HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-10-03, Page 6• WORK AND WORRY WEAKEN WOMEN New Health and Dtrength Obtained by the Use ot Dr Williams' - Pink Mg. It is useless teteLla- hard-work- ing treman to take life easily and not to worry. Every woman at the head of a home; -every girl in ofe- °es., ehems and fel:stories, isoubjeee to nsere se less worry. Thesecan- not he eroided. But it is the duty of every women and every girl to eave her strength as much as possi- ble mai to, build up her system to meet assy unusual demands. Her effete basalt ,depends, upon it. To gua$41 ftgetinst a ' ereakdown in begat tlte blood must be kept rioh, reel asei pure. Nothing oan keep the else' in this condition so well as De. Williams' Pink Pills. They etre:orate the nervea, restore the :eyelets, bring the glom of health ter pelliel cheeks, and nenewed en - orgy es leatiess tropics. • Women eaneset always reet when they should, but they can keep their streeelt and keep disease away by the eoeesional use 4 Dr. Williams Pink Pills. Or, if a breakdown has come unexpectedly they emu obtain new 1.6a,1et through this same emeelieiae. Mre. M. Themes, River street, Toronto, says: "For several years 1 was almeet a conatant in- • valet, unable to do my housework an smendirig much of my time in bed. My nerves seemed worn out and I was, so run down that all my friends thought I was in a hopeless •decline, I Was as pale as a. corpse; I wad so bloodless that if I 'cut my , finger it would net bleed; tny limbs were swollen far beyond their usual ;size. At the lout exertion my kettle would palpitate violently, and I frequently had fainting spells.. I was under treatment by good dot:tors, but it did me no good. Thee one day my husband brought home some Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and I began taking them. They 'seemed to go to the root of the trouble, and in the . course of a. few weeks the improve- ment they were rnaering was quite plain. Gradually as I continued taking the Pills the swelling of my limits disappeared; the weak spells came less and leas frequently ; my • appetite greatly improved, and • finally I was completely eureeleend able to do my housework with ease. Later, ray (laughter Elute seemed to be troubled With anaemia., and we gave her the Pills with the same geed results." • -Why suffer in any way when you cats begin curing yoerself to -day with Dr. Williams Pink Bills. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a bex or six boxes for •$2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brookville, Ont. THE FOR OE HUNGER. Hunger is shortly to be abolished by electricity. Such is the pro- • phecy of Prof.Bergenie, who has ex- plained the mebeed to the Congress of the Society for the Advance- ment el Seienee, recently held at Nimes, France. ISergonie remake tit e experiments of Prof. Betthelot, • who laimed that within a genera- tion steaks and other foods would be replaced by small. pills contain- ing the necessary 'chemical coned.- - tuents to sustain life. tergonie added. that what chemistry had not aceterieliehed electricity will achieve through "high frequency treatment." Therefore we may shortly be.orderieg five electric currents at intervals 'of seven sec- onds instead of effuse , He—"Young girls always went to, lisareysfor love; but when they grow older they went to marry a men with aioney." he—"You are wrong. Gir1s. never grow older; they merely grow wiser." otinarws Liniment tor sale everywhere. "Did you ever tell that young men that lathe hours wore bed for oite?" asked the father at the breakfast table. "Well, father," replied the wise daughter, • "late hours may be bed for one, but they're alright for two." Specialist Did Skin - Trouble No Good Very Itchy and DisfigUring. Got a Little Cuticura Soap and Oint- • ment and Was Cured. "For two summers I suffered with iikin trouble on my arms, and on my legs from my knees.down. my arms were badly disfigured, and I kept them covered. • It came like th hives, and was.wery itchy. I consulted a specialist, who gave me medicine, al well as an ointment, but ;teemed to do no good. It was beginning to appear on my face. "I got a little (Jutioura Ointment and some Cuticura Soap. The first touch of Ointment seemed to relieve, and