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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-10-10, Page 4Samuel Street Faller, son of . , the late Bishop Fuller„ anti for more than half a century a prominent resident of Stratford, died at the age, of 5ev- enty-four,• The International Conun'ssion be- gan. Interna I gan, its sessions In Ottawa; taking up , the questions . of pollution : of boundary waters; and levels in Lako 01 the Woods- and tributaries., The. license of Capt. T'resi Ste- wart and his son, Itaymond G. Ste- wart, second mate of the ,steamer E. Stevvar t, were r suspended because of negligence in operating the vessel at high s b d during ',rooky weather, causing it to be stranded. Ci Clinton Brews -Record October IOth 1912 Summerhill t Thei , Ladies Guild net at ,hu, home of Mrs, Lawson' on Tuesday.of last Andersen of Nina :itis. :1 n � , Manitoba, risitcd her brother; Mr. Geo. John stop on Sunday- Week. A'm. visited' Mair` Mr: and ' Mrs. � '4V+'atvanesit tiieluls 00 Sun(1ay: Mr. 0101 Mrs. Jas Johnston Spent Sunday With Mrs, J Johnstoit. The Sunday School here has been closed for the season. Mr. Geo. Cook of Goderich Town ship, spent Sunday with friends here, A numberfrom :around here took. in the. fair at tllyth last week. Goderich Township Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stewart and their son Frank of Winnipeg are visiting with the former's brother, Me. John 'Stew=art, and other relax ivee and blends in this township and Stanley Some 1913 Wall Piper Holmesville' Ren, bit,Godwin,a former pastor of one of the Goderich churches, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. •(Re'.) R. J. McCormick. h has, been vis- itingBloomfield,'who ;Miss Sera 't'ebhutt'and.other friends in the vicinity, has returned to her home in Wingham: On. Hatuii;d<iy morning last as Miss I). A. Holmes was attending to her Bout,. o s.h kl duties site had occasion to atop into the woodshed when her.. i fool caught in a reed and: she fell headlong ;to the bottomo the steps, i i a c t u Ci n g two or IIIree ribs and citherwise- fl- urin herselL. She was contired .I, E her bed for a few days but her NOW ON SALE. SPECIAL P U R CHASES ON SMALL LOTS AND REMN ANTS. Window Shades many friends hope she wilt speedily recovery., Mrs. F. Draper of Goderich visited her sister, Miss Lelu Mulholland, a few days last week: The anniversary services on Sim- day last were very successful. The day was ideal and the congregations good at all the services Rev. A. Brown of North -street church, God erich, chairman of the district,, preached excellent sermons morning and evening and Mr.. A. '1'. Cooper of Clinton gave a tine address to the Sunday. 1 in the afternoon. n. Y. school The trustees had asked for a thank - offering of $150 to cover the cost of needed improvements and at the close of theday the collections were found to be $$165, l C hi the A manlier ol the armors e,onununity have cut their; corn and have it 'stored in "their silos. The bridge at the Maitland is open for traffic at last. It was a long Lime under way and its want caused much i neoncme nc, but it is a fine � as completed. ucttne stt Miss Beatrice. Greene of Clinton was a vialen at tke home of Mr. anti Mrs. Will Pickard over the week -end. Miss t4ai0 Snowden ot Varna and Miss Jessie Ford of Clinton visited Ie. f i •edt on Sunday. ' IC Cline 'I'. Cooper o , lits. :1 and Mt ton were visitors in our village on Smtday, having come up to attend the anniversary services. for Mr. 'Geo, Ilollantl lett today Elgin county, where gobd Cows arc n to he had in plenty, to Purchase an- other car load -for sale in these parts.: Last year Messrs. Connell and Holland disposed of 'about two hundred head of cattle, ,nosily cows, and with the exception of a very few they all gave excellent sat- isfaction. Mr. Holland is a good judge of cattle. Good adorning 1 dear reader. Are you a News -Record subscriber REGUL AR ANI) SPECIAL SIZES TO ORDER. Bagfield Me. John Mitchell of London was theuest of Mr. and Mrs.. F. A. Ed - 6, weeds' during the p 1st week. airs. Morrison 9f Seaforlih is guest; of Mrs. 