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Clinton News -Record
October 'Otis. 1912
Blyth Fall Fair Prize List.
Pair broala turkeys, --J. C. Portnoy.
Pair geese large breed -J. Alton 1st
and 2nd. Pair Rouen ducks -J: j.
, Haggitt, 'Pair ducks any other kind -
J Alton, R. P. Sloan. Pair Wyan-
dottes, Alton,. Pair leg-
liorris, white, sil� comb -Laidlaw
Bros., J. Barr, Pair Leghorns, brown,
single,comb-Mrs. Howie, E. Haggitt,
Pair legliorns, any other variety, -G.
E. Cooper 1st and 2nd. Pair Imudons,
-Mrs, Howie. Pair MinOreas-J. G.
Speir, J. Alton. Pair White brahmas
J. G. Speir 1st and 2nd‘ Pair black
spanish-Mrs. Howie. Pair langshans
Mrs. lio*ie. Pair Dorkings,-J. Al-
ton, Mrs. Howie. Pair Silver wyan-
dottes, •. Mrs, Howie, Pair Wyatt-
' dottes any other variety, J. G.
Speir. Pair andalusians-1Mrs. Howrie
Pair black breasted red gatne-E,
Haggitt. Pair bantams -Mrs, HOWie.
Pair red caps -.-J. Barr. Pair barred
plyinorith rocks -J. Altst and
2nd., Pair white Plymouth rocks, --G.
E. Cooper 1st and 2ial. Fair guinea
fowl -W, Oke, •J. Alton. Collection of
pigeons -7E. Haggitt lst and 2nd.
Pak Rhode Island reds -J. C. Pow-
ney 1st and: 2nd. 'Best pair at live
chickens -J. C. P'owney 1s1 and. 2nd..
'White TOL wheat -J. K. Wise,
• Spring wheat -J_ K. Wise. Spelbzr-J
K.. Wise, • six rowed barley -J, K.
Wise, TL. Harrison. White oats -J.
K. Wise. Black oats -J. •K. Wise.
Small . Peas -J. K. Wise. Timothy
• seed -J. K. Wise, Laidlaw Bros. Red
• clover, -T. II. Taylor. Two rowed
barley -J. K. Wise. Six longest
stooks ensilage corn -J. J. Mason, J
Collecition Or garden produee-Mrs.
Fenwick, J. J. Haggibt. Early pota-
toes -R. G. McGowan. Late notatoes,
-J. J. .Uaggitt, E. Haggitt. Field
carrots -J. .1, Ilaggitte E. Haggitt.
Garden red carrots -J, J. Haggitt,
E. Flagella., Swede :turnips -J. J'
Haggitt, J. Parrott, Turnips any 'oth-
er variety -C. Wightman, hI. Hag-
- gitt. , Beets table .use, C. Wightman,
E. Haggitt, Stgar beets -W. T.
Jenkins., Mengel wurtze1=-J. J. Hag-
• gitt, E. Haggitt. Pumpkin -Mrs.
Tamblyn, Mrs. J. Galbraith, Squash,
-Mrs. Fenwick, W. Oke •
Six named varieties of winter ap-
ples, R. R. Sloan* C. Wightman,
• Four named varieties of fall apples -
R. R. Sloan, ('.' Wightman:. Baldwin
-W. Oke, R. R. Sloan. R.ing:Of Tomp-
kins -R. R. Sloan, J. B. Tierney,
Northern Spy -R. R. Sloan, J. l3.
Tierney. 11liode Island Greenings-R.
R. Sloan, J. McDowell. Ribston Pip-
pin -J. 5, Tierney, J. McDowell,
. 'Russett golden -R. R. Sloan. J.
Russett Roxboro -R. R.
Sloan „I, McDowell, Seek-No-Flir-
ther-J, MCDowell, R. R. Sltan. Spit-
zenburg-R.. R. Sloan, IV, lake. Wag-
ner, J. 13: 'Harney, R. R. Sloan:
• Ren, Davis -R. R.. Sloan, J. C. Tier-
nay,.Gravnstein-C. Wightman, R.
• Sloan. Blenheim Pippin, -.11.'"' R. Sloan
Pippin -R. R. -Sloan, C. ,Wightman,
• 'rainier' sweet -R. Re1310an, J. B.
'Piernay, Mann -R. R. Sloan, W' Oke,
•Stark -R, R. Sloan. Snow -J. .catd-
well, 11. R. Sloan, Ontario -R. , R.
Sloan, J. McDowell Pewaukee-11,
R. Sloan, W. McGowan. 1Vde1thy-J.
B. Tierney, J. Barr. Canada red -11.
, R. -Sloan, W. Oke, (olverts-1). Laid-
law, R. R.. Sloan. Alexander -J. Barr
R. Sloan, R. G. McGowan_ . Any other.
named variety, . R. R. Sloan R. Ge
McCowan. Pears, -Sheldon W. ,Oke,
R. Wightman. ' Winter pears -E.
' Haggitt. 1Vee 1110(4o -wan. Fall pears -
Wm.. Oke, Miss Dodds. Named pluinfi
any .variety -0. -Wightman, . Miss
.Dodds, Collection ef plums named -
Miss Livingstone. Twelve toniatoes-
Mrs. Fenwielc.
