HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-10-10, Page 5IHome Study Pho)l»ands of anthil {OUR you »g pooPlo are being inst.tucled in 11,011' homes by our Homo $tudy Dept. You 5)53' tliitl* at College if you desire, 55,y wilOn- ever you wi511, Thirty Veers' Idxper. ionco. Lnrgo41) tuainers in Canada, Auto, any day, Position» guiirmiceed. 53 )011 wisb to 55,55 board 5»11 Maul while 305 oarn, mita f,or partioulurg. NO VACATION CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEOE CEO. SPOTTON y PRESIDENT 1111111111111111=IMISIEZISMI c ober rOth, 1912 giiii■WINIMMOMM/1111 Clinton News -Record BIlJtb A quiet wedding took place on Mon - 01 last week atthe home of Mr„ and Mrs. Jannis Nesbitt when then daughter, Mrs,John Wilford, was um ited in marriage' to Mr. A. Carr. Rev, Mr. Jewilt, pastor- of the Meih- adiat. church, performed the: cere- mony-, After the wedding feast had been 'partaken of Mr.', and .Mts. Carr kit on a shert, honeYinoori trip . and' 011 tileir return will occupy tho. groom's , residence at the tiort,li aol An old and esteemed resident of Blyth passed into the other World on Sunday week in theperson- of Mr. James A. Anderson, who had been a sidlerer for some time. Nit. Ander- scir1 was born in Huntington fieuaty, Quebec, in May 1838, and aftey spending sortie time in "California and Arizona he came to Blyth in 1875. Ile ,was engaged in the merehantile business bete with Mr, rlien. .Elder for several years, later taking over • the business and running it in part- -nershili• with his son. About seven years ago he retired from active work. His wife, who was Miss Helen McTavish, died six years ago. 'Their family of four children are all •living: Mrs': (Rev.) Aitcheson of Pincher- Creek, Alleerta s Mrs. (Dr.) Stewart of .Cupar, Sask, s Frank A. Anderson of Seattle, 'Wash., and Mrs. John McMillan of Blyth. Hensall !qrs. W' I-Itulson of Seatorth visited he sons, Colin and Thomas of town, last. week. ' Mrs. Ireland, ,of Kincardine was a 'visitor at the home of Mr. 'I'. Hemp- hill recently. • Mr. and Mrs. John 1Viaear that and family, longtime ,residents of Hen - Sall where . they are held in high esteem, have moved to London. : Mrs. Scott and her mice, Miss Sinclair, have returned from an ex - es tended. trip to the Old Land. Mr. D. A. Cantelon of Toronto was in town , for a couple of days 'last Mr. James McArthur of Ingersoll -visited bis brother, Mr. A. Me.1rthur of town, last week. . Mr. L. Davis of the lefolsons Bank staff, Teeswater, has .been sgending -a vacation at his home here. Seaforth. The oldest resident of Seaforth, in, the person of Abram Worth, died 'at his home here onl'hurstlay last in his ; 92nd year'. 'Until a short time ago the aged gentleman was able to be about and • attend church regular- ly. The interment took place M efaitiandbank cemetery on Saturday. Brueefield.' Amongst those who attended the 1. B. S. 'A. convention in London, from this . vicinity were : Mrs. . H, Little of Brucefield, Mr. S. Moore of .13ayfield, Mrs. H. Peck and daughter, tiSliss Emma of Stanley, Mrs. George _Brownlee and Mr ' W. Jamieson of ;Seaforth. They report having had their spiritual strength renewed' in listening to Pastor Russel expound the truths of the scriptures and feel fully convinced thab his is the cor- rect idea et the interpretation of the • Bible. They are confident that Past- or Russel has been inspired by God to unfold the mysteries of the dark ages from our divine hook, the Bible. They felt very •mucli encouraged in hearing him discos:es on the subjects ''Beyond the Grave." This being a public