HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-10-03, Page 8BBER
• The
weather of late is a reminder that the season
for rubbers hasagain come around, so it is appropriate
for us to call attention to our large stock, which'
We bought before the re-
cent advance in price Of
which we are giving our
customers t h e benefit.
We are not putting up
Our price.
We have 'still on: hand a large stock of fall and
winter 'goods that must be disposed of and the price is
so low that it will pay you to do :o;rr buying here.
. Twitchell & Son 1
To Those Who
Want the Best
To those who want their pick of the finest look-
ing, best wearing shoes produced this season we say
Come early, the new fall styles are in.
If you are one of the many who look . to us to
its to.supply your. shoe needs for the coming season
with something -.distinctive—entirely different than
ordinary -come and make your selection right now.
We Want your. business
not only for today but for all: future time. Try us
once and you'll not de+rert us.
We guarantee everything we sell to give
satisfactory service at'the price you pay and
we always make good.
Good Shoe y Y
Shoes for everybody
•••• •••• •••• ••N•••••••• •••• ••••••••••••••••••••....
1 a
Our Ali to Please
1. .�
Bruigs Customers Baek.
October 3rd, FSt
Furniture Buyers at this store invariably c
back when they want more and bring their friends
with them,
To Use Our Furniture is to prove that it is S
as good as it 1QQi3@ a;r ct that is stylus a, whole lot,
• stantial i�ur}�4tu
re can be bought here
Sub secure what
now at money saving prices. Why not
pieces you need now while (ricesare so favorable.
_ .
r,• i
' VL
s and Funeral Directors
Furniture Dealer •
Phone 104 ss
P1lo�lr 127—1VIeTIiT AND: SIINz,
•N•••N•••••NA N*
Smart styles mark the change of Season
Standard Fashion Sheet;
Will interest every up-to-date woman
Geta copy FREE a, nu* Pattern Counter 1,
Dean Courtice Takes High!
Mi, I)c in Courtice left this week
for 'Toronto to continue hi, ,course
in Electrical and Mechanical Engineer
ing at the -School of Practical Science.
Dean has always Taken high starrling,
in his studies and a bright future•is'
predicted for him.
Often Cheapest – Always the •Best
�► ,-,,,y�,� r 115unmwmmninmp,
Cup Presented.
Jaynes Wylie, •son of Rev. W. W.
Wylie,,: pastor of the Baptist church,
was' presented by Mr. Bouch .yester
day' at, the Model _school with - the
handsome silver cup donated by Rev.
Father Duni for the pupil taking the
highest niarks.in the Entrance ex-
aminations, The, cup' is neatly' en. -
graved ;With
n=graved`.ivith the date and the name'
of the winner, ;who will keep it ' in
his possession during the first half
of the year, the school to hold it
the last half. The hope of winning
this cup should prove ari incentive to
thoroughness and good work in the
Entrance class in future.
London Road.
The W. M. S. of Brueefield held its
regular meeting yesterday afternoon
at the horse' of Mrs. W. Falconer.,
London „Road League held a suc-
cessful social evening at the honto of
Mr. John McKnight on Tuesday. A
good program was given followed by
lunch and a very pleasant social
Messrs. J. G. and Wilbert Crich re-
turned from New Ontario on. Monday.
Both report having taken up home
steads and both were much pleated`
with their trip.
Mr. and Mrs: Janes'r-oung of Ba held•
were is town on Monday. •
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Watts visited
Wingham friends last week.
Mrs. G. D. McTaggart -has been in
Toronto, during the past week.
Mrs. Cannel is visiting friends.. at
Castor, Alta., for a few month*.
Rev. T. J. Snowden and Miss Effie
of Varna were in town. on Tuesday.
Miss 'Beatrice Greene returned last
week from a pleasant visit with
Toronto friends.
Me. and Mrs. Jobe Howson have
been visiting Peterboro friends dur-
ing the past week.
Mrs. Duncanson Was the guest of
, Mrs. John Ikiorris of Goderich fors
a few days last week.
Mr,and Mrs, N. 0. Nethery •of- 'East
Wawanoshwere guests of Mr. and
Mrs. T. I3', Hardy the week -end.
Rev. S J. Arlin and. the Misses Al-
in were in Brussels on Sunday as
sisting in the anniversary and rally
day services,
Mr. G S. Hawke leaves en Friday
for his new charge at Northwood.