Milch cow having raised calf in
1932, or in calf -J. Barr 1st and
2ne1. Two` year old heiter-D, Laid-
law, J. Barr.- One year old heifer -
3. Barr, J. • Speir Heifer oalt-j'
• Barr 1st and 2nd. Bull two years and
under -3'. H. Taylor, J, 13arr: Bali
' calf -J. Berr. David Cook. Herd,
buil, 2 femaleS-J. Barr.
Milch cow having raised calf lti.
1912, or with 'calf -Geo. Robeetson,
list .and 2n9. Two year old heiter-,1,
H. Bono. 0. Robertson_ One year old
heifer -G.. 'lioliertSon; J.; H. Bone.
Heifer e91f-0 . Robertson, J. H.
Bone. ,131111, two years and tinder -J.
I -I. Bone. 1351 calf -G, Robertson,
1st and- 2nd Herd, 1 bull and 2 fem-
ales -G., llobertgon,
Ram le inb,-W. Fisher. Pair aged
ewes having raised lamb in 1912,-W.
• Fisher'. , •
Aged. tan -J. Snell, Shearling ram,
-J. Snell, R. Richmond, Ram lamb
-C. Wightm .W. Fisher. Pair
shearling bives-J: Snell, R. Rich-
mond, Pair of aged ewes having rais-
ed lamb , in 1912 Snell, R.
Richmond. Pair owe Iambs -J. Snell,
R.. Richmond.
Ram ,Fisher. Pair ewes
• having had young in , 9912. W. Fisher.
Pair shearling ewes -W. Fisher. Fat
Sheep -J. Snell,. C. Wightman.
• Aged boat -.J. Brood sow
having littered in 191.2 or with Pig,
-J. Alton. Boar littered in 1912-J.
Powney, .3. Alton. Saw Inttered
• in 1912-7,3. Haggitt, .9. Alton.
Aged I;oar-W. - T. Griev'e.Brood
, sow having littered in 1912 or with
pig -4V. '9. Grieve, W Oke. Sow lit,-
tered• in 1912,-W, Oke 15 and 2nd.
Aged boar -J. Alton., Brood sow
• having littered 151912 or with pig
--el, Alton., 13par littered in 1912,-
• W. Oke, .3. Alton, Sore littered ,
• I912-9. Alton .1st and 2ral.,
, Brood maie-J. , and 11. ' Dein-
G. Speir. Two' year 0111 geld-
. Mg or filly -J. '& IL Dennis, ,J.Gn
• Speir. One year old gelding or filly
-G., Dale & Son F. Tell. Tealn mar-
es or geldings -T. I -I, Taylor. Best
four colts foaled in 1912 by any ie-
eletelneld 4avy Pallegard herhe-R.
Newcombe 1 and 2, Entire colt two
years Old and under-Clrey Bros.
Brood mare iliaving foal hi 1912,
foal by her side -J. IVIONItcy, J.
Douglas, Foal horse or mare -J. Doti.
glas, 141cEleoy. Two year old geld-
ing or filly -e -Jas„ Forster, W. 'I'.
Grieve. One year old gelding or filly
-J. Colveell. Team M • mares or
geldings --..las. Forster 1 & 2.
Brood mare having raised foal iu
1912, foal by her side -Scott Bros.,
F. Little. Foal, horse or enare-Scot
Bros. 12 Tweelyear old gelding or
filly -Scott Bros. One year old
gelding or filly -A. W. Sloan. Team
mares or geldings -Scott Bros, Judge
-W. Berry, Brucefield.
Btood mare haying raised foal in
11912, foal y her side -R. (1, Mc-
Gowan, C,. Wightman. Foal, horse or
mare -R. 0. McGowan, C. Wight -
man 'nwo year old gelding or • 111-
1y --Walter McGill, J, Parrott. One
year old gelding ar filly -Scott Bros.
Carriage team -A. Hemingway.
Brood mare having 'eaised foal in
1912 foal by her side -W. Taylor. J.
J. Haggitt, Scott Bros. Foal, horse
or mare, -W. Taylor, Scott Bros:
Two year old gelding or filly -L, 0.
Charlesworth, A. Holmes. One year '
old gelding or filly, Scott Bres, A.
Sloan. Single driver -J. E. John-
stone, Geo, Keys, L. 0: Charles-
worth. Sweepstakes • best mare or
gelding, any class -L. 0. - Charles-
worth, Team Dr mares or geldings -
Smith Bros:, 'G. T. Dale, J. H.
Lace' handkerchiefs -W. M. Scott,
Mrs, 'Taenblyn, Ribbon work -Miss
Livingstone, Mrs, Lowrie. Shadow
embroidery --Miss Livingstone, Mrs.
Lowrie., Gents mits.-Mrs. Hill, Miss
Livingstone: Pillow shams, Mrs' Tam-
blyn, Mrs. Lowrie. Patch quilt in
cotton McGowan, Mrs. Tamblyn,
Patch quilt in Cloth -Mrs. Tarnblyn.
Silk quilt,- crazy -Mrs.' Tamblyn,
Crochet quilt -Mrs. Lowrie Mrs, Tam-
blyn. Knitted quilt -Mrs. Tamblyn.
Pair woolen socks or stockings -lairs.
Tamblyn, W. M. Scott. Eyelet centre
plece-Mies, Livingstone, Miss Agnew.