service, Many interested people beard this sermon and his tneseage was received with great thankfulness to the I-Ieavenly Father Mr the well- derfitl' provisioe made for all mae- kind. It is truly a grand message for poor, fallen humanity thad, Christ -will bless all the families of the earth in dile time:, The meeting on Mitts - clay evening was especially for his oWn people: Those who attended -this reeetiag claim that it was the most spiritually uplifting meeting they ever attended. Pastor Russel, revealed the light of God's word most wonderfully and spoke of • the many promises in the Bible for Clod's OW0 people., He also gave the, , see:. zets of a follower of Christ --faith, prayer and congdence, Those who attended this conference consider it • was very profitable indeed to be there. • -Contributed. God's' Way of_Salyation, "So Many Different Opinions." '1 really don't know What to do. There are so many opinions that I am , quite perplexed to know' what to • believe." .11 this is your thougin, let Me strongly impress upon you the importance of being 'guided entirely by the Sitte.„ Word ot God. There is only one way of salvation, and it is very dearly Stated in. the Bible. A, lady dying of consuniptioa Was •''• nro1ous about her soul, Sher had asked maeY persons their "viewe" of salvation., and had received different replies. One' told her to • 'Man ' • another to "work," and so on. A Christian -Worker visited her, aryl she earnestly *tithe, , "What are your lyiewS' of salvation have no, views,' was the eeply. 'rile lady was -amazed, "you seem aSton• 'shed," said the visitor .; "but sup- posing I had, what good would they you, seeing they week' be bui, the views of ,a fellow -mortal 7 T„, Gan, however, give you someththe better, I can give you God's views. The result of the conversation was, the lady Shortly afterwardsfound peace • to her spill by- learning that the question, "What must 1 do to 'be -saved ?'- was answered thus : lieve on the Lord Jesus` Christ apd Thou Shelt Be Saved" (Acts rd. 30 31.) ,, (To Be C,onthilleil.)) Codetich Mrs, J. Ilarnwell of Varna visi- ted friends in town fel: 0 few days last week. ' • Miss Jennie Murray of t.e;:eter 'was tile guest of Rev. Dr, Medd and Mrs, Medd last week. .Itev. Father Shannon returned last week to Inemessee after spending vaeation in (7oderiell. Mr. and .Mrs. Walter E. Kelly re, -turned 110051 last week from Middle- toWn, Conn., 'where they. had gone o11 account of the sericitie injury frond an automobile. adeident of two, of Mrs. Kelly's sisters.. Dr. I-Iarold' Taylor left last. 'week for Toronto to itseitine his duties as house surgeon at the general hospital. Mr. George J. Kidd of Sioux City,. Iowa, has been in tOivn Visiting his hrotliur3 Mr. Joseph Kidd, .the C. I'• IL agent. . Marriages EAST -JACKSON -In Clinton, on 'Oct. 9th, by ei7es7sr S. J. Allimand Jas. Es Ford, -Effie Maria Jack- son, to Thomas 'Edgar East, all pf Clinton. THOMPSON--HCITTON-In Lenders - bon, on Oct. 91,h, by Rey. W. - T. Pearcy, .Cartie. only daughter of. Mr. and Mrs, John Hutton, to tl-corge 0. Thompson OE Olintom CARR - WILFORD - In Blyth on Sept. 30th,, by Rev. MU. Jewitt, Mrs. j. Wilford to A. Canr, both of Blyth. BAWDEN-HAWK1NS- In Exeter on Oct. 2nd, by Rev. D. W. Collie's, May, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Thos. Hawkins, to J. W. Bawden, son. of the late William Bawden. MeDOWELL -- CAMPBELL - At the home 'of the bride's parents On Sept.' 26th, by Rev. D. Perrie, Milburn McDowell- of Cordova Mines to Josephine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Campbell of East Wawanosh, ' Births SEELEY-In Clinton, on Oct. 50. to Mr and Mts. John Seeley of Varna, a daughter. JA.C,OBS - In, East 'Wawanosh on Sept, 30th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter Jacobs, a son. GLOVER -In Goderich on- Oct,. 