before the Cuticura Ointment was finished I was cured. I have not the least sign of trouble. I think it would have spread •over nay whole body if Cuticura Soap and Ointment had not cured me. I am delighted with them, and do feel pleased to think I have some- thing I have confidence in. I tell all my friends about them, and I think Cuticura Ointment is the best I ever saw." (Signed) M. J. noddy, 73 McCaul • St., Toronto, Dec. 22, 1910. Cold -Sore Began to Heal With First Use of Cuticura Ointment. "Cuticura Ointment cured a very bad cold -sore that gave me hours of Bever() pain and loss of sleep. I tried lots of other remedies but nothing did Inc any good bill I bried Outicura Oint- • ment, and from the very first applica- tion it began to heal and now there is • not even a scar left." (Signed) Mrs. W. ' Boyce, Merrn aid Farm, P.E.I.,Jan.8,11. For more than a generation Cuticura Soop and Cuticura Ointment have • afforded the speediest, safest and most economical treatment for skin and soalP troubles, of young and old. Althoem they are sold by druggists and dealers everywhere, a liberal samme of each , may be obtained free, from the Potter -Drug & Chem, Corp., sole props., 57• . olurabus Ave., Boston TT '4 A. ALL ABOUT YOUR MEMORY CONCERNING "TILE PART YOU FORGET WITH" Nobody Can Define the Part of the Brain by Which the Memory Is Worked. Memory is a ;subject that still bafflers the world of :Klemm. N0 - body can define the part of the brain by which it fit worked. But lots* of curious little facto have been brought te light by experts in this branoh of psychology. Your Memory, for instance, worka beat in the morning, while your mind is fresh. It is at its worse in the evening. A 'varies, too according to the etate of your bloCel. • In people troubled with anaemia or dyspepsia the memory is usually belovr the average. The memory improves under stimuleette, sueh as ooffee, tkough, of course, only temporarily. Soda tive drugs, such as beemide, hale the opposite effect. Medical men hare sometime, after recommend- ing the regular use of bromide in awes of nervous restlessness and insomnia, to tell the patient to stop at once, owing to •the memory steadily growing feebler. WHAT scIENcE SAYS. While anaemia and dyspepsia weaken the memory aft a whole, they have not the grotesque results that fevers sometimes have. In one case, famous in medical history, a distinguished *scholar after recov- ering from a severe fever, was un- able for tee rest of hie life to pro- nounce, remember, or understa,nd the letter 1'; end there have been other cases equally eutious. A soldier who had to have a tiny piece on his brain .rernoved during the South African Wax recovered perfect hea.lth, mentally and phy- sically, except for the fact that he waa never afterwards able to re- ineinber the meaning of the num- bare five and seven. Some diseases, on the other hand, have been knoswn to do the memory a lot of good. The chief of these is smatIpox. There a.re, hundreds of CaSIMI en reeord in which quite poor memories have been turned by this dread disease into long and amaz- ingly aecurate onea. One thing thee seieerte has made clear is that we never really forget anything. Everything we have done or seen or said from our earli- est childhood is stor,ed away some- where in our heads, even though see may think we have forgotten them for ever. INFLUENCE OF CHLOROFORM. But it, needs something very ex- traordinary to unlock this store- houae. The ehook of a merely -es- cape from death sometimes does it. Peeple who have been within a hair s -breadth of death and lived to tell the tale, have of -tee &tided that ell the inoidents of their lives, even the most trifling, have flashed across their xninds in, a second, end this is based on scientific truth. Chloroform, too, brings beck things that have been forgotten for years. • A man under chloroform will often sing the songe he used toeing when a tiny hoy. There is a etrrious sort ofmemory s,ometimes known aa "muscle mem- orys" • With practice, the parts of the body seem to develop a sort of memory of their own. An experi- enced bath-ettendatit, for instance, can often guess the temperature of water to within half a degree, after simply dipping his hand in it, while the ordinery Man is as likely