HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-10-10, Page 7ct
1trict1 Sketc
'ot! ,Yedri•old•A-W4' 111a3ddscut , 3-
• ffay•f:fid 7='.BO'ty 'Clark W.
e9graifhicali Positiok'anA
• ''(0111011'.ii)0141.14,•all,Ok4".tri•W.'.4,1t0"5•Si
t::•t).10'Otiior,00,40,10.0: of". 01W 0Y'0
,'"ttiak.: the )'tertitetty:,. 00141praltrt?
!Gtairt Ut� be1ons.ito
„Sepayated,,•' :•.:tite,".4reat!
111140:r ',,,Niagara';`,;',13.1yer' „yin," tMeenstert,:
da s' '0ectreetilie • ate', fo' CabOtle.
:Head err, tlid Gth1ga0 bap :::41`,Iie,•via&,
tore • WA:Ake: Erie' -.and . t he:abet:1 ak-
es and.' riVera.•Whicli,,enenity into
o rL4j11 'wih „4.,e0 :pan
.13aY., fatal 'the :other boundriee, this
'district, Which is ocetiiiied thrOugliOnit
comPatatiyely, nndisturbed hint.
esteneS and .9tItere Silurian and Dey-
onian startm, with overlaying drift-
elaYS ann4aands• ad more 'recent se-
Perficial„ 46°Si:f.'s. •
•TJe aiea7 inclailed berein ia essen-
tially an agricultittai, section of great '
fertility, .the •geeater portion of which'
forms an eley;ated table lanti leoM,
1000 to 1200'rfeet 'above the level oi
the pea.' Thereare places, however,
Where i is inuch nigher than the lat-
ter figure and much lower that 'the
matter -4o havehez'. laid
otitY stmrenie clistegar,d tor aim;
•r09*Xfan4,1,' system) ,perfeettly indes
.cribable by any other terni than the
irrigular." 1-1; has a front-
• 'agPLalce..Huren-4ronr„w,leit. it
ta,kel' nanie--of betWeeft. fifty4iY°
and• .sloping Up-
rcl •..irOrm. the lake 'shore to • 'distailt"
Ces varying front fifteen , to .fotty Mt
' notthein bottiidri the
county'. of, Bruee enstera, :Parts
' of the 'entintiel •••oINIfellington and
;Tier -in • iiird its isoutliree' the cblultl' 01
•„Middlesex-7while the Rivete Aux Sal.-
• les ,seliaratea its south4esteraditown-
' ship,: Stephen, from, ,the township 'of'
Bosaiii4tiet in the 'county of L'anditolt..
The superficial area •included. with-
• . i •
its: bounds comprises 707 882 stat-
ute acres, or 1,104.8, square mileS of
• "occupied lend,' according te . the '
census of 1870, • being the largeat nni
u -
bar oi aeres "occupied” at tm
that tie
in any bounty . :the Prov.ince,. with former ; the dortherti edge, along
the Single exception of .Middlesex, Ccorklan 13av,: rising in places to an
which reperted 713,4.17 :acres ; the
, nearest approach to 1-11.1ronon the
• ascending scale: being the •pounty `or
Grey, ' which 'reported 622;708 acres
as "occupied.'" -
i•The county seat, 'Cloderich, • which
approximately at the •centre line
•. a the Western bousali71 is • about
miles -south. et. the 42 degree of
•north' latitildel, • , •
ToP0,2raeltical Characteristics,
Generally Speakilig Heroe iS an ex-
, oeptionally level tountry---the south -
.4, ern particularly so. • It is A com-
• promise in 'fdet betiveen the almost
• perfectly' 'levet plains of the south-
western. counties hordering upon Lak-
es Eric and Si, Clair and the north-
Westerif; win& are..washed by the
• waters • ot the Georgian. Bay. And
In soil and :climate the same char-
acteris tie 1 and', comparative condition
• mat be obaerved.: While In the email
a very rich vegetable, underlayed ty
the strongest of clay subsbils, is the
general diameter of the land, it grad-
• ually- grows1,:, lighter, towards the
north, with sand, gravel and: bould-
'ers occurring' at more or less I rest-
• tient intervals , and over surfaces of
• greater or less extent, just in pro -
„.portion as the locality recedes from
'the land of the sun. In no place,
hpwever, with the exception of a
• Small average of swamp which .occurs
110 varioes parts 0'U -1e county, is the
land so flat as not to be capable of
surface drainage ; the term ''gently
undulating” being applicable to thous-
ands upon' thousands of =acres cever
ing the bulkof its extent. :
• The territory is drained—or water-
ed, (two , terms directly the opposite
of each other yet -both her applie-
• able.) by the Maitlaed, Daylieldii and
Rivers, with their trib-
utaries, in addition to numerous
streams of little size ,or signifieance
rtinning westward info Lake Huron
at different' points. The principal
branches or the forme stream, (north
middle and south) take their rise res-
pectively in the township of Minto iei
altitude of, 1600 feet, eloping ,toniards
the 'Huron shore to an altitude of
578 feetaboye the :sea level .and to-
wards 'Lake .Erie .to 565 feet above
the , ocean. Exciipt wheile cut by
river valleys, the •surface of this
whole districtis comparatively even
and it presents a' marked contras•t
to the Lower Ontario region by the
almost total absence of lakes though
traversed in, aunicrous and 'important
rivers, most of which flow Mto bed -
(es of water which form its .northerm
• western_ 'anti' sonthern boundries,
though a niunber run in the oposite
direction and breaking through the
escarpment which bounds 111 1(700 the
cast, form seeros' of a wild and pic-
turesque character.