3rd, to Mr. and Mes. Ar M. Glover, a daughter. Deaths' LESLIE -In Clinton • on Oct. Oth, John Leslie, aged 73 years. Goderich on Oct. 2nd, Angui PrIeLeod, aged 07 years. 16 Years FY0111 The News -Record Oj Oct, 71h; 1896. Clinton, .Oct. 7th 1896. Sonic of the roads leading into towu should be improved, particular- ly between Clinton and the town- ships of Stanley, and Clotierieh. Mr. Andrew TeyloCreturned. on Wednesday from a business trip to Moosejaw, Regina, Indian, I -lead and •Brandon. W ANTED -A GOOD MAN AND A smart boy at once.. -W, T. O'Neil. 13RING 15 YOUR APPLES WHILE there is room. We are still buy- ing and will continue to do so as long as there is stoek to buy. - Town t.ti; Case. The. Evaporator, SOCIAI, I,A1)IES ot the 'Women's In-stitute will hold a Social evening at the home of Mrs. H. B, Chant on Tuesday next at eight o'clock to which the lad- ies are cordially invited. Refresh- ments will be served and a good program "rendered. There will he the 'small admission fee, of ten cents. ' FORSA.LE-O, NE RUBBER TIRE. . buggy with top. One light ' spring ivagon..One cutter. Ail the above articles are in good condi-Hon and Will sell cheap fmii quick ,salet-Ap- . ply to Thomas Watts, Clintm. =39 Royal English Hand Bell Ringers. 13y special ai tangement this company has been seemed tot teturn en- gagemelli Town Hall, Clinton Thursday Evg. Oct. 17 The Songs with 13e1.1, Accomparihnent s are a Distinct Novelty. .MARVELLOUS MUSIC on. a PEAL OF 171 BELLS A comp] i she d 'Vocalists and 'Elite Unexcelled,, Male Quartette Highest Encomiums from British a»il, leading Caeadian Dailies, • . Reset:T. you seats early and avoit ' disappointment. Adinission 25e. Resermd 35e. Plan opens Saturday Oct._ 124,11 at W. Dr Fair, 'Co. Store, , BOARI>E1IS 011 It(fOMEItS WA ed -School girls preferred.. ApPly to Mrs, ('has, Wiltse. Huron street, . • epptisite the ,f'omniercial Hotel. rp WANTED -,SALESLADY FOR DRY goods, One witm,expe'rience , pre- ferred, ,Permanent positici,-Ap- plv, 115130, WANTED -1, AR 1-5: 0 APPLES AT. • the Clinton Evaporator for which the highest; market price vil1 be Paid. -Town -19, FARM FOR 1/TeNT.--LOT 14, CON. 6, containing 100 acres situated la, Miles south, of the village of 'Var- na, near to. good school and chur- ches, Will rent for term el 3 or 5 years, to suit the renter. Pos- seseiore can -be, given at once.. For further particulars apply to . Mr.' Andrew Reid, Varna P. 0.. or to Rev. 17. Murray 3827 North iloyne Ave., Chicago 111. -49. AUCTION', SALL' - MR. GEORGE kl. Elliott has received ili- structions from. . the undersign- ed to sell by public auction sat Lot 42, 13eyfield Road, (Soder- ich township, two 'miles south of Clinton on Tuesday, Oct. 22nd, at one o'clock', sharps the following; 1 heavy draught horse 5 years -old, heavy draught) mare 9 years old, in foal to Balmerino, .1 general purpose filly rising 2 years, sired by Bar 1, 1 driving gelding rising • 3, sired by Royal Billy,- 1 driving mare 11 pars old, I heavy draught filly 3 months old, sired by Bal - merino, I cow supposed to be in. calf, due in March, 1 cow suppos- sed 116 be in calf, due i4I APO, 6 2 -year-old steers, 0 yearling 2 -year-old steers, 8 yearling e hell - cuss 2 yearling steers., 1 grade. bull 8 months old, 3 spring calves, .2 calves 3 months old, 'set single harness, cook stoth„ a quantity of hay.. Terms -All sums 01 $10 and under (mall, On ,over that amount six months credit will be allowed on approved joint notes. 