Embroidery on bolting cloth -Miss
Livingstone, Afro, Lowrie: Embroid-
ery on silk or satirt-Mrs. Tamblyn,
Miss Livingstone. Kensington em-
broidery -Mrs. 'Tepid yri, Miss Living-
stone. • Roman embroidery -Mize Liv-
ingstone, Mrs: Taniblyn. Sofa Pillow
--Mrs: Hill, .Miss Livingstone. Piano
Or• Calla searfe-IVTiss • •Lingstpn4
Mrs, .Lowrie. Drawn* work -Miss Liv-
ingstnne. Honiton or point lace, • W.
M. Scott, Mrs. Hale. Crochet work
in. silk -Miss Livingstone;111rS. Hole.
Eyelet waist or suit, Mrs: Lowrie,
Mrs. . Tamblyn, Bedroom Slippers,
-Miss; Agnew, Miss Livingstone,
Fancy toilet set -Mrs. Lowrie. Ap-
plique work -MRS Livingstone, Mrs.
Tamblyn, Pin cushien,-Miia Agnew,
Miss LiVingstbin, lIandketchiet ease,
-Mrs. I,owr le,. Miss Livingstone,
l'hoto frame-Mrs.Tamblyn, Mrs,
Hole. Knitted lace in cotton --Mrs.
'Lowrie, Mrs, Tamblyn. Knitted , or
crochet fancy wool shell --Mrs, Tam-
blyn, Mrs. lido. Set table mats, -
Mrs. Hole, Mrs. Tamblytt. Sedt of
dovlies-Mrs. Hole, Miss Livingstone,
13attenburg lace -Mrs, Hole, Mrs'.
'aMblyn. Glove case -Mrs. Tamblyn,
Miss Livingstone, 'Peble cover -W. M.
Scott, Miss Livingstone. Tray cloth,
Mies Livingstone,' Mrs, Lowrie. Tea
cosey,-Miss Livingstone, Mrs. Low-
rie. Cushion top .embroidered, -Miss
Livingstone, Mrs. Lowrie, Laundry
bag -Miss Livingstone, Mrs. , I,owrie.
Tatting, -Miss Livingstone, • Mts.
Hele. Fancy netting, -Miss Living-
stone, Mrs, Lowrie. Wallacehin work
-Mrs. Tamblyn, Mre. Lowrie' Table
eentre 'piece, Miss Livingstone, Side-
board eover-,'Mrs. Hole, Mrs. Low:
rie. Etching -Mrs. Tampbyn, Mrs,
Mc. Mantel drape - Mrs. 1,,oweie•
Slumber rbbe-Mrs. Hale, Mrs. Ta.m-
hi Whisk holaer-Miss Livingston,
Mrs. Tanilflyn. Couching-IVIrs, Low-
rie. Collection of ladies Work -Miss
1,ivingstone, Mrs, Tamblyn. Quilt any
other kind, -Mrs. Tamblyn. Kitchen
apron-eMrs, Tamblyn, Mrs,. Lowrie.
Crochet work in novelty brairl-Mips
Livingstone, Mrs, Tainblyn: Hardan-
ger ot Norwegin work -Mrs. Tam -
Idyll, Miss Livingston, Rag mat-,
Mrs- Lowrie,' Yarn mat, -,J. A.
Ornament or vase -Mrs,. Galbraith,
Miss Livingstone- Hand. painted plac-
gee in oil -Miss Agnew, Mils. A. Tay-
lor, }hunt work on leather -Mrs.
fIele, Mrs Tamblyn. 13tient workon
wood -Miss Agnew, Miss Livingstone.'
Picture of Huron County scenery -
Miss Livingstone, Miss Agnew. Paint-
ing 011 bolting' cloth -Miss Living-
stone, , Mrs. Hele. Cups 'and saucers
hand ' painted -- Miss Livingstone,
Mrh. 1,,ewrie. 0 o e $ion
of nil paintings -Mies Agnew Miss
. .
Livingstone. Collection Water color
paintings -Mins 1,ivingstone, Miss Ag -
.new. Figure painting M oil -Mies
Livingstone, , Miss Agnew. Figure
painting, in water color -Mrs, A• Tay-
lor, Mrs, Lowrie. Aniinals, grouped
or single in oil -Miss „Agnew Mrs.
Mrs. Iiele. Animals, grouped . or sine
gle in water color -Mrs. A. Taylor,
Mrs. Hole, 'Landscape in .0.11. Nfiss Ag-
new, .1. MeDbwell. Landscape in wa-
ter color --Miss T.ivingstone, Mrs. N.
Taylor. Crayon drawing -Mrs. Tam-
blyn, . Mrs. LONtiriC., Pencil drawing -
Miss Livingstone, Mrs. Lowrie' Pas -
tile, any tUhl5t-Mit HSe,., Miss
Livingstone, Collection of pen and
ink ske•tches-Mi ss Livingstone, Mee,
HOC, China painting -Mrs. Galbraith,
,Mrs. Lowrie. IIand painting on silk,
s,atin or plu•sh-Mise LrqingS/110n0,
Miss Agnew. Painting on glass it Oil
-Miss Agnew, Mist LiVine:40110. Cole
lection 'ot piholiognaphs,,--Mrs., Tam-
blyn. Collection pierced glass -Miss
Livingstone. ,
Collection of foliage --Mrs. Fenwielc,
Geraniums in bloom -Mise C. Dothks.