The strata 'of the westeim part of
this district (in which Huron County
is situated) are of upper Silurian
and Devonian series consisting chiefly
in ascending order, of Onontiage and
Lower lielderberg formations .tf the
lower series ; and the Oriskany, Corn -
Herons, Hamilton and Chetnuag-Fort-
age of the Devonian age; and those un -
mediately underlaying the Glacial and
Post -Glacial and Recent -Age depos-
its throughout this county the Onon-
daga and Cornifeyous; The fortner
extends over an Area comprising a
stretch of country , beginning in the
vicinity of Seaforth and running in a
northwesterly direction ending at
Lake I-Ittron near Kincardine. The
territory is in 'round millibars fifty
miles long to ten in breadth, 01: an
arca of 500 square miles. It is here
-where: the salt deposits are. found,
the brine appearing to proceed from
extensive underlaying beds of rock
salt; which in many cars have been
penetrated while boring • the salt
wells. It', is the opinion ot geolo-
gists that these. deposits were large-
ly formed from the precipitates
thrown down in the ancient • salt lak-
es or bays in which actiiie cvapora
tion was going on. They contain
hut few traces of organic.. remains
and these are obscure, al0hough hop-
, the County of Wellington, and the per -shaped and prismatic casts flatly -
Townships of Wallace and Dina in ed from cbrystals of ordinary salt,
the County of Perth. After trocr, soluble sulphates, etc., are not un -
51115 Iloweek, 1 urnberry, Grey ,•• and
• Morris they form a confluence at'
Vingliam, flew , gouthward through
r•East and. Wea Waiver esh and form.
' the boundary between Colborro and
Coderich townships during the balame
of its course, emptying into Lee
.".1uron at the Town of Godericli. The
Bayfield rises in the 'Township of
Logan in the County of Perth, flows
through Ilibhert and 'ruckersinith to
Clinton, whence it ,forms the boundry
between the townships of Goderich.
the north and Stanley on the
'South, emptying at the village of
Bayfield. Rivere • aux • Sables is
• ehielly in the comities of Middlesex
and Lam p ton ; the north branch,
hoWever, Which : is a small 111 711
Stream runs through Osborne,
Hay, (southeast corner) and Stee-
lton ; and the main stream bounds the
latter township on the southwest as
• ,previously .no Led. . Thera are 1115117'
fine' mills on all these streams,
• more on the Bayfield than 011 tileAIIT
Sables andyet many more on, the
'Maitland .t1411 on • both --.and. probably
' more than on' any single Stream in
• • • The land in 'close proximity to the
above strains is more or. less I/token;
•. iie ,fact, that through, which the, Malt-
• lead' and itis branches flows is decid-
edly rough ; and tile extremely irreg- The thickness of the strata is esteem-
•illar course 'of all tiles': latter ted at over 250 fent butt is very
much obscured throughout the regioll.
by overlaying clays, sands and'otheri
drifts and superficial deposits. •
Deposita of the Glacial,' Post -Glac-
ial and Recent -Ages are spread very
'generally over the Silurian and„ Devr•
• (mien strata of the Eric and Huron
Dist,ricts—particularly in the •Counly
07 Ihtron. These 'deposits are. class-,
Iliad (ascending ',order) (1) Lower
Dtirt blay ;Al) toper or Stratiried
keehier • '2.13••=yeat-'
'arid ,1::.,•0,•ye1r-ni.:Id4A.`'
:SPart-4,' Sparer)* R (4eiget.'„Shigle
earriage ':driver-4R:;•••':/lt:.':..1elinnto0,,, J. Wt11erl 11 flatgis;'
• ,^ '.• •
.41411istee;•,•1.7-Yearte1d-Ji'Beefier jr1 0.
:,14_40.Mitet,, MeAlliitee at -year-old, !
Rader 11, 'nforthetitti J. Dee-.
Perdue, J. Dec-
ker; 2', and. g—SPan-j,; Hey sr.
baggy,' itorSe-,J., A. Clenn,,,.. T. • Wil-
lett, CI. Elliott, lady drtver--J. Hey
at., D0ker r A. Etheririgtom
, Mettler' •Speclal Beet horse , on
,gro,unda Ie. E'lletingtom- • ..
: Petty 'Class-=-Marerendy Mernek,
• foal—Clair, Merner-,judge,,:- ' Allan
Findlay,: Chatswertii: ••
• • CATTLE '
,geliffs,M1B. ii;uce594:••
ford, Cabbassetr '10701,r;
' Vurh5m---C1/4)W-q3e,atty Bros., , Wm.
Lament, 2 and 3-yea5-old1 heifer:
Beatty Bros., Yearling heifer -,-
'1 'and •0, -Win. 'Lamont, bull calf.,-W•ni,
Lament, Other than Durham rgow•J.
,NeWshari,. A. Fester„ 2'..1•Iaberer,
year-old .beiret*J. 'Pfaff, heifer cali-
f': Haterer W.. Smith 2 -year-old
steer -,-J. Pfaff; 10 Lamont, yearling
steer—J. Pfaff, 1 and 2.-•-2'. I -Taborer,
fat .steer-7Con, Treemner, 41, 2 and '3
Jersey .eow—W. II, Hoffman,—Judge,
II. Smith, :.
. • • SHEEP . •
l'a the Leicester Class—Geo.. Pea,
hale took two firat prizes,.
In the Lincoln Class -Geo. Penhale
took five firsts and three seconds. ,
In the fine wool class—A. Duncan
took four firsts and three seconds and
Penhale took first for fat .sheep.
In the Berkshire class—Snow Bros.
took four tirsts and one.second.
In the Taniwotth—Snowden Broa.
took three firsts and one second.
In the Yorkehire classGeo. Pen -
hale got:first for spring so.v.
Judge, 11.. C7, Petty.