ais not to be tens or even twenty, degrees out. An experienced tobacconist, too, could give yen your ounce of tobeceo pretty accurately without using the vales at PLACES SEEN BEFORE. There are all -setts of curious dis- eases of the memexy. If you are unfortunate enough to have a bad nervous breakdown, you maw be startled to find that, though you can still read and understand what is said to you, you have forgotten how to write, and what words to Ise when you ere talking. When you want to Say, "I'm feeling bet- ter today," you will torget the right words and eay, "Walk, come, preach," or something equally' ab- surd, end get very angry with your- self. And, whet) yoit are recover- ing, you will obsetee the curious fact that you get the right me of Your verba fine then your adjec- tives. Sometimes when you are in a, part of the country that is new to vou. you are suddenly steatled by the idea. "Why, I've seen this place before Y(1,11 blow youhave ese, yet the .seene seems faanilia,r. Some scientists account for this feeling by auggeeting that one of the two halvea of the brain has been work- ing a fraction •of a second faster than the other. Another suggested explanation is that it is a ease of "ancestral memery." A TINT VIRGINIA' 8 S A YING S. There'S an awful lot of "e-SeselY Hs - inn; done—the night before. Sometimes 007- principee reason for thinking a thing eon't happen llint we think it will , Homelypeople spend more time befere the mirrors than pretty peoe nle do. Thee are trying to persuade themselves it isn't true "Boys will be boys'' should net be re/settee(' to mean that boys have the right Ito he yeller, hyenas, if you can live ;vith a thoroughly unselfish person and not become yourself a greedy parasite, it's a proof eou're merle of pretty good Ineral stuff. Our rnest grievous disa,npoint- meets come to ps meseueraeling as fe lfil lee hopes. ' And 'lest remember that the pri- sons of the country are full of Men n-}741 lhoiirbt tileV COnle get away HAY FEVER NOT UNDERSTOOD HAS MANY NAILES RUT AP PARENTIY NO CURE. So Physicians Say, But That Ap- peat% To Be AR They Know • About It. Mint, in hay fever? If you are one of its Wet-hes—and it is eow In seasen—you probably will went to know, If yen ask your doctor be will have his own theory about it, but it will 011tly be' a theory, net susceptible as Yet of abooluto dere- °flare-tie/1. But he will tell you there ens verioue names for it, suoh as hay asehme, rose sold, summer sta,ta,reb, yiesornetor de- nies:* end just plaise hey fever. The vatiety of die emotes used th , define it ahows that phyaielena have as yet arrived at no a.gneernent, as to its causes Or cure, One author- ity says that as yet the germ, of the disease hasnot been "run clown." For thirb,y years or more thou- egatdit of peerages who have passed annually 'the unhaespy period of suf- fering, have taxedelse learning 4 the most expert phylicians, not Boriezeli for the etauee 01 the disease a,s for a remedy. Every conceive able treatment luta been resorted to in the hope of hitting upon AN EFFECTIVE ONE. The obeervation of arereral physis ciana has led them do the belief that hay feller in, not a universal disease, but is confined to persene of sensi- tive end irrit,able temperaments, or tendencies. Mee w,hose ocetteations lead thesn to a hardy -normal 'sort of life ere never, it iteyeare, bothered by it. Some physicians go so far as to say that hey fever mose oom- moroly attacks men of a oerta,in elass—gener,ally professional mem.. The name "pollinosis" indica:tea whet most generally is regarded as a prime 'pause Tho hay fever vic- tim knows ahnost the day when lie may expect his annual attack, and this is usu,ally coincident with the flowering of earesin plants. These he will avoid, and especially any seetion that he knows to be in- fested with the common ragweed. The victim will &ISO beg you not to bring into the house sueh flowers as golden, rod, whose pollen is extremely irritating. With some people the odor of roses produces a similar irritation, hence the name "rose cold." Cert,airt localities of ltige altitude are nearly immune from hey fever. On the other heed Many Stiffener% have tried various climates both at home endetbroed without obtaining EVEN TEMPORARY RELIEF. Many