Fuechias in him:MI-Miss Fenwick.
Hanging baeket-Mrs, Fenwick. Dis-
play of plants in flower -Miss C.
•Dodds. Colleetion ferns in pots --Mrs.
Tub butter. 50 lbs., -W. WatSon, J.
C. Powney. ('rock button', 20 Rise --
R. Harrison, vv, T. Jenkins. Butter,
10 lbs. in 2 lb rolls -R. Wightman,
W Jenkins. Plain tea biscuits -R.
Wightman. W. T. Jenkins. Half dos.
plain home made buns -Duncan Laid-
law. W. T. Jenkins. Home made
bread not less than two 2 lb loaves,
-ell. Richmond, John Parrett. Maple
syrup, 3 lbs. -W. T. Jenkins, Colle,e-
Son .preserved' fruit -R. Richmond,
Jno. Caldwell. Grape wine -J„ Mc-
Dowell. Tomato eatsip-Mrs. °
Mrs, Tamblyn. Pickles mixed -W.
T: Jenkins. Pickles any other kind -
'J.. Caldwell, Mrs, Lowrie. Layer cake
iced -C. Wightman, J. H. Chelleve.
Pies -J. 19. Chellew, Hoare made
hard soap -R. (4' McGowan.
Clinton Model School Report.
Names of those who have 00 per-
cent..and above.-- •
Lois Holmes 78 percent.
Lyda Morriali 17. •
Eleanor Kemp 7,6.
Erskine Evans 75.
Nora Kennedy 71.
Willie Blacker 70.
Irene Cole 69.
Marjorie MeMath 68.
Mary Chidley 67 -
Leona Nediget 65.
Mervyn E,Iliott 63.
Eleanor MacKenzie 62.
Viola Cook 62.
Lorene Langford (30 -
Harold Hill 7/1,„
Janet Wylie 72.
Bertha 'Yates 70.
Doreen Stevenson 65.
Winnie Draper 63.
Margaret Walker 62.
Percy ,Ladd 61,
-L. Ford, Teacher.
, Division 2,
Berta Jackson 81.
,Rubh McMath 79.
Irene Keller 78.
May Rutledge 77.
Alice •Peckitt 77.
Charlotte Sheeley 77-
Leota Harland 71.
'Gladys Keller 7.1.
13essie O'Neil 70.
Shurwyn Allin 89.
Marion Gibbings 74.
Frieda Wallis 73.
Mabel Marshall 73.
Elsie Holtzhauer 69.
Murray MacNeil 67.
Leona Hearn 65.
Aileen Armour 02.
Willena Keys 61: '
Hannah Argent 60..
M. E. Chidley, Teacher.
Division '3,
Lida Livermore 89.
Jessie Jae;kson 88.
Edna McCaughey 82.
Harry Lawrence 80.
13essie •Harland 78
• Fred Wallis 77.
Ernest Livermore 76.
Cleta Dunford 74.
Ernest Hall 72.
Merrit Nediger 90.
Edith Jones 83,
Pearl Gould 80.
Asa Deeves 79.
• Earl Livermore 78.
Flora.'Miller 70.
le.rnie Little 69.
• Lawrence West 67.
-J. Wilson, Teacher.
Division 4,
• Helen 'Ross 90,
Francis Yesbee 90.
Willie Bell 84,
• Jean: Bell 82.
Hattie Livernipre 80.
Mildred Livermore 78.
Jim Walker 77.
Ambrose McGuire 73.
Annie Lawrence 71.
Agnes Walker 71.
Willis Cooper 66.
f.oseptiine Yesbec (II.
Stewart Mellrien 60.
Reorge Walker 89,
Annie Greens 86:
Fred Peckit 86.
'I'm Craig 81.
Bert Sloman 82.
Earl Johnson 81.
Cecil McIntyre 81.
A tenet MeCorviei80.
Mark Taernay 80. ,
Charlie Cole 80.
May Finkel: 76,
Cora Miller 73,
Erneoli Bradshaw 70.
George Shipley 70.
-L. Stevens, Teacher.
Division 5,
Jabee Rands 92.
Fergus Reynolds 90.
Willie Wretch 88:
Mildred Biggins 88.
Amy Hellyar 87.
Bessie Murphy 85.
John Craig 85.
Harry Ball 83.
Sam McCreary 83.
Lottie Judd 82.,
• Dorthy Rorke 80.
• Gordon Hall 79,.
'Marjorie Beaton 78.
Albert Wright 71.
Eva ,130uels 73.
Hugh Maguire 72 -
Russel Britton 70.
-Charlie MeGeire 70.
Kenneth Carter 91,
Alex IVIcRae . L
Bessie Moreish 00.
Agnes Reynolds 90.
Catharine Wylie 85.
:MeGtegor Grant $2,
George Carter 80.
' Stewar Taylor 79.
Jobe Yesbec 76.
Fred Elliott 76.
Asa Bolton 74.
Stewart McDonald 73.
Jessie McCreary 73.
1Ylargarct Mennel 71.
H. Courtice,, Teache
Division 6, •
Pearl Carrick 86.
:Daisy Nediger $1,
Nellie Rutledge 77.5. ,
Amy Gould 75.