I3„ Battler 1 and 2,
Plymouth Rocks—W. 73. Battler,
Black Spanish—W. B. Battler 1 and:2
Light Brahanias—Beatty Bros. black
Monorcas—W. B. battler, 1 and 2 Red
Ciaps—W. 13. Battler 1 and 2 -White
Leghorna-7A. Elites 1 and 2, s, C.
Brown,. Leghorns—F. Brock, W. B.
Battler, R. I Iteds--C. Truetener. W.
13, Battler collectton of 'Pigeons—G.
tllausins, C. Truemner, 131(1 1 Wyan-
dottes—Fred Brock, Bert Clark, Sil-
ver Laced Wyandottes—C. 'rruemner
—10. 0. Battler, G. Clausins, Golden
Polands—W. B. Battler, Langsbans-
10. 13, Battler, Buff C'ochins—W. 13.
Battler, Pekin China Ducks—P. Brock
B. Clark, Rotten Ducks,: C. Truenmer,
W. Bt. Battler, Geese—Snow Bros. W.
.R. Be t tier, turkeys—CI. Clausins
Snow Bros, Toulouse geese—C. True-
ner, W. 13. Battler. W. r Edwards,
Mitchell and J. Saratas 'Judges. :
White fall wheat—b. Truemner,
Mrs. •CI, Hess, red fall wheat—Jacob
Brown, E, Klopp, J. Haberen, spring
wheat—L. Minn six rowed barley—
W. Rader, 51, Clarke, A. Rennie,
white pats—A, Ronnie, Geo. Clausis,
D. Dignan, small peas—C. Trueinner,
L . Worm, G. Clausins, rye—W. B.
Battler, R. Geiger, black barley—D.
Dignan, best colleetion of grain in
head—IL Neely, G. Clausins, clover
seed—J. Brown, G. Clausins, Fos-
ter, Timothy . DIgnan,
Wurm, W. Smith, Judge, II. A. Wil-
Collection of apples—C. l'rue,niner,
IV. Rader, variety fall iapples—H, Ro-
der, J. Pfaff, C. 'Trueniner, variety
of winter apples—J. Pfaff, 0. Truem-
nen J. Haberer, King of Tompkins—
H. Rader, W. Smith, Snow— C.
Truetnner, P. 1 -labeler, Northern spies
—0. ('lausins, I), Dignan, Baldwins—
L. Benet, H. Rader, R. T. Greenings
Dignan, J. Deeker sr, Spit/en-
burg, 11, Rader, W. Smith, Can. Reds,
—C. 'rtittemeer, W. Smith; Rihson,
'Pippens, .7: Pfaff, Golden Russets—
C. Truemner, H. Rader, Ben Davis—
L. Rader, D. 'Dignan, Swaars—W.
Smith, Wagners—J, Pfaff, L. ,Rader,
Mann—H. Rader, Maiden's blush—W.
Snittli, 13, Pule dy Son, Blenheim Pip-
pins—C. Truemner, J, 'Decker sr.,
Pewattkee—L: Rader, J. Pfaff, Col -
Ver ts—Geo. Clausi Pf af f
Mundi—H, • Rader, W. Rader.. 20 -oz
Pippins—C: Truemner, 10: Smith, Tat-
man Sweets—lit Rader, W. Smith':
..collection-, of P.ussets-,--C. Truemner.
G. Clausins, collection of fall pears—
,Ilaherer, collet:thin winter • pears—
W. Rader, collection tpears-;-P. Bab -
ken IV. 13. 'battler; Bartlett pears—
J.. Maberer, E 'Rader Flemish 'Beau-
ry, Brook; 'Clapp' s faVorite-,T.
Ilaberer, peaches 19. ' Rader, pruecs—
Mrs: G. Ideas; II. 'Well, crab apples,
red—. 1. J. Merrier, W. II: Battler, col-
lectinn: of grapes—W. 13: Battier,, -J.
Haberee, Plunts—IV: Stnitn, Alonzo
Foster, '.colleetion of .plunisi-T. 'John-
eton Snowden- Bros, Carmen fruit—R.
R, Johnstiem J..Deekee 'sr. •'
;--Judges, • Andrew Mittleholtz, Jacob
Meyer. ••• •
! V.E0ETABLES.• • .
White Elephant potateoer-W, ,Ratler,
13. plarlc, W. Smith, .0oJetado red—,
XionKo Foster, T, ,Broek, bura.1., New
Yorkers—Alonzo •FeSter, H. Neeh, W.
drumhead. 'Cabhageisr.Mr0.•',/a/'•FIPS's;
Rader :Spanialt tandiP1.1=Alonso' Fos
:31.„'.DeCke1,...arsI, Wiirr.gi,;:00107.7'7."P;,;
et; ."Fieteb;,, hen0s,710,„,
.Bittler:',. W.: 1, Rade oted heeta•-•
•-,51.tioWnen"Drris,i.:11f.', 'littittler,-,,Onisk •
common. There are also in this
'formation deposits of thinly -bedded
yellowish and drab -colored dolomites
and greenish calcareo-argillaccoue
shales interstra tilled with irregular
bed a of gypsum. The economic val-
ue of this formation, besides the salt
product, extends to valuable material
for the manufacture of hydraulic cem-
ent, obtained from the -dolomite aed
argillaccous shales, the gypsum above
mentioned, and the dolomitic proper
which furnishes excellent , building
stone of a color between, buff and
The Corniferous formation, which
coVers a, portion of Huron County,
consists .of greyish limestones, enclo-
sing quantities of fossil corals, and
the sitrata in this regionare estimat-
ed at 160 feet in thickn.ess, though in
eastern Michigan, to which the bend
of this formation extends, it is said
to be at least 350 feet thick, This
is the formation in which the petrol-
eum of southwestern Ontario iP • be-
IftWed hy geologists to originate, af-
iter ascending and accumulating in
the ,next one above
Tim southern part, of the county is
distinguished by, the "Hamilton" for-
mation, called hY Canadian geologisbe
tee "Lanintoti''' from 11147 . prevalence
to So great all extent in that county.