5 per- cent, straight for cash on credit a- mounts: Hay cash. There will be no. eeserve- as the proprietors aregoverstocked- aed are ping on smaller farms. -John Woon,, W. H. Sthvens, Proprietors. UNRESERVED AUCTION SALE •of Farm Stock and ImpLe.rontit The undersigned has been histrueted by Mr. Wm. Jervis to sell by pub- ' lie auetibn at Lot 32, Con. 14 GOderith Township, on Wednesday, October 16th at 1 o'clock p. m. sharp,. the following : Heavy draught mare, Heavy draught mare seven years old, Heavy draught, sucking; colt, sire Red Ticket; Blood colt one year old, Standeed bred, :Filly rising two years, General pur- pose colt rising two years. .enws supposed to be in calf, 6 spring e.alves. About 200 head Of poul- try (including pullets). Massey - Harris binder, Massey -Harris mow- er, Massey-HarriS hay loader Mas- sey -Barris steel rake, Massey -Har- ris drill, Massey-Hatris land roller, Massey -Harris disc harrow, . Hay fork and care Set diamond -harrows, Lumber Wagon, Set bob sleighs, New boggy, 'Set platform scales (capacity 2000 lbs.), Read cart, 120 feet lathier, Chatham incubator and brooder, nearly. new, and other articles too numerous to mention, Terms : All sums of $10 and un- der, cash 1, on over that amount 12 months credit 'will be given 011, ap- proved joint notes or a discount Of 5 percent will be be allowed for cash on credit amounts. There will be no reserve as the proprie- tor has sold his farm. -Wm. Jerids, Proprietor, Geo, H.' Elliott, auc- tioneer. ALCTION SALE OE' FARM STOCK and . implements -Mr. Thee. -Gen- dry has received instructipns. from the urriersigned to sell by public 000140)1 at Lot 35, Co. 2, L. S• Tuckersmith at 1 o'clock 'p. TO. sharp, on 'Tuesday, Oetober 15111. 3.-Torses : I • drat t mere 4 years old, supposed to be ie foal, 1 gelding • 3 years ,old, 1 heavy draft fitly 1 year old,' sired: by Cannyman. Cat- .tle : 1 cow due to calve February 1514 1 COW due to calve in April, 1 newly calved cow, 1 farrow cow,, 5 2 -year-old steers, 2 2 -year-old ilea-, ers, 2. yearling steers, 2 yearling heifers,. '4. calves. Hogs'." 1 brood SOW due in December,, 5 pigs 3 months old, H. young pigs. Fowl : 70 hens and 'pullets, Implements : 1 Massey -Harris binder, 1. drill, 1. Deering 'mower, 1 Premier riding ploW„ almost new, I walking plow. 1 hay rake,. 1. Massey -Harris gang plow, nearly new, 1 ,good McCor- mick cultivator, J. scuiller,' 1 land roller, 1 set diamond harrows, 1 ,root pithier, 1 Bain wagon, 1 grav- el= box, 1 stock rack, 1 wagon box, nearly sew, 1 hay rack, 1 set bob- sleighs, 1 fanniag mill, 1 stone boat t good IVielotte. cream Separator.' 1 Mikado buggy, 1 „single buggy, , good cutter, children's seat in fitorit; 1 s3t double harnte.is, 2, set - 1" single. harness, 1 sugar. iettl e, wf - netrees, neckyekes, grain bags, ' shovels, . hoes, good, cross -cut saW,,, Daisy. rn .and other articles too numerous to mention. A quantity of 'cedar posts and secondhand' lum- ber. -.A quanthty of mangolde and turnips in 'MAW. Some, hay and s,orgiumalso a few houSehold artic- les,. 'There will .he no reserve as the proprietor has sold his farm. Terms : Allsums of $10 'and un- der, cash ; on oyer „that ailment 11 months credit will 30' given on ap- PitoYed joint 1)01135 or a discount of 4 percent. straight will be al- loWed for cash on credit ameuhts. -.John lef. Wise, 'Proprietor. Thom Guielry, ,Auetioneer, kixerf 0^,Sr SALIS OF. 