Wilbur Reezo 74.5..
Audrey ,Collyer 67.5.
Gladys Wiltse 66.5.
Marion Melatyre 65.
Helen Grigg 64,
Jean Miller 61.
Gertrude Fowler 8,!i5.
Lucy Levy 78.5.
Leila McCartney 77.5,
Harold Lawson 73.
Nisbet Cook 71.''
Percy Livermore 68. ,
Ruth Evans 87.5.
Alfred Glazier 67 5. •
Percy Fleming 05.5,
Gordon Lawson 65.
Douglas Tozer 65.
Herbio Iioltzhatter 64.
Douglas Bali 62.5.
Gladys MeG,uire 62,
Ethel 13otiek 61.5.
Mervin Deeves 61.5.
-E. C. Tiplady, Teacher,
Division 7,
Total Maks 250.
• Eleanor McTaggart 281.
Ivy Plewes 223.
Frank Mutcla 221.
• Frank Scruton 221.
Charlie Cook 221.
Hilton Butts' 22.1..
Switzer Ceraelis 219.
Robbie Middleton 215:
Winnie Osbahleston 214.
Walter Osbaldeston 208.
Anica Hill 204.
Total Marks 150.
Kenneth Rorke 131:
Katharine Grant 127.
Mettle Blacker 127.
Barrie Combe 126.
Jack Wiggington 126:
°Ever Murphy Va.
Violet Huller 121.
Helen Ladd 123.
Agnes Combe 123.
• Norman McNeil 123.
Leo Reynolds 122.
-M. M. Waits°, Teacher
Division 8,
Third Class, Total 300.
Katie Beaton 296.
Charlie Mennen. 294,
• 'Isabel Johnston 280'
Russell Bezzo 265.
Eleanor Plumsteel 260.
Jack Hoover 260. '
Norman Counter 250.
Ruth Hale 250.
Second Class, Total 100.
Jean Simpson 94.
Phyllis Tozer *88.
Olive I,awthnee 80.
Russ& Peckitt 84.
Kathleen Taylor 80,
Vera Cook 76,
Cecil Ashton 70.
• Willie Argent 68.
George Turner 06.
First Class, Total 100.
Jack Seeley 96.
Helen Cook 94.
Prank Latter 92,
Norma Treleaven 90.
Gordon Campbell 86.
Viioa Livermore 84. •
Gerald Eames 82.
Myrtle Wilts80. ,
-Minnie Ka, Teacher,
T. t.f. Convention.
'The fitteenth annual convention of
the Mixon County Woman's Chrigt-
ian 'Temperance 1,Inion was held at
Blyth on Tuesday and NVednesiday
September 24th and 25t4i, pres'ded
over by Mrs. Pollock of Exeter,
County president.
'Ole attendance was good-repreeent
ing the 7 unions -and the re-
ports from each specially ericourag-
ing, The county union operates 12
or 13 Departments-E'vanvlistio,
Sailors, Franchise, Prisons, Parlor
Meetings, press, .Anti-Nareotice, Tem-
perance ,in Sunday Schools, Law En-
ftiCreGenivleingt', IP'rliotrivte; eModisasliolherS'.3;stealmeeat:
lugs, and Medal, Contest --each one
under the 'direction of a Superinten-
•The work connected with prison
visitation and sailore has to do chief-
ly with Goderioh, and is well attend-
ed• to by those in charge. The ves-
sels calling there are visited, and
supplied with what is known as
'Comfort Bags.'"These contain a
number of useful articles such as
literature, needles and thread, but-
tons, bandages, etc., and a testa-
ment. Clinton was complimented on
sending six well-filled bags, taking
the lead.
A most interesting event was a
Medal contest on 'Tuesday evening.
The church 'was well filledand the
evening very ertjeyable. After some
exercises by some elf 'the juniors, and
a spirited address by tins Rev. Mr.
Pearcy, Presbyterian minister from
Londeshoro, the contest was introdu-
ced, and by the way, Mr. Pearcy is a
thorough, pronounced, prohiblibionist.
Contestants, 5 or 6-10 number, were
from 10 up to 16 years -who in form-
er contests had won the silver medal,
and now were contesting for the gold.
medal, and the jadges were Rat. Mr.
Pearcy, Mrs. A. 'T. Cooper, and oth-
er , ladies.' The recitations all had
.a bearing upon the tetnperance ques-
tion, and were listened to with in-
tense interest. The prize was • won
by a 13 year old boy from Exeter,
Mains by name. It was
a masterly recitation,. The rest
were commended. and presented
with a neat souvenior
Compiementarr resolutions were
passed by the convention in the
following order. To the minister of
Migs Greta Watson left last week
for Regina.
License' Inspecter Johnston of Clin-
ton was in town last week.
MisS Queenie Southgate returns this
week to New York:
MiSS Mazie Horan line gone to Tor-
onto to accept a position.
Mr. Stollery has returned from a
trip to the Old,. Country. ,
Mr. Alex. Watts of the Mill • Road
intends moving into town..
Mrs. P. 13. ' Knight of Vernon, 13.
0. and Miss Edith' Bates 09 Wood-
stock visited ait the home of •Mr.
C. Laidlaw of town during the past
Miss Mabel Govenlock has. aeceplied
a position as teacher of Domestic
Science in the School of Technimie,
Oct. 10th.