' streanis is the oecasioli of piany
peculiarities whIch otlier parts. of the
, county and tile .country do not Peas,-
ess. For instance, there are so many
necessarily travelled reads crossed by
thee 'that, the number of, bridges
throtighou the northern section of
the county 15 something a1iost vvori-
derful ' for the eitent of the terri-
tory. We 'notice, hy 11118 , Oficial 're-
port of the Cotmty 'Engineer even Po,
. • far hack as the year 1878 that in the
rural unicMalitieS alone there wete
no less than ninety-two 'bridges kept
-up ,.by the county. Tliese vary in
size from, one to five, spans and cost,
from 6120 (the lowest). la $110,500.
In giving lirief reference to 'the Geo-
logical 'Formation of the ,County ef
Tilmon We, 'might ftrst ohserv,e, that'
geologists classify ,17110 Province of•
Onta0i9 sit districts., known as• ;
(.1) The - Lower Oittowa ; • (2) The
' Nettlletil Tow,nsliips 1; (3). Tile ,ontar..
lb' Tile Elie and Hilrot ; (5)
The .1Wani11eulin ; (6) The. Upper. Lek-
: es and 711 iS enneccessary• to add
melons—M. smith, rted• Tomatoes
'13attler, yellow,. Te13atOent40::,13,..13.4t
bier, - Snowden Broa,...stiger, berate" rinan
'golds4L.: Baden., p.3,,,Oadet,,'COliectied.
vegetablea,•:-T, •
, Drift Clay ; (3) Lowes Freshwater
Clay or gand ; (5) Recent Deposits
LIP,roper, • •Those which mbst abound
througimut Huron are the 1:s11, 2n71
and 171111; the first being foula. more
in the northern part of the • county,
the second more toward, the South
and the fifth eteceTring without regal-
arity or system in various 'tom:Attics.
of both sections. The extreine'south-'
ern Portjon aPPrpaclies the .third and
• foueth aboVe 'named formations', which
prevail more • throughout ' -western
MindleseX and ,Latehton, , still further
.south, and Most ef the—counties' PallFair.bor-
rize List Zurli, ic
• '• '•
'• 'Foal—Peter' •Dei,clierk 1 -year-,
inere accorripanied• • Nortlicott,' W. ,Sin . 2,37e ,
Flairts 'bus. •M'ehllistelr j'• -A • Glenn .,1-1 Vo)land, S
R. P. Bell Jr. • Hartle, W!„ Metiride, ,A. .1:Intellect, L..37.
Elleringtext. 1: Coastal Purpose—, ' Mate
•StrailW. S.4eVe4son. , • J. Ileeket Jr. G. II
• 4•geieti37tiral-71115re+Peter Be'icbert, Toak47LGonld, . A. Foster,
Buggy ha11rwss--.11, , Mader,dr:Ingle
team harness—R. 'Station •
' Better, in tub—W. Smithc J, Det -
41r sr. ,M, TOtark, :five lbs .butter.,B.
Pfile "if; Son, A, Beichert, R.... Geiger,
butter tn printsi—W: F3att1er, B,
Ptile ez,' Son, A.: Den:tett, hnine made
cheese --0. Elopp, 71 Olopp,..• home
Made bread—Geo.. Clausins Mrs. G.
'Hess, extracted honey—j.' 1-talierer,
Geo . Clan -Sins, collehtipn of honey --
J.' Ilaberer„ honey in comb—J., Hab-
&ter, maple, syrup—W. B. Battler, W.
Smith. Special, biins—Jae. Dick.
Ornamental—Embroidered tea eatoth
—A: Beichert,.Mrs. G. Hess, embroid-
ered centre piece--P:'J. Wickwire, R.
Geiger, embroidered over tray cloth
—'I'hos. Johnston, It`. Cleigen, eni-
broidered side board scarr—E. Klopp,
Thos. Johnston, embroidered shadow
work—Mrs. G.. Hess, 112, Wickwire,
embroidered towels With monogram—
R. Geigor, B. Pfile and Son, ladies
handkerchief—Mrs. CI, Hess„ Thos,
Johnston, embroidered cushion—R..
Gieger, 'Thos, Johns:ton, hardanger—
F. J. Wickwire, R. R. Johnston,
wallachin — P. J. Wickwire, J.
Decker sr. Mount Melliek—F, J. Wick -
Wire, Thos. • Johnston, Roman or cut
work—Thos. Johnston, F. „I. Wick-
wire, modern or cross stitch—F. ,J.
Wickwire, Thos. Johnston, coronation
centre piece -11. Geiger, 13. PflIc , and
Son, embroidery on colored linen—R.
R. Johnston, Thos. Johnston, pin
cushion in eyelet—Thos. Johnston, H.
Weil, fancy work bag—II. Gieger, F.
J. Wickwire, Battenburg lace—F. J.
Wickwire, Mrs, G, Hess, teneriffe,,
lace -,-Jacob Ilr o wn, Thos. ,Johnston,
Irish crochet lace—F. .1. Wickiwirc, 71
Giegcr, drawn thread work—F. J.
Wickwire, R. Geiger, mounted sofa
cushion—.1. G. Forest, 7' .37 Wick-
wire, collection ladies underwear—RI'
Geiger, fancy apron—F. j. Wickwire,
R. Geiger, fancy child's dress—F. 3,
Wickwire, IL Neeb, linen lattndry bag
—F. J. Wickwire, H. \Veils, infant's
crochet set --W. Rader, H. Nem, em-
broidered . pillow eases—Thos. ,1 Win-
ston, whisk holder—F. J. Wicfrwitm
R, Geiger, head rest—Thos. Johnston
F: J. Wickwire, toilet mats—lirs. C.