Mrs. Hawke will remain .in, own a
}vliile longer,
Mt. and Mrs. Luke Lawson and Mr..
and Mrs. 0, A. Roberton attended
the funeral of the late ,Mrs. Rob-
erton of Auburn on Monday.
Miss Ruby Irwin, who a year ago
Mrs, J. G Moser of .Waterloo, who
has been visiting her daughter, Mrs.
F. Carr, for some time, left last
week to visit in Mitchell before re-
turning to her home.
Miss Annie Patterson is visiting
Exeter friends,
Mr. and Mrs. James Jackson have
been visiting Detroit friends during,
the past week.
i1tr. Philip Willows of Uxbridge has
been visiting his parental home here.
Dr: and Mrs. Sloan came down
from. Porcupine last week owing to
the serious illness of Mrs. Sloan. Sr.
Ret Mr. Collins of Exeter preach-
ed harvest hone sermons in Trinity
church on Sunday week, The offer-
ings amounted to nearly seventy; dol-
Mr, James Barr• of Gowganda has
been renewing old acquaintances in
town. ... -
Mr. Janme,McMurchio was inelin
ton on business last week.
Mrs:Roe of Seaforth ' and Mrs. Bea
nett of Ana Arbor, Mich., were
guests of Mrs. King last week,
The Blyth branch of the Women's
Institute will meet in Londesboro on
Thursday afternoon of, this wzek,
The fifteenth annual convention_, of
the Hucon County W. C. T. ti. was
held iirthe' Methodist church bore on
Wednesday of last week. About fifty
delegates were in attendance and a
suocesslul convention was held,.
•••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••:
N E -Q--
opening a and
'♦ ng into
few weeks we have and eattractivesfiines of gfalll and
planes into stock, a great many ne
• winter merchandise and we would now be delighted to have you come
in and examine these goods and compare out valuesd
lune} values in ladies' an
such except
• Never before have wre'sshown
� children's mantles, children's serge (tresses, ladies' and children's furs
N; ere.
: Don't fail to see these before buying,
Mr. Roy • .tones of the Dominion
Bank local branch staff has been re-
moved to Windsor.
went out to her- brother at Bell- Mr. Fred Beattie of Winnipeg is
'eine, Alta., is now in Calgary, visiting his father, Mr. James Beat.
having taken a position those. , tie.•
Mrs, A. E. Colson has returned
from a visit with Guelph and Tor-
onto friends,
Mrs. M. }Iowe of Wallaceburg hes
lieen the guest of her soh -in-law and
daughter,` Rev.. and Mrs. Barker.
Miss Margaret Kennedy, returned
last week from a visit with her sis-
ter at Craig:, Sask.
softhe Charlie .Hays b
e Dom
Beek, Toronto, has been spending a
vacation at his home in town, that
of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Hays.
Mr, • R. E, Cresswell has returned
from, a pleasant trip to the Coast.
Miss • Mayne Anderson is visiting
her sister, Mrs, Jenkins of St. Louis,
Mr, A. F. McTavish and daughter,
Mary, of. Vancouveer have been vis-
iting at the home of Mr. Wm. Mor-
• Mrs. 'Wm. Westcott has returned
from a visit with her daughter, lite.
Twaniley of Manitou, Man.
Mr. and Mrs. Matdenburg and family
have removed te Hamilton, whore
they intend 4o make their reins.
Mr. Fred, Lang of Gaaelph,; a Form
er resident of town, renewed old ae-.
quaintances in Seaforth last week.
Miss Maggie Kennedy has returned
from a pleasant visit to her brothers
at Postage )a Prairie and a sister in
Mrs. Neil Shaw and Master Donald
will'tatoctly leave here to take up
their residence in I-tidgo'tovvn
Mrs, John Colborne of the 16th
con. of Goderich township died' sud-
dently at the hoine of her slaughter,
Mrs. Sylvester Allen., on Friday
week. The remains• wore interred
in Clutton cemetery tri':. following
Ofr,, J. W. Newcombe ef,Fort'^rlcliam
was in town .tle' `eg"the past week
eie'enig n s father, Rev, H. New-
comber- and sister, Mrs. J. S. EV -
Mr. and Mrs. 5: Gardener and two
ehitdren of Colborne were guests at
the lady's parental home, that of
Chas. H
er o
Mrs. 3 ,
•. and
the week -cud..