Spokane, Wash, Nelson, B. C. Van-
couver, 13. C., Portland, Ore., ete.-'
San Francisco, Los Angelos, Mex-
ico .City. -$46.75.
One-way Second -Class 'Iron
Proportionate rates from all stat-
ions in Ontario to above and other
points in Arizona, British Columbia,
California, Idaho, Mexico, Oregon,
Texas, 'Utah and Washington.
single farefor rounil trip going
October 71h to November 91h
To poMts in:Temagarei, etc.
October 1719 to ,November 9th
to Muskoka Lakes, Lake of• Bays,
Penetang, Midland, j,akelield, Severn
to North -Bay inclusive., Argyle to
Ceboconk inclusive, Lindsay to
ibur ton inclusive, ' Madawaska to
Parry Souad inclusive. All tickets
valid 'for return until Thursday, Dee -
ember 12191, 1912, except to points
reached by steamer lines Tuesday,
Novernber.,12th. :
Full. particulars, 'tickets, eta., from
A. '0. Patti:fon, depot 'agent. '
John Ransford' ta Son ' Phone 57.,
Militia, the Hon, Col. Samuel Hugh-
es for the stand taken by him in the
enforcement of the Anti -canteen Law.
'Po Inspector Oliver Johnston, our
Inspector for his stand in the en-
forcement of the License Law,' To
our devoted missianary; Mitt Sprou-
le, and to the trustees of the church
and the friends who so kindly enter-
tained the delegates,
Pree./Mrs, Folliele, Exeter.
Vice., Miss Sarah Bentley,' Blyth,
CoraSecratary, Mrs. Felten, Exeter
Ilec.:Seceetary, Miss Alien Goder-
' ich.
Treasurer, Mrs. (Rev.) Sharpe, Ex-
St pEfllNrr:Nnbrrl'ls,
Evangelislac„ Nies. Davidson, God-
Sailors, Mrs, Flowell, Goderich.
Franchise, Miss Mulvey, Wingham.
Prisons, Mre. Holland, Goderich.
Parlor Meetings„ Mrs. Buchanan,
• Wingham.
Press, Miss Williams, 'Zurich.
Anti-Narootics, Mrs, Robb. Brus-
sels. •
Temperance in S. S. Mrs, Harland,
Lumbermen, Mrs. Rands, Brussels.
Flower MiSsion, Mrs.. 'Davidson,
Goderiell. •
Systematic Giving, Mrs. Bender,
• Blyth.
Medal Contest, Miss J. S. Murray
. Exeter.
Mother's Meetings, Miss Bentley,
• Blyth.
Mr. 101 J. Hill has pemove'd to tilt •
farm recently bought. Krona 9sIr. W,
P. Vanstone, '
A new boiler 'has been placed io
the Public school basement.
Mts. Dudley Hohnes entertained 'Ow
memt,ers of the 4. Y. P. A, of St.
Paul's church one evening lee() week.
Mist Josephine'daughter of Mr.
and Mrs, Chas. Campbell of East
Wewanosh, was married on Sept.
26th to Mr. Melburn MtsDoWcll• of
Cordova Minos, Rev Mr. Perrin was
the officiating clergyman.
Miss Wellwood, a returned mission-
ary from China, atldreesed the W. M.
S. of the MethOdist ehurch at a re,
cent meeting,
Mr. Wm. Weir, License Commissien-
er for North Huron, died suddenly at
his home on Wedaesday of fast week.
He 'had been. • •to Wroxeter in the
rnorning and had. been hear4 to re-
mark that he had never felt better
Poi his life, He was alone during
the afternoon aud was found dead
on his own verandah by his wife on
herr return home in the evening. e
The King Bros., aro now doing
besiness in their new store.
• The Fall t'air held last week was
considered a suncess. The gate re-
ceipts amounted. to $524.15, and the
concert returns to $176.75. • 'The ex-
hibit ,,vas not just as large, especially.
in the grain and rent class, no doubt
owing to tke lateness of the seasdn.
and the bad weather.
• Mrs. W. B. Elliott is visiting her
• home in Markdale.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. K. VanNor-
man have returned from an extensive
trip to the west. '
.Misses Freda Wagner and Annie
Schell and Mr. R. F. Stelek left last
week for the west.
Mr. John K. Gerber and family of
the Bronson Line have removed to
Mr. John A. Pratt of the 16th
con. has purchased from Mr. Geo.
Wild forty-three acres of land. Mr.
Pfaft now owns a farm of one hund-
red and forty-three acres.
Mr. Ezra Kercher has purchased a
house in Berlin and intends shortly
taking up his residence there.
Visit to Chautauqua.
(By May Rance, Clinton.)
Nestled in amongst ,a grove of trees
on the shores of a pretty lake, is the
summer City of Chautaucput. Across
the body of sparkling water can be
seen the hills and fields opposite, along
whose shores may be discerned several
tiny villages. The lake stretches many
miles in length, losing itself beyond
the graceful curves of the bank, and
tempting the admirer to explore.