Ilenroek, 73. Livegood, table 171810—
F. J. 'Wickwire, Mrs. 0. Hess, but
top boles—Mrs. G. Hes, piereed,brass
- Wickwire, J. G. Forest, burnt
work—J. Procter, J. CI. Forest, col-
lection of tatting—Thos. Johnston,
cushion for den—It. Johnston, .1.
G. Forest, knitted lace curtains in
cotten—H. N ceb, hemstitching on
pillow case—R. Geiger, Thos. John-
ston, kitchen apron -13. Pfile and Son,
Mrs, (4. Hess, bedroom slippers— 131.
Neeh, Mrs. C. Henrock, braided mat
— Geo. Canipbell, H. Well.
Userul—Quilt woollen coarse—Thos.
Johnston, IV. Rader, „fine woollen
quilt—Mrs. CI. Hess, woven wool cov-
etlet—Mrs. 0.. Hess, W. 13. Buttler,
log, cabin quilt, ,cotton—J. Decker
Sr., H. Rader, patch work quilt,eot-
ton--J. Decker Sr, W. 13. Battler,
patchwork silk—C, Eilber, Thos.
Johnston, crazy work quilt, silk—
Thos. Johmton, crazy work quilt,
cotton—Thos. Johnston, crazy work
quilt, wool—Thos, Johnston, W. B.
Battler, counter -pane, tuniefl—H. IVell,
W. B. Battler, knitted. counterpane—
II. Neeb, II, Rader, counterpane,
crochet—J. Decker, Sr, 2, Decker ir,
counterpane, etching work—P- Haber -
en D. Dignan, counterpane, drawly—S. 1, by drawing a number of object
Livigood, Geo. Brock, crochet wool.' Inspector 'rep gave a splendid ad-
cape—F. J. Wickwire, Mrs, 0. Hem.' dress on "Primary Woek," especially
rock, • home made rag earpet—M. 011 Ule teaching of reading and -spell-
Clark, Thos, Johnston, -wool hearth ing to beginners', He would not
rug—C4eo. Campbell, r ag hearth rug think, of mint , writ-ing with begin
Geo. Campbell, Thos. Jelmston, wool- ners arid in • spelling lie would teach
yarn, home spun—H, Neel), W. Rader, the principles,
tidy ctrochet cotton ---Thos. 'Johnston, EVENING SESSION.
P.' Haberer, tidy, knitted cotton—Mrs A large anti expectant audience
Johnston, H. Nob, slumber rug in gathered in the assenibly room of the
silk—Mrs. 0. Hess, H.. IVell, • cotton Collegiate Institute for the evening
stockings—Thos. • Johnston, Jacob meeting, and they were not disap-
Brown, hand sewing—R. Geiger, 'H, pointed.
Well; fine wool stockings—H; Neeb, , The entertainment opened with a
10frs. (I Hess, coarse wool ,stockings piano duet by Mr. and Mrs. Hunter,
— ht. Clark, 11. Well, line woollen Then • a elass of small boys 'and
mitt5-I-11. %Veil, 13, pfiic•&, son, coax_ girls trained by Miss Parsons inter -
so WoOtlen rititts--411:s. • G. Hess, L, ested everyone by a splendidly ex -
Rader quilt sewed on grotind ecuted march and drill.
H. Benet, H. I'Vell, Special Batten- Mtss -.Sharman in the president's
berg Sideboard searf—L. Ra'der, aro- address spoke eloquently 011 *1110
chet centre piece-,lacoh Brown, ed- Efficient Teacher," In, the 'course of
ging work -73. Dignan. her remarks Slle, held that the edict -
j udgea, Lydia Faust; Mrs 17, 'Zeller, Vent teacher should be a force , for
PINE A.RTS•,' , • • 'the moral elevation of the.coramunitr,
• Oil painting portrait—J. G. Forest one .who doesn't neglect his social
.11% J. IVickwire, landscape 00 paint- .3114 to others but is one with sytn-
ilig-J.• CI. Forest, Thos.: Johnston, 'patbie,s broad .enough to 'have an hi -
water color landscape—F. J. Wiek- teresb 111 scnnething besides teaching.
wiro, 1 (4. Poeceti, erayon Work por- •shottld have a 'rich Imagination
Ira:it—U. CI. Forest, nit Or water ea- that secs the real lice:tales. Of, na-
'or flowers,. -j. Forest, F, Wick- tide. 1315 shotild have a Avidelcnow-,
wire, pencil drawing—Mrs., Heas,
Thos. ..tolinston, pen and ink Sketch—
'J. Gi, Forest, Thos. jelinston„ pen.;
manship—J. 1. Fore'st, Paintingon
. ,Forest, Thos, Johnston,
• painting on sith741. Well„. Thos. John -
Rader, ally 'Variety early—H. • Erne-,
gee,: A. Bannie, H. NeeM, any variety
late—'rho:. Cla.tisies, Alonzo Foster. 2';'•
Haheret, :Anterican• Wonder -L. Rad-
er, A Foster,: 13, Oitark, EMpire—H.
Ernegor, breek„ White
beans-13e6.•Clausins Jacob aoWe,
any ' VarietY, 'heants4-L. ',Rader, II.