practitioners of the regular wheals are now inclined to accept the, conclusions boil aa to the origin of the disease end the mode of treatment arrived at by Dr. George L. Richards, asset fonth in a. paper he read before ars aseociation of physioians. As explained by Dr, Walter B. Peet, of New York, it is due, first, to an impaired state of the TlerVOUS system, especially of the va,sonsoltor portion; second, to some Gott of disturbanoe, organic or funotional, in the, node, accompan- 'ied by ohanges in the chemical com- position of the eeerebione, with hy- pereensitive areas in the upper respiratary tract; third, to, some, definite local irritant, usually the popen of some plank 4 the =emo- tion of some annual ooming in we- t:tot with' the upper tract of the -eye, • HARD TO SEE. Even When the -F- acts are Plain* It is curious how people will re- fuse to believe what one can clearly ;Tell the aderage man or woman that the slew but cumulative poi- sonous effect of cdfein—the In tea and coffee—tends to weaken the heart, upset the ear- vous system end canes indigestion, and they may laugh at you if they don't know the facts. 'Prove it by science 4 by practi- cal demonstration in the recovery of teat and coffee drinkers from the above conditions, and a large par emit. ef the human • family will shrug their shoulders, take settee drugs a,ed—keep on drinking tea or "Coffee never agreed with me nor with eeveral members of our home -- hold," writes a lady. "It ener- vates, depresses end erodes a feel- ing of lenges' and heaviness. It was only by leaving off coffee zee using Postum thee we discovered the cause and way out el these els., ' "The only reason, I am sure, why Postern is not used altogether to the exelesion of ordinary coffee is, many persons do not knew and do not seem willing to •leern the facts and how to prepare this nutritious beverage. There?s only one way— 7, according to directions—boil it fully i 15 minutes. Time it is delicious." t Name given by Comedian Postern Co, Windsor. Ont. Rene the little beige, "The Road to Wellville," in plects "There'e a reason." Ever roan the above letter? A now one appears from time to time. They are genuinetrue, and full of human interest, rturo, LTA WA HA N CRATER. tem. Tn going down 5 was aware all the time of 11. beautiful bird -song off on my lefe—a :long almost an sweet as that of our hermit-thruste but of an entirely different order. Our course took us eui, over the cracked anti oentorted, lava -bed, trhere' no green thing was growing. The forma of the lava flaw seggeet- ed maimee and writhing draftees, with horrid, gamin mouths end vi- cieus elates. The lava cruneheci be- nea-bh the hereto' feet like :Melly and brittle ice, At one point we pa,esed over a wide, jigged creek one a bridge. As we neired the erater the Mika grew warns, and oulphur and other fume% streaked the air. When half a mile from the crater we dismounted atid, leaving our horses in cherge of the guide, pro- eeedeci on foot aver the cracked and fleeted lava rocks toward the brink 4 this verit,able devil's cal- dron. The .sulphur fumes are so euflocating that it can be approach- ed only on the windweiel side. The first elanoe into that fearful, pit is all that your imagination can pie- ture it. You look neon the tradi- tional lekeof brimstone *ad fire, and if desrila were to aAPaar kip- ping about over the surfsme with pitchfork*, turniug their eietime Oa the took tures her frying crullers in the sputt,ering fat, it would not 'much aurprise you. This liquid is rather thielt and vieciel, but it is boiling furiously. Great masses of it are thrown up forty or fifty feet, and fall with a crash like that of the surf upon the alone. 