'HORSES, etittie and ImpleMeilis--The under- signed has been instructed , Mr.. • John Ward' to sell> by public auc- tion air Lot 54 Maitland Con. Godorich Toweship (f niile south of Ball's bri(ge) 00 Friday, October. 180, at 1 o'cloek p,. rn. sharp, the following 1 bay mare 12 years °In, 1, bay mare 10 years old, .L brown mare 0 yeat's old, 1 driver 10 years old; 1 seeking colt by 1,1,a12 1 1, cow due .Jan. '3rd, 5 cows due in March, 1, 2 -year-old heifer, due in March,. 1 3 -year-old 'leiter, 2 heif- ers rising 2 years, 1 steer -rising 2 years, 3 yearling steers, 1. veal calf, ,3 spring calves, 'These .cattle are all- well bred, Durham grades: 1. heavy wagon, 1 Perrin sulky plow, nearly new, 1 root pulper anti oili- er articles. Terms All stuns of $10 and under, cash 1, on over that amount 5 months credit will be given on approved joint notes or a discount of 3 percent. straight neill be allowed for easli on credit arnounts,-John Ward, Proprietor. Gundry, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE OF CHOICE 100 acre farm, farm stock and Miele.- ments--on Wednesday October 160 at I' o'clock sharp on lot 31, cob. d. Tuokersinith, L,. R. Sr 2 niiitis east of Brecefield There is about 90 acres under cultivation, balance 'new land and small bush, • soil clay loam easy to work and free . of , stumps and stones, watered by nevey failing spring piped , to barn and spring well -at house. Barn 52x73 on 411i stone Wall with cement and flag Door, cement silo ILx30, pig pen I4x28, six room brick house cellar ender and heated by furnace, frame summer kitchen and wocid- shed. Cattle : 3 Cows to calve in. Neveleber, 2 cows to calve in Dee - ember, 1 heifer to calve in Nevem-- her, 1 (low supposed to be in. calf, 1 fat calf, 1, spring calf, 2 last fall calves, 1 heifer 2 -years -old, 7' yearling heifers, 2 yearling steers, The richly bred Holstien Bull Sir Canary (1235) Dam, Jewel Mer; curia Nfereedes, record at 8 years, 372 lbs. inilk and 16i, this. butter in 7 days. Horses : 2 agricultural mar- es suPPoSed to be in foals 1 grey heavy .draught filly supposed to be irt fog, I agricultural Spring colt, 1 general purpose filly 2 years‘old, 1 driving mare 6 years old, quiet enough for a lady th drive. Pigs : '1 registered Yorkshire sow 18 months old witlh litters 1 Yorkshire sow due to litter about time of sale, 1 York- shire boar 10 months. Implements : Nfassey-Harris binder with sheaf carrier, Massey -Harris mower 5•1 - foot cut, Frost as Wood steel Hay rake,, McCormick 13 hoe grain drill, Massey-karris field cultivator, corn cultivator with bean. harvesting at- tachment, disc harrow, Perrin dou- ble riding plow, Perrin single rid- ing Plow, hanele ploW, 4 'section harrows with harrow cart, steel. land • roller, weigh smiles capacity 2000' lbs.„ grain crusher. Clinton fanning mill, steel bag truck, grind stone, low (10)111 Wag011, grilvel box, 10 feet bay and stock rack new, 2 sets double harness, 1 chain har- ness, 1 set single harness, 1 set share in tore binder, atop' buggy, and a lot of small articles. A large quantity of straw to be. fed on the place, Also 6' acres of ensilage corn if not sold previously will be sold en day of sale in lois to suit 'purchasers, Terms : on farm will be given on day of sale or on application to the undersign- ed. Terms : on chattles ; All sums of $5 and untlee, cash ; over that amount 8 months credit will be given on approved joint notes. A discount of 0 percent. per .annum will be given for cash on credit amounts. -Alex. A. Watt, Proprie- tor, 13rucefield, T. Brown, Auction- eer. P. C. D. BRISTOWE, PROF., OF Milsic•--Organist of Willis Church ; Piano, Organ and Theory ; VOI.00 etilture.