 82.40 to $2.70. Duluth,oat. 8. -Wheat, New No. 1 hard, 89 5-80; No, 1 Northern, 805-00; No, 2 North- ern, 862.00; Oetober, 853-15; nominal; De. comber, 683-80; May, 531.2s bid. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Montreal, Oot. 8. -The best of the cattle brought 6' to 61.4 cents, but very few Bales were made at over 5 3-40, while the com- mon stook sold at 21-2 to 4. Cows, $36 to $705 calves 1 to 61-2o; sheep, 21-2 to 32.4o; lambs, 812 to 63.4e; hogs, 83.4 1.0 90. Odd live stook markete Toronto, Oct. O. -Cattle -Choice buteher, $5,75 to $500; grod medium, $5.40 to 55.- 60; common, $4.60 to $5; COWS. $3 to 56; bulls, $3 to 54.50; canners, 52 to 53, Calves -Good veal. $8 to $9; common, $3.50 to $6. Stockers and Feedere-Steers, 950 to 1,050 Tho. at 55.25 to 55.60; feeding bulls, 900 to 1,200 lbs. at $1.75 to $4.26. Milkers and springers at from $50 tic $76, Sheep and lambs -Light ewes, $4 to $4.25; heavy ewes, $3 to $3,50; lambs, $6 to 56.10, Hogs -Market 10e lower al $8.65, fed and water- ed, and $8.25 1.o.13. The telegraph may annihilate dis- tance, but it takes the messenger boy to kill time. — About the first thing a child learns after it begins to sit up and take notice is that mother's people are far superior to father's. 111••••••••••••••••••••••, A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY An eminent scientist, the other day, gave his opinion that the most won- derful ,dIscovery of recent years was the discovery of Zam-Buk. Just think! As soon as a single thin layer of Zam-BuIr Is applied to a wound or a sore, such, injury Is Insured against blood poison! Not ono species of microbe has been found that Zam.23tils does not kill! '' • Then aga• in „ As soon as Zam-Buk Is applied to a sore, or a cut, or to skin disease, It stops the smarting. That Is why children are such friends Of Zatn-Buk., .They care nothing for the science of the thing.. All they kaow is that Zam,Bak stops their pain. Mothers should never forget ' Again. As soon as Zam-Bulf is ap- plied to a wound or to a diseased part, the cells rbeneatli the skin's sur- face are so stimulated that new healthy tissue is quickly formed. This forming of fresh healthy tissue from, below is Zama:ilk's secret of healing. Tho tissue thus formed la worked up to the surface and literally casts off the diseased tissue above It. This is why ZaM-Duk cures are permanent. Only the other day Mr. Marsh, of 101 Delorimier Ave., 'Montreal, caned upon the Zam-Buk company and told them that for over twenty -Eve years he bad b,een a martyr to eczema. Hia hands were at one Vine so covered with soreil that Ite had to sleep In gloves. Your years ago Zam-Buk was introduced to him, and in a few months It cured irim. To-day.--mrer three Years after his curd of a :disease he had for twenty-five years—he 'is still cured, and has had no trace of any return of the'eczetna! -All druggists sell Zatn-Buk at 50e. box, or we will send .free trial box if you send this advertisement and a le. stamp (to pay return postage), Ad- dress Zion-Bult Co., Toronto, Among Canadian Industrial Bonds PACKING HOUSE SECLJRITIES hold the premier position • Excellent see'drity—broad markets and satisfactory insome are the outstanding features' of an investment in any one of these bands. $100, $500 and $1,000 cletunatnations are available. P. BURNS AND COMPANY, LIMITED (Ranchers Packers atut PrOVidiotter8 of Calgary, Alberta) 6% First Mortgage Bonds, due 1924, issued in 1909 at 100 and interest, are now selling at 103-104 and • interest - - , - - - - yielding 5.55% • 6% First and Itefttnding Mortgage Bonds, due 1931, isSued in 1911 ai 100 and interest, are now selling at 102 and interest - yielding 5.83% • WM, DAVIES COMPANY, LIMITED (Packers and Provisioners • of Toronto) 6% First Mortgage Bonds, due 1936, issued in 1911 at 100 and interest, are now selling at 103 and interest - yielding 5.68% GORDON, IRON SIDE & FARES COMPANY, LIMITED (Ranchers, Packers and Provisioners of Winnipeg) 6% First Mortgage Bonds, due 1927, recently issued at 100 and interest - yielding 6% We have special circulars which cover fully the assets and histories of these concerns as well as a complete description of the bonds. • For the distribution of funds we could suggest a list of bonds --Municipal,' B,ailroad, Public Utility and Industrial, including some of these packing house