'The mesa of boiling lava ie said to be about ogle and one-half sores in exteet. Ito surface ie oovere,d. with large messes of floating orust, black and smooth, like leather or roofing -paper. end between these masses or Isl.:suds the molten Lev& shows in broad, vivid lines. It is never quiet. • Looking' upon this seen° with the thought of the traditional lake of fire and brimstone of our fore- fathees in mind, you wouki say that these black, filthy -looking masses floating about on the surface were the, accumulation of all the bad stuff that tta,d been fried mit of the poor sinners since hell was invented. How much wiekodneas a.nd unehar- ity and evil thought it would repro - cent! If the poor victims were elarieed and made purer by the process, then it would seem worth while. A WONDERFUlt DISCOVERY. An eminent scientist, the other day, gave lila opinion that the most wonderful discovery of recent years Wan the discovery' of Zam-Buk. Just think! As soon as a single thin layer of Zam-Buk is applied to a wound or a sore, sueh injury is ih- sured against blood poison I • Not one species of micrebe has been found that Zam-Buk does not kill! Then again. As soon as Zam-Buk is applied to a sore, sor 5. eut, or skin disease, it stops the meeting. That is • whychildren aro such friends of ZanAt:ter. Again. As soon as Zam-Buk applied to a wound or to a diseased part, the cells beneath the skie's surface are so stimulated that new healthy tissue is quickly formed, This is why Zam-Buk cures are per- manent. ' Only tee other day Mr. Marsh, of 101 Delorimier Ave., -efontreal, called upon etc Zam-Buk Company and told them that for over twen- ty -eve years he had been a martyr te eczema. His hands were at one time so covered with sores that he had to sleep in gloves. Four years ago Zaan-Buk was introduced to him, and in a few months it cured him. To-day—over three years af- ter his cure of a disea,se he had for twenty-five years -'he is still cured, and has had no trace of any return of the eczema.' All druggists sell Zam-Buk at 50e. box, or we will send free trial box if you send this advertisement and a le. stamp (to pay return post- age). Address Zant-l3uk Co., To- ronto. Money team, and sontetimea, if it is marked, it forces a confession. Minard's Llnimear Relieves Neuralgia., • VERY LATE. Mother—"Why, Bobby, you are very lete from Sunday School; dioi you come directly from the church'," • .• Robby (wiht conscious reetitude) —"No, ma; the -teacher told ue thee cleanliness was next to gocilieese ea after Sunday school was out :some of the boys went in swim- ming." It Bids Pain Begone. — When neuralgia reeks the nerves or lum- bago cripples the back is:, the time to test the virtues of Dr, Phonies' Eclectrie Oil. Well rubbed in it will still the pain aed produce a senedion of ease end rest, There s nothing like it as a hinsn.ete for Is curative properties are great A del of it vain establish faith in it. Seems to Be Traditional Lake of lerhusl one nod, Fire. Kileuea, imIlawaii, is a round, extinct crater about three miles across, and seven or eight hundred feet deep. 11 has been the scene of terrific explosions in past ages,, but it has new dwindled to the small active erater ef Halemaurneu, which is sunk near fee middle of it like a huge pot, 200 or more feet deep, and a thous:ma feet across. In the mid-aftetneon a party of eight or ten of us on borsch:ter set out to visit tee -volcano), writes Iohn Berroughs in elle Century Maaazine The trail led down the broken anti c.holvinz side of the cra- ter, arnid trees and bushes, till it struck the floor of lava o,t th • TOO MUCH., "This is the fifth time you have been brought before me," eatd, the judge severely, "Yee ,our honor smiled the offender. "When I like 'efeller like to give hieri ell my businesa--" "Sixty days !" searedthe judge,. _ FISIL 'WITIf LANTERNS. Weird Promeers in leach Ilepths • Make elicit. own. List. Prior to the recent marmite diecoyeriee of'ac.ea,nogreplhy no n urelist could conceive the peosils ±5yof life in the depths of tho The reason is that MA one 4 t prinoipal fectors, of life ist light am as the rase of the sun do .not pen trate very far into the waters of t ocean life was conGiciered as intp sible, a.nd since experiments isa shown theb no ray .af light oontinu its passage through a liquid mettle Leber eerie meters heve been reee Sid, the inference was thee turth down lite* fails aipsoluttee there is, eternise night. What beings, it used to. be. Bei could live at mesh a depth? Appa, ently menet end hence eaeurelists the fleet rank used to sestina us th if some 44 or other we emceed in disoovertng fish ei the alsysses the <teem we ohoted fluid them bli end devoid of color. Ao a ma,tter feet, says a writer, they are meth one nor the ether.. - Of all the, specimen:* taken he, the depths* of the ooes.e. kno only