--Plipils prepared it desired lot any of thos examining bodies in Toronto or tor the Lon- don (Eng.) College of Music in all grades: Special system for piano- forte fee beginners .between ages eight and eleven. Terms on aPPlie- - ation.-At present at the Hotel Nor- mandie. NOTICE IS IMREBY GIVEN that a • Court will be held, persii- ant to The Ontario Voters' Lists Act, by His Honour the Judge of the County Court of the County ofHuron Londesboro on the 1.4i,h day of October 1912, at 30 o'clock a. m. to hear and. de- termine 'complaints of errors and .oinissions in the Voters' List of the Municipality of the Township of Hullett for .1012. Dated at Lon- desboro the 25111 day of September 1912.-Jan:es G11rripbel,1 Clerk of the Municipality of the -Township of Hullett. -49-3. FOR S ALE .-THE PROPERTY 010 the late Thos. A. Walker, situated oft the corner of .Frederick and Dun- lop Streets, including a -house, stable and ,four lots. The buildings are in first class condition and 'there are some choice fruit tron " on the property., -For particulars ' apply to -Geo,. B. Hanley, Cline 2-48. WANTED. TO RENT WITH THE option Of buying, a .good, house with ntedere improvements. -Apply to . A. Forbes. •'-40 FOR SAI,E'-- 0511 YEARL ING Colt, 2 fat heifers two years old, 3 spring calves, .1 Cookshutt sulky ; plow nearly new, I lumber wagon, low down with hay rack, Clovet Leaf Mariure spreader -Levi Trick, Clinton P'.0, • -17 HOUSE FOR SALE ON P111 eit.nteVe street. -For particulars apply to Mrs. James l'uolcer, Clinton.. -40 FARM FOle SALE -100 ACRES, Lot: 18, con. 3, Hallett, 2es miles from Clinton, mile from School„ Gobi farm, soil clay loam, weil wat- ered and improved. 2 acres Orchard. * Good buildings, barn 50X51, stone basement, cemeet, floors, stalling for 22 head of cattle and 5' noises, also 3 large box stalls. llog-pen and hen -house 17530, cement base - meat. 7 roomed', two story, brick veneer house with summer kitchen, wood shed and buggy house conven- ient to house. Ternist 2-5 of purchase, inbney down, remainder on place at 4,1 peroeut. or otherwise to suit purchaser,. -Apply on. premises or address Sr A. 13rowe, Box 98, Clin- ton. P. 0. - -50. CLEARENG AUCTION SALE Ole rearm „ Stock, , Implements ; and Household Furniture. Mr. Thos.. Drown has received instructions from the undersigned to sell by public auction at Lot 7, Con. 2, Mullett at I o'clock p. rm. sharp, on Friday, Octeber lain Horses : 1 heavy draught brood 'mare supposed to be in foal to- Rio Grande, 1 aged mare supposed to be in foal to Rio Grande, ;3 heavy draught spring .filly got by Rio Grande, 1 agricul- tural spring colt, I 3 -year-old driving gelding, broke to work or drive, goOd size, 1 driving mare supposed to be irk, foal ;to Sidney. Cattle, 1 cow 6 years old- supposed to calve Feb. ilth, bred to Royalist, 1 2 -year-old heifer supposed to calve in March, 5 2 -year-old steers, • 2 2 year-old heifers, 5 yearling steers, 3 spring calves, 2 last fall calves, 1 bull 14 months old that could be registered, 1 dry eow. Pigs, 1 brood sow with le) pigs 16 days old. 1 brood sow with 9 pigs 6 weeks old, 1 young sow, 2 chunks of pigs. Fowl, 40 young pullets, 50 hens one and. two years old, 12 young turkeys, fall grown. Imple- ments, 1 7 -foot • McCormick binder with carrier, trucks and tongue truck, 1 Massey -Harris hay loader with truck, 1 spring tooth cultiva- tor ' with seeder attached, 1 Corn King manure spreader in good working order, 1 Sulky rake. 1 Noxon disc harrow, 1 Frost (Ye Wood mower, 1 pea -puller, 1 good wagon, 1 set bob -sleighs, 