Neab,•yelltivv: corn -41. Erliegen befit
: sweet, corn—T. 13100k, :Sneity-
(len' • Bros, 'Week' s-weet corn—Jacob
•Biternoi,. „Yellow dent,. W. Rader, :
Klopiii Bte1714,,,Ber1)
-Clark, yellow enions.,43ert! Clark,
.Pfaff • Torteli set7s—Tt, Geiger,
Clatisina,, white field,,carrotsE..115:7:
!Aeti:P, Hanger, Red carroti:
W. B Battler, ,Snowden Bros' red
' ' • —•rt
..thelanolldgiate,: AS 4 't 1.4
SOtembenr ,2601;,,0,4d
: The,,Ohnit, Was ;.italtert..'.ny.:the 'presi?,
; Con--
'• ,Wn. lWa4Ickw,eti:004a4,i,iiiiroclue-
• ture and,:
*,•:• IS
ingnt 7»' physi�aLetlue as .indicat;
The, discussion was cOntinned ht -
Inspector Tore; who enlogied 'the
taking et in se11001V, saying that
'the pupils, did better, 'Work where it
Was -taken. ••„ •• '
II. II. Long„ 'principal . Of 'Victoria
school,' Goderich,'• ,explairted how ha-
tural defects, suet' as flat toOteciness
and hollow cheks might be 'correct-
ed by sonie of the' moven:teats. ' •
Mr. McLaughlin also spoke on the
1V1iss V. Miners, of Victoria school,
Goderich, read an excellent paper on
"Arithmetic for Sarno): Third.” She
thought arithmetic, the most impor-
tant subject on the' curriculnrri and
its cultural value 'depended on • the
method used *in teaching it. It may
be easily correlated with other sub -
as geography, history, etc. The
greatest; problem is (1) to interest
the pupil, (2) induce research, and
(3) to Continually give the instinct
that he is discevering that which is
being taught him. She would allow
the pupils to find out .a great deal
for themselves—first,. by observation;
ittaredity,'„„ 'Pl.113ere41at, children,' ,Will
1:the1ki' bc,:.'clisectveted. and ;:reraisv,etI.The
addresa.',was'a, good, and,,Was
lened tb , with a • great :deal` ':ot•
iierest. ‘:
,eleath , and sypi'
!"Ilfe • Dear 1.,Ittle Shani-
• Rev::./, B. Ffilierington.spOke on
-"Teaching as a'Lile WOrk." • He. the-,
ught no eee should teach who did not
intend...to reniain in the, teaching ate-
iesSiorg deplored the, fact that
there are so many who make it • a
s. toPeing stone to some :other walk in
life. The cadS sought are. sufficient-
ly desirable to -Make it, one •of the
grandest of lifeworks. 'Tiles° ends
are the pow . er to lift tne school,
'yea, 17 whole eommunity, the making
of charact, •s erAnd the giving Ot an
inspAration 18, 111Il2d1l1, ,to rPmain
students:all throitglt ,life. He would
have the' tliaeber: recognize that his
Profession is the greatest ol all pro-
fessions and not to be lightly aband-
Mr. Cook sang a good solo,
• Dr. Strang • spoke in his own de-
lightfully entertaining manner on his
trip to Western Canada. He spoke feel-
ingly of the great kindness and hos-
pitality ,which were accorded to him
everywhere during his trip, and of '1,1
pleasure of meeting his old pupils
and being made to •realize the kind-
liness ',of their feeling towards him.
It was Mtpressed epon .hini that there
were rewards greater than those of
money, in theappreciation and re-
gard of those whom he had been
able to help 'in their school days.
:second by UM use oricencrete oh- FRIDAY :AFTERNOON.
,sienentsir;vottlilidrde,mbpLotihgeo gorraoplhoictitiinnentalitoidn: prLheendeoli?ction of officers was then
with, with the following
accuracy, neatness and rapidity. result i.• Past president, Miss I. E.
Mrs. Mayberry,, teacher Of art in Sharman, Coderieh ; president, Miss
the Normal School, Stratford, and A. E. 0onsit1)4' Hensall ; vice-presid-
representative of the Department of ent,,Miss 51. A. Bailie, Nile ; sec-
recluoation, then gave a splendid ' ad" retary-treastmer, W. H. Johnston,
dress .on "The Teaching of Art in Kiapen, Councillors—Miss V. Min -
Relation to Expression." Mrs. May- ers, Goderich ; W. B. Rydall, Iluron-
beery deplored the system' or teach- dale ; IV. H. Weidenhammer, Exeter;
ing art that has prevailled tor Tears II,, R. Long, Goderich ; A. m. Robert-
-a sys,tein 'that allows children to son, Goderich ; Graham, Credition ;
give free expression to their ideas J. Elgin, Tom, Goderich.•
without guidance, but believed a Miss Beatrice Prinham delighted
chilt had to learn how to expresS everyone by her recitation of "The
himself by constant practice. She School Examination," by Ralph Con -
thought the schools should. have spec- nor,
ial teachers for the subject, Meehan- 'rhe resolution connnittee reported
teal drawing should precede all other as follows :
work in arl,. Resolved—
Sixty-seven teachers were present. 1, That, ' whereas the: Department
Al•"PERNOON SESSION. liaised the minimum. salary from $300
II. Horton, of Lumley, spoke on to ,,,5 350, it should also raise the max -
"Municipal Civics," and in a very intern to $650.
lucid manner showed the necessity of 2. That the teacher be permitted to
a thorough knowledge of municipal continue the use of the School and
government, , and he held that the Room, and Helps 'as heretbfere„ being
schoolroom was the place to acquire such a time saver to ' the teacher in
this knowledge. IVIany mistakes now the rural' schools.
made. in these ' matters would be a-, 3 For the election of public school
voided if people had a greater know- representatives to the Advisory
ledge of this matter. ' Council, the Province be -divided into
F. Ross, , of Dungannon, read a electoral districts with one represen-
thoughtful paper on "Fifth Class tative for each district.