one kind whi.ch leeks eyes, & that ptieetion is &toned for by organ whose function has noteesie lyeen determined. All the rest ba, eyes which are immoderately laeg But if they have eyee it is to hel them. to see, .seol yet what can ;the see at the depths of 8,000, 8,000 en 9,000 meters where light never pe etrateal Sucet is the preble which recent oro. aotuodingss hey oohed: Oh lend men exhausts his re sources and hie intelligence to su ply 'Light in the darkness of th nightewhen the emit has set, an atter enooneeivable efforts he so eiders himself happy if he can ge 2 per cent. of the power at his s- poeal to produce purely launinou rays. But by means of a mocban lam :so far inexplicable eternal lif eransfarms vital and niuseula,r en ergy into light without chemical o calorifio rays, and obta.ins 98 pe cent. of the force expended: It i an ideal ilimitimution, the true col light thhat physicists are soaking. It is true that in tee depths o these caverns light does ,not pone - trate, but what does that maititer Like the glowworm or the myriad of animalcules which make eh ocean phosphorescent on cereui nights, the fish of the sea prechme of themselves) the light of whie they stand in need. - The beetle there must be entrane ing. Some fish, like those of th oleos of Soopelidee, have luminou organs on the belly and sides Others are still better provided They have projeeto,re Which are-lik m,agie la,nterns, with the power o throwing out rays at Often th a,pparatus has a reflecting mir,ro which incteases the power of th ens, and in certain species oiler larow themeelves athwart the ray led vary the effects, In one pieces we might see a fish liding eilently above the ooze ike most 4 his speeiea, n.eeds only the ventral fins as ho,,travels on, a, legless man/oder arrayed. in lack. Thenks to his sombre aetire, a attracts no attention. But, as n shore one does not tiavel-on a ask Melte without lantertss, this rosvler does likewise at sea. You ighe if you were there, see him wingtng, his lantern, rie the entl. of a trieg. Aroumel him float ityrieds 1 /Melo. ereature.a never dreamieg f any harm, endethey hurry to the get. Alas foe them! the light, is h:ook, and unclee its glitter is the pen ma* :tented vrithpointedteeth. he Riatantolopus also fishes with a ne, or several. lines. It is a tee- ele whose branches expand like minous fusee. . -The Linophryne hes a double lan- rn under his chin, The Oneirode mproves on, tea*, end illumines his athwey ,,before and behind by ghee from the barbels:. There are es,ides the M,aoreres, whose eyes re huge beyond lel proportion, uried in the rau,d end looking out the world around them through lescopie beacons. Then we' have leo the . Eurtipharynx, an eellike reature, supplied with a covered latter &Sid in his enormous Pees iling food as in a stem:tete The eleneeetus enjoys the luxury of n ellOrD1006 pocketlike ,ebdomen, •red the Chiameodas bee Tie diffieul- in disposing of prey' three times a size of hitmelf.. _ Often these denizens of the depths e all aglow. -with th,e, moat bril- ant colors: there ere azure hued h clad in velvet; ereetzegame hese ellirfteneS are Spal and emer- ,ste, urchies whose tints are a.rin encl golden or ttenslucerit melon. All:these gems grouped gether give US but a faint idea. of e fairy stories whice we. might in eheee aesernal depths -sre mervelloes life is swarm- ,. eete'rly unlike whet we know on uS art - ea. he 0 - he 05'- ve 05 h- an.d d, r- at e,d of 04 of er nd an Ve e. n- p- n - 6 s- a.r fie -re a.1 w, ve to, earth. A pleesent, medicine for claclren is eleteer Graves' Worm Et:tenni- netor. arid, there is nothing better tor driving worms from the system. Some people have automobiles who might ie have babies. Minard's Liniment Cures euense Eta, ta<11.