1 cutter, 1 walking plow, 1 set iron harrows, 1 hay rack, 1 hay fork,car, ropes, slings and pulleys, 1 extension lade der, 1 wagon box, 2 sots double harness. A. quantity of hag and eats. Household Furniture, 1 coOk- ing stove with reservoir, 1 exten- sion table. .11 Wel= cabinet, 3. eight day clock, 1 conch, 1 iron bed, springs and, mattresses, oak barrels, chairs, forks, shovels, grain bags and a Iot of other things too numerous to tnention. Terms : All sums pf $10 and un- der, cash ; on over that amount 11 months credit will be given on ap- proved jount notes or a discount of 5 percent, per annum will be aIlowee for cash on credit amounts. Frank Flaneery, Proprietor. Thos. Brown, Auctioneer. FARM FOR SALE -240 ACRES IN the township of Stanley : 80 ac- res under crop ; 20 acres good lia,rdiitood bush, balance in pastille; land. Farm tile drained snd in good state of cultietation. Comfort- able triune house, long distance kle- phone installed. Frani° barn, 50 x 100 feet, with stone stabling and waterwogits system barn and house suitable for ham help. Farm satiated 2 miles from Brumfield station on the 0'. 7'. R. arid 1, miles from the village of Varna. Terms to suit purchaser. • -.Apply to John MeNaUghton, Var- na. P. 0. . -12. FARM FOR SALE1-THE UIVIDER- signed offers for sale lot 18, con, 16, Goderich township, containing 80 ,acres: On it there is a good frame house and hank barn, each with stone foundation, and also an implement house. It is a good stock farm as there is plenty of water. Convenient to churches and school. Telephone connection. Sinail orchard and about 5 acres of bush. -Por terms apply to J. II. Lowery, I3ox 1242, North Bay, or to Jos. Proctor, Holmesville. FARM FOR SALE. -LOT 30; CON. 11, Goderich townslip, consisting of 80 acres, all cleared and in a good state of eulliiYation, 30 acres in grass, • • I acre 'orchard. Good outside WiTC fencing good concrete dwelling with eight. roome. Stone dairy. Fame barn, I mile from Iiolmesville and 4 from Clintoti. Wilt he sold on easy terms. B'or further part'enlars. apply to W. 03301(5 Clinton, P. 0,. or Fred Leonard, ,..41, FARM FOR SALE, KNOWN „AS "Springhtll Farm" on the Baylleld Road, Goderich Pownship, consist- ing 175 acreS, south hale lots 51 and 52 anitpart 53 and 54, fwo miles from Clinton and ono trom school. A first-class stock mid grain farm. 85 aeles of good pas- ture land. Well watered and has eever filing spring at barn. Good wells .and cistern. Bank barn 61x52, with stone stabling. 150 apple trees just beginning to hear aed ali kinds of small fruits. Reason tor selling : Owner In poor health. Terms fo suit purchaser.--Rohert Marshall, Clinton P. 0. -36 • STORE TO RENTs RECENTLY 00 - mined. by James Sleep, Produce dealer. -Apply to J. 0. Elliott or 5. a 31anning, Cliettoa, 37 I 10011 SAI,E OR 'PO RENT -A ONE- slofeY hollSe on Maple' streee, Clin- ton. Five rooms, woodshed, . hard • and soft water, Garden with soMe fruit trees. Possession given Oct- ober 191,11, -Apply to Mrs, Cleo. Stanbury, f,oridoii- Road, Olin -bon P. O. Phone 5-113, . -48, FARM FOR SALE.- LOT 24, CON, , 6, township , of Hallett, °Detaining 100 aeres„ ;80 acres cleared and in a good state of cultivation. 15 acres good hardwood bush. There are on the premises a first class batik barn with water ystern in connection. Good seven roomed frame house with hard and sot t watet. Tele- phone connection., 4 miles from Clinton and 3 from Londesboro. This farm has never been rented and is one of the best in the county. Terms reasonable as the undersign- ed is retiring icom C'arbert, Clinton I'. 