Mr.. Will Southcombe of London was
in town over Sunday, the guest of
the Misses Soutlicolikbe.' . He left
Monday for Toronto to resume his
studies at the University.
Dr. and Mrs. McGill and babe of:Mit-
shell were week -end visitors at the
home of the former's sister and
brother-in-law, that of Dr. arrl Mrs:
Axon of town,
less. J, E, Brooks and Masters Char-
lie and }harry and: Mrs, Chapple
and Master Ralph of Mitchell vis-
ited vvitli Mrs. Brooke' parents,
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. 'Cantelon, over'
Kra-. Logan of Saginaw, Mich., anti
Mrs. Schauntz of Eureka, Cal, NVho
have been visiting their mother,
Mrs. Gilchrist of town, for sortie.
time, leave, today for Saginaw.
]Miss Gilchrist ae„ompanies thein
' for a visit.
lter. Wm. Cochrane, who went west
and en to the Coast some five
months ago, has returned. Ile had
a good trip and 'enjoyed it well,
but in all his travels he did not
see a town so neat and tidy as
the old .home, town. Welcome back.
Mr. Geo. David was one of „the ,jud-
ger at !Ibe Wingka.m Fait: last week.
Mrs. David accompanied' him and
in es couple of days absence they
rimewed. many old friendships in
Bclgrix'e and Winghant At the
Corner place they were located for
ecv ni a1 year s
:Messrs, George 1n.ing of Chicago
TR and -,lamas :truing of 'Los An-
geles • Calif:, were in lowit Saturday
until Teesday p to on a visit to
tlreir Inothe.r, }I)or,.'Mary Irving, and
'.1ftim a •
a brothere, �Vil
It is a quarter of a century S since.
the Mes.srsr Truth'; first lett Clic
old linins town ;and they naturally
noticed litany chai)ges, more though
in persons than in, place.Compara-
tively few of their Old. associates are
kers now to greet then], .:It is a
pleasure to know tkitthen i• .bed*
' Boys of Clinton havelg't',e}:cec-
ingly well is the -.1ae iI of their• ad-
Big Bargains in all lines of summer goccls• during the
• balance of September,
•o SMALL •
• LL 1 ® i
•♦.♦•♦••4•444••• N•4**•♦•oo0•A♦4♦•••!•N•
NE 4S -RE ORl(7;6,101,. NEXT FOR 250
We_have just passed into
stock a complete range ,of tap-
Brussels, Milton and Ax-
' minster floor rugs in the very
newest designs, also runners
and hall end squares'to match. If you are needing new floor coverings to brighten
up your home for winter a call here will suggest many new ideas in floor covering,.
price from $S up $35.
New Linoleum's Oilcloths, Matts
Women's, misses and children's golf jackets. and
blazers in all the popular colors; plain and two tint,
effects just,to hand;., These are very popular for
Rear and the very latest style in all sizes, Prices
$1 to .$5.
Fall Mantles
and Suits
We are showing the most complete range of
women's, children's and misses' winter coats and
ladies' dresses and two piece suits it has ever 'been
our pleasure to display, at prices to fit all purses.
We invite you and your friends to call as often as
you please.
The News From Londesboro
Mrs, W. T. Pearcy and Master
Grant returned from Port Colborne
015 Ftiiday last.
Mrs, Geo. Moon -spent a few, days
this week with her parents at Kirk-
Mr. F. Trickett returned en Mon-
day after having visited his home
near London, England.
Messrs, Asquith and Johnston co
inenced operations in the evaporator
here on Monday.
H ullett Happenings
Mr. Frank Flannery+ will have an
auction sale on the 11th inst. and
a few days later proves to Monkton
to open an agency for the MoCer-
mick machinery, • Monkton is in the
centre of a good farming_ countley
and as it is located some distance
from :larger markets it seems des-'
tined to become
t a place of
some im-
portance from the 'fact that it now
has an outlet by the G. &. G.
Railway. Indeed, the place is now
grooving rapidly. The farm which
Mr, Flannery has had rented for the
past fire years will he taken over
by Mr. John Freeman. The many
friends on thsi township of Mr. Flan-
nery will be sorry to see him go but
wish him success wherever he may lo-
Report 5. S. No. 2 for September :
Class 4 Sr.—Norman Tyndall 70
percent., Mattie Biggen 67, .. Mabel
Lockwood 66.