—"You eav volt have cuts to suit all nurses. What, have, you for uso ecrnity mote?" Butcher --"The ea le shoo] cler. " Cores cause much suffering, but Helloway's Corn Cure offers a speedy, sure, wed satisfectery re - A NEW USE FOR THEM. Little Willie, a slum boy, on his first visit to the couetry was greatly excited 011 seeing a cow grazing in a field. "Ohwhat is that," he ex- clairnesl. "Tent is a cow," Was the r e y cl what. • ate these things on es bead'?" "Helms " They eacl proseeded but e farther when Willie was siert-led Ise tlW 1.0111, 1,011C1 beeewine of the m ''Whirh Hornsee si hlow 5'1 he eslred CYlliiet11`,F BOYS. A svatelt spring and shingle naili Ad especielly the boys, A pockeeful of odes and cede Aed bits of broken toys! Sing a song of children, And picture ends ad string, And rule -ice basses end wire clips A whistle and a ring; A tin box, an iron bolt, eome round and shiny atone A buckeye, a golf ball, A pair of rattle bones; A skate key, an empty putse, Some old pipe stems, Andeyery one ae precious As a king's <>town gems. QUITE GROWN UP. Little Fred,die having reaohed the mature age of three, end bins about to discard petticoats for manly rad- -meet in tho form of knielcerbookers, hi a mother deterrninea upon mak- ing the cocas:ion a memorabls one, and the breakfast table NYLI•s laden with good fere as the newly -breech- ed infant was led into the room. "Ah," cried the proud mother, "now you &re a little man!" l'he fledgling was in met:mice Dis- playing eio garments to their full advantage, be edged closer to his mother ad whispered, "Mummie owl 1 call pa, Bill nowl" Same persons hero periodical at - teaks ef Canadian cholera., dysen- tery or dirsrrhortas and have to me great precautions to avoid the dis- ease. Ohmage of water, cooking, and green fruit, is sore to bring on the attacks. To well persons we svould recommend Dr, I, D. Kel- logg's Dysentery Cordial as being the best medicine in the market for all summer complaints. If a few drops are taken in water when the symplems are noticed no further trouble will be experienced. Miss Seretecher--"I wonder if Un- cle Jim remembered me when he -made his vrill? 1 need to sing to • Lawyer --"Yes; he evident- ly remembered you—at lease your name isn't mentioned in the docu- ment," Low Goloniat Rates to Paollio Coast via Chicago and North Western ity., Sept. 2511s to Oct. 10th from all points in Canada to Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Victoria, Vancouver, Helena, Butte. Missoula, Kalispell, Pocatello Nampa, Salt Lake City, Ogden, Grand Jet„ ole. Through Tourist sleepere and free reclining [Moir oars from Chicago. Variable routes. Liberal stop -overs. Per information write or call on B. H. Ben. • nett, General agent, 46 Yonge St., Toronto. Maud --"I've just heard of a case "where a nian married a girl on his deathbed so she could bave hie mil- lions when he was 'gone. Could you Jove a girl like that'?" Brother Jaek—"That's jug the kind of girl I could: love..Whet's ha Y address?" Revive the leeled Condition.— When energy flags ancl the cores ef business become irksome; when ehe whole system is out el sores a.m.1 there is geeeral depression, try Parrneleets Vegetnele Pills. They will regulate therzoblan of a 4e- . ranged stomach and a dioorclered liver, and make you feel like a new man. NO one need suffer a slag from debilitated digestion when so simple and effective a pill can be got at a.ny drug store. "Have you anything to say be- fore sentenee is pronounced egainst you?" asked the judge. "The only thing I'm °Meeting to," answered the convicted burglar, "it bob' identified by a man that kept_ his aced •.under the bedclothes the whole time. Thab's not right at all." Minard's Liniment Co,, Limited. Gents,—A customer of ours cured a very bad oasis of dlateMper in a valuable horse by the use of MINARD'S LINIMENT. Yours truly, • VILANDIE PRERES. An applicent for the post of iris - trees in al:emery seheol was being questienecr be those in. attehorite. "A.nd what is your position with re- gard to the whipping of ehildren ?" one member asked. "My usual position," she replied, "is on a .ehaile • with the child • across, my knees, face downward !" Hope for the Chronic Dyspeptic. —Through leek of consieeration of the body' e needs manv persons al - lo -w disorders of the digestive ap- paratus to enchue uetil they be, - acme chronic, filling days end nights with suffering. To eltese reline of Parmelee's Vogeteble Pills is recommeeded an a zero and speedy way to regain health. These pills are specially compounded to combat dyspepsia, and the meny ills that follow • in ite train, and they are successful always. Every man has e job lob of tele. tives he doesn't like. , -- tenants Liniment Cures Dandruff. Dealing with the evils of bees- , . phemy Barrow less pc1nbC ri nut test osweerine gratifies nO sense, eieldo no profit, and proeures no Stoner. Therefore, lip reasons, of ell dealers in sin the sweeter is the sillieet end melee lbe svmet bargain for him- self. 