'rhos. Cameroh., Mr. and Mrs. Chas Stewart and their. son Frani of Winnipeg were here this week. l''- • tl 'etre. John Morgan 'of Clev- elandan 6, eland spent o few days renewing old acquaintances `in , the village, . Mr. Morgan is an .old Llay;ield boy, but hasn't been here for several years; Mr.,`t4 Wellesley of Mineco was the giiest of his sister, W. J• Elliott, over Sunday. Mt. and Mrs 0, J: Wallis of Olin - ton spent ,Sunday with the former'n father, 'Mr. ~lames Wallis. Miss Lillian ' King-, who ;has been learning the millinery at Clinton, has returned home, TFIJE ..F Al R. lie COOPER 00. CLINTON The weather, could have been worse 011 Wednesday of this week, but for Pall Fair purposes not, much. There was a steady downpour ,of rain from twelve' until two. o'clock and the re- mainder of the afternoon was threat- ing. Still and for all that there was an unexpectedly, good attendance and t passed the day's s P recce �diem e off suc- cessfully. P as c ull 3 n The wisdom of the enlargerent of the hall was at once apparent for it did away with the crowding of pre- Pions years. 7t1 'tete was a great display of fruit Which ' was much' admired. There are no better apples grown than those no orchards in the district about Hayfield.' The exhibit of cut fkrwers and plants was remarkably good, Irro- bath Die hest that hat has been seen - l , at any of the Pales in this count} this year. Included were to be seen roses; sweet peas and pansies, The 'exhibit or roots, vegetables aril grain was most ereditabie and the same way be, said ,of -the out door entries, The management dideverything . pos- siblesible to make the Fair a success and there is no doubt whatever that it the weather had been good there would have been a record-breaking attendance that the Pair was worthy. of. Varna The anniversary servicds in :'con- noetion with the Presbyterian church will, be held next' Sunday.:- at 11 a. el. and 7 p. in.' 'The preacher of the day ,will be Rev. W. T. 'Pear- cy of I,ondesboro and there will be special music by the choir' and oth- ers. ,Mr Tarr nw l ell spent a few days in Goderich last week. Rov. T. J. Snowden was in Clin- ton' on Sunday, conducting the.- ser- vices in Wesley ehureh. Miss Wirie attended the anniversary services in the 'Methodist church at Ilolniesville. Mr. W. P. Keys has sold his house and -lot to Mr, Herb. Smith. 'chis need not necessarily imply that he purpose leaving Varnainwhich he has resided for so many years, Good Morning 1 dear reader, how does yew' 'sub to The News -Record stand ? General Sir Isaac Brock. The Minister of Education desires to invite the attention of teachers and school boards to the duty of commemorating in a suitable manner anniversaryof the the hundredth tilt u r u Isaac Brook death of General S n wire, died in defence of his eon try at Queensten Ileights on October 13th, 1812 As the arraversary falls this year on Sunday the,sohools might McAuley, Oct- ober hold. the celebration on M o Y, )et ober 14. - Eight :were killed and fifty -injured in a, railway smash near .Westport Conn. There was a fierce frontier engage- ment- between 'Turks and Serviansr' The situation shows no improve-, e- lmeet. In Honor of John Cabot. Ha Halifax is preparing •for` a' very interesting function, to take place in August next, when His Royal High.. noses, the Duke of Connaught, will dedicate h ' the tower. now being erected _ above Halifax harbor- in memory of the landing. in Nova Scotia of John Cabot, that brave old navigator, who during the reign of King Henry VII.' carried the flag of England to the New World, when it was almost, as unknown as' it was new. This was lour hundred years ago, and the tower in Halifax will remind the people of Nova Scotia at how early a date their fair land came into the light: of his- tory. Cabot sailed from Bristol, then cer- tainly the third, and possibly the second, seaport in England.,Long e ago Bristol, erected a 'mono n commemorate ,these exploits of the Oabots, and next August the Lord Mayor of Bristol, accompanied by other representative citizens, will come out to Halifax and take part in the dedication. of Halifax's monument to Cabot, In commemorating the achievements of the brave old nevi. i ' gator, 'St. 