securities. • SEND Eatt nits risipqamAnoly Donunom 26 KONG ST. RAOT TORONtb SECEETESGRPORMI071 E5TABL19NEO 1901 •LONDON,, ENG. CANADA LIPE BLDG. MONTREAL WIRELESS INVENTOR IN AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT THE TITANIC DISASTER, Ras Temporarily Frightened In- tending—Emigrants. A despatch from Ottawa says: That the Titanic disaster temporar- ily stopped British immigration to Canada is one of the interesting features of an interim report as to immigration to Canada from Great Britain. The total immigration frorn Great Britain for this fiscal year up to the end of August was 953142, as compared with 91,857 for the corresponding period last year, an increase of 3,825. During May immediately following the Titanic disaster there was a falling off of twelve per cent. on the arrivals from Great Britain, which the im- migration authorities attribute to the apprehension raised in -the minds of intending immigrants as to the safety of the Atlantic pas- sage. For August, on the other hand, when this fear had passed, immigration from Great Britain in- creased thirty per cent. over Au- gust of last Yeat. KITCHENER LEA.VES PARIS. DefectiN-es, Fearing For Him, As. company General to Border. A despatch from Paris says: Lord Kitchener, the British Agent Con- sul -General to Egypt, left here on his way to Cairo on Thursday. French detectives accompanied him as far as Merseilles upon advices from London that his life was me. naced BUSINESS AND • SHORTHAND Subjects taughtabtythe:pert instructors • agAre' Aided Y LONDON, ONT. Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 3rd. Catalogue free. Enter any time. _ LW. Westervelt • J. W. Westervelt, Jr, Principal 10 CiarteredAecountast Vice -Principal The whole world is interested in the outcome of the accident which threatens William Marconi, the in- ventor of wireless telegraphy. While motoring with his wife in Italy, the inventor met with an ac- cident which threw the party out of the machine. Mrs. Marconi es- caped without serious injury. Mar- coni was badly hurt and injury to his eyes at first gives ground for the fear that he might lose his sight. IVIrs. Marconi if nursing Irina in the hospital in Spezia, Italy, where he vas taken.immediately after the ac- cident. •POTATOES NOW CONTRARAND; Customs Order Forbids Importa- tion Because of Canker. A despatch from Ottawa, says: Following the decision by the Min- ister of Agriculture recently to pro- tect as far as possible Canadian po- tato canker which has done great damage to. the crops in Europe, the Department of Customs is is- suing an order to all collectors pro- hibiting the importation of potatoes from Europe; Newfoundland, and the island's of St. Pierre and Mi- quelon. The 'regulation is ma,cle under the Act to prevent the intro- duction or sprea'ding of insect, pests and disc aies destructive to vegeta- tion. The prohibition applies to Great Britain, whence Canada im- ported 164,000 bnslicls of potatoes in the four months ending Tuly 81: BRANDON FAR FROill SUNNY. Holds Low Record for flours of Stnislibie August. - A despatch from Ottawa says Records published by the Dominion Meteorological Office show that in Ottawa during Auglist there were only 17_8,8 hours of sunlight out of f3ossible 473. In Charlottetow there were 1810 out of 476 potsible. The low record comes from Bran- don, where there were only 118.1 hours of sunohine out of 491 pot- sible. There were over fifteen rainy days in most localities during the •montla. 141-1IS WEEK? Start that savings account this week. Start where you know your savings will be safe—with a com- pany that has a reserve fund equal to Its paid-up capital, Start with a'company incorporated in 1864 that has already paid over five million dollars of interest to depositors and debenture -holders Call or write us to -day. Incorporated 1804 OVER 13 MULLIONS OF ASSETS croaq & Servings Co., Xondo4 raid St..7honms. go\TRA'Avvivitt.„, tele, 0.11-WAVV. ALE LOCAL OPTION—Residents in the local option districts can legally order from this brewery whatever they require for personal or family use, Write to JOHN LABATT, L -AMSTED, LONDON, CANADA 57/441.APA/A-AWA/AdidtliVIA4% A . (A/AratkiliA446k/AAAsNAAA5IiA. ib4VAAAR: STOUT --- LAGER puBE_PALATABLE___ NUTRITIOUS -- BEVERAGES FOR SALE BY WINE AND 'SPIRIT MERCHANTS EVERYWHERE. ?st 1.,t3Vige ';:tt•fe,st., ."