Founded some thirty-nlne years ago
by Bishop Vincent, it had then essen-
tially a religious purport. There in-
.strution was given and received; there
inspiration was gaiuectl and there men
of like taste met kin minded, and grew
through intercourse. The aims were
of the highest then, and so on through
the years that lofty ideal has been the
basis. in growth of Chautauqua of to-
Now, one finds it to be not only a
place of delightful beauty with its
forest, its shores, and its waters,. and
its hills. but rather a combinatton of
things" -rut, science. society, re-
ligion patriotism, education, -what.
ever tends to enlarge, refine, and en-
noble, the individual, and thus bring so-
ciety into closer contact with wisdom
and truth, thereby raising the ideal of
the nation.
• At the head of each department of
instruction is found the ablest the
country can offer. whioh accounts for
inch names as -Professor Clark
of the University of Chicago
and head of the School of Ex-
pression; 111r ol Marcosson of
Cleveland, ` instructor and interpeter
of violin; Mr. Frank Croxton of New
York in voice; Ur. Earle Barnes of the
School of Pedegogy, Philadelphia; Pro.
kisser Shailer Mathews of Chicago, in
Religious instrnction; and Miss Anna
Bar rows of Conlin bra University in do.
Mestie science; and so on, the list of
instructors tams well into the hundred,
and all people of reputation. Each
branch of study is supplemented by
visiting lecturers or exponents of their
particular art; and thus the student is
brought into contact with the great-
est minds and ablest thinkers from all
quarters of the enterprising Countey
to the SoUth of us,
The buildings add to the quaintness
of this unique little spot. Many of
them are built on a lirecian model;
and of special mention is the hall of
Philosophy, which is erected with
roof and supporting pillars, but no
walls. Here are given free .lectures
at all hours ef the day. Here the writ-
er had the pleasure of listening to Mrs.
lcia I:Lusted Harper, who lectured on
"Woman Suffrage"; and later on" The
case Against Suffrage" was presented
by Miss Alice Ch itten den, for Chautau-
qua is unbiased and in all matters_pre-
sents beth sides of the question. Here
Professor Scott Nearing, a young man
of powerful personality and growing
fame, dealt with the subject at present
occupying the thinking minds here
and abrOad, ',Euengics". Here also
Edward Howard Griggs gave his in.
spiting talks; and such readers as Miss
Maud Miner, and Miss Vida 'Sutton
appeared. •
The Anaphtheatre, with a seating ca-
pacity of six thousand is well known
to all visitors. Throughout the day
various lectures are also given; and
every evening a concert, recital or play
is prodaced, For the music lover there
are Chautauqua Choiv concerts under
the leadership of Mr. Arthur Hallam,
accompanied by the Chautauqua Or-
chestra, the famous pipe organ and
piano. Four soloists from New York
assisted throughout July; and some of
the offerings were "Spring andSum.
mer" from the "Seasons" by Hayden.
"The Prodigal Son" Quartette Song Sy-
cle "Old .1 rish Melodies'', arranged by
Arthur Wbiting, and many others .
as varied and interesting. Professor
Clark gave an evening with "Hamlett':
and , Miss Mar griret Stahl in terpet ed
"Strongheart" by `William Cecil De
Mille and "Mother" by Ketherine
Norris the story now appear ing in the
Ladies Horne Journal. Other readers
of note were Miss Katherine Oliver.
Mr. Moetaville Flowers and many oth-
els. The famous Cobourne Players
gave four Shakesperian perfortnanee;
anil SOMe excellent moving pictures
presenting Dickens stories attrected
large audiences. .
Pacing upon a delectable bit of green
clearing, with a background of trees
is the famous Hall of Christ, built
under Bishop Vincent's inspiration'
There religious teachings and lectures,
are given, and services held. Iiiggins
Hall for artists' recital, the Library,
Training School and School of Ex-
pression all deserve mention. In the
olonade and Pergola are found the
supplies and food. A beautiaul hotel
faces the lake and many of the homes
are worthy a mention -quaint little
bungalows peeping through the trees;
or spacious simmer heroes as the de-
sire and purse of Americans allow. On
the shore of the lake is arranged a
miniature Holy Land; and nearby is a
quaint tower containing the Chimes
which sound night and morning.
for the Entire Day ! Accounts of Yes-
terday's events", and one hurries for-
th to buy in order to arrange for this
new day, At ten at night the chimes
again peal forth, at which lights
should go out, and all talking end
laughter cease. No one is allowed to
loiter on the grounds after that hour,
so order and quiet are secured; and if
necessary enforced by law.
A high board fence surrounds Chau-
tauqua, on three sides, the lake being
the forth. Every inhabitant must
!rase through the gate, and obtain a
ticket of admittance, which tkey are
obliged to show whenever they leave
the ground, or go on the water. The
loss of one's ticket which frequently
occurs is a set., ius matter as can be
easily seen. • _
Into this slimmer City through
which pass in it s-ason some fifty thou-
sand people the « must be order and
system. Thus it is, that the chimes
pealing out at seven in the morning,
annoutice the day as begun, Then the
laughter and chatter begin, then the
people hurry to and fro upon another
day's work; th, the newsboys' voices
comes clear arei piercing, announcing
'The Chautai opts iDilly! Programme
Sunday at Ci,it ,ettaqus it day apart
from the others t 'deed. No one is al-
lowed to leave enter the grounds
unless special pe, mission from the di-
rector, -a high dim); tery,-is obtained.
No bolding or baihmig is pertnittahle.