'John's, 's Newfoundland, tient has t. of the i first PIECE BO as, this it s side Atlantic is concerned. Several years ago it erected a Cabot tower on one of the hills overlooking the city and harbor, and from which eati be had a magnificent view. So signal an opportunity of honor- ing the diameter of this natbional hero should not be permitted to pass unnoticed in the schools. It was the sagacity and intrepid spirit .of Gen- eral en eaC BO t cl which saved Canada at r qualities t ds a critical time, the and played by hint both as soldier and statesman should he impressed upon the school children of the Province as a good example of duty nobly done. The following reference to General Brock is taken front. the Ontario. Public School Historyrt of Canada ss - One thing the enemy overlooked, and that was the character of the Canadians, Fiddle g in a ,fust cause and in defence of their homes, the Tatter were animated by spirit which in dwax usually olfsoL� an enemy's ad- vantage in number and wealth. The coml'tiander of the forces in Upper Canada Major-General Isaac Brook, in whom] such a spirit breathed in this hour of danger. He had al- ready served in the country for ten years, and he knew a.nd valued the local militia as well as the regular troops. Brave, kind', and judicious, he he won the confidence and love of his men. Under the inspiration of 13rock's leadership the prospects grew brighter, Loyalist volunteers, re- membering emembe ing how they and their fath- ers had ;been treated after the Revol- utionary War, pressed forward on all sides, more than ,could be sup- plied with arms' In Lower Canada the Freech►Canadilans, hating fresh in mind the memory of their gener- ous treatment at the hands of ,the British government, were prompt to vote money and mento tepee the hi - faders, Stanley Township lVliss 7lella Robinson of Wingham is visiting at the home of her broth er, Mr. Albert. Robinson, this week. Mrs. Henry Peak and Miss Emma paid a visit to London last weep, Itev. R. A, Miller and wife and n f Auburn visited at tiro old children o c home of Mrs. Miller the past week. Goderich Township i Mr. John Armstrong and Miss An - The congregation ot St James' church, Middleton, are making, ar- rangements, Inc an entetdtainment which promises to be the event of the season. Further announcements will be made: MILLINERY •' SN I] DRESSMA.RIN G' 1 PHONE No. 7S READY 10 Iv mut Couch & Co Coals Tilat Ari BiIIerellt. There's something distinc- tive about these'No rthwa Coats. Not only are they natty; smart and stylish but they possess an individuality that instantly ap- peals to the average well dress- ed woman. There's another point, a strong one, it's about the fit. Watch "Northway" coats of the same style tried on women of different figures and you'll be surprised how well they fit, at ithe ease with which they adapt .themselves. Just now is an ex- cellent 'time x-cellent'time for choosing your coat. A complete showing of the newest models await you. We are showing as large a range as any city store. Over one hundred different_ styles. IILLINERY THE TOP NOTCH -- Last Last week we reached the top notch in millinery selling. and on Saturday had the Iargast individual day's sales the history of this store, There must be a good reason for this record. Is it too much to say that this store lead's all others in high class millinery. FURS 1 We have this season a collection of designs -in all the fashionable anti wanted furs that easily lets us hold the leadership in variety. Whether you are on our regular customer's list or one of those who are looking about, -we invite you be- fore you ,decide on.your fur pnrchase to visit our fur department, hie Armstrong i undayetl at the home of Mn Andrew Reid of the Parr Line, Mrs. Eckhart and children spent a few= days this week at the home of Mr: George Kennedy, Mr. Ed. John- son oln -son and Mr. Nelson Keys betore leav- ing' for India 'which they purpose do- ing shortly. Miss Mabel -Clarke of Seaforth spent Saturday and Sunday unciet the par- ental roof Mrs: Morrison of Scaforth visited Goshen Line friends on Saturday and Sunday. The following is the report of S. 5. No. 4 North Stanley for the punct- uality