Class 4 Jr,—Clara Lockwood 54•,
John Mann 50.
Class 3 5r.—Stanley Hale 68, Grace
Glidden 58, •
Class 3 J
S. 80
Gertrude Bayley 51, Bernard Rey-
nolds 50, James East 43.
Class 2 'Sr,.—Alma_ Hale 82, Louise
Hale 84, Myrtle Hunter CO, Chester
Glidden 49.
Class 2 Jr.—Harold Told Glevw 81, ar-
jocie Glow 78, Eddie Dale 63 Leo-
nard I•Iunter CO, - Annie Shobbrook 53,
13essfe Lockwood 41,• Willis VanEg-
mond. 39.
54 E. Brown, Teacher.
Auburn News.
A commercial traveller had a some-
wha't novel and not very pleasant ex-
perience when
porienea on Tuesday evening f
coming from Dungannon to Auburn.I
Approaching the village from the
west he found itimpossible to cross
the Maitland where the new bridge
is being constructed. D'isirissing the
the driver and rig he ,essayed to
cross on foot below, the bridge, where
he was obliged to climb a ladder:
from the river' bed to the balite,
Three trips were necessary before all
his .sample cases were: wifely convey
• Wingham
Airs. L. Bannister of, Toronto visit-
e4 ken parents, Mi.. and Mrs. Coulter
last week.
Miss McCool end her brother from
Londestoro have :been t isitis[, their
sister,Irs. 5 Awdc .
- t'Province
c fc of
ATT. 'Joseph Ila t
r g
of Aliicita Inc been renewing old
friendships in Wherhara
Mr. '1>. S. Brandon was in' Ilefuorer
last ,wed, visiting Isis son. Brock, who
position in, that go
has takers a
tir. F:..7. `1,1111 hos prfrchased Ilia
fine fain a,flloitiiitg the town which
b`elongeil to Messrs, W. VanStove A
?son, ate wilt embark in facnaing.
ed to the Auburn side of the river,
This all took place after dark • arts
wi aid of a lantern
nthob the fr e
Thetraveller was tired and some-
what Wet 'after his unique experience,
but a hot supper and some dry
clothinga supplied by a hospitable
customer in Auburn maae hitm com-
fortable onto more. This particular
part of the. Maitland haS been the
scene of more than one:.unpleasant
. experience this sumlmer„ but it is hop-
ed nothing more serious may mccur.
before the bridge is again passible.;
Constance Concerns
Mins McNeil of Fullerton has been Mc.Albert Rapson is looting
visiting her. sister, Mrs. las, Dale,
and other friends in the vicinity.
The farmers in • the. rreighborhbod
would do-wellalo keep a close.`vateh,
upon :their foul as there:are a CSu-
ple 'af , fierce i looking hawi•s hovering
about: Thiry are fine looking„speer-
a ease,
Il in
d Woad,
l �
mens an
7 a>,cl geese in addition,
alilitioi hey take duct's, g
to the iucmble 'skid unassuming hen,
Loots -out for :them , and have your
trusty rifle handy. n
'i'>tie congregation of the Methodist
church have decided to have a fowl
supper sornewha'e along about the
*nil or 18th 'CO November, but the
date is not filly de• dee.
happy these days, the reason
the Arrival at his 'home of a
Rey, J. H. Iiaza.,Iwood, pastor- of
�huich 'Ibio
a1 list odis�l ,
(oit< of the largest in the city,) has
been appointed Field Secretary for:
T1nipet:a+ciee and ''Moral Reform
'work m Caiieda succcedutg.IRev..' J.
W. ' Ahkine Who becomes pasltor of
the Meibropolitan church. This is
another ovideme of a Llnfroninn
making . good, Mr. lrlaclelwood being.
a wative of lelowiet,
''cc. NEW
Fad Su!liuias
For the past nine
years we have catered
for men's custom made
r du c
tailoring, 0
style and workmanship
fully guatanteed, keep-
ing none but compet-
ent workmen ,equal to
any in larger cities and
producing clothes 'for.
men at prices consis-
tent With expense and
much below city pric-
es, Why pay big pric-
es for factory made
clothing, when you can
get asuit made to your
measure at home by an.
experienced cutter and
tars from 0
We have seen oth-
ers come and go but
we are here to stay, its-
i,ng the same motto as
when we started