0. -17 FARM FOR SALE. -LOT 35, CON. 10, Goderich township, consisting of 80 acres, all cleared with the ex- ception of 5 actess of bush. 2 acres orchard, 40 acres in grass. Good clay loam.' Well watered and fenc- ed. Frame house, and barn 42 by 57 with cement stabling. 40 loot windmill with water to house a•nd barn. 1. mile from school and 1 biles from Clinton, ALSO part lots 37 and 38, con. 10, containing 105 acres. Good brick hoese and 2 barns, 50 by 50 and 30 by 50. Good outbuildings. Farm well fenc- ed ansi in good state of cultivation with never failing spring. is mile from school and 4 froin °Buten:. - For further particulars apply to T. 5. Cole, Clinton P. 0. -44 FARM FOR SALE -The Executor of the SoUthcombe estate offers for sale 50 acres, being east hall . ol lot 28, con. 6, Hullett. This is a first-elass farm, welt -watered and improved and with good buildings. Also the undorsigned offers for sale lot 29, eon. 6, Hullett, consistieg 01 leo, acres. These farms may be bought together or separately. - Apply to R. J. Southeombe,•Clia- ton P. 0. -89 • • SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED and repairs kept on hand, also ag- ency for DOW maehines.-A. Hoop- er, Albert street, -80. A FIN LEADER. or possibly a gutter niay be need- ed in- osier to properly shed the water from your roof. It sueli is the oase you should send tor us at once. We do all kinds of TINNING WORK and guarantee you satisfaction. We are always ready to give an esti- mate. No matter how small or extensive your job may be, we can save you money. • THOS. HAWKINS. BREAD! BREAD !I BREAD lll '1110 principal part of our tlt. How eareful then we should be to use only Rio hest that can be produced. Conner's. Bread are excelled by none. In lact no other breed comes nearly On ner's in Quality. It satisfies the taste or the most fastidicrus. GIVE IT A TRIAL: CHAS. N. CONNER BARER -- aud 00NL1'ECTIOliER s Lewis Suilter. lIatolci Rayner. GRAIN W1D . ARE IN THE 'MARKET FOR WHEAT, °Airs, PEAS, BARLEY, RYE, BUCKWHEAT, ETC. We pay top prices tor all grain. Bring your grain to the, Eleaator, CHOICE TRVIOTHY SEED FOR FALL SEEDING ON HAND. The L. SUITTER Phone 64. The Elevator. BOYS WANTED For Various Depart- ments, Apply at offices of W. Doherty Piano & Organ Co. TRACTS The DrunItard's Friebd (Wesley) Yeddie or "Yon ,Lovely Mon." A. Plain geilk on Justification, (Sturgeon) The Down Grade 31ovenient. (Spargeon Hell : A 'Terrible Realit)'. (Rev, Geo. Gordon eleLeod) Errors of Russelism. (Rev. :Dunes Gray of Moody Bible Institute) Sorel postage for free samples. FRED. 3. HILL Clinton - Canada. •• 0000 •••••••• 0000 •••• • • SwEET • • • IPOTATOESI • • 0 • * MENU FOR THIS WE13K • • • Sweet Potatoes' • • • Finnan. Iladdie • • • • Spanish Beans * and • • • Fresh Sausage - • • • • • Peaches and Grapes now their best_ This will be a • • big Peach week. • • .-.--. W. T. O'NEIL : ▪ "The Hub Grocery." - " • • 0 •••••••• 0000 ••••••••00 SAVE' MONEY You will save coal and yet get more heat, if you •instal the famous. _»aiAll SIMF. BYAMTSUTTER SANITARY PLUMBERS. 100 GirlsWanted immediately for Biscuit and Candy, Departtueuts. Light, pleasant work; steady employment ; good wages. Apply D. S. Perrin Sc, Co. Limited. LONDON, CANADA Watch Faults Does your watch run correctly. It -not, let us repair it for you. It may - he only dirty and need cleaning, or stet) for lack of oil, Whatsoever the reason, don't delay, We give thoropgh examination and regulation free. Any- thing more oosts as little as salliS- factory work can be done. A. J. GRIGO Scientific Jeweler and Optician CLINTON. ONT.