on hof. September h mo❑t p regular attendance end general proficiency. Junior 4th—Ruth Houston, Hazel Sparks, Martha Mellwain. Senior 3rd—Clifford Sootchmer, John Watson, Walter Westlake, Sus- ie Westlake, Mabel Foster, Junior 3rd—Alice Stinson, Edna Scotohrner. Senior 2nd—Russel Sparks, Elva Dewar, Middle 2nd—Rosie Foster, Sam Mc - /twain, - , c .ehnter Junior 2nd— 5Harold of , Roy Scotchmcr. Part 1st .Annie Dewar, Bessie itat- 907� 1VIary MacDougall, Teacher. The following is the report of S: S. No. 3, Stanley for the month of September, names being in order of merit's Class 5,—Eunice Reid. Class 4, Sr Jessie McGee, Samuel Lawrason, Ntnian heard, Russel Tay for. Class 4 Jr. --Ruby Taylor. Class 2 Sr.—Carrie Lawrence, Gar- net Taylor, Class 2 Jr —Willie McGee Ger- trude McGee Wilmer Reid Class 1,• Sr.—Fern Taylor, Willie Parker. - Class 1, Jr.—Arthur Peck, Clifford Clarke, Peter McGee. Class 1, Jr.—Alma RathwelL. —Eva M. Stinson, Teacher• I -Ion. .Pants Macdonald, former Chief Justlea of Nova Scotia, died sit dlalllax : Sir William Mackenzie has decided to build a street railway in o rat- foTd. North : Waterloo Liberals are to hold a nominating convention rtsxt Sir Wili,rd Laurier was given :an- other groat ovation at Chatam. 'During the day. - hs visited' five schools. work super, Mr. J. Aitken, PermPer- teiulent at the Fergus ,House of In- dustry, n t, dus ry, P dro ed dead while` binding a sheaf. J. H. CIIEbEW, BLYTII You will find us at the old stand with a full stock of House Furnishings, Furniture for the kitchen, bed- room, dining -room, hall and parlor. Floor Coverings in endless variety. Latest patterns in Brussels Rugs, Fancy Oilcloth and Cork Linoleum. All goods marked at lowest cash prices. Lady Cops. To have lady police officers patrol ing some beats in Vancouver is the decision - arrived at recently by that city's board of police commissioners, which authorized Chief Chamberlin to appoint two suitable members of the conjunction with c un x to work m on 7 fair se the police force: to maintaining law and order ,n the city. It was explained by the police com- missioners that the duties of the lady officers would be to keep a watchful eye on the -movements of pecalcitratit girls who were likely to fall into the crutches ot the law. Men will not have a chance to be arrested by the possible that ' is o .r -bit It y a R constables, lad Y the male members e•a of the forceice ws . I be informed of many things th;;t may hate escaped their .notice. Blgth Misses Ida Paulin and Nora Mc- Caughey e- [ e a nth m o Cau he visited g Y home near Mildmay this week. They attended a dance there Monday night, Quite a number of the . youngsters from town went to Londesboro on Saturday where they were engaged by ''Mr, Moon 'to picot? potatoes. ;Kipper School report :—The foliownsg is the September monthly report of S. S. No. lee Stanley. Names are in order of merit- 5th,—Grape Ross. Sr- 4th, --Anna ITood, 'Nelson IIood, A. MeMurtrie. - Jr. 4t1,—Cecil Johnston, Louisa, Mr Clyinont, Anna fisher- .Jr 3rd, -Bella Collins, Tillie Nigh, Maggie Cooper 2 ui—Wilhcnt Sutton Grace Jr. t , Cooper, Norman flood, 2nd Part—Ella 7+Lsher, V. MsCily- tiiont, Grace Fairbairn. ]st Part—Fred red 1 arsons, Agnes Nigh, Loretta Sutton The best spellers in the monthly matches were Sr. Atha- and 5th,—Anna Hood, Jr. dth,-I ouisa McClymont. Jr. 3rd, -Maggie Cooper: Jr. 2nd,—Norma. Ilootl. Henfryn.: Mrs. Duckett, and .John Macdonald of Ethel took stock at Mrs. R. C. Cunfr hame's etore this week and Mr. J. 3ackson has. taken over the busi- ness. 'Ide has engaged Mrs. Beckett as manager. Mr, James Thompson, who liar charge of the Ethel Public school, Sundayed ab home. A bright little son has arrived at the home of Mr. Murr and the proud papa smiles. Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. R. II. Litton have gone to Platen, Ontario, where they intend residing in future. Dr. John Coulson Howie, son of Rev. Dr. Howie, ,Moderator of the United Free Church of Scotland, died at :Stt. Catharines, aged forty:- nine. ortynine. The dynamite conspiraoy case was opened at Indianapolis. God's Way of Salvation; ' It does not matter what One Be- lieves if he is Sincere." This is what many of the "mock charity school" say l; but let us see if it is true. A'• man feeling un- well went to the cupboard, took by mistake a bottle of poison, drank some of -the contents, and died in great agony an hour afterwards. Did his sincerity of belief save his life ? The guard of a passenger train sin- cerely believed that the line was clear. "All right, forward," he cries, .and then blowing his whistle, the: train is o11. Yet he was -ittis Laken the 'result. was a dreadful d swere and numbers ofso suddenly ushered into eternity. A mans salvation or damnation -depends on his helief. If he believes' the lie .01 Satan, he wiil eternally perish ; but if he believes the truth of Cod, he will be eternally saved. The Scriptures are very plain on this point. "There is n way that SE& ME'rII RIGHT UN'r0 A MAN, but the end thereof are the ways of death (Prov. xiv. 'I2). Sincerity of belief in that way ends in ever- lasting destruction 'I-111 TIIAT 13ELi1VETH, ON THE ,SOV habit everlasting life' (John Ili. 36) ; "ALL TITA'1 BleLIEVE are justified Isom all things"' (Acts :xiii, 38, 30). But "133) TIIAT BIILIJOVETII NOT shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him" (rcMis iii. 36). (To Ile, Continued•), Easy House-cleaning is' something that interests every housekeeper. It is our aint to provide all the dirt removers and cleaning essentials that will lighten your labors, Why don't youCall.. Our Grocery and lay in a supply of the neceSSilt- ics that save you much hard scrub- bing and Laborious cleaning. S. BARR Dealers in GROCERIES, PROVISIONS,'FOR- .EIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS, ETC, It's Aaeu� B oiightful J. H. CHELLEW, Blyth, = Ont. Bring in your departmental store catalogue, We will meet their prices. OUR PRESENT SPECIALS ARE STOVES, RANGES, COAL HEATERS, WOOD HEATERS, AND COAL OIL HEATERS. t We have a complete assortment ofthe celebrated Happy Thought Ranges, Pandora Ranges, Canada Steel Ranges, Welcome National, etc. all in the High Grade Class. The ones to depend upon for reliability andd durability. ilt3 . We have also cheaper lines guaranteed to do good work, only not so heavy and of course not so durable, as low in price as $28.00, with reservoir and high shelf. Coal may be scarce this winter! save it now by using one of our. Famous or Perfection oil heaters chilly mornings and evenings, or a Famous air tight heater burns chips,, charcoal or wood. We have the bright glazed steel stove pipes same price as the ordinary. See our Bargain Window of Hand Saws and Hammers big reduction. Harland Bros. Stoves, Hardware and Novelties The clean, cool, pleas- ant after, feeling that Harmony Spearmint Tooth Paste leaves in your mouth. it purifies the breath and preserves the -teeth and is no more expensive than inferior powder s and pastes. Sold only at The Rexall Store. W. 5:S. R. Holmes Goin Dlles For The Canadian Countryman, a 1 finely -illustrated Weekly N aem. magazine, and The News -Record will be sent to any address for one year for $1.25.; Call in and 515 a sam- ple copy of The Canadian Countryman In remit ting, ad- dress. W :J: MITCIIEi,L s 'J`hs News-Rocovd l''.1/11t011, Ont. AN INVITATION To our many friends in Clinton and surrounding country is extended a'cordial ilivitation to visit our. 1 furnished rooms. We showfurnished have- home. eu le ask a complete f P pto go th ough We are delighted to You will see a furnished bed room. " ,t parlor, dining room. hall. library. 'i " music room. Where we demonstrate the Edison phonograph nand `• ur- • la bring your friends with o and It,t VICI o acV Y as often es you wish. The invitation is extended to every one. We will not ash; you to buy but every- thing is for sale with a price ticket attached that will meet any competition. The Store of. Quality. Phone 28 W. Walker Furniture Dealer and Undertaker Residence Phone 140 Yon Run No Risk We have confidence in our our\ WATCHES as the result of long EXPERIENCE. We guarantee the_ni because they are ALL RIGHT both as regards Q • U ALITY AND PRICE. Let Us Show Yon Them. W. R. COUNTER Clinton Jeweler, ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. c.w