The day is carried forth in its ideal
sence. 'There are various meetings
or talks beginning at spven and carri-
ed on for different classes all the morn-
ing. There is the kindergarclen class,
the infant class, the Sunday School
Teachers' meeting and Club Meetings,
for religious instillation. At ten retie
gious services are held in various
Churches for each denomination, and
at eleven all join in the big amphithe-
atre for the union serylee and sermon,
by some well known and famous prea-
cher. It is an inspiring sight to see
the people pouring from every direc-
tion to gather in one great body to
praise their Master; and as the strains
of the well known hymn of "Holy
Holy, Holy, Lord God Alieiglity" rises
Bonn over six thousand earnest hearts,
a sense of sublime nearness of the ideal,
humbles one, while' it elevates and up-
lifts. A well known Canadian minister.
Canon (3ody of St. Paul's Church, Tor-
onto, was 'armored by being invited to
appear at Chautauqua. He was en-
thusiastically received, and ably rep-
resented Canada a,nd Canadians. The'
afternoon is occupied by the various
Sunday Schools, and anlorgan reel tal
while the evening hour is given over
to it sacred song service which is heart.
ily pined byall-The Chantauqua
Choir and soloists leading.
There is everywhere an atmosphere
of trust and comnion fellowship. No
doors are locked or even closed th r °ugh
their tenantsmight3 be away at duties
all the day. The ideal of love and set -
vice predominates. It is a common
sight to see a stranger giving aid to
the less fortunate; and the kindly con-
sideration of old age; and the un-
selfishness exhibited everywhere, is a-
lone a source of pleasurable smarter,
after opining in frotn the met cenet y
world with its thoughtless rush atm
'Chautauqua" as one writer ably says
it force developing the realities of
Ole in the einsenting personality; ap-
plying to the individual the energies
that make for character -wisdom. vi-
sion, vast horizon, ever brightening
, ideals, strength of resolve, serinity of
r soul, rest in God; and the Multiplied
ministries that enable tin: individual
to serve society," t
Mr. Norman Geddes left last week
for Stratford ,to attend the Normal
school. •
Mr. L. J. Sparklin of Toronto was
a guest at -the Methodist parsonage
Rev. George E. Ross pastor of
Knox church, Goderich, was the pre-
acher at the special anniversary ser-
vices in Knox church here on Sunday,
Trinity church held their harvest
home services on Sept. 22nd5 Rev.,
Mr. Collins or Exeter being the
preacher. The church, was beauti-
fully decorated and the services cieite
successful in spite of the rain.
'The Methodist church people had
their anniversary services on Sept.
22nd', when. Rev. J. W. Hibbert of
Gorrie preached two good sermons.
On the Monday following the. ladies
of the congregation served a tea in
the Foresters' hall which was follow-
ed by a good program.
• Hal. B. Donly, of the filmcoe Re-
former, in annoencing a. nmsr xale
oE advertising rates, says ; "we have
no alternative. The cost of every-
thing that enters irate the produotion
of a newspaper rises continually.
Our income must be increased or out
paper retrograde. The latter con-
tingenc,y we have to avoid, and trust
that the very reasonable increase we
are asking will meet with the 'con-
sent of our patrons.",
Miss May Viatoria Hawkins daugh-
ter of. Mr, and Mrs. 'Thos. Fiawleins,
was +married in l'rivitt 1Vierroarial
church on Wednesday of last week
to Mr. James W. Bowden, Rev. D.,
W. Collins performed the ceremony.
Miss Alma May has gone to Tor-
onto to attend the Faculty of • Ed-
Mr. Gordon Wadc11 of Saskatoon,
Sask., visited Mr, arid Mrs. Ed. Tre-
ble last week.
Mrs. Sparago has returned to ha
home in Castleton al ter visiting fri-
ends in this secition for some time.
Her hitter, Mrs. C. Snell, Sr., ac-
eamparded her home.
Rev. I. 0. Cobbledick of Quebec has
been visiting his brother, Mr. D.
Cobblediek of Exeter North,
Mrs. W. Hawkshaw and Miss Myr-
ele have returned from -a visit la
botroi L. •
" GRO Ai4N G "
Possibly nO paper in Ontario has
made an equal growth in circulation
with'artyeheTaorronto Daily News during
The enterprise ef this paper is seen
In the fact that it has had a special
drawing made at great expenseof
the Dominion Cabinet, and it is eaid
that this filature from an artistic
standpoint will rank equally with the
Pidure so well known among our
subscribers, "The Fathers of C00.
'The News -Record has concluded art
.arrangeinent with The News for the 111
exclusive handling of the picture in
this district, and 16 all subscribers
swell ng in $2.30, The News -Record
and The Toronto Deily News will be
sent for tWelve months and a. cOpy
of picture by mail postage p08"
Hon. Geotge Foster' gaited for
England an Government business.
The five Victims of the drowning
tragedy at Omemee were buried to-
Samuel R. Noteroes, a resident oi
Port Colborne for fifty years, died
at the age of seVenty-five.
The crowds were SO great al. Pet-
erboro' where Sir Wilfrid Laurier
spoke last night, that several 0950 -
flow meetings had to be held.
The mobilization of the Balkan.
States contieued arid the situation
San unchanged. ,
Oue officer was killed 'aud eight
mere injured through an explosion osi.
board the IL S. tornedoeboat destror-
er tIlatke, '