'FS A Tread softly '- Step safely. 0158 mrptet AT MY RUBBER SOLES Eatlotio the patented features of Ceurs'Ilaw Heels, • Sardines? Ceeteinly; they are always aeceptable if they are realer Sardines. • If they are KitiC OSCAR SARDINES you can be quite sure of a tasty Innele Cot Them From Your Cr000r • .frho W, ftlteg.arliet;t14,pHamliton FARMS FOR SALS. H. W. DAWSON Ninety Colborne St., Toronte, VER FIFTY GOOD IMPROVED 1.5 Farms in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta at 'dee prices on easy terms. T.41 ictrrs PARMS IN TEE DIIST PROW A district of Oratorio. • Ail sixes at right prices. En c°01A, fl,rv7rrsn:i ni:To TI:dri?ninr7011T.farinclabo'nnultLlana. 54 wrsAWSON, Toronto, _Fur21,10.11Tinfor,11.l'ABVId;...4 OrfliTy excellent farm. Price Forty-five numbest dollar, The Western Real Estate, Low. don, Ont. MALE HELP WANTED. L EARN TIM RAILWAY STATION work and earn more rapney titan iu arm other trade. • We qualify for all Canadian railways. Poeitions scoured. Write for free book 18. Dominion School Railroading, Toronto. relaCELLANINMIL C ANGER, IIIIMODA, LITILDI, eta.5. V tome' and external. mired ',lithos* vain by' mar home treatment. Write ne before too late, Dr. BetbAlan Medical Gs. Limited, Colltnicwood. Oat GALL STONES. KLDNEY AND BLAB. 1.3f dor Stones, Kidney trouble, Gravel, Lumbago and kindred ailments positively mired with the new aerlItal2 Remedr, "Banta." pricet 91.60. Another new reloads, for Diabetes-Mellitua and sure core, III "Sanas 4.nti-Diabetes." !doe $2.00 frets druggists or direqt. The Sanol blemttfao. taring Company of Canada, Limited, Winnipeg, Man, CLEANING LADIES' WALKING OR OUTING SUITS' Can beam* portent, by our Tread, primal Try It British Amerloss Byaing Go. Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa and Quebec. z. .411.. WIC 3C SM.* catmosuyry SULLii.301-§s•XerSSI'ittathilArA.B$ ,Pirratekot — Probsornsab — aloe °Ulf Y Sample. and Booklets on Applice.tton JAMES LANGMUIR & CO., Limited 18741 Bathurst Street TOUONTO Tho Heart ota Piano is the Action. Insist on the —OTTO HIGEL" • Piano AOtIon Gide? and WiitIO PRESSES Best of the Rind. Three Sizes: Junior, price $25.00 Medium, " 30.00 Senior, " 36.00 L. J. A. SURVEYER, 52 St. Lawrence Boulevard aal'3NTRRE:AL , te- APPENDICITIS Cured without operations. 40 who are afflicte5 with this disease and wish to be cured permanently, safely and (tutelar with this groat Homeopathic remedy, which will lio sent peat-paiti anywhere in tho • world with full instructions for using so as to °teat a permanent 011243. Price $2. Address • JOHN T. WAIT Flomeopathio Pharmacy, ernerier, tees oanacta. •8° ILERS hand, , for heating New and Second - 1 and power purposes. TANKS AND ' SMOItIR STACKS. Agoato for Skutt,. mot Vosollatiar ana afbatiaz bystaaon. POUCH IRVesrair TORONTO Engines and Shipbullthara r"---M-77"—Thaypia e coop THEZ CI -MAN HomE ors Gives rich, eyes colon, bee hum streaks and abanIut. ely last, Dees not stain hands et kettles 24 adort, Will give arly shade. Colors Ilk, blase 15e, at you,p..tpclaclet's iadwitsr h booklet "Hew to Dye" front / 107 F. L. BENEDICT & Co. Mammal dieinfectant sweeping powder, is a life -pre- server because it kills all &geese germs. Floor, clean; car- pets bright; home fresh and oweet. •No duet while :sweeping. • Ask your Dealer for it. NatLaren Imperial Mimeo Co, Limited *010 distributors for Ontario THE SAPHO 5450. 00., Limited Montreal • A FAMILIAR PROVERB. "A men is krrowe by his friends" is but a variation of tee more ftsmid- isa proverb, "A man is known by the company he keens." We might just as well embalm in eur prover- tiol philesophy the seeing, "Amae is lateen by the enemies lie makes." is is as emelt an eerier te some men fer enemies es to have other men for friends. It is as emelt a chest:see le have sorme Men for 'Friends as to have ether Men For enemies, The frecrelehip of the, dis- honorable, the impere the enemies of God, grafters of all kinds, in so- ciety, businese and politics is as slis. graceful as the friendship of good mon is honorable.