Work." Ile showed that the regula-. 4. That at least fifty per cent. of
tions of the present day in regardlo the marks iti literature be assigned
fifth class work were better than on prescribed work for entrance ex -
those of a few years ago, as the amination.
pupil may now pass into the third 5. 'ehat all lessons in our present
form from the public school. He Readers containing objectionable or
'felt that the fifth class in the rural slang phrases be eliminated and that
school was good for teacher 011(1 .7)0- more suitable selections replace
pit. The pupil is kept 181 1101110 while them,
too young to leave home and , .. it This. Association believes that it
wont(1 be more economical for the is very desira))lo that one of the
parents. The teacher finds itts good members of the '.i1dv1sory Council of
for him and the rest of tho school. the Education Department should be
A, M. Robertson, M. A., of .the Col- from this western division of the
legiate Inatitude, Goderich, gave a Province, and the'y have great pleas -
very interesting address on "The ure in placing ia the field for elec-
I,ce Age,," showing how geologists in I lion to that position Mr. Win. B.
reading the book of nature learned IVeidenhammer, 13. 'A., prineipal of
of the great glacial period, and then the Exeter continuation school. Mo,
dealing with it its it relates to Weinenhammer is eminently fitted
North American. ' for the position, as he has not only
Mrs. Mayberry gave a good address taught in the pir Ile schools of On -
on "Freehand Drawing from Models", tario but has 11711 sitnilar experience
andin a delightfully, pleasant man- ini,Manitoba. 1 a would thus ably
net: illustrated her method :of teach- represent the iiiiblic and continua -
1115 this part M' the subject of draw- 177c711 schools of tie 'province. Other
ing. She -would Leach from models Teachers' Assoc; tions are remiested,
altogether and illustrated lier method to give their her. rtY endorsation and
support to Mr. 7(11 denhammer.
'rhe auditors' report was received
and ad opt ed. They report
showed receipt:: 0: $181.43, expendi-
ture of $8 1,26 at..t, a balance on hand
Or $100,17, ,
Miss J. Murray iatroducecl ...the
subject of "Our Sohn,' Readers" and
explained what slie considered their
defects. These are : First, the poor
binding, Ion account of which, • the
back soon 'Meeks and the 'child is
clishearterod and has to be content
with an ...untidy book, the result be-
ing untidiness is taught rather than
neatness. Secend, the English in
many cases is very faulty. Such ex-
pressions as "aint," "afeerd the or-
kard gentleman," you're a stump,
aint you," "di:ether ' and by jove"
should surely not be in sehool roan-,
ers. Third, many of the selectioris
do not uplift' but rather the reverse.
In the lesson "'Work and Play" a
premium is 'place11 on scheming and
falsehood. ,
'1'he dismission was continued by
tnspector. 'Tom, Dr, Strang. Mr. lion,-'
ard, :Misses Sharman and Kinsman,
one and , all 'condemning the Readers
for the same reasons as Mists IVIur-
ray suggested., ' The Association
showed by a unaninions vote that
:ledge ,of books and, about(' do some they agreed wi tbk all that had been
travelling He •shouln be careful in said.
dress; •-•,.courteOus in' manner, 'honer- '.I. P. I-Intne, B. -A., gave an excel -
:able tn' his dealings, and ,above iall a lent 'address on ''Scienee lox, Fifth'
loyer of, 'the, Saviour Of ' mankind, Classes," He '. recogeized :that this
.The 'address •was 'replete With' rich, 'subject meant a great clealof wind(
aPt .,•Poetieal • illnstrations and,Will, Lor the teacher, but, it was , very in-
hitr(81 0, i0tn. '.'''b• 7 'f (5, 1: g° 14°11: ' 17, .111°7 ' w:11°' "PlielliP1111tflog' Prgiedi.va.eigliodoliercritillairg0n#Yeitagh
, • Miss', Elda, Stoddart' sang, sweetLy glass. IIe would, teach the grass-
! "The little Itiali' Oild.", ' ' ,: tweeter or other , • creature by firpt
Blf.' IVIacklia delivered: an add:rasa .oit having the pentls enswer a'. list ' ' Of
"IVIedical lnspettion 0' Sch ols " He qtMstions supplied by' him he- suppl r-
etain -led, that ' infection' is •.the °wise Jtig :le,chhtcal tering, '' , '
'of ali-aost•all'''diseasea, and' Illustrated .`1`.he .singing of ' the National An-
, thie „:ty' niaay 'eXamplea from•histOry., them brought a .most .successful ., in -
Then ..• medical dinspe,ctieti of ,sehools :stitute:te a, close: •, • .:. •
will • no Mere to ' Stairtp :11117ii :disease ; TIIUSTEES' 'DEP,ART011173T: • , '
;titan anything else in the vvorld:Sov-" • A 'Meeting ,Of puhlit'Sebbbl :trustees,
'ferah coentrieg "andcitieshave adept- ot the : inspectorate • .'was, ,- held on,
,garden...,•:ca:trots—J, Haberer; W.- Merrier: '• : ., ,' . 1 • •. , ; ed 'it with b0l111150793 results; It Will ' Thittieday' att.ernoon. ",' ' P. ' W,.. Glad-'
Sr'elltfli.`,S.i'verle lairnips—L. Rader.' H, .' :Sp.eoial'hy PI Zeller fte.r pen and ink be a bleaSing to MINIS who are.ditll -man, of Enter was 'apk>inbed Chair=,
Neeb,' 40100 iniimgaiis w. s: 'Battio,, .wiailig—IWK: ,g, Iiieltrock, .,M; Clark from: defective .eyesight, ' hearing, • of Man, ': and Samnel Martin, of Exstet,,
W.,Sinith,leng,reti'mangolda--"A:. 19b- arid; W. Smith • i• judge, Etna:, kless, • breathing' power, and' ;those :dell , by 'secretary.'-
, ,
, ,4 • ,
Theref, were. reprer ive$
tom Sicetebt, Steplien';',"Il4be:Znefo C.400i•
l',3aPeWavi:anoPh :Oa
WeStr.WaWanealt... '•
,trU0teeS'': dePartnieut „for ,' West ,
Avert Wei erganiacd 'and it; WaS
deeided to ,meet ilitefct
Sanieilime •as' the teaebeis dm •
Alain 'ProvisionS of "The
Ontario Stallion Aet" ' '
.• and Regulatioas.
1.1(e1( 1 )e,ArrTvitihclaiet I ntleiae°e tilltSaffribSIltionia'nnuttiEferoaelairrinrei:
, „
(2) A Certificate ot each' enrol-
ment ,will be •issued, by the Board,
which Certificate must form a • part
i(3) At the option .or.' the owner the
osinbaccuriosaapiapaoyintheev ,tioinsdpnerettendebAynt`, thorned°
if sue4 inspect:4,0n is made, the ropokt
of the inspection wilt form a _part
of the record of enroltnent and the
Registration Certificate will. be is-
sued in accordance therewith. ,
(4) The Beard will fix the times
and places at Which. Stallions may
be inspected ; notice thereof will be
given so that any person desiring to
proem° the inspeotion of a Stallion
may 'present him at the most con-
venient point.
(5) For the purposes of the ad-
ministration of the Act, a Pure Bred
Stallion is considered, to be one 105-,
istered in one of the Records affiliat-
ed with the 0.anadian National Lith
Stock Records or in case there is no
Record for the breed„ in one oE ,the
records recognized as authentic by,
the Record Board, A Grade Stet -
lion is considered to be any other
(6) 'The following are .00113idered
diseases or malformations, as , .the
case may be : Bone spavin ; . curb,
associated with .a formation of hoCk
which predisposes to 'curb ; bog spay -
in, when assoeiated with a forma-
tion 'of hock which predisposes to hog
spavin ; string -halt ; side hone; roat-
ing or whistling ; periodic °Malin-
mia 7 and navicular disease.,
(7) Six forms of Certificate will
be issued to provide for the follow-
ing conditions :
(a) Pure Bred, Inspected an. ap-
• (b) Pure Bred„ fnapected, bUt
found to he not free from. malforma-
tions and diseases named in the Reg-
(c) Pyre Bred, not Inspected.
((1) (Irene, Inspected and found
to be not free from Itialfortnanions and
disease named in the Regulations.
(e) Grade, Inspected, but found to
to be free from Malformations and
diseases named in the Regulations.
(I) Grade not Inspected.
(8) •Each enrolment must be re -
renewed annually. In case of in-
spected Stallions, however, • the, re-
port of tbe Inspection Comrilitten
will hold good for two years.
(9) When a Stallion is sold, the
transfer must be registered with the
)1'The fees to be paid to the
Board before the issue of any Certif-
este shall be
For enrolment
For inspection
For renewal of enrol(etent
For transfer ocrtificate
Collec,tion of flowers—q„'
711 73 Johnstolg, Mettle leaf -'--.3. Rah -
eller, (lee. •Camphe.11, botitteti of flqW,
ers—Ged. 'Campbeil,' Thes, 'Johnston,'
cellectioa ol geranninte--70, Clampbel'1,
collection of cacti—Geo, Campbell
o I '1 action
ea4n01i.c11, pansies --=Geo'.
Johnacin. ,
Judges, Drysdalis 'and
• $1.00
(11) The pemalty for contraven-
tion of any of the provisions of the
Act will be not 1110110 than. 6100 nor
less than 625.
(12) The Act does not apply to
the Provincial Judicial Districts nor
to the Provisional County. of Hall -
button, •
Dates October 2, 119 1 2.
Need Another
Hundred 'Thousand.
Another chapter has been added to
the history of the Ontario West
Shore Railway. On Monday a meeting
was held at Goderich which was at-
tended by J. IV. Moyes, the promot-
er and President of the Co, He ask-
ed the guaranteeing municipalities to
raise $.100,000 more ter the comple-
tion. of the road but representa-
tives of the nittnicipalities oould not
sae it that way. Mr. Moyer con-
tended that the $200,000 which 4 he
Was •to raise by the sale of bonds
had not been raised at all. He said
lie could not sell the bonds because
he could not show prospective pur-
chasers where the power to run the
road was to come from. He had
therefore had to put up a lot of his
own. persottal funds. He was inter-
ested in the road more than any one
of the guaranteeing municipalities.
This nioney he had advanced to help
construotion of the road and yet he'
was subject to much ungenerous
criticism.. Ile contented too, that
after spending "thousands of dollara"
around the Maitland River, he had
been told that nothing had been done
to develop power. He intimated too
that the Hydro -Electric Commission
had "butted hi" and stopped further
development.. '77 the municipalities
Would not advance another hundred
thousand, he •, asked than to urge
HOL Adam Beck to say how much
power he could give and when. This
woeld perhaps enable him te sull
bonds, although he could not pro-
mise It, If he had had the power
last year hotvever, he couldhave sold
:the bonds, 'The representatives pre-
sent at the meeting agreed to send
a deputation to wait upon Mr. Beck.
—Kincardine Revtew.
MO. 'Daniel Ilickl ot Elirnville has •
purchaaed the , late John lierbert's
house in Exeter North:,
Mrs: W. 5. - Howey lias returned
from a visit with ner patents; 1811.
and Mrs. A. B. Fear of Highgate'. ,
;Mr., and Mre. Edward McTaggart of, •
Fort Williatn have bee11 visiting the
formetfs